overnment of Odisha Department of Higher Education q 17q No.: ******* * /H.E., Date: 21/04/2015 HE-FE-IIl-POL-44/2015 From Dr. Ajay Kumar Nayak, OAS Joint Secretary to Gover ment To The Principal(s) / Head Master(s) / Head Mistress (es) All Junior Colleges / Higher Secondary Schools (Non SAMS Resource Ce tres & Non Self Financing Colleges) The Principal(s) All Degree / Autonomous Colleges (Non SAMS Resource Ce tres & Non Self Financing Colleges) Sub: Creation of new SAMS Resource Centres (SRC) under project Student Academic Management System for the Academic Session 2015-16 Madam/Sir, In inviting a reference to the subject cited above, I am directed to say that to be in status of SAMS Resource Centres, interested Junior and Degree Colleges (Non SRCand other than Self Financing colleges) shall submit applications with an undertaking (Affidavit) to their respective District SAMS Nodal (Junior and Degree) Colleges to the effect that; all expenses including cost of both computi g and civil infrastructure (as per Annexure-i) and other establishment cost viz. remuner tion to DEOs, Internet, SAMS Lab consumables, etc will be borne from their own resources and extend necessary cooperation to the tagged colleges during e-Admission period in terms oftraining, admission update, validation, etc. No fund will be provided to these colleges for this purpose by the Government. Therefore, you are req ested to submit the application with the undertaking (Affidavit) to your District SAMS Junior Nodal Colleges before 02/05/2015 positively. Application received after the due date and from ineligible colleges shall not be taken into consideration. YOU[lrt~IU"Y' Joint secretar~~~ent Memo No.: /H.E., Dated: :L7/04/2015 Copy forwarded to the Principals, District SAMS Nodal (Junior and Degree) Colleges for kind information and necessary action. They are requested to receive the applications for new SAMS Resource Centres and send their recommendation after due verification of the computing and civil infrastructure of SAMS Lab of the colleges by 07/05/2015 and send the proposals through special messenger/e-Mail (sptc.hed@gmail.com) to Officer-in-Charge, Performance Tracking Cell, Hig er Education Department, Govt. of Odisha, 751012 by q IBO 10/05/2015 lor further action at this end. ~ -v9--l4WJoint Secretary to ~overnment Page 1 of 2 / q (9/ Ci)/H.E., Dated:glj04/2015 Memo No.: Copy forwarded to the Director, Higher Education / Regional Directors of Education (Bhubaneswar / Sambalpur / Berhampur) for kind information and necessary _l ~ follow up action as per the dateline fixed above. v'r 14"~' Joint Secretary to Government q (82-62 Memo No.: , /H.E., Dated: fL7/04/2015 Copy forwarded to the Commissioner-cum-Secretary, I.T. Department CHSE/ General Manager, OCACfor kind information & necessary action. / Chairman, ~TI-1~ ~7-t 4)1C , Joint Secretary to Government Annexure-l A. Checklist for Computing infrastructure for SAMS Resource Centres Unit (5) Item Description 51# 02 nos. 1 2 Desktop Computer Laser Printer 3 4 Flatbed Scanner Barcode Scanner 5 UPS 6 Internet Broadband connectivity / Data Card 02 nos. 01 nos. 02 nos. 03 nos. B. Checklist for Civil infrastructure Min 512 kbps for SAMS Resource Centres Item Description 51# Unit / Specification 1 2 Size of SAMS lab 200-250 Sq.ft. Electricity Essential 3 Internet facility / Data Card Essential C. At least one Data Entry Operator to be engaged & remunerated college. D. Well communication by the concerned facility from the nearby colleges. Joint Secretary to Government Page 2 of 2 J
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