Massachusetts Cities & Towns Calling for a Constitutional Amendment Legend: Democracy Amendment ballot question (BQ) passed by 187 MA communities in 2012-2014 elections (no BQ defeats) BQ not on ballot in all precincts, favorable vote but insufficient coverage to count as passed community-wide Local measures (LM) passed by town meeting or municipal government in 88 MA communities to date City/Town BQ LM City/Town BQ LM City/Town Acton Canton Gill Adams Carlisle Gloucester Alford Charlemont Goshen Amesbury Chatham Gosnold Amherst Chelmsford Great Barrington Andover Cheshire Greenfield Aquinnah Chester Groton Arlington Chesterfield Groveland Ashburnham Chilmark Hadley Ashby Clarksburg Hamilton Ashfield Colrain Hancock Ashland Concord Harvard Attleboro Conway Harwich Avon Cummington Hatfield Ayer Dalton Haverhill1 Barnstable Danvers Hawley Becket Deerfield Heath Bedford Dennis Hinsdale Belmont Dover Holliston Bernardston Dunstable Hopedale Beverly East Bridgewater Hopkinton Blandford Eastham Hudson Boston Edgartown Huntington Bourne Egremont Ipswich Boxborough Erving Lanesborough Boxford Essex Lee Brewster Fairhaven Lenox Brimfield Falmouth Leverett Brockton Fitchburg Lexington Brookline Florida Leyden Buckland Framingham1 Lincoln Burlington Franklin Littleton Cambridge Georgetown Lunenburg 1 BQ LM City/Town BQ LM City/Town BQ LM City/Town Lynn Northampton Stockbridge Malden1,2 Northborough Stoughton Manchester Northfield Stow Mansfield Oak Bluffs Sudbury Marblehead Orange Sunderland Marion Orleans Swampscott Marlborough Otis Tisbury Mashpee Oxford Topsfield Mattapoisett Peabody Townsend Maynard Pelham Truro Medfield Pepperell Tyringham Medford2 Peru Wakefield Medway Pittsfield Walpole Melrose Plainfield Waltham Mendon Plainville Warren Merrimac Provincetown Warwick Methuen Quincy Washington Middlefield Reading Watertown1 Middleton Richmond Wayland Milford Rochester Wellesley Millis Rockport Wellfleet Milton Rowe Wendell Monroe Rowley Wenham Monson Royalston West Bridgewater Montague Salem West Brookfield Monterey Salisbury West Newbury Mount Washington Sandisfield West Stockbridge Nahant Sandwich West Tisbury Nantucket Saugus Westborough Natick Savoy Westhampton Needham Scituate Weston New Ashford Sharon Westport New Bedford Sheffield Whately New Marlborough Shelburne Williamsburg New Salem Sherborn Williamstown Newbury Shirley Wilmington Newburyport Shutesbury Windsor Newton1 Somerset Woburn Norfolk Somerville Worcester North Adams South Hadley Worthington North Andover Southborough Wrentham North Attleborough Springfield Yarmouth BQ LM 3 1 Not on the ballot in all precincts, but “yes” votes for BQ exceed 50% of communitywide voter turnout, therefore BQ passes Combining results from 2012 & 2014, all the community’s precincts have passed BQ, so it has passed community-wide 3 In 2014, BQ on ballot in one precinct, but due to technical error the voting machines did not count the votes, result not known 2 11/12/2014
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