M A RY L A N D S U M M ER C E N T E R S FOR G I F T E D A N D TA L E N T E D STU DEN TS Visit www.marylandpublicschools.org/summercenters or contact the Program Manager bruce.riegel@maryland.gov Sponsored by the Maryland State Department of Education Financial Aid opportunities are available. M A RY L A N D S U M M ER C E N T E R S FOR G I F T E D A N D TA L E N T E D STU DEN TS Visit www.marylandpublicschools.org/summercenters or contact the Program Manager bruce.riegel@maryland.gov Sponsored by the Maryland State Department of Education Financial Aid opportunities are available M A RY L A N D S U M M ER C E N T E R S FOR G I F T E D A N D TA L E N T E D STU DEN TS Visit www.marylandpublicschools.org/summercenters or contact the Program Manager bruce.riegel@maryland.gov Sponsored by the Maryland State Department of Education Financial Aid opportunities are available M A RY L A N D S U M M ER C E N T E R S FOR G I F T E D A N D TA L E N T E D STU DEN TS Visit www.marylandpublicschools.org/summercenters or contact the Program Manager bruce.riegel@maryland.gov Sponsored by the Maryland State Department of Education Financial Aid opportunities are available. BECAUSE OF YOUR PARTICIPATION IN GIFTED AND TALENTED EDUCATION, YOU ARE INVITED TO APPLY TO THE MARYLAND SUMMER CENTERS FOR GIFTED AND TALENTED STUDENTS. •Study Ecosystems up close and personal! •Design a Space Mission • Solve a Mystery Analyzing DNA • Sing, Dance, Act, Play a Musical Instrument •Problem-Solve with Engineers and Physicists • Delve into the World of Robot Design •Write Poems, Stories, Articles •Create Objects while Learning Computer Programming Skills Application deadline – April 17 (Fine & Performing Arts at Salisbury University application deadline is April 10, Auditions Required) VISIT THE MARYLAND SUMMER CENTERS WEBSITE: www.marylandpublicschools.org/summercenters FOR COURSE OFFERINGS , SITES, Online Registration, AND A VIDEO. Minorities and persons with disabilities are encouraged to apply. Full or partial financial assistance is available! Spanish materials are available upon request. BECAUSE OF YOUR PARTICIPATION IN GIFTED AND TALENTED EDUCATION, YOU ARE INVITED TO APPLY TO THE MARYLAND SUMMER CENTERS FOR GIFTED AND TALENTED STUDENTS. •Study Ecosystems up close and personal! •Design a Space Mission • Solve a Mystery Analyzing DNA • Sing, Dance, Act, Play a Musical Instrument •Problem-Solve with Engineers and Physicists • Delve into the World of Robot Design •Write Poems, Stories, Articles •Create Objects while Learning Computer Programming Skills Application deadline – April 17 (Fine & Performing Arts at Salisbury University application deadline is April 10, Auditions Required) VISIT THE MARYLAND SUMMER CENTERS WEBSITE: www.marylandpublicschools.org/summercenters FOR COURSE OFFERINGS , SITES, Online Registration, AND A VIDEO. Minorities and persons with disabilities are encouraged to apply. Full or partial financial assistance is available! Spanish materials are available upon request. BECAUSE OF YOUR PARTICIPATION IN GIFTED AND TALENTED EDUCATION, YOU ARE INVITED TO APPLY TO THE MARYLAND SUMMER CENTERS FOR GIFTED AND TALENTED STUDENTS. •Study Ecosystems up close and personal! •Design a Space Mission • Solve a Mystery Analyzing DNA • Sing, Dance, Act, Play a Musical Instrument •Problem-Solve with Engineers and Physicists • Delve into the World of Robot Design •Write Poems, Stories, Articles •Create Objects while Learning Computer Programming Skills Application deadline – April 17 (Fine & Performing Arts at Salisbury University application deadline is April 10, Auditions Required) VISIT THE MARYLAND SUMMER CENTERS WEBSITE: www.marylandpublicschools.org/summercenters FOR COURSE OFFERINGS , SITES, Online Registration, AND A VIDEO. Minorities and persons with disabilities are encouraged to apply. Full or partial financial assistance is available! Spanish materials are available upon request. BECAUSE OF YOUR PARTICIPATION IN GIFTED AND TALENTED EDUCATION, YOU ARE INVITED TO APPLY TO THE MARYLAND SUMMER CENTERS FOR GIFTED AND TALENTED STUDENTS. •Study Ecosystems up close and personal! •Design a Space Mission • Solve a Mystery Analyzing DNA • Sing, Dance, Act, Play a Musical Instrument •Problem-Solve with Engineers and Physicists • Delve into the World of Robot Design •Write Poems, Stories, Articles •Create Objects while Learning Computer Programming Skills Application deadline – April 17 (Fine & Performing Arts at Salisbury University application deadline is April 10, Auditions Required) VISIT THE MARYLAND SUMMER CENTERS WEBSITE: www.marylandpublicschools.org/summercenters FOR COURSE OFFERINGS , SITES, Online Registration, AND A VIDEO. Minorities and persons with disabilities are encouraged to apply. Full or partial financial assistance is available! Spanish materials are available upon request.
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