AbstractBook Posters

Modeling the bioenergetics and foraging behaviors of albatrosses
P.H0 Boersch-Supan
, S.J. Ryan
, R.A. Phillips
, L.R. Johnson
1 Dept. of Integrative Biology, University of South Florida, Tampa FL 33620, USA
2 Dept. of Geography and Emerging Pathogens Institute, University of Florida, Gainesville, FL 32610, USA
3 British Antarctic Survey, Cambridge CB3 0ET, UK
A general precept in foraging ecology is that energetics are a key constraint on behavior. In turn, foraging
behavior underlies population dynamics. The complex foraging strategies of albatrosses have attracted
considerable attention and debate, and a variety of factors shape this foraging strategy. At the same
time, albatrosses are among the most threatened of bird families. Because of the decline in albatross
populations and the birds' role as a top predator in the pelagic ecosystem, it is vitally important to
understand the factors that aect the population dynamics of these birds, to better inform strategies for
conservation and mitigating environmental change.
Here we outline a quantitative framework that combines the wealth of existing data and biological knowledge on ranging, foraging, and life history traits of albatrosses with bioenergetic and state dependent
modeling. This approach can lead to a better understanding of the factors that shape foraging behavior
and connect behavior with tness to quantify population dynamics in a large, long-lived bird. We will
use these models to evaluate how changes in external factors, such as prey abundance and distribution
or extrinsic mortality due to climate change or anthropogenic factors, impact the survival of albatross
populations in the long term.
Focused on the question What are the population consequences of albatross bioenergetics and foraging
strategies?, we will take a two-pronged approach: (i) Undertaking an in-depth meta-analysis of existing individual tracking and life history data from multiple species across successive life stages and (ii)
constructing, parameterizing and validating an Individual Based Model that rests on Dynamic Energy
Budget (DEB) theory and state dependent foraging.
Keywords : Dynamic Energy Budget, larval transport, lagrangian model
Comparing Peruvian anchovy and sardine early stages using a
coupled DEB model with a lagrangian model
J. Flores
, L. Pecquerie
, T. Brochier
, J. TAM
, A. Bertrand
1 Master Program in Marine Sciences, Science and Philosophy Faculty, Universidad Peruana Cayetano Heredia (UPCH).
Lima, Perú
2 Institut de Recherche pour le Développement, France
3 Oceanographic, Ecosystem and Climate Change Modelling Laboratory, Peruvian Marine Research Institute (IMARPE),
Callao, Perú
The Peruvian anchovy is the highest monospecic shery in the world.
There is a vast knowledge
about its shery biology and population dynamics but few works on ecology of early stages and its high
variability makes recruitment prediction uncertain.
In addition, uctuations of anchovy and sardine
through interdecadal regimes could be investigated from the joint bioenergetic and larval transport
approaches, including the eect of oceanographic factors such as temperatura, oxygen and primary
production. The overall objective of this PhD project is to investigate the comparative past and future
eects of oceanographic factors on the early life stages bioenergetics and transport of anchovy and
sardine. Brochier et al. (2008, 2009) studied several aspects of early life stages of anchovy and sardine
in the Humboldt Current System, including the potential eects of climate change scenarios (Brochier et
al. 2013). Bertrand et al. (2000, 2011) investigated the role of oxygen on interdecadal changs of anchovy
and sardine, and discussed the eects of climate change on ecosystem functioning and socioeconomy of
Peruvian sheries.
Currently, Meza et al.
(in prep.)
are establishing basic DEB models of Peruvian
anchovy and sardine. These studies allow to follow a joint bioenergetic and transport approach to address
anchovy and sardine ecological research. In this project we plan to address the following questions: what
is the relative role of temperature, oxygen, currents and food on the allocation of energy (growth and
maintenance) during early life stages of anchovy and larvae?
how anchovy and sardine interdecadal
recruitment and population uctuations are driven by bioenergetic and transport conditions? what will
be the eects of climate change on bioenergetics of early life stages and recruitment of anchovy and
sardine? To answer these questions this project will use the ICHTHYOP model coupled to a DEB model
to simulate larval transport and bioenergetics using as forcings past and future oceanographic outputs
of ROMS-PISCES model and dynamical downscaling of CMIP5-IPCC models.
Keywords : Dynamic Energy Budget, larval transport, lagrangian model
Modelling combined eects of exposure to metals and global
warming: from individual energy budgets to ecosystem processing
N. Galic
, V. Forbes
1 School of Biological Sciences, University of Nebraska-Lincoln, USA
Freshwater ecosystems provide a number of services that are essential for human well-being, but are,
at the same time, jeopardized by a range of anthropogenic activities.
Changes in historical tempera-
ture regimes are exacerbated by changes in global temperatures, predicted to rise anywhere between
0.5° and 4° C by the end of the century, which is already impacting ecosystems worldwide. All these
changes are predicted to have substantial eects on biotic interactions, but also on chemical toxicity.
Temperature-dependency of chemical toxicity is an emerging topic of research, but has until now been
focused mainly on deriving temperature-dependent eect concentrations. We here present a study that
integrates temperature driven sublethal and lethal eects of a metal nickel (Besser
et al.
2011) - on en-
ergy budgets of freshwater amphipods in a simulated environment where the temperature and resource
dynamics are seasonal.
We model the consequences for individual life histories, population dynamics
and ecosystem processing. To this end, we developed an individual-based model (IBM) of a freshwater
amphipod, Gammarus pseudolimnaeus. This amphipod is a shredder of leaf litter, and thus plays an
important role in the decomposition process in freshwater ecosystems. Individual life histories are based
on energy budget dynamics which are driven by external temperature, resource availability and exposure
to metals. We simulated a number of temperature and toxicity scenarios and compared the results to
baseline simulations. Exposure proles were assumed to be constant and at both sublethal and lethal
concentrations. Toxicity was implemented as a linear function of temperature - toxicity steadily increased
with temperature (based on Leung
et al.
2014), and exposure to nickel was assumed to aect somatic
maintenance. The model has been parameterized on laboratory and eld data. We show how combining
eects of metal toxicity with a warming environment yields dierent predictions about possible eects
on dierent levels - individual, population and ecosystem. The extent of these eects depended on the
relative thermal changes. With our modelling approach, we are able to make predictions about the eects
of chemicals in a warming world, as well as identify the type of data that should be gathered for future
assessments of risk to chemicals.
Keywords : global warming - metal toxicity individual-based model amphipod shredders
Besser JM, Brumbaugh WG, Kemble NE, Ivey CD, Kunz JL, Ingersoll CG, Rudel D. (2011), Toxicity
of nickel-spiked freshwater sediments to benthic invertebrates - Spiking methodology, species sensitivity,
and nickel bioavailability,
U.S. Geological Survey Scientic Investigations Report,
2011-5225, p. 53.
Li A, Leung PY, Bao VW, Yi AL, Leung KY. 2014. Temperature-dependent toxicities of four common
chemical pollutants to the marine medaka sh, copepod and rotifer,
Ecotoxicology, 23,
Modelling red coral (Corallium rubrum) growth in response to
temperature and nutrition
G. Galli
, L. Bramanti
, C. Priori
, G. Tsounis
, S. Rossi
, G. Santangelo
and Cosimo Solidoro
1 Dipartimento di Oceanograa, Istituto Nazionale di Oceanograa e di Geosica Sperimentale OGS, Borgo Grotta
Gigante - Brisciki 42/c - 34010 Sgonico - Zgonik, TS, Italy.
2 Dipartimento Scienze della Vita, Universita Trieste, Via L. Giorgieri, 34127 Trieste, Italy.
3 LECOB UPMC Observatoire Oceanologique de Banyuls sur Mer. Rue de Fontaulé, 66650 Banyuls sur Mer,France.
4 Dipartimento di Biologia, Università di Pisa, Via Volta 6, I-56126 Pisa, Italy.
5 Leibniz Center for Tropical Marine Ecology, Fahrenheitstr. 6 D-28359 Bremen, Germany.
6 Institut de Ciència i Tecnologia Ambientals (Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona), Edici Cn Campus UAB,Cerdanyola
del Vallés (Barcelona) 08193, Spain.
Corals are generally regarded as vulnerable to climate change because they have little tolerance to
temperature changes and (due to their carbonate skeleton) might be impaired by ocean acidication,
furthermore, being sessile, they cannot migrate quickly to more favorable places. In recent years heat
waves induced massive mortality events aected several Mediterranean benthic communities that are
home to important octocoral populations. Therefore, there is a need to develop suitable tools to derive
reliable projection of future environmental condition, as well as to quantify impacts and ecological responses. Despite the relevance of the topic, few modelling studies attempted to explore the eects of
environmental variables on octocorals growth. In this study we developed a bioenergetic growth model
for the highly valuable, overexploited Mediterranean red coral (Corallium
The model simulates
colony growth as a function of food availability and seawater temperature, and is used to explore the
organism functional response under current and future climate scenarios.
Integration DEB models into Spatial Information System to
select sites suitable for aquaculture in Normandy
A. Gangnery
, R. Le Gendre
, C. Picoche
, S. Petton
, C. Bacher
, O. Strand
, M. Alunno-Bruscia
, A.
1 Ifremer, Avenue du Général de Gaulle - BP 32, 14 520 Port En Bessin, France
2 Ifremer, Station d'Argenton, 11 Presqu'île du vivier, 29840 Argenton-en-Landunvez, France
3 Ifremer, DYNECO, BP 70, 29280 Plouzané, France
4 CMR Computing, P.O.Box 6031, NO-5892, Bergen, Norway
5 IMR, PO Box 1870 Nordnes, N-5817 Bergen, Norway
Dynamic Energy Budget (DEB) models have been used for aquaculture studies during the past decade
- e.g. carrying capacity assessment, response of individuals to environmental changes, selection of aquaculture sites, integrated coastal zone management. Despite some uncertainty and scientic issues related
to the application of DEB models in some decision-making process, there is a growing interest in combining ecological and ecophysiological models in some information system. In this poster we show the
implementation of a dynamic Geographic Information System (GIS) named AkvaVis, developed by IMR,
CMR Computing and Hordaland County Council (Norway) as demonstrator for shellsh aquaculture in
Normandy (France).
AkvaVis integrates spatial data, outputs of bio-physical models, and regulatory
framework to provide useful information needed by the authorities for aquaculture management. It combines thematic maps, area management plans and other geographic information of relevance regarding
conicting use of the coastal area, and information on mandatory environmental monitoring and environmental quality standards. For the project on aquaculture in Normandy, we have built spatial indicators
to determine sites suitable for mussel and oyster production. Indicators are based on remote sensing data
(temperature, water color), outputs of hydrodynamical models (e.g. maximum currents), environmental
maps (bathymetry), and simulation of mussel/oyster growth using DEB models. Linking DEB model to
remote sensing data allows to compute annual growth of individuals taking into account temperature and
food concentration (based on a proxy of chlorophyll a derived from water colour) variability over space
and time. Further development will include depletion index and local renewal time which will be derived
from simulations of a passive tracer with a hydrodynamical and transport model.
By combining and
visualizing multiple indicators Akvavis facilitates communication with shellsh farmers and managers.
Study of climate and environmental cues implicated on
recruitment and reproduction of molluscs bivalves.
M. Gourault
1 Laboratoire des Sciences de l'Environnement Marin (LEMAR), UMR 6539 CNRS/UBO/IRD/Ifremer, Site Ifremer
d'Argenton, 11, Presqu'île du Vivier, 29840 Argenton en Landunvez, France
The last decade was the warmest in the Northern Hemisphere for the past thousand years and today's
trends predict an increase in global warming and climate variability over the coming years. The potential
ecological consequences of a changing climate on communities in coastal areas are likely to be extensive
and profound. However, a lot of uncertainty remains about the mechanistic linkages between climate,
regional hydrological conditions and biological changes because of complex interaction processes. Existing
reviews on the subject tend to show that shifts in the physical (e.g. temperature, ocean current patterns)
and bio-geochemical (e.g. acidity, oxygen content, primary productivity, plankton community structure)
conditions of the ocean will result in changes in physiology, species distribution, species assemblages and
phenology. One well documented method to demonstrate this is to use climatic indexes. For example,
the North Atlantic Oscillation (the NAO index), is known to alter various life traits of living organisms
in Europe (the length of the growing season of phytoplankton, the abundance of zooplankton, the growth
rate of sh, the breeding of amphibians and birds, the owering of plants. . . ). Another method consists
in using more complex deterministic models that mimic the ecophysiology of target species and their
response to environmental variations. The object of this thesis is to use three target species (Crassostrea
gigas, Ostrea edulis and Pecten maximus), to improve our understanding of the potential eect of climate
variability on the life-traits of marine benthic organisms, and especially the reproduction and recruitment
features. To achieve this goal, long-term biological series already available on these species in several
coastal ecosystems along the Brittany French coasts (Brest Bay, Quiberon and Saint Brieuc) will be crossanalyzed with a multi-decadal climate index and meteorological and hydrological conditions. Biological
and physical operational models (namely Dynamic Energy Budget and hydrodynamic models) will also
be used to: (1) reconstruct historical missing data (2) explain links between climate and ecophysiology
in a mechanistic way and (3) predict future evolution up to the 2050 horizon. To achieve the second
objective, some additional experiments will also be implemented to improve the accuracy of current DEB
Studying nutrient cycles in the oligotrophic ocean through a
dynamic energy budget (DEB) model for the marine
cyanobacterium Prochlorococcus
M. Grossowicz
, G.A.K. van Voorn
, D. Sher
1 Department of Marine Biology, Charney School of Marine Sciences, University of Haifa, Israël
2 Biometris, Wageningen University, the Netherlands
Small picophytoplankton specically the cyanobacteria Prochlorococcus are the numerically dominant species in large areas of the oligotrophic ocean, and play an important role in the major nutrient
cycles, such as for carbon and nitrogen. We present and analyze a Prochlorococcus population model to
study the eects of changes in light conditions, CO2, and inorganic nutrients uptake on these nutrient
The population model is obtained via an upscaling of an invidual-oriented model description
of Prochlorococcus based on the Dynamic Energy Budget theory (Kooijman 2009).
Individuals have
reserves for the major model inputs, which are DIC, DIN, phosphate, and light. Laboratory data are
used for the calibration of the model, where a data-tting was performed using an Akaike Information
Criterion algorithm. Bifurcation analysis of the dynamic model enables the study of the eects of changes
in dierent input conditions on the stability of the system, thus resembling dierent seas and oceans,
seasonality, and depth gradients.
Bertilsson, S., O. Berglund, D. Karl, and S. Chisholm. (2003) Elemental composition of marine Prochlorococcus and Synechococcus:
Oceanography 48,
Implications for the ecological stoichiometry of the sea,
Limnology and
Kooijman, S. A. L. M. (2009), Dynamic Energy Budget theory for metabolic organisation
university press
Lorena, A., G. Marques, S. Kooijman, and T. Sousa (2010), Stylized facts in microalgal growth: interpretation in a dynamic energy budget context.
Sciences, 365,
Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society B-Biological
Sher, D., J. Thompson, N. Kashtan, L. Croal, and S. Chisholm (2011), Response of Prochlorococcus
ecotypes to co-culture with diverse marine bacteria
Isme Journal 5,
A benthic-pelagic coupled model to identify possible drivers of
hypoxia in coastal ecosystems
E. Livanou
, K. Lika
1 Department of Biology, University of Crete, 70013, Heraklion, Greece
Hypoxia has become a world-wide phenomenon in coastal environments, inuencing the structure and
function of ecosystems and the biogeochemical cycles of elements. Hypoxia results from complex interactions between physical and biogeochemical processes, which make models invaluable tools at studying
system dynamics.
An ecological model for the water column coupled with a simple diagenetic model
for the sediment was developed in order to investigate the conditions that may lead a marine system
towards hypoxia. The models are heavily based on the modeling framework provided by DEB theory
and set an example of how DEB theory can be applied in marine ecological models. The pelagic model
consists of a physical component that describes the aquatic environment as a one dimensional, vertically
resolved water column and the spatial dynamics of the system governed by diusion and advection and
a biological component that describes the metabolic processes and the biological interactions among the
organisms and between the organisms and the environment.
The state variables for the environment
represent dissolved oxygen, dissolved inorganic phosphorus, and dissolved inorganic carbon, while irradiance and temperature are supplied as external forcing. The biological component consists of two classes
of phytoplankton: small (pico- and nanophytoplankton) and large (microplankton), zooplankton (one
class) and bacteria. Finally all dead organisms are channeled into the detrital pool which is assumed to
be in the state of dissolved organic matter and it is expressed in both units of carbon and phosphorus.
The benthic diagenetic model assumes a vertically integrated sediment compartment that comprises the
dynamics of dissolved organic matter, expressed by carbon and phosphorus, a group of benthic animals,
benthic bacteria, and the sediment phosphorus and dioxygen substances. The coupling of the pelagic
and benthic biogeochemical models is two directional: sediment biogeochemistry is inuenced by the biogeochemistry of the overlying waters, which in turn is inuenced by the sediment biogeochemistry. The
coupled benthic-pelagic model will be used to investigate the impact of external drivers (vertical mixing, temperature, light availability, organic and inorganic nutrient inputs) and internal biogeochemical
and ecological processes (production and consumption of organic carbon, cycling of inorganic nutrients)
on the dissolved oxygen concentrations and identify conditions that may lead to hypoxia in the water
column and the benthic compartment.
How to link a standard DEB model with trophic and organotropic
bioaccumulation models for dierent families of organic
contaminants? Application to the common sole Solea solea in
the Gironde estuary
F. Mounier
, V. Loizeau
, L. Pequerie
, P. Labadie
, G. Munoz
, H. Budzinski
, J. Lobry
1 IRSTEA, UR EABX, Centre de Bordeaux, 50 avenue de Verdun-Gazinet, BP3, 33612 Cestas, France
2 IFREMER, Unité Biogéochimie et Ecotoxicologie, Technopôle Brest-Iroise, Pointe du Diable, BP70, 29280 Plouzané,
3 IRD/UMR LEMAR (Laboratoire des Sciences de l'Environnement Marin), IUEM, rue Dumont d'Urville, 29280 Plouzané,
4 Université de Bordeaux, UMR CNRS 5805 EPOC, Laboratoire de Physico- et Toxico-Chimie de l'environnement (LPTC),
33405 Talence, France
In the context of Global Changes, anthropogenic activities exert several types of pressure on ecosystems, including chemical pressure. Chemical pressure is associated to the release in the environment of
thousands of synthetic compounds that can have ecotoxicological impacts. This PhD work, as a part of
the MOMBASAR project (MOdeling Mechanistic BioAccumulation of organic contaminants in the food
web of the Sole Solea solea in the gironde estuARy), will contribute to a more global project which aims
at understanding xenobiotics' ecodynamics in estuarine ecosystems, a rst step towards predicting their
impacts on sheries populations. Indeed, numerous sh species spend their juvenile stage in estuarine
nursery grounds, a restricted and dynamic habitat. During this initial phase of their life cycle, biotic and
abiotic interactions with their environment have long-term implications, especially on the ecological performance of adults (i.e., growth, survival and fertility). Therefore, the modication of these interactions
because of environmental changes may induce sheries populations dysfunction.
The overall objective of this PhD project is to assess the quality of the Gironde estuarine nursery
ground by focusing on the ecological performance of a species of major interest to sheries in the Bay of
Biscay: the common sole. For the medium term, this work aims to predict the eects of two families of
halogenated persistent organic pollutants (POPs), with dierent physicochemical properties, on the sole's
ecological performances. Indeed, polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs) are known to be highly hydrophobic
and accumulated in fatty tissues as they show a special anity to neutral lipids.
On the contrary,
peruoroalkyl substances (PFASs) are preferentially accumulated in blood and liver as they have a greater
anity for proteins but also for positively charged lipids. As a consequence, bioaccumulation processes
from water and food, and thus impacts on ecological performances, are expected to be contaminant
First, this project will characterise and model trophic transfer of these dierent contaminants in the
Gironde estuarine juvenile sole food web, taking into account the inuence of environmental parameters.
For that purpose, we will use in situ measurements of temperature, hydrological conditions, population
densities and whole body contamination of the dierent species composing this food web.
Second, thanks to in situ measurements of contamination in dierent tissue compartments of the sole, we
will characterise and model the fate of these contaminants within the sole's body, taking into account the
inuence of (1) environmental parameters (i.e., temperature and hydrological conditions) (2) biological
parameters and processes (i.e. growth, sex, diet, reproduction. . . ) (3) physicochemical properties of the
investigated contaminant.
We plan to use DEB theory to model energy allocation to growth, maintenance, and reproduction as
this theory allows taking into account the state of the organism and the biota and abiota dynamics. The
fate of contaminants within the tissues of sole will be described by a bioaccumulation module. To this
aim, we need to address the following questions: What is the link between energy fate and contaminants
fate? How physicochemical properties of the contaminant impact their fate? How detailed do we need
to resolve the link between physical tissues (organs, blood) of sole and DEB compartments of reserve
and structure?
Fluxes of contaminants will be dened as proportional to energy uxes.
Anity of
the contaminant to the dierent energy uxes will depend on (1) the properties of the dierent DEB
compartment considered (e.g., relationship with the dierent physical tissues, biomolecules composition)
and (2) the chemical properties of the dierent investigated contaminants (e.g., octanol-water coecient,
accumulation behaviour similar to well known compounds, anity with specic biomolecules, ...).
In order to describe the trophic bioaccumulation within the sole food web in the Gironde estuary, we plan
to use an OMEGA model (optimal modelling for ecotoxicological assessment). It consists in modelling the
intern concentration of contaminants in each compartment of the food web taking into account parameters
of absorption from water, assimilation from food (i.e., other compartments), detoxication and dilution
induced by growth and reproduction.
These parameters values are known to be temperature, species
and contaminant specic. But what degree of precision is needed as we plan to use the outputs of the
OMEGA type model as inputs of food availability (i.e., types and quantities) and food contamination in
the DEB model ?
Keywords : Solea solea, Gironde estuary, polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs), peruoroalkyl substances
(PFASs), partition coecients, Dynamic Energy Budget theory, bioaccumulation model, food web modelling
Integrative model of bioaccumulation and detoxication of
paralytic shellsh toxins PST by the Japanese oyster (Crassostrea
gigas) based on the theory of dynamic energy budget (DEB)
E. Pousse
1 Laboratoire des Sciences de l'Environnement Marin (LEMAR), UMR 6539 CNRS/UBO/IRD/Ifremer, Site Ifremer
d'Argenton, 11, Presqu'île du Vivier, 29840 Argenton en Landunvez, France
France being the largest consumer of oysters in Europe, oyster farming is deeply rooted in French heritage.
The Japanese oyster (Crassostrea gigas), is the oyster most exploited in France, but also in the world. By
their feeding mode type lter-feeder, these bivalves are sensitive to toxic algal blooms. If these ones don't
systematically cause a lethal eect on oysters, they can weaken them and make them unt for human
consumption. There are dierent types of phytoplankton toxins that can be grouped under designation
: amnesic, neurotoxic, diarrhetic and paralytic. For the latter group, saxitoxin are synthesized by the
microalgae of Alexandrium genus and accumulate in tissues of bivalves.
In recent years, much work has been done on the interaction between C. gigas and saxitoxin. To better
understand these interactions, mathematical models have been developed without describe accurately
the kinetics of accumulation and detoxication in paralyzing toxins (PSTs). Those based on DEB theory
(Dynamic Energy Budget) (Kooijman, 2000) have been widely applied to the study of bivalves energetic.
This type of model has already allowed to quantify the growth and reproduction of C. gigas under
dierent environmental forcing.
It has also been applied to the study of host-pathogen interactions
(Flye-Sainte-Marie et al., 2009) and the kinetics of accumulation and detoxication of contaminants
(Bodiguel et al., 2009; Echinger et al., 2010).
The aim of my thesis work is to develop a model based on DEB theory, to describe interactions between
PSTs and oysters. Indeed, physiological impacts on oysters after contamination with PSTs have been
For example, paralytic toxins (PSTs) alter the immune response (overproduction and
phagocytosis of hemocytes), the behavior (modication of valvar rhythms, production of pseudo-faeces)
or the organs integrity (myoatrophy, inamed gills).
The objective of this thesis, integrated into the
ACCUTOX project, is being based on the DEB model, to describe the one hand, accumulation and
detoxication kinetics of PSTs in C. gigas but in the other hand the eect of these toxins on the physiology
of the oyster.