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Volume IV, Issue #7
Musical Comedy!
So Cinderella (Ashlyn Mallar) is happily married on her honeymoon
cruise with Prince Charming (Drake Lee) and her beloved Cat (Abby
Couillard) when she discovers Aladdin's Mom Widow Twanky (Anne
Lemon) on board. Captain Bluebeard (Johnathan Foege) with his evil
pirates (Melissa Gibbs, Debbie Couillard, Bobby Falkenberg, Alex
Foge, Brooke Reams, Grace Riley) overcome the ship's crew (Gabby
Buckner, Jace Engberg, Jackie Lecza), throw the Prince overboard and
take Cinderella hostage. Meanwhile back at the Palace, the Wicked
Queen (Teresa Lynn) and her entourage (Chrissy Alexander, Bella
Kathy Thompson Buckner, Trinity Gorgas, Savannah Harker, Ciara Lynn, Chloe
Rusack) and the Step Sisters (Victoria Blackman, Elizabeth Shavers)
seek the help of Red Riding Hood (Michelle Marie Lecza) and the Big
Bad Wolf (Walker Powell) to rescue Cinderella. They find Goldielocks (Lana Davidenko) to
help in the rescue but whose side is she really on????
Don't miss another whacky comedy directed by Kathy Thompson with vocal coach and
choreographer Ashley King. It's the usual chaos and mayhem that just means lots of laughs
for one and all. Appropriate for ages 5+ it is a great family event.
Tickets just $6 for 18 and under and $12 for all of you over 18!
Buy tickets online at or call the box office Mon-Fri 1-4pm and 2
hours before each show.
Box Office Opens
Monday, June 15th at 1:00pm for reservations.
Show Dates:
June 20, 21, 27, 28 - 2:00pm
The Renaissance Continues
Breaking Ground In July!
The renovation starts early July! When we have the date for the demolition of the front we will
invite you to come see your favorite bathrooms ripped out. Our Echo request passed with flying
colors so we thank all those who took the time to write their Council member. We received some
wonderful copies of what you wrote. We are hoping to re-open in January and will keep you
posted with pictures and updates as it all progresses.
Our fund raising is hard at work and will continue as being shut for 6 months will dent our
finances as many ongoing bills continue whether we are open or closed. Lots of ways for you to
contribute. Make a donation and be on our plaque in the Lobby depending on how much you
give..., buy a brick or two or three, buy a seat plaque! If you are working, ask about your company
becoming a corporate sponsor or advertiser in the program. Buy raffle tickets every show and
consider donating the money back when you win! Cash, checks, credit card donations are also
very, very welcome. Call us at 386-255-2431 for more info or visit our web site at
There are lots of ways you can support us
Now you can help pave a path in the future of the Daytona Playhouse. We invite you to honor
friends and family, to remember loved ones, or commemorate special occasions by purchasing
tribute bricks to be placed in the walkway in front of our newly renovated lobby.
Order forms also available in the Lobby!
Special Note to All Season Subscribers and Patrons!
Because of the Renaissance Project and the renovations taking place at the Playhouse,
we will not be starting our 2015-2016 Season at the usual time in September. The
project is expected to take roughly six months, during which time, the Playhouse will be
closed. We will keep all our Season Subscribers and Patrons posted on progress and
begin selling subscriptions when a firmer completion date is known. Rest assured
Subscribers, we will hold your favorite seats for you. Please make sure you check for
updates through email and "Like" our page on Facebook to keep abreast of progress.
Remember! When we re-open there will be a brand new Lobby (and restrooms!) for
you to enjoy here at the Playhouse!
A Great Time
Had By All!
Bet you're sorry you missed it!
Our Annual Gala & Daytony Awards was held on Friday,
June 5th and was a smashing good time! Great food,
fun, decorations, dancing and, of course, the DayTony
Awards. Our Masters of Ceremony, Joey Maxwell and
Terence Van Auken had the crowd in stitches and
really made the evening special. Many thanks to all
joined us at the Palmetto Club and especially those who
volunteered to help make this a memorable evening!
Joey Maxwell & Terence Van Auken
(A good shot of both!)
To see the all the winners from this year's
DayTony's, just click the button!
Special Recognition!
Celebrating a season of great work by volunteers was very much a part of this year's Annual
Gala. Working behind the curtain of each show, this year's Stage Managers, Christiana
Luciano, Chris Wakefield, Anne Van Tol, Dorothy Allison, and Kim Fienberg were
recognized for their incredible hard work on every show. Each year the Playhouse presents the
Golden Tech Award to individuals who have gone above and beyond to make our shows
dazzle. This year the award was presented to Tom Vannieuwenhoven and Ted Pack. The
Young Actors Company presented The Next Generation Award to Darian Parks and
Jonathan Foege for all their work with YAC! The President's Award - Volunteer of the Year
was presented to the very deserving Amy DeMeo. A round of applause for the folks that helped
make 2014-2015 a sensational season!
Announcing Our
Scholarship Recipient
This year the Playhouse is pleased to award our Scholarship to Linda Yackel,
graduating senior from Seabreeze High School. Linda's volunteer efforts at the
Playhouse and love of theatre make her a perfect recipient for this award.
Congratulations, Linda!
Out and About!
Readers Theatre still out and about.- entertained folks at The Willows at Bishops Glen on June
11 and will be at the The Abbey at Bishops Glen on June 26. Dave Archard, Doreen Barca,
Lu Roberts, Sally Shevlin and Melinda Tedeschi help us entertain folks and spread the word
about our wonderful Playhouse. The Volusia County Arts Council made mention of how
impressed they are with our Travel Troupe and hoped it would continue even as the Playhouse
is renovated. If you have an event Readers Theatre could help support with a short or long
program contact Kathy Thompson
Buy Daytona Playhouse Tickets On Line!
We can now accept Discover and American Express in addition to
Mastercard and Visa. Remember, any time, day or night you can go online
through our web site at and purchase tickets online! You pick out
what seats you want. You can print your tickets at home or have us print them and you pick
them up when you come to the performance. There is a service charge fee for tickets purchased
online. The Playhouse Box office opens the week the Show opens between 1 and 4pm Monday
through Friday and 2 hours before each show. So check it all out at
Stay In Touch During the Renovation!
You have given us your email so we can send you our newsletter and show
reminders. Another great way to be in the know is check out our Facebook
page. "Like"
us and help spread the word of all that is happening. Search for "DaytonaPlayhouse" or just click the logo here.
Daytona Playhouse | 386-255-2431 | |
100 Jessamine Blvd
Daytona Beach, FL 32118
Copyright © 2015. All Rights Reserved.
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