DARIA BURKE ELECTRONIC PRESS KIT Business Strategist. Speaker. Writer. Women’s Advocate. CONTENTS This EPK is Interactive! Select one of the content titles below to jump to a specific section of the Press Kit. TABLE OF CONTENTS........................................................................................................2 BIOGRAPHY.......................................................................................................................3 SPEAKING TOPICS..............................................................................................................4 HIGHLIGHTS......................................................................................................................6 APPEARANCES...................................................................................................................7 MEDIA................................................................................................................................8 BOOKING INFORMATION...............................................................................................9 Table of Contents / Electronic Press Kit BIOGRAPHY D aria Burke is a luxury marketing and business strategist,speaker, lecturer and writer. Her passion for advancing women inspired her to create Black MBA Women, a growing network of 800 black women from top-tier business schools. Black MBA Women has earned features in Black Enterprise, LUCKY Magazine and the Philadelphia tribune, and is an official Platform Partner of Lean In. As a contributing writer for Huffington Post, Black Enterprise and Levo League, Daria provides thought-provoking commentary on women at work. In March 2014, Daria made her debut appearance on the Melissa Harris-Perry Show on MSNBC to discuss the importance of word choice as girls are socialized and the development women as business leaders. Prior to launching her entrepreneurial career, Daria served as the Director of Makeup Marketing for the Estée Lauder brand where she led strategy, budget, market plan development and new product launches for the $300MM makeup category in North America. Daria was one of the 10 founding members of Rent the Runway, an online fashion start-up, where she led Consumer Insights, Marketing Partnerships and Designer Relations, resulting in the launch of two new revenue streams for the company. She alsohas worked in brand management at L’Oreal USA on the Lancôme and Yves Saint Laurent Beaute brands, developing and implementing strategic brand positioning of the makeup and fragrance categories. Daria is frequently invited to speak on leadership, professional branding, career development, entrepreneurship, marketing, brand management and innovation/trends in the beauty and fashion industries. She speaks regularly at Harvard, Columbia, Brown, and New York Universities and has served as a guest lecturer in the Stern MBA Luxury Marketing course. Daria earned her MBA from the Stern School of Business at New York University and a Bachelor of Arts in English Literature from the University of Michigan. In 2013, Daria was selected to participate in the UCLA W50 Women’s Executive Leadership Course. Biography / Electronic Press Kit Women, Money, Power and Leadership Girls and women are at the center of a profound paradigm Motivational Career Advice for The Next Generation of Women Leaders shift in the global landscape. The forces at play – globaliza- By 2020, 70% of the workforce will consist of millenni- tion, economic pressure and talent demands – are all converg- als. Now more than ever, strong female role models are es- ing to create new and meaningful opportunities for women to sential to ending the socialization of self-doubt in our girls advance. Daria Burke lends her voice to explore power and whileteaching them resilience and fearlessness. There is in- politics in the private sector, specifically, the ways in which deed room to be confident, competent and compassionate. women can hone their talents to position themselves as strategic Through personal career lessons, Daria helps young women contributors and problem solvers. Learning to navigate organi- develop tangible skills and strategies for negotiation, coali- zations, giving and receiving credit for action taken, and work- tion-building and influencing political processes. Daria is ing through crucial business and organizational challenges are invited to speak regularly at Harvard, Columbia, Brown and important steps in career development. By breaking down the New York Universities, sharing her motivational message of social science of leadership, Daria helps organizations and their risk-taking and building your own equity as you build your female employees understand the respective environment and resume. She uses her big sister tone to help young women behaviors to facilitate the advancement of women in leadership. realize their potential, reminding them that in business and in life, “Part of finding your voice comes from the very simple Luxury Marketing and Business Strategy practice of speaking.” Daria is a natural brand problem solver whose superpower is unleashing the potential of brands and the entrepreneurs that Entrepreneurship create them. With more than a dozen years of marketing As one of the ten founding employees of Rent the Runway, experience, Daria is an accomplished money-making mar- founder of Black MBA Women and her own luxury marketing keter who leverages her strategic business management ex- and business strategy consultancy, Burke Luxe Lab, Daria calls perience from L’Oreal, Estée Lauder and Rent the Runway herself an accidental entrepreneur. But these efforts have earned to help brands create compelling omni-channel consumer Daria invitations to speak firsthand about the experience of engagement strategies. In her career, Daria has achieved starting, launching, funding, marke ing, and building not top product rankings, created new revenue streams and led one, but two businesses. During her talks on entrepreneur- successful product launches. Daria often lends her exper- ship and early-stage start-up life, Daria will advise her tise in brand strategy and marketing to women to emerging audience on formulating a concept, financing a business, and established beauty, fashion, retail, and consumer-driven manufacturing and managing growth. She also speaks to companies Daria will share her talent and best practices in aspiring entrepreneurs about innovation in entrepreneur- developing winning products and brands and executing ship and how those with a social mission can bridge the successful marketing campaigns across broadcast, print and gap between profit and passion to achieve prosperity. online. Daria’s insight can influence even the best marketing teams to consider innovative solutions, identify opportunities, and develop winning strategic plans to drive growth. Speaking Topics / Electronic Press Kit Highlights “Daria’s keynote was both insightful and inspirational, setting the perfect tone for the remainder of our conference. Her remarks were informative, relevant to theaudience, and demonstrated her expertise. Daria’s willingness to tailor the presentation to our audience and interest in talking to attendees during the event was most appreciated. We were delighted to have her moderate one of our panels as well; her enthusiasm was wonderful and the audience was fully engaged. Our attendees’ feedback was nothing but positive, and I would absolutely recommend her to other groups!” Heather Krumpak Co-Founder & VP, School Partnerships MBA Focus Highlights / Electronic Press Kit APPEARANCES Harvard Business School 2015 Retail & Luxury Goods Conference Politico Women Rule 2014 Summit Ambassador Northwestern University Kellogg School of Management 2013 Black Management Association Conference: Finding Your Niche – Techniques for a Successful Entrepreneur AXA Advisors 2013 African American Summit Keynote: Innovation in Entrepreneurship Texas Christian University Neeley School of Business Career Course Lecture on Careers in Luxury Marketing Brand Management Bootcamp Lecture on Building Strong Brands 2013 Forte Foundation MBA Women’s Leadership Conference Panelist: Can Women Have it All? 2013 Harvard SVMP Program Kickoff Keynote: Finding Your Passion MBA Focus 2013 Connections Conference Keynote: Misalignment Between the Tenure of Newly Minted MBAs and the Companies that Hire Them Evisors Expert Webinar Presentation on Luxury Marketing/Brand Management, Online Lecture Brown University Women in Business Career Conversations Featured Speaker, 2010 and 2013 January 2013 Step Up Women’s Network Pathways to Professions Workshop Featured Speaker Columbia Business School 31st Annual Black Business Students’ Association Conference: Innovation in Entrepreneurship, 2012 Harvard Undergraduate Women 2012 Intercollegiate Business Conference Panelist: Creative Careers Columbia Women’s Business Society Conference Panelist: Entrepreneurship, 2011 Forte Foundation 2011 MBA Women’s Conference Harvard Business School 2010 Retail & Luxury Goods Conference Panelist Harvard Undergraduate Women 2010 Intercollegiate Business Conference Panelist New York University Stern School of Business Discover Stern Welcome Dinner Keynote, 2008, 2009, 2012 Appearances / Electronic Press Kit MEDIA [click image to watch] [click image to watch] Melissa Harris-Perry Show segment on Ban Conversations in the C-Suite with Pamela Bossy, women at work Edwards, CFO, Victoria’s Secret [click image to watch] [click image to listen] Kaplan Episode: Minority MBA: The Road Podcast interview for Accepted.com on her career Less Traveled journey Media / Electronic Press Kit BOOKING INFORMATION Contact Daria Burke Melanie Deck DCG Speakers Bureau Email: mdeck@dcgspeakers.com Phone: 404-793-0010 Please specify in subject of your email the nature of the speaking engagement or event. Booking Information / Electronic Press Kit
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