-A- 2015 DELAVAN-DARIEN HIGH SCHOOL LOCAL SCHOLARSHIP PROGRAM APPLICATION NAME: LAST FIRST DIRECTIONS TO APPLICANTS: ! Read the scholarship packet carefully to determine the award(s) for which you are eligible to apply. (The Senior Class, Elks, and FFA Alumni Awards do not require a formal application.) ! Mark the awards for which you wish to be considered American Legion Auxiliary Award Unit 95 Delavan-Darien Foundation Scholarships American Legion Auxiliary Award Unit 450 Benson Family Scholarship American Legion Award Post 95 Bohn Family Leadership Scholarship American Legion Award Post 450 Burdette W. Holt Memorial Aurora Health Care Award Charles Wileman Memorial Borg Foundation Achievement Scholarship Cinco de Mayo Scholarship George W. Borg Foundation Inc. Science Scholarship Claude & Kathryn Davis Family Scholarship George W. Borg And Effie Borg Scholarship Community Bank Awards Darien Fire Department – Dennis Doering Scholarship Darien Corn Festival Chuck & Su Brown Award Darien Woman’s Club Award The David N. Austin Memorial Delavan Lioness Club Delavan-Darien Foundation Memorial Awards Delavan Lions Club Scholarships Doug Kahl Memorial Scholarship Delavan Soccer Club Scholarship Eugene Schmig Memorial Scholarship Delavan-Darien Education Association Award Delavan-Darien Friends Of The Visual And Performing Arts Scholarship Delavan-Darien Gridiron Club Award Gene Shreves Awards Delavan-Darien Masonic Scholarship Jason M. Sterken Memorial Scholarship Delavan-Darien Optimist Club Awards Jim Santy Community Service Scholarship Delavan-Darien Rotary Club Awards Kathleen Frederick Reader Memorial Award Delavan-Darien Youth Wrestling Club Scholarship McGinnis Education Award Dora S. Arthur Financial Aid Fund Merlin Moser Award Fairfield Grange Michael J. Dillner Memorial Award Florence Dunwiddie Memorial Fund Nanette Nicolay Memorial Scholarship Jacqueline Yanke Memorial Patrick Schmitt Memorial Scholarship The Jeremiah Millard Memorial Scholarship Richard McClellan Smith Memorial Award Kay Waelti Mamorial Scholarship Fund Robert Michael Koval Memorial Award Kikkoman Foods, Inc. Scholarship Stephanie Roherty Memorial Scholarship Lakeland Medical Center Medical Staff Scholarship Wallace Zimmermann Memorial Award Lynda Cooper Memorial Scholarship Walworth State Bank Scholarship National School Orchestra Association William Boone Memorial Scholarship Pentair Scholarship William L. Fleck Memorial Scholarship Delavan Youth Football Scholarship Zachary Butler Scholarship Robert Labonne Scholarship Sherry L. Rozell Memorial Award SPX Flow Technology, Delavan Operations Scholarship Vincent James Agius Memorial Howard Knapp Award Irvin C. and Harriett B. Llewellyn Award M.I. ! ! ! 1. Complete the application form. Detailed instructions for completing this application can be found on page five of the scholarship packet. Return the completed, signed application to the Student Services Offices by 3:00 p.m., April 16, 2015. -BName of applicant LAST FIRST 2. Address 3. Number of older brothers and sisters 4. Father’s name Mother’s name 5. Father’s occupation Mother’s occupation 6. Are you the first person in your family to attend college (this includes your parents and siblings)? 7. What school will you attend after high school? 8. Have you received official notice of acceptance? 9. What course or program will you study? 10. What financial aid have you already received? 11. Did you submit a Free Application For Federal Student Aid (FAFSA)? M.I. Younger If not, why? 12. List total number of credits you expect to earn through eight semesters of high school: List credits by subject: (Note: Total credits listed below will NOT match total credits indicated above.) PE and Health are NOT counted under list by subject. Sign Language is considered a Foreign Language. Business Education Science Foreign Language Technology Education Agriculture Music & Art Mathematics Social Studies English 13. Which high school subjects did you enjoy most? 14. In which subjects did you experience the greatest success? -C15. What activities did you participate in while in high school? ACTIVITY (Example: soccer) (Example: forensics) HONOR OR ACHIEVEMENT (Example: letter winner) (Example: state award) 16. List other special awards or honors you received in high school not covered by the above? Include any elected offices held. 17. What out-of-school activities do you participate in? (Example: church youth group, 4-H, etc.) 18. List work experience that you have had during high school. 19. Are you are the child or grandchild of a veteran? Attach verification to this application if a specific scholarship for which you are applying requires proof. (See Student Services for acceptable verification.) -D20. For the SERVE requirement for the community service Diploma endorsement how many hours do you have documented in the Main Office? If you have documented hours for community service, describe your involvement in the space below: -E21. Answer the following question in depth: What is your career plan and what has influenced your thinking in this matter? (Give careful attention to this question.) -F22. Explain how you plan to finance your education, since consideration for some awards will be given to a graduating senior who, without such assistance, might not be able to attain the advantage of a college education. Please comment, in however detailed a manner you wish, on those factors that you believe enable you to satisfy this financial need requirement. (You might include in this statement, unless your parents have objections, an indication of your parents’ combined income, the number of brothers and sisters you have, any unusual circumstances that would further demonstrate your need, and whether you personally have anything saved to contribute toward your education.) -GAPPLICANT & PARENT: Read and sign the following agreement: If awarded any scholarship, I shall enroll at the school I have indicated. I understand that any contemplated change in my plans must be presented to the selection committee for approval. Such approval must be obtained to enable me to qualify for my award. Amounts listed for scholarships are subject to change without prior notice. Amounts listed may be based on prior year’s awards. I also understand that all scholarships awarded at Commencement must be claimed in the fall (and/or spring, depending on the specific scholarship) of that same year by sending, as proof of enrollment, a fees paid receipt or a letter from the Registrar and my scholarship redemption form to the DDHS Student Services Office after arriving at school in September (and/or January). Winners may request an exception to this policy, but must make that request prior to the designated payment time. Winners will relinquish their right to the scholarship if they fail to comply with this requirement. Applicant Signature Date Parent Signature Date NOTE TO APPLICANT: Return your completed application to the Student Services Office by 3:00 p.m. on Thursday, April 16, 2015. Your counselor will complete the following information: 1. The applicant ranks ____________ in a class of ______ (7 semesters). 2. Applicant’s cumulative grade point average _____________________ (7 semesters). The School District of Delavan-Darien does not discriminate against pupils on the basis of sex, race, religion, national origin, ancestry, creed, pregnancy, marital or parental status, sexual orientation or physical, mental, emotional or learning disability in our local financial aid program. *Reminder: All scholarship money received must be reported as income on state and federal taxes.
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