Minutes Template - democracy.lbhf.gov.uk

London Borough of Hammersmith & Fulham
Licensing SubCommittee
Monday 16 March 2015
Committee members: Councillors Larry Culhane and Alan De'Ath (Chair)
Officers: Adesuwa Omoregie (Legal Advisor), Adrian Overton (Licensing Officer)
Applicants: Mr Robert Botkai (Legal advisor to Sainsbury’s) and Mr Lee Brown (Store
Apologies for absence were received from Councillor Michael Adam
There were no declarations of interest.
The Sub-Committee considered an application, received on the 20th January 2015,
from Sainsbury’s Supermarkets Ltd., for the grant of a premises license in respect
of the premises known as Sainsbury’s, 27 Townmead Road, London, SW6 2GD.
Main Points of Evidence
Licensing Officer
Adrian Overton, Licensing Officer, stated that a new application for a license had
been received from Sainsbury’s Supermarkets Ltd for their premises at 27
Townmead Road. They had offered to surrender their current license for their
premises, now closed, at 51 Townmead Road, if the new license was granted.
The licensing section had received one representation from a local resident, which
was concerned with the 24 hour nature of the application. The applicant, following
consultation with the Police had agreed additional conditions to be attached to the
licence, if granted prior to the commitment. Due to this the Police were not
objecting to the application.
Minutes are subject to confirmation at the next meeting as a correct record of the proceedings and any amendments arising will be
recorded in the minutes of that subsequent meeting.
The applicant reported that they had themselves suggested the additional 16
conditions of the license to the police. The current license held at 51 Townmead
Road allowed for alcohol to be sold for a 24 hour period, although, like the
proposals for the new store, this was not how the license was currently operated or
how the new licence is intended to operate. There had been no issues such as
had been raised by the objector at the 51 Townmead Road store. It was hoped the
old license from the 51 Townmead Road store could be replicated as much as
possible for the new store at number 27.
Currently the planning permission that had been granted for the new store
restricted the opening hours, which meant that Sainsbury’s would be required to
seek variation of the planning permission in writing for alcohol to be sold for 24
hours. The granting of the twenty-four hour license would allow for the ability to sell
alcohol if the stores opening hours were varied over busy holiday periods. Mr
Botkai reported that the extended hours were most likely to be used over
Christmas. Mr Botkai confirmed that if the store did seek to become open for 24
hours then alcohol would be sold over this time period. It was noted that the
license application was not standard for Sainsbury stores
Cllr De’Ath questioned the applicant on the objectors concerns that the store would
become a destination for drinkers if alcohol did become available 24 hours of the
day at the new store. The applicant reported that it was hard to gauge this, as the
store did not plan to open for 24 hours and it could not be deduced from the
current store at 51 Townmead, as although this had the ability to sell alcohol for 24
hours by its license it did not choose to do so. It was confirmed that security would
be in place at the new store. Mr Botkai reported that Sainsbury’s would always
seek to be a conscientious business and reasonable neighbour and would comply
with the planning conditions that had already been set. It was also reported that the
alcohol sales were unlikely to be the main focus in a store that sold a large variety
of goods.
It was confirmed that the amount of security would be in line with the size of the
The sub-committee retired at 7:10pm returning at 7:14pm
The sub-committee unanimously agreed to grant the new premises license, subject
to the mandatory conditions and additional 16 conditions as agreed with the police.
Full reasons for the decision are contained in the decision letter which
accompanies these minutes.
Minutes are subject to confirmation at the next meeting as a correct record of the proceedings and any amendments arising will be
recorded in the minutes of that subsequent meeting.
The minutes of the meeting held on the 14th January 2015, 29th January 2015,
and 12th February 2015, be confirmed and signed as an accurate record of the
Meeting started: 7:00pm
Meeting ended: 7:20pm
Contact officer:
Fern Aldous
Assistant Committee Co-ordinator
Governance and Scrutiny
: 020 8753 2076
E-mail: fern.aldous@lbhf.gov.uk
Minutes are subject to confirmation at the next meeting as a correct record of the proceedings and any amendments arising will be
recorded in the minutes of that subsequent meeting.