86th District Conference PAOC Alberta & NWT District May 5-7, 2015 evangel assembly, edmonton CONFERENCE INFO SChedule Tuesday, May 5 8:00 AM 9:30 AM 10:00 AM 12:00 PM 2:00 PM 7:00 PM Registration and Connection & Coffee Devotions Business Session #1 Luncheon Business Session #2 Evening Service Wednesday, May 6 8:00 AM 9:30 AM 10:00 AM 12:00 PM 2:00 PM 7:00 PM Registration and Connection & Coffee Devotions Business Session #3 Luncheon Business Session #4 Evening Service For I know the plans I have for you, declares the Lord, plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future. Jeremiah 29:11 Rich Wilkerson Rich Wilkerson Sr. is the founder of Peacemakers and the Senior Pastor of Trinity Church in Miami, Florida. He is also an evangelist and author. Since 1973, Rich has ministered to youth and families through evangelism and local church ministry. His humorous style and power-packed speaking have been the key to seeing thousands turn to Christ. Over 1.5 million students have attended his presentations in over 1600 public school campuses throughout the United States and Canada. Rich and his wife, Robyn, are ministering in the heart of Miami and continue to be committed to the local community through cutting-edge ministry outreaches. Jeremy Gifford - Worship Thursday, May 7 Jeremy has been serving as the Youth and Young Adult Pastor at North Pointe Community Church in Edmonton since 2010. He has a heart for influencing the next generation for Christ and has a passion for writing songs, leading worship, and reaching and blessing others through music. He has been married to Rachel for 3 years. Contents conference agenda 8:00 AM 9:00 AM Connection & Coffee (includesbreakfast) Business Session #5 Family Forum - Initiative 2020 District Superintendent ............................. 1 Ministerial Services Director of Leader Development & Care.... 2 Administration Director of Finance and Administration...... 4 Church Ministries Director of Church Ministries .................... 5 Vanguard College President.................................................... 6 International Office Reports General Superintendent............................. 7 Mission Canada Director............................ 8 Assistant Superintendent for Fellowship Servies .................................... 9 Assistant Superintendent for International Missions............................. 13 Instructions for Online Voting ............... 15 Welcome • Adoption of Agenda Conference Committees Ratification of Credential Matters Commencement of Elections Presentation of Reports • Resolutions conference committees ROSTER Simon Sichangwa (CH) Joanne Morgan Dale Reddekopp Loredana Reddekopp MINUTES APPROVAL Phil Doroshuk (CH) Judy Marchuk PARLIAMENTARIANS Mark Hendricks (CH) Larry Lindoff Merrill Radford TELLERS Arnie Lotholz (CH) David Haitel Charity Mongrain Matthew Redstone Stephen Valcourt RESOLUTIONS Murray Coughlan (CH) Dallas Bidell Phil Doroshuk Dave Hall Roy Holmquist Bob Webster DESTINY Ken Solbrekken District Superintendent Sam Beckett said, “What do I know of man’s destiny? I could tell you more about radishes.” Researchers tell us we can have 50,000 to 70,000 thoughts pass through our minds per day. Those numbers provide for ample opportunity to make good decisions or bad ones. The prophet Jeremiah declares in Chapter 29:11, “For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the Lord, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.” That’s about DESTINY! Joshua 24:15 states, “If you have no desire to worship the LORD, choose today whom you will worship, whether it be the gods whom your ancestors worshiped beyond the Euphrates, or the gods of the Amorites in whose land you are living. But I and my family will worship the LORD!” (NET Bible). This is a beautiful declaration and decision of faith by Joshua. The verse expresses the heart’s cry of a spiritual leader. Joshua made a decision that changed his life but also changed the life of a nation and changed the destiny of a people. George Eliot said, “The strongest principle of growth lies in human choice.” Life is a series of choices. We make choices every day. Some choices have farreaching consequences and others don’t. But our choices determine the character, direction, destiny and eternity of our life. God has given us the power of choice. Pastor Abraham summed it up by saying, “Everyone was born for a purpose and with a purpose.” Our personal fulfillment is possible as we fulfill our destiny. 86th District Conference of The PAOC Alberta & NWT District 1 DAVE HALL Director of Leader Development and Care Since this is the kind of life we have chosen, the life of the Spirit, let us make sure that we do not just hold it as an idea in our heads or a sentiment in our hearts, but work out its implications in every detail of our lives. Galatians 5:25 MSG The journey towards health as leaders and for the ministries we serve is a continual one. Nike’s most famous slogan, “JUST DO IT,” is exactly what Paul encourages us to do in this verse. Another translations says, “keep in step with the Spirit”. The that steps you can take to increase your development and health as a leader will in turn affect the growth and life of the ministry you lead. Jesus says that it is possible to gain the whole world but lose your own soul. We can appear to have success in ministry, but the heart of how and why we lead can be painfully sick. A lack of health in our soul will affect us staying on course towards effective, healthy ministry. The degree of being off-track may be minimal at first, but down the road you could end up off course. It doesn’t matter what stage you are at in your journey, you can begin to take steps at any point towards a healthier destination. On the map below there are coordinates that identify resources to support you in moving towards your target. You are responsible for each step, but there are helps along the way for you. The ABNWT District mission to call you forth is a commitment to walk with you towards an increase in you becoming a healthy leader. Our desire is to journey with you to move to the destiny for your own health and the health of the place you minister. Calling forth Our destiny: create a... to s r e d a e L PAOC Movement! h c r u h C y h Healt THE DESTINATION OF HEALTHY LEADERS, CHURCHES AND MINISTRIES! CARE FOR CREDENTIAL HOLDERS AND FAMILIES • Professional Counselling • Benevolent Support LEADER DEVELOPMENT THROUGH • LEAD Seminars for Credential Holders • Leadership Training for Church Leaders • HealthyTeams.org SUPPORT IN YOUR JOURNEY • Executive Lead Team • Pastoral Care Coordinator • District Area Pastors • Mentors & Peers in Ministry • Affinity Support Groups WHERE YOU ARE TODAY 2 86th District Conference of The PAOC Alberta & NWT District SELF-CARE IN THE LEADER’S LIFE DISTRICT ($) SUPPORT for • Life/Ministry Coaching • Scholarships for Masters and Doctrinal Program current CREDENTIALS holders credentials report 460 Total number of Credential Holders in 2013 317 47 40 25 55 468 Total number of Credential Holders in 2014 Total number of Credential Holders in 2015 Ordained Licensed Minister Recognition of Ministry 484 Ministry Related Other CREDENTIALS REPORT Credential actions that have taken place since the 2014 District Conference through March 19, 2015. 10 Ordination Candidates Ordination services held will be announced quarterly through District social media INITIAL APPLICATIONS 8 Licensed 12 Ministry Related 20 Transfer In 86th District Conference of The PAOC Alberta & NWT District 3 PHIL DOROSHUK Director of Finance and Administration There is always a degree of planning, designing and implementation that is undertaken in the various areas of ministry of the District in an effort to be a good steward of resources. It is to some extent my desire to create and fulfill a destiny each year through proper stewardship. I believe that God has honored our prayer-filled ambitions, dreams and goals as we genuinely and humbly give them to Him. But I am also needing to continuously ask the question, whose plans are they? I want to make sure that am I not superimposing my declaration over His declaration in the familiar Scripture from Jeremiah 29 – “‘For I know the plans I have for you,’ declares the LORD, ‘plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.’” I want a God-directed destiny. Each year at this time I am grateful to Him for His blessing of the District’s finances. Faithful supporting churches and individuals have allowed us to reach goals for that God-directed destiny of initiating and supporting ministry in Alberta and the NWT. Thank you for your financial support of the District, which has again increased – this time by 4.3% over 2013. As one of our District values, our office seeks to serve you with excellence by offering support, counsel and guidance in a number of areas related to finances and administration. I welcome your inquiries in these and other areas in order to help create healthy churches across the District: • CRA (Canada Revenue Agency) – Charitable Registration items, T3010 Preparation, Clergy Residence Deduction, Payroll Remittances, GST • Governance – constitution and bylaw items, incorporation, policy development • Finances – loans and mortgages, salary & benefits information, budgeting, insurance • Information technology – CASL, church database software, financial software Church Support 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 4 86th District Conference of The PAOC Alberta & NWT District $1,350,885 $1,465,611 $1,659,304 $1,731,836 $1,691,590 $1,683,541 $1,827,526 $1,975,829 $2,107,885 $2,197,899 PAUL FRASER Director of Church Ministries Elements Encounter ’s ildren Summit Ch Pastors in Women Ministry etreat R PK Base Camp Camp Seniors gh . Hi Jr h Camp Yout gh . Hi Sr h Camp Yout Kidstitute Move Conferences Upswin g hwind Fres We have had another busy year in Church Ministries and thank God again for His faithfulness! What an honour it is to serve this amazing District, and how grateful I am that God has called me here. Thanks to my Church Ministries directors, Leann Woelk (Children’s Ministries), Lori Patrick (Women’s Ministries) and Doug Phaneuf (Men’s Ministries), for such superb leadership and vision. We are sad to see Doug transition from Men’s Ministry leadership but thankful for his years of service to our team. Thanks also to Al Downey and Chad Verge who have given fantastic leadership to our Heritage Days camp. Thanks to Carissa Allen, our Church Ministries administrator. She’s an incredible gift to our team and office. Carissa continues to be the glue that holds many events together for us. As well, thanks to our entire support team in the District Office, as they continue to serve with such excellence and passion. To Pastor Ken, Pastor Phil and Pastor Dave: what an honour it is to serve on the ELT with you. Pastor Ken and Lena, thank you for your leadership in our District and, as always, for your support to me and my family! A massive thanks goes out to my family. Every two years, I ask them if they still want me to serve in this role, and each time they give an overwhelming “yes” even though they know there is a cost to them for me to serve in this role. Thanks Corrie, Jamin, Kallie, Kaden, and Cammie for your love, care and support! 86th District Conference of The PAOC Alberta & NWT District 5 Stephen hertzog “You have stayed long enough at this mountain. Break camp and advance…See, I have given you this land. Go in and take possession…” (Deuteronomy 1:6-8) Vanguard College President This powerful passage from the Pentateuch…“Break Camp and Advance”… was our chapel theme for 2014-15. With this command the Lord told Israel to go in and take possession of the Promised Land. After 40 years of wilderness wandering, He was giving His people a brave new future if they were bold enough to step over the threshold of faith, seize the opportunity, and trust Him to go before them. Vanguard stands at a similar threshold today. We are breaking camp and advancing… taking possession of new territory… seizing opportunities and trusting Him to go ahead of us… in a number of ways: Graduate Studies: Last year we offered our first graduate level courses ever, and this Fall we launched our new graduate certificate programs in Church Planting, Youth and Young Adult Ministry, and Social Justice and Community Development... all of which fully transfer into the Master’s Program at Briercrest Seminary. It is a new day for Vanguard! 169 2006-2011 209 2012-2014 100 2006-2011 143 2012-2014 Average Enrolment ON-CAMPUS Full Time Equivalent Average Enrolment Average Enrolment IBOLT Enrolment: This year we had the second highest on-campus enrolment in college history… 202 FTE. In fact the last three years have been the best years ever for on-campus enrolment, while online enrolment with IBOLT also set a record last year. New applications each year have gone from an average of 100 (2006-11) to 143 (2012-14)… a 43% increase! In the same period our on-campus enrolment has gone from an average of 169 FTE (full time equivalent) to 209 FTE… a 24% increase. God is good! Transition: On October 2, 2014 I informed our Board of Directors that after 22 wonderful years of ministry at Vanguard College, I have decided not to seek a new contract after my current one expires June 30, 2015, so this was my last year as President of the school. This was a very difficult decision. Patti and I knew when we came to Vanguard (then NBC) 22 years Average Enrolment ago that it was God’s will for us and we have never regretted that choice. These last two decades have been some of the greatest and most fulfilling years of our lives. By the same token we feel the Holy Spirit is saying it is now time to move on to new challenges and opportunities. Presidents come and go. So do faculty, staff and students. This college is much bigger than any one person. Vanguard will continue to “Break camp and advance” into a great future with a new President because we have a great leadership team, a great constituency, and most importantly, a great God! In some ways, I think the institution is not that different than when I started 22 years ago. We are still a Bible College and discipleship school. In other ways, I think it is dramatically different. I know I am and always will be. Thank you so much for allowing me to be a part of this wonderful ministry. 6 86th District Conference of The PAOC Alberta & NWT District international office David Wells General Superintendent In the new “Better Together” brochure that we published this year, we emphasized that we are a Fellowship of churches, ministries and credential holders linked by our affiliation. Together, we fulfil our mission as a co-operative Fellowship with our selfgoverning assemblies and ministries as a principal expression of that mission. Affiliation indicates that we are part of a Pentecostal family with history, identity, values and shared mission. Together we hold a clear statement of doctrinal beliefs and a code of ethics for our leaders. Our shared vision as a co-operative Fellowship links us as we reach out in Canada and around the world, planting vital churches and ministries, making disciples and demonstrating God’s justice and mercy in all contexts of life. In all this we champion that it is through His people, the Church, that the Lord demonstrates “His manifold wisdom” locally and globally (Ephesians 3:10). As general superintendent working with my fellow executive officers, the General Executive and the leadership groups of our Fellowship, we continue to engage what the Lord is currently calling us to do and to be in order to be faithful to His purpose for us. We are in a continual process of engaging our spiritual, theological and missional vitality. Through our discussions at General Conference 2014 and our 2020 Initiative conversations, we are seeking corporately to have ears to hear how the Lord is speaking to us. As we move toward our 2020 Initiative goals, six expected strategic responses by our churches and ministries have grown evident: 1 Corporate prayer and Scripture engagement 2 Equipping for Spiritempowered living 3 Incorporation of a revitalization process (especially where there are signs of plateau or decline) 4 Development of leaders for multiplication and revitalization 5 Participation in the formation of a new disciplemaking community (plant, partner and/ or provide) 6 Enhanced national and international mission engagement Thanks for your faith and obedient actions as we trust God for 1% (350,000) of all Canadians to be in 1,500 Pentecostal disciple-making communities by 2020. 86th District Conference of The PAOC Alberta & NWT District 7 international office Brian egert Mission Canada Director Mission Canada’s role is to facilitate the research and development of a nationally shared vision for our mission in Canada, with an emphasis on reaching the unreached, inspiring new disciple-making communities and encouraging Biblical social responsibility. paoc.org/canada These actions are applied to five missional priorities in Canada: Next Generation (Children, Youth and Campuses) Quebec and Francophone Canada Cultural Language Groups and Newcomers to Canada Aboriginal Canadians Urban Centres Mission Canada Network: National guiding groups in each priority create a platform to collaborate and facilitate missional strategies, share resources and develop best practices. Some of the key resources available to churches include: • Youth and Children’s Leaders Certification Courses wordcom.paoc. org/products/paoc • Annual 4/14 Initiative • Campus Mission website campusmission.ca outlines our current PAOC presence at post-secondary institutions • Neighbours and Newcomers Network (NNNetwork) nnnetwork.org • Urban Patmos People Think Tanks • FIT4M Program for workers in Francophone Canada paoc.org/canada/ initiatives/fit4m and fit4m.ca • Francophone church partnerships opportunities (over 23 active partnerships and counting) • PAOC refugee sponsorship program as a CIC Sponsorship Agreement Holder (SAH) 8 • The LIFE Campaign – the Just Add Water campaign has raised over $800,000 for water well and food projects lifecampaign.org Wordcom Christian Resources: In 2014, Mission Canada launched wordcom.ca as a fully supported online hub for materials and resources, providing current and competitively priced church supplies, a wide variety of curriculum and studies, pastoral resources, and more. Wordcom is the exclusive distributor for Radiant Life (Pentecostal curriculum). Wordcom exists to serve our churches as a one stop shop for all your church and discipleship needs, which in turn helps fund the PAOC’s missional work in Canada. Mission Agency: paoc.org/canada/workers Mission Canada also facilitates uniquely called workers to these unreached gaps in Canada. We have increased our worker team by five in the past two years, with multiple conversations occurring. • David Burke (Campus worker, Ryerson University, Toronto) • Calvary deJong (Campus worker, Red River College, Winnipeg) • Trevor Gingerich (Campus worker, Humber College, Toronto) • Charles H. (Neighbours and Newcomers Network – NNNetwork) • Johnson J. (Neighbours and Newcomers Network – NNNetwork) • Tammy Junghans (Campus worker, University of Manitoba) • Daniel Perrée (Francophone students in Quebec) • Jeremy Postal (Urban worker, Whistler, BC) • Jamie Rauch (Urban worker, BC Film Industry) • Karen Reed (Urban worker, Vancouver Parker House) • Kevin Schlechter (Campus worker, Red Frogs) • Ejay Tupe (Urban worker, Toronto) Let’s continue to ask God for a move of God our nation. It is my privilege to serve. Note: Neighbours and Newcomers Network workers minister in sensitive social contexts. Please DO NOT post online NOR email their ministry details indiscriminately. Thank you for exercising restraint and good judgment, preserving their ability to ministry where God has called them. Ensure this security protocol guideline statement is included with reports on their work. Thank you. 86th District Conference of The PAOC Alberta & NWT District All over the world this gospel is bearing fruit and growing, just as it has been doing among you since the day you heard it and understood God’s grace in all its truth. (Colossians 1:6) A recent assignment to Nepal Theological College reminded me of the continued accuracy of Paul’s encouraging statement to the Colossians that the Gospel, when shared, produces missional vitality. For centuries, the small Himalayan country of Nepal reported virtually no followers of Jesus. However, as a result of the involvement of dedicated missionaries since 1950, the 2001 national census reported a small, but growing .45 percent of the population as Christian. Only 10 years later, the 2011 census reported that the Christian community had over tripled in size to 1.40 percent. A meaningful conversation in Katmandu with a Muslim business man searching for truth affirmed that “the Christians are really growing here”, also confessing he enjoyed sneaking into Christian worship services for the vibrant worship! I am praying the gospel bears fruit in his life. I am grateful that we continue to see significant ministry in Canada through the dedicated ministry of PAOC credential holders, churches and Districts. Your ministry for the Lord is both important and appreciated! Allow me to briefly highlight a couple of important fellowship items in this report, also mentioning that a copy of the 2014 audited financial report is available on the PAOC website in the Fellowship Services section. With appreciation to the Lord, we report that the 2014 financial report again indicates continued fiscal health. We are finalizing the audited statement but at the time of writing this report we are indicating an operational surplus of $196,151. Having paid off our long term debt in 2013, we are now able to increase our focus on ministry expansion. Also, fellowship tithes from districts were $1,412,307 in 2013 and $1,435,870 in 2014. This represents a 6% increase in fellowship tithe from the 20112012 biennium and indicates increased support from our churches. Thank you for your faithfulness throughout 2014. The result of your giving has global impact through the ministries of PAOC. international office David HAZZARD Assistant Superintendent for Fellowship Services Shared funding support of PAOC global workers in Canada and abroad through 2014 showed a 2.5% increase from 2013. Allow me to add, however, there are global workers in your district experiencing budget challenges that would appreciate additional ministry support. If you wish to know who requires assistance and are able to support them, please contact International Missions or Mission Canada and they will provide you with the information needed for your missions committee and congregation. Total revenues softened slightly by just over $150,000, to $21,767,438 in 2014. Fellowship statistics included below reflect consistency in many of the key areas tracked. During the past biennium, we welcomed 253 new credential holders and 28 new affiliated assemblies. We are also attempting to track the newer expressions of ministry in the fellowship, including satellites of local churches and other visible disciple making communities. In 2013, these totaled 108. District Missions Giving: The attached Missions Giving by District report shows the total giving to missions to be up by $780K when compared to 2013. Below we note that of the total $16,043,045 missions donations received in 2014, 64% were from churches, 11% were from partner organizations and 25% from individuals. Church Giving Organizational Giving Individual Giving 2016 General Conference: The 2016 General Conference, hosted by the Quebec District, will be held from May 2 to May 5, 2016 at the Palais des Congrès de Montréal. We look forward to uniting for these important days of worship, prayer, visioning, fellowship and business. Church Loan Services: Presently, 203 church loans are in service in Canada through combined Church Loan Services provided from the Pension Fund of PAOC, 86th District Conference of The PAOC Alberta & NWT District 9 Pentecostal Financial Services Group, and PAOC Trust Funds. Loans are primarily secured by first mortgages on church properties. PAOC Church Loan Balances 132,038,094203 December 31, 2014 BC/Yukon District Alberta/NWT District Saskatchewan District Manitoba/NW Ontario District Western Ontario District Eastern Ontario District Quebec District Maritimes 20,786,915 33 23.608,045 35 4,558,799 12 769,806 4 46,171,202 56 28,207,399 27 7,553,189 31 382,7385 Overseas Loans: In addition to the above loans, several overseas loans have been provided to various church projects. These loans are funded through IM from PAOC funds and investor funds. As of December 31, 2014, the balance outstanding on these loans was $9,455,848. Pentecostal Financial Services Group Inc: James G. Richards, Executive Director Pentecostal Financial Services Group exists for two reasons: i) to provide mortgage funding for both the building and refinancing of PAOC churches and ii) to creatively fund the missional arms of the PAOC including International Missions, Mission Canada and Fellowship Services. PFSG’s reason for existence can be summarized in two words: Kingdom building. One of the 36 churches from across Canada receiving mortgage funding is Carrefour Chretien De La Capitale. Pastor Paul Corriveau writes, “PFSG has truly been a great blessing to our church over the years. The competitive rate as well as the flexibility and understanding that one finds only in a ‘financing within the family’ operation made this type of financial institution an answer to prayer for our church board. Many thanksgivings went to heaven because of your ministry.” In 2014, the total PFSG mortgage portfolio dipped slightly to $59,063,397. PFSG surpluses come from two sources; a nominal interest spread on the mortgage portfolio and an affinity agreement/ donation program that has been negotiated with two insurance providers. These are Robertson Hall Insurance which provides 10 86th District Conference of The PAOC Alberta & NWT District over 675 PAOC institutions with property and liability insurance and D.L. Deeks Insurance which provides over 1,880 PAOC families with home and auto insurance. In 2014 Robertson Hall Insurance donated $69,944 making a total donation of $633,823 since 2007. Meanwhile, D.L. Deeks donated $105,953 in 2014 making a total donation of $428,112. By collectively using our PAOC purchasing power and supporting these insurance providers, a significant contribution is being made to Kingdom building. In 2012, a new affinity agreement was reached with TD Merchant Services which provides PAOC churches with excellent rates for servicing online giving. Online giving via credit and debit cards and point of sale transactions is a growing reality in many churches because of variable attendance patterns and because young adults in particular do not use cheques. All PAOC churches regardless of size are eligible for these preferred rates, and we are seeing many taking advantage of these savings. Your support of PFSG’s Kingdom building whether through a church mortgage, an investment or the insurance affinity program is appreciated. The Pension Fund (1969) of the Pentecostal Assemblies of Canada: Key operational indicators for 2014 reflect the continuing growth of the past five years. Members now receiving a benefit from the plan number 581 and there are now 2,236 members who have or are contributing to the plan. Pension Fund assets reached a new high of $106.5 million, and the number of participating employers is at 407. With the higher terminations from the Plan in 2014, total payouts exceeded new contributions into the Plan by approximately $0.4M. Employee contributions may begin at a rate of 2.5% and increase as high as 10% on eligible income. All contributions must be matched by the employer and are income tax deductible. Contributions presently guarantee an annual pension of 10 percent of contributions made by you and your employer. Annual member statements are sent to all members entitled to a benefit from the Pension Plan. A statement of contributions is sent to each participating employer. Support services are available by contacting Member Services at 1-866-877-8481, or on the web at www.paocpension.org. We provide information regarding: • Enrolment information and forms • General information on contributions and plan information • Retirement support – projections of benefits for retirement planning purposes. Continuing low interest rates and erratic but positive equity performance resulted in positive overall fund performance. Global uncertainty, especially in Europe and the U.S., continues through 2015. The Pension Plan is actively managing the portfolio to carefully balance with return on investment through portfolio diversification and target returns linked to the return on investment the plan requires to meet its obligations. The positive investment gains to date have contributed to the new high in total Pension Plan assets of $106.5 million as of December 31, 2014; an increase from $99.9 million at December 31, 2013. The current investment policy of 60-80% first mortgage (fixed) and 20-40% equity investments guides decisions of the Investment Committee regarding fund allocations. Of note in this brief financial update are the following: • Investment gains were once again quite positive despite the volatility of the markets (overall return for the Plan was 6.11% with equities exceeding 10%) • Contributions in 2014 increased 4.4% for the year (not including special payments) • Benefits paid to members continue to increase each year. As a result of the December 31, 2013 actuarial valuation, which revealed the Plan to be over 85% funded, the Plan can now return to conducting actuarial reviews every three years. The bond rate utilized by the actuaries when projecting future plan returns continued to remain low at 3.7%. As this bond rate Investment income and gains strengthens Member contributions in the years Employer contributions to come, that Employer Special Payments Pensions Paid to Members will assist in Lump Sum Benefits Paid to Members addressing Expenses the solvency Net increases in assets deficiency. Total Fund assets As part of the continuing efforts to eliminate the deficiency, the special payments requested of the employers will continue until at least the next actuarial valuation scheduled for December 31, 2016. Individual employer accounts have been created and amounts remitted will be credited to their respective statements. Updated statements will be sent to employers in the weeks to come. Jan-Dec 2014 $ Jan-Dec 2013 $ 6.60M 8.90M 2.20M 2.10M 2.35M 2.25M 0.90M 0.90M (3.90M) (3.70M) (1.00M) (0.30M) (0.80M) (0.75M) 6.35M 106.50M 9.40M 99.90M Our plan is registered as a Multi-Employer Pension Plan in Ontario and is governed under the appropriate legislation and regulations. The Plan is directed by its own Board of Trustees and is governed as a registered Canadian Pension Plan following its own Plan Text within regulatory guidelines. Since 1939, affiliated assemblies and credential holders have remitted contributions directly to The Pentecostal Assemblies of Canada with their missions giving and other contributions. The International Office has carefully maintained fully separate audited statements for all pension plan assets. As a Defined Benefit Plan, it is designed to provide a guaranteed lifetime pension for its members. Under the oversight of the Board of Trustees and Management Team, client services, plan and financial administration are provided through the International Office. These include member and employer contributions, mortgages, pension benefits and income tax related services. Professional management firms are engaged to handle equity and bond investments, provide plan administration services, and assess plan health. 86th District Conference of The PAOC Alberta & NWT District 11 12 86th District Conference of The PAOC Alberta & NWT District international office murray cornelius International Missions We are pleased to announce that we have appointed two new Regional Directors for our Restricted Access Nations (RAN) and for Eurasia. Jeff and Sarah, who are here at the conference, have taken on the responsibility of leading our mission to the unreached people in places where there is significant political and religious opposition to the Gospel. They will be located overseas at a yet to be determined location. They bring over ten years of mission experience in church planting in a restricted context. They left behind a church in a community where previously, there was no church. Stephen and Patti Hertzog will assume responsibility for Eurasia beginning in September, 2015. They have engaged significantly in Europe, particularly in Slovakia for the last 20 years. Steve brings with him both leadership experience and a passion to build the Kingdom. God is doing many great things through the work of our national partners and global workers. Seeds that were sown many years ago are now bearing fruit. The message of the gospel is transforming lives and changing nations. Here are two highlights from North Africa and Cuba. On a recent visit back to their former place of ministry, they were involved in a wedding ceremony. A newly married couple decided to have a ceremony to celebrate their vows in a way that would reflect their new found faith in Christ. After exchanging vows, they washed each other’s feet and celebrated communion. Most of those gathered were believers, but some family members were not; one of those was the bride’s aunt. When the bread was not offered to her, she went to the bride’s mother and complained. The mother explained “Communion is for those who have believed in the Messiah.” The Aunt’s response was: “I know. And I want it.” The bride’s bold sharing of her faith over the last several months had obviously found good soil. The Aunt made the decision right there to follow Jesus! The couple then proceeded to attend a family members’ water baptism ceremony, a bold step in their country. How incredible to know that just seven years ago there was only one-knownbeliever living in this very province and now there is a community following the Messiah. There is a wind blowing in the house of I*lam and many are finding their way back to the Father. Seven years ago there was only one known believer living in this very province and now there is a community following the Messiah! Another great story that we continue to celebrate is our partnership with Cuban Christian leaders. Today there are over 6000 churches and the number is rapidly growing as house churches are springing up all over the country despite ongoing government opposition. The Cuban Church has asked us to assist them with training for the missionaries they wish to send. Cuba is now poised to send their own missionaries! We celebrate that more missionaries are now sent from the majority world church than from the west. Finally, we are happy to announce that Dr. Kirk Kauffeldt will be assuming the lead role in our Global ED department. Kirk and Shelley have served at Pan Africa Christian University, the Leadership University, in Kenya, at a Christian University in Jakarta, Indonesia and currently at Lithuania Christian University in Europe. Kirk will assume the lead role on a part-time basis, helping to guide our efforts to multiply our effectiveness through the training of thousands of leaders around the world. We are now engaged in leadership and partnership with nearly 40 training institutions and ministries around the world. We are part of the World Assemblies of God Fellowship that is now ranked as the fourth largest Christian church in the world after the Catholics, the Eastern Orthodox and the Lutherans. We have never been better placed to fulfill the command of Christ to take the good news to every people and every language. 86th District Conference of The PAOC Alberta & NWT District 13 14 86th District Conference of The PAOC Alberta & NWT District INSTRUCTIONS FOR ONLINE VOTING During our District Conference business sessions, online ballots will be cast. Please use a web-ready device such as laptop, tablet, or smartphone, if available to you. If you do not have a device at hand, there are also voting kiosks set up in the meeting room. 1. On your web-ready device, please enter the URL https://abnwt.simplyvoting.com in the address bar of your internet browser. 2. When prompted, complete authentication by entering your username and password. If you’re an eligible voter, your unique username & password should be found on your conference name badge. 3. Once you are logged into the site you will see the heading “Current ballots”. Click the “Vote Now” link that includes the name of the ballot you are voting in. 4. This will bring you the ballot page. Place your vote by following the instructions on the page. When you are finished, click the “Continue” button. 5. Review your choices and click “Confirm” to cast your vote. 86th District Conference of The PAOC Alberta & NWT District 15 16 86th District Conference of The PAOC Alberta & NWT District Mission Calling forth PAOC leaders to create a Spirit-led, Courageous, Healthy Church movement. Vision 100 Additional Healthy Churches by 2020 Values Trust Integrity Compassion Excellence Connection Anchor Statements Invest yourself Don’t be afraid Lead strong 12140 103 Street NW, Edmonton, AB T5G 2J9 P 780.426.0018, F 780.420.1318, E info@abnwt.paoc.org, W www.abnwt.paoc.org
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