Dispatches from Decision Games presrt std us postage paid bakersfield ca permit no 66 #28 SPRING 2015 (661) 587-9633 | (661) 587-5031 fax | P.O. Box 21598 | Bakersfield CA 93390 | DECISIONGAMES.COM SAMPLE FROM STRATEGY & TACTICS #292 Waterloo by Christopher Perello W aterloo is the most written about battle in human history, and for good reason. It had every conceivable dramatic element: the fate of Europe in the balance, a duel between two of the greatest commanders of their time, indeed of all time, sweeping cavalry charges, a last-minute rescue, the final attack of one of the most storied corps in history, and a near victory turned into total rout. Such was the scope of that outcome the name has become synonymous with absolute, crushing, irretrievable defeat. It also cemented the Napoleonic paradigm—that of a decisive, war-ending battle—into the minds of military men around the world for generations to come. Situation Napoleon Bonaparte’s eleven month exile on Elba ended in March 1815 with his return to France. The French people welcomed him, but cautiously. They wanted no more wars, and Napoleon duly (and probably duplicitously) pledged peace to the French and all of Europe. His former opponents, then bickering in Vienna over the future of Europe, would have none of it. They formed the Seventh Coalition and put their armies on a war footing; by early spring 800,000 men were under arms. Dispatch #28 | d e c i s i o n Félix Philippoteaux’s classic painting of a French cavalry charge at Waterloo gives a good feel for the dense formations and the proximity of opposing soldiers. It is inaccurate on two important points: the ridge occupied by the Allied army was not nearly so hilly, and the French attacks were not delivered at the run because of crowding and mud. games 1 2015-2016 ARTICLE LINE-UP Operation Vulture | Battle of Kolwezi | Grozny 1999 | Ukrainian Insurgent Army | Prompt Global Strike | Chinese Group Armies | Century Series Fighters | DARPA Sniper Weapons ❖ US Army in the Early Cold War | M29 Davy Crockett | Operation Kansas | Operation Barras | Chinese Space Program | Naval Aviation Operation Anaconda | Krushchev at UN RUSSIA VS. VISEGRAD 4 | Sigma 64 Vietnam Wargames | Ridgway in Korea | AirSea Battle | France’s 13th Demi-Brigade | Focus On: The Iraqi Army | Russian Attack Helicopters #17 MAY - JUN 2015 #15 JAN - FEB 2015 #16 MAR - APR 2015 BATTLE OF DIEN BIEN PHU ISSUE MONTH RED TIDE WEST Feature Articles The Cold War & World War III in Europe PUTIN AS 292 WARLORD MAY 2015 North Cape: The aero-naval campaign fought off the coast of Norway from 1941 to the end of the war. •First Punic War •Battle of Waterloo 293 JUL 2015 1066: an in-depth look at three battles fought in that fateful year that ended the Anglo-Saxon line of English kings and precluded the rise of a Danish line. •Napoleon’s Last Campaign •Satan’s Chariot 294 SEP 2015 ISSUE MONTH 17 MAY 2015 Dien Bien Phu, 1954: The French army makes its stand in a remote outpost against the Viet Minh. JUL 2015 SEP 2015 NOV 2015 JAN 2016 MAR 2016 NORTH CAPE : Battles in the Arctic, 1941-1945 | Mercenary Warfare in the Congo | Waterloo | First Punic War: Rome’s Rise to Imperium •An Lushan's Rebellion WARPATH : Indian Territory’s Civil War | Rudolf Witzig’s War | Age of Dragons: Six Dynasties Period | Modernizing China’s Navy WARPAT H North Cape ANGOLA: Cold War Struggle | Manzikert: Alp Arslan & the Seljuk Victory | Sarikamish | Hessians in the American Revolution #291 MAR − APR 2015 #292 MAY − JUN 2015 •T-54/55 Tank •DF-21 Missile •Roman Army of the Late Republic 1863: the decisive phase of the Civil War came in the spring and summer of 1863, when Union victories broke the victory spell of Robert E. Lee in the east, and broke the back of the Confederacy at Vicksburg. •Area Denial •Operation C3 •Russian Airborne Armor •Iranian Revolutionary Air Force Drive on Baghdad: Joint warfare and the march up country to Baghdad, 2003. #290 JAN − FEB 2015 ANGOLA INDIAN TE R R ITORY IN THE AMERICAN CIVIL WAR Cold War Struggle in Africa Battles in the arctic, 1941-1945 Kandahar: Counter-Insurgency in Afghanistan. •SADF •Eastern Europe Uprisings •Omani Insurgency 22 MAR 2016 Red Dragon Falling: An analysis of the strengths and weaknesses of the Chinese military system. •Operation Tomahawk •Contras at War •India-Pakistan Air Wars 21 297 •Duel at St Vith •Ambush of Blackhorse Convoy Pusan Perimeter: An analysis of the last-ditch UN stand around Pusan and the subsequent counteroffensive north to the Yalu River. •Slave Trade Wars, 1502 - 1850 •Kiev Operation WWI •East African Insurgency •Captain Donlon •Tank Battle at the Chinese Farm •Operation Dingo •Preemptive Strike Jordan 1958 20 JAN 2016 Green Beret: Special Forces in Vietnam take the war to the enemy. •Iraq 2014 •Suez 1956 19 296 •Kolwezi 1979 •Prompt Global Strike •Fortifications of the Third System Gates of Vienna: An analysis of the last great Ottoman invasion of Europe in 1683, culminating outside the Habsburg capital at Vienna. •Germantown, 1777 •The Catalan Grand Company Feature Articles •Operation Vulture •Ukrainian Insurgency •DARPA Snipers 18 NOV 2015 •Battle of Mount Street Bridge, Dublin 1916 WWI: An analysis of the strategic and grand-strategic strategies driving the course of the war that brought the world of European dynasties to an end. •Desert Storm Intel •Muslim Conquest of Syria 295 •Congo Merc •ANZACS Vietnam •Indian Carrier •Vertical Envelopment Modern Battles: Kalingrad - Nato vs. Russia in the Baltic & Mosul - the coalition against the Islamic in Iraq. ✪ ISSUE MONTH 42 RAMPAGE: Building & Breaking the West Wall | Stalingrad Cauldron: Operations Uranus & Ring | Armor on New Guinea | Women at War Mare NoSTruM: War in the Mediterranean | The Gestapo | Battle of Tengxian, China | Barbarossa in the air #41 APR−MAY 2015 The Strategy & Tactics of World War II Mare NostruM: War in the Mediterranean #40 FEB−MAR 2015 rampage: FRANCE FIGHTS ON: 1940, What If? | Gulag & Punishment Battalions | Kamikazes Over Okinawa | Hitler’s Wolf’s Lair Headquarters The Allied Drive Across France, August-September 1944 The Strategy & Tactics of World War II Battle of Shanghai, 1937: The huge urban battle that began the 2nd Sino-Japanese War. •Von Rundstedt in Normandy •Army Group South Anti-Partisan Campaigns 43 The Strategy & Tactics of World War II JUN 2015 Feature Articles AUG 2015 Patton’s Third Army: Analysis of Patton’s 1944 lightning advance from Normandy to the German border. #39 DEC 2014−JAN 2015 France Fights On •Battle of Manila, 1945 •Battle of Kiev, 1941 44 OCT 2015 45 DEC 2015 46 FEB 2016 47 APR 2016 •Campaign for North Africa Crete 1941: Analysis of the Germans’ largest airborne operation of the war. •Hitler’s Greatest Mistake •US Defense of Bataan 1942 PLACE ORDER ON PAGE 20 or online at shop.strategyandtacticspress.com Dispatch #28 | d e c i s i o n •US Escort Carriers Yamato Unleashed: an analysis of the decisive 1944 aero-naval Battle of Leyte Gulf from the Japanese perspective. •Biological Warfare at Stalingrad •The Alpine Redoubt 1945 StrategyandTacticsMagazine.com WorldatWarMagazine.com ModernWarMagazine.com •A Tale of Two Corps: US II Corps & II SS Panzer Corps Panzers East: analysis of German Army Group Center in the 1941 Barbarossa Campaign. •US Pershing Tank •The Black Sheep Squadron Visit Our Websites for more info @ •Hitler’s Jewish Soldiers Ghost Column: the story of the Germans’ “Trojan Horse” armored column that almost gave them victory during their 1943 Kursk offensive. •I Remember: Luzon ‘45 •Battle of Buq Buq, 1940 2 •Hunger as a Weapon games •The Rzhev Salient 1942 Enjoy these book titles from Dear Fellow Wargamers: Welcome to Dispatch #28. This issue we are featuring the first three games coming out of our new, re-booted pledge program. First we have Wellington’s Victory with a beautiful, updated map, a fantastic set of counters that were selected through customer choice and feedback over several months on CSW, and an updated game system. Second, we have the classic Napoleon’s Last Battles. This game has also had a thorough update of the map and counter graphics (please take a look at the samples on the pledge page). The original game system has been loved for nearly four decades so we didn’t change anything in the game system, but we did add several new options, most notably the ability to add additional counters or exchange the original counters for variants that have been proposed such as the addition of Hal force as well as several leaders, and the substitution of the overly strong Prussian artillery for a more accurate OOB (and several other substitution possibilities for the French and Prussian forces). Finally, we are releasing the long-awaited third volume in John’ Butterfield’s D-Day series, D-Day at Peleliu. This game covers not only the landings but the long inland battle (a planned four-day battle turned into a two and a half month brutal campaign). So, we get the same great solitaire system and played and loved at Omaha Beach and Tarawa and now, new terrain and obstacles to overcome. All three games will be shipping by the end of May. Then, we can only tease you with the upcoming folio and mini game releases that begin in June. We have four folios, three from WWII, each a different theater, and one SF title. Alamein covers the first assault with the dramatic battles as Panzer Army Afrika attempts to breakthrough. Mortain takes us to a German counterattack during the battle for Normandy. Shanghai Incident moves us to one of the early battles of the Second-Sino-Japanese War (a conflict that merged into other parts of World War II) as the Japanese attack the Chinese for the first time at Shanghai (the second battle is covered in an upcoming World at War issue). Battles for the Galactic Empire takes us to the far future as the Imperial and Rebel forces compete for control of a sector of the Milky Way galaxy (from the popular Struggle for the Galactic Empire solitaire game). We also have 12 new mini-games. These include eight more of Miranda’s minis: Long Range Desert Group (made us all want to see old episodes of Rat Patrol!), Von Lettow (WWI East Africa), Merrill’s Mauraders (WWII CBI), Mig Alley (Korean air war), Suez ‘56, and Khe Sahn, and two solitaire SF prequels to the upcoming Free Mars boxed game: Phobos Rising (about a commando team on Mars), and Operation Stolen Base (about a Rebel task force attempting to seize the dwarf planet Ceres). Perello also provided four more Musket & Saber Quick Play games: Germantown, Saratoga, Mansfield, and Wilson’s Creek. Alright, so that’s the new game releases. What about a Desert Fox Games offer? How about something we’ve never done before? How about free shipping on all Desert Fox Games? Yes, that’s right, all you guys in Europe and Australia who write us about how it costs more to ship than the cost of the games, free shipping! In fact, let’s include Decision Games in that as well to give you even more choices to meet those minimums (minimum $75 for US, $150 for non-US). So, that’s free shipping on a Desert Fox and Decision Games order right now. Then, 25% off any or all of the three new pledge program games if you complete your pledge order before the 30 Apr 15 deadline. And finally, keep checking back for the release of those four new folio and twelve new minigames beginning in June. Thanks again for your support, The Quest for Annihilation The Role & Mechanics of Battle in the American Civil War by Christopher Perello Civil War came to the US when the first shot was fired at Fort Sumter on 12 April 1861. Most, including the leaders of both sides, thought it would be won or lost quickly, with a great battlefield collision. Instead, it ground on for four years. Battles were frequent, but each one rarely decided more than the control of a single town or a few blood soaked fields. The book is loaded with detail, and is illustrated with more than 320 maps, diagrams, photographs, orders of battle and data tables (320 pages). Retail price: $35 (+ Shipping) Crowns in the Gutter A Strategic Analysis of World War I by Ted S. Raicer Illustrated by Christopher Perello World War I was the crucial event of the 20th century, as the great European powers — which until then dominated the world economically, militarily and politically — destroyed themselves. That led to a second war a generation later, enabled the ascendance of the United States and Soviet Union, and unleashed the forces of nationalism and self-determination around the globe. Crowns in the Gutter provides a concise analysis of the strategies and tactics employed to try to achieve those goals. The narrative also has dozens of maps and diagrams to further illustrate all the action of the first total war. Retail price: $35 (+ Shipping) With Custer at the Death by Robert F. Burke Illustrated by Christopher Perello The fascination with Custer’s Last Stand hasn’t diminished in the decades since 1876. He led his regiment well ahead of the main body, only to run into an unprecedented gathering of Indians. The first accounts were pieced together by other soldiers arriving on the scene in the battle’s aftermath, and by archaeologists in the generations since. To that information was added the reminiscences of the Indians who fought there. Interleaving and cross-referencing all those accounts provides a minuteby-minute story of the fighting, as Custer desperately and expertly maneuvered his outnumbered troops to face repeated and well-coordinated assaults by bands of Indian warriors. The resultant narrative is supported by dozens of detailed maps and orders of battle for both sides. Retail price: $30 (+ Shipping) Doc PO Box 21598 | Bakersfield, CA 93390 | (661) 587-9633 shop.strategyandtacticspress.com Dispatch #28 | d e c i s i o n games 3 AVAILABLE NOW Minutes to learn. Quick to play. Historically Accurate. Game Contents: • • • • 17” x 22” terrain map 100 die-cut counters One Standard Rules booklet for this series One Exclusive Rules booklet for this title $19.95 Each +shipping Tannenberg: East Prussia, August 1914 In August 1914, two Russian armies, Rennenkampf’s First and Samsonov’s Second, invaded the German province of East Prussia. The lone German army there, Hindenburg’s Eighth, had to rely on interior lines and railroads to concentrate against each Russian army in turn. This game focuses on the southern half of the campaign, with the northern half factored into the victory conditions. Those victory conditions vary with the strategic options chosen by each player so neither knows the other’s intent. Tannenberg uses a modification of the Fire & Movement game system. Developed to portray the mechanized battlefields of a later generation, F&M stresses the use of rapidly-concentrated fire support to generate breakthroughs, followed by a rapid penetration by mobile reserves. In 1914, although railroads allowed the rapid shifting of forces on a large scale, no one moved faster than a man on foot on the battlefield, making exploitation ineffective. However, here both players have hidden movement, allowing them to concentrate in unexpected locations to surround and destroy isolated enemy units. The clumsy and inflexible fire support is represented by the artillery brigades available to division and corps commanders. It must be brought to the point of decision, then supplied to give it the firepower to affect the fighting. The historical outcome at Tannenberg was the destruction of Samsonov’s army, but it need not have been so. Both players have options and can achieve decisive success. The player who makes the better choices, and backs his strategy to the hilt, will emerge the victor. Masuria: Winter Battle 1915 After the Tannenberg campaign of August-September 1914, East Prussia became a strategic backwater as both side focused their efforts in Poland. But the Russian threat remained, and the following winter the Germans set about cleaning up their northern flank. A massive attack on the open right flank of the Russian Tenth Army sent it reeling; only the sacrifice of an entire corps in the Augustowo Forest enabled it to escape. Masuria uses a modification of the Fire & Movement game system. Developed to portray the mechanized battlefields of a later generation, F&M stresses the use of rapidly-concentrated fire support to generate breakthroughs, followed by a rapid penetration by mobile reserves. In 1915, although railroads allowed the rapid shifting of forces on a large scale, no one moved faster than a man on foot on the battlefield, making exploitation ineffective. However, here both players have hidden movement, allowing them to concentrate in unexpected locations to surround and destroy isolated enemy units. The clumsy and inflexible fire support is represented by the artillery brigades available to division and corps commanders. It must be brought to the point of decision, then supplied to give it the firepower to affect the fighting. The historical outcome at Masuria was the clearing of the East Prussian border. It might have gone differently; Russian reserves were available, and the German forces were a hodge-podge of units of widely varying quality. Both sides have a number of options to turn the fortunes of the campaign. The player who makes the better choices, and backs his strategy to the hilt, will emerge the victor. 4 Dispatch #28 | d e c i s i o n games Suez 1916: Ottoman Strike The Suez Canal was essential to British strategic communications and trade in the Great War, as well as an important political symbol. In August 1916, the Ottoman Empire sent an expeditionary force, including contingents of Germans and Austro-Hungarians, against the canal. While the British were expecting an attack, the Ottomans gained some tactical surprise by attacking at night. If the Ottoman attack succeeded, Britain’s prestige and warmaking capacity would be severely damaged. Suez 1916 uses the Fire & Movement system. The movement and combat systems are designed around the realities of mechanized warfare, giving motorized and/or speciallytrained units clear advantages. Players can augment units at the instant of combat with support fire, provided by weapons ranging from mortars through cannon and light ground attack aircraft to heavy bombers. A seemingly predictable assault can be overturned at the last minute by heavy defending fires, while even small units may develop tremendous offensive punch with the assistance of a heavy bombardment. Winning the battle is a matter of maneuver, firepower and asset management. The historical battle was a touch-and-go affair, ending with the British pushing the Turks just far enough to keep the canal safe. The British have the stronger force, but the Central Powers has the advantages of surprise, initiative, and strong artillery support. The player who best utilizes his strengths and is prepared to capitalize on opportunities will prevail. Gaza 1917: Gateway to Jerusalem By early 1917 British Empire forces had pushed the Ottoman Turks out of the Sinai to a line near Gaza. If the British could break that line, it would open the road to Jerusalem, and after that Damascus. A hastily-prepared attack in March was repulsed. After a month spent bringing forward artillery and supplies, the British were ready to try again, going “over the top” on 17 April. Gaza 1917 uses the Fire & Movement system. The movement and combat systems are designed around the realities of mechanized warfare, giving motorized and/or specially-trained units clear advantages. Players can augment units at the instant of combat with support fire, provided by weapons ranging from mortars through cannon and light ground attack aircraft to heavy bombers. A seemingly predictable assault can be overturned at the last minute by heavy defending fires, while even small units may develop tremendous offensive punch with the assistance of a heavy bombardment. Winning the battle is a matter of maneuver, firepower and asset management. Historically, the Turks eked out a victory, but it was a close call. In this game, the British have numbers, quality, and firepower on their side, while the Ottomans have excellent defensive positions, superior leadership, and time. The player who best utilizes his strengths and is prepared to capitalize on opportunities will prevail. Dispatch #28 | d e c i s i o n games 5 last c h a n c e to p l e d g e Wellington’s Victory D-Day at Peleliu Wellington’s Victory The classic 1976 game covering the battle of Waterloo returns in this revamped version. Napoleon’s French Army of the North faces Wellington’s hodgepodge Army of the Low Countries, who are fighting for time while awaiting the arrival of Blucher’s Prussian Army of the Lower Rhine. The maps use natural contours to show elevations, with terrain features including the critical chateaux, villages and farms, walls, woods, hedges, sunken roads, slopes, streams, and marshes. Most of the vividly colored counters represent combat units: infantry battalions, cavalry squadrons, artillery batteries, and engineer detachments. Many battalions have additional counters for specialist skirmishers, or additional counters to represent greater size. Unit capabilities are modified by a number of formation markers, from infantry squares to cavalry vedettes. Individual leaders enhance unit performance, while each army’s high command is represented by key commanders and unit headquarters. The game mechanics have been streamlined; a single dice roll inflicts casualties and disorder. Units and larger organizations wear down over time and must be rested or risk a catastrophic collapse. Finesse trumps brute strength in combat; players must utilize a variety of arms, formations, and tactics to seize key ground and destroy enemy units. Hidden movement allows each player to prepare surprises for the other. Multiple scenarios cover everything from the historical battle to a fight for an individual chateau. The French player may decide on an early start, or even on turning the battle into a demonstration. The Prussian arrival can occur early with fewer troops, or later with more, at the will of the allied player. It’s all here, from massive cavalry charges to grand bombardments to skirmishing to wild melees, with the fate of Europe in the balance. Contents D-Day at Peleliu is a solitaire game simulating the amphibious invasion of Peleliu in the Palau Islands. The Marines assaulted with the primary goal of capturing the airstrip nestled amid jungle and overlooked by forbidding mountain terrain. Though Maj. Gen. William Rupertus, commander of the division, predicted a quick four-day victory, the battle was instead a two-month fight to the death against some 10,000 tenacious Japanese. Designer John Butterfield advances the solitaire system of his awardwinning D-Day at Omaha Beach to the next level. You control the US forces against a Japanese defense determined to hold the island at all costs. An innovative no-dice combat system highlights unknown enemy deployments and the importance of using the right weapons and tactics. Event cards keep the action flowing and the rules simple while introducing historical detail. Players familiar with Omaha Beach will recognize the hazardous amphibious landings, overlapping enemy fields of fire, uncanny enemy tactics, and the emergence of heroes and leaders as the battle unfolds. In Peleliu new features cover coordinated Japanese counterattacks, close combat, fortified positions in coral and mountain terrain, and the hellish canyons and peaks of Umurbrogol Mountain, ever after referred to by the Marines as “Bloody Nose Ridge.” Contents • One 34x22 inch terrain map • 352 die-cut counters • 55 event cards • Color rules booklet • Player Aid cards • Storage bags Drift Left 2-23: Intense Japanese fire limits US movement to one hex this turn. Landing Pledge & pay only $45 Drift Right BNR: Unexpected US Naval Fire hits position 2-12: And add a depth marker C20 C15 to one C17Japanese unit (9.2). 14-23: Heat exhaustion disrupts one US unit. Retail Price: $60.00 • Four 34x22 inch terrain maps • 1,960 die-cut counters • Color Rule/Scenario Booklet • Assorted Player Aid Displays • Player Aid cards • Storage bags BNR: Add a depth marker to one Japanese unit (9.2). R M R 13 A 42 Retail Price: $160.00 Pledge & pay only $120 6 Landing Dispatch #28 | d e c i s i o n games PLACE ORDER online at shop.decisiongames.com Napoleon’s Last Battles Napoleon has escaped exile on Elba to retake the French throne in early 1815, but is surrounded by the armies of the Seventh Coalition, determined to remove him again. Napoleon’s only chance is a preemptive strike, to disrupt the Coalition’s plans and perhaps cause it to fall apart. Belgium has the closest targets, the armies of his two most steadfast opponents, Britain and Prussia. The French concentration, secret and swift, catches the Coalition armies off-guard. For four days, the armies maneuver and clash, with the fate of Europe in the balance. 1501 1502 1702 1503 1703 1504 1505 1106 0906 0806 0707 1107 0907 1108 0908 0808 0709 1109 0909 0710 1110 0910 0810 0711 1111 0911 0811 0712 1112 0912 0812 0713 0913 0813 0714 1113 1013 0914 0814 0715 1114 0915 0815 0716 1115 0916 0816 0717 1116 0917 0817 0718 1117 0918 0818 0719 1119 0720 1020 0721 0722 0723 0724 0725 0726 0727 0728 0729 0730 0731 1031 0732 0733 1032 0734 1033 0934 0935 1426 1135 1529 1429 1430 1431 1730 1432 1731 1433 1334 1732 1733 1534 1933 1734 1934 1834 1735 2134 1935 2135 2532 2533 2334 2733 2534 2734 3033 2934 2834 2735 2935 3135 3530 3335 Dispatch #28 | d e c i s i o n 3929 3730 3531 3930 3830 3731 3631 3532 3931 3831 3732 3632 3533 3932 3832 3733 3633 3534 3933 3833 3934 3734 3634 3535 games 3834 3735 4134 3935 4135 4532 4533 4334 4733 4534 4734 4634 4535 4735 5333 5134 7 5533 5433 5334 5234 5135 5532 5432 5233 5034 4935 5332 5133 4934 5531 5431 5232 5033 4834 5331 5132 4933 5530 5430 5231 5032 4833 5330 5131 4932 5529 5429 5230 5031 4832 4633 4434 4335 4732 5329 5130 4931 5528 5428 5229 5030 4831 4632 4433 4234 4731 5328 5129 4930 5527 5427 5228 5029 4830 4631 4432 4233 4034 4531 4333 4133 4730 5327 5128 4929 4829 4630 4431 4232 4033 4530 4332 4132 4729 5526 5426 5227 5028 5525 5425 5326 5127 4928 4828 4629 4430 4231 4032 4529 4331 4131 4728 5524 5424 5226 5027 5523 5423 5325 5126 4927 4827 4628 4429 4230 4031 4528 4330 4130 4727 5522 5422 5225 5026 5521 5421 5324 5125 4926 4826 4627 4428 4229 4030 4527 4329 4129 4726 5321 5224 5025 5520 5420 5323 5124 4925 4825 4626 4427 4228 4029 4526 4328 4128 4028 3829 3630 3434 3928 3729 4227 4725 5320 5223 5024 5519 5419 5322 5123 4924 5518 5418 5222 5023 4824 4625 4426 4327 4127 4027 3828 3629 4226 4724 4525 5122 4923 5517 5417 5221 5022 4823 4624 4425 4326 4126 4026 3927 3728 3529 3334 3926 3827 3628 4225 4723 4524 5121 4922 4822 4623 4424 4325 4125 4025 3826 3727 3528 3433 3234 3726 3627 3432 3925 4523 4423 4224 4722 4622 5516 5416 5220 5021 5515 5415 5319 5120 4921 5514 5414 5219 5020 4821 5314 5318 buy today! 4920 5513 5413 5218 5019 4820 4721 4522 4324 4124 4024 3825 3626 3527 3333 3134 3034 3526 3332 3924 3725 4223 4720 5313 5317 5119 4919 4819 4621 4422 5018 5512 5412 5217 $24.95 + SHIPPING 4521 4323 4123 4719 5312 5316 5118 4918 5511 5411 5216 5017 4818 4620 4421 4222 4023 3824 3625 3431 3233 3724 3525 3430 3923 4520 4322 4122 4022 3823 3624 3429 3232 3723 4221 4718 5311 5315 5117 4917 4817 4619 4420 4321 4121 3922 3822 3623 3524 3331 3133 2933 2833 2634 2535 3032 3523 3330 3132 2932 2832 2633 2434 2335 2732 3722 4220 4021 4519 5016 5510 5410 5215 5116 4916 4717 4618 4419 4320 4120 3921 4518 5015 4816 4617 4418 4219 4020 3821 3622 3428 3231 3721 3522 3427 3920 4517 4319 4119 4019 3820 3621 4218 4716 5310 5214 5115 4915 4815 4616 4417 4318 4118 3919 3720 4317 5014 5509 5409 5213 5114 4914 4715 4516 5013 4814 4615 4416 4217 4018 3819 3620 3426 3230 3031 4515 4316 4117 3918 3719 3521 3329 3131 2931 2831 2632 2433 2234 2731 4714 5309 5212 5113 4913 4813 4614 4415 4216 4017 3818 3619 3425 3229 3030 4315 4116 3917 3718 3520 3328 3130 2930 2830 2631 2432 2233 2034 2531 2333 2133 2730 4514 5012 5508 5408 5211 5112 4912 4713 4613 4414 4215 4016 3817 3618 3424 3228 3029 5011 4812 5308 5210 5111 4911 4811 4712 4513 4314 4115 3916 3717 3519 3327 3129 2929 2829 2630 2431 2232 2033 2530 2332 2132 2729 5010 5507 5407 5209 5110 4910 4711 4612 4413 4214 4015 3816 3617 3423 3227 3028 5009 4810 4611 4512 4313 4114 3915 3716 3518 3326 3128 2928 2828 2629 2430 2231 2032 1833 1634 1535 1932 2529 2331 2131 2728 4511 4412 4213 4014 3815 3616 3422 3226 3027 4212 4113 3914 3715 3517 3325 3127 2927 2827 2628 2429 2230 2031 1832 1633 1434 1931 2528 2330 2130 2727 4710 5307 5208 5109 4909 4809 4610 4411 4312 4112 4013 3814 3615 3421 3225 3026 3813 3714 3516 3324 3126 2926 2826 2627 2428 2229 2030 1831 1632 1533 1333 1930 2527 2329 2129 2726 4211 4012 3913 3713 3614 3420 3224 3025 3812 3613 3515 3323 3125 2925 2825 2626 2427 2228 2029 1830 1631 1532 1332 1929 2526 2328 2128 2725 4510 5008 5506 5406 5207 5108 4908 4709 4609 4410 4311 4111 4011 4509 5007 4808 5405 5306 5206 5107 4907 4708 System Requirements • OS Windows 2000/XP/Vista/7/8 • DirectX 7 or later • RAM 1 GB, 4GB recommended • AUDIO any Windows compatible sound card • Minimum Resolution 800X600, 32 bit color • Storage 32MB free space 3223 3024 5205 5106 5006 4807 4608 4409 4210 4707 4508 4310 4110 3912 3712 3514 3322 3124 2924 2824 2625 2426 2227 2028 1829 1630 1531 1331 1335 1729 1629 1530 1330 1928 1828 2525 2327 2127 2724 3811 3612 3513 3222 3023 5005 4906 4806 4607 4408 4209 4010 4507 4309 4109 3911 3711 3512 3321 3123 2923 2823 2624 2425 2226 2027 2524 2326 2126 2026 1927 1728 2225 2723 3022 4706 Event cards keep the action flowing and the rules simple, while controlling German strategy and introducing extensive historical detail. The game includes amphibious landings, German artillery and rocket barrages, US naval bombardment, tides, engineer operations, and intangibles such as US leadership under fire and the initiative of the American GIs. 3221 3122 2922 2822 2623 2424 2325 2125 1926 1827 1628 2224 2025 1826 1727 1528 1329 1234 1726 1627 1428 1925 2523 3021 4905 4805 4606 4407 4208 4009 3810 3611 3419 3320 4705 4506 4308 4108 3910 3710 3511 3220 3121 2921 2722 2622 2423 2324 2124 2024 1825 1626 1427 1328 1134 1725 1527 1327 1924 2223 3020 2821 3319 4904 4804 4605 4406 4207 4008 3809 3610 3418 3219 3120 2920 2721 2522 2422 2323 2123 2023 1824 1625 1526 1326 1233 1034 0834 1425 1232 1724 1624 1525 1325 1133 0933 0833 1424 1923 1823 2222 3019 2820 2621 3119 2919 2720 3218 4704 4505 4307 4107 3909 3709 3510 3417 3318 3118 3018 2819 2620 2521 2322 2122 2719 2520 2421 2918 3217 4903 4803 4604 4405 4206 4007 3808 3609 3416 3317 3117 3017 2818 2619 2420 2221 2022 2519 2321 2121 1922 1723 2220 2718 2618 2419 2320 2120 2021 1822 1623 1524 1324 1132 0932 0832 1722 2219 2020 1921 1821 1622 1423 1231 1721 1523 1323 1920 2518 2418 2917 2817 3216 4703 4504 4306 4106 3908 3708 3509 3415 3316 3116 3016 4902 4802 4603 4404 4205 4006 3807 3608 3414 3215 4503 4305 4105 3907 3707 3508 3315 3115 2916 2717 3314 4204 4005 3806 3607 3413 3214 3015 2816 2617 3213 3114 2915 3507 3412 3313 3113 3014 2815 2716 2517 2319 2119 2019 1820 1621 1422 1230 1720 1522 1322 1131 0931 0831 1421 1229 1030 1919 2218 2715 2616 2417 2318 2118 2018 1819 1620 1521 1321 1130 0930 0830 1420 1228 1029 1719 1619 1520 1320 1129 0929 0829 1419 1227 1028 1918 1818 Pledge & pay only $45 1128 0928 0828 1519 1319 1226 1027 1718 1618 2217 2914 3312 4702 4602 4403 4304 4104 3906 3706 4203 4004 3805 3606 3411 3212 4502 4901 4801 US units include assault infantry, amphibious tanks, artillery, engineers and HQs. The game system controls the hidden German defenders in Widerstandsnest resistance points on the bluffs overlooking the beaches. US forces that manage to break through the deadly coastal defenses and reach the high ground must then contend with German mobile reinforcements in the bewildering hedgerows of Normandy’s bocage. An innovative diceless combat system highlights unknown enemy deployments and the importance of utilizing the right weapons and tactics. 3211 3112 4701 4601 4402 4303 4103 3905 3705 3506 3410 3311 3111 3013 2814 2615 2516 2317 2117 2714 2515 2416 2913 3310 4202 4003 3804 3605 3409 3210 3012 2813 2614 2415 2216 2017 2514 2316 2116 2016 1917 1817 Retail Price: $60.00 1127 0927 0827 1418 1225 1026 1717 2215 2912 2713 3110 3011 2812 2613 2414 2315 2115 1916 1816 1617 1518 1318 1126 0926 0826 1716 2214 2015 2513 2413 2314 2114 2014 1915 1815 1616 1417 1224 1025 1715 1517 1317 1125 0925 0825 1914 2213 2911 2712 3209 4501 4401 4302 4102 3904 3704 3505 3408 3309 3109 3010 2811 2612 2412 2313 2113 2013 1814 1615 1416 1223 1024 1714 1516 1316 1124 0924 0824 1913 2512 2312 2212 2910 2711 2611 2411 3308 3803 3604 3407 3208 3009 2810 3307 3108 3008 2909 2710 2511 2311 2112 2012 1813 1614 1415 1222 1023 2908 3504 3406 3207 4201 4002 3903 3703 3603 3405 3306 3107 3902 3802 4301 4101 4001 D-Day at Omaha Beach recreates America’s most bloody and heroic day of World War II. In this solitaire game from the designer of the solo classics RAF and Ambush, you control the forces of the US 1st and 29th Divisions landing under fire on the Normandy shore, and struggling desperately to establish a viable beachhead. 3206 3007 2809 2610 2410 2211 2709 2510 2310 2111 1912 1713 1515 1315 1123 0923 0823 2907 2808 2609 2409 2210 2011 1812 1613 1414 1221 1022 1712 1514 1314 1122 0922 0822 1413 1220 1021 2708 2509 2309 2110 1911 Contents • Two 34x22 inch terrain maps • 400 die-cut counters • Color rules booklet • Storage bags 1121 0921 0821 3006 2807 2608 2408 2209 2010 1811 1612 1513 1313 1219 1120 0920 0820 2508 2308 2109 1910 1711 1512 1412 1218 1019 2707 3205 3106 3702 3503 3404 3305 3105 2906 2806 2607 2407 2208 2009 1810 1611 1411 1312 1118 0919 0819 1710 1511 1311 1909 1809 1610 1410 1217 1018 2507 2307 2108 2706 3204 3005 3901 3801 3602 3403 3304 3104 2905 2805 2606 2406 2207 2008 2506 2306 2107 1908 1709 1510 1310 1216 1017 2705 2605 2405 2206 2007 1808 1609 1409 1215 1016 2106 1907 1708 1509 1309 1214 1015 2505 2305 3203 3004 3502 3402 3303 3103 3701 3601 D-Day at Omaha Beach 3202 3003 2904 2804 3401 3302 3102 The original game’s scenarios are intact, covering the entire campaign or using just a portion of the map and counter set to cover each of the four principal battles fought historically: Ligny, Quatre Bras, Wavre, and Waterloo (or La Belle Alliance). The oneday mini campaigns and a Wavre variant from DG’s 1995 reprint also return. Over 90 extra units have been added to make potential reinforcements available, to modify the original order of battle due to new research, or to give players the means to alter each army’s countermix. Optional rules present variants for several of the standard rules. 1213 1014 2704 3501 3201 3002 2903 2803 2604 2404 2205 2006 1807 1608 1408 1906 1707 1508 1308 1212 1012 2504 2304 2105 2703 3301 3101 3001 2802 2802 2603 2403 2204 2005 1806 1607 1407 1211 1011 1905 1706 1507 1307 1210 1010 2104 2702 2602 2503 2303 2203 2004 1805 1606 1406 1209 1009 0809 1705 1506 1306 1208 1008 1904 2502 2402 2901 2801 This game is a reprint and update of the classic SPI game from 1976. The map covers the entire campaign area, featuring the towns, roads, rivers, woods, chateaux, and ridges that affected the fighting. The colorful units in the game include infantry, cavalry, and artillery brigades, plus key leaders. 1207 1007 2103 2003 1804 1605 1405 1206 1006 0807 0708 1205 2202 2701 2601 2401 2302 2102 1903 1704 2201 2002 1803 1604 1005 1902 2501 2301 2101 2001 1802 1603 0805 1901 1801 1602 0706 0735 1701 1601 5534 5434 5335 5535 Folio Game Series & Mini Game Series Minutes to Learn, Quick to Play Ava i l a bl e n o w Complete your collection today! The Folio Game Series provides dozens of games using the same 8-page Standard rules (Musket & Saber for 19 th century battles, Fire & Movement for 20 th century battles, Fire & Movement World War I for WWI battles, Battles of the Medieval World for medieval battles, & Pike & Shot for early gunpowder battles) with a short Exclusive rules sheet for each individual game to capture the unique aspects of each battle. Each game can be played in about 90 minutes allowing for multiple games to be played in an afternoon or evening. FOLIO SERIES Fire & Movement Rules World War I Battles Gaza 1917: Gateway to Jerusalem Loos: The Big Push Masuria: Winter Battle 1915 Meuse Argonne: The Final Offensive Suez 1916: Ottoman Strike Tannenberg: East Prussia, August 1914 Vimy Ridge: Arras Diversion World War II Battles Aachen: First to Fall Arnhem: The Farthest Bridge Bastogne: A Desperate Defense Cauldron: Battle For Gazala Crusader: Battle for Tobruk Iwo: Bloodbath in the Bonins, 19 Feb - 17 Mar 1945 Kasserine: Baptism of Fire Saipan: Conquest of the Marianas Scheldt: The Devil’s Moat Modern Battles DMZ: The Next Korean War Golan: The Syrian Offensive Lebanon ‘82: Operation Peace for Galilee Naktong Bulge: Breaking the Perimeter Showdown: The Coming Indo-Pakistani War MINI SERIES Musket & Saber Quick Play Rules Napoleonic Battles Saalfeld: 10 October 1806 19th Century Battles 19th Century Battles Pedregal: Santa Anna At Bay Molino Del Rey: Gateway to Mexico City 8 Sept 1847 BattleS of Ancient World Rules Chalons: The Fate of Europe Pike & Shot Rules Early Gun Powder Battles Ancient Wars Rules Breitenfeld: Enter the Lion of the North Pavia: Climax of the Italian Wars Battles of Medieval World Rules Caesar’s War: The Conquest of Gaul, 58-52 BC Belisarious’s War: The Roman Reconquest of Africa, AD 533-534 Hand of Destiny Rules Acre: The Third Crusade Opens Arsuf: Lionheart vs. Saladin Khyber Rifles: Britannia in Afghanistan Custer’s Final Campaign: 7th Cavalry at Little Bighorn Air Wars Rules Napoleonic Battles Eagle Day: The Battle of Britain Cactus Air Force: Air War Over the Solomons Marengo: Morning Defeat, Afternoon Victory Leipzig: Napoleon Encirlced Commando Rules American Civil War 8 American Civil War Chantilly: Jackson’s Missed Opportunity 1 Sept 1862 Salem Church: East of Chancellorsville 3-4 May 1863 Musket & Saber Rules Chickamauga: River of Death Frayser’s Farm: Wasted Opportunity Pea Ridge: St Louis, Then Huzzah! Shiloh: Grant Surprised Stone River: Turning Point in Tennessee The Mini Game Series provides a variety of introductory games that are designed to be played in about an hour. The eras covered are: 19 th century, Ancient, WWII and Modern. Each game includes an 11 x 17 inch map sheet, 40 counters and a rules sheet. Some titles also include 18 mini cards. The mini game series takes only minutes to learn and once one game is played, players can immediately play other scenarios with the same standard rules. Some games come with cards that drive the action with various commands and events. Congo Merc: The Congo 1964 Border War: Angola Raiders VISIT OUR SITE FOR MORE INFO @ SHOP.DecisionGames.com Dispatch #28 | d e c i s i o n games the Decision Games folio/mini series QTY Stock # FOLIO SERIES Title Price 1601 Chalons 19.95 1602 Marengo 19.95 1603 Leipzig 24.95 1604 Chickamauga 19.95 1605 Stones River 19.95 1606 Frayser’s Farm 19.95 1607 Shiloh 1608 TOTAL QTY Stock # Title Price TOTAL MINI SERIES 1701 Caesar’s Wars: Gallia 12.95 1702 Belisarius’s War 12.95 1703 Khyber Rifles 12.95 1704 Custer’s Final Campaign 12.95 1705 Eagle Day 12.95 19.95 1706 Cactus Air Force 12.95 Arnhem 19.95 1707 Congo Merc 12.95 1609 Cauldron 19.95 1708 Border War: Angola 12.95 1610 Kasserine 19.95 1709 Saalfeld 9.95 1611 Saipan 19.95 1710 Molino Del Rey 9.95 1612 Bastogne 19.95 1711 Chantilly 9.95 1613 Aachen 21.95 1712 Salem Church 9.95 1614 Crusader 19.95 1615 Golan 19.95 1616 Naktong Bulge 19.95 1617 DMZ: The Next Korean War 19.95 1618 Showdown: Indo-Pakistani 21.95 1619 Acre 19.95 1620 Arsuf 19.95 1621 Breitenfeld 21.95 1622 Pavia 1623 Folio Flat Rate Shipping* One rate for number of games shipped per the chart below. BONUS LIMITED TIME OFFER! FREE SHIPPING SHIPPING CHARGES US ships UPS Ground, International ships USPS only. Envelope Shipping: 1-2 folios/ 1-3 minis $7 USPS Priority Mail (1-2 folios/ 1-3 minis) 19.95 22 Canada Priority Int'l Mail (1-2 copies) Pea Ridge 19.95 26 World Priority Int'l Mail (1-2 copies) 1624 Pedregal 19.95 1625 Loos 1915 19.95 1626 Lebanon ‘82 19.95 1627 Vimy Ridge 1628 1629 US product orders over $75* ONLINE ORDER CODE: D28-FS-US NON-US product orders over $150* ONLINE ORDER CODE: D28-FS-FGN Box Shipping: 3 or more games $16 UPS Ground (USPS Priority Mail add $5) 19.95 33 Canada Meuse-Argonne 19.95 37 South America Battle of the Scheldt 19.95 1630 1631 Iwo (Solitaire) Masuria 19.95 47 Europe, Australia, Asia 1632 Tannenberg 19.95 1633 Suez 1916 19.95 1634 Gaza 1917 19.95 *EXCLUDES SUBSCRIPTIONS, SPW PRODUCTS & PLEDGE ORDERS For online orders shipping will be adjusted when the order is verified. Free shipping will not be reflected at time of checkout. 19.95 Name Address City, State Subtotal TAX (CA. RES. 7.5%) + (UPS or USPS) Shipping + FREE SHIPPING CODE TOTAL ORDER = Zip country Phone email VISA/Mc/disc (ONLY)# Signature Exp. & CVV (661) 587-9633 | (661) 587-5031 fax | P.O. Box 21598 | Bakersfield CA 93390 | shop.decisiongames.com Dispatch #28 | d e c i s i o n games 9 B ox Ga m e L i st i n g QTY Title Price TOTAL QTY 10 120 35 40 240 120 120 50 25 40 50 60 60 60 60 50 120 40 55 23 170 120 50 25 20 20 23 20 50 50 40 50 40 40 40 50 120 40 40 Price Battles of the Ancient World: ALL Over the Top! Pacific Battles, vol. 1 Patton’s First Victory RAF Rebels & Redcoats Vol 1 Rebels & Redcoats Vol 2 Rebels & Redcoats (ALL volumes) Seven Days Battles Storm of Steel (updated) Struggle Galactic Empire (v 2.0) The ‘45 The Alamo The Forgotten War Korea USN Deluxe Wacht am Rhein War in the Pacific War in the Pacific Extension DG Box Games Adv. Pacific Theater Ops Africa Orientale Italy Exp Antietam Campaign Atlantic Wall Axis Empires: Dai Senso! Axis Empires: Totaler Krieg! Battle Cry of Freedom Beyond the Urals Blue & Gray Cherkassy Pocket China: Middle Kingdom D-Day Omaha Beach D-Day at Tarawa Drive on Stalingrad Emp 1st/Nap 1st Battles Empires of the Middle Ages Fly Circus Bomb & Camp Exp Fly Circus Complete Set Flying Circus (Basic) Highway to the Reich Hurtgen: Hell’s Forest Land Without End Leningrad Lightning: D-Day Lightning: North Africa Lightning: Poland Lightning: War on Terror Lords of Sierra Madre Luftwaffe Napoleons 1st Battles Nine Navies War NUTS! Bulge-Card (N/S) Operation Kremlin Empires at War Battles for the Ardennes War Between the States Thirty Years War Quad Battles of the Ancient World: Vol II Title TOTAL $80 50 50 30 80 50 50 80 40 160 60 40 20 50 80 160 420 40 Subtotal TAX (CA. RES. 7.5%) + (UPS or USPS) Shipping + FREE SHIPPING CODE TOTAL ORDER FLAT RATE SHIPPING CHARGES US ships UPS Ground, International ships USPS only. = BONUS LIMITED TIME OFFER! FREE SHIPPING $16 UPS Ground (USPS Priority Mail add $5) US product orders over $75* 33 Canada ONLINE ORDER CODE: D28-FS-US 37 South America 47 Europe, Australia, Asia PLACE ORDER ON PAGE 20 or online at shop.decisiongames.com Dispatch #28 | d e c i s i o n games NON-US product orders over $150* ONLINE ORDER CODE: D28-FS-FGN *EXCLUDES SUBSCRIPTIONS, SPW PRODUCTS & PLEDGE ORDERS For online orders shipping will be adjusted when the order is verified. Free shipping will not be reflected at time of checkout. H World War I H 100th Anniversary 25% OFF OTHER SPW GAMES Introductory Game to the Der Weltkrieg Series AVAILABLE NOW SPW introduces Tannenberg: The Introductory Game as an easy way to get into the Der Weltkrieg series. For a low price you can experience why so many rate Der Weltkrieg among their favorites. Follow the introductory videos on the SPW website, and get into one of the most playable and innovative systems available. THE GRAND CAMPAIGN Connects the other titles in series. Not a stand alone game. $79.95 The series covers all World War I in Europe and the Middle East using a standard system with rules that apply to all its games. By learning how to play Tannenberg, you will know how to play the others. The Eastern Front: 1914-1917 Six Separate Games PLUS Rules to Link the Games PLUS East Front Campaign Game $119.95 The series uses simple systems. First is the representation of terrain the maps use hexside rather than in-hex depictions. That triples the amount of information on the map while adding realism and accuracy to movement and combat. The combat system takes into account every strength point, and it’s not odds dependent. Losses are by strength point, which accurately depicts the effects of combat action and attrition. The Western Front: 1914-1918 Supply is simple and effective, representing the need to replenish ammunition. Units can’t fully attack or defend without supplies, and the system recreates intense combat and lulls. Ottoman Front Five separate scenarios Tannenberg is also a great way to get first-timers into wargaming. The rules are short and to the point. The video tutorials are an easy way to learn, and they give examples from the game. Watch them now and see for yourself. ITALIAN FRONT: 1915-1918 $19.95 +shipping Sale PRICE $14.95 +shipping Components: • 140 Backprinted Counters • One 17in x 22in Map • One 16 page Rulebook • Ziplock Format I recommend it to any executive who wants to unravel the lessons of the past and apply them to the challenges of today. Available from ” — Brian Guinn President of 4G Companies A diversified merchant bank headquartered in Dallas. 8 Easy to Read and Easy to Apply Ideas on How To: 1 XX 8th 2 X 8 5 5 8 2 4 XX Find Paths to Success Improve Performance Develop Leadership Handle Risk Plan Successfully Maximize Productivity Deal with Conflicts XX Improve Communication Deal with Mistakes Understand Reality Handle Subordinates Leverage Technology Avoid Failure $23.95 + shipping Available from 4 Strategy & Tactics Press | PO Box 21598 | Bakersfield, CA 93390 | (661) 587-9633 | sales@decisiongames.com 25 6Lw 2 6 3R 8 5 1 XX $49.95 is able to really draw fascinating parallels “ Dave between history and the business world of today. (Media / Tutorial Videos) XXXX $79.95 Conquer the Business Battlefield! Watch the Step by Step Videos at www.spwgame.com $69.95 4 4 For more info visit shop.DecisionGames.com Not qualified for Free Shipping Dispatch #28 | d e c i s i o n games 11 D e c i s i o n Pl e d g e p r o g r a m Pledge Program Overview The Decision Games Pledge Program is an online preorder system for gamers to “pledge” their support to purchase future games thereby directing our efforts to the games customers have the most interest in seeing published. Pledge orders will receive up to a 25% discount from the final retail price. We will provide estimated pricing based on the latest information we have about the game components and print pricing however the final price is subject to change (largely due to the variable costs of paper and shipping). Updates about the collation and shipping are included in our What’s New page. Normally, we start printing game components in January. We close the pledge orders when components start arriving In our warehouse and begin collecting payments. Most games are shipped by the end of June. The Decision Games Pledge Program has published many games over the past 15 years. For your convenience, we are listing the projects to be released in the next year in the first section of the pledge list, then the games we have in progress for the following two years. We will add games to the Pledge Program through the surveys we conduct on-line and in our magazines. To pledge for additional games, check your list, make changes or updates to your list or customer information, visit the pledge area of the Decision Games Shop. Pledges are a commitment to purchase a game when published and current payment information is required in order to make pledges—credit card information must be kept current in order to maintain a pledge order. Accounts that are not kept current will have their pledge orders cancelled so that we are able to keep accurate count of pledge orders. addition of Hal force as well as several leaders, and the substitution of the overly strong Prussian artillery for a more accurate OOB (and several other substitution possibilities for the French and Prussian forces). Finally, we are releasing the long-awaiting third volume in John' Butterfield's D-Day series, D-Day at Peleliu. This game covers not only the landings but the long inland battle (a planned four-day battle turned into a two and a half month brutal campaign). So, we get the same great solitaire system and played and loved at Omaha Beach and Tarawa and now, new terrain and obstacles to overcome. All three games will be shipping by the end of May. battle resulted in the highest US casualty rate of any in the Pacific war. Like D-Day at Omaha Beach, the new game feature landing hazards, variable enemy positions and fields of fire encoded into the game maps, US weapon types vs. Japanese defensive preparations, and a random eventdriven narrative. Plus new features unique to the Pacific Theater such as US naval and aerial bombardment, flame throwers, off-shore reefs and defensive positions, Japanese tank attacks, tunnel network movement and Banzai charges. One map, two counter sheets, and 55 cards. John Butterfield. Est. Retail $60 (Est. Pledge $45). 2. Wellington’s Victory (SPI Update). An update of the SPI classic grand tactical simulation of Waterloo. This will retain the feel of the original—the fragility of dense units in the open, the efficacy of different arms and formations at different times—while addressing some of the shortcomings of the original. Gone is the asymmetric turn sequence which so hampered the Prussians and gave cavalry near-immunity from artillery: in its place, a simplified sequence Going forward, new games will enter the that retains the continual interplay between pledge system through a new annual survey/ sides. Gone too are the step reduction markers; contest where everyone will have an opportunity units will be presented on several counters so to review and select their favorite games through a multi-round system such as the bracket contest losses can reflect diminution of both numbers and morale. Large units—such as the Nassauers, going on now to choose the first game for 2018. Most games that enter the pledge program will be Prussians, British Guards, and most cavalry published in three years or less (we might release regiments—will have two or more counters in play. Formations for infantry, cavalry, and early if a game is further along in the design and artillery will be handled with markers and will development phase or delay a release date in order to insure thorough development and testing reflect doctrinal differences between the armies. Skirmishers will be tamed, providing neither the of a larger or more complex game). Once we see spearhead of the offensive nor the bulwark of the what the #1 pick is, we will consider additional defense. Entirely new rules provide for hidden picks after we look at all of the results and movement and optional reinforcements for both comments and consider our time and resources. sides. For details [and progress reports], go to the We’ll also be conducting additional surveys CSW web site, Napoleonic folder, Wellington’s and asking for your feedback about potential Victory. Four maps, seven counter sheets. Chris topics and specific proposals throughout the Perello. Est. retail $160 (Est. Pledge $120). year to further determine what proposals should remain or be added to the proposal pool, and 3. Napoleon’s Last Battles (SPI Update). what proposals should make way for the future. This game is a reprint and update of the classic SPI game from 1976. The map covers 2016 and Beyond the entire campaign area, featuring the PLEDGE PROGRAM UPDATE towns, roads, rivers, woods, chateaux, and Alamo to Appomattox, Campaign for (01 Mar 15) ridges that affected the fighting. The colorful North Africa, Free Mars, and Hand of Fate: units in the game include infantry, cavalry, The Vietnam War are all proceeding through and artillery brigades, plus key leaders. design and development. Pledge orders will After nearly 15 years, we decided to reboot determine the order and timing of publication. our pledge program last Fall. The pledge program The original game’s scenarios are intact, Right now, they are in the above order with itself was pared down to seven games that are covering the entire campaign or using just a actually in design or development. Three of those Alamo to Appomattox likely to be slated for a 2Q portion of the map and counter set to cover each games are being published this year. First we have release date in 2016. Unfortunately, the current of the four principal battles fought historically: total of pledge orders for Hand of Fate are such Wellington's Victory with a beautiful, updated Ligny, Quatre Bras, Wavre, and Waterloo (or La map, a fantastic set of counters that were selected we are considering returning it to the general Belle Alliance). The one-day mini campaigns pool of proposals for future consideration. through customer choice and feedback over and a Wavre variant from DG’s 1995 reprint also several months on CSW, and an updated game return. Over 90 extra units have been added Games to be published in 2015 system. Second, we have the classic Napoleon's to make potential reinforcements available, to Last Battles. This game has also had a thorough modify the original order of battle due to new 1. D-Day at Peleliu. Peleliu focuses on the update of the map and counter graphics (please st research, or to give players the means to alter landings by the US 1 Marine Division in take a look at the samples on the pledge page). September 1944 and their bitter two-day struggle each army’s countermix. Optional rules present The original game system has been loved for variants for several of the standard rules. Chris nearly four decades so we didn't change anything to capture the airfield on the southern end of Perello, developer. Est. retail $60 (Est. Pledge $45). the island. A longer campaign scenario allows in the game system, but we did add several new options, most notably the ability to add additional the player to extend the action to the rugged terrain of “Bloody Nose Ridge.” Opposed by the counters or exchange the original counters for reinforced Japanese 14th Infantry Division, the variants that have been proposed such as the 12 Please note – if you pledged for these games before 1 Oct 14 and have not reset your pledge account since then, your order is not in the pledge system. Please update or reset your account ASAP. We do apologize for the inconvenience of having to reset your pledge account, but we anticipate a better pledge program experience for all. Dispatch #28 | d e c i s i o n games PLEDGE GAMES for 2016-2017 4. Alamo to Appomattox. A2A is a grand strategy game of the American Civil War in the style of Krieg! Maps of the Eastern and Western Theaters include terrain, strategic objectives, roads/rail, naval zones, navigable and non-navigable rivers, cities and locales, supply centers and other features affecting the game. Counters represent the corps and armies of the war. Cards provide the strategic-political-economic direction for each side. Strategies are many and varied but the ultimate goal is to demoralize the opposing faction’s population through military, economic and political victories while sustaining your own population’s will to continue the fight. The players each choose a Strategy Card and an Addendum Card before each new season and may opt to play an additional card as a diplomatic response to certain events. These cards lead to new military units, leaders, and replacement steps and result in socio-economic and political events. The events include the declaration of Emancipation, the elections of 1862 and 1864, and the possible intervention by European nations. Events are often doubleedged swords, sometimes providing a military advantage while negatively affecting the popular will to fight. In addition, both sides may attempt to develop and manufacture new technologies, both historical and speculative, such as ironclads, submarines, torpedoes, observation balloons, repeating rifles and Gatling guns. Both sides can introduce espionage and even sabotage, which can have many unexpected consequences, including assassination. Scenarios are included for each year as well as the entire ACW. Beyond the ACW proper, there are two introductory scenarios: Alamo, a mini-game of the War for Texas and Manifest Destiny, a MexicanAmerican War mini-game. These short campaigns will give new players an excellent place to start playing and veteran players will have two scenarios that can be finished in an evening. In addition there is Crisis & Compromise, a card play oriented game of the period from the end of the Mexican-American War to the start of the Civil War. Though little combat occurs, the card play covers the actions inspiring events, leaders and regional positions (Border States) that affect the allegiance of states to a region and the ability of military leaders at the start of the Civil War. Crisis & Compromise can be played alone or used to create alternative starting situations for the ACW. Three maps, 560 counters, 200 cards. Barry Altshuler. Est. Retail: $160 (Est. Pledge $120). units at a battalion level (armor in companies and air units in squadrons). Now it’s the ultimate North Africa simulation. Joseph Miranda. Est. Retail $200 (Est. Pledge $150). 6. Hand of Fate: The Vietnam War. Players choose Campaign Cards that would generate reinforcements and political events. The Campaign Cards would replace the complex political rules often required to simulate the Vietnam conflict. Players can choose different levels of escalation that will generate varying levels of forces, at a trade-off in political support and military efficiency. The Communist player could choose between low level terrorism, mid-level guerrilla warfare, or a full scale Tetstyle offensive. The Allied player could choose to intervene with just US special forces, or mobilize for an all-or-nothing invasion of Communist sanctuaries in Laos and Cambodia. Game units will be brigades/regiments and divisions/Viet Cong fronts, rated for their conventional and unconventional capabilities. The map will cover all of Indochina. A semiabstract system will model air operations. Two maps, three counter sheets, 220 cards. Joseph Miranda. Est. retail: $100. (Est. Pledge $75). 7. Free Mars! (SPI). From the colonies of Mars to the orbital stations of Earth and to the outposts on Jupiter, the cry is heard. Free Mars! is a science fiction wargame of revolt across the Solar System in the late 21st century. Earth’s colonies are rising up against an oppressive Terran Federation. The system is based on SPI’s Battlefleet Mars, but with additional forces and units representing several types of spaceships, ground units and special forces. Special weapons include artificial intelligence missiles, cybernetic attacks and enhancement of human warriors via nano-technology. Cards representing the various military-political-economic groups that are maneuvering for power are included. The map shows the Solar System out to Jupiter, with displays for each planet. Joseph Miranda. Est. retail $80 (Est. Pledge $60). DG PC COMPUTER GAMES NOW AVAILABLE Napoleon At Waterloo Computer Game (PC) $10.00 | download available Napoleon's Last Battles Computer Game (PC) $29.95 | download available Operation Olympic Computer Game (PC) $24.95 | download available Patton's First Victory Computer Game (PC) $19.95 | download available D-Day at Omaha Beach Computer edition (PC) $24.95 Struggle for the Galactic Empire Computer edition (PC) $19.95 War in Europe: computer edition (PC) $60.00 WolfPack: computer edition (PC) $20.00 Order online at shop.decisiongames.com Register now at shop.decisiongames.com in the store section and manage your pledge account personally. 5. Campaign for North Africa (SPI). There is no paperwork or data tracking in this remake of the SPI classic; streamlined but realistic procedures allow the realistic portrayal of unit assignment and supply expenditure. Command and control cards drive the action, enabling a player to tailor his emphasis on building units, gathering intelligence, conducting operations, or building up supplies. The map has been given a graphic update. The air war is updated and enhanced and the OOB presents the latest research with all Dispatch #28 | d e c i s i o n games 13 free shipping On product over $75 (US) or $150 (Non-US). Cannot be combined with other offers or discounts. Excludes SPW products. Some games are one of a kind, list of alternate games is appreciated. MFGTitlePrice MFGTitlePrice MFGTitlePrice MFGTitlePrice 3M Blue Line Hockey 3MFoil 3MHigh-Bid 3MQuinto 3MRegatta 3M Win Place Show 3W Battle Cry 3W Dark Crusade 3W Never Call Retreat ACIES Braccio da Montone ADTCH Fighting Gen Patton ADVBrigadier AEG Abandon Ship AEGArcana AEG Monkey Lab AEGStraw AH Foreign Exchange AH Outdoor Survival (punched) AHRocketville AH Tac Air AH Tac Air (punched) APL AirLines (card game) APL AirLines 2 (card game) APL Avalanche: Invasion Italy APL Bitter Victory: Sicily APL Digging (card game) APLGranada APL GWAS: Airships APL GWAS: Dreadnoughts APL GWAS: Med (2nd ed) APL GWAS: Med, vol I APL GWAS: Plan Gold APL Napoleon in the Desert APL Op. 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EGL Conquest of Empire EGL Lord of Rings Children’s FBIBerserker FFG BSG: Daybreak Expan FFG Cold War: CIA vs KGB FFG LOTR Trivia FFG Netrunner Core Set FFG Red November GAL ATC Moonshot GIBSON Great Western Rails GMT 1914: Twilight in the East GMT 1989: Dawn of Freedom GMT Africanus (zip) GMT Andean Abyss GMT Asia Engulfed GMT Battle for Normandy Expan (Zip) GMT Blackbeard GMT Bloody April, 1917 GMT No Retreat No Africa GMT Nothing Gained but Glory GMT Pacific Typhoon GMT Pax Baltica GMTPQ-17 GMT Prussia’s Glory 2 GMTRan GMT Rebel Raiders GMT Red Winter GMTRisorgimento GMTSamurai GMT Savannah (Am Rev vol 4) GMT Serpents of the Seas GMT Silver Bayonet GMT Stalin’s War GMT Sun of York GMT The Supreme Commander GMT Tyrant (zip) GMT Unconditional Surrender GMT Unhappy King Charles! 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(cards) GMT France ‘40 GMT GD: Fighting Formations GMT Grand Illusion GMTHellenes GMTHoplite GMT Iron & Oak GMT Ivanhoe (Reprint) GMTKutuzov GMT Labyrinth GMT Leaping Lemmings GMT Manifest Destiny GMTMedieval GMT Mr Madison’s War GMT Navajo Wars GMTNewtown GMT Next War Korea 65 25 79 10 10 79 29 79 85 60 75 15 15 55 85 35 69 75 59 25 65 60 35 55 45 57 69 65 85 Dispatch #28 | d e c i s i o n games 65 65 40 55 69 35 65 69 50 65 64 35 69 45 55 55 65 10 70 65 89 45 45 25 10 51 59 22 51 50 30 40 25 5 25 15 25 35 10 15 45 20 38 40 35 13 35 20 20 45 38 15 49 20 20 45 49 49 5 4 free shipping On product over $75 (US) or $150 (Non-US). Cannot be combined with other offers or discounts. Excludes SPW products. Some games are one of a kind, list of alternate games is appreciated. MFGTitlePrice MFGTitlePrice MFGTitlePrice MFGTitlePrice MFG SoC/Great River Exp MFG SoC/replacement cards MFG Station Master MFGStreetcar MIH Lodz 1914 (zip) MIH Pierce the Reich MIH Tunisia 43 MIH Turning the Tables (zip) MIH White Ensign (zip) MMP A Fearful Slaughter MMP A Most Dangerous Time MMP Screaming Eagles MMP So. Mountain MMP Storm Over Stalingrad MMPG April’s Harvest MMPG Black Wednesday MMPG Force Eagles’ War MMPG GD 40 MMPG Hunters from Sky MMPG In Their Quiet Fields (2nd ed) MMPG No Better Place to Die MMPG Strike Them A Blow MMPG This Terrible Sound NVA Ace of Aces (inc metal planes) NVA Axis & Allies OMGA1864 OMGA Desert Victory OMGA Main Battle Area OSG 1806: Rossbach OSG Air Cobra OSG Devils Den OSG Last Days -Grand Armee PB Risk (1993) PHA Chicago Poker PHA Go West PHA Heart of Africa PHAJustinian PHA Mesopotamia +card PHANero PHA Sutter’s Mill PHAWaterloo PWGKanev QD Incredible Victory QD Royal Navy QD Ironbottom Sound QNGAlhambra QNG Alhambra Dice Game QNG Alhambra Gardens QNG Alhambra Power Sultan (#5) QNG Aqua Romana QNGArchitekton QNG Chicago Express QNG Chicago Express Expansion QNGEketorp QNGEnuk QNGFlandern QNGFresco QNG Fresco: The Glaziers Expansion QNG Fresco: The Scrolls Expansion QNG Highland Clans QNGInka QNG Lucky Loop QNGMetro QNG Montego Bay QNG Robber Knights QNGSamarkand QNG Shogun: Tennos Court Expansion QNG The Thief of Baghdad QNGThebes QNGTombouctou QNG Turbo Taxi RALP Caverns Deep RALP Final Frontier RGG 20th Century RGG A Fool’s Fortune RGG Adam & Eva RGG Airlines: Europe RGGAlbion RGGAlexandros RGGAndromeda RGG Antike: Duellum RGGAssyria RGGAsteroyds RGG Augsburg 1520 RGGAustralia RGG Bean Trader RGG Big Manitou RGG Black Friday RGGBohnanza RGG Bolide Tracks 1 RGGBoxcars RGGCanyon RGG Cape Horn RGG Capt’n Clever RGG Carcassone: Abbey & Mayor RGGCarcassone: Bridges, Castles, Bazaars RGG Carcassone: Castle RGG Carcassone: Inns & Cathedrals RGG Carcassone: Traders & Builders RGGCardcassone RGG Cartegna II RGG Castle For All Seasons RGG Cavemen: Quest for Fire RGG Caylus Magna Carta RGGCeltica RGG Cinque Terre RGGColoretto RGG Copy Cat RGGCorsairs RGG Credit Mobilier RGG Crocodile Pool Party RGGCuba RGG Cuba: El Presidente Expansion RGGDarjeeling RGG Dawn Under RGGDoge RGG Doge Ship Dominion Series RGGDominion RGG Dominion: Alchemy Expansion RGG Dominion: Base cards RGG Dominion: Cornucopia Expansion RGG Dominion: Dark Ages Expansion RGG Dominion: Guilds RGG Dominion: Hinterlands Expansion RGG Dominion: Intrigue Expansion RGG Dominion: Prosperity Expansion RGG Dominion: Seaside Expansion RGG Ming Dynasty RGG Monster Factory RGG Mousquetaires du Roy RGG Mu & Lots More RGGMyrmes RGGNavegador RGGNefertiti RGG Nefertiti Expansion RGGNiagara RGGOlympos RGGOregon RGGPantheon RGG Pantheon (Dings & Dents) RGGPhoenicia RGG Ponte del Diavolo 3 9 20 30 49 35 44 30 35 95 65 50 44 44 60 60 65 45 43 60 40 49 132 75 50 35 35 40 36 40 25 35 20 30 45 35 45 45 45 45 45 40 50 85 75 40 40 40 30 60 25 60 40 60 35 25 63 40 25 35 30 35 35 60 30 63 25 40 60 60 25 75 55 60 20 15 60 40 33 40 35 60 55 40 40 38 25 45 20 25 50 25 33 25 18 18 30 18 18 30 28 55 25 30 40 55 15 45 30 35 25 60 45 50 40 40 50 45 30 18 30 45 30 40 45 45 45 RGGDragonland 35 RGGDuell 20 RGG Edison & Co 30 RGG El Cabellero 35 RGGEvergreen 20 RGGFamiglia 12 RGG Fast Flowing Forest Fellers 40 RGG Fifth Avenue 38 RGG Forgotten Planet 60 RGG Formidable Foes 40 RGGFossil 30 RGGFriday 20 RGG Friedrich, Anniversary Edition 75 RGG Funny Friends 35 RGGFurstenfeld 60 RGG Galaxy Trucker Expansion 55 RGG Galaxy Trucker: Latest Model Expan 20 RGG Gloria Mundi 45 RGGGnummies 12 RGG Goblins Inc. 50 RGG Gone Fishing! 25 RGGGracias 20 RGG Guatamala Cafe 50 RGG Hambergum: Antverpia 15 RGG Hanging Gardens 35 RGGHavana 45 RGG Heavens of Olympus 45 RGGHermagor 40 RGGIDO 44 RGG If Wishes Were Fishes 35 RGG In the Shadow of the Emperor 28 RGGIndus 35 RGGIndustry 60 RGGJambo 25 RGGKahuna 25 RGG Key Harvest 50 RGGKhronos 55 RGGKrysis 30 RGG Last Will 50 RGG Leader 1 60 RGG Lost Cities Board game 40 RGG Magna Grecia 45 RGG Mall World 33 RGGMasons 40 RGGMaya 28 RGG Merchant of Amsterdam 40 RGGMeridian 40 RGG Message to the Czar 25 Dispatch #28 | d e c i s i o n games 40 30 60 30 55 60 50 25 50 50 40 40 40 50 25 Power Grid Series RGG Power Grid 45 RGG Power Grid Deluxe 80 RGG Power Grid Expansion: Benelux/Central Europe 15 RGG Power Grid Expansion: Brazil/Spain & Portugal 25 RGG Power Grid Expansion: China/Korea 15 RGG Power Grid Expansion: Italy/France 15 RGG Power Grid Expansion: Russia/Japan 15 RGG Power Grid Expansion: The Robots 10 RGG Power Grid: Factory Manager 45 RGG Power Grid: Northern Europe/United Kingdom/Ireland 20 RGG Power Grid: Quebec/Baden-Wurtetemberg15 RGG Power Grid: The First Sparks 45 RGG RGG RGG Pressure Cooker Princes of Machu Picchu Quilt Show Race for the Galaxy Series RGG Race for the Galaxy RGG Race for the Galaxy Alien Artifacts RGG Race for the Galaxy: Brink of War Expansion RGG Race for the Galaxy: Gathering Storm Expansion RGG Race for the Galaxy: Rebel vs Imperium Expansion RGG Race the Wind RGG Rails to New England RGGRanking RGG RFTG Alien Artifact RGG Rio de la Plata (Dings & Dents) RGG Roll to the South Pole RGG Samuari Card Game RGGShipyard RGGSiesta RGG Soccer Tactics World RGG Sole Mio 15 35 55 35 35 25 25 25 25 60 60 40 25 50 35 30 60 40 30 12 free shipping On product over $75 (US) or $150 (Non-US). Cannot be combined with other offers or discounts. Excludes SPW products. Some games are one of a kind, list of alternate games is appreciated. MFGTitlePrice MFGTitlePrice MFGTitlePrice MFGTitlePrice RGG Space Alert: The Next Frontier Expansion RGG Space Beans RGG Space Dealer RGG Spin Monkeys RGGStrozzi RGG Surf’s Up Dude RGG Taj Mahal RGG Tally Ho RGG Techno Witches RGGTemporum RGG The Reef RGG Those Pesky Garden Gnomes RGG Thurn & Taxis: Power & Glory RGG Thurn & Taxis: Roads to Rome RGGTichu RGG Time Pirates RGGToppo RGGToscana RGG Traders of Genoa RGG Trick R. Treat RGG Tzolk’in: The Mayan Calender exp RGG Unexpected Treasures RGG Upon a Salty Ocean RGGUr RGGUtopia RGG Vasco de Gama RGGVino RGG Where’s Bob Hat? 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TLC Easter Island TLC Zombie Town 2: Road Rage TLC Zombie Town 2: Road Rage TLC Zombies! 6.66 Fill in _______ TPS Battle of Stalingrad TPS Joan of Arc’s Victory TPS Poltova’s Dread Day TPS Saratoga 1777 TPS Siege of Syracuse TSK Hob Lepoard II TSR Buck Rogers TSR Field Marshal TSR Moscow 1941 TSRWWII UBR New England UBR Sunken City UGG Assyrian Wars UGG Blitzkreig General (2nd ed) UGG Morse Code UGGPasaran UGG Triumph & Fall Desert Fox (zip) VaeV Cassino (zip) VaeV Lion & the Sword (zip) VaeV Overlord to Berlin (zip) VaeV Victories of Marshal Saxe (zip) VG Open Fire VG Gulf Strike (1st ed) VPG Vanished Planet WARFPerikles WDG Anzio: Fight for Beachhead 1944 WDG At Neuve Chapelle WDG Bosworth Field 1485 WDG Confederate Rebellion WDGPavia WDG Red Menace WDG Shield Wall: Hastings 1066 WDG We Shall Fight on the Marne WE Fire Team WOG Blood of Noble Men WOGChainmail WOGCowboys WOG For Honor & Glory WOG Forged in Fire WOG Hold the Line WOG MedWar Sicily WOG Prussia’s Defiant Stand WOLF Swords of Glory XTR Back to Iraq (zip) XTR Black Gold (zip) XTR Miss. Banzai (zip) XTR Wahoo! (zip) YAQ Fast Attack Boats YAQ Neck & Neck YAQSuperiority YAQTimeship YAQ Beastlord YAQ Raider ZMG Ares Project ZMG Camelot Legends (card) ZMG Making President 1960 ZMG Middle Kingdom ZMG ZMG ZMG ZMG ZMG ZMG ZMG ZVE ZVE ZVE ZVE ZVE ZVE 16 30 15 60 40 35 45 40 25 30 50 25 30 30 30 15 40 15 30 40 12 40 20 50 40 60 60 40 12 30 23 35 10 10 35 40 30 20 30 25 30 30 25 50 30 30 25 30 25 25 35 25 30 25 12 50 17 17 25 17 25 20 18 20 25 25 25 25 25 25 30 25 68 80 35 40 30 25 40 48 25 20 50 25 25 48 32 10 10 25 40 10 10 30 30 30 35 35 50 30 45 40 40 30 40 66 47 79 21 30 27 27 25 27 40 50 25 50 Dispatch #28 | d e c i s i o n 25 30 38 42 30 35 25 33 45 40 50 50 50 50 60 45 60 20 20 20 50 20 50 30 40 20 25 40 50 25 50 15 Pandemic Lab Expan Pandemic On Brink Expan Pocket Battles: Celts vs Romans Pocket Battles: Confederacy Pocket Battles: Orcs vs Elves Silent but Deadly Night Take Stock Barbarossa 41 Battle for Danube Samuari Battles Samuari Ninja Attack Starter Kit Tank Combat BONUS LIMITED TIME OFFER! FREE SHIPPING US product orders over $75* ONLINE ORDER CODE: D28-FS-US NON-US product orders over $150* ONLINE ORDER CODE: D28-FS-FGN *EXCLUDES SUBSCRIPTIONS, SPW PRODUCTS & PLEDGE ORDERS For online orders shipping will be adjusted when the order is verified. Free shipping will not be reflected at time of checkout. games 40 35 15 15 15 25 15 70 50 83 44 70 30 Collectible magazines MFGTitle Price Strategy & Tactics 70 72 77 81 90 94 98 102 107 109 Crusades Armada Paratroop Tito Monmouth Nordkapp Central Command Monty’s D-Day Warsaw Rising Target Libya 45 50 40 40 50 45 40 60 40 45 110 113 115 116 117 118 120 121 Hastings, 1066 Battle of Abensberg Kanev Manchu North German Plain Tiger’s Are Burning Nicarauga Indian Mutiny 60 40 35 35 55 50 35 40 124 127 128 130 131 132 133 137 Fortress Stalingrad Rush for Glory Africa Orientale Tshushima Donau Front Iron Cross Baton Rouge Men at Arms 35 20 40 40 40 40 20 60 138 140 142 143 144 146 147 148 149 Eylau Objective Tunis Red Beach One:Tarawa Rio Grande:Valverde Chad: The Toyota Wars Italian Camp: Sicily Holy War: Afghanistan Cropredy Bridge Franco-Prussian War 25 20 20 15 15 25 35 15 75 150 152 153 154 Italian Camp: Salerno Case Green Felix/ZAMA Russo-Turkish War 50 25 25 85 155 156 Italian Camp: Anzio White Eagle Eastward 20 40 160 162 164 Italian Camp: MedWar Clontarf/Saipan Balkan Wars 16 25 75 167 Caesar in Gallia 75 179 180 193 First Afghan War Reinforce the Right! Crimean War 20 35 65 201 211 212 214 215 216 218 219 224 226 The Crimean War (SPI) Op Elope Rough & Ready: Mex-Am. War Marathon & Granicus Ignorant Armies: Iran-Iraq Asia Crossroads: Great Game Chancellorsville-Plevna Span. Civil War Bat, vol 2 Sedan Campaign Middle East Battles 45 55 20 30 125 22 22 25 30 22 MFGTitle 227 228 230 232 234 237 239 240 241 242 243 245 246 248 249 252 254 255 256 257 258 259 260 261 262 263 264 265 266 267 268 271 272 273 274 275 276 277 278 279 280 281 282 283 284 285 286 287 288 289 290 291 292 Price CBI: Vinegar Joe’s War Old Contemptibles Downfall: Op Olympic Catherine the Great (Solitaire) Lest Darkness Fall No Prisoners! Camp Law. Winged Horse: Vietnam 65 1066: End of Dark Ages Twilight of Ottomans They Died w/Boots On!: Vol 2-Pershing & Mad Anthony SEALORDS Triple Alliance War Manila 45 First Blood, Second Marne Nap Forgot Btls: EC & RSW New Mexico Campaign Hannibal’s War First Battle Britain Marlborough’s Bat: Ramillies & Malplaquet Chosin San Juan Campaign Battle for China 1937 Black Prince: Crecy & Navarette Kaiser’s War Frederick’s War Cold War 2: Wurzburg & Kabul Shiloh: Bloody April Operation Jubilee Julian SE Russian Civil War When Lions Sailed Second Kharkov Battle of Lepanto Reichswehr & Freikorps SE Sun Never Sets, vol II Koniggratz (M&S folio system) Op. Anaconda 2002 Ticonderoga: NY Campaigns Tobruk Reconquista Soldiers: Trenches 1918 SE In Country: Vietnam War of the Pacific Fail Safe Jackson: Shenandoah Valley Duel on the Steppe Sparta V Athens Goeben SE Hindenburg’s War War of Austrian Succession Angola Warpath North Cape 75 22 23 23 23 23 23 23 24 24 24 24 24 24 24 25 25 25 25 26 25 25 25 30 30 30 30 30 30 50 30 30 30 30 50 30 30 30 30 30 30 50 30 30 30 30 30 30 50 30 30 35 35 S&T MINT Game Only-No Mag 63 Veracruz 64 Raid! 76 China War 83 Kaiser’s Battle 95 Soldiers of Queen 140, 143, 144, 146, 148, 151, 160 152, 153, 192, 195, 201, 204 159, 160, 166, 200, 203, 211, 226, 250, 253 115, 117, 168, 199, 201, 217, 220 214, 216, 218, 234, 245, 248, 249 251V Variant counters/rules 137, 252, 254, 256-259 20 22 20 30 40 10 15 30 20 18 8 20 MFGTitle Price 261-264, 266, 271, 272, 276-278, 283, 285, 289, 290 267, 274, 281, 288 24 44 S&T Punched-No Magazine 64 71 76 98 138 Raid! Battle For Cassino (MKD) China War Central Command Eylau 25 15 15 15 10 S&T Punched w/Magazine 49 56 59 63 64 69 76 77 105 114 118 136 152 185 202 Frederick the Great Revolt in the East Plot to Assn Hitler Veracruz 1847 Raid Tannenberg China War Paratroop Ruweisat Ridge Battle of Eckmuhl The Tigers Are Burning Borodino Doomed Victory Case Green First Arab-Israeli War Invasion Taipei 30 20 20 25 20 30 25 30 30 25 35 25 10 50 85 S&T magazine w/o Games* 176, 182, 208, 236, 246, 248 260, 262, 264, 265, 266, 270, 275-277 279, 280, 287-290 *Not all issues available. 5 6 7 Modern War magazine w/ Games 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 SE: Red Dragon/Green Crescent Oil War: Iran Strikes Somali Pirates Six Day War Drive on Pyongyang Decision Iraq Vietnam Battles: Iron & Snoopy SE: Holy Land War by Tv Target Iran (solitaire) Greek Civil War Dragon V Bear Next War in Lebanon Carrier Battlegroup (solitaire) SE Red Tide West Visegrad: Coming war in Europe Dien Bien Phu (solitaire) 50 30 30 30 30 30 30 50 30 30 30 30 30 30 50 35 35 MFGTitle 8 8V 14 15 SE: Holy Land SE: Holy Land Variant counters Carrier Battlegroup (solitaire) SE Red Tide West Price 44 8 24 44 WaW magazine w/ Games 7 8 9 10 11 12 14 15 16 17 20 21 22 23 25 26 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 Greek Tragedy Arriba España! Destr Army Grp Center Coral Sea Solitaire Afrikakorps: Decision in Desert 1940 What If? Invasion Pearl Harbor Soft Underbelly: Italy 1943 Partizan! Leningrad 41 SE Fam Div: Gross Deutschland Rhineland War East Front Battles, vol II: Minsk Pacific Battles: Guadalcanal Keren, East Africa Race to the Reichstag Green Hell: Battles in Burma Norway 1940 Hinge of Fate, Pol & Fr 1939 East Front Battles, vol III: Crisis Ukraine: Dubno Pacific Battles: Nomonhan Op. Shingle: Anzio SE Guards Armoured Strike North East Front Battles, vol IV: Winterstorm Bloody Ridge: Guadalcanal Ghost Division France Fights On Stalingrad/Rampage SE Mare Nostrum 25 25 25 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 50 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 50 30 30 30 30 30 35 60 WaW magazine w/o Games* 4, 5 10, 13, 15, 17, 19, 26, 27, 28 29, 30-36, 38-40 37 with Normandy Map *Not all issues available. 5 6 7 10 WAW MINT Game Only-No Mag 4 USAAF 7, 8, 9, 11 15, 16, 17, 24, 28, 29, 32, 38, 39 20, 27 41 35 20 24 44 53 MW magazine w/o Games* 4, 7, 9-17 *Not all issues available. 7 MW MINT Game Only-No Mag 1 2 3 5 7 SE: Red Dragon/Green Crescent Oil War: Iran Strikes Somali Pirates Drive on Pyongyang Vietnam Battles: Iron & Snoopy Dispatch #28 | d e c i s i o n games 44 24 24 24 24 PLACE ORDER ON PAGE 20 or online at shop.decisiongames.com 17 estate sale This listing are one of kind games and excluded from the Fall Sale discount. No multiple copies. List of alternate games is appreciated. MFGTitleYearPrice MFGTitleYearPrice MFGTitleYearPrice 3M Blue Line Hockey 3M Challenge Football 3M Challenge Golf Pebble Beach 3M Challenge Golf Pebble Beach (MKD) 3M Executive Decision 3M Foil 3M High Bid1965 3M Image1972 3M Mr. President 3M Point of Law 3M Quinto1968 3M Quinto 3M Regatta 3M Stocks and Bonds 3M Win Place Show AH Star Wars: Queens Gambit Amway Sly Aristo Land Ho! Cadaco Your America CAR Star Trek: TNG Game of Galaxies CGS Babylon 5: Component Game System CHG The Voyage of Mayflower Createk Duplicate Chess DGA Battlecards: Western Europe starter kit EEG Street Paintball EG Napoleon in Europe ELG Concentration 40th Anniv Ed FFG Through the Desert FXS Seeschlacht (Battle At Sea) incl English rules Gabrial Point Blank GDW Heavy Weapons Handbook GDW Infantry Weapons World (bk) GDW Twilight: 2000 (Version 2.2) GGIKangaroo Hasbro Just Became A Millionaire HMIHex-Meister IdealDeduction KentExp Bin’Fa: The Tao of War (tube) KICSea-Fleet Lionel Double Cro$$ing MB Billionaire MBCampaign MB Carrier Strike! MBDoubletrack MB Hotels MB Jet World MB L.I.F.E. MB Mission Command: Air MB Mission Command: Land MB Mission Command: Sea MB Oh What a Mountain MB Prize Property MB Rack-O MB Risk 2042 (bag) MB Screaming Eagles MB Swords and Shields MB Lost World Jurassic Park MB Trump: the Game Media Space Shuttle 101 MLB MLB Showdown 2000: 2 player starter kit MWF Master of Wars NWG Flight Plan OSG The Legend of Robin Hood PB 4000 AD PB Coup d’ etat PB Finance & Fortune English Ed PB Flinch PB Game of State Capitols PB HeroQuest PB Monopoly (box damaged) PB Option PB Orbit PB Pollyanna: Dixie (1954 box art) PBShadowlord! PB Sorry! PB Star Wars: RotJ Battle at Sarlaccs Pit PB Tennis PEG The Last Crusade PGI Power QNGMuckenstich/Danger/Zwickern 3-in-1 (English rules) RGG El Grande +El Caballero RGGElfenland RGG Medevil Merchant RGG Taj Mahal RGG Tayu RGG Tikal RGG Vikings S&R Mr. Reel: Fireside Detective S&R The Cattlemen S&RUpperhand SKI That’s Truckin’ SMG Material World TC Space Hop TC Star Hop TGK W.C. Fields: How to Win at Poker TLC Award Show TSR 1991 Trading Cards Prem. ed. TSR Buck Rogers: Battle for the 25th Century TSR Castles: (AD&D) TSR Dark Sun (AD&D) TSR Greyhawk Adventures: Howl from the North (AD&D) TSR The Forgotton Realms: Kara-Tur (AD&D) WGG Crazy Creatures of Dr. Gloom WGIExpedition WPCQuicksand 1968 1972 1972 25 20 20 1972 1971 1968 20 20 1967 1972 20 1968 1968 1964 1966 2000 1975 1990 1970 1993 20 20 30 20 20 30 30 20 30 250 30 30 35 20 1998 1996 1968 50 30 20 2001 2008 2001 1998 1998 20 30 80 40 80 1975 1979 1992 1990 1990 1977 1991 45 35 30 30 20 40 20 Game Supplies Blank Mapsheets & Counters The maps (22 x34) are large (19mm) hex in long (length of paper) or short grain (width of paper) or small hex (16mm) long only. (Please specify the style you want. Additional shipping charge for mailing in a tube). 1980 20 1976 30 1980 40 1991 20 1988 80 1973 30 1961 30 1977 40 1981 60 1987 120 1975 20 1960 20 2003 60 2003 60 2003 60 1980 20 1974 75 1961 20 1996 20 1987 40 1970 20 1996 90 1989 10 1978 10 2000 10 1995 20 1985 20 1979 20 1972 10 1966 20 1958 30 1976 10 1954 20 1989120 1961 20 1982 20 1966 30 1954 20 4 sheets for $10 sold in packs of 4 only. Only $7.95 for a roll of 100 bags. 4 x 8 inch ziplock counter bags. Holds up to 200 counters per bag. Only $8.95 for a roll of 100 bags. Magazine Ziplock Bags 10 x 12 inch ziplock bags. 30 180 30 40 30 40 60 60 50 20 20 30 50 30 30 1972 2005 1991 20 10 40 1988 1990 1991 100 30 30 1991 50 1988 2012 1980 1981 30 15 30 30 TEES! BACK WORLD at WAR, Black print on Tan. Limited quantities and sizes. SIZES = L $10, XXL $10 MUG (26oz, 0.77L) DECISION GAMES, White print on Black (special shipping required) $ 9.95 Dispatch #28 | d e c i s i o n The 2014 March Magness T-shirt cover contest winner was Sparta V Athens & the runner up Norway 1940. STARTING AT $20 Only $14.95 for a roll of 50 bags 18 2012 1996-98 2000 1998 2000 1999 1999 2007 1937 1977 1981 1976 1995 1981 1981 80 10 20 20 LIMITED EDITION T-SHIRTS FRONT Storage Counter Ziplock Bags 3 x 5 inch ziplock counter bags. Holds up to 100 counters per bag. 1983 1975 1995 1981 PLACE ORDER ON PAGE 20 in Desert Fox section or online at shop.decisiongames.com $6 each or 4 maps for $20 Counters are 1/2 inch (280) - Limited Supply, 5/8 inch (176) and 9/16 inch (228) per sheet on white only. 1983 20 1958 30 games free shipping On product over $75 (US) or $150 (Non-US). Cannot be combined with other offers or discounts. Excludes SPW products. Some games are one of a kind, list of alternate games is appreciated. ORDER FORM BONUS LIMITED TIME OFFER! Please print legibly. All prices in US $ and subject to change. NAME ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ FREE SHIPPING ADDRESS _________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ US product orders over $75* CITY, STATE (PROVINCE) ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ONLINE ORDER CODE: D28-FS-US ZIP (POSTAL CODE), COUNTRY _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ PHONE ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ NON-US product orders over $150* ONLINE ORDER CODE: D28-FS-FGN EMAIL ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ / / # (VISA/MC/Discover ONLY) *EXCLUDES SUBSCRIPTIONS, SPW PRODUCTS & PLEDGE ORDERS EXP. SIGNATURE For online orders shipping will be adjusted when the order is verified. Free shipping will not be reflected at time of checkout. CVV Some items are one of a kind; please list alternates whenever possible. Credit memos will be issued on items that are out of stock. QTY. ___________ ITEM ( MAG #/ GAME TITLE / ETC.) PRICE $ ITEM TOTAL QTY. ___________ ITEM ( MAG #/ GAME TITLE / ETC.) PRICE $ ITEM TOTAL QTY. ___________ ITEM ( MAG #/ GAME TITLE / ETC.) PRICE $ ITEM TOTAL QTY. ___________ ITEM ( MAG #/ GAME TITLE / ETC.) PRICE $ ITEM TOTAL QTY. ___________ ITEM ( MAG #/ GAME TITLE / ETC.) PRICE $ ITEM TOTAL QTY. ___________ ITEM ( MAG #/ GAME TITLE / ETC.) PRICE $ ITEM TOTAL QTY. ___________ ITEM ( MAG #/ GAME TITLE / ETC.) PRICE $ ITEM TOTAL QTY. ___________ ITEM ( MAG #/ GAME TITLE / ETC.) PRICE $ ITEM TOTAL QTY. ___________ ITEM ( MAG #/ GAME TITLE / ETC.) PRICE $ ITEM TOTAL QTY. ___________ ITEM ( MAG #/ GAME TITLE / ETC.) PRICE $ ITEM TOTAL QTY. ___________ ITEM ( MAG #/ GAME TITLE / ETC.) PRICE $ ITEM TOTAL QTY. ___________ ITEM ( MAG #/ GAME TITLE / ETC.) PRICE $ ITEM TOTAL ORDER SUBTOTAL + TAX (CALIFORNIA RESIDENTS ONLY — PLEASE ADD 7.5% TO ORDER SUBTOTAL) + SHIPPING (FOR ALL ORDERS; PLEASE USE THE TABLES BELOW) Shipping Charges FREE SHIPPING CODE USA ships UPS Ground, International ships USPS only. Please add $5 for shipping via USPS Domestic Priority Mail. USA First Unit Additional Unit $ CANADA 16 $ $ 2 Offer expires 30 April 2015 EUROPE, AUSTRALIA, ASIA 33 $ + + $ 4 47 $ 9 ORDER TOTAL SOUTH AMERICA $ 37 $ 8 MAGAZINE SHIPPING CHARGES — Each shipment is limited to 2 copies maximum (sent via USPS Priority Mail). USA (1-2 COPIES) First Unit Additional Unit $ 7 N/A CANADA (1-2 COPIES) $ INTERNATIONAL (1-2 COPIES) 22 $ N/A 26 N/A Dispatch #28 | d e c i s i o n games 3/24/15 19 Place Your Order 1.0 Writing your order. 1.1 Enter each item on a single line using the provided order form or a separate sheet of paper (photocopies acceptable). Ordering multiple copies of games or subscriptions is denoted by marking the number in the quantity column and multiplying the quantity by the single unit price and entering that into the price column. Make sure to enter all subscriptions on the lines provided and game purchases on the remaining lines. 1.2 Total the subscription and game portions of your order separately, entering them in the boxes noted. 1.3 California residents compute their local and state sales tax (or 7.5%) and enter that amount in the box marked “CA Sales Tax.” Note that there is no tax on subscriptions, only on the product that is purchased. 1.4 Compute the Shipping & Handling amount from the shipping chart and enter the total in the box marked “Shipping.” Indicate the delivery method by circling it onthe form, orders shipped UPS Ground unless otherwise specified (please provide a street address for this service). If the game portion is more than $100, please add $2.00 for insurance. Subscriptions: Note domestic US rates include shipping, all others please add per year as indicated on the subscription chart. 1.5 Total your amount and enter this figure on the final line. Make your check or money order (drawn on a US bank in US funds; please no Canadian checks) payable to Decision Games. If paying by Visa, MasterCard or Discover please be sure to sign the form and include the full credit card number, cvv and expiration neatly printed. 2.0 No other offers, coupons or discounts apply. 3.0 Please include your phone number or e-mail address so we may contact you if there are any questions regarding your order. 4.0 Pre-Publication offers. Orders charged or checks deposited at time of shipping. We prefer two checks one for preorders and one for currently available or subscription orders; combined checks will be deposited at the time of receipt. Choose Your Magazine(s) Strategy & Tactics 12 World at War Subscription Units Modern War 6 Subscription units $259 $240 $240 First Title Second Title Third Title $139 $120 $120 Overseas Qty DG BOX GAMES price Total Atlantic Wall $240.00 D-Day at Tarawa $60.00 Napoleon at Waterloo $29.95 Leningrad $24.95 Decision Games Total Qty Qty SPW GAMES - NOT QUALIFIED FOR FREE SHIPPING price Tannenburg: Introductory Game $ 19.95 14.95 Italian Front $ 49.95 Western Front $ 69.95 Ottoman Front $ 79.95 Grand Campaign $ 79.95 Eastern Front $119.95 Business in the Trenches (book) $23.95 desert fox games - magazines & misc. price SUBscriptions TOTAL Address DG BOX GAMES TOTAL + SPW GAMES TOTAL + Zip country DFG - Magazines & misc. TOTAL + email TAX (CA. RES. see 1.3) + (UPS or USPS) Shipping Chart on Page 17 + VISA/Mc/disc (ONLY)# Exp. & CVV FREE SHIPPING CODE (SEE PAGE 19) TOTAL ORDER = 20 Total SPW Games Total Total DFG/Mags/Misc. Total Name Signature Subscription Total + + $20 $30 Canada PO Box 21598 Bakersfield CA 93390 661/587-9633 fax 661/587-5031 shop.decisiongames.com Phone + + Non-US Shipping, per year Please print legibly and be sure to include all information. Offer expires 30 April 2015. City, State TOTAL Dispatch #28 | d e c i s i o n games
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