DELHI DEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY Modified Request for Proposal for ‘Information and Communication Technology enabled services for processing of land pooling applications till issuance of occupancy certificate’ 24 April 2015 1 Modified Request for proposal for Information and Communication Technology enabled services for processing of land pooling applications till issuance of occupancy certificate Disclaimer 1. Though adequate care has been taken in preparation of this Request for Proposal (RFP) document, bidders submitting the proposals in response should satisfy itself that the information provided in this document is complete in all respects. 2. Delhi Development Authority (DDA), Government of India does not make any representation or warranty as to the accuracy, reliability or completeness of the information in this document. 3. Neither DDA nor its employees will have any liability to any prospective Advisory Company/ Firm or any other person under the law of contract, tort, the principles of restitution or unjust enrichment or otherwise for any loss, expense or damage which may arise from or be incurred or suffered in connection with anything contained in this document, any matter deemed to form part of this document, the award of the assignment, information or any other information supplied by or on behalf of DDA or their employees, to any advisor or otherwise arising in any way from the selection process for the assignment. 4. DDA reserves the right to withhold or withdraw the process at any stage with intimation to all who submitted the proposal. 5. DDA reserves the right, without any obligation or liability, to accept or reject any or all the bids at any stage of the process, to cancel or modify the process or change/ modify/ amend any or all provisions of this document, at any time, without assigning any reason whatsoever. 2 Modified Request for proposal for Information and Communication Technology enabled services for processing of land pooling applications till issuance of occupancy certificate Abbreviations and definitions DDA ICT IT RFP MPD ZDP Assignment Delhi Development Authority Information and Communication Technology Information Technology Request for Proposal Master Plan of Delhi Zonal Development Plan Services rendered by consultancy firm to DDA for Information and Communication Technology enabled services for processing of land pooling applications till issuance of occupancy certificate Applicant/ firm/company/agency having experience in solution development Bidder/Consultancy and/or product customization, integration, capacity building and firm implementation support as Total Solution Provider (TSP) for processing for the land pooling applications through ICT enabled services DE Developer Entity (DE) means an individual land owner or a group of land owners voluntarily agreeing to participate in land pooling pursuant to an agreement. 3 Modified Request for proposal for Information and Communication Technology enabled services for processing of land pooling applications till issuance of occupancy certificate Table of Contents Chapter 1: CONTEXT ……………..…………….…………………………………………. 5 1.1 BACKGROUND………………………………….................................……………….. 5 1.2 SCHEDULE FOR SUBMISSION OF THE PROPOSAL……………………………….6 Chapter 2: ELIGIBILITY CRITERIA.…………….………………………..…………………7 2.1 TECHNICAL CRITERIA………………...............................……………………………7 2.2 FINANCIAL CRITERIA ……………………………………………………………………8 2.3 SECURITY CRITERIA …………………………………………………………………….8 2.4 SYSTEM SOFTWARE CRITERIA……………………………………………………….9 2.5AUTOMATION OF MPD PLANNING NORMS AND BUILDING BYE-LAWS……….10 2.6PROFESSIONAL CRITERIA……………………………………………………………..10 Chapter 3: EVALUATION OF BIDS …..........................................................................12 3.1 STAGE I- TECHNICAL EVALUATION………………………………….…...................12 3.2 STAGE II- FINANCIAL EVALUATION……………………………….….......................13 Chapter 4: SCOPE OF WORK …...................................................................................14 Chapter 5: OTHER BIDDING TERMS……………………...............................................18 5.1 GENERAL TERMS & CONDITIONS ……………………………………………...........18 5.2 PREPARATION AND SUBMISSION OF PROPOSAL. ............................................18 5.3 CORRUPT OR FRAUDULENT PRACTICES ……………………………...…............18 5.4 PERFORMANCE SECURITY …………………………………………………………...19 Chapter6: TECHNICAL PROPOSAL - STANDARD FORMS…....................................20 Chapter7: FINANCIAL PROPOSAL FORMAT.............................................................26 4 Modified Request for proposal for Information and Communication Technology enabled services for processing of land pooling applications till issuance of occupancy certificate Chapter 1: Context 1.1 Background 1.1.1 The Master Plan of Delhi 2021 (MPD) has proposed a new approach to development of the proposed urbanisable areas in Delhi. In order to optimally utilize all available resources, public and private, in land assembly, infrastructure development and housing, a new approach of land aggregation based on Land Pooling and owner’s participation has been formulated as an alternative to traditional, large scale land acquisition and development by the Government. 1.1.2 The Delhi Development Authority (DDA) has been mandated to undertake the urbanization of an area of about 20,000-24,000 ha. which will accommodate a population of 5mn, through the land pooling policy as per the Master Plan of Delhi 2021 (MPD). The policy has been notified vide S.O. 2687 (E) dt. 5th September 2013 and will be applicable in the planning zones K-I, L, N and P-II, for which zonal development plans (ZDP) have been approved. The details of the land pooling policy can be accessed at the DDA website. 1.1.3 Under this Policy, the private sector would be responsible for voluntary assembly of land which they would make available to DDA for reconstitution based on the Master Plan and ZDP. Once DDA hands back the private land owners / developers their share of the original land in reconstituted form, the latter would undertake internal planning, development of internal infrastructure and housing and other facilities as per the MPD and respective ZDP. 1.1.4 DDA will be responsible for overall planning and reconstitution of land parcels, development of Master Plan level infrastructure in a time bound manner, acquisition of left out land pockets necessary for contiguous development, and overall facilitation to encourage the participation of the private sector. 1.1.5 Preparations are in the final stages to launch and operationalise this policy through regulations. These regulations elaborate the procedure for scrutiny, examination and processing of land pooling applications as per planning and design criteria with other essentials of land pooling. DDA is envisaging Single Window System to encourage expeditious implementation of the policy. 1.1.6 In compliance to e-governance, DDA is envisaging to deliver services to citizens in a convenient, efficient and transparent manner. DDA wants to appoint reputed registered consultancy firm/company/agency having experience in solution development and/or product customization, integration, capacity building and implementation support as Total Solution Provider (TSP) for processing for the land pooling applications through ICT enabled services. 1.1.6 ICT enabled services shall take care of online applications and initimation of status of application on all the stages formulated in the scope of work through sms and emails. This shall not only streamline the entire process of pooling through 5 Modified Request for proposal for Information and Communication Technology enabled services for processing of land pooling applications till issuance of occupancy certificate record management but also shall quicken it in time bound manner. Accordingly, this Request for Proposal (RFP) is issued to select a consultancy firm. 1.1.7 The Consultancy firm is not envisaged to be involved in procurement of goods and services for specific projects, including the ones emanating from the land pooling program. 1.1.8 The Consultancy firm and/ or any of its affiliates will not be allowed to participate in the downstream opportunities. 1.2 Schedule for submission of the Proposal Release of this RFP (available on DDA website) 05 March 2015 Deadline for submission of queries in this RFP 1700 Hours on 06.04.2015 online at lpcdda@gmail.commentioning your name, address, phone no, subject and query in clarity or call at 011-23378288, Extn. 383. Pre-bid meeting at the Chamber of 1500 Hours on 16.04.2015 Commissioner (LD), 4th Floor, ‘B’ Block, Vikas Sadan, INA, New Delhi-110023 Deadline for Proposal submission in hard copy 1500 Hours on 06.05.2015 format at the office of Commissioner (LD), 4th Floor, ‘B’ Block, Vikas Sadan, INA, New Delhi110023. Opening of Technical Bid at the Chamber of 1530 Hours on 06.05.2015 Commissioner (LD), 4th Floor, ‘B’ Block, Vikas Sadan, INA, New Delhi-110023. 6 Modified Request for proposal for Information and Communication Technology enabled services for processing of land pooling applications till issuance of occupancy certificate Chapter 2: Eligibility Criteria To be eligible for evaluation of its proposal, the applicant should fulfill all of the following conditions: 2.1 Technical Criteria The applicant should have experience of providing ICT enabled services to a Government Authority/ Public sector organization in at least 10 projects for introducing and maintaining online procedures preferably in the field of urban planning and design development. The applicant should provide documentary proof of each completed project in the form of a certificate from client. For the purpose of evaluation, the ICT enabled consultancy services shall mean; solution development and/or product customization, integration, capacity building and implementation support as Total Solution Provider (TSP) for efficacious implementation of the policy including following: Registered under the Indian Companies Act and/or a premier Governmental, semigovernmental, autonomous and/or corporate body involved in the research and developmental activities concerning development of software. Build capacity within the organization for the smooth adoption of ICT enabled service delivery to the citizens including change management The system adopted shall help in attaining the e-Governance by supplying all electronic versions of the documents and in standardizing the building drawing plan process reducing occurrence of manual errors during scrutiny. Automation of the processes, approvals, feedbacks, report generation, standardization and transparency. The system adopted shall speed up the procedure of receiving, scrutiny, examination and processing of land pooling applications. Bidder should have a valid ISO 9001-2008 certification. The information of the pending application at each stage will be available through the system. Software Solution Proposed should have been implemented in atleast 1 Local Body/ Authority/ PSU for at least 1 year. Purchase/Work order for the same have to be submitted in support. At least 100 building Plan approval has been processed using the software at various locations or shall have handled an area of more than 50 Ha in a city in India. Completion certificate for the awarded project to be submitted from atleast one organization. Integrate the entire organizational workflows from beginning to the final dispatch/issue of occupancy certificate across the zones with the effective use of ICT for better service delivery to the citizens Refine and define the processes to make the service delivery simple and convenient to the citizen and to all stakeholders in the system 7 Modified Request for proposal for Information and Communication Technology enabled services for processing of land pooling applications till issuance of occupancy certificate 2.2 The system should automatically scrutinize at the layout plan level and building plan approval stage, building and layout plans and generate tables like land return, area statement, FAR table per building, summary of FAR calculations, opening schedules, water/parking calculations, triangulation area for plot, area block diagram with dimension, required margin regions, coverage per building etc The system should identify the master plan/zonal plan/sector plan land uses, location and verified them against the details available in the GIS system. Maintain the solution for a period of one year post handholding stage with a core team of technical and operational staff as a mix of on-site and off-site support model Maintain confidentiality of the vital information so received during the process. Bidder shall enclose copies of work orders/ purchase order/ certificates/ agreements from clients in support. Project without proof of experience shall not be considered for evaluation. Financial Criteria The Bidder should have had a minimum average annual turnover of Rs. 2 crores (Two Crores) during the last 3 financial years as evidenced by the relevant financial statements and audited accounts of the company. For avoidance of doubt, the professional fees hereinafter refer to fees received by the applicant for providing consultancy services full time/ equivalent projects to its clients. In the case of a Consortium, the Lead member for the Consortium is required to meet the above condition. The Consortium will be allowed to form as a Special Purpose Vehicle (SPV) where the minimum holding of the lead partner should be 51%. 2.3 Security Criteria The system should be able to Define Roles for all users in the workflow The system should be able to Define rights to the application features for each of the roles The system should be able to provide log for Time and user stamping of each usage The system should be able to prevent unauthorized access to servers and network log should be maintained for all the transactions handled The System should provide an end-to-end security model that protects data. Security systems should be commensurate with the overall sensitivity of the database and contents Audit trail will be monitored. The system should have controls incorporated in to ensure that the databases are not tampered/ altered/ modified/ deleted, except updating the records Users should be allotted login user-id and password to fix up accountability for transactions carried out. 8 Modified Request for proposal for Information and Communication Technology enabled services for processing of land pooling applications till issuance of occupancy certificate 2.4 The system should support digital Signatures to make the document and certificates authentic. Various Database level Security provisions should be implemented. The system should ensure security of the Plans approved by authorities used by the system. This will include storing approved files which will be non-editable, storing the approval information in database in secured manner Security system to prevent activities like hacking in the Database should be suggested System Software Criteria The Bidder should be O.E.M. or Authorized Dealer /Implementation partner of Software Product proposed for this project. The software should have its own MIS report generation and to be integrated with master MIS dashboard. The existing report system of DDA building department has to be studied and modified if necessary The system should be able to Incorporate the sanctioning order including the relevant application numbers, date in the soft copy itself after the plan is sanctioned which is full proof and shall not be able to be tampered or altered by any body The system should be able to create a comprehensive decision support system based on transaction date. The software shall read the soft copies of the drawings submitted in a standard sized format which consultancy firm shall educate applicants with and validate it for DDA requirements. If the proposals in the drawings are not as per permissible rules and regulations, the software shall indicate the errors and give a report for rectification The software shall be web based and shall be used concurrently in as many locations at which accessed. The software shall be web enabled and built on 3 tier internet and shall be accessible to all official locations over a Broadband/VPN/ Lease Line connection The software architecture shall allow clustering to ensure scalability as the usage of system keeps increasing over time. The DDA shall reserve the right to deploy additional servers on an as-required basis Some data as desired by the DDA shall also be accessible to citizens directly through internet An on-line help module should be available which shall provide detailed help for each process/report of the Application The proposals should be acknowledged from Clients and site visit dates and further approval schedule is to be given to the DE/architects/client on the spot. An SMS/EMAIL may also to be sent to architect and concerned Field staff. If there is any cancellation on site visit they may be informed through SMS to avoid unnecessary wastage of time. 9 Modified Request for proposal for Information and Communication Technology enabled services for processing of land pooling applications till issuance of occupancy certificate 2.5 Automation of MPD-2021planning norms and Building Bye Laws 2.6 The acknowledgment letters, approval letters, deviation or the rejection letters should be system generated The approval workflow should be as per the work flow being followed by DDA hierarchy and workflow rules should be flexible enough to change as desired Related MIS and exceptional reports should be developed based on the plans passed, Pending proposals, Delayed approvals and revenue generated, etc. as per DDA requirement The applicant’s/architect’s/ client plan in soft copy in Autocad(R)should be mapped with the planning norms of MPD-2021 and unified building byelaws Module/utility should be developed and provided for the Architects for preparation of plan as per the requirement of the software. This utility could be an online resource available to Architects accessible through authentication. An automated scrutiny report indicating the required / permissible parameters and the proposed parameters should be evaluated by this module/utility. These reports are later sent to higher authorities for approval and to make the approval status available online. The client/ Architect should be able to review the status of approval online. There should be uniformity in approval process throughout DDA with proper status tracking of the proposals Architect/ client’s line drawing in software should be read andarea calculation sheet is to be system generated to eliminate the human errors. An automated scrutiny report indicating the required/permissible parameters and the proposed parameters is to be tabled including status of each rule whether passed or failed. There should be system generated list highlighting the entities on which the plan is failing, thereby enabling the authorities to prepare objection list and inform the client to take necessary actions Auto-Detection of structures in the drawing based on usage (e.g. Residential or Commercial) and also auto detection of High-rise Bldg. or Low-rise Bldg Auto generation of FAR, Area statement and Schedule of opening Generation of plot area & plot area calculation for cross verification with system entered value by triangulation and other parameters of buildings and constructions Generation of Failed entity report and marking the same on the drawing Plotting of drawing submitted by Architect and processed through software in non editable format Professional Criteria The applicant for this RFP should have sufficient staff of skilled professionals and supporting staff in the field of Architecture, Urban & Regional planning (Town Planning), Information Technology, Structural Engineering, Landscape, Civil 10 Modified Request for proposal for Information and Communication Technology enabled services for processing of land pooling applications till issuance of occupancy certificate Engineering, Land & Revenue records etc. The applicant is required to put a proposal (organization chart) for deployment of dedicated team to handle the task of automation of land pooling in an area of 20,000 Ha to 24,000 Ha of land. Detailed team structure with key professionals and their responsibilities should be elaborated in the proposal. Administrator level person should be having minimum MCA/ B.E/B.Tech. qualification with 2 years experience for the related services on successful Go-Live of any application module. Applicant shall keep One (1) Software Operator with DDA for additional One (1) year post pooling is declared closed by DDA to assist and run the software at DDA and One (1) system administrator for One (1) year for yearly maintenance & support of the above said software and modules, annual technical support for abovementioned software & modules, entering historical data in the system related to ownership and land revenue records with the help of GIS maps and records so available with DDA. 11 Modified Request for proposal for Information and Communication Technology enabled services for processing of land pooling applications till issuance of occupancy certificate Chapter 3: Evaluation of bids The evaluation of the bid would be carried out in two stages: 3.1 Stage I- Technical Evaluation Technical evaluation of the bid would be carried out applying the evaluation criteria specified below. Combined Quality and Cost Based Selection method (CQCBS) will be followed during the evaluation stage. Each respective technical bid will be attributed a technical score as per following breakup: S.No. Description Marks 1 Financial capability of the applicant 20 2 Specific experience of the consultancy firm in online system – experience in carrying out similar assignments of eligible projects in the last ten years 40 3 Project understanding, approach & methodology (to be evaluated by Committee based on presentation of the proposal) 15 4 Overall solution design, architecture, workflow & interface with the optimum hardware requirement to meet the application. (evaluation based on Technical Proposal submitted and live demonstration of product) Total 25 100 Based on the evaluation of technical bids, the bidders shall be ranked highest to lowest technical score (St) in accordance with the total marks obtained. The eligible bidders shall try to ensure technical bid score of minimum 70%. The number of applicants ranked on the basis of technical scores, not more than Five (05) shall be prequalified and shortlisted for financial evaluation in the second stage. 3.2 Stage II- Financial Evaluation The financial proposals of the firms which are not pre-qualified and shortlisted shall not be opened. The financial evaluation shall be carried out by assigning a financial score (Sf) to each financial proposal. The lowest financial proposal (FM) will be given a financial score (Sf) of 100 Marks. The financial scores (Sf) of the other financial proposals will be determined using the following formula; (Sf = 100 x FM / F, in which Sf is the financial score, FM is the lowest price, and F is the price of the proposal (in INR) under consideration) 12 Modified Request for proposal for Information and Communication Technology enabled services for processing of land pooling applications till issuance of occupancy certificate Proposals will be finally ranked in accordance with their combined technical (St) and financial (Sf) scores; S = St x Tw + Sf x Fw Where S is the combined score and Tw and Fw are the weights assigned to technical proposal and financial proposal that shall be 0.80 and 0.20 respectively. 3.3 Evaluation and Scoring Sl. Parameter Score No. (Marks) A FINANCIAL CAPABILITY (MAX. 20 MARKS) Min. average annual turnover of Rs. 2 crores (Two Crores) during the last 3 financial years i) INR 2 crores to 5 crores 10 ii) INR 5 to10 crores 15 iii) INR above 10 crores 20 B TECHNICAL CAPABILITY (MAX. 40 MARKS) i) Software Solution Proposed should have been implemented in 10 at least 1 Local Body/ Authority/ PSU for atleast 1 year- 5 marks. - plus one mark for every additional project under implementation for more than 1 year (Max. 10 Marks) ii) Experience in handling revenue records and GIS based maps- Atleast 5 projects (Completed/ongoing) - 5 Marks -plus one mark for every addl. project (completed/ongoing),(max. marks 10) At least -100 building Plan approval/ handled area of 50 ha. – 2 marks. - 200 building Plan approval/ handled area of 100 ha. – 4 marks. - 300 building Plan approval/ handled area of 150 ha. – 6 marks. - 400 building Plan approval/ handled area of 200 ha. – 8 marks. - 500 building Plan approval/ handled area of 250 ha. – 10 marks. Experience in more than 2 Ha layout plan examination Total iii) v) C D 10 10 10 (MAX. 40 MARKS) APPROACH METHODOLGY, WORK PROGRAMME AND MANPOWER RESOURCES (MAX 15 MARKS) Overall solution design, architecture, workflow & interface with the optimum hardware requirement to meet the application. (evaluation based on Technical Proposal submitted and live demonstration of product.) (MAX. 25 MARKS) 13 Modified Request for proposal for Information and Communication Technology enabled services for processing of land pooling applications till issuance of occupancy certificate Chapter 4: Scope of Work The Consultancy firm shall provide all services for automation of land pooling process from application receipt stage till issue of occupancy certificates and its maintenance 1 year post issue of occupancy certificates stage shall include, but not be limited to, Formulation of online system for accepting land pooling applications (Zero paper use) o o o o o o o Calling applications on web portal Scrutinizing applications as per terms and conditions provided in the approved regulations Preparing data of all eligible and rejected applications. Intimating rejected applications for reasons thereof through sms and email. Coordination with land pooling cell in strict following of applications criteria Logical grouping of applications chronologically month-wise following the opening of the Scheme with provision of unique id numbers to eligible applications as per land assembled category, eligible land return share, priority and date and time of application received Closure of application calling stage. Issuing ‘Land Share Certificate’ (LSC)o Facilitate in mapping pooled land on superimposed on shajra map on GIS portal zonal development plans Assessing total area pooled (in Ha) in each sector Highlighting sectors with 55% participation and more as eligible sectors and suggesting the planning and design consultants for their immediate layout plan preparations. Eligible sectors to be initiated on DDA website for public reference. Assistance in initiating unpooled land for acquisition through direct purchase and negotiation. o Issuing Land Share certificate to eligible applicants with digital signatures of authority, in eligible sectors stating exact land return share in residential, commercial and PSP use and its intimation through sms and email. Issuing ‘Provisional Development License’ (PDL)o Devising fair & transparent mechanism for allocation of final plot by a draw of lots system in the respective categories based on month wise priority listing of applications After the designing stage, assigning plots to the eligible applicants as per priority, category and LSC no. given Co-ordination with applicants (through sms and email) and planning agency toexercise right to choose a plot or plots from the available 14 Modified Request for proposal for Information and Communication Technology enabled services for processing of land pooling applications till issuance of occupancy certificate category of the plots in the respective draw of lots as per their priority number. Issuing PDL i.e. final allotments with digital signatures of authority through sms and email o Physical possession of original land by DDA PDL online receipt along with DE’s final plot no. area, location, landuses must also provide DE with date and time for physical handover of his/her original land to DD . Bidders shall arrange for procurement of all original documents related to land offered under pooling and organize for site visit accordingly with DE and DDA officials. Mapping of land under DDA possession (after physical handover) to execute pooling on zonal development plans superimposed on shajra map. Issuing ‘Final Development License’ (FDL)o o o o o o o o o Calling applications on web portal as per LSC No. and PDL No. Scrutinizing applications as per terms and conditions provided in the approved regulations and physical possession of DE original land share. Preparing data of all eligible and rejected applications. Intimating rejected applications for reasons thereof through sms and email. Coordination with land pooling cell in strict following of applications criteria (requisite documents for applying for FDL) Examining whether the applicable fee/charges have been deposited by DE to DDA electronically and whether it has been recouped. Assistance to Planning and designing team in the layout plan (concept plan) scrutiny Issuing FDL i.e. Final Development License both as paper document through post as well as electronic receipt through sms and email with digital signatures. Up keeping the FDL record on web portal. Issuing ‘Transfer of Development Rights’ (TDR)o o o o o o o Calling applications for TDR certificate from owner of a land whose size is less than 2 Ha and which land is essential for infrastructure development Scrutinizing applications as per terms and conditions provided in the approved regulations and physical possession of DE original land share. Preparing data of all eligible and rejected applications. Intimating rejected applications for reasons thereof through sms and email. Coordination with land pooling cell in strict following of applications criteria (requisite documents for applying for TDR) Mapping of land under DDA possession through TDR mechanism (after physical handover) to execute pooling on zonal development plans superimposed on shajra map. Issuing TDR certificates (residential use coupons @ 1000 sq.m. each) to eligible applicants both as paper document through post as well as electronic receipt through sms and email with digital signatures. 15 Modified Request for proposal for Information and Communication Technology enabled services for processing of land pooling applications till issuance of occupancy certificate o Facilitating Single Window System o Upkeeping the TDR record on web portal. Assistance in flow of information within single window system with the cooperation of other authorities/agencies for according expeditious clearances and approval of Layout/Building Plans. Layout & building plan approvals and issuing of occupancy certificates through installing requisite softwareo o o o o o o o o o o Study the existing system for the approval of building plan proposals in DDA including the method, software and formats being used currently for sanctioning the building plans. Preparation, submission and get approval of the System Requirement Study (SRS) and proposed solution for Automating the Building Plan Approval System for from the authorities of DDA. The Bidder will make an SRS and devise a system to incorporate best methods and practices along with the present pattern of flow of data and file to map the approval process. The approved latest unified Building By-Laws and MPD-2021 norms of DDA shall be automated. The system will be developed in which necessary data and soft copy of the drawing in AutoCAD® will be submitted. Design and development of the work flow for the scrutiny of the plans at all locations of DDA. Deployment of the software in a centralized data centre of DDA. The software shall read the soft copies of the drawings submitted in Autocad(R) format and validate it for DDA requirements. The software shall also support submission of scanned copies of drawings, which can thereafter be manually scrutinized to maintain workflow. If the proposals in the drawings are not as per permissible rules and regulations, the software shall indicate the errors and give a report for rectification Proper user authentication and access control mechanisms will be implemented to ensure that only authorized users can access a particular piece of information. Additionally, the system will capable for bio-login to safeguard and to avoid tampering of information by unauthorized users. System will be capable of incorporating digital signatures of applicants/architects etc. The system will have its own MIS report generation and will be integrated with master MIS dashboard. The existing report system has to be studied and modified if necessary. SMS notification generated by the system about site visit will be given to building inspector and architect. He will visits the site and if the details in the submitted proposal doesn’t match with the actual site conditions and development plan then the proposal is rejected else forwarded to the console of concerned officer. It will support Palm interface whereby the visiting building inspector or officer at site will capture site visit report along 16 Modified Request for proposal for Information and Communication Technology enabled services for processing of land pooling applications till issuance of occupancy certificate o with photograph on the PDA device so that he can update the server database. Issuing of occupancy certificates to the completed project both as paper document through post as well as electronic receipt through sms and email with digital signatures. Yearly Maintenance o o The bidder will deploy 2 Software Operator &1System Administrator initially for 1 Year to assist and run the Online Building Plan Approval System which can be extended for successive years on mutual consent till the completion of the assignment. During this period, the bidder will have the total responsibility for operating, managing, and updating of all the systems that have been developed, installed and commissioned of the Services. The Bidder will be responsible to provide all the resources which will be necessary for successful management of the systems, and – without limiting the generality of the foregoing – will be responsible to ensure that the following activities are undertaken: Maintenance of hardware; Backup of recovery operations of hardware and software; Anti-Virus updating and support; Continuous or periodic updating of data and information related to all the modules developed; Generation of various reports Up-gradation of software as and when required. o As the Contract, the bidder will be responsible to conduct workshops and other training and motivational activities for the DDA personnel, as well as providing on-the-job training in data entry and verification, preparation of reports, system maintenance and upgrading, etc. o The Bidder will provide periodic system up-gradation and trouble shooting for long-term sustenance of the system. This will include, inter alia: Providing specialized training, as may be required, in all aspects of data entry and verification, total facilities management, etc., through a combination of workshops, seminars, tutorials, structured training programs, etc., away from the normal working environment. Imparting on-the-job system operation training to the designated DDA staff. Initial hand holding as well as system maintenance, system updating and troubleshooting after installation of the system up to the end of the Contract period. Note: Building plan approval in the existing areas of DDA is not included in the scope of work for this RFP. It is strictly for land pooling areas only. 17 Modified Request for proposal for Information and Communication Technology enabled services for processing of land pooling applications till issuance of occupancy certificate Chapter 5: Other bidding terms 5.1 General terms & conditions 5.1.1 The offers should be made strictly as per the formats enclosed. 5.1.2 The consultancy firm should bear all the costs associated with the preparation and submission of its proposal and DDA will in no case be responsible or liable for these costs, regardless of the conduct or outcome of the bidding process. 5.1.3 The consultancy firm is expected to examine all instructions, forms, terms and conditions and technical specifications in the bidding documents. 5.1.4 Submissions with insufficient information and which do not strictly comply with the stipulations given above, are liable for rejection. 5.1.5 At any time, prior to the deadline for submission of proposals, DDA may modify the document/ issue addenda. These addenda shall be posted at the website of DDA and shall be treated as a part of the documents. 5.1.6 DDA may, at its discretion, extend the deadline for the submission of proposals. 5.1.7 DDA may, at its discretion, abandon the process of the selection associated with this document anytime. 5.2 Preparation and submission of proposal 5.2.1 The information on the outer sealed envelope should clearly mention: "Proposal for selection of ICT enabling consultancy firm" 5.2.2 Two inner sealed envelopes should clearly mention Technical proposal Financial proposal 5.3 Corrupt or Fraudulent Practices DDA requires that bidders under this contract observe the highest standard of ethics. In pursuance of this policy, DDA defines, for the purpose of these provisions, the terms set forth below as follows: "Corrupt practice" means the offering, giving, receiving or soliciting of anything of value to influence the action of a public servant; and "Fraudulent practice" means a misrepresentation of facts in order to influence the decision to award the consultancy contract to the detriment of DDA and targeted stake holders and includes collusive practice among bidders (prior to or after the proposal submission) designed to establish bid prices at artificial non-competitive 18 Modified Request for proposal for Information and Communication Technology enabled services for processing of land pooling applications till issuance of occupancy certificate levels and to deprive DDA and targeted stake holders of the benefits of free and open competition. DDA will reject a proposal for award of consultancy work if it is determined that the Bidder recommended for award has engaged in corrupt or fraudulent practices in competing for the contract in question or in concealment of material or fact. DDA will declare a Bidder ineligible, either indefinitely or for a stated period of time, to be awarded a contract/ contracts, if it at any time determines that the Bidder has engaged in corrupt or fraudulent practices in competing for, or in executing the consultancy contract. The bidder should not have been declared ‘bankrupt’ by any court of law. The bidder should not be blacklisted by Central/ State Government Department/PSU/Government Company. Bidder also should not be under any legal action for indulging in corrupt practice, fraudulent practice, coercive practice, undesirable practice or restrictive practice with any Indian Central/ State Government Department/ PSU/Government Company. The seat of arbitration/ disputes resolution / settlement shall be at New Delhi. Arbitration clause will be the part of consultancy agreement to be signed between DDA and the selected firm. 5.4 5.4.1 Performance Security The Successful Bidder, for due and faithful performance of its obligations and as a pre-condition for signing of the advisory agreement with DDA, shall be required to submit ‘Performance security’ of 5% of its total fee (as mentioned in Chapter7). This security shall be in the form of a bank guarantee valid upto the signing of consultancy agreement between DDA and the ICT enabling consultancy firm or 6 months, whichever is later 19 Modified Request for proposal for Information and Communication Technology enabled services for processing of land pooling applications till issuance of occupancy certificate Chapter 6: Technical Proposal – Standard Forms Form 6A: General information and Financials Form 6B: Bidder's experience Form 6C: Employee strength Form 6D: Description of approach, methodology and work plan for performing the Assignment / job 20 Modified Request for proposal for Information and Communication Technology enabled services for processing of land pooling applications till issuance of occupancy certificate Form 6 A General Information and Financials of the Firm (To be submitted on firm’s letter head) [Using the format below, provide information about your firm.] General information form 1. State whether applying as sole Firm or Lead member of a Consortium: 2. Name of the Company/ Firm: .................................................................. (Attach an attested photocopy of Certificate of Registration.) 3. Legal status of the Firm: 4. If the applicant is a Lead member of a consortium, furnish the details of each of the other member firms. 5. Registered Address, telephone, tele-fax in Delhi ………………………………………………………………….….. ………………………………………………………………….….. 6. Contact Person, Designation and Address including email ID ………………………………………………………………….….. …………………………………………………………….……….. Signature of the Consultant/Authorized representative . 21 Modified Request for proposal for Information and Communication Technology enabled services for processing of land pooling applications till issuance of occupancy certificate Financials – Annual Turnover (To be submitted on Auditor’s letter head) S. No. Financial Year 1. 2. 3. 2011-12 2012-13 2013-14 Annual turnover in INR (Crores) Certificate from the Statutory Auditor This is to certify that …………………………………………[Name of the applicant] has received the payments shown above against the respective years on account of professional fees. Name of Authorized Signatory: Designation: Name of the firm : (Signature of the Statutory Auditor) Seal of the Firm 22 Modified Request for proposal for Information and Communication Technology enabled services for processing of land pooling applications till issuance of occupancy certificate Form 6 B Bidder's experience (To be submitted on firm’s letter head) [Using the format below, provide information on each assignment for which your firm, and each Affiliate for this assignment, was legally contracted either individually as a corporate entity or as one of the major companies within an JV for carrying out consulting services similar to the ones requested under this assignment.] Assignment name and project cost: Approx. value of the contract (in INR in Lacs/ Crore): Country: Location within country: Duration of assignment (months) : Name of Client: Total No. of staff-months of the assignment: Address: Approx. value of the services provided by your firm under the contract (in INR in Crore): Start Date (Month/Year): Completion Date (Month/Year): No. of professional staff-months provided by associated Consultants Name of Lead Partner: Name of senior professional staff of your firm involved and functions performed (indicate most significant profiles such as Project Name of Associated Consultants, If Director/Coordinator, Team Leader): any: Narrative Description of Project: (highlight project capital cost in the narration) Description of actual services provided by your staff within the assignment: Firm's Name: Authorized Signature: Note: For the purpose of evaluation of Bidders INR 60.0 (INR Sixty only) per USD shall be considered as the applicable currency conversion rate. In case of any other currency the same shall first be converted to USD as on the date 60 (Sixty) days prior to the proposal due date and the amount so derived in USD shall be converted in to INR at the aforesaid rate. The conversion rate of such currency shall be the daily representative exchange rates published by the IMF for the relevant date. 23 Modified Request for proposal for Information and Communication Technology enabled services for processing of land pooling applications till issuance of occupancy certificate Form 6 C Employee strength (To be submitted on firm’s letter head) We, ………………………………………………………………….. [Name of the Firm], confirm that we have at least 50 (Fifty) fulltime resources on our permanent payroll in India as on 31st December 2014. (Signature of Authorized signatory) Name of Authorized signatory: 24 Modified Request for proposal for Information and Communication Technology enabled services for processing of land pooling applications till issuance of occupancy certificate Form 6 D DESCRIPTION OF APPROACH, METHODOLOGY AND WORK PLAN FOR PERFORMING THE ASSIGNMENT/JOB (To be submitted on firm’s letter head) Technical approach, methodology and work plan are key components of the Technical Proposal. You are suggested to present your Technical Proposal divided into the following three chapters: a) Technical Approach and Methodology: In this chapter you should explain your understanding of the objectives of the assignment/job, approach to the assignment/job, methodology for carrying out the activities and obtaining the expected output. You should highlight the problems and their importance and explain the technical approach you would adopt to address them b) Work Plan: The consultant should propose and justify the main activities of the assignment/job, their content and duration, phasing and interrelations, milestones (including online initimation), and issuing of licenses at different stages of pooling. The proposed work plan should be consistent with the technical approach and methodology, showing understanding of the scope of work and ability to translate them into a feasible working plan. c) Organization and staffing: The bidders should propose and justify the structure and composition of your team. You should list the main disciplines of the assignment, key personnel responsible and proposed support technical staff. 25 Modified Request for proposal for Information and Communication Technology enabled services for processing of land pooling applications till issuance of occupancy certificate Chapter 7: Financial proposal format Our professional fee for providing procurement services to DDA under this assignment shall be a lump sum fee of …………………………………….........[Amount in figures and words] which shall include out-of-pocket expenses but exclude service tax. The term of this assignment shall be valid for a period of approximately Fifteen (15) years. The duration of the land pooling process would be approximately 5 years during which, there shall be no change in overall fee. After that it can be changed subject to mutual consent. However, we are expected to complete the land pooling process in a time bound manner and within a maximum period of five (5) years, unless the same is varied by DDA. We are expected to provide a team of professionals having requisite skill, experience and qualifications for carrying out the scope of work and which team shall not, unless unavoidable, be changed/withdrawn during the entire duration of the scope of work, unless agreed by DDA. Our offer shall be valid upto 31st May 2015. We understand that our fee will be paid in accordance the following milestones: Payment milestone Percentage of total professional fee Tentative timelines Signing of consultancy agreement between DDA and advisory firm and installation of the software Issuing of Land Share Certificate (LSC and TDR certificates) to all eligible applicants Issuing of Provisional Development License (PDL) to all eligible applicants Issuing of Final Development License (FDL) to eligible applicants Completion of building plan approvals 15% T 10% T+ (6+4=10) months 10% Completion of One (1) year after successful completion of pooling process. Issuing of occupancy certificate to completed projects 5% T+ One (01) year and Four (04) months T+ Two (02) years and Four (04) months T+ Four (04) years and Six (06) months T+ Five (05) years and 12 months 15% 35% 10% T+15 years and 12 months (Signature of Authorized signatory) Name of Authorized signatory: 26 Modified Request for proposal for Information and Communication Technology enabled services for processing of land pooling applications till issuance of occupancy certificate
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