Delaware City Schools Board of Education Meeting May 4, 2015 Regular Meeting District Technology Center 5:30 p.m. MISSION STATEMENT The Delaware City Schools will promote a culture of excellence that engages and empowers students and staff to embrace the challenges of our global society. We will build on our traditions, respect our diversity and partner for a strong community. 1.0 Opening 1.1 Call to Order and Roll Call _______ Mr. Backus _______ Ms. McDaniel-Browning _______ Mrs. O’Flaherty _______ Mrs. Rafeld _______ Mr. Weller _______ Mr. Lucas* *Student Board Member 1.2 Salute the Flag 1.3 Adoption of Agenda I recommend we adopt this agenda as presented. Moved by __________ seconded by __________ to adopt this agenda as presented. _______ Ms. McDaniel-Browning _______ Mrs. O’Flaherty _______ Mrs. Rafeld _______ Mr. Weller _______ Mr. Backus _______ Mr. Lucas* 5/4/2015 1 1.4 Approve Minutes With your agenda you have received the minutes of Monday, April 13, 2015, and Monday, April 20, 2015. Moved by __________ seconded by __________ to approve the minutes of Monday, April 13, 2015, and Monday, April 20, 2015, as presented. _______ Mrs. O’Flaherty _______ Mrs. Rafeld _______ Mr. Weller _______ Mr. Backus _______ Ms. McDaniel-Browning _______ Mr. Lucas* 1.5 2.0 Recognitions and Presentations A. Years of Service Award for Deb Rafeld – Kim Miller-Smith, OSBA B. Dempsey Middle School Update – Julie German Reports 2.1 Unions A. B. C. DCTA UE OAPSE 2.2 Legislative 2.3 Facilities A. Eagle Scout Project at Hayes High School 2.4 Financial 2.5 Superintendent 2.6 Board Requested 2.7 Other PUBLIC PARTICIPATION 5/4/2015 2 PUBLIC PARTICIPATION AT BOARD MEETINGS The Board of Education recognizes the value to school governance of public comment on educational issues and the importance of allowing members of the public to express themselves on school matters of community interest. Any person or group wishing to place an item on the agenda shall register their intent with the Superintendent no later than ten (10) days prior to the meeting and include: A. B. C. Name and address of the participant; Group affiliation, if and when appropriate; Topic to be addressed. Such requests shall be subject to the approval of the Superintendent and the Board President. In order to permit the fair and orderly expression of such comment, the Board shall provide a period for public participation at every regular meeting of the Board and publish rules to govern such participation in Board meetings. The presiding officer of each Board meeting at which public participation is permitted shall administer the rules of the Board for its conduct. The presiding officer shall be guided by the following rules: A. Public participation shall be permitted. B. Anyone having a legitimate interest in the actions of the Board may participate during the public portion of a meeting. C. Attendees must register their intention to participate in the public portion of the meeting upon their arrival at the meeting. D. Participants must be recognized by the presiding officer and will be requested to preface their comments by an announcement of their name, address, and group affiliation, if and when appropriate. E. Each statement made by a participant shall be limited to five (5) minutes duration, unless extended by the presiding officer. F. No participant may speak more than once on the same topic unless all others who wish to speak on that topic have been heard. G. All statements shall be directed to the presiding officer; no person may address or question Board members individually. H. Tape or video recordings are permitted. The person operating the recorder should contact the Superintendent prior to the Board meeting to review possible placement of the equipment, and must agree to abide by the following conditions: I. J. 1. No obstructions are created between the Board and the audience. 2. No interviews are conducted in the meeting room while the Board is in session. 3. No commentary, adjustment of equipment, or positioning of operators is made that would distract either the Board or members of the audience or disrupt the meeting while the Board is in session. The presiding officer may: 1. Interrupt, warn, or terminate a participant’s statement when the statement is too lengthy, personally directed, abusive, obscene, or irrelevant; 2. Request any individual to leave the meeting when that person does not observe reasonable decorum; 3. Request the assistance of law enforcement officers in the removal of a disorderly person when that person’s conduct interferes with the orderly progress of the meeting; 4. Call for a recess or an adjournment to another time when the lack of public decorum so interferes with the orderly conduct of the meeting as to warrant such action. The portion of the meeting during which the participation of the public is invited shall be limited to thirty (30) unless extended by a vote of the Board. R.C. 3313.20 - Revised 6/9/03 5/4/2015 3 3.0 Consent Agenda 3.1 Pupils A. Approve Membership in Ohio High School Athletic Association I recommend the Board approve membership in the Ohio High School Athletic Association for the 2015-2016 school year as presented. B. Approve Class of 2015 I recommend the Board approve the following Class of 2015 graduates, pending completion of all graduation requirements: D'Shawn Anthoney Karl Almanson David James Hughes Julia L. Petry Isobel Sue Alsup Jonathan Daniel Hunsaker Tessa Renee Pijanowski Ausia Lindsey Anderson Anna Shepheard Hurley Samantha K. Piroska Nick M. Anello Judson David Huston Chad M. Pisano Tiarra Avant Josef Andrew Hutchinson Austin Porter Megan Ayscue Khalil D. Iverson Elysse D. Primel Austin Ryan Backus Cherinor H. Jalloh Kourtney K. Pugh Darci Baker Kateri N. Jaynes Baylee K. Pupa Brandon M. Baker Olivia S. Johnson DeAnn Lee Radcliff Angelica Bame Armani Lyn Johnson Elizabeth Radcliff Sirya Lamel Banks Sarah A. Jones Martin J. Raidel Avery Bauman Tristan Jones Gage Mathew S. Ramsey Noël Macalove Beyer-Hermsen Hannah Marie Christine Lixiu Joseph Tiffany D. Redick Emily Grace Bingham Hogan David Judson Nicholas Reed Siobhan Blanche Bivens Taylor A. Kaiser Zachary Alexander Reid Samantha Elizabeth Blair Alexander Kendrick Tristan Lance Renner Jayme Jo Blue Shawn Michael Kendrick Lamar Malik Rhymes Brittany N. Bogan Andrew James Thomas Kennedy Reagan M. Rice Arin Bollinger John P. Ketteman Erik Richards Ernest O. Bonsu Morgan Ccilia Kiehl Brandon M. Rick Dominique R. Borham Austen M. Kimbro Regan Ann Riedmiller Gretchen Ambrose Bowling Jessica Lorena Kinney Nicholas Riley Sarah Jacqueline Bowman Maricia Lyn Kinsway Skyler Eugene Roar Dijuani Brajé Brewer Nathaniel David Koehler Aaron L. Robinson Zackary Andrew Brockett Daniel Zoltan Kovacs Gabriel Angel Rodriguez Madison Paige Brown Rebecca Tremayne Kovatch Paulette Rucker Jacob Alan Brown Kirsten Renee Kurtz Sadie E. Rupp Chelsey Brown Erika Noelle Kusche Angela L. Rush Joshua Daniel Buck Brandon Scott Ladd James William Russell Sydnee M. Buckley Christopher A. Ladd Shane Michael Sand Matthew James Burke Lajos Lakatos Danielle Rae Sands Skyler A. Buschman Colleen Lynn Langley Joseph Ryan Sanfillipo Alexis Nicole Butler Jordan Lanham Alexandria Madison Sarna 5/4/2015 4 Joseph Michael Button Timmothy Storm Lantz Alyssa Savage Brandon C. Calendine Andrea Jordan Larsen Jason R. Saxby Sidney Campbell Madison Blaine Laskowski Isaiah R. Saxon Michael David Carman James Rudolph Latham Jr. Braden N. Schmidt Hailee Carney Naomi Catherine Latta Natalie Bryn Schulte Addison Wesley Carter Michael David Laughlin Taylor Schurr Benjamin Adam Cerda Amanda Ann Ledbetter Jacob T. Schwartz Hanna Chapman Harrison Evans Lee Joseph Thomas Scott Nicholas A. Childers Laura K. Lenhart Emily Brianne Shearer Allison Nicole Clark Brian Lewis Jr. Levi A. Shears John P. Clark Kassady Lynne Lewis Paige Renée Shively Taylor A. Cline-Morgan Zach Jordan Liggins Andrea P. Shrewsbery Dylan Joseph Cochran Ashley N. Lilly Elisha Leigh Shumaker Mercedes Renee Colby Jeremy Lindsey Steven Joseph Sipe Hannah E. Cook Ian Michael Lipps Sydnie N. M. Skatzes Elina P. W. Coss Lachlan Sinclair Lipscomb Walter James Slaughter Adam Couts Derek Walter Louck Chayse Michael Smielewski Robert Daniel Craun Wilbert Lyles Abby M. Smith Andrew G. Curcillo James M. Mackey Alexander Lyter Smith Samantha Mae Curtin Conner Jarod Marcheskie Tristan L. Smith Joshua M. Daughenbaugh Loghan Alexis Martin Zara Rose Soliday Jade Nicole Daugherty Natalie Marie Martin Kristina Sponseller Hunter Leland Davenport Victoria T. Mason Elizabeth Stansbury Joshua Christian Davis Brandon T. McConaha Promise Evan Stark Danté D. Davis Christian Spencer Mccowie Joshua Starks Michaela Marie Dean Christopher Leighton McDonald Elyssa Nicole Steele Janis Avalon Deeter Tori Ashlyn McGinnis Gina Stepp Mitchell Daulton Lucas Maddison Aubrey McGothlin Nathan Patrick Stewart Noah M. DeWitt Michelle Angela McKenzie Kelly S. Stokes Justin G. DeWitt Bryanna Rose McKenzie Taylor M. Stover Bruno Walter Dials Kelly Marie McQuigg Emily Anne Suiter Brooke Shae Dorsey Brody McWherter Courtney Nichole Suon Kendall Dorsey Colton Thomas Meadows Kaylee J. Swartz Alex C. Dugasz Jane Catherine Mercer Taryn Elizabeth Sweeney Hayden Ryan Dunlap Graham M. Mergler Mariah Elizabeth Swisher Victoria Renee Dvorak Cera E. Merryman Kayla Eileen Taglione Jacob Daniel Eley Jocelyn Louise Metzger Brienna Nicole Thomas Matthew Austin England Maya Mickens Taylor Thompson Kelly Mayte Estrada Cortez Abigail Lee Miles Raqueal Denise Toran Martha Evans Allison R. Milewsky Evan G. Urrutia Misty Fields Nathaniel J. Miller Angelika Velalis Cody James Fisher Kimberly Nicole Miller Baltazar Vicente Jayde Marie Fisher Catelyn Elizabeth Millet Anna Raye Volkman Haley Marie Foster Rekiya Mitchell Kaitlyn Michelle Waddell Austin A. Freeman Daniel T. Mitchell Brandon Michael Wade Grace Frances Fuchs Thomas Ryan Moeger Antonio S. Walker 5/4/2015 5 Grant Gannon Willow Wren Mae Mollenkopf Dylan C. Walsh Gabrielle A. Garceau Noble A. Moore Gregory Scott Wandling, Jr. Summer Raine Geissman Nathalie P. Moorman Collin J. Ward Daniel David Ghenco Nathan A. Morit Kieler Joseph Ward Benjamin Gibbs Austin N. Morit Corey Watkins Bridget Jeanne Goble Tessa Lynn Moyer Alexys S. Webb Abigail Jane Daragona-Gore Conner Ryan Murphy Lillian Weber Alexis Christian Graffice Alexis Nichole Mussetter Anna Welch Joseph M. Grani Vaughn Ryan Lee Myers Alyssa Nicole Wheeler Lydia Reece Gray Tim Napier Andrew M. Williams Elizabeth Lea Gray Kirsten Alexis Needles Shyanne C. Williams Alberto Guijosa Jordan M. Neeper Jordan Nichole Willis Thomas Michael Gunnoe Caitlin Mae Newman Kyle Edward Willis Eric M. Haapapuro Tori Eileen Newman Keera S. Wilmoth Alexis M. Hackbarth Callie Rose Nicholson Sonata Skye Wilson Cole Isaiah Haferman Rachel Nicodemus Terryes S. Wingfield Kaitlyn Paige Hall Mason Alexander Nicol Ashley Nicole Wittibslager Brittney Elizabeth Hanks Devin Kailey Noecker James Daniel Woods Jr. Sydney Taylor Hanula Kevin Nyatsi Robert W. Woods III Calvin Cody Harts Jurgen Nyatsi Sage Alexander LaRue Wood Sarah Nicole Heber Dawn Rae O'Hair Alexis Renee Woody Jordan Hecker Mia Y. O'Keefe Lydia Elizabeth Ann Woody Christian Cole Henry Dillan M. Oller Christian L. Wornstaff Patrick Heuss Jordan Lee Ann Osborne Christopher D. Wooten Macie Celeste Hewitt Amber B. Otten Alissa Wright Jenahves Elliot Hodge Arden L. Palmquist Crystal Bree Wright Alysha Hogle Jeffrey Tai Parker Michael Wyrick Kyle Kane Holden Krisna M. Patel Gregory James Yant Brandon T. Holloway Bryant T. Perkins Rachel L. Yates Zachary A. House Katherine Rebecca Perry Tyson Reed Yeager Robert R. Howard III Steven Michael Perry Shawn Yost Kyle D. Hsu Matthew Aaron Persinger Natalie H. Young Erin Kathleen Hughes Christian Peters Sarah Zeller 5/4/2015 6 3.2 Curriculum and Instruction 3.3 Personnel A. Accept Resignations 1. Teachers I recommend the Board accept the resignation of the following individuals as teachers: Amy George Woodward Effective at the end of the current contract year Shawn Gray Hayes Effective at the end of the current contract year 2. Custodian I recommend the Board accept the resignation of the following individual as a custodian: Masen McInnis B. Effective March 20, 2015 Approve Employments 1. Substitute Nurse I recommend the Board employ the following individual as a substitute nurse at the per diem rate established: Sally Selmek C. Approve Contracts for Certified Employees I recommend the Board approve the following Certified contracts: Continuing Contract Suzan Bowe Katherine Heinonen Elizabeth Kelly Jenny Nicely Jessica Scott Elisabeth Shirring One Year Contract Kelsey Bagley Emily Banaszak Kaitlyn Bibens Megan Burwinkel Joshua Caslow Tracey Codding Brian Coleman 5/4/2015 Jacob Shafer Margaret Stanton Keith Tankersley Danielle Viars Alexa von der Embse Kelly Wagner Moriah Weber Samuel Young Two Year Contract Stacey Ash Jenny Ault Lauren Bastel James Bibler Charles Bleakmore Marissa Borruso Karen Hembree Lisa Hess Melissa Hoffman Katherine Horner Rebecca Houts Lyndsey Hunter Lauren Keeran Catherine Keller Jonathan Kelley Stephanie Kelly Nicole Kessler Jane Kovatch Leslie Kress Luke Krohn Matthew Kruthaup Joshua Lamb Mark Rieman Melissa Ruen Darcy Ruffin Rebecca Saunders Katherine Scocozzo Laura Sidol Laura Smith Allison Stelzer Betsy Tefend Sarah Thrush Jennifer Tilden Cynthia Vaught Tiffany Vroegop Amy Waldron Chad Wanner Megan Watson 7 Sarah DeLong Denise Flahive Cari Floehr Heidi Gatton Michael Golden Brandi Haines Eric Heminger Chelsea Hood Mary Kate Kohlhas Rachel Kraft Rachel LaRue Bret Level Laura Linden Tamra Londot Amy Lower Raynard Martin Alyssa Mills Amanda Morman Michelle Oberfield Alicia Plowman Gina Puleo Jessica Reed Lauren Ruple D. Anne Brandyberry Andrew Branham Jessica Braun Michelle Brockett Emily Brown Erika Brown Stephanie Buckingham Kristen Campbell Theresa Carlson Philip Carr Alli Cochran Jennifer Codrea Adam Cramer Meredith Crider Kimberly Ebert Lynette Ellerbrock-Bendele Whitney Farrell Leslie Friedrich Laura Frisch Samantha Ginter Katie Gries Maria Hall Melanie Harry Michelle Leasure Joshua Lee Terry Lenhart Kate Loker Marta Long-Erickson Heather Lowry Douglas Manley Caitlin McGrew Peter Minardi Kelly Montee Patrick Montgomery Amy Mosley Crystal Myers Mark Naegele Julia Niley Lisa Nye Sean Patrick Lisa Pulsifer Angela Raquepaw Rolf Remlinger Kristen Reynolds Dawn Riedlinger Kevin Rieman Nathan Weakland William Wion Approve Supplemental Contracts for the 2014-2015 School Year I recommend the Board approve the following supplemental contract for the 2014-2015 school year: E. Name Position Building Salary Corneilus Holmes Clayton Whitaker Reserve Baseball Coach Reserve Boys Volleyball Hayes Hayes $2,364.32 $3,152.42 Approve Summer Crew 2015 I recommend the Board employ according to Board approved policy and wage schedules the following individuals to work on the Summer 2015 crew: Lisa Harmon Don Shannon Kimberly Long Kenton Ulmer Jordan Nicol Blake Lehman Michael Duffy Blair Ramsey Anthony Sanfillipo Brenna Toth Connor Ulmer Brittany Puthoff 5/4/2015 Crew Leader Assistant Crew Leader Crew Member Crew Member Crew Member Crew Member Crew Member Crew Member Crew Member Crew Member Crew Member Crew member $12.30/hour $11.02/hour $9.16/hour $8.65/hour $8.50/hour $8.42/hour $8.42/hour $8.42/hour $8.42/hour $8.42/hour $8.42/hour $8.25/hour 8 3.4 Financial A. Approve Financial Report I recommend the Board approve the financial report of March 31, 2015, as presented. B. Approve Financial Institution to act as Public Depository I recommend the Board approve PNC Bank as an additional financial institution to act as a public depository for interim and active funds for the period of May 1, 2015, through August 22, 2017, per Ohio Revised Code 136.12D. 3.5 Other A. Accept Donations I recommend the Board accept the following donations: 1. Emerson Network Power - $4,800 to support student programs at Dempsey Middle school 2. Kiwanis Club - $150 towards the Pen Pal Program party in partnership with Amber Bauer’s 5th grade students and the Council for Older Adults 3. Hiram Masonic Lodge No. 18 F&AM - $500 to Hayes JROTC for Competition trip to Daytona Beach, Florida 4. VFW Reed-Miller Post No. 3297 - $750 to Hayes JROTC for Competition Trip to Daytona Beach, Florida 5. VVA Chapter 1095 - $200 to Hayes JROTC for Competition Trip to Daytona Beach, Florida 6. American Legion Post No. 115 - $500 to Hayes JROTC for Competition Trip to Daytona Beach, Florida 7. Paul Craft - $100 to Hayes JROTC for Competition Trip to Daytona Beach, Florida CONSENT ACTION: Moved by __________ seconded by __________ to approve all of the consent items as presented. _______ Mrs. Rafeld _______ Mr. Weller _______ Mr. Backus 5/4/2015 9 _______ Ms. McDaniel-Browning _______ Mrs. O’Flaherty _______ Mr. Lucas* 4.0 Discussion 4.1 5/4/2015 Review Board Policy Vol. 32, No. 2 Bylaw 0131.1 New/Revised Technical Corrections Bylaw 0157 New/Revised Appointment to Joint Vocational School District Bylaw 0166 New/Revised Executive Session Policy 1422 Revised Nondiscrimination and Equal Employment Opportunity Policy 1619.02 New/Yes Privacy Protections of Fully Insured Group Health Plans Policy 2260 Revised Nondiscrimination and Access to Equal Educational Opportunity Policy 2260.01 Revised Section 504/ADA Prohibition Against Discrimination Based on Disability Policy 3122 Revised Nondiscrimination and Equal Employment Opportunity - Professioal Staff Policy 3123 Revised Section 504/ADA Prohibition Against Disability Discrimination in Employment – Professional Staff Policy 3419.02 Revised Privacy Protections of Fully Insured Group Health Plans Professional Staff Policy 4122 Revised Nondiscrimination and Equal Employment Opportunity - Classified Staff Policy 4123 Revised Section 504/ADA Prohibition Against Disability Discrimination in Employment – Classified Staff Policy 4419.02 Revised Privacy Protections of Fully Insured Group Health Plans Classified Staff Policy 8210 Revised School Calendar 10 5.0 Action Items 5.1 Approve Waiving of 45 Day Notification Period for a TIF I recommend the Board waives its right to a 45 day notice of the CRA Agreement to be entered into between the City of Delaware and Precision Tower Products. Moved by ____________ seconded by__________ to waive the Board’s right to a 45 day notice of the CRA Agreement to be entered into between the City of Delaware and Precision Tower Products _______ Mr. Weller _______ Mr. Backus _______ Ms. McDaniel-Browning _______ Mrs. O’Flaherty _______ Mrs. Rafeld _______ Mr. Lucas* 5.2 Approve Resolution for Smith Roof Replacement Work I recommend the Board approve the Resolution for the replacement of the Smith Elementary School roof over Areas A, B, C, D and F and other related roofing work by Tremco, Inc., for a total project cost not to exceed $224,850 as presented. Funding will come from district permanent improvement funds designated for roof maintenance, repair and replacement. Moved by ____________ Seconded by ____________ to approve the Resolution for the replacement of the Smith Elementary School roof over Areas A, B, C, D and F and other related roofing work by Tremco, Inc., for a total project cost not to exceed $224,850 as presented. Funding will come from district permanent improvement funds designated for roof maintenance, repair and replacement. _______ Mr. Backus _______ Ms. McDaniel-Browning _______ Mrs. O’Flaherty _______ Mrs. Rafeld _______ Mr. Weller _______ Mr. Lucas* 5.3 Award and Approve Asbestos Hazard Abatement & Related Work at Carlisle I recommend the Board award and approve Gandee & Associates, Inc., letter of recommendation, as offered, and to award the project known as “Asbestos Hazard Abatement & Related Work at Carlisle E.S. and three houses”, to Lepi Enterprises, Inc., as the lowest responsive bidder for the work, as offered at the Public Bid by Board Action on April 20, 2015 (Ref. Bid Tabulation Sheet dated April 30, 2015) 5/4/2015 11 Bid as offered with Alternate listed below: Project Bid Amount Alternate A Amount = $32,971.00 = $ 2,000.00 Total Abatement Cost = $34,971.00 I further recommend the Board authorize and approve Delaware City Schools to enter into a contractual agreement with Lepi Enterprises, Inc., for the project cost of $34,971.00 with the use of Gandee & Associates, Inc., to design and administer for compliance to current regulations with EPA (Ohio & USA) and OSHA and project inspection services. Moved by ____________ seconded by ____________ to award and approve Gandee & Associates, Inc., letter of recommendation, as offered, and to award the project known as “Asbestos Hazard Abatement & Related Work at Carlisle E.S. and three houses”, to Lepi Enterprises, Inc., as the lowest responsive bidder for the work, as offered at the Public Bid by Board Action on April 20, 2015 (Ref. Bid Tabulation Sheet dated April 30, 2015) Bid as offered with Alternate listed below: Project Bid Amount Alternate A Amount = $32,971.00 = $ 2,000.00 Total Abatement Cost = $34,971.00 The Board further authorizes and approves Delaware City Schools to enter into a contractual agreement with Lepi Enterprises, Inc., for the project cost of $34,971.00 with the use of Gandee & Associates, Inc., to design and administer for compliance to current regulations with EPA (Ohio & USA) and OSHA and project inspection services. _______ Ms. McDaniel-Browning _______ Mrs. O’Flaherty _______ Mrs. Rafeld _______ Mr. Weller _______ Mr. Backus _______ Mr. Lucas* 6.0 Superintendent’s Comments 7.0 Board Comments 8.0 Calendar: 5/6 5/18 5/23 5/25 5/28 5/4/2015 Retirement & Years of Service Reception Board Meeting – 5:30 Graduation Memorial Day – NO SCHOOL Last Day for Students 12 9.0 Adjournment 9.1 I recommend this meeting be adjourned. Moved by __________ seconded by __________ to adjourn this meeting. _______ Mrs. O’Flaherty _______ Mrs. Rafeld _______ Mr. Weller _______ Mr. Backus _______ Ms. McDaniel-Browning _______ Mr. Lucas* 5/4/2015 13
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