
+ Complete schedule published + droidcon Female Developer Sponsorship Program +
+ Hackathon +
Berlin, April 23, 2015 – The complete conference schedule of this year's 7th edition of droidcon
Berlin is published. The four-day event has more than 40 hours of conference program on 4
stages, featuring over 60 speakers. There will be one-day barcamp before the conference and a
one-day hands-on hackathon after the conference on June 6. Intel® Software and Mobile
Seasons, the trademark holder of droidcon, launched the Intel® Software women sponsorship
for all upcoming droidcon conferences in 2015, including droidcon Berlin.
Schedule online
The conference tracks are on Android architecture, languages, APIs, wearables, UI / UX, code
quality and automotive topics. In addition, droidcon Berlin is happy to announce a new speaker:
Wojtek Kaliciński, Android developer at Google, will hold a talk about the latest developments in
Android. Besides the two-days conference, attendees can also join the one-day hackathon. The
hackathon is free, but attendees need to register here as tickets are limited.
droidcon Female Developer
Sponsorship Program
Intel® Software and Mobile Seasons are
firmly committed to create a diverse
stage and inclusive environment at the
droidcon conference series to establish a
fruitful program, which not only mirrors
the evolving Android technology and
markets but also the heterogeneous
Android community. With the Intel®
Software sponsorship for women the
droidcon conference series promotes the
involvement of women and sets an example for an inclusive tech conferences. The sponsorship
encompasses travel and accommodations cost and a reduced ticket price. Up to a maximum of
330 € can be refunded after the event. Applicants can register here:
Julia Gemählich (CEO Mobile Seasons)
“As global coordinator of the droidcon conference series we are fully aware of the continuous
lack of women in tech conferences. With the droidcon Female Developer Sponsorship Program
both companies set the goal to increase the number of women on stage as well as in the
audience. We are very happy to raise awarness for under-represented groups at tech conferences
and to step up actions with the sponsorshop program.”
About droidcon
droidcon is a global developer conference series with around 20 droidcons worldwide in 2015. The idea behind droidcon is to support the Android
platform and create a strong network for developers and companies. For more information about the upcoming conferences, please check
Save the Date: Die 7. droidcon in Berlin findet vom 3. – 5. Juni 2015 im Postbahnhof,
Berlin statt.
Weitere Informationen unter
Nadine Schildhauer
Email: nadine@droidcon.de
Tel.: +49 30 921 05 – 978