Selling More with Mobile Solutions Building the right strategy, innovation agenda and sales

Selling More with
Mobile Solutions
Building the right strategy,
innovation agenda and sales
representative experience
As consumer behaviors and preferences dictate enterprise technology
trends in unprecedented fashion, companies of all shapes and sizes are
struggling with how to effectively enable their sales teams with mobile
solutions. The challenges that must be overcome by sales leaders and CIOs
alike are threefold: defining a proactive strategy before it is defined by
sales representative behavior, continuously innovating by exploiting the
newest capabilities of mobile technology, and committing to developing
a distinctive sales representative and customer experience. The key to
addressing these challenges lies in taking a disciplined approach to mobility.
The upside for capitalizing on this opportunity is significant.
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Page 3
The explosion of mobile devices,
the increasingly improving wireless
network capabilities, and the
adoption of cloud technologies
in the enterprise have resulted in
easy-to-provision and easy-to-use
mobile sales tools. In organizations
everywhere, sales professionals
are writing the mobile strategy, by
self-selecting sales tools onto their
company-owned and personal mobile
devices. While well intentioned,
these sales representatives are
often making decisions based on
personal preference, without regard
for company security, data rights,
process consistency and total cost
of ownership. High performing
organizations will need to move
quickly in defining a strategy that
keeps pace with these trends.
Fueling the behavior is the rate
at which mobile and cloud-based
CRM technologies are evolving.
With smart phones getting smarter,
tablets becoming ubiquitous and
CRM vendors releasing quarterly
enhancements, there is an insatiable
demand for new and improved
capabilities. The ‘shiny object
syndrome’ of mobility is here to stay,
at least for the foreseeable future.
High performing organizations will
need to show sales representatives
a committed path to mobility
improvements to quell the demand—
and they will need to keep their
promise. At the same time, these
organizations will need to create
a deliberate and well-planned
approach that exploits the newest
innovations in mobility to solve
pressing business challenges.
Perhaps the most important
challenge to overcome with mobile
sales solutions is the development
of a distinctive experience for both
the sales representative and the
customer that can be proven by
Page 4 | Selling More with Mobile Solutions
measurable business value. Simply
transitioning standard sales force
automation functionality to mobile
devices underutilizes the technology
and by-passes the real potential
of mobility. For every basic sales
automation capability—account
management, contact management,
pipeline management, activity
management and forecasting—
successful mobile solutions can help
improve the workflow of the sales
The opportunity for the organizations
that effectively capitalize on this
growing trend is important. High
performing organizations will use
mobility to increase deal size,
decrease sales cycle timelines and
profitably improve sales activity.
Additional benefits will include sales
representative satisfaction and
reduced attrition, improved customer
experience, and unprecedented
transparency, traceability and
predictability for company executives.
Page 5
The Mobile-Enabled Sales Professional
is the “New Normal”
Recognizing employee preference
for mobile devices, organizations are
exploring initiatives using smart phones,
and increasingly tablets, to achieve core
objectives such as improving productivity
or mobile-enabling sales representatives.
The introduction of the Apple iPad in 2010
further spurred this activity, adding to the
question about how tablet devices would
be used for business transactions. Now
the answer is emerging: tablets are quickly
becoming the de-facto enablement device
for mobile workforces. Gartner corroborates
this by predicting that by 2014 as many
as 20 percent of sales organizations will
consider tablets to be the primary mobile
platform for their sales forces.1
As further substantiation, according to
the CSO Insights 2012 Sales Performance
Optimization Study, which is sponsored by
Accenture, 97 percent of firms are actively
using or starting to use tablet devices in
their sales organization.2 (See Figure 1.) This
number has increased significantly since
only one year ago, when only 45 percent
of survey respondents had provided their
sales forces with mobile-enabled sales
capabilities.3 However, nearly half of the
organizations surveyed in 2012 do not
yet have a formal program around tablet
usage.4 (See Figure 1.)
Figure 1: Sales forces are using tablets more frequently but without defined policies.
What percentage of your sales force is
currently using tablet devices to support
their sales activities?
Which of the following statements best
describes your company’s policy towards
tablet device usage in sales?
Do not know
We have
no program
We are
starting a
Informal program
Source: CSO Insights 2012
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Innovations in Sales—
Exploiting the ‘Cutting
Edge’ of Mobility
Locating nearby opportunities
A leading telecommunications
company is taking advantage
of location-based services on
Improved representative
Apple iPads to show nearby
opportunities and unclaimed
leads. With this information in
One leading company is
hand, representatives can take
considering leveraging locationadvantage of downtime between
based services to notify sales
representative when they are near sales calls to prospect qualified
leads that are in close proximity.
an account where they owe a
follow up. Driving more timely and
Remote presence
consistent follow through can lift
the performance of the sales teams, Several high-tech companies
increase customer satisfaction and are exploiting the connectivity
and rich media capabilities of
help to improve sales.
tablets by implementing live video
New levels of flexibility
conferencing to enable their sales
representatives to bring remote
A leading global pharmaceutical
subject matter specialists directly
company is redesigning its
into the customer conversation.
traditional sales tools for tablet
In this case, mobility is making
devices to create new levels of
it possible for the sales
role and geographic flexibility.
representative to deliver answers
By disaggregating the individual
at the point of need and minimize
functions into smaller, bite-sized
functions, the company can use one follow-up work.
common sales force automation
Richer customer dialogue
platform to deploy different
A number of companies are
combinations of sales force
exploring ways to make sales
tools to different types of sales
representatives’ conversations
representatives across the globe.
more interactive and engaging
by using a tablet’s touch screen
capabilities to deliver content.
For example, the instanton capabilities of the Apple
iPad make it easier for sales
representatives to launch quickly
into customer presentations.
In addition, tablets can deliver
rich, interactive media based on
customers’ preferences as they
select content that is directly
relevant to them. This might
include collaboratively building a
customer’s quote or proposal in
real time, or viewing a customer’s
order history to answer questions
during the meeting.
Real-time order placement
An organization is enhancing
the use of its existing enterprise
systems by building a front-facing
ordering application for the Apple
iPad. The application leverages
the 24x7 connectivity of tablets
and allows sales representatives
to place a customer order
immediately after making the
sale. This makes it possible for the
organization to realize revenue
more quickly and allows the sales
representative to confirm orders
with customers on the spot.
Page 7
Rising to the Challenge
Mobile devices will be a part of a long-term
sales enablement strategy. To effectively
enable sales team with mobile solutions,
sales leaders and their technology partners
have their work cut out for them.
Figure 2: The introduction of tablets is changing computing behavior.
An example:
Define a proactive strategy
to meet the opportunity,
and equally the challenge, of
quick user adoption
How do companies balance strategy with
speed? In the past, organizations deploying
new, application-centric technologies
to the sales team typically have been
challenged with mediocre user adoption.
Tablets, however, with their unique userfriendly nature, are bucking this trend; the
hardware is promoting adoption of oncescorned CRM software, and altering how
sales representatives divide their work time.
As shown in Figure 2, a Gartner study of a
large sales force found that representatives
were spending 20 percent more computing
time per day when they used a tablet, a
smart phone and a laptop, as opposed to a
smart phone and laptop alone, to execute
the same or similar activities.5
This preference for tablets bodes well for
organizations, giving them the opportunity
to drive higher sales process and
methodology adoption rates for sales forces
deploying mobile sales force automation.
Higher adoption of these tools can result
in more consistent sales processes,
increased sales productivity, and improved
predictability and management insights.
These are the potential benefits that sales
tools should drive, but today often fail to
do so given low user adoption.
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4.2 hrs./day
3.5 hrs./day
24.0 minutes
1.5 minutes
As reported by mobiles sales force workers.
Source: Gartner, June 2011
However, the rapid pace of adoption
also poses a challenge for sales and
sales operations leaders. According to
recent research by Morgan Stanley, sales
representatives are increasingly using their
own tablets to access sales tools, store
customer and account information, and
manage sales activities—and it is happening
quickly.6 (See Figure 3.) In many cases, sales
organizations do not have line of sight or
control of this activity. Instead, sales teams
are defining the mobility strategy organically.
36.0 minutes
7.0 minutes
1.2 minutes
Figure 3: The number of employee-owned tablets used in the enterprise doubled in
one year.
CIOs Surveyed on Tablet Usage
An example:
Not Allowed
Purchased for employees
Source: Morgan Stanley, 2011
Without an intentional and well-planned
strategy, this ‘Wild West’ approach to
mobile device usage can create issues for
both the sales and technology teams to
overcome. These issues include:
•Adoption rates for the sales tools might
climb, but utilization of important
aspects such as activity management
may plummet, with sales representatives
capturing and managing their activities,
follow-up, and notes on their independent
smart phone or tablet applications.
•With the availability and ease of
installation of small, independent mobile
sales applications, representatives may
even download other sales productivity
tools, creating an uncontrolled plethora
of tools being used by representatives
across the organization.
•With customer data being accessed and
stored on mobile devices at the edge
of the network, information security
issues can put organizations at risk if
unsecured devices are lost, stolen or used
improperly—giving rise to possible legal
and other risks.
To help mitigate these potential risks, sales
organizations should take control of their
mobile strategy by defining a deliberate
plan, and working closely with technology
and information security counterparts.
These risks are possible to overcome
and should promote, rather than stifle,
innovation. Additional device questions
to answer include: Who will own the
device—the organization or the individual
sales representative? How can companies
verify mobile devices are both accessible
and connected in emerging markets?
What happens when a sales representative
leaves the company? How do organizations
deliver a consistent experience to
representatives, regardless of their chosen
device? Should companies standardize
on a single platform or allow many? High
performing organizations have answered
these questions as part of an enterprise
mobile technology strategy, collaborating
with sales leadership and CIOs to lead to a
successful path forward.
Page 9
Continuous innovation
defines the winners
The rate at which tablet devices, cloud
computing and social media are evolving
represents a new paradigm. In response,
high performers commit and undertake an
agenda of continuous improvement, and opt
for speed and agility over completeness and
perfection. The best companies recognize
that technology is stale almost from the
moment it is launched, and that sales
representatives’ behaviors are changing at
an unprecedented pace. These organizations
choose to embrace the challenge and focus
on a promise of ongoing, rapid innovation.
(See sidebar entitled “Innovations in Sales—
Exploiting the Cutting Edge of Mobility” for
examples of how companies are pursuing
mobility sales solutions.)
Organizations can help enable this new
approach to sales by maintaining a
relentless focus on what is new about
mobility for today, and by staying ahead
of the curve for what the future holds. Key
aspects of this innovation agenda include:
Bring innovation for today
It would be unproductive for organizations
to simply re-enable sales representatives
with current sales force automation
functionality and stop there, but it is
tempting for companies to do this by
piloting mobile devices without exploiting
any of the leading-edge features that
mobility has to offer. These efforts fall
short of expected return on investment,
while burdening the sales force with
additional tasks and unwieldy tools that do
not drive results.
Case in point, implementing new CRM tools
was a top priority initiative for more than
40 percent of chief sales officers surveyed
for CSO Insights 2012. Unfortunately,
only 17 percent of respondents indicated
that previous CRM implementations had
improved win rates and only slightly more
Page 10 | Selling More with Mobile Solutions
Figure 4: CRM implementations do not always deliver desired results.
What measurable improvements in performance are you seeing as a result of
implementing your CRM system?
Improved Sales Rep/Manager Communications
Improved Forecast Accuracy
Reduced Administrative Burden on Sales
Reduced New Sales Rep Ramp-up Time
Improved Support of Channels
Improved Best Practices Sharing
Improved Order Processing Accuracy
Improved Win Rates
Increased Revenues
Shortened Sell Cycles
Increased Margins
Source: CSO Insights 2012
than 15 percent responded that these
implementations resulted in increased
revenues.7 (See Figure 4.)
Investing in re-enabling sales force
functionality on a tablet device can
be exciting and is often justified with
softer benefits such as convenience,
connectedness and portability. However,
mobility technology brings some truly
new capabilities such as location-based
services, 24x7 connectivity, richer and
more interactive media presentation, and
emerging technologies like QR codes and
near-field communications. High performing
companies will figure out ways to exploit
these capabilities in order to solve their most
important business challenges.
Continue innovation for tomorrow
There are many new capabilities on the
horizon for mobility that will continue to
drive change in how sales organizations will
use mobile tools. For example, near-field
communications will allow mobile devices
to physically pass information between each
other. In the future, consumers may see an
advertisement for a product and touch it
with their phone, generating a real-time,
‘hot’ lead sent immediately to the nearest
sales representative based on the location as
determined by their mobile device.
Why Sales Representatives
Typically Hate their Sales
More often than not, sales
representatives consider their
sales force automation tools
to be a burden. Why? Business
author and thought leader Tammy
Erickson has some possible
answers in her Harvard Business
Review post that examines why
organizations may fail to get
employees to adopt social media
•“Often we are instructed to
use it by someone in authority,
rather than invited by friends.
•Little of what we actually get
paid to do (or believe we get
paid to do) requires information
or input from the vast majority
of other people on the network.
•Participation feels like dropping
pearls into a black hole. There
is often no sense of getting
something in return for sharing
an idea or suggestion.
•We have no control over who
sees our information and little
idea what ‘they’ are doing with it.
•The site is unattractive and
requires a manual to get started.
•The software is generic and
requires a work-around to do
the specific things we would
really like to do.8
These adoption issues run
parallel to the reasons why sales
representatives often do not
like to use sales tools built by
the sales organization. When
implementing mobile sales tools,
organizations can avoid these
pitfalls by providing value directly
to sales representatives at every
interaction with the sales tool.
Page 11
These kinds of innovations will drive
appreciable new opportunities for sales
organizations. Leading organizations will
not only exploit what is new about mobility
now, but will also build a culture and process
that encourages continuous and iterative
innovation as the technology develops.
Commit to a distinctive,
value-led experience
To help improve sales effectiveness through
mobility, sales organizations need to
focus on creating a unique and productive
experience for sales representatives that
directly improves their workflow, while also
adding value to the customer dialogue and
interaction. Developing this distinctive,
value-led experience for both sides can
result in immediate and long-term payoffs
as companies will be able to sell more
profitably in a shorter amount of time.
Achieving this dual purpose with mobility
requires sales executives to:
Ensure sales tools provide clear value
directly to the sales representative
Many organizations have deployed CRM
solutions with the intent to collect
information from the sales tools, and
provide business insight to executivelevel management and headquarter
processes. Information collected from the
sales force is often used to drive more
accurate pipelines and forecasting, provide
better customer and offering insights
for marketing, or round out activity and
performance management data.
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Unfortunately, this approach has a
downside: low adoption of the CRM tools
by the sales force, as they see these
tools as only data capture avenues for
management. (See sidebar entitled “Why
Sales Representatives Typically Hate their
Sales Tools.”) To reduce this risk, some
companies have made sales representative
adoption metrics part of the performance
management process. However, using the
‘stick instead of the carrot’ typically has
failed to yield the benefit sought by either
the organization or an individual sales
High performing organizations will take
a different route and focus on how their
mobile sales force automation tools
can provide direct value to the sales
representatives themselves. For every input
sales representatives are asked to provide,
they should get a useful and tangible
output from the sales tool. For example, if
recording a follow-up task for a customer
enabled the mobile device to alert a
representative when near an account with
an overdue task, the representative would
be more likely to use the task functionality.
Providing this distinctive sales representative
experience is an important piece of an
effective mobility sales program.
Enrich the customer experience
We often hear that sales representatives
can be accused of talking too much, and
not spending enough time understanding
customer issues and business needs. An
interactive mobile platform can help the
sales representative follow a balanced
approach of assessing a customer’s needs,
and presenting the features and potential
benefits of an offering.
The rich media and real-time connectivity
capabilities of mobile devices help sales
representatives to use the mobile device
as the facilitator to the conversation.
Representatives can use a tablet together
with the customer to configure solutions
in real time, review pricing options
and capture signatures to close deals.
In addition, they can leverage video
technology to include remote participants
who may offer specific experience.
And with a constant connection to
the underlying CRM systems, sales
representatives can also answer questions
about cases or order status in real time.
For the broader sales organization, an
Internet-connected mobile device can
instantly aggregate data across multiple
sales conversations to help companies
identify best practices, refine sales
processes and methodologies, or review
marketing content and overall go-tomarket strategies. Organizations can also
collect voice-of-the-customer data from
how the customer is actually interacting
with the sales representative and the
mobile device, rather than gathering it
anecdotally from the sales representative.
Take a Disciplined Approach to Mobility
Many organizations find themselves
enamored with mobility. They want to
try the ‘shiny new object’ and jump into
smart phone and tablet pilots, or full
implementations, without adequately
defining the purpose and proceeding with
discipline to deliver value.
Focusing on the following success factors
to plan and implement a mobility strategy
will help organizations to successfully
deliver a distinctive experience with
tangible business value:
Enable process with
technology to help achieve
strategic objectives
As Gary W. Loveman of the Harvard
Business School aptly observed: “Gains
come not because of technology, but
because it supports breakthrough ideas
in business process.” This axiom serves
true with mobility; deploying tablets
alone will not improve sales execution,
which Accenture defines as the planning,
design and implementation of selling
methods, sales and sales supporting
processes,enabled with appropriate selling
tools. Determining where mobility fits
into the overall sales execution approach
is a critical component for achieving
measurable results.
Integrate with current CRM
If new mobile tools are deployed to
the sales force without investing in
integration with current CRM tools, the
sales representative experience will fail to
meet expectations. This lack of integration
can result in lower mobile tool utilization,
which will limit the value gained and set
a perception among the sales force that
can be difficult to overcome in subsequent
Ensuring that mobile tools fit into a
seamless sales representative experience
is critical to the potential success of any
mobile sales enablement initiative expected
to deliver tangible outcomes. To do this,
organizations will need to understand the
mobile strategy and roadmap of the sales
force automation vendor that will be used.
In some cases, an off-the-shelf solution will
meet the core needs of the sales force and
can be fully integrated with other tools.
However, there will likely be differences
in timing as well as role- or functionspecific needs for which companies will
have to build custom tools. In these cases,
organizations should factor integration
efforts into the solution plan.
Organizations can begin their mobility
initiative by establishing a strategy with
a clear definition of the targeted benefits
and a focus on overcoming the challenges
outlined above. Sales leadership should
have a crisp understanding of which mobile
capabilities will be truly new, and how
these capabilities will deliver value both
across the enterprise and to individual sales
Page 13
Mobile solutions have the potential to
create dramatic benefits for a sales
organization. Effectively planning and
then executing a strategy that is focused
on the sales representative and customer
experience, through alignment with existing
process, methodologies and technology, is
critical to help drive success.
As smartphones and tablets evolve,
CRM and cloud technologies become
more powerful, and consumer behaviors
continue to drive enterprise innovation, the
opportunity for defining a mobile-enabled
sales strategy has never been greater.
Page 14 |Selling More with Mobile Solutions
Contact Us:
1 Gartner, “iPads: Customer-Facing Selling
Will Drive iPad Use for Sales,” May 20,
2011, by Robert P. Desisto, ID: G00213136.
For more information about the Accenture
Sales Mobility offering and how Accenture
can help your organization improve sales
with mobility, visit or
2 CSO Insights 2012 Sales Performance
Optimization Study
3 CSO Insights 2011 Sales Performance
Optimization Study
4 CSO Insights 2012 Sales Performance
Optimization Study
5 Gartner, “Enterprise Applications for
Tablets,” June 13, 2011, by Scott D. Nelson
and David A. Willis, ID: G00214074
Yusuf Tayob
Partner, Accenture Sales Execution and
Ray Pressburger
Accenture Sales Mobility Offering Lead
6 Morgan Stanley, “Tablet Demand and
Disruption,” February 14, 2011
7 CSO Insights 2012 Sales Performance
Optimization Study
8 Harvard Business Review, HBR Blog
Network, “Why We Use Social Media in
Our Personal Lives—But Not for Work,”
February 16, 2012, by Tamara J. Erickson
Page 15
About the Accenture Sales
Mobility Offering
About Accenture Mobility
The Accenture Sales Mobility offering
provides clients with a good perspective
on where to focus sales mobility efforts to
help to maximize value and solve the sales
organization’s challenges. We have an array
of assets, including:
Accenture is focused on helping its clients
to achieve breakthrough growth throughout
the rapidly changing mobile ecosystem. The
Accenture Mobility Services group offers
five mobility services including consulting,
software services—applications, software
services— devices and platforms, managed
services, and business integration services.
These are designed to help organizations
embrace business to employee (B2E),
business to consumer (B2C), business to
business (B2B) and machine to machine
(M2M) business opportunities. Accenture
offers mobility and embedded software
services across a wide range of industries,
devices and platforms, including Symbian,
Microsoft® Windows® Mobile, Windows®
Phone, Android™, Blackberry®, iPhone®,
Java™, Linux and MeeGo™.
•Pre-designed sales mobility solutions
•Mobile sales effectiveness framework
•Collaborations with sales force
automation providers.
The Accenture Sales Mobility offering is
backed by the CRM and sales enablement
experience of Accenture’s global Sales
Transformation and Mobility Services
About the Accenture Sales
Transformation Practice
The Accenture Sales Transformation
Practice helps sales executives improve
sales performance by realigning strategic
resources, managing sales force behavior,
harnessing sales talent and enhancing
operating capabilities. We help companies
improve outcomes across a wide
spectrum―such as refocusing from sales
volume to sales margin, shifting from
selling products to selling solutions, and
creating efficiencies in the sales cycle―
to drive change in leading indicators of
improved revenue.
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All rights reserved.
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are trademarks of Accenture.
About Accenture
Accenture is a global management
consulting, technology services and
outsourcing company, with more than
246,000 people serving clients in more
than 120 countries. Combining unparalleled
experience, comprehensive capabilities
across all industries and business functions,
and extensive research on the world’s
most successful companies, Accenture
collaborates with clients to help them
become high-performance businesses and
governments. The company generated net
revenues of US$25.5 billion for the fiscal
year ended Aug. 31, 2011. Its home page is