THE TRUE VINE The Monthly Newsletter of the Annunciation Greek Orthodox Church in Dayton, Ohio APRIL 2015 VOLUME 10 ISSUE 20 CHRIST IS RISEN! Mark16: 1-8 IN THIS ISSUE: And when the Sabbath was past, Mary Christ Is Risen 1 Parish Registry 3 Magdalene, and Mary the mother of Liturgical Schedule 3 James, and Salome, bought spices, so Ministries and Organizations 4 that they might go and anoint him. Faith In Action 5 And very early on the first day of the News and Notes 6 Stewardship 8 week they went to the tomb when the sun Calendar 11 ------------------------------------------------------------------------- The True Vine is a monthly publication with special editions of The Annunciation Greek Orthodox Church 500 Belmonte Park North Dayton, OH 45405-4797 Office Hours Mon. – Fri. 9am – 5pm - Tel.: 937-224-0601 had risen. And they were saying to one another, Who will roll away the stone for us from the door of the tomb?" And looking up, they saw that the stone was rolled back; --it was very large. And entering the tomb, they saw a young man sitting on the right side, dressed in a white robe; and they were amazed. And he said to them, "Do not be amazed; you seek Jesus of Nazareth, who was crucified. He has risen, he is not here; see the place where they laid him. But go, tell his disciples and Peter that he is going before you to Galilee; there you will see him, as he told you." And they went out and fled from the tomb; for trembling and astonishment had come upon them; and they said nothing to any one, for they were afraid. 2015 ANNUAL PALM SUNDAY LUNCHEON APRIL 5, 2015 SPONSORED BY Philoptochos and Parish Council Benefiting Hellenic College/Holy Cross School of Theology Make checks payable to “Philoptochos Society” $10 per Adult, $6.00 PER CHILD 12 and under Menu by Spot Catering Adults: Baked Fish with Lemon Butter Sauce, Greek Green Beans, Red Potatoes, Cole Slaw, Dessert, Coffee, Ice Tea/Lemonade Children: Baked Fish Sticks, Mac & Cheese, Applesauce, Dessert, Milk “Vegetarian Option will be available” NO RESERVATION DAY OF LUNCHEON THE TRUE VINE APRIL 2015 | Page 2 From the Pastor’s Library – Recommended Reading for April MEDITATIONS FOR HOLY WEEK: Dying and Rising with Christ by Archmandrite Vassilios Papavassiliou Archimandrite Vassilios brings his liturgical and devotional insights and warm, accessible style to bear on the services of Holy Week, helping the reader enter fully into this most rich and intense period of the Christian year. About the Author: Archimandrite Vassilios Papavassiliou is a priest of the Greek Orthodox Archdiocese of Thyateira and Great Britain. He was born in London in 1977 and holds degrees in pastoral and social theology, classics, and Byzantine music. He is the author of Meditations for Great Lent, Meditations for Advent, and Thirty Steps to Heaven (Ancient Faith Publishing), as well as Journey to the Kingdom: An Insider’s Look at the Liturgy and Beliefs of the Eastern Orthodox Church (Paraclete Press) and numerous articles on Christian Orthodox faith and theology. The Good Unbelief of Thomas By Monk Moses the Athonite In one of its hymns, our Church calls the unbelief of Thomas "good". Understandably one would wonder - is there good and bad unbelief? There seems to be, because humans are not purely good or evil. In one who has a clean conscience, good heart and humble thought, everything is clear. In one infected with the virus of unbelief, all is dark and troubled. If only we had the good unbelief of the Apostle Thomas! We would say that doubt, hesitation and little faith, it is normal to a man who seeks God with the mind. The Apostles of Christ begged Him to add faith to their existing faith. Unbelief, however, is a serious spiritual illness. Faith is beyond reason and unbelief is unreasonable. Unbelief is often dense, comes from frivolity and shallowness of thought, and from a volatile life and confused consciousness. The case of Thomas, who was absent at the onset of the appearance of the Risen Christ to His disciples, is typical. It is a fact that Thomas doubted, and did not disbelieve, but asked for evidence to confirm his faith. Well known for his enthusiasm in other moments, Thomas is not a skeptic who is isolated and disadvantaged. He dares, he searches, he investigates, he inquires. He asks for the truth, to have direct contact with it. Christ did not have problem offering it to him. He came back to meet him. He comes back to every one of us. The faith of many Christians sometimes is lukewarm, colder than unbelief. We have faith as an armor and good outfit to beat others with, but not to take the beating; to be appreciated, admired and be watched. We do not dare to look ever deeper into the beliefs of our faith, we do not in any way want to challenge it, and perhaps expose it. Strong faith gives spiritual health, balance, sturdiness, empowerment, hope and trust in God. Sometimes, let's not be afraid to admit it, our faith has much evidence of secret ego-pathologies and morbid sentimentality. It reaches even to the point of a mistaken belief in an antisocial skepticism, which offers a pretty bad example to others. Seeking God while being this way, is to backtrack. Thomas surely was not of bad faith, nor did he believe easily. He was careful, outspoken, genuine, solid, honest and true. It was who he was. His good unbelief made Christ come to him. Christ offered Himself to him for his sincerity. He did not rebuke him, who asked to see Him, to touch Him. But eventually He blessed those who will not see and yet believe. Unbelief is of course a free choice of each of us. Unbelief says that they base themselves only on what they see and grasp and understand with logic. This is coercion and tiresome easiness. Faith, we would say, comes with difficulty, hazard, risk and daring. This is why He blessed those who believe without tangible evidence. The strongest evidence is the confirmation of our hearts. The hardto-believe Thomas is our brother, he is weak, but definitely sympathetic. On Mount Athos this day we all have an all-night vigil, because on such a day we were liberated from the Turkish yoke. As we have learned, the world during the Paschal holidays was more than ever in the churches. This means that faith is not extinguished. But it can become deeper and warmer. Thomas is not for the unbelievers, but for the skeptical, for those with little faith, and finally for the faithful. May his good unbelief trouble us to fertilize us. THE TRUE VINE APRIL 2015 | Page 3 Liturgical Schedule for the Month of April Matins 8:15 am st Wed. Sat. 1 th 4 Sun. 5 Mon. Tues. Wed. 6 th 7 th 8 Thu. 9 Fri. 10 Sat. 11 Sun. 12 Fri. Sun. Thurs. Sun. 17 th 19 rd 23 th 26 th th th th th th th Divine Liturgy 9:30 am Liturgy of the Pre-sanctified Gifts 6:00 pm Saturday before Palm Sunday (Saturday of Lazarus) HOLY WEEK AND PASCHA Feast of the Entrance of Jesus Christ into Jerusalem (Palm Sunday) Service of the Bridegroom 7:00 pm Service of the Bridegroom 7:00 pm Service of the Bridegroom 7:00 pm Sacrament of Holy Unction 3:00 pm Sacrament of Holy Unction 7:00 pm Commemoration of the Mystical Supper (Divine Liturgy) 7:00 am The Holy Passion of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ 7:00 pm Royal Hours of Pascha 9:00 am Great Vespers (Taking Down of the Body of Christ from the Cross) 2:30 pm Lamentations Service 7:00 pm Divine Liturgy 9:00 am Vigil Service 11:00 pm RESURRECTION SERVICE AND DIVINE LITURGY OF PASCHA 12:00 am Vespers of Agape 11:00 am Feast of the Life-giving Fountain nd 2 Sunday from Pascha (Thomas Sunday) Feast of St. George the Great-martyr rd 3 Sunday from Pascha (Sunday of the Myrrh-bearing Women) PARISH REGISTRY 40 Day Blessing – MEMORIALS IN APRIL th March 14 Paige Foreman and daughter Baptism Neophyte- Alexander Henry Father-Scott McAlpine Mother- Karey (Palmer) McAlpine Sponsor: Matt McAlpine Date- March 7, 2015 Funeral th Feb. 20 +Vasiliki Vlahos nd March 2 +Eleftherios Karkadoulias April 26 th +Vasilios Nakis +Elias Nakis +Eleftherios Karkadoulias +Gregory James Ellis THE TRUE VINE APRIL 2015 | Page 4 Ministries and Organizations AHEPA th AHEPA will meet Tuesday, April 14 at 6:30 p.m. in the Athenagoras Room. CHOIR st nd th April Choir Rehearsal Dates and Times: April 1 , 22 , 29 , 7:00 p.m. DAUGHTERS OF PENELOPE th Daughters will meet Tuesday, April 14 at 6:30 p.m. in the Athenagoras Room. DIFI (Dayton International Festival) DIFI is May 15-17, 2015 at the Dayton Convention Center. Please speak to Demetri Nicholas or Pete Tsolometes to schedule your time to volunteer as we share our culture with the greater Dayton community. This will be Demetri and Pete's final year chairing. We are seeking a new chair(s) "in training". The baking schedule is as follows: th Koulouria Baking: April 28, Dessine Fricioni, Co-chair, Mary Searles, Chair; Baklava Baking: May 11 , Baklava Packaging: May th 12 Connie Yorgen, Chair. GAPA st GAPA will meet Tuesday, April 21 at 1:00 p.m. in the Athenagoras Room GREEK FESTIVAL We are in need of volunteers to chair the Lamb Shanks Booth and Gyro Express Booth. Please contact Harry or Linda at 435-0399 or Missy at 219-4211 for additional information or to volunteer. GOYA th GOYA will meet Sunday, April 5 after Divine Liturgy. JOY ACTIVITY th Saturday, April 4 Saturday of Lazarus Pancake Breakfast – JOY SERVES BREAKFAST ALSO STAY TO HELP MAKE PALM CROSSES PHILOPTOCHOS nd Philoptochos Membership Meeting will be Thursday, April 2 at 10:00 a.m. in the Athenagoras Room. PHILOPTOCHOS CCM - MONTH OF APRIL, HANNAH’S TREASURE CHEST th th Celebrate the 14 birthday of Hannah’s Treasure Chest on Sunday, April 19 after church! Founded in 2001, Hannah’s Treasure Chest is a nonprofit organization which enriches the lives of children in need through partner agencies in Butler, Greene, Montgomery, and Warren counties. Donations welcomed throughout the month of April are new or very gently used clothing, furniture, toys and books or almost everything a child uses, plays with, or wears - in infant through children’s size 18. New or very gently used tennis shoes and socks are also requested. Monetary donations, addressed to Philoptochos CCM, provide needed equipment: cribs, car seats, highchairs, bed items, dental hygiene kits, and items in short supply. Philoptochos CCM thanks you in advance for your support and financial gift. If you have any questions, please contact Renee Nicholas (898-9095) or Kathy Spyrou (435-4223). YOUNG AT HEART th The date for Young At Heart Senior Citizens’ Luncheon is THURSDAY, APRIL 16 at 11:30 a.m. in the Memorial Center. th 4 th 5 th 10 th 12 th 19 th 26 Saturday of Lazarus / Palm Crosses Palm Sunday / Students go directly to class at 9:30 am Divine Liturgy / Holy Communion / Blessing of Palm Crosses Good Friday / Decorate The Tomb of Christ Orthodox Easter Pascha Classes meet / Staff meeting in Athenagoras Rm. Classes meet / Daughters Tea rd May 3 th May 10 th May 17 May 19 th Classes meet / All Saints Fair Classes meet / Mother’s Day Last Day of Classes / Awards Students go directly to class 9:30 am Divine Liturgy, Communion / Awards Teacher’s Appreciation Dinner 6:00 pm at Bravo Restaurant THE TRUE VINE APRIL 2015 | Page 5 FAITH IN ACTION PHILOPTOCHOS NEWS – APRIL 2015 SUNDAY, APRIL 5, PALM SUNDAY LUNCHEON THANK YOU: --To Chairs Evanthia Valassiades and Katina Tsatalis, and to the th ladies who provided March 6 First Salutations Refreshments. --To Kathy McAlpine for hosting the Membership meeting at her home on March 19. We enjoyed the delicious food everyone brought, and it was a chance for many members to attend since it was held in the evening. --To Dessine Fricioni, Evanthia Valassiades, Michelle Zois, Berdi Kakas, and Jackie Kaiser for organizing the March 24 Great Vespers Reception, and to those who assisted and joined us in providing hospitality to surrounding communities following the beautiful Great Vespers Service of the Annunciation. ST ON MARCH 1 , DR. ALBERT ROSSI SPOKE ON “THE CHALLENGE OF LIVING A PURPOSEFUL LIFE“ The challenge that day was the WEATHER, but for those who attended, Dr. Rossi’s message was well-received and thoughtprovoking. His topics included: Christ is everything and the cross is a difficult privilege, mental health, sanity and sanctity is the ability to handle ambiguity, choose your battles wisely and stillness. Unfortunately, we were unable to videotape the event, but Dr. Rossi does podcasts for Ancient Faith Radio. They can be listened to by going to and type in Albert Rossi in the search box. A list of his podcasts will appear. Dr. Rossi also mentioned his latest book, “Becoming a Healing Presence”, which is available on Thank you to Chair Maria Abboud for undertaking this presentation. Many thanks to Diane Briggs, Berdi Kakas and their Coffee Hour committee for a wonderful lunch before the presentation. THIS MONTH – APRIL THURSDAY, APRIL 2, ATHENAGORAS ROOM MEMBERSHIP MEETING 10 A.M., At the conclusion of the meeting, we will have a short visit with the Executive Director of “Hannah’s Treasure Chest” which is a nonprofit organization which provides needy children with clothing, furniture and toys. Hannah’s Treasure Chest is our April CCM project. Something new! The Metropolis Philoptochos has decided to share information through a Facebook page. It is inspiring to see what other chapters do to promote membership, honor traditions, fundraise and assist those in need. You do not have to be a Facebook user to see the page; you can also go directly to: SATURDAY, APRIL 4, SATURDAY OF LAZARUS AND PALM CROSSES Following church service, please join us for a delicious pancake breakfast and the making of palm crosses. Children always enjoy this activity but we also need many adults to participate. We will be setting up for the Palm Sunday luncheon and appreciate any help. Bring the entire family to our annual Palm Sunday Luncheon which benefits the Hellenic College/Holy Cross Theological Seminary. You can purchase tickets on Sundays after church. No tickets will be sold at the door. Adults $10 and children’s menu $6. Please contact Theona Russell for reservations (937)3727738 or email: THURSDAY, APRIL 9, PREPARE RED EGGS Chairs, Athena Baldridge and Debbie Withers FRIDAY, APRIL 10, DECORATE THE KOUVOUKLION Chairs - Maria Castleman & Mary McDonald LOOKING AHEAD THURSDAY, MAY 7 MEMBERSHIP MEETING, 10 A.M. ATHENAGORAS ROOM Don’t Forget: Following the meeting, CCM Flower pick-up is from 12:00 to 4:00 p.m. SATURDAY, MAY 9, NINTH ANNUAL ANNUNCIATION LADIES SPRING CHARITY LUNCHEON Moraine Country Club 11 a.m. Fabulous Raffle and Social Hour 12 Noon Equally Fabulous Lunch Ladies: $20 Girls: $10 th, Reservations by April 30 please. Contact Michelle Zois at . If you have donations or auction items, the deadline to receive these items is April 2. Please bring them to our Membership Meeting that day or deliver to Michelle. We hope all members will participate in this annual fundraiser, including working a short shift during the event. FOR COMMUNITY REWARDS WHEN YOU’RE SHOPPING: --Kroger’s Community Rewards Program, Code# 10287. This is an easy and very successful fund-raising endeavor, HOWEVER, YOU MUST REAPPLY YEARLY TO STAY IN THE PROGRAM. Go to and follow their instructions to renew your rewards membership. Instructions have been e-mailed to you earlier, but if you have any questions, contact Sandy Alex --Meijer Stores or You must use either a Meijer credit card, cash or a debit card. Application cards can be filled out on line or at a Meijers Customer Service Desk. Our code is #432555. --GFS gives us store credits towards future purchases. When shopping, the information to give to the clerk is: “Philoptochos #2024816.” THE TRUE VINE APRIL 2015| Page 6 Parish News and Notes… SCHOLARSHIP APPLICATIONS AVAILABLE AHEPA BUCKEYE SCHOLARSHIPS The AHEPA Buckeye Scholarship is now accepting applications for 2015. The deadline for application is April 15 2015. The awards are given only to students entering college or already in undergraduate school, who are active members of the AHEPA, Daughters of Penelope, Sons of Pericles, Maids of Athena, or whose parent(s) have been active members of the Senior Orders for 3 consecutive years (2 years plus current year). Awardees are selected according to scholastic achievement and financial need. Applications are available online, or the church office. For further information visit or contact Evan Bambakidis. Applications can be completed online or can be mailed to AHEPA Buckeye Scholarship Foundation, 4243 St. Andrews Place, Cincinnati, OH 45236 AIF SCHOLARSHIP APPLICATIONS Information concerning the AIF Scholarship Program for the 2015-16 school year is now available. Application packets may be picked up in st the Parish Center lobby. The deadline for submission is May 1 . 2015 GRADUATION INFORMATION - RECOGNITION SUNDAY – JUNE 7TH We are requesting information from our parish’s 2015 High School and College/University Graduates for a special “Graduates” Section in our June issue of the True Vine. We ask that submissions include the following: Name of Graduate, School Graduating From, and Degree Received, and Future Plans. Also, we would like a picture (jpeg or png format preferred) of the graduate to accompany the information. Please send all information and photos to the parish office, (, by SUNDAY, MAY 10th. HOLY WEEK BOOKS So that you may follow the Services of Holy Week and Pascha, we have a number of Holy Week Books available for purchase. This book contains all of the services for Holy Week. The cost is $25 per book. Copies are available in the Narthex . ACKNOWLEDGMENTS Memory Eternal Our deepest sympathies are extended to the family of +Vasiliki Vlahos who passed away on February 15, 2015. May her memory be eternal. We also extend our deepest sympathies to the family of +Eleftherios Karkadoulias who passed away on February 26, 2015. May his memory be eternal. Note of Appreciation My sincere thanks to everyone for all of your prayers, visits and for the many, many “Get Well Wishes.” healing helped me greatly. May God bless all of you, Tina Karambelas. Your caring thoughts for my SUMMER CAMP OPPORTUNITIES It’s time, once again, to begin planning for Summer Camp! We are blessed to have several opportunities in which the youth of our parish may participate. The following options are available: - MDSC (Metropolis of Detroit Summer Camp) in Rose City, MI – DAYTON WEEK JUNE 28 – JULY 4 Registration will be exclusively online. Go to and click on “Online Camper Registration Open”. As in the past, the AIF will provide a subsidy for one week of camp per camper. You will need to input a special code when registering to subtract the subsidy amount from the registration fee. Please contact Fr. Mark to receive this code number. Transportation will be provided by the church. NOTE: Those who look to attend camp other than DAYTON WEEK, will need to arrange for their own transportation to and from camp. ST. NICHOLAS CAMP in Pleasantville, TN – JULY 5 – JULY 11 Go to to obtain registration information as it becomes available. Subsidies will also be available to those attending St. Nicholas Camp. Transportation may be provided by the church. Contact Fr. Mark for further details. THE TRUE VINE APRIL 2015| Page 7 Parish Oratorical Festival th The annual St. John Chrysostom Oratorical Festival took place on Sunday, March 15 following the Divine Liturgy. A total of six participants encompassing the Elementary, Junior, and Senior Divisions presented speeches. In the Festival’s Poetry and Essay categories, four students submitted entries. We congratulate all of the participants for their efforts! The following list contains the participants in all categories: Oratory Category Elementary Division – Zoe Day, John Tipler, and Peter Tsatalis Junior Division – Carrie Langendorf (First Ranked Speaker) and Helen Souder (Second Ranked Speaker) Senior Division – John Tsatalis (First Ranked Speaker) Essay Category Senior Division – Sophia Blessing Junior Division – Nick Daskalakis Poetry Category Senior Division – Tanner Daskalakis (First Ranked Poem) and Michael Daskalakis (Second Ranked Poem) The Essay and Poetry Categories are offered only for the Parish Oratorical Festival. The Oratory Category at the Junior and Senior Division levels includes Parish, District, Metropolis and Archdiocesan Festivals. The top two speakers in the Junior and Senior Division will represent our parish at the District th Festival in Cincinnati, OH on April 25 . We would like to thank event Co-chairs Jon Gromek and Michael Haubrock, Judges Nikki Burns, Bernie Gearon and Christopher Milanese, Videographers John and Barbara Moraites, Joan and Alex Gounaris, and the Annunciation Investment Fund, which provides awards for the participants. SUNDAY of THE MYRRH-BEARERS (April 26, 2015) By Nikephoros Kallistos Xanthopoulos Of these Saints, the women were the first and unerring witnesses of the Resurrection of Christ, while Joseph and Nicodemos were witnesses of His burial, which are the primary and most essential elements of our dogmatic teaching. For Nicodemos was expelled from the synagogue as soon as he decided to part company with the Jews, while Joseph, after burying the Lord’s body, was cast by the Jews into a pit, from which he was snatched up by Divine power and brought to Arimathæa, his homeland. After arising, Christ appeared to him while he was still in fetters, and gave him greater assurance of the mystery of the Resurrection. Although Joseph suffered greatly at the hands of the Jews, he was no longer able to keep silent about this mystery, but boldly recounted to everyone what had happened. It is said of Nicodemos that, by virtue of his writings, he was the first to explain in detail the events surrounding the Passion and Resurrection of Christ, because, coming from the synagogue, he was better informed about the schemes and deliberations of the Jews, and, in short, he knew everything about them. And because, as we have said, Joseph and Nicodemos were reliable witnesses of the Lord’s burial, they were ranked together with the women who beheld the Resurrection. These women were the first to behold the Resurrection, and it was they who announced the glad tidings to the Disciples; for it was fitting that the sex which had first fallen to sin and had inherited the curse should be the first to behold the Resurrection and to hear the joyous greeting, having formerly heard the words: “in pain thou shalt bring forth children.” They were called Myrrh-Bearers, because Joseph and Nicodemos, being in a hurry to bury the body of the Lord on the Friday, since the next day was the great day of the Sabbath, anointed it according to Jewish custom, but not as they ought to have done; they only anointed it with aloes and spices, wrapped it in a winding-sheet, and committed it to the grave; for this reason, having an ardent love for Christ, as disciples of His, these women purchased costly myrrh and came by night, both for fear of the Jews and because the Law permitted them to mourn earlier in the day and to anoint the body, thereby making up for a deficiency that had been due to pressure of time. When they arrived at the tomb, they saw different sights: the two shining Angels inside the tomb, and the other sitting on the stone; after this, they beheld Christ and worshipped Him; St. Mary Magdalene asked Him about Himself as if He were the gardener. Many were the Myrrh-Bearers, but the Evangelists mentioned only the important ones, leaving the others aside. First of them all was Mary Magdalene, from whom Christ had cast out seven demons; after the Ascension of Christ, she went to Rome, as the story has it, and delivered Pilate and the High Priests to an evil death, after relating to the Emperor Tiberius the events surrounding Christ; she later reposed in Ephesus and was buried by St. John the Theologian; her Relics were translated to Constantinople by Emperor Leo the Wise. The second was Salome, who was a daughter of St. Joseph the Betrothed and whose husband was Zebedee; she gave birth to St. John the Evangelist and St. James. For Joseph had begotten four sons: James, called the Less, Joses, Simon, and Jude; and three daughters: Esther, Thamar, and Salome, the wife of Zebedee. Hence, when you hear in the Gospel about Mary, the mother of James the Less and Joses, keep in mind that she is the Theotokos; for the Theotokos was reckoned to be the mother of the sons of Joseph, and, as it turns out, St. John the Evangelist was a nephew of Christ, since he was the son of a sister. The third of the Myrrh-Bearers was Joanna, the wife of Chuza, the administrator and steward of King Herod’s household. The fourth and the fifth were Mary and Martha, the sisters of Lazarus. The sixth was Mary, the wife of Clopas, whom some call Cleopas. The seventh was Susanna. And there were very many others, as the Divine Luke records, who supported Christ and His Disciples from their own resources. Because these women proclaimed the Resurrection and contributed greatly to assuring us, with utter certainty, of Christ’s Resurrection, the Church of God received the tradition of celebrating them after St. Thomas, for they were the first to see Christ risen from the dead, preached the message of salvation to all, and most excellently pursued the life according to Christ and as befitted women who were disciples of Christ. THE TRUE VINE APRIL 2015| Page 8 2015 Stewardship Program One of the greatest treasures we have received is our Orthodox Christian Faith and Tradition that guides our worship and our entire life.” The Tsatalis Family & Stewardship Twenty years ago having moved from Philadelphia to Dayton, we were warmly welcomed by the parishioners of the Annunciation. Deeply impressed by the unity of the people and the many vibrant ministries, were eager to get involved. Our family has been blessed to participate in parish council, Philoptochos, Greek school (as students, teacher and computer lab directors), Catechism school students and substitute teachers, DIFI, Greek Festival and Oktoberfest volunteers, JOY, GOYA, St. John Chrysostom Oratorical Festival and acolytes. We are joyfully setting our sights on joining The Musketeers and the Young-At- Heart in the years to come! When we are deciding where to allocate our time, talent and treasure, we can’t help but think of our parents and grandparents, who came to this country with few dollars in their pockets and hardly speaking the language. Through their stewardship they purchased the land, built and adorned this church and gave us not only an edifice to glorify God, but also a community to support us for generations. It is our responsibility to perpetuate their legacy. 2015 The list of Stewards reflects those who have made their 2015 Stewardship Commitment or contributed to their 2015 Stewardship Commitment as of March 15, 2015. We thank them for their generosity and loving support. We invite you to join with them and support, joyously, the ministries of the Church. You may obtain information and Stewardship Commitment Cards from the Church Office, or you can speak to a Parish Council Member or Fr. Mark. Dr. & Mrs. Fayez Abboud Ms. Kally Adams Mrs. Georgia Afendoules Mr.& Mrs. Spero M Alex Mr. & Mrs. Lawrence Andrews Mr. & Mrs. Paul Angelopoulos Mrs. Elayne Anton Mr. & Mrs. George Argue Dr. & Mrs. Gust Bambakidis Mr. & Mrs. Evan Bambakidis Mr. & Mrs. John Barron Jr. Ms. Juanita Bartlett & Mr. Gary Manos Ms. Stephanie Benjamin Mr. & Mrs. Michael Bessler Mr. & Mrs. Mark Bliss Ms. Evelyn Boosalis Mrs. Wendy Boucuvalas Mr. & Mrs. Harry Bouris Mr. & Mrs. James Bourne Mrs. Angella Houpis Boyd Mr. & Mrs. James Brandenburg Mr. & Mrs. Michael Breed Ms. Nancy Breen Mr. & Mrs. James Brooks Mrs. Tulla Brooks Mr. & Mrs. Doyle Burke Annika Burns & Bob Feldmann Mr. Bob Cade Mr. Stephan Calondis Mr. & Mrs. Greg Caras Mr. & Mrs. David Casey Mrs. P Stanley Castleman Mr. & Mrs. Dimitri Chagares Mr. & Mrs. Terry Christ Mrs. Stella Christofis Mr. Demo Christon Mr. & Mrs. William Cochran Mr. & Mrs. Nicholas Coleman Mr. & Mrs. Larry Couchot Mr. & Mrs. Angelo County Mr. & Mrs. Gary Cunagin Mr. & Mrs. Tom G Daskalakis Mr. & Mrs. Constantine Davell Mrs Beatrice Davis Mr. Nick Demetre Mr. & Mrs. John Demetriades Mr. John Demos Mr. & Mrs. George Demosthenous Dr. & Mrs. James Derksen Ms. Ariana Derksen Mrs. Marika Dimitriou Mr. & Mrs. Daniel Douglass Mr. & Mrs. Gene Dow Mr. & Mrs. James Ellis Fr. Mark & Ginny Emroll Mrs. Lucy Fasules Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Federle Mr. & Mrs. Alex Fote Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Fote Mr. & Mrs. Albert Fricioni Dr. & Mrs. Harry Fronista Mrs. Owen Gabbard Dr. Arthur Gardikes Mr. & Mrs. Bernard Gearon, Jr. Mr. James Gersos Mr. Lambi Gersos Ms. Alexandra Ghazal Mr. & Mrs. George Gianopulos Mrs. Harriet K. Gounaris Mr. & Mrs. Nicholas Gounaris Mr. & Mrs. Jon Gromek Ms. Eileen Gustin Mr. & Mrs. Nasser Habash Mr. Donald Hanel Dr. Mary Haritos Mrs. Glenn Haubrock Mr. & Mrs. James Haubrock Mr. Michael Haubrock Mr. & Mrs. Jeffrey Heisey Mr. & Mrs. Jason Hodgson Dr. C. H. Houpis Mr. & Mrs. Harry C. Houpis Ms. Evonna Hurst Mr. William J. Hutchison Mr. & Mrs. Jerry Hypes Mr. & Mrs. Mike Jackson Mr. Michael Jannides Mr. & Mrs. Max Jenks Ms. Betty Jonson Mr. & Mrs. Johnny Kaissieh Ms. Berdi Kakas Miss Christine Kambas Mrs. Jim Kandris Miss Pia Kanistros Mrs. P. J. Kanistros Mr. & Mrs. Alexandros Karabinis Mrs. Tina Karambelas Mrs. Eleftherios Karkadoulias Mrs. Pete Karras Mr. & Mrs. Mark Keilholz Mr. & Mrs. Andrew Kididis THE TRUE VINE APRIL 2015 | Page 9 Mr. James Kilavos Mr. George N. Kordalis Mr. & Mrs. Harry Lake Mr. & Mrs. Nicholas Lander Mr. & Mrs. Robert Lavoie Mrs. Vigi Liakakos Mr. & Mrs. Gus Liapis Ms. Elizabeth Limber Mrs. Martha Limber Mr. & Mrs. Paul Logus Dr. & Mrs. Bryan Ludwig Mr. & Mrs. David Luke, Sr. Mr. George Lusa Mr. & Mrs. Panayiotis Makaritis Mrs. George Makris Mr. & Mrs. George Malacos Mr. Peter Manavis Mr. & Mrs. Constantine Manos Ms. Juanita Bartlett & Mr. Gary Manos Mr. George Marinakes Mrs. Michael Mavrouleas Mr. & Mrs. Ike Maxis Mr. & Mrs. Jay McAlpine Mr. & Mrs. Keith McFarland Mrs. Sam Mellas Mrs. Katheren Michaelson Ms. Stephanie Michaelson Mr. Christopher Milanese Mr. & Mrs. Gregory Milstead Mr. & Mrs. Mike Mokas Mr. & Mrs. John Moraites Mrs. Ted Moraites Mrs. James Morris Mrs. Ray Mullins Mr. Demetrius Nicholas Mrs. Renee Nicholas Mr. John Nickolas Mrs. Maria Panagouleas Mrs. Nicolette Panagouleas Mr. & Mrs. William Pangos Mr. & Mrs. George Panson Mrs. Irene Papadopoulos Mr. Konstantine Papadopoulos Mr. & Mrs. Chris Papakirk Mr. & Mrs. Jim Parker Mr. & Mrs. Taki Parker Mr. & Mrs. George Pavlakos Mr. & Mrs. David Pepiot Judge John Pickrel Mr. & Mrs. Jared Poeppelman Mr. & Mrs. Todd Powers Mr. & Mrs. Demetri Preonas Mr. & Mrs. Alan Price Mrs. Dora Protos Mr. & Mrs. Hippocrates Psihountas Mr. & Mrs. Chris Pulos Mrs. George Pulos Dr. & Mrs. John Raab Mr. & Mrs. George Reis Dr. & Mrs. Thomas Retzios Dr. Lori Vavul-Roediger Mr. & Mrs. Nelson Russell Mr. & Mrs. George Saloom Mr. and Mrs. Joe Saloom Ms Nadia Saloom Mr. Michael Samonas Col. & Mrs. Nicholas Scambilis Mr. & Mrs. Charles Scott Mr. & Mrs. Gregory Scoumis Mr. & Mrs. John Searles Mr. & Mrs. Nick Shissias Ms. Martha Simopoulos Mr. & Mrs. Igors V. Skriblis Mr. & Mrs. John Sotiropoulos Mr. & Mrs. Gregory Speros Mr. & Mrs. Elias Spyrou Ms. Maria Stamas Mr. and Mrs. Nick C. Stamas Ms. Paula Stamas-Snyder Mrs. Toula Stamm Mrs. Evangeline Stelyn Mrs. Manuel Stiakakis Ms. Anastasia Stratis Mrs. Mary Stratis Dr. & Mrs. Victor Thaler Angeline Thompson Maj. Gilbert Thurman Ms. Anastasia Tipler Mr. & Mrs. Nick Tolias Mr. & Mrs. John Torges Mr. & Mrs. John Tsalas Dr. & Mrs. James Tsatalis Mr. & Mrs. Pete Tsolometes Mr. & Mrs. Chris Tzouras Dr. and Mrs. John Urse III Dr. & Mrs. John Valassiades Mrs. Anthony Valen Mrs. Pete Vasilakos Ms. Emilia Marinela Verdes Mr. & Mrs. Anthony Vradelis Mr. & Mrs. Theodore Vradelis Mr. & Mrs. Ryan Wallerius Ms. Stephanie Waszczak Mr. & Mrs. Timothy Weikert Mrs. Evangelia Williams Mr. Adam Winters Dr. Antonia Winters Mr. & Mrs. Philip James Winters Mr. & Mrs. Anthony Xidas Mrs. Stella Zaharako Mr. & Mrs. Anthony Zalants, Mrs. Andrea Zavakos & Mr. Cor Groeneweg Mr. & Mrs. James Zavakos Mr. & Mrs. Louis Zavakos Mr. Robert Zavakos Mr. Tasi Zavakos Mr. & Mrs. Andrew Ziehler Mr. & Mrs. Nick Zois Mr. Demetrius C. Zonars Mr. & Mrs. Frank Zonars Mrs. Suzanne Zonars Hambrick SATURDAY OF LAZARUS PANCAKE BREAKFAST APRIL 4TH MATINS & DIVINE LITURGY 8:15AM BREAKFAST AND PALM CROSS MAKING TO FOLLOW EASTER EGG HUNT SUNDAY APRIL 12TH AGAPE VESPERS 11:00AM come to receive a red egg! Easter Egg Hunt Follows the Service THE TRUE VINE APRIL 2015| Page 10 DAUGHTERS OF PENELOPE TSOUREKIA FOR EASTER 2015 $6.00 EACH (1 lb. loaf...we promise!) Deadline for orders: Monday, March 30 Orders may be picked up at the: Annunciation Greek Orthodox Church Community Center, Saturday & Sunday April 4th & 5th 11 a.m. – 2 p.m. A BEAUTIFUL TRADITION FOR YOUR PASCHA TABLE. To order, please contact: Dessine Fricioni or e-mail: 937/426-9932 2015 Youth Dance Group Practice Schedule Practices and performances for 2015 are scheduled: May 6 6:00 to 7:00 for all groups May 13 6:00 to 7:00 for all groups May 15-16-17 DIFI July 22-5:30 to 6:30- Evzonakia and Levendopeda 6:30 to 7:30- Nisiotes July 29- 5:30 to 6:30- Evzonakia and Levendopeda 6:30 to 7:30- Nisiotes August 5-5:30 to 6:30- Evzonakia and Levendopeda 6:30 to 7:30- Nisiotes August 12-5:30 to 6:30- Evzonakia and Levendopeda 6:30 to 7:30- Nisiotes August 26-5:30 to 6:30- Evzonakia and Levendopeda 6:30 to 7:30- Nisiotes September 2-5:30 to 6:30- Evzonakia and Levendopeda 6:30 to 7:30- Nisiotes September 10 (with band) time to be announced Greek Festival- September 11, 12, 13 DAUGHTERS OF PENELOPE SCHOLARSHIP TEA SUNDAY, APRIL 26, 2015 Please join us for our annual scholarship tea immediately after church services in the Community Center Library. You’ll enjoy the buffet table of refreshments and your participation will make it possible for Daughters to continue their annual scholarship commitment for the benefit of our young scholars! If you have any questions, please contact Dessine Fricioni at ANNUNCIATION GREEK ORTHODOX CHURCH SUNDAY MONDAY TUESDAY APRIL 2015 WEDNESDAY THURSDAY 1 2 6:00p Liturgy of the Pre-sanctified Gifts 10:00a Philoptochos Membership Mtg. 7:00p Choir FRIDAY 3 SATURDAY 4 Saturday before Palm Sunday Saturday of Lazarus 8:15a Matins 9:30a Div. Liturgy JOY Ministry Serves Breakfast 11:00a Bread pick up 5 Palm Sunday 6 Holy Monday Feast of the Entrance of Jesus 8:15a Matins 9:30a Div. Liturgy 7Holy Tuesday 8 Holy Wednesday 9 Holy Thursday 10 Holy Friday 11Holy Saturday 7:00p Service of the Bridegroom 3:00p Sacrament of Holy Unction 9:00a Divine Liturgy 7:00p Service of the Bridegroom 7:00p Sacrament of Holy Unction 7:00a Commemoration of the Mystical Supper (Divine Liturgy) Palm Sun. Luncheon GOYA Mtg. No Greek School 7:00p The Holy Passion of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ Bread pick-up 7:00p Service of the Bridegroom 12 13 14 GREAT AND HOLY PASCHA 5:30p Greek School 6:30p DOP Mtg./ 6:30p AHEPA Mtg. Athenagoras Rm. 11:00a Vespers of Agape 15 8:15a Matins 9:30a Div. Liturgy 17 11:30a Young At Heart – Sponsored by GAPA Feast of the Lifegiving Fountain 20 21 22 23 5:30p Greek School Mandatory Attendance 1:00p GAPA Mtg. Athenagoras Rm. 7:00p Choir Feast of St. George the Great-martyr 8:15a Matins 9:30a Div. Liturgy Philo H. Bthdy CCM Cat. Staff Mtg. Athenagoras Rm. 26 27 28 29 3 Sunday from Pascha (Sunday of the Myrrh-bearing Women) 5:30p Greek School DIFI Baking (Koulouria) 7:00p Choir rd 8:15a Matins 9:30a Div. Liturgy DOP Tea 12 Mid Night RESURRECTION SERVICE AND DIVINE LITURGY OF PASCHA 7:00p Lamentations Service 16 nd 2 Sunday from Pascha (Thomas Sunday) 11:00p Vigil Service 2:30p Great Vespers (Taking Down of the Body of Christ from the Cross) 18 8:15a Matins 9:30a Div. Liturgy 7:00p Parish Council Easter Egg Hunt 19 9:00a Royal Hours of Pascha 30 24 25 Annunciation Greek Orthodox Church 500 Belmonte Park North Dayton Ohio 45405-4797 Non-Profit Org. U.S. Postage PAID Dayton, Ohio Permit No. 934 Change Service Requested ΧΡΙΣΤΟΣ ΑΝΕΣΤΗ Hristos a înviat! ¡Cristo ha resucitado! Hristos Voskrese! al-Masīḥ qām! CHRIST IS RISEN! ΑΛΗΘΩΣ ΑΝΕΣΤΗ Cu adevărat a înviat! ¡En verdad ha resucitado! Voistinu Voskrese! Ḥaqqan qām! TRULY HE IS RISEN!
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