ABC PUBLIC COMMITTEE REPORT Planning Committee 14/05/2015 APPLICATION No. - FUL/2015/0842 Description of Development - Erection of 4 dwellings Site Address - Salem Baptist Church, Lady Lane Applicant - Salem Baptist Church Ward - Longford RECOMMENDATION Planning Committee are recommended to grant planning permission subject to conditions and receipt of amended plans showing chimneys and altered window casements. INTRODUCTION This application is to be considered at Planning Committee in accordance with the Scheme of Delegation, as representations have been received from occupiers of more than five properties. APPLICATION PROPOSAL The application is for the erection of 4 dwellings at the site. The dwellings will be made up of two pairs of semi-detached houses and will include 2 tandem car parking spaces for each dwelling, small front landscaped area and rear garden area. The proposed dwellings will face the church and church grounds, with the access from Lady Lane running along their frontages and serving the adjacent nursery. A new footpath will be provided to Lady Lane. Each pair of dwellings will have a width of 10.3m, depth of 8.3m, height to eaves of 4.9m, and height to pitched roof ridge of 7.5m. Each dwelling will include a kitchen, lounge/dining area, 3 bedrooms (1 en suite), bathroom and storage area. 1 SITE DESCRIPTION The site is located on the south west side of Lady Lane, between the Caravan Park and the Salem Baptist Church building. It is bounded by residential development to the north and east, with the church building to the south and a nursery building to the west. It is located within the Coventry Canal Conservation Area. The site is currently a car park, and has an existing access onto Lady Lane which is shared with the adjacent nursery. PLANNING HISTORY None relevant RELEVANT POLICIES National Planning Policy Framework (NPPF). The NPPF published in March 2012 replaced all previous national planning policy and sets out the Government’s planning policies for England and how these are expected to be applied. It sets out the Government’s requirements for the planning system only to the extent that is relevant, proportionate and necessary to do so. The NPPF promotes sustainable development and good design is recognised as a key aspect of this. The National Planning Practice Guidance (NPPG) 2014. Coventry Development Plan 2001 (CDP) OS4 – Creating a More Sustainable City BE2 – The Principles of Urban Design BE9 – Development in Conservation Areas BE20 – Landscape Design and Development BE21 – Safety and Security H9 – Windfall Additions to Housing Land Supply H12 – Design and Density of Housing Development AM9 – Pedestrians in new developments AM19 – Off-street car parking areas AM22 – Road safety in New Developments EM5 – Pollution Protection Strategy Supplementary Planning Guidance/ Documents (SPG/ SPD) SPG Design Guidance for New Residential Development (1991) SPD Delivering a more sustainable city PUBLIC RESPONSES Immediate neighbours and local councillors have been notified; a site notice was posted on 1st April 2015 and a press notice was displayed in the Coventry Telegraph on 9th April 2015. Five representations have been received raising issues including highway safety, access for refuse collection, car parking, loss of light, loss of business and access to the nursery, no need for new houses. 2 CONSULTATION RESPONSES No Objections, subject to conditions received from; Conservation (CCC) – subject to minor amendments to include chimneys and symmetrical casements Environmental Protection (CCC) – subject to an internal noise criteria condition Highways (CCC) – visibility splays and an informative regarding the future redevelopment of the church building. Comments are awaited from Ecology Any comments received will be reported as a late item. ISSUES AND APPRAISAL The main issues in determining this application are the principle of development, design and impact on the Conservation Area, impact on neighbouring amenity and highways considerations. Principle of development Policy H9 dealing with windfall housing sites indicates that proposals for housing development on sites not identified will be permitted subject to: - compatibility with nearby uses; - the provision of an attractive residential environment; - convenient pedestrian access to local facilities; - being well served by public transport; and - compatibility with other plan policies. The surrounding locality is predominately residential and as such the proposed development is compatible with surrounding uses. The site is accessible by a choice of means of transport, with bus stops located on Longford Road within 200m of the site. Subject to the detailed considerations below (which will also look at the provision of an attractive residential environment and the compatibility with other Plan policies), the proposal is considered acceptable in principle with Policy H9 of the CDP. Design and impact on the Conservation Area Policy BE9 states that development within, or affecting the setting of, a Conservation Area will only be permitted if it would preserve or enhance the character of the Area. Policies BE2 and H12 seek to ensure that high quality designed residential environments of an efficient density are created. They also seek to ensure that development does not have an adverse impact on the character and appearance of a particular area. The dwellings would be sited in such a position so as not to appear unduly prominent within the Lady Lane street scene. Given the layout and design of the proposed development, the proposal is unlikely to result in any notable undesirable visual impact upon the character of the surrounding area. The siting of four new appropriately designed houses in this location also complements the existing long-standing development in this part of the Conservation Area, and subject to the inclusion of chimney stacks, and 3 alterations to window casements, the proposals will meet the requirements of Policy BE9. The proposed design of the dwellings is considered appropriate, in terms of their size and scale and their incorporation of gable ends to the roofs in keeping with nearby properties. The applicant have indicated that the properties would have largely facing brickwork, and a condition can be imposed ensuring material samples are submitted to ensure that the development has an appropriate relationship with properties close to the application site, especially given the location within the Conservation Area. The proposed development would include soft landscaping comprising of planting, and laying of lawned areas. Details will be secured by condition and given this, the proposal accords with Policy BE20 of the CDP. Each dwelling will be provided with a private rear amenity space in excess of the minimum standards indicated within the SPG for New Residential Development. Impact on neighbouring amenity In order to protect the amenity of existing residents, the SPG recommends that a minimum distance separation of 20m be maintained between principal windows to the front/rear of properties. The SPG also states that a distance of 12m should be maintained between the front/rear of properties and the side of adjacent dwellings. Given the orientation of the proposed dwellings there is only 15m between the rear of the new dwellings and the rear of the nearest caravans, which is below the requirement given in the SPG. Whilst there is hedging along the boundary, there is still potential for a loss of privacy to neighbouring occupiers. Given this constraint, the applicant has been requested to overcome the issue and rearrange the internal configuration of the first floor rooms to reduce the number of habitable room windows on the rear elevation, and then to install oriel type windows to the first floor habitable room windows to prevent direct overlooking to these caravans. The applicant has indicated that he will be able to amend the plans in accordance with Officer’s comments, which would resolve this matter. Any amended plans received will be reported as a late item. In terms of the dwellings on Lady Lane, the 12m distance is maintained. Given the siting of the dwellings is mostly in accordance with the SPG, it is envisaged that there would not be any notable loss of light, overshadowing, visual intrusion or overbearing effect upon neighbouring properties. It is also considered that with the amendments requested, distances are sufficient enough to prevent any notable loss of privacy or overlooking to neighbouring residential properties. Highway considerations Policy AM22 requires that safe and appropriate access to the highway system together with satisfactory on site arrangements for vehicle manoeuvring so as to ensure safety for all users. The supporting text makes clear that 4 consideration must also be given to the impact of access and manoeuvring arrangements on neighbouring users and the amenity of residents. The principle of the proposed vehicular access to the development from Lady Lane is considered to be appropriate, as access already exists from Lady Lane to the car parking area. The existing access will be moved towards the church grounds by around 6m, and as such visibility splays will be provided to demonstrate that access to and from Lady Lane is safe. Concern has been raised regarding the ability for residents to park on this car park, rather than on Lady Lane. Whilst this car park is helpful in terms of the available parking in Lady Lane, the car park is private and as such could be taken out of use at any time. It is also the case that the church (or another D1 Use) could begin operating from the site again which would generate a significantly higher demand for the car park, and increase vehicular movements on Lady Lane, beyond the capabilities of this application. In any case, a smaller area of car parking will still exist between the new dwellings and the existing nursery. Also, given the number of houses and caravans that use Lady Lane currently, it is difficult to demonstrate that the addition of 4 new dwellings will harm highway safety to a level which would warrant refusal of the application. Highways Officers raise no objection to the proposal subject to a condition requiring visibility splays to be provided for the access, and as such it is felt that the proposal is in accordance with Policy AM22. CONCLUSION It is therefore recommended that permission be granted as the principle of residential development on the site is accepted and the design and layout of the development is such that it would not be unduly harmful to the visual amenities of the area or to the amenities of neighbouring residents and would not harm highway safety. The reason for Coventry City Council granting planning permission is because the development is in accordance with: Policies BE2, BE9, BE20, AM22, H9, H12 of the Coventry Development Plan 2001 and the SPG on Design Guidance for New Residential Development. 5 SCHEDULE OF CONDITIONS Condition(s) 1. The development hereby permitted shall begin no later than three years from the date of this permission. 2. The development hereby permitted shall be carried out in accordance with the following approved documents: 1, 2B, 3A, Design and Access Statement. 3. Prior to the commencement of development sample details of the facing and roofing materials shall be submitted to and approved in writing by the local planning authority. The development shall thereafter be carried out in full accordance with the approved details. 4. The development hereby permitted shall only be undertaken in strict accordance with details of both hard and soft landscaping works which have been submitted to and approved in writing by the local planning authority. Details of hard landscaping works shall include boundary treatment, including full details of the proposed boundary walls, railings and gates to be erected, specifying the colour of the railings and gates; footpaths; and hard surfacing which shall be made of porous materials or provision shall be made to direct run-off water from the hard surface to a permeable or porous area. The hard landscaping works shall be completed in full accordance with the approved details within three months of the first occupation of the dwellings hereby permitted; and all planting shall be carried out in accordance with the approved details in the first planting and seeding seasons following the first occupation. Any tree(s) or shrub(s) which within a period of five years from the completion of the development dies, is removed or becomes in the opinion of the local planning authority seriously damaged, defective or diseased shall be replaced in the next planting season with another of similar size and species, unless the local planning authority gives written consent to any variation. All hedging, tree(s) and shrub(s) shall be planted in accordance with British Standard BS4043 Transplanting Root-balled Trees and BS4428 - Code of Practice for General Landscape Operations. 5. Notwithstanding the provisions of the Town and Country Planning (General Permitted Development) Order 1995 (or any order revoking and re-enacting that Order with or without modification), no building or enclosure shall be provided within the curtilage of, and no extension or addition erected or constructed to, any dwelling(s) hereby permitted without the prior written approval of the local planning authority. 6 6. Notwithstanding the provisions of the Town and Country Planning (General Permitted Development) Order 1995 (or any order revoking and re-enacting that order with or without modification) the first floor windows to be formed in the northwest facing elevations of the dwellings hereby approved shall only be installed in accordance with the approved drawings and shall only be glazed or re-glazed in accordance with such approved details and any opening part of any window shall be at least 1.7m above the floor of any room in which the window is installed. 7. The areas indicated on the approved drawings for vehicular manoeuvring space and parking shall at all times be kept free of obstruction and be available for those purposes unless otherwise agreed in writing by the local planning authority. 8. The development hereby permitted shall only be undertaken in strict accordance with drainage details, incorporating a Sustainable Drainage System (SUDS) and responding to the hydrological conditions (soil permeability, watercourses etc) within the application site, including a long term management and maintenance plan, which have been submitted to and approved in writing by the local planning authority. The approved systems shall thereafter be retained and shall be managed and maintained in strict accordance with the approved details. 9. The development (including any works of demolition) shall proceed only in strict accordance with a construction method statement which has been submitted to and approved in writing by the local planning authority. The approved statement shall be strictly adhered to throughout the construction period and shall provide for: the parking of vehicles of site operatives and visitors; the loading and unloading of plant and materials; the storage of plant and materials used in constructing the development; the erection and maintenance of a security hoarding including decorative displays and facilities for public viewing where appropriate; wheel washing facilities and other measures to ensure that any vehicle, plant or equipment leaving the application site does not carry mud or deposit other materials onto the public highway; measures to control the emission of dust and dirt during construction; and a scheme for recycling / disposing of waste resulting from demolition and construction works, unless otherwise agreed in writing by the local planning authority. 10. Before commencement of development visibility splays from the access shall be submitted to and approved by the Local Planning Authority and once approved those visibility splays shall be provided prior to occupation and maintained as such thereafter. 11. The development hereby permitted shall proceed only in strict accordance with the recommendations of a noise assessment, 7 which shall be submitted in accordance with the principles of PPG24 'Planning & Noise'. The noise assessment shall include results for LAeq, LA10, and LA90 noise descriptors, together with a calculated arithmetical average for the LAeq. The assessment will demonstrate by calculation that internal noise levels for the proposed residential property meet the 'Good' criteria set out in British Standard 8233 'Sound Insulation and Noise Reduction for Buildings' together with any mitigation measures that are required to achieve this. The report shall also demonstrate that outdoor garden and leisure areas associated with this development meet the 55dB limit as required by the World Health Organisation (WHO). Prior to the first occupation of the building any necessary mitigation measures shall have been implemented in full accordance with the recommendations of the noise assessment and thereafter shall not be removed or altered in any way without the prior written approval of the local planning authority. LIST OF BACKGROUND PAPERS PROPER OFFICER: Planning Manager Author: Kurt Russell ALL BACKGROUND PAPERS OPEN TO PUBLIC INSPECTION at City Services & Development Directorate, Civic Centre 4, Much Park Street and Planning Application File: FUL/2015/0842 Coventry Development Plan 2001 8
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