HERBALIFE BRAND HERBALIFE INDEPENDENT DISTRIBUTOR STYLE GUIDE HERBALIFE INDEPENDENT DISTRIBUTOR STYLE GUIDE 1 1 2 Circle Leaf Logos and Assets Transportation Assets Introduction 3 General Guidelines 4 Usage Guidelines 5 5 5 Corporate Use Guidelines Active Use Guidelines Herbalife Independent Distributor Corporate Use Logo Lockup Horizontal Use Stacked Use 6 6 6 Usage Principles – Corporate Horizontal Lockup Transparency One-Color Options 7 7 7 Corporate Horizontal Use – Proper Usage 8 Corporate Stacked Use – Proper Usage 9 Herbalife Independent Distributor Active Use Logo Lockup Horizontal Use Stacked Use 10 10 10 Active Lockup Horizontal Use – Proper Usage 11 Active Lockup Stacked Use – Proper Usage 12 Font Usage 13 14 15 15 Helvetica Neue Trade Gothic Arial Color Palettes – Product Categories 16 16 16 16 17 17 Core Program, Business Opportunity and Science Weight Management Targeted Nutrition Energy & Fitness i Personal Care | Outer Nutrition TA B L E O F C O N T E N T S Rules of Authorization © 2008 Herbalife International, Inc. All rights reser ved. # 63284-UN-00 03/08 HERBALIFE INDEPENDENT DISTRIBUTOR STYLE GUIDE Rules of Authorization Circle Leaf Logos and Assets As independent businesspersons, you cannot use the company’s logos, including the circle leaf logos, without also identifying yourselves as Herbalife Independent Distributors. Failure to properly identify yourselves causes confusion in the marketplace. Traditionally, the company has required that its Independent Distributors seek permission, in writing and in advance, to use any Herbalife names or logos. In the case of the assets provided at MyHerbalife.com and through Distributor Relations, you do not need to seek permission; it is granted to you automatically, subject to the following conditions: • You may obtain the logos by download or in hard copy from the company, but you may not obtain them from any other source. • You must always use the logos in a manner that is compliant with the law and all Herbalife Rules (including the Rules of Conduct and Distributor Policies, the Supplemental Rules of Conduct, and the Nutrition Club Rules). • You are permitted to personalize assets that include a designated white space for you to insert your name, phone number, e-mail and/or web address. No other information, slogans, taglines or text can be added. R U L E S O F A U T H O R I Z AT I O N • You may not alter the logos in any way, except to resize them as necessary to fit the specific tools and materials you create. Removal of the “Independent Distributor” wording is absolutely prohibited–no exceptions! HERBALIFE INDEPENDENT DISTRIBUTOR STYLE GUIDE Rules of Authorization ( continued ) Transportation Assets Transportation assets include vehicle wraps, door panels and back window decals. Each is a specific application of the “Herbalife Independent Distributor”, horizontal use or stacked use logos. The same general conditions apply (as set forth on p. 1), as well as the following: • You may not use a wrapped vehicle as a billboard or any other form of non-mobile signage (for example, by parking it in your driveway or on the street for extended periods of time). • You may not use a wrapped vehicle as a retail store (for example, by placing a large number of products on the inside and clearly visible to pedestrians and motorists). • You are permitted to personalize transportation assets that include a designated white space for you to insert your name, phone number, e-mail and/or web address. No other information, slogans, taglines or text can be added. R U L E S O F A U T H O R I Z AT I O N ( C O N T I N U E D ) • Because the wraps cover vehicles in their entirety and no alterations are permitted, you may not co-brand by featuring other logos on your vehicle, whether or not they are related to Herbalife (of course, this excludes the logos belonging to the vehicle’s manufacturer). HERBALIFE INDEPENDENT DISTRIBUTOR STYLE GUIDE Introduction Herbalife is a multi-billion dollar company with Herbalife Independent Distributors all around the world. As a Distributor, you are a brand ambassador, and you have the advantage of putting the power of our global brand behind your marketing efforts. The benefits of following these style guidelines are threefold: • You are drawing on the power of this respected global brand to make your marketing efforts more impactful and relevant. • You are helping to establish a level of credibility through consistent brand messaging. • You are helping to support the brand and contribute to its stature as a highly regarded, international brand through the world-class graphic appeal of your marketing material. This guide provides: • Style parameters for the logos, fonts, colors and image usage • General rules and direction you will need to create your own materials that leverage the Herbalife brand for your independent business and ensure Herbalife brand consistency INTRODUCTION Please take the time to look through the entire guide, and refer to it whenever you develop branded materials. HERBALIFE INDEPENDENT DISTRIBUTOR STYLE GUIDE General Guidelines Our logo is the symbol which most readily identifies the Herbalife brand. The Herbalife Independent Distributor logo is the primary way we provide to you to communicate your identity as an Independent Distributor to the public. Our rules for usage are very specific: • No adaptations or versions of the Herbalife Independent Distributor logos other than what the company has provided to you may be used. This includes any and all previous versions of the Herbalife logo. • You must follow the usage guidelines exactly in order to maintain the integrity of the Herbalife brand. • A logo is a unit, and all elements within a logo must be scaled or resized, proportionately as a group. This applies to all logos. GENERAL GUIDELINES When a logo and one or more additional design elements (e.g., a tagline, a graphic, etc.) are teamed together to make up a single design element or unit, the grouping is known as a logo “lockup.” HERBALIFE INDEPENDENT DISTRIBUTOR STYLE GUIDE Usage Guidelines • Knowing how to use the Herbalife Independent Distributor logos is fundamental to developing consistency within our Independent Distributor identity system. • There are two (2) logo categories for the Herbalife Independent Distributor logos: Corporate use and Active use. -These are the only logos approved for your use. -Each of these logo categories have two approved configurations of the logo elements: horizontal and stacked • A logo is a unit, and all elements within a logo must be scaled or resized, proportionately as a group. This applies to all logos. Corporate Use Guidelines • The background behind the logo on the Corporate use logo must be transparent, showing through to the background color or image (see p.7). • The Herbalife Independent Distributor logo is only to appear in two (2) colors (PMS 364/CMYK or RGB conversions, and black) (see p. 6), or in one (1) of the approved one-color versions (see p. 7) . Active Use Guidelines On the following pages you will see examples of proper usage. USAGE GUIDELINES • The Herbalife Independent Distributor logo is only to appear in three (3) colors, plus a tint/percentage (PMS 375, 70% of PMS 375, white and black) (see p. 10) . HERBALIFE INDEPENDENT DISTRIBUTOR STYLE GUIDE Herbalife Independent Distributor Corporate Use Logo Lockup Our logo consists of three basic elements: 1) the circle leaf; 2) the Herbalife name; and 3) the Independent Distributor text. Herbalife name Circle leaf PMS 364 Process: 65c,0m,100y,42k Web 387C2B RGB: 56r,124g,43b Independent Distributor text Black Process: 0c,0m,0y,100k Web 000000 RGB: 0r,0g,0b There are two approved configurations of the logo elements. Horizontal Use In this use, the logo is in a stacked configuration. It is used when the piece being designed has square proportions and/or does not allow for horizontal use. Stacked Use C O R P O R AT E U S E L O G O L O C K U P This is the preferred use to represent the brand. HERBALIFE INDEPENDENT DISTRIBUTOR STYLE GUIDE Usage Principles – Co r p o r a t e H o r i z o n t a l L o c k u p Transparency The area inside the circle leaf and behind the Herbalife name must be transparent so any background behind the logo shows through. One-Color Options PMS 375 logo on a white/clear background Black logo on a white/clear background White logo on PMS 364 background PMS 375 logo on a black background PMS 375 Process: 41c,0m,78y,0k Web A0CE67 RGB: 160r,206g,103b Black logo on PMS 375 background Black Process: 0c,0m,0y,100k Web 000000 RGB: 0r,0g,0b White logo on black background White Process: 0c,0m,0y,0k Web FFFFFF RGB: 255r,255g,255b PMS 364 logo on a white/clear background PMS 364 Process: 65c,0m,100y,42k Web 387C2B RGB: 56r,124g,43b U S A G E P R I N C I P L E S - C O R P O R AT E H O R I Z O N TA L L O C K U P When printing the logo in one color, the only permissible colors to select from are below: HERBALIFE INDEPENDENT DISTRIBUTOR STYLE GUIDE Corporate Horizontal U s e – P ro p e r U s a g e DO Herbalife logo and registration mark no longer in use Circle leaf at an angle Circle leaf omitted Circle leaf line too thick Independent Distributor on top Stretched logo Circle leaf and letters not scaled as a unit Logo in unacceptable color Ring around Circle leaf and Logo letters in an wrong color Visual transparency behind leaves omitted Visual transparency behind leaves omitted Circle leaf and name facing different directions Herbalife International logo for Corporate use only C O R P O R AT E H O R I Z O N TA L U S E - P R O P E R U S A G E DON’T HERBALIFE INDEPENDENT DISTRIBUTOR STYLE GUIDE Corporate Stacked Us e – P ro p e r U s a g e DO DON’T Herbalife International logo for Corporate use only Visual transparency behind leaves omitted Independent Distributor Independent Distributor Circle leaf at an angle, circle line too thick; “Independent Distributor” name in wrong location Circle leaf missing Independent Distributor Circle leaf and letters not scaled as a unit Stacked components in wrong order Independent Distributor Logo in unacceptable color Independent Distributor Ring around circle leaf and logo letters in an wrong color Visual transparency behind leaves omitted Independent Distributor Stretched logo C O R P O R AT E S TA C K E D U S E - P R O P E R U S A G E Independent Distributor ACTIVE INDEPENDENT DISTRIBUTOR STYLE GUIDE Herbalife Independent Distributor Active Use Logo Lockup The Active lockup of the Herbalife Independent Distributor logo consists of five elements: 1) the Herbalife name; 2) the Independent Distributor name; 3) the circle leaf; 4) the ellipse; and 5) the swerves. 70% PMS 375 Process: 29c,0m,55y,0k RGB: 188r, 219g,147b Web BCDB93 Herbalife name PMS 375 Process: 41c,0m,78y,0k RGB: 160r,206g,103b Web A0CE67 Circle leaf Swerves Independent Distributor name Black Process: 0c, 0m,0y,100k RGB: 0r,0g,0b Web 000000 There are two approved configurations of the logo elements. Horizontal Use The Active stacked use includes a stacked Herbalife Independent Distributor logo within the double-green and black swerves at the top and bottom with green gradient glow background. The Active stacked use works best when the piece being designed has square proportions and/or does not allow for horizontal use. 10 Stacked Use ACTIVE USE LOGO LOCKUP The Active horizontal use is preferred to represent the brand. ACTIVE INDEPENDENT DISTRIBUTOR STYLE GUIDE Active Lockup Horizon t a l U s e – P ro p e r U s a g e DON’T Herbalife International logo for Corporate use only Typeface in wrong color Ellipse line is too thick Swerves and leaves in wrong color for Active use A C T I V E H O R I Z O N TA L U S E - P R O P E R U S A G E Leaves in wrong color for Active use 11 DO ACTIVE INDEPENDENT DISTRIBUTOR STYLE GUIDE Active Lockup Stacked U s e – P ro p e r U s a g e Herbalife International logo for Corporate use only Typeface and leaves in wrong color Swerves are too thick Swerves and leaves in wrong color green Black in swerves omitted Leaves in wrong color for Active use A C T I V E S TA C K E D U S E - P R O P E R U S A G E DON’T 12 DO G U I D E F O R D E V E L O P I N G Y O U R M AT E R I A L S Font Usage Two fonts (typefaces) are primarily used when creating Herbalife materials: Helvetica Neue and Trade Gothic. These are sans serif typefaces (do not have the small features called “serifs” at the end of strokes). Helvetica Neue Helvetica Neue is a clean, modern font that offers an exceptionally wide range of weights and styles. It should be used for corporate materials and catalogs. Trade Gothic Trade Gothic has impactful bold and condensed variations. Trade Gothic is primarily used for Active and sporting event materials and packaging. If your language is not available in these fonts, choose a similar, simple yet informal font. Font Used for Web/PC: The Arial font is primarily used when creating Herbalife materials for the Internet or when using a PC that does not have the fonts stated above. This is a sans serif typeface. Arial Arial is a very versatile, contemporary font with a softer and fuller treatment of curves than is found in most industrial-style sans serif faces, giving it a less mechanical appearance. 13 FONT USAGE If your language is not available in these fonts, choose a similar, simple yet informal font. G U I D E F O R D E V E L O P I N G Y O U R M AT E R I A L S Helvetica Neue Bold Condensed Oblique Helvetica Neue Ultra Light Italic Helvetica Neue Heavy Condensed Helvetica Neue Thin Helvetica Neue Heavy Condensed Oblique Helvetica Neue Thin Italic Helvetica Neue Black Condensed Helvetica Neue Light Helvetica Neue Black Condensed Oblique Helvetica Neue Light Italic Helvetica Neue Extra Black Condensed Helvetica Neue Roman Helvetica Neue Extra Black Condensed Oblique Helvetica Neue Italic Helvetica Neue Ultra Light Extended Helvetica Neue Medium Helvetica Neue Ultra Light Extended Oblique Helvetica Neue Medium Italic Helvetica Neue Thin Extended Helvetica Neue Bold Helvetica Neue Thin Extended Oblique Helvetica Neue Bold Italic Helvetica Neue Light Extended Helvetica Neue Ultra Light Condensed Helvetica Neue Light Extended Oblique Helvetica Neue Ultra Light Condensed Oblique Helvetica Neue Extended Helvetica Neue Thin Condensed Helvetica Neue Extended Oblique Helvetica Neue Light Condensed Helvetica Neue Medium Extended Helvetica Neue Thin Condensed Oblique Helvetica Neue Medium Extended Oblique Helvetica Neue Light Condensed Oblique Helvetica Neue Bold Extended Helvetica Neue Condensed Helvetica Neue Bold Extended Oblique Helvetica Neue Condensed Oblique Helvetica Neue Heavy Extended Helvetica Neue Medium Condensed Helvetica Neue Heavy Extended Oblique Helvetica Neue Medium Condensed Helvetica Neue Heavy Extended Oblique Helvetica Neue Medium Condensed Oblique Helvetica Neue Black Extended Helvetica Neue Bold Condensed Helvetica Neue Black Extended Oblique 14 Helvetica Neue Ultra Light F O N T U S A G E – H E L V E T I C A N E U E F A M I LY Helveti ca Neue G U I D E F O R D E V E L O P I N G Y O U R M AT E R I A L S Trade Gothic Arial Trade Gothic Light Arial Trade Gothic Light Oblique Arial Italic Trade Gothic Medium Arial Bold Trade Gothic Medium Oblique Arial Bold Italic Trade Gothic Bold Arial Black Trade Gothic Bold Oblique Arial Narrow Trade Gothic Bold No. 2 Arial Narrow Italic Trade Gothic Bold No. 2 Oblique Arial Narrow Bold Trade Gothic Condensed Arial Narrow Bold Italic Trade Gothic Condensed Oblique Trade Gothic Bold Condensed No. 20 15 F O N T U S A G E – T R A D E G O T H I C A N D A R I A L FA M I L I E S Trade Gothic Condensed No. 20 Oblique G U I D E F O R D E V E L O P I N G Y O U R M AT E R I A L S Color Palettes – Produ c t C a t e g o r i e s The product categories, the products within those categories and the key elements of the business (Business Opportunity and Science) are associated with specific color palettes. Use the range of colors within each of these palettes to design your own materials. Core Program, Business Opportunity and Science PMS 360 Process: 58c,0m,80y,0k Web 73C167 RGB: 115r,193g,167b PMS 361 Process: 69c,0m,100y,0k Web 54B948 RGB: 84r,185g,72b PMS 375 Process: 41c,0m,78y,0k Web A0CE67 RGB: 160r,206g,103b PMS 376 Process: 50c,0m,100y,0k Web 8CC63F RGB: 140r,198g,64b PMS 2935 Process: 100c,46m,0y,0k Web 0076BF RGB: 0r,118g,191b PMS 2955 Process: 100c,45m,0y,37k Web 005288 RGB: 0r,82g,136b PMS 186 Process: 0c,100m,81y,4k Web E31836 RGB: 227r,24g,54b PMS 187 Process: 0c,100m,79y,20k Web C41230 RGB: 196r,18g,48b PMS 364 Process: 65c,0m,100y,42k Web 387C2B RGB: 56r,124g,43b PMS 279 Process: 68c,34m,0y,0k Web 5190CD RGB: 81r,144g,205b Targeted Nutrition PMS 178 Process: 0c,59m,56y,0k Web F5866B RGB: 245r,134g,107b PMS 185 Process: 0c,91m,76y,0k Web EF3E42 RGB: 239r,62g,66b 16 PMS 278 Process: 39c,14m,0y,0k Web 96C0E6 RGB: 150r,192g,230b C O L O R PA L E T T E S – P R O D U C T C AT E G O R I E S Weight Management G U I D E F O R D E V E L O P I N G Y O U R M AT E R I A L S Color Palettes – Produ c t C a t e g o r i e s ( C o n t i n u e d ) Energy & Fitness PMS 151 Process: 0c,48m,95y,0k Web F89828 RGB: 248r,152g,40b PMS 166 Process: 0c,64m,100y,0k Web F47B20 RGB: 224r,123g,32b PMS 1665 Process: 0c,68m,100y,0k Web F37421 RGB: 243r,116g,33b PMS 167 Process: 0c,60m,100y,17k Web D06F1A RGB: 208r,111g,26b PMS 2705 Process: 40c,30m,0y,0k PMS 273 Process: 100c,96m,0y,8k PMS 2725 Process: 77c,68m,0y,0k Web 7E81BE Web 98A6D4 Web 27318B Web 5261AC RGB: RGB: RGB: RGB: 126r,129g,190b 152r,166g,212b 39r,49g,139b 82r,97g,172b 17 PMS 2655 Process: 54c,49m,0y,0k C O L O R PA L E T T E S – P R O D U C T C AT E G O R I E S ( C O N T I N U E D ) Personal Care | Outer Nutrition
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