YOUR DOCTOR DISCUSSION GUIDE Be Prepared For Your Next Doctor Visit Use this as a tool to bring with you to your doctor’s office Whether you have been officially diagnosed with interstitial cystitis (IC), have recently taken the PUF questionnaire, or are experiencing symptoms associated to IC/PBS, it’s crucial you do your homework before seeing your doctor. You will have limited time to spend with your doctor once you are there, so it’s crucial to be able to provide him/her as much information as you can about you, your history, and current symptoms. STEP 1: DO YOUR RESEARCH >> Condition research: Go online and find out all you can about interstitial cystitis (IC), also known as painful bladder syndrome (PBS). Resources include: - - - >> Find an IC Specialist: It is key to finding a doctor who understands IC/PBS, who will listen to your symptoms. Visit to find an IC specialist today! STEP 2: PREPARE FOR YOUR VISIT After researching your condition, think of questions you want to ask your doctor and write them down so you don’t forget. Symptoms/Diagnosis (Include questions about your symptoms such as ie: how long will my symptoms last? What is interstitial cystitis? why am I having back pain when it has to do with my bladder?) 1. 2. 3. 4. IC Treatment/Management (ie: what type of self-management treatments can I do to help my condition? What treatments will provide immediate relief? etc.) 1. 2. 3. 4. Defeat ICTM is a trade mark of Imprimis Pharmaceuticals, Inc. ©2015 Imprimis Pharmaceuticals, Inc. All Rights reserved. YOUR DOCTOR DISCUSSION GUIDE Be Prepared For Your Next Doctor Visit Continued IC Support (ie; where can I obtain a coupon for my medications? Will the pharmacy automatically send my refills to me every month?) 1. 2. 3. 4. STEP 3: UNDERSTAND AVAILABLE TREATMENT OPTIONS The American Urological Association has published a set of treatment guidelines which include self-management guidelines as a first-line treatment option. Everybody may experience results differently to each of those guidelines. Access the full treatment guidelines at Bladder instillations such as Hep-Lido-A (alkalinized lidocaine and heparin), a compounded formulation, are included as a second line treatment and provides immediate treatment as the medication is delivered directly to the bladder. If you are experiencing flare-ups, ask your doctor about the Hep-Lido-A compounded formulation. Bladder instillations can be administered according to patient need and convenience. IN-OFFICE INSTILLATIONS AT-HOME INSTILLATIONS You can schedule visits to the doctor's office for your instillation during a flare-up. You can be trained to use bladder instillation kits for convenient home use. Hep-Lido-A* compounded formulation is pre-mixed and requires no additional mixing. Visit for more information on Hep-Lido-A* prior to seeing your doctor. *Hep-Lido-A is compounded by a pharmacist pursuant to a prescription for an individually identified patient. Prescriptions may be customized. - STEP 4: GATHER YOUR NOTES AND DIARIES Remember to bring your PUF Questionnaire results and your voiding log, food diaries, and symptoms diaries with you to the doctor’s office. This information will provide them answers to their questions so you can focus on the your doctor answering your questions. STEP 5: BE OPEN AND HONEST & TAKE NOTES Listen very closely to your doctor, and jot down notes or additional questions as he provides you information about your diagnosis and management options. Defeat ICTM is a trade mark of Imprimis Pharmaceuticals, Inc. ©2015 Imprimis Pharmaceuticals, Inc. All Rights reserved.
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