HAMBLETON DISTRICT COUNCIL Report To: Licensing Committee 23 March 2015 From: Director of Environmental and Planning Services Subject: TAXI FORUM All Wards 1.0 PURPOSE AND BACKGROUND: 1.1 The purpose of this report is to consider the future of Hambleton District Council’s Taxi Forum. 2.0 INFORMATION AND ANALYSIS 2.1 In October 2014, following a sustained period of poorly attended meetings, all members of Hambleton District Council’s Taxi Forum were asked to make any comments on the future of the Forum. 2.2 Responses were received from the current trade representatives (attached at Annex A), both of whom indicated that the information communicated at the Forum could be shared by other means without the need for any meetings. 2.3 A response was received from the North Yorkshire Police representative (attached at Annex B) who suggested that any benefits of the Forum would be better achieved by other means (e.g. by way of telephone conversations, email exchange etc). 2.4 Hambleton District Council’s Corporate Facilities Manager also questioned whether or not the objectives of the Forum could be achieved by other means. The response is attached at Annex C. 2.5 A response was received from a North Yorkshire County Council representative (attached at Annex D) who indicated that any forum representation would generally only be forthcoming if there were any specific issues that could not be addressed by other means. 2.6 In general, the Forum members were in agreement that the Forum does not serve any meaningful purpose and that the regular meetings are not necessary. 2.7 In December 2014, all members of the hackney carriage and private hire trade were subsequently consulted on the future of the Taxi Forum. Approximately 180 newsletters were issued to drivers, proprietors and operators. A copy of the newsletter is attached at Annex E. 2.8 Only one response was received (attached at Annex F) and, although the respondent was against abolishing the taxi forum, he agreed that the Forum should cease to exist if it is poorly attended. He did, however, suggest that alternative arrangements should be made to give members of the trade a forum to express their concerns. 3.0 FINANCIAL IMPLICATIONS AND EFFICIENCIES: 3.1 The benefits of the Taxi Forum appear to be significantly outweighed by the cost of administering it. 3.2 The time spent preparing for meetings, holding meetings and reporting on meetings could be put to better use in other areas of hackney carriage and private hire licensing that currently demand closer scrutiny. 3.3 There are no financial implications for the Council or the trade. 4.0 RECOMMENDATIONS: 4.1 Members are asked to approve the cessation of Taxi Forum meetings on the understanding that the Licensing Team will continue to communicate with members of the trade by way of regular newsletters. 4.2 The Licensing Team will continue to ensure that drivers, vehicles and proprietors are given ample opportunity to express their views on a case-by-case basis. MICK JEWITT Background papers: Author ref: Contact: 230315 taxi forum None SF Simon Fisher Licensing Officer Direct Line No: (01609) 767209 Annex A Annex B Annex C Annex D Annex E Annex F
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