! . N . A . C F S A E W D NE Free Monthly Publication April, 2015 Volume 35 Number 390 Please Support DEAF C.A.N.! Kroger Community Rewards - MUST RENEW FOR THIS YEAR! The Kroger Community Program continues to grow and assist in the needs of local communities. Through the Kroger Community Program, they have been able to donate to community non profits throughout Michigan. They help over 3,300 charities that help and assist local families every day. DEAF C.A.N.! Has partnered with Kroger for many years. And all you have to do to help DEAF C.A.N.! receive donations is sign up with the Kroger Community Rewards Program. Please support DEAF C.A.N.! By enrolling in the Kroger Community Rewards Program. All you have to do is visit: www.krogercommunityrewards.com click on “Michigan” and click on “Enroll” to register for the first time and “Re-enroll” to re-register. All participants must have a valid online account at Kroger.com and must sign up online to participate. Look for Deaf Community Advocacy Network or ID #84737. If you are already enrolled, you have to re-enroll in April in order for DEAF C.A.N.! to continue receiving the Kroger donation. Amazon Ordering something through Amazon? Go to: http://deafcan.org/support-us . Click on the Amazon link and place your order. We will receive a percentage of your sale. goodshop If you are ordering on-line, you can also go to: www.goodshop.com for coupons and deals. Make sure you pick Deaf Community Advocacy Network as your charity! Thank you for your support Y O RK T I I N U M Y NE T W M O C F DE AADVOCAC 20 MI 483 x n Lake, 332-7334 Fa ) … Sylva 8 1 4 10 (2 # rg — d .o e a n o ic a R o fc V e k ea 31 hard La fcan@d 332-33 2111 Orc TTY—(248) 438-VP—dea 3 2 -6 3 9 0 -3 2 rg -2 3 8 .o (248) 3 9-6437 or 24 ww.deafcan w 248-20 ! . N . A . C DE A F I NF O T R O P US P U S Board of Directors Marika Blumerick Doug Calaman Dan Cassidy Mary Gillman Carmen Johnson Kris Kelly Jamie Maes Dan McDougall Paul Nemchik Ron Swartz Deborah Wright Volunteers Ingie Oliasz Kristen Damon Abram Powell Debra Wilson Valerie Hartig Courtney McDowell Robbin Lowe Natalie Jenkins Kayla McMillan Robyn Schreiner Marcy Colton, MA, LPC, BEI 1, Director Carol Jensen, Interpreter Coordinator Rosalee Harris, BSW, Case manager Susan Lundy, BS, Heal & Shield/LEAP Brenda Neubeck, BS, BA, Heal & Shield Michelle Osterhout, BA, LEAP Dylan Secord, BSW DEAF C.A.N.! Staff Henry Lowe, BA, BEI 1, EIPA Secondary Marcy Colton, Carol Jensen, Rosalee Harris, Susan Lundy, Brenda Neubeck, Michelle Osterhout, Henry Lowe and Dylan Secord (with Maddie) Memorial /Tribute Cards www.goodsearch.com Do you want to honor the memory of someone who has died or honor someone who is celebrating a special time in their life? Please consider a donation to DEAF C.A.N.! We send out a beautiful card acknowledging your contribution. The recipient will know that you have made a donation to support DEAF C.A.N.! Don’t forget to use www.goodsearch.com as your search engine! DEAF C.A.N.! earns a penny a search! Type in Deaf Community Advocacy Network in the toolbar! When sending your check explain: Who you want the card sent to (Complete address) and who the card is from and any greeting that you want on the card. Deaf Community Advocacy Network—CAN In Memory of Andrew Damon By: Deloris A. Ruen Your pennies will add up! We have already received several checks from them! Thank you Agnes Foret for your continued support of DEAF C.A.N.! In Memory of your beloved Omer Foret Deaf Community Advocacy Network—DEAF C.A.N.! 2111 Orchard Lake Road #101 Sylvan Lake, MI 48320 (248) 332-3323 TTY/(248) 332-3331 V (248) 332-7334 Fax (248) 209-6437 and (248) 209-6438-VP deafcan@deafcan.org and www.deafcan.org Marcy Colton-marcy.colton@deafcan.org Rosalee Harris-rosalee.harris@deafcan.org Carol Jensen-caroljensen28@yahoo.com Henry Lowe - dps@deafcan.org Brenda NeubeckBrenda.neubeck@deafcan.org Susan Lundy-susan.lundy@deafcan.org Dylan Secord - Dylan.secord@deafcan.org DEAF C.A.N.! Is open: Monday—Friday 9:00 am—5:00 pm (closed 12:00—1:00 pm for Lunch) Give us a call to make an appointment! Kroger Supports DEAF C.A.N.! Please support DEAF C.A.N.! By enrolling in the Kroger Community Rewards Program. visit: www.krogercommunityrewards.com click on “Michigan” and click on “Enroll” to register for the first time and “Reenroll” to re-register. All participants must have a valid online account at Kroger.com and must sign up online to participate. Look for Deaf Community Advocacy Network or ID #84737. This quarter you helped to donate $204.81.v YOU MUST RENEW EVERY APRIL! Thanks you for your support Y I OUS T I N U M M CO RE L I G DBDA Meeting Detroit Black Deaf Advocates, Ch. #6 monthly meetings ~ 2nd Saturday of the month from 3:00 pm to 6:00 pm Veterans Administration Center (Auditorium), 4646 John R. (Detroit) dbdach6@yahoo.com NAOBI Detroit National Alliance of Black Interpreters, Chapter #8 monthly meetings, 2nd Saturday of the month 11:30 am to 1:30 pm. Email for information at: naobidetroit8@gmail.com Community Churches Ann Arbor Baptist Church—Interpreted Service 2150 S. Wagner Road, Ann Arbor, (734) 995-5144 or (734) 995-9818 fax or (734) 646-3214 text. Sunday, 9:45 am Interactive Bible Study, 11 am and 6 pm Service and Wednesday at 7 pm Bethesda Christian Church 14000 Metro Parkway, Sterling Heights Voice: (586) 264-2300 or bcc@bethesdachristian.org Christ Community Church (586) 776-5452 voice or (586) 776-9913 fax 25410 Kelly Road, Roseville. 9:00 am Sunday and 7:00 pm Wednesday nights Interpreted Crossroads Baptist Church 2580 Packard Rd., Ann Arbor, Sunday School 11 am, Worship 9:30 am, Monday Night Bible Study 7 pm, msmibcd@comcast.net. Fax: 734-971-9321 Detroit Sign Language Congregation of Jehovah's Witnesses 151 Fisher Detroit All meetings in ASL Sat. 10:15am Bible Lecture Tues. 7:30pm Bible Study, 313-263-4627 VP 313-961-2212 Voice Faith Lutheran Church 50600 Shelby Road, Shelby Twp, MI 48317. faithshelby@wowway.com. Interpreted service 10:30 am every Sunday First Baptist Church of Farmington 33400 Shiawassee Road, Farmington, MI 48335 www.fbfarmington.org or 248-474-0350 Sunday School 9:30 am/Church Service 10:30 am First United Methodist Church (248) 541-4100 voice or (248) 541-0192 TTY First Unitarian Universalist Church (734) 665-6158 or www.uuaa.org (second service interpreted) Flint and Lansing Catholic Mass Schedules www.dioceseoflansing.org Search for: Catholic Deaf/HH Ministry For more information contact: Rose M. Smith Catholic Deaf/HH Ministry, 517-342-2532 W 866-552-0427 VP Greater Christ Baptist Church 3544 Iroquois Street, Detroit. (313) 924-6900 or (313) 924-7311 fax, greaterchrist@ameritech.net www.greaterchristchurch.org. 8 am/11am Sunday worship and 9:30-10:45 am Sunday School. Greater Emmanuel Institutional Church of God in Christ 19190 Schaefer Hwy, Detroit. Sunday 8:30 am/11:30 am worship Interpreted. Info: Vernell C. Allen, (313) 415-3800 or allenvernell@yahoo.com Grosse Point Congregational Church of Christ The Grosse Pointe Congregational Church United Church of Christ has a service that will be offered once a month on the first Sunday of each month at The Grosse Pointe Congregational, 240 Chalfonte Grosse Pointe Farms, MI 48236. Contact: Paul Fugate at Paul@ASLDeafined.com. Joseph Campau Avenue Church of God 17401 Joseph Campau, Detroit, (313) 717-6333 V. Cencelia Thomas, Purposed4God@aol.com Lake Orion Church of Christ Lake Orion, Michigan—(248) 693-7242 http://www.orion.lib.mi.us/lococ/home.html or timk@quinovainc.com Lighthouse Chapel of the Deaf 3242 Whitney Ave, Flint, Mi 48532. Fellowship 9:30am, Sunday School 10am, & Worship 11am, Wed. Prayer/Bible Study 6:30-8pm Pastor Stan Coveyou, stan6468@gmail.com Maranatha Baptist Church 248-625-2700/voice, Dan Osterhout, deafministry@mbcclarkson.org or www.mbcclarkston.org Master’s Hands Deaf Church Master's Hands Deaf Church, 6299 Miller Road, Swartz Creek, Fellowship: 9:30am;Sunday School: 10am; Deaf Worship: 11am; "Whatever Wednesday": 6:30pm. Contact: johnb1090@comcast.net Memorial Deaf Fellowship (586) 615-4607 V/Text, (586) 739-2207 fax or (586) 580-8327 VP or mbcdeaf@comcast.net, 12651 Clinton River Road, Sterling Heights Mt. Zion Church 4600 Maybee Road, Clarkston, MI 48346 (248) 391-6166 voice or www.mtzion.org Interpreted services are offered Sunday mornings at 10:30 am and Wednesday evenings at 7:30 pm Our Lady of Loretto, West Detroit Catholic Deaf 25700 W. Six Mile Rd., Redford, Mass 9:30 am at school building behind church, VP 586-439-0146 Voice/Fax, 586-774-8476, E-mail: Depcik@desales.org Our Savior Lutheran Church of the Deaf 1800 W. Maple Road—Birmingham www.elms-deaf.org , Fax: 248-887-8342 Text pager: tdunseth@tmail.com Flint Deaf Lutheran/Christ the King Lutheran Church 248.889.3978 TTY or 248.887.8342 fax pastor4deaf@tmail.com Parkside Church of Christ Dearborn Heights, Michigan (313) 278-8120 or www.parksidecoc.org Flint Sign Language Congregation of Jehovah’s Witnesses All meetings in ASL, 1805 Lapeer Road, Flint, MI 48503, Sat. 10:15 am Wed 7:30 pm (248) 931-0334 phone/text VP (810) 250-7074 Parkview Baptist Church for the Deaf (734) 261-8281 TTY/fax or (734) 261-6180 Contact: Kathy or www.parkviewdeafchurch.org Gethsemane Missionary Baptist Church 29066 Eton, Westland J.woods@gethsemane02.org/ www.gethsemane02.org Prayer Temple Missionary Baptist Church 27350 Chicago Road, Redford, (313) 414-1054 http://www.ptmbc.net. Service begins at 11 am Resurrection Lutheran Church 20531 Kelly Road in Detroit 313-372-4902 V. revsebenjamin@yahoo.com Interpreted Service 4th Sunday of month Rochester First Assembly - NEW CHURCH 4434 N. Rochester Road (Corner of Rochester/ Snell), Rochester, Michigan Sunday’s at 10:00 am—Interpreted by Jessica Mitchell Second Ebenezer Church ~ Deaf Ministry 14601 Dequindre Rd (I-75 @ East McNichols) Detroit MI 48212. secdeaf_ministry@yahoo.com or www.secondebenezer.org Saline First Assembly of God 300 Old Creek Drive, Saline, MI ASL Interpreted worship every Sunday at 10:45 am, 734-429-7732, www.salineag.org Sign of Hope Neighborhood Church Deaf Pastor Dean Bliss—Sunday Service 10 am 1378 W. State Rd, Lansing, MI 48906 517-588-4598 VP or signofhopechurch@gmail.com Silent Assembly Deaf Church 18513 Lahser, Detroit, Michigan,48219, Services signed with voicing. Sunday 10 am—Noon. Pastor Scott McCain. (734) 347-8105 text or tsmccain@aol.com St. Clement Catholic Church 343 S. Main Street, Romeo, MI. 48065 (586) 752-9611. Sunday mornings at 9 o'clock St. John’s Deaf Center—NEW ADDRESS 16359 Frazho, Roseville, Voice/signed Mass 11:30 AM, VP 586-439-0146 Voice/Fax 586-774-8476 or Depcik@desales.org, www.stjohnsdeafcenter.com St. Paul's Evangelical Lutheran Church 19109 Craig Street, New Boston, MI 48164 www.stpaulsnewboston.org or (734) 753-9048 The Congregational Church of Birmingham, United Church of Christ Interpreted first Sunday of month—10:30 am 1000 Cranbrook Road, Bloomfield Hills, Website: www.ccbucc.org or (248) 646-4511 Deaf Night at The District—Hosted by Mt. Zion Church Third Saturday from 6:30-11:30 pm, 4005 S. Baldwin Road, Orion Township, (248) 393-5625 voice, www.thedistrictvenue.com Troy Church of Nazarene (248) 879-8888 Voice. Sunday morning Interpreted The Shores Deaf Church 20880 Ten Mile Road—St. Clair Shores, (586) 772-7740 or (586) 772-9050 signpreach@sbcglobal.net Woodside Bible Church 6600 Rochester Rd., Troy has interpreted services every Sunday morning at 11:30. Word of Faith Ministry VP/TTY: (248) 355-0242, Voice: (248) 353-3476 Fax: (248) 354-8534 or ghalliburton@woficc.com. Interpreted/captioned services If your information has changed, please let us know. THANKS. WGHOAITN‘ S G ON Thank you for your Membership Contribution (through 2/15/15). Gold Membership Hester and Arlyn Meyerson Alma Mead Adija Rauls Sustaining Membership AT&T Corporate Donations Joyce DeGiudice Regular Membership Anna Ball Andrea Banos James Bush Claudia Damian Dorinda Cilley Christine Russell Shontell Nelson Andrew Larsen Jonathan Harucki Susan Parnes Anonymous 19th Annual DeafBlind Workshop with an enhanced mentoring experience for Interpreters, ITP students and CART providers Date: Thursday June 25 – Sunday June 28, 2015 Registration begins at 12:30pm on Thursday afternoon, lunch will not be provided, with mandatory training session beginning at 1:30pm. Please allow enough time to register and get unpacked. The training will start no later than 1:30pm. Workshop concludes on Sunday at 1 pm. Full attendance is required. Interpreters - Additional on-line programming will be available leading into the DBW for those individuals seeking to learn how to become effective mentors (this additional programming will earn RID approved CEUs). ITP Students – Some online materials will be made available for your effective preparation. You will also be matched with mentors who will provide guidance on your work with Deaf and hearing interpreting colleagues and the DeafBlind participants throughout this experience. Applications will be accepted from out of state participants on a limited basis - Michigan interpreters are given priority for registration. Acceptance of your registration implies our commitment to your learning experience. The DBW is designed as an experiential learning opportunity. We expect you to be as committed to learning and fulfilling hands on experiences as we are to teaching and mentoring. During the DBW, you will be immersed in DeafBlind culture and supported by mentors as you learn proven and current techniques for effectively working with DeafBlind people. This workshop will provide a variety of activities and attendance for the entire workshop is expected. Where: DeSales Conference Center, Brooklyn, Michigan Cost: $85.00 for workshop, meals and lodging Description: The DBW (DeafBlind Workshop) is an experiential learning opportunity. DBW is designed to give DeafBlind, Deaf and hearing participants a unique learning experience. You will be provided material support, lectures and hands-on I want to join DEAF C.A.N.! Name ___________________________________ Address _________________________________ City _____________________________________ State _____________ Zip ___________________ Enclosed please find my gift in the amount of: $250 $25 $200 $18 $100 $15 $50 $36 Other ____ DEAF C.A.N.! is a 501(c)(3) tax-exempt organization. Contribution are tax deductible as permitted by law. Please make checks payable to DEAF C.A.N.! Thank you for your support. Please mail your check to: DEAF C.A.N.! 2111 Orchard Lake Road #101 Sylvan Lake, MI 48320 experiences for you to apply the information you learn. The DBW is also designed to provide ample opportunities for you to learn directly from the DeafBlind individuals you meet. You will work with several DeafBlind individuals throughout the DBW and experience, applying what you learn about supporting their communication and mobility needs. Discover how people who are DeafBlind manage their everyday lives, interests and passions. You will learn a variety of skills you may then use to build your future interpreting career. You will also develop contacts and connections with amazing people. The DBW is designed to teach you additional interpreting skills through a mentored experience, while you support the DeafBlind camper’s access to information and fun activities. Training topics may include: sighted guide, working with a client who uses a guide dog, interpreting techniques for people who are DeafBlind (restricted field, tracking, and tactile), haptics, and more. 2015 Workshop Presenters: Jill Gaus – Nurse, Consultant, Director of DeafBlind Workshop Isabell Florence – M.A. Rehab counselor and instructor at MCC Karen Bailey – Mental Health Provider Beth Kennedy - M.Ed., Project Director for DeafBlind Central: Michigan’s Training and Resource Project. Diana Campbell – Interpreter/Guide/Intervener Dr. Michael McKee - MD Sue Deer Hall – CART Provider Pat Vincent – Assistive Technology Bea Furman – Certified Massage Therapist Workshop Co-Sponsors: Holley Ear Institute, Michigan Department of Labor and Economic Growth, Bureau Services for Blind People – DeafBlind Unit, MDCR- DODDBHH Michigan Dept of Civil Rights- Division on Deaf, DeafBlind and Hard of Hearing, CATIE Center at St. Catherine University, SHI-M=DB Self-Help for Independency in Michigan: Equalizing the DeafBlind, DeafBlind Central: Michigan’s Training and Resource Project. For more information contact: Beth Kennedy at 989-774-2726 or kenne1bm@cmich.edu or Jill Gaus at jagaus@sbcglobal.net. WGHOAITN‘ S G ON Interpreted AA Meeting Please join the Lansing East Club for a weekly Interpreted AA Meeting. The group meets every Sunday morning at 9:00 am at the: Alano Club East in Lansing, 220 S Howard Street. For more information Contact (517) 377-1444. WGHOAITN‘ S G ON Hearing Loss Association of America Michigan State Association 2015 Annual Spring Meeting Saturday, April 18, 2015 10:00am-3:30pm State of Michigan Historical Museum and Library 702 West Kalamazoo Street, Lansing, MI 48915 Featured Speaker: Brian Jensen Perseverance to Triumph The 5 Things Resilient People Do Learn about programs and resources for Hard of Hearing people Visit with technology and service exhibitors Attend the HLAA-MI Board of Trustees meeting Free Admission * Free Parking * Door Prizes CART (real time captioning) provided Free lunch for those who RSVP by April 1, 2015 to: 616-252-5131 or marilyn.knol@metrogr.org s Camp" e p o R e m e r l Ext “2nd Annua venture s Ad i h t r o f s u n i o J g, rd of Hearin r Deaf, Ha Day camp fo DAS, SODAS and KO A ropes course is a challenging outdoor personal development and team building activity which usually consists of high and/or low elements. Low elements take place on the ground or only a few feet above the ground. High elements are usually constructed in trees or made of utility poles and require a belay for safety. Ropes courses foster learning, teamwork, and teach people how to work together. We hope you will join us for this fantastic opportunity. Deaf Staff and other volunteers who are Deaf or signers will be present Note: *Pizza Party on the last day of ropes courses. *Late pick-up Swimming Daily - Bring Swim Suit, towel and Sunscreen! -18) 015 (ages 14 2 , 4 2 e n u -J ) ne 22 (Ages 10 -13 8 Camp 1: Ju 2 e n u -J 6 2 ne p) Camp 2: Ju in each grou snacks. ts n e d tu s 5 (1 and Cost: $ 125 vides water 0 am ro P .! .N .A C ting time 8:3 AF e E e D M . h .! c n .N u .A L FC Bring ed from DEA g n a rr a e b n at 9:15 am Carpool ca Camp starts ri o n O e k a L t a ill be w s e s r u o C Ropes ol High Scho To Register, please send in $125 to DEAF C.A.N.! (address below) and we will send you all of the important release and registration forms. Special thanks to Our Savior Lutheran Church for help with Transportation. Deadline to Register is June 12 For Additional Information contact Michelle Osterhout & Susan Lundy DEAF C.A.N.! 2111 Orchard Lake Road #101 Sylvan Lake, MI 48320 (248) 209-6437 VP Susan.lundy@deafcan.org WGHOAITN‘ S G ON WGHOAITN‘ S G ON WGHOAITN‘ S G ON WGHOAITN‘ S G ON WGHOAITN‘ S G ON WGHOAITN‘ S G ON WGHOAITN‘ S G ON Division on Deaf, DeafBlind and Hard of Hearing has a new Director MDCR Press release: The Michigan Department of Civil Rights (MDCR) today announced that Anne Urasky has been hired as Director of the Division on Deaf, DeafBlind and Hard of Hearing (DODDBHH), which is housed within the Michigan Department of Civil Rights. She will assume her duties on Monday, March 30, 2015. As DODDBHH Director, Urasky will be responsible for directing and coordinating all work of the division, including monitoring activities related to the Deaf Persons' Interpreters Act and ensuring that the division appropriately evaluates and investigates any alleged violations. Urasky will work in close collaboration with the DODDBHH Advisory Council and all external partners, and serve as liaison between DODDBHH and Michiganders who are deaf, deafblind and hard of hearing. She also will be engaged in strengthening the division's connection with ASL interpreters, schools offering interpreter programs and schools educating students who are deaf, deafblind and hard of hearing. "The Michigan Department of Civil Rights is fortunate to have Anne Urasky at the helm of the division," said MDCR Director Matt Wesaw. "Anne's experience and deep understanding of the issues facing individuals who are deaf, deafblind and hard of hearing will help us ensure that we are doing our best to serve the needs of the deaf, deafblind, and hard of hearing persons who call Michigan home." Urasky brings extensive knowledge of disability civil rights, history and legislation to the DODDBHH Director position. Most recently she served Chief Executive Officer of the Deaf and Hard of Hearing Advocacy Resource Center (DHHARC) in Las Vegas, Nevada. In that role, Urasky managed all operations of two statewide offices, supervised a staff of 10 working on behalf of consumers with disabilities, and advocated on their behalf with local, state and national agencies and service providers. She also provided technical assistance and recommendations on proposed modifications to disability policies and procedures. Prior to her promotion to CEO, Urasky served in a variety of capacities at DHHARC, including Chief Operating Officer, Deputy Director, Southern Nevada Office Supervisor and Case Management Specialist/Legal Advocate. Earlier in her career, Urasky served as an English tutor for students with disabilities in Chicago, teaching comprehension and the fundamentals of grammar to help them develop selfconfidence and effective communication. She also provided her students with an understanding of their legal rights in education and employment. Urasky earned a Bachelor of Arts Degree in English from the University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign. She also attended Thomas M. Cooley Law School in Auburn Hills, earning 57 credits before deciding to pursue other goals. The Michigan Department of Civil Rights Division of Deaf, DeafBlind and Hard of Hearing is dedicated to helping improve the lives of one million Michigan citizens who are deaf, deafblind and hard of hearing. Together our mission is to affirm the indisputable right of every person who is deaf, deafblind and hard of hearing to secure effective communication. DODDBHH receives input from a 13-member Advisory Council appointed by the Governor. Hearing Loss Association of American—Michigan State Association NEW INFORMATION! Ann Arbor Chapter 1st Thursday of the month, 7:00 - 8:00 PM No meetings in December, July and August Turner Senior Center 2401 Plymouth Road in Ann Arbor Website: http://hearinglossa2.weebly.com Email: ann-arbor@hearingloss-mi.org Grand Rapids Chapter Contact for upcoming Events!! Metropolitan Hospital, West Conference Room, 1919 Boston SE, Grand Rapids E-mail: grand-rapids@hearingloss-mi.org http://hearinglossgrandrapids.org/ Macomb County Chapter 1:00 pm – 3:00 pm - Meets 4th Thursday of the month (except July and August), Trinity Lutheran Church, 38900 Harper Ave. Clinton Twp., macomb-co@hearingloss-mi.org Royal Oak Chapter 6:30 pm social; 7:00 pm meeting 4th Tuesday, monthly (except July & August) First Presbyterian Church, 529 Hendrie Blvd., Royal Oak, MI 48068 Email: royal-oak@hearingloss-mi.org Grand Traverse Chapter Contact leader for events: grandtraverse@hearingloss-mi.org Mid-Michigan Chapter 7:00 pm – 8:30 pm - 4th Monday, monthly Saginaw Valley State University, Room: Curtiss—129, Park in Lot J1 or J2. Email: saginaw@hearingloss-mi.org Lansing Chapter 6:30 pm–8:00 pm, 1st Wednesday, monthly Plymouth Congregational Christian Church, 2001 E. Grand River, Lansing, MI 48912 Email: lansing@hearingloss-mi.org Waterford Chapter 2:00—3:30 pm, Meets 3rd Wednesday monthly, Waterford Senior Center 3621 Pontiac Lake Road, Waterford waterford@hearingloss-mi.org Western Wayne County Chapter 6:30 pm – 8:30 pm -2nd Wednesday, monthly (except June, July & August) Allan Breakle Medical Office Building 6255 Inkster Road, Garden City Email: wayne-co@hearingloss-mi.org Kalamazoo Chapter Leader, Howard Potrude, kalamazoo@hearingloss-mi.org Meets Informally the second Saturday of the month for breakfast at a Kalamazoo restaurant. Please email the leader for location and time. Southwest Michigan Chapter Leader Darl Williams, st-joseph@hearingloss-mi.org Meets: Contact leader for meeting dates and location DEAF C.A.N.! News 2111 Orchard Lake Road Suite #101 Sylvan Lake, MI 48320 L I A M E S A PL ENE WSL E T T E R T O: MIRID Honors Sharon, Agnes and Millie At the recent MIRID Conference, MIRID honored three outstanding women for their contributions to the field of interpreting and interpreter training. What an impact you have made on the community. Congratulations Sharon Meldrum, Agnes Foret and Millie Hursin
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