DEL MAR’S COMMUNITY JOURNAL R U B B I N G P E O P L E T H E W R O N G WAY S I N C E 1 9 9 7 Volume 20, Number 3 April 2015 Del Mar Chargers Art Olson | Avenida Primavera I t looks like the City of Del Mar has again been blindsided by the 22nd Agricultural District Fair Board’s actions. The Sandpiper has recently discovered that an ongoing, and until now, secret 3-way negotiation has been underway between the Fair Board, the San Diego Chargers, and the Killjoy Development Corporation. In an effort to retain the Chargers locally, and in the absence of support from the city of San Diego, the Chargers management has approached the Fair Board with a proposition to build a new, one of a kind NFL football stadium on the Del Mar Fairgrounds. Since the 22nd Ag District is state owned, the development would be paid for with California funds. With the Chargers endorsement of the proposal, Killjoy has presented conceptual plans to the Fair Board for its approval. Speaking off the record, because of the sensitive nature of the ongoing negotiations, one Charger official described the unique features of the planned stadium, and its relationship to the fairgrounds and the surrounding communities. He emphasized the relatively light footprint that the stadium will have due to the novel design program and the economic analysis that will make it possible. He went on to explain that unlike the trend in other new NFL football stadiums, Del Mar’s Charger Stadium will have a relatively low attendee capacity of around 10,000 spectators. This will be due to the fact that the Stadium will be designed and constructed to maximize Stadium conceptual rendering, Seymour House, AIA the number of private box suites. “In fact,” he said, “it will be almost exclusively private boxes. It definitely pencils out,” he went on, explaining that one private suite, holding 10 or so individuals will bring in more revenue than selling 100 ordinary stadium seats. A demographic analysis of Del Mar and other upscale North County communities predicts an ever-rising demand for private, premium viewing suites. The Chargers figure that by selling season rentals of 100 luxury boxes they will more than break-even.“ After that, all other income streams, such as TV rights, catering, and continued on page 3 Also in This Issue: Reviving an Icon page 10 After Shockckckckckckcks page 8 BOO HOO page 18 Trash Talk page 12 Editorial referendum. But it is equally troublesome that a modest percentage of residents make a survey-based decision for the majority of residents who for whatever reason do not respond to a poll or a survey. Where is the balance? Full PLate Indigestion T he City Hall site, Shores Park, parking management plan, proposed changes to Camino del Mar, Watermark, The Garden Project, monster houses being built next door and a new task force to beef up the DRB regulations. Multiple City Hall site surveys with multiple choices, Shores Survey and a Plan the Park Event, a Satisfaction Survey, and an engagement website. Are we being overwhelmed by projects and engagements? There are so many issues to be involved with we worry the Council and the citizens cannot fully engage and have a reasoned debate about the issues. For many of us our private lives are already very busy. We worry that some residents may simply ignore yet another survey or poll leaving decisions to be made by a minority or even vested interests in a single issue. Setting priorities as the Council does is good, but good priority setting requires good sequencing. The community can only digest so many big decisions at a time. The Sandpiper recommends that the Council limit the number of major City-initiated projects taken up at any one time. In addition to asking citizens to engage in workshops hearings and voting, the Council could hold neighborhood meetings that allow for the exchange of ideas among residents in order to build community consensus. Or perhaps we could have neighborhood advisory groups chaired by residents with a single “overarching” committee that has a citywide perspective. During times like this it may be worthwhile to look at the advantages of our decision-making overload. After all we could be living in San Diego where the recent One Paseo decision-making process ignored community input completely and has so angered San Diego advisory boards they are launching a colossally expensive citywide Countdown Zero Waste 2020 Each month CalRecycle will provide resources for getting closer to Zero Waste. Household Hazardous Waste Products labeled with words such as “danger, warning, poison, caution, flammable and corrosive,” are household hazardous waste. Call 800-714-1195 for disposal site information. Free curbside pickup for those 65 years and older. The Sandpiper is published by the Del Mar Community Alliance, a not-for-profit corporation. Its purpose is to advocate the Del Mar Community Plan, to foster informed public and government decision-making regarding issues affecting the community of the City of Del Mar, and to encourage a social and political climate favorable to the protection of the community character of the City of Del Mar and its environs. Chuck Newton Circle: Rosanne & Joel Holliday, Carol Kerridge, Beth Levine & Henry Abarbanel, Diana Marquardt & Rod Franklin Publishers’ Circle: Jeff Barnouw, Darrese & Sam Borgese, Mary Ann & Bud Emerson, Nancy Fisher & Mike Salt, Chuck Freebern, Lynn & Charlie Gaylord, Maryka & George Hoover, Pat JaCoby, Louise Keeling in memory of Dave Keeling, Larry Schneiderman, Jane & Steve Voss, Nancy and John Weare Editors’ Circle: Penny and Buck Abell, Vava Anderson, Anthony Corso, Sandy & Bram Dijkstra, Mary & Jeffrey Friestedt, Susan & Judd Halenza, Linda & Jerry Hirshberg, Shirley King & Art Olson, Vernie & John McGowan, Bill Michalsky, Suzi Resnick & Stan Marks, Gloria Sandvic & Harold Feder, Rose Ann & Ira Sharp, Chic & Joe Sullivan, Sarah Dubin-Vaughn, Molli & Arthur Wagner Editors: Jeff Barnouw, Tony Corso, Dave Druker, Bud Emerson, Ann Gardner, Shirley King, Art Olson, Shelby Weaver, Betty Wheeler. Webmaster: Virginia Lawrence. Editor Emeritus: John Kerridge. All staff members and writers are unpaid volunteers. This publication depends upon the contributions of readers like you. Make checks payable to Sandpiper, Box 2177, Del Mar, CA 92014 Letters to the Editor • • • The Sandpiper welcomes readers’ letters and articles. Material submitted must include the writer’s name, street address, and phone number, and should not exceed 500 words. Material selected to be published may be edited or shortened. Send to: The Sandpiper, Box 2177, Del Mar, CA 92014; or Sandpiper April 2015 Page 2 LAGOON Love-In Del Mar Chargers continued from page 1 SUNDAY, APRIL 19th sports paraphernalia are pure gravy,” he went on. Killjoy spokeperson, Manny Rhodes, described a conceptual plan that calls for four levels of box suites, both in altitude and attitude. The lowest in cost “aspirational” units, the Bronze suites, will be closest to the field, each with seating for 10-12 guests, and have a self-stocked bar with flat screen TVs. Next will be the “social climber” Silver Suites, with better views of the entire field, and added amenities like a Jacuzzi, and gourmet kitchen facilities. The “Executive” penultimate “Gold Suites” will have ocean views, and include an outdoor fireplace, barbeque and concierge service. Finally the spacious Corporate two storey Penthouse Platinum Suites, will have, in addition, spectacular 360 degree views of the ocean and distant mountains, an outdoor pizza oven, and wine cellar, as well as on-board chef and masseuse. The Chargers are certain that given the trending nature of the Del Mar market, the pricing will be appealing for many in the area. Lucy Zizka | 28th Street T he Lagoon Committee was established by the City of Del Mar in 1974 by a group of concerned citizens who recognized that the time to prevent the Lagoon from being more developed would soon be upon them. Their efforts and those that followed have helped in restoring the remaining wetlands to the health we view today. As mitigation for the damage caused by the San Onofre Nuclear Generating Station, Southern California Edison and their partners, at the direction of the Coastal Commission, began the journey to bring the Lagoon back to a functioning estuary. The results are evident, many birds, marine specimens and native plants have returned. But it is still a work in progress. Once again the opportunity to learn about the San Dieguito Lagoon is here. Our annual celebration will occur on Sunday, April 19, 2015 at 5:00 PM at the Powerhouse. Killjoy still faces a number of environmental and community hurdles that must be overcome before construction is approved. Parking and traffic concerns are being addressed in the current plans. Since the new stadium will occupy much of the existing fairgrounds parking facilities, new parking will need to incur much farther into the surrounding lagoon and floodplain. Mr. Rhodes described a unique parking system that is being designed. All parking spaces will be supported on pontoons, so that during flooding conditions the parked cars will be floated above the water. Space between the pontoon floats will be reserved for native flora and fauna. Even though the amount of stadium traffic will be minimized by the exclusitivity of the venue, Rhodes explained that any excess traffic will be handled by a unique state of the art GPS system which will control the network of traffic signals in the surrounding area, so that the VIP box holders can pass through unimpeded. He also explained that Killjoy will mitigate any of Del Mar community concerns regarding the high cost of attending a football game with a stadium consisting of all private suites. “We’ve crunched the numbers and are willing to designate 10% of the stadium capacity as affordable seating, for those that don’t have the means or the wealthy friends to enjoy the game in one of the private suites. We estimate that those seats will sell for somewhere in the neighborhood of $100$200 each.” A Charger representative described other community outreach efforts planned to ease the concerns of those near the development. “We are sending out a poll to all of the residents of the neighboring communities to get their opinion of which high-end retailers they would like to see in the subterranean shopping mall that will be constructed underneath the stadium. With everything in place, the Chargers will remain in the area, but will be called the Del Mar Chargers. Plans are to break ground on April 1 2016. Stay tuned. For more information go to: www. Photo Stu Smith Lagoon Day activities will begin with a 10:00 AM interpretive hike of the Lagoon on the Boardwalk Trail. (East side of Jimmy Durante Blvd., across from the Fire Station.) Then activities will resume at the Powerhouse at 5:00 PM with an opportunity to learn about the recreational, educational and volunteer opportunities available at our Lagoon and River Park from the organizations that support these natural resources. It will also be an opportunity to learn about the history of the Lagoon and the ongoing efforts being made to increase our enjoyment of the Lagoon, including an update on the new River Path Trail Extension. At 6:00 PM the formal presentation will begin with recognition of those who have been instrumental in restoring the Lagoon, followed by our featured speaker, Jacqueline Winterer, presenting Historical Sites along the San Dieguito Lagoon Left Bank. Light refreshments will be served. There is no charge for the event. The Del Mar Powerhouse is located at 1658 Coast Blvd. in Del Mar. All are welcome to help us celebrate Lagoon Day 2015! For more information visit Sandpiper April 2015 Page 3 Ask Doctor Rich ASK Dr. RICH! Rich Simons | Upper East 11th Street Every month, Rich Simons answers readers’ most perplexing questions. Q – It seems that City Hall is suddenly all “atwitter” over the matter of parking. They’ve got special staff dedicated to preparing what they call a Parking Management Plan. They’ve got the city cut up into a bunch of different sectors, and have identified four different groups of parkers. Two City Council members have rolled up their sleeves to join in. What’s your take on all this? – j.m. I believe our leaders are to be commended for their foresight in this matter. If current trends continue, it is entirely possible that we may have a parking problem here sometime in the future. So the time to begin planning is NOW. However, it is also not unreasonable to project that we may eventually have a traffic problem here in Del Mar. Maybe a committee should be set up. It could be called Take a Turn City Advisory Committee Vacancies T he City is currently soliciting for interested persons to fill the following committee vacancies: • Design Review Board One (1) Vacancy • Traffic and Parking Advisory Committee One (1) Vacancy • Business Support Advisory Committee Two (2) Vacancies – (1) Retail Establishment Representative and (1) Hotel Owner/Operator Representative • Traffic and Parking Advisory Committee One (1) Vacancy - Commercial Retail Member • Sea-Level Rise Stakeholder-Technical Advisory Committee(STAC) Nine (9) Vacancies • Planning Commission One (1) Vacancy Additionally, the City has the following upcoming opportunities in the next 60 days: • Parks and Recreation Committee (two opportunities) • Planning Commission (two opportunities) If you wish to volunteer, please contact City Hall: (858) 755-9313 GRRRRidlock! Photo illustration Art Olson “Parking and Traffic.” (Or maybe “Traffic and Parking?”) As we all know, Citizen Committees are the “Del Mar Way.” Who can forget the valiant effort of our volunteer citizens just a few years back to stem the tide of through traffic on Camino Del Mar. Long-time readers of this column will remember the many innovative solutions considered: for instance the elegant “Fleur de Lis,” in which traffic can come into town only on Del Mar Heights Road, and must leave going north or south on Camino Del Mar. Or the draconian “Blow the Bridges,” which pretty much speaks for itself. Our intrepid citizens committee wrestled long and hard with this problem, then took the bold step of painting new stripes along various sections of Camino Del Mar. I am told that most of our regular commuters were very appreciative. And for as long as I can recall, we have always had a Parking Committee in Del Mar. Who can forget their struggles with the question: should parking be parallel or diagonal? If diagonal, should cars back in or go straight in? Should there be different rules for different parts of town? I think they finally realized there was no point in worrying about all that if in fact there were no places to park. In any case our current city leaders are to be commended for their foresight and originality. Q – In last month’s column you predicted that the San Diego City Council would (in your words) “kick the El Paseo can down the road.” My understanding is that they approved the project. Does that mean an end to all this wrangling? – t.q. Not at all. Fortunately, KTC (Kick the Can) is a highly nuanced game, with rules that you may not be aware of. For instance, if a player controlling the can at some point declines to advance it, any bystander who wishes may launch the can anew, and may propel it in whatever direction they desire, thus keeping the object in play. In other words, the game is not over until there is no one left who wants to play. Even as I write there is a citizens’ group preparing to whack the can all the way into another court (a legal court, that is). So I think you can look forward to many happy PASEOs to pass. Sandpiper April 2015 Page 4 Civic Consensus Bud Emerson | Klish Way A fter analyzing poll results from 980 citizen responses regarding three City Hall options, the City Council decided to move forward with a Civic Center plan favored by most. The complex will include about 9,000 square feet of administrative space, and about 3,000 square feet for council chambers, a TV studio and an emergency operations center. The plaza will be about 15,000 square feet. The plan will also allow for 160 parking spaces and flexible space for future decisions about possible expansion for public or private uses. The Council allocated $546,000 for the next steps: design studies and environmental impact studies. City Council will be choosing an architect for the project at its April 6 meeting. Ultimately, the project is estimated to cost between $12 and $16 million, to be paid for partly from reserves and partly from bond financing. The Council also approved an ambitious schedule of public workshops and public hearings for the rest of the year. APRIL 2015 Pat JaCoby | Del Mar Community Connections Now that spring is here… “Oh to be in England, now that April’s there.” With apologies to Robert Browning, we’d like to murmer, “ah to be in Del Mar, now that DMCC’s special spring luncheon’s there.” And this year “there” will be the Del Mar Community Building, where the Social Services and Good Times Committee has planned a 12 noon to 1:30 p.m. buffet on Wednesday, April 22. In charge of arranging and preparing the lunch are Mary Ann Emerson, chair, Fran Baker, Carolyn Butterfield-Wicke, Nancy Fisher, Regina Horner, Lori Ritman and Nancy Weare. Bud Emerson | Klish Way For reservations and further information call 858 7927565 Jimmy Durante Streetscape The Jimmy Durante sidewalk/infrastructure work continues. To subscribe for updates on road closures and traffic, visit the “Stay Informed” tab on the City’s home page at Budget-Setting Process for Fiscal Years 2016 and 2017 in Progress Work is in progress to develop the City’s work plan and budget for the next two years starting July 1, 2015. The process begins with goal-setting by the City Council, which this year incorporated goals and priorities identified by the City’s citizen advisory committees and findings from the recently completed Citizen Satisfaction Survey. Budget workshops with the City Council are planned for May 11th and 12th. Watermark The new Watermark neighborhood on Jimmy Durante is expected to have seven affordable housing units. Opponents of this project are reported to have characterized housing candidates as “undesirables.” The income range for affordable units is about $45,000 to 65,000. Based upon the demographics of the participants enrolled in Del Mar’s existing Rental Subsidy program, these new units may be attractive to those seeking to be close to employment or schools such as teachers, lifeguards, single parents, fire fighters, post-grad students and seniors, hardly undesirables. How will you stay in control? Estate planning has more to do with life than with death, notes Clay Spiegel, CPA, who will discuss estate planning at a meeting to be sponsored by Del Mar Community Connections at 2 p.m. April 24 at the Del Mar Library. Whether you have estate planning documents in place, are in the process, or haven’t done it yet, the talk is geared to answer such questions as: “if I can no longer manage my life, who will be in charge?” or “how do I make sure my plans will be carried out?” and “what does my estate plan control during my life and after death?” For further information call 858 792-7565. Other monthly activities you should know about… •Grocery shopping vans on Wednesdays to area locations •Bridge on Wednesdays from 10 to 1 p.m. •Mah Jong on Wednesdays, from 10 to 1 p.m. •Computer tutoring Mondays from 9 to 11:30 a.m. And there’s a Travel Club…Knit ‘n Stitch…Yoga…so many choices, and open to all. Call 858 792-7565 if you’d like to join a club or activity. Or if you have an idea for starting a new club.…. Sandpiper April 2015 Page 5 Hosting History Jeff Barnouw | Amphitheatre Drive M APRIL/may 2015 To receive email updates and registration information for our events, such as those listed below, we encourage you to join our email list. Visit www. and use the easy sign up box or call 858.750.5883; Karen or Jan will gladly assist you. The Del Mar Foundation never sells or shares its email list. Coming Events For more information about these events and to register, visit Thursday, April 2 First Thursdays: Beth Ross Buckley & Fred Benedetti (for subscribers only; to become a First Thursdays subscriber, visit the Cultural Arts page of our website.) Saturday, April 4 Young Del Mar: Annual Easter Egg Hunt, Seagrove Park. Check-in at 10:30 am. Registration required. Sunday, April 19 Beach Cleanup with Del Mar Rotary Club, 2:30 pm – 4:00 pm, Powerhouse Community Center Tuesday, May 5 Young Del Mar Speaker’s Series “Parenting in a World of iTechnology,” 6 pm at Del Mar Hills Academy. Registration required. Thursday, May 7 First Thursdays: The North Coast Repertory Theater (for subscribers only) May is the month for our Spring Fundraising Campaign. Stay tuned for more information. Recent Happenings arch 19-21 Del Mar and the Del Mar Historical Society welcomed close to 100 members of the Southwest Oral History Association for their annual meeting. The idea for the visit went back to last year’s meeting in Tempe where three oral historians from the DMHS (Tensia Trejo, Annie Duval, and Suzi Resnik, with technical support from Rob Healey) gave an enthusiastically received updating on their ongoing work. (See “History Speaks!” Sandpiper June 2014 for an account of that meeting and review of the history of DMHS oral history [OH] projects.) The first day was devoted to a Community OH Workshop at the Library. An idea promoted by the DMHS is that OHs and particularly collective projects like the “Beach Stories Project” initiated by Lynn Gaylord and developed into roundtable sessions by Susie Good Stevenson, who grew up on the beach, or the recently inaugurated OHs of various Del Mar non-profits, can promote a sense of community and a critical awareness of how we came to be where (and maybe how) we are. An Opening Reception Thursday afternoon at the Powerhouse included remarks by Mayor Al Corti and DMHS President Larry Brooks (on some of the vicissitudes of the Powerhouse) as well as a very entertaining presentation by new Councilman Dwight Worden. He had been for years the City’s attorney and drew on his experience for closeup sometimes hilarious glimpses of beach controversies and the J. David Dominelli ponzi scheme fiasco. One of his points was that OH often provides the tang that objective narrative history skates over. And it doesn’t let us ignore or harmonize conflicting views so readily. The Powerhouse was also the site of the Friday luncheon where the keynote address was given by Barbara Harper of the Friends of the Powerhouse. Joe Harper, President and CEO of the Del Mar Thoroughbred Club, added some colorful remarks about Del Mar and the track. In addition, TensiaTrejo was awarded a “Special Achievement” award - a complete surprise - on Friday for her many years of collaboration with SOHA. On Friday and Saturday the annual meeting proper offered an array of panels focusing on community projects involving Native American, Mexican-American, Chinese American, and Southeast Asian American communities, as well as “The Queer Gayborhood,” and operational OH issues. In line with the conference theme, “It Takes a Village: Building Community Through Oral History,” many sessions emphasized the connection with current concerns. See photos at html Young Del Mar: Trip to the Tropics First Thursdays and Bluegrass and Beyond featuring The Claire Lynch Band One home-grown session featured Mai-Lon Gittelsohn (“Chop-Suey and Apple Pie”); another had Suzi Resnik and Rob Healey discussing with Jan McMillan their interviews of her for a forthcoming OH, titled “Getting It Right: Honoring the Narrator’s Wishes in the Digital Age.” Venues included the Library, the Powerhouse, the Winston School, St. Peter’s Church, and Hotel Indigo and the Clarion Inn, the meeting headquarters. L’Auberge hosted Saturday breakfast and the Plenary Session following, where Dr. Paul Sandpiper April 2015 Page 6 Fair Lee Shirley King | Avenida Primavera A t its monthly meeting on March 10th, Fred Schenk, President of the Board of Directors of the 22nd Agricultural District (DAA) welcomed two new Directors, Lee Hadyu and Pierre Sleiman, Jr. President Schenk praised Lee Haydu for her generous commitment to the community as Del Mar’s former mayor in addition to a succession of her many public advisory roles. Recommended by Assembly Speaker Toni Atkins who represents the 78th District, four new DAA Directors were added by Governor Brown within this past year. At long last the State’s Governor has made a place for a Del Mar representative - especially one who comes with a keen understanding of the community’s values and the civic structures that preserve those values. Director Haydu enters her new role having the insights from her experiences as one of two liaisons from the Del Mar City Council with the City Manager to the Fair Board’s Community Relations Committee. The membership of this Committee is shared with two Council members from the City of Solana Beach, the Solana Beach City Manager, a staff rep from the office of the 78th District and the General Manager of the Fairgrounds. Part of her three-year term on this Committee came after Del Mar’s attempt, though failed, to purchase the Fairgrounds, which led to severely fractured relationships amongst the participating entities. Going forward, then Council member Haydu’s priorities were building trust, a common sense of purpose and effective communication with the Committee’s Chair, David Watson. She sees the importance for Del Mar to have not only perfect attendance at the Community Relations Committee meetings but also an earnest, proactive exchange about the District’s ever-evolving calendar of large group events. As a result of the Settlement Agreement of 2013 between the Cities of Del Mar and Solana Beach, the 22nd Hosting History continued from page 6 Ortiz, President of the national Oral History Association and Director of the Samuel Proctor OH Program at the University of Florida gave the plenary address, and annual scholarships and mini-grants were presented. The meeting concluded Saturday afternoon with a silent auction and a performance “Showcasing Fringe Narratives: Grassroots Latina Activists in Southern California.” I was surprised by how young many of the participants were, graduate students or even undergraduate, for whom OH is an important tool for the study of all sorts of subjects. A young woman from Alaska studying the ups-anddowns of commercial fishing there, for an eventual Ph.D. Others from different parts of Texas with whom I shared experiences and acquaintances. All seemed to relish being in Del Mar and to appreciate the welcome – the weather (after the recent heat) cooperated – and the sunset. Lee Haydu next to Richard Valdez at her first 22nd DAA meeting on March 10, 2015. Photo Shirley King. DAA, and the Joint Powers Authority, an Economic Impact Study of the Fairgrounds will be presented in November 2015 by the consulting group, Economic and Planning Systems. Director Haydu believes that this thorough study of the Fair’s operations and the demands placed upon the surrounding community infrastructure along with the local revenues and expenditures will answer many of the longstanding questions of the fiscal impact - both costs and benefits - upon the two cities. A new event, the 3-day music festival Kaaboo planned for September will be evaluated in this study given the prospect of its annual continuation. She anticipates that the report’s results will generate more productive discussions with the community - a role that she can step into with her fellow Directors. Having been a long-time member of Del Mar’s San Dieguito Lagoon Committee, Director Haydu is encouraged with the progress of the South Lot Wetlands Restoration project under the supervision of the DAA’s Senior Environmental Planner, Dustin Fuller and a consulting team that includes a wetlands biologist. Director Haydu starts her term with another freshman Director, Pierre Sleiman, Jr. who breaks the mold of the former Board composition - as a 28year-old farmer and owner of Go Green Agriculture - a national network of small hydroponic farms. Along those lines, Haydu advocates for more local agriculture to be showcased at Fairground events - most particularly at the Fair - perhaps more kale and fewer deep-fried twinkies. Arguably no other DAA Director has walked in Lee’s shoes, which have trekked through all of Del Mar’s twisty streets while she campaigned in its neighborhoods. She knows the quality of life that Del Mar cherishes. As one member on a board of nine, Lee is very realistic about expectations in this new role and trusts that the public will not have unrealistic expectations of her. Lee’s style of leadership is consultative. She engages others, encourages open and frank communication, and builds trust so that others are willing to work with her in solving problems constructively. “I take seriously my responsibility to the mission of the Fair Board and I am equally determined to see that the ideas and concerns of nearby communities are factored into decision making. Sometimes there are legitimate differences that must be worked out but more often I believe there are ways that we can work respectfully together to achieve mutual objectives.” Sandpiper April 2015 Page 7 Paseo project …over the objections of four community planning boards,” Lisa Ross, Del Mar Mesa Planning Board said. “A few wonder why they even bother.” “A cold blast hit the citizens of San Diego when the Council approved the One Paseo project over the objections of thousands. The people lost, the process lost, democracy lost,” said Noel Spaid, chair Torrey Pines Community Planning Board. “Beware your neighborhood is next.” San Diego City Council President Sherri Lightner, one of the two no votes (Vice Chair Marti Emerald was the second), joined a March 11 press conference with other community leaders including Supervisor Dave Roberts, San Diego County Supervisor, District 3, Del Mar Councilmembers Terry Sinnott and Dwight Worden, San Diego Community Planners Committee Chair Joe La Cava and Torrey Pines Community Planning Group Vice Chair Dee Rich, to support the referendum. As we go to press signature gatherers are spreading throughout San Diego confident they will meet the March 25th deadline. ONE PASEO decision sparks city-wide referendum drive. Graphic Virginia Lawrence Ann Gardner | Via Latina “W e the undersigned registered voters of the City of San Diego, California, hereby present this petition to the City Council of the City of San Diego, California and ask that the City Council repeal, or submit to the registered voters of the City for their adoption or rejection that legislative act adopted by the City Council on the 23rd day of February, 2015 as Resolution No. R-309505.” Shocked by the 7 to 2 vote approving the oversized, zoned out One Paseo development (Resolution R-309505), San Diego neighborhoods as far flung as Bay Park and City Heights are joining Carmel Valley residents in a referendum drive that – with at least 5% of the registered voters or about 33,000 signatures - would require the San Diego City Council to either reverse their decision or put it on a citywide ballot. “The San Diego City Council made a mockery of the city’s planning process when it approved the controversial One City Councilmembers who voted to approve the project are getting direct feedback. A Del Mar Heights resident, who received a letter from Councilmember David Alvarez citing his support of neighborhoods and appealing for reelection support, wrote back: “You have got to be kidding! We gave you money and support because we believed your promises about caring for our neighborhoods. We will never forget the ‘slap in the face’ you gave us in return by voting for Paseo. Now my entire 2015-16 budget for helping local Democrats is going to be spent on the referendum to overturn your decision.” Another resident wrote Francine Busby, SD County Democratic Chair, after getting an appeal for funds: “None of the local, regional, state or national Democratic Party groups became involved (in the One Paseo controversy)… Our money is important when you and your party need support, while our lives and our community are not?” What’s Next? Signatures on the petition shall be verified by the City Clerk within 30 days of filing. The City Clerk will verify the results of the signature verification. After a referendary petition has been qualified and presented to the City Council, the Council must reconsider the legislative act within ten business days. If the City Council refuses to grant the petition to repeal the act the Council must submit the matter to the voters. The matter may be considered at the next city-wide primary or general election or at a separate special election. Stay tuned. Planning Leaders Join Community Campaign to Overturn One Paseo Decision Left to right: Joe LaCava, Chair of the City of San Diego Community Planners Committee; Bob Fuchs, Founder of What Price Main Street (WPMS); Robert Freund, WPMS; Diana Scheffler, Mitigate One Paseo (MOP); Council Member Dwight Worden, City of Del Mar; Janie Emerson, President East Bluffs Community Association; Council Member Terry Sinnott, City of Del Mar; Pam Slater Price, former San Diego County Supervisor, District 3; Supervisor Dave Roberts, San Diego County Supervisor, District 3; San Diego City Council President Sherri Lightner; former San Diego City Councilmember Ed Harris; Dee Rich, Vice Chair Torrey Pines Community Planning Board & MOP; Lisa Ross, Del Mar Mesa Community Planning Board; Eileen Huffman, MOP; Kathryn Burton, Chair of the Torrey Hills Community Planning Board. Courtesy of Protect San Diego’s Neighborhoods. Sandpiper April 2015 Page 8 Park Preferences Boardwalk Blues Jacqueline Winterer | Ocean View Avenue I n a tie vote on March 11 the California Coastal Commission recommended that the San Dieguito Lagoon Boardwalk be removed and relocated at the northern edge of the lot along Jimmy Durante Boulevard because it caused the loss of one acre of wetland and disturbed the wildlife. Ten days later an estimated 200 walkers showed up to support keeping the boardwalk in its current location. Shores Park. Photo Kristen Crane Plan Your Park Celebration Shores Park – 215 9th Street Saturday, May 2 10:00 – 11:30 • Gather with your neighbors • Activities for kids • Refreshments will be served The City of Del Mar is developing a long-term plan for the future redesign of Shores Park. Come discover the site and share your vision for the park’s future. Learn more at The Boardwalk southeast of the Fairgrounds, along the San Dieguito River, was built with various grants worth $500,000 and through the efforts of members of the Del Mar Rotary Club who helped build it. The Boardwalk has become very popular with members of the public who enjoy walking along the river watching birds, ducks drifting along the river and occasional fish jumping out of the water. Earlier action from the Coastal Commission had determined that the Boardwalk was an interim use. The San Dieguito Boardwalk Brigade, March 21 River Valley Joint walking to support the Boardwalk. Powers authority Photo Art Olson sought to modify the permit for wetland restoration and retain the 1,200-ft long Boardwalk in its present location. Twelve people spoke and twelve hundred people signed a petition urging the Commission to keep the Boardwalk. Del Mar • Del Mar’s annual waste per person per day (PPD) in 2013 12.6; in 2014 11.4 PPD. (Del Mar’s trash volume includes the 22nd Agricultural District and the the trash from the beaches and parks.) Source: Equinox Center • In 2014 the Fairgrounds achieved a 92% diversion from the landfill, with 1888 tons of trash and 24,037 tons of recycled materials, either composted or recycled. Source: 22nd DAA Minutes February 10, 2015 • The median household income of Del Mar in 2005 was $169,348 (not adjusted for inflation). When adjusted for inflation (1999 dollars; comparable to Census data), the median household income was $100,982. Source: San Diego Association of Governments. • Del Mar became an incorporated city of California on July 15, 1959. San Diego County Supervisor Greg Cox was a passionate advocate of the preservation of the Boardwalk and gave greater value to the educational and recreational value of the experience of being in the middle of the wetland. Commissioner Dayna Bochco, San Francisco environmentalist, gave greater value to the preservation of the maximum of wetland at the cost of losing the Boardwalk. As only 10 members of the Commission were present the Commission was evenly divided between those two positions. The 5/5 vote failed to grant the JPA’s request. An attempt was made by some commissioners to offer a compromise which would compensate the loss of the 1 acre of wetland with the acquisition of 4 acres of wetland elsewhere. That motion failed as well. Late word is that the Coastal Commission will reconsider! Hope springs eternal. Sandpiper April 2015 Page 9 Hawk Watch Art Olson | Avenida Primavera photos by David Arnold and Art Olson I n December of this past year Del Mar resident and retired graphic designer, David Arnold saw a diseased Torrey Pine being cut down on City property just across highway 101 from his home on Ocean View Avenue. The location of that tree was very special to Arnold, as it is to the thousands of others that look to the Pacific as they descend along the 101 toward the Torrey Pines State Beach driving south from Del Mar. Arnold saw not only the tragedy of an iconic tree dying from beetle infestation, but the possibility to repurpose what was left of it as art that will retain the aesthetics of the view that it occupied. Since workmen were busily cutting the tree to the ground, Arnold swept in and convinced their supervisor to halt the chain sawing, in order to let him mark out with masking tape what he saw as the potential shape of the art piece he was envisioning. He then promptly went to City Hall, and got a reprieve for what then remained of the tree. At home he fashioned a miniature model of his planned sculpture and subsequently presented it to the City Council, which approved his project. With the help of experienced woodcarver, Tim Richards and arborist Andy McCracken, the sculpture was completed in March. The piece, which features a red-tailed hawk and a seat to view the surrounding panorama, has drawn both the eyes and the feet of those who pass by. Sandpiper April 2015 Page 10 Know yOUR nEIGHBOR Paul Thomas Harold Feder | Crest Road I n full disclosure, I am a huge fan of the Public Works Department. I strongly believe that we Del Martians are lucky to have this crew help us navigate through some of the travails of our everyday life. One of the veterans of this group is Paul Thomas. Q: What is your background regarding Public Works? A: I was hired in 1987 and initially worked half time on Beach Maintenance and halftime at Public Works. I have worked for 5 City Managers and 4 Department Heads. Q: How did you learn of the job? A: My neighbor, Sam Nocosia, was working there. Q: What were your qualifications? A: I had worked in many aspects of construction for a number of years including concrete work, plumbing and framing. I was thirty-one years old at the time of my hiring. Also, I learned people skills from working at my family’s restaurant in Burbank. Q: Do you have a family? A: I have been married for 31 years and have three grown children, two daughters and a son. I also have five grandchildren. Q: Has the department changed in size or otherwise? A: The department is about the same size. However, you now need additional qualifications including a class B license and certification from the California Water Board and certification regarding work on sewers. Also, our work is different. Q: How? Paul Thomas (arrow) behind Mary Friestedt (far left), Mary organized a work party on August 3, 2012 to rake, de-weed, and prepare the grounds in front of the new Community Building on 9th Street for beautification. The Public Works team with Paul hauled away the yard waste and brought in some dirt for a low-water display that Mary created with succulents and rock. Photo Betty Wheeler Q: What is your favorite part of the job? A: Probably landscaping. I really like working with the Garden Club and helping to solve problems. I also like the variety of work. It is like a challenge-each day is different. That is also different from other cities as workers in San Diego typically do only one type of job day in and day out. Q: What is your least favorite part of the job? A: Getting up at 5:30. Q: What are your hobbies? A: I enjoy fixing up old trucks. I just sold a 1953 Ford pick up and am looking for a new vehicle to work on. I also like to go boating on the Colorado River. Q: Who gave you the best piece of advice? A: My dad who said “to look to the future and save for later in life.” A: When I was first hired, we worked mainly on water leaks and sewer stopages. Now, we are much more proactive. Our infrastructure is much better. We have upgraded the water meters and the sewer system. We constructed a new pump station. We do a lot more landscaping than before and have new construction projects like the sidewalks on Jimmy Durante. Q: Who and/or what makes you laugh? Q: Is your relationship with the residents different? Q: You guys seem to be a close group. Are you? A: The residents haven’t changed much. Obviously, some older residents have left and some younger residents have moved in. The difference is that we now have much more interaction with the residents. We are more “hands on.” A: We are…they are a bunch of nice guys. We try and get together socially, but it is hard because we live in different parts of the county and we have families. But we work together well. It’s a good crew. Q: Is our department different from other cities? Q: What can we do to help make your job easier? A: Very different. First, we are located within minutes of the residents. Second, when we get a call, our response is immediate and most of the time we are there within five minutes. We come as fast as we can. We also know a lot of the residents so they see somebody familiar. Third, we are on call 24 hours a day. At all times, two of us are on call during off hours and are required to live within thirty minutes of Del Mar. In other towns, you might wait days for a worker who you don’t even know to show up. A: I can’t think of anything. It is fun. We receive many nice letters and people thank us. That makes all of us feel good. A: All the guys I work with. They are all clowns in a certain way. Every day I come to work they make me laugh. My granddaughter makes me laugh. I laugh at myself. That’s what makes this place so interesting. You never know what is going to happen. Each day is like a chapter in a book. It’s a great place to work. Having never lived in a small town before, I have to admit that it can be an adjustment. Without question, one positive adjustment is to be walking down the street with your dog and one of the guys from Public Works comes by and acknowledges both of you by name. So, on behalf of myself and Mo, a wave of the hand and a wag of the tail. Sandpiper April 2015 Page 11 book corner Blue bin recycling Adam’s College Capers magazines and catalogs phone books To the editor: aluminum cans I thoroughly enjoyed the review of “The Great Ringtail Garbage Caper” in the Book Corner segment of your February edition. I knew of the book because before embarking on a number of other careers, including that as a planner, I was of one of the duo of garbage men for Menemsha and the rest of “Up-Island” Martha’s Vineyard at the time Timothy Foote wrote The Caper. all glass and plastic bottles and jars My college housemate, Gary Kalkut, and I (see picture below) worked for Seward’s Garbage Disposal Service. Garbage may not be glamourous, but Martha’s Vineyard during the summer and fall was a wonderful place to be. We drove our truck down rutted dirt roads to empty the trash bins at clapboard cottages set in the woods and atop coastal bluffs. The clients were mostly summer renters, many of them celebrities from the academic, political and entertainment world (John Updike, Robert McNamara and John Belushi were on our weekly pick-up list). I worked the route for four years and proudly kept my Seward’s shirt (also pictured). wrapping paper After reading the review, I called Mr. Foote and we reminisced about the Vineyard. He explained that while the story and the human characters Nip and Tuck were fictional, they were based on the two young men who did the route. But for the record, we weren’t Yale students, we attended Vassar; and the-now Dr. Kalkut would have represented the smarter character, Tuck. newspapers mail paper or frozen food boxes cartons and drink boxes clean plastic food containers and cups paper bags shredded paper (bagged and tied/taped) cardboard metal cans clean aluminum foil an foil trays Styrofoam packaging EMPTY aerosol cans plastic buckets, tubs, pots, trays and toys Black bin trash plastic utensils, plastic wrap, compostable projects, Styrofoam food and drink containers, glassware, ceramics, pillows, diapers, pet poop City of San Diego Recycling Works Adam Birnbaum, Planning Manager, Del Mar Adam Birnbaum and his college housemate on the running board of Seward’s garbage truck, the inspiration for Foote’s Esmeralda. Courtesy Adam Birnbaum. Illustration from The Great Ringtail Garbage Caper by Timothy Foote. The garbage truck was named Esmeralda. (Title available in Del Mar Library.) Sandpiper April 2015 Page 12 Planning Manager Adam Birnbaum in front of Del Mar City Hall, February 2015. Courtesy Adam Birnbaum. Roving Teen Reporter vaccinations forget how terrible the diseases were.” CCA freshman Tommy expressed frustration at how many innocent kids are being caught in the middle of this dispute: “There was recently a story in the news about a Leah Gans | La Jolla Country Day Junior girl in northern California whose mom would not let her n increasing number of parents in recent years have get vaccinated. She was in high school and when measles been withholding permission for their children to be broke out she had to stay home because it would be too vaccinated out of fear that vaccines cause autism. While dangerous for her to attend school. She was worried about autism diagnoses have become more common, there is how much school she was missing and asked her mom no knowing for certain whether if she could get vaccinated, the actual number of incidents of but her mom told her no. autism has increased, or if, with the I think it’s really sad how increasing advances in technology misinformed and paranoid and science, autism has become parents are today.” CCHS more easily detected and therefore Senior Julia shared these more frequently diagnosed. views, but also understood why some parents were The very recent Measles outbreak concerned: “There is a in the U.S has made this debate “problem” without a known even more relevant. While specific cause of autism, and that laws vary from state to state, all, makes parents anxious that generally require children to receive it will affect their children. vaccinations against mumps, Because there is so much measles, rubella, diphtheria, misinformation out there, pertussis, tetanus, and polio prior and so many people really to entering public or private school. Google Images believe in this anti-vaccine Nevertheless, many states, like phenomenon, it is an easy California, give parents the right to trap to fall into.” Julia’s statement is a good description of withhold vaccinations from their children based on their what is happening in America today. personal beliefs. As the number of people preventing their children from being vaccinated has increased, the All parents want is for their children to be healthy, and likelihood of dangerous outbreaks, like the current measles because they forget how dangerous childhood diseases outbreak, has also grown. were, they feel as though they are being safe by avoiding To Vax or Not to Vax A Every local student I spoke to supported vaccinations, and was frustrated by those who did not receive them. TPHS sophomore, Jill commented that “all of these are terrible childhood diseases that used to cause death or suffering for many children. Since the invention of vaccines, the U.S has been able to eradicate most of these diseases among our population. I believe the people opposed to the Read Me If you Can! Photos Bill Morris The newly-named shopping Center on Mango has erected two monuments. BEACHSIDE DEL MAR stands out from a background field of stones. Unfortunately, as you drive south on Mango, the letter B is lost against the trees. You see only EACHSIDE DEL MAR. vaccinations. The recent measles outbreak shows the danger of this approach: If enough people opt out of vaccinations, these diseases can and will return. It is easy to understand why the parents of an autistic child might be likely to accept the vaccine theory as the cause of a disability in their child that does not seem to have another explanation, especially considering that autism is often detected based on the same milestones that are typically used for vaccinations (birthdays, grade levels, etc.). Before jumping to conclusions, however, parents need to educate themselves and pay attention to the scientific research. This way, their child won’t be exposed to the much more significant risk of catching a deadly childhood disease. Driving north, although all the letters are visible, reading the text in broad sunlight is tricky because of the shadows BEACHSIDE casts against the patterned background of stones. Sandpiper April 2015 Page 13 Wising Up to Water Waste Shannon Hogan Cohen | Luneta Drive A s part of the Del Mar Garden Club’s water conservation series, a workshop was held on Monday, February 23rd with Candace Vanderhoff of RainThanks. It was a well-attended gathering of water-minded residents from Del Mar and surrounding cities. The landscape that morning was dewy from the rain shower we received the night before; Mother Nature’s timing was apropos. We were reminded that 90% of our water is imported from Northern California and the Colorado River Candace Vanderoff presenting at Del Mar Garden Club’s Water Conservation workshop. Photo Shannon Hogan Cohen. and an important source of water for us here in California. The increasing demands coupled with have alarmed us many times and it is our responsibility our severe drought status, are leading us to find new ways to protect the environments in front of us and present to manage our reliance on the Colorado. the future generations with stability through our own In Southern California, half of the water goes towards practices of water conservation. The following are a few landscape irrigation. Drought and managing reliance are recommendations that are useful for our community water ongoing concerns. We must acknowledge that our own conundrums: individual contributions to sustainability are key. This can Water Wise Tip #1 – Change your landscape watering only happen if we start in our own backyards. strategies immediately. Pay attention to irrigation Topics discussed ranged from integrated landscape overspray and lower your water use by planting native using free broken concrete for terracing and walkways plants, succulents and edibles. Assess your property to to preferred chemical-free detergent for greywater use. understand where water is flowing and familiarize yourself (For those who are not familiar with the term greywater, with the terms “bioswales” “curb cut” and “rain gardens.” it is unprocessed waste water from your shower, All represent different methods to capture rainfall runoff. bathroom sinks and washing machine. The objective Water Wise Tip #2 –Begin capturing rainwater by utilizing is to redirect greywater to our landscape and use it rain barrels. They come in various shapes and sizes. The as irrigation.) The realities of our water issues capacities range from 50 gallons to a 200 gallon rain tank. Begin harvesting rain fall immediately. Consider this piece of data - one inch of rain on 1,000 square feet of surface equates to 623 gallons of water. Water Wise Tip #3 – Purchase a rhythmic rain chain to initiate water saving practices. This is an alternative to a downspout. Their purpose is mostly decorative. However, they make a unique water feature by transporting rainwater from the gutter downwards to either a drain or to your new rain barrel. How delightful would it be to see more homes in our community equipped with this simple water harvesting technique? Water Wise Tip #4 - Call a company like Rain Thanks that offers building, design and consulting services. These project based firms work with individuals to create a regenerative water culture in home environments. Water Wise Tip #5 - Report water waste to the City of Del Mar either through the online report register or calling directly. A few examples may be excessive runoff along the streets, malfunctioning irrigation components or watering during a rainstorm. Cartoon Steve Crothers The most important task - be part of the solution, not part of the problem. As a community we can make an impact. Experiment with new practices in capturing water and influence your neighbors to do the same. Instead of oohing and ahhing over our neighbors’ holiday decorations, we should commend them for the way they safeguard their water. Sandpiper April 2015 Page 14 Sea Change Shot in Del Mar Rare Rain Shirley King | Avenida Primavera Photos Bill Morris S oon we will confront just how impermanent our beaches are when the City pursues its Sea-Level Rise studies. Our coastal education will expand to include the most precise understanding of the Mean High Tide Levels expected through this century. And going forward many of the City’s standard operating procedures will adjust forever to the specific considerations for these sea-level changes. The City of Del Mar was awarded on December 2, 2014 a $100,000 California Ocean Protection Council Grant to update its Local Coastal Program (LCP), specifically to address sea-level rise, including sea-level rise modeling, vulnerability assessments, and adaptation planning and policy development. In total $200,000 will be required for this work spanning two years - in addition to the grant, $77,794 will be contributed from the City’s General Fund and $22,206 from City In-Kind Services, in the form of staff time of 3 to 5 hours per week. Wet weather on the Bluffs. On March 2nd the Council authorized the City Manager to issue a Request for Proposal (RFP) to solicit consultant firms that provide professional services in the specialized area of climate change science and sea level rise studies focused on identifying vulnerabilities and appropriate adaptation strategies. The City’s LCP would be amended to include long-range planning for protecting the City’s shoreline and low-lying areas and the final product, the Local Coastal Program Amendment (LCPA), would Mango Drive right next to Beachside Del Mar. Fairgrounds flooded in 2010. Photo Art Olson. be submitted to the California Coastal Commission for certification in May, 2017. The Council also authorized the formation of the Sea-Level Stakeholder-Technical Advisory Committee (STAC) and appointed Don Mosier and Dwight Worden to be the Council Liaisons to the committee. Our two-miles of coastline will undergo an intense technical study - having the advantage of the models developed in The Sea-Level Adaptation Strategy of San Diego Bay from January 2012. A committee of our stakeholders consisting of residents, commercial owners, the North County Transit District and the 22nd Agricultural District will be assembled with the assistance of technical experts most likely available within the pool of our local residents with backgrounds in oceanic and atmospheric science, physics, wetlands biology, environmental health and architecture. Applications are due to the City by Monday, April 20, 2015 at 5:30 p.m. Citizen Interest Mango Drive right next to Beachside Del Mar. Forms are available on the City website at www.delmar. What Del Mar has long relied upon as our coastal armaments will be questioned by the new realities of future expected sea-level rise. Our armor going forward will become the carefully crafted adaptation strategies from this essential study report. Sandpiper April 2015 Page 15 DMTV Presents Neighborly development Property Rights vs Community Rights A Walk in the Park Luana Karr | DMTV To the Editor: Y our recent Sandpiper indicated there was a “grass roots” group with ideas for altering the Design Review Ordinance (DRO), specifically: valuing privacy, protecting neighborhood character, following the community plan, protecting property values, expanding neighbor’s “rights” and concern with the Design Review Board (DRB) confirming projects because there were no objections. Much of this is unnecessary. The DRB has a tradition of valuing privacy, both visual and with respect to noise, and even smell. Neighborhood character is a part of the DRO already. It is particularly difficult to “evaluate,” but sometimes the change is clear enough and identifiable. Of course, to object to a project, the DRB member must specifically identify that change, just as he or she must specifically identify the pertinent facts and DRO section for objecting to any other aspect of a project. A pril is a month filled with days recognizing a variety of endeavors. One most of us are aware of is Earth Day, but it’s also National Walking Day. The Del Mar Television Foundation is airing two shows throughout the month recognizing these days. “Save It for Me! “ is a program that takes three local families and highlights how they chose to make efforts in conservation to help preserve Mother Earth for future generations. This show was produced and directed by Tracy Phillips and produced by Ingrid Hoffmeister. Another great program is “A Walk in the Park.” This show takes us through the San Dieguito River Park, highlights some of the beautiful habitat, and shows you where the trails are that can lead to wonderful flora and fauna with a little archeology thrown in. That’s right here in our backyard courtesy of a lot of volunteers who realize the importance of preserving such an area. 11th and Luneta. The excavation covers almost the entire lot right up to the street. Photo Bill Morris Acting in accord with the community plan is also part of the DRO. There may be disagreement about what that means; a genuine discussion of it might be appropriate for the Sandpiper. We should all realize that the community undergoes change all the time. It always has and that can be expected going forward. Managing that change is what the zoning ordinances and the DRO do. There are always people who object to change and others who embrace it. Protecting property values is basic in the DRO. Further, it is implicit in protecting for properties the privacy, views, freedom from noise, and all the other considerations in the DRO. The last two items in your article deserve special mention. Neighbors have a right to point out what they think are factual aspects of an application that violate the DROs. But it is not the neighbors that merit consideration; it is their property. That a person has a special place he likes to sit and look doesn’t matter. That she has lived there 40 years doesn’t matter. The fact that a neighbor objects to a project doesn’t matter. With respect to the neighbors, the DRB is charged with determining whether a landowner has a right to build a project taking into account the So tune in to Del Mar T.V. Or call the station at 858-224-3688 for more information. effects of that project on the neighboring real estate. The people involved really aren’t relevant to the determination. The DRB should never pass a project simply because no neighbors object. It is charged with evaluating the effect of the proposed project on all the neighboring properties with all those considerations of privacy, view, noise, water runoff, landscaping and every other consideration in the DRO. To pass a project without consideration of all of those neighboring properties is an abrogation of duty. When a project is passed, it should be done with a recitation that these considerations were given, so that we are all confident there was due consideration. It is unfortunate that the DRB meeting has often been a venue for neighborhood angst. There has long been an overemphasis on irrelevant opinions distracting members from a cold evaluation of facts. Neighbors need to realize it is not about them, it is about their property. The more objectivity that enters this process, the more predictable and consistent the decisions will be. Nate McCay, Carolina Road Sandpiper April 2015 Page 16 SHORT TAKES ON FILM Ben Nyce | Via Latina T wo films nominated for Academy Awards as best foreign film have been playing in San Diego. Though not very sophisticated in technique, they address burning issues (Russian kleptocracy and Islamic jihad) in passionate ways. “Leviathan” directed by Andrey Zuyagintsev, dramatizes in small scale what Putin’s kleptocracy enacts in large. Putin’s rodent-like features look down from the walls of government offices. The central drama continued on page 18 LOCAVORES’ DELIGHT Heron Farms Spring Frittata 1 cup shredded zucchini - Valdivia Farms/Schaner Farms Valerie Fanning | Forest Way ½ cup grated Parmesan - Pasta Design T 8 ounces fresh ricotta - Pasta Design (6 to 8 Servings) ½ lemon, juiced - Schaner Farms/Valdivia Farms ry this lovely frittata filled with spring vegetables this Easter or for a springtime brunch. You can substitute any of your favorite vegetables or cheeses. Directions: Ingredients: Preheat the oven to 350 degrees F. 8 whole eggs – EbenHaezer Egg Ranch In a large bowl, whisk the eggs. Add the cream, hot sauce (to taste), salt and pepper and whisk to blend. 4 tablespoons heavy cream Heat a 10 to 12-inch cast iron (or other heavybottomed, oven proof) skillet and add 2 tablespoons of olive oil. Add the asparagus to the skillet and season with salt and pepper. Sauté for 1 minute. Add the zucchini and sauté for another minute 2 dashes hot sauce – Terra Verde/Semper Fry Salt Pepper 3 tablespoons extra-virgin olive oil, divided – Freskos Add the scallions, spinach, ricotta and parmesan cheeses into the egg mixture and stir. Pour the mixture into the skillet over the asparagus and zucchini. ½ pound thin asparagus, trimmed, cut in 3 inch pieces 4 scallions, sliced (white and green parts) – Schaner Farms 1 cup spinach, stemmed - Ray’s Subtropical/Blue 1 cup cherry tomatoes, halved – Kawano Farms/ Valdivia Farms/Blue Heron Farms Photo Valerie Fanning Put the skillet into the oven on the center rack and cook for 15 to 20 minutes (should be firm around the edges). Remove from the oven and let sit for a few minutes. Toss the halved tomatoes with salt, pepper, lemon juice and remaining olive oil. Place on top of the frittata just before serving. Sandpiper April 2015 Page 17 KAABOOM! Short Takes on Film continued from page 17 Bud Emerson | Klish Way involves a small landowner Kolya who attempts to prevent a corrupt mayor from taking his property. Everyone is on the take: the courts, the police, the Russian Orthodox church. Kolya takes to drink; his marriage begins to suffer. His wife eventually commits suicide, and he is jailed for her murder. The mayor builds a church where Kolya’s house had been. Such a bleak story is, however, seasoned with mordant humor. At a drunken picnic, photos of former Russian leaders are used for target practice with the jocular explanation that the most recent will eventually be shot full of holes. Powerful, wide screen shots show a bleak, rugged landscape and a surging tumultuous ocean beneath lowering skies. No wonder the characters drink vodka like water. The film is banned in Russia. I f you want to know why the fairgrounds gets at odds with its neighbors, get a load of this. Just about the time we all settle down after the the races and summer crowds to enjoy some relaxed community time, KAABOO lands on us. We will get 40,000 drinking and dancing revelers in our backyard starting Thursday night September 17 and continuing around the clock through Sunday, September 20. If you know anything about festivals like Coachella or Stage Coach, imagine that scene crammed into our neighborhood. More than one hundred bands and performances on seven stages. From their website: KAABOO IS EVERYTHING A TYPICAL MUSIC FESTIVAL IS NOT. THAT’S BECAUSE WE’RE NOT A “FESTIVAL.” WE’RE A NEW KIND OF ARTS AND ENTERTAINMENT “MIX-PERIENCE” DESIGNED AROUND COMFORT, QUALITY AND GOOD TIMES. “KAABOO was created by music lovers for music lovers. An adult escape, uniquely curated to appeal to all five of your senses, with world-class music, dancing, incredible cuisine, craft libations, inspiring contemporary art, and personal indulgences” “late night dance party 10pm-2:30am” comedy club...spas zip lines upscale food plaza VIP lounges “pleasant potty time” with premium bathrooms craft breweries and wineries “anti-dirt”...places to clean up bring blankets and beach towels sandy beach at main stage, premium cabanas, “Timbuktu” tells of the degradation of that famous trading city by jihadists enforcing Sharia law. Kidani and his small family live in a community of tents in the sand dunes on the edge of the mud-walled city. He’s a sweettempered man who loves to make music and adores his wife and his young daughter. He talks of moving away from the jihadists, but before he can he unintentionally kills a fisherman whose nets have been damaged by his cattle. The jihadists ban singing, dancing, even football (soccer). Can football be played without a ball? Well, the kids do it with spirit and flair. A wonderful singer is given ninety lashes. Tribal images and totems are destroyed by bursts from automatic weapons. As in “Leviathan” the sweeping images of dune landscape show what endures despite the destruction. For home viewing “To Live and Die in L.A.” William Friedkin’s take on the corruption of two cops in the overripe setting of Los Angeles. It’s got the best car chase in film. Nyce taught literature and film at USD and authored “Satyajit Ray” and “Scorcese Up Close.” exclusive bar, beach volleyball concierge services Price packages from $279-$2499 plus fees and service charges It seems our Council, staff, and Sheriff’s Office were completely blindsided by this plan. It is not clear if the Coastal Commission has any jurisdiction. No one seems to know anything about noise and light abatement, lagoon impact, traffic control, waste disposal, water usage.... Technically, the Fair Board is a government agency, the 22nd Agricultural District. Can you imagine any other government agency behaving this way. Where is the accountability? This is not an April Fools joke folks, this is for real. Sandpiper April 2015 Page 18 Del Mar Community Calendar Highlights for April 2015 This month’s calendar was compiled by Shelby Weaver, a Torrey Pines High School Senior. Del Mar Farmer’s Market: Every Saturday, 1-4 p.m. in the City Hall parking lot. Purchase fresh, locally grown produce, flowers, eggs and many other products. First Thursdays: Thursday, April 2nd, Beth Ross Buckley and Fred Benedetti-Flamenco Journey by flute and guitar with roots in Indian, Sephardic, Macedonian, and Andalusian music. We’re sorry, but this series is sold out. Del Mar Community Connections: Silver Age Yoga, Fridays: April 3rd, 10th, 17th, 24th at 10:00 a.m., St. Peter’s Parish Hall. Del Mar Foundation: Young Del Mar Annual Easter Egg Hunt at Seagrove Park! Saturday, April 4th, 11:00-12:00. Free event but please register at www. DMCC: Monday Lunch Club at Rendezvous on April 6 from 11:30 -1pm DMCC: Tuesday Lunch Connection at DMCC. At the Del Mar Community Building, on April 6, from 12-1:30. Del Mar City Council Meetings: Monday, April 6th and, Monday, April 20th, 6:00 p.m. -240 10th St. 4/7 Tuesday Lunch Connection at DMCC 12-1:30 DM Library: Toddler Story Time, Ages 1-2. Stories, songs and finger plays for toddlers, Tuesday, April 7th, 21st and 28th, 10:30 a.m. DMVA: Del Mar History Committee monthly meeting, Tuesday, April 7th, 5:00- 6:00 p.m, 1104 Camino del Mar Ste. 1 Del Mar Library: Tuesday, April 14th, adult yoga at 12:00 noon DM Planning Commission: Monthly meeting, Tuesday, April 14th, 6:00 p.m.-11:00 p.m. 240 10th St. DMVA Design Committee: Monthly meeting, Wednesday, April 15th, 11:00 a.m, 1104 Camino del Mar ste. 1 DMVA: Business Assistance Committee Meeting, Wednesday, April 15th, 8:30-9:30 a.m, 1104 Camino del Mar Ste. 1 Del Mar Foundation: Board Mtg., Thursday, April 16th, 8:00 a.m, 225 9th St. Del Mar Library: Sunday, April 19th, Craft with Mrs. Lindsey, 1:30 p.m. and Kid’s Chess, 3:00 p.m. Del Mar Foundation: Beach Clean-Up with the Rotary Club, Sunday, April 19th 2:30-4:00 p.m, Powerhouse Community Center. DMCC: Tuesday Lunch Connection at DMCC. At the Del Mar Community Building, on April 21, from 12-1:30. Del Mar Historical Society: Meeting, Tuesday, April 21st, 5:00 p.m, 225 9th St. Design Review Board Meeting: Wednesday, April 22nd, 6:00 p.m., 240 10th St. Del Mar Library: Local author showcase , Wednesday, April 22nd,6:30 p.m. DMCC Spring Luncheon: Wednesday, April 22, from 12 noon to 1:30 pm at the Del Mar Community Building Del Mar Library: Wednesday, April 22nd, 6:30 p.m. PJ Story time. Wear your PJ’s to the library for story time! DMVA: Monthly Board of Directors meeting, Thursday, April 23rd, 8:30-10:00 a.m, City Hall Annex Friends of the San Dieguito River Valley Board: no monthly meeting in April DMF Cultural Arts Committee: Monthly meeting, Wednesday, April 8th, 8:30 a.m., Powerhouse Community Center, 1658 Coast Blvd. DMCC: Romeo Men’s Lunch Club, Tuesday, April 28th, 12:00 noon, Sbicca Bistro, 215 15th st. Reservations required: #858-792-7565 or DMCC: Board meeting, Saturday April 11th, 9:00 a.m., at the Del Mar Community Building, 225 9th Street. DMVA: Vintner dinner at Sbicca, Wednesday, April 29th. Please purchase tickets online at www. or call #858.755.3650 Del Mar Library: Jigsaw puzzles for kids with Ms. Gretchen, Saturday, April 11th, 10:00 a.m. Del Mar Library: Tuesday, April 14th 10:30 a.m., Dori Smith and Pigs Eye Puppets. The Del Mar Rose Society: Meeting, Thursday, April 30th, 6:30 p.m., at the Powerhouse in Del Mar, 1658 Coast Blvd. Extra copies of the Sandpiper are available at: City Hall, the Library, the Del Mar Community Building, the Powerhouse, and the Carmel Valley Library; The Gym at Del Mar on Jimmy Durante Blvd; the Solana Beach Library and the Solana Beach Community Center. Sandpiper April 2015 Page 19 Visit the Sandpiper online! SA N D P I P E R This month’s complete issue plus web exclusives, colored pix, photo essays, useful links, alerts, and much more! DEL MAR’S COMMUNITY JOURNAL Box 2177, Del Mar, CA 92014 DATED MATERIAL Geezer Music Concert Del Marians Freak Out These bands are so uncool that attendees on walkers will clog Bully’s, and Lipitor abuse will run rampant,” says Beach Colony resident... (continued on page 61) Number Dump Bonanza for DMPD City Council approves naming rights for all numbered streets in Del Mar. A recommendation from the Finance Committee estimates that selling naming rights could yield as much as $1million toward the funding of our new police department building scheduled to break ground by the first of this... (continued on page 89) Free Range Zone Free Range Zone for Local Chickens Approved by City Council There are four chickens living at the corner of Luneta and Zuni. They roam that area and have been know to hold up traffic while holding court on... (continued on page 27) Photo Bill Morris New Sheriff To Police Doggie Park Expecting a steep increase in canine visitors to the dog park in the near future, the Del Mar City Council... (continued on page 72) Roundabout of Dread “Roundabout of Dread” Removed from Jimmy Durante Traffic Plans We’re just too dumb to figure out how to drive in a circle without running into each other,” said members of a focus group devoted to... (continued on page 59) Sandpiper April 2015 Page 20 Photo Shirley King
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