Denis Naughten TD – Newsletter for the Business Community BUSIN€SS MATTERS I hope this newsletter will be of assistance to you in supporting your existing levels of employment and exploring new opportunities for expansion. Just before the summer I organised a very successful public procurement seminar in Athlone which has allowed a number of local businesses to explore new options for expansion I hope that you find this newsletter of benefit and I would be delighted to receive feedback on its content. Also during the year we come across supports or business opportunities which may be of interest to you and if you wish to provide us with a contact e-mail to we can keep you updated. As always if I can be of assistance to you at any stage please don’t hesitate to contact me. Denis Conta Monk Starting and growing your business DN_Compslip_Final.indd 1 Galway: tel: 091 565269 e: Leitrim: tel: 071 9650420 e: • Enterprise Ireland: A chance to compete for feasibility funding, seed funding and equity partners. Visit www. • The website has information on the services & entitlements available if you are self-employed and setting up a business. Image courtesy of cooldesign at Visit and answer a few simple questions to find out what supports are available to help your business. It helps you navigate in one location and provides information and guidance on over 80 government business supports. Thinking of starting your own business? There is help out there: • Local Enterprise Office: Training, mentoring, loans, and grants where the company has export potential. Roscommon: tel: 090 6626263/26765 e: • Seed Capital Scheme: if you are a PAYE worker and start up and work full-time in your own company, you can get tax relief on the capital you invest in the equity of the company. The relief is a refund of the income tax you paid on an equal amount of income in any of the previous six years. The maximum investment on which relief can be claimed is €600,000. For further information visit www. • Three Year Corporate Tax Exemption: New companies get relief from Corporate Tax for the first three years of up to €5,000 per employee (max €40,000 Tax Credit). For further information visit • Competitive Start Funding: The Competitive Start Fund offers early stage enterprises with significant potential the opportunity to compete for an investment of €50,000 towards the start-up and market launch process. Successful starts can graduate to the additional supports available for “High Potential Start-Ups” E-mail: or Tel: 01-7272202 for further information. Agri Newsletter Agri Newsletter Agri Newsletter Agri AgriNewslette Newslett Agr SPRING / SUMMERSPRING 2013 / SUMMER 2013 SPRING / SUMMER 2013 SPRING SPRING / SUMMER / SUMMER 2013 2013 SPRING Working assets must not form part of college means test Working assets must not form part of college means test Working assets must not form part of college means test Working assets in a business or Working assets in a business or Working assets in a business or on a farm should not be included on a farm should not be included on a farm should not be included in any means calculation for the in any means calculation for the in any means calculation for the Pictured at the public meeting on CAP Reform Pictured were:atEimear the public Ní Bhroin, meeting European on CAPCommission; Reform were: Pictured Peter Eimear at Young, the Ní Bhroin, public meeting European on Commission; CAP Reform Peter were: Pictured Young, Eimear Pictured at Ní the at Bhroin, public the public European meeting meeting on Commission; CAP on Reform CAP Reform Peter were: Young, were: Eimear Eimear Ní Bhroin, Ní Bhroin, European European Commission; Commission; Young, Yo Higher Education Grant, Denis Higher Education Grant, Denis Higher Education Grant, Peter DenisPeter Farmers Journal; Cllr. Domnick Connolly; Denis Farmers Naughten Journal; TDCllr. andDomnick Cllr. Laurence Connolly; Fallon. Denis Naughten Farmers Journal; TD andCllr. Cllr.Domnick Laurence Connolly; Fallon. has Denis Naughten Farmers Farmers Journal; TD and Journal; Cllr. Cllr.Laurence Domnick Cllr. Domnick Fallon. Connolly; DenisDenis Naughten Naughten TD and TDCllr. andNaughten Laurence Cllr. Laurence Fallon. Fallon. Naughten stated. Naughten hasConnolly; stated. has stated. Instead, the profits made from Instead, the profits made from Instead, the profits made from public meeting onconsidered CAP Reform these assets should be considered these assets should be consideredPictured at the these assets should be Farmers Journal; Cllr. Domnick Connolly; Denis as means for the purpose of as means for the purpose of as means for the purpose of Reformed SFP must Reformed maximise SFPlocal must Reformed payments maximiseSFP local must payments Reformed maximise Reformed SFP local SFP must must payments maximise maximise local local paymen paym calculating eligibility for theoverall calculating eligibility foreast the ofareas funding calculating eligibility for the The overall level of funding comingThe intooverall areas level of funding The areas level of funding coming into areas The overall levellevel of funding of from funding coming coming into into areas funding movingcoming from theinto south andoverall east offunding moving from the south and The east of funding moving the south and funding moving moving fromfrom the south the south and east and of east of Education Grant. Higher Education Grant. Higher Grant. the country to theEast western seaboard with farmers the country to theHigher western seaboard withCounty farmers theRoscommon country to the western seaboard with farmersthe country the country to thetoEducation western the western seaboard seaboard with with farmer fa like County Roscommon and East Galway like County Roscommon and Galway like County Roscommon and East Galway like like County Roscommon and and East East Galway Galway in County Roscommon East Galway in County out. planned Roscommon Speaking East Galway raising the losing matter out. inreforms County Roscommon Speaking after and raising East Galway the matter losing out. in County in County Roscommon Speaking Roscommon after andraising East and Galway East the matter Galway losinglos o under the reforms planned for the Single under the Farm reforms planned for the and Single under Farm thelosing reforms forand theafter Single under Farm under the the reforms planned planned for the for Single the Single Farm Farm A minimum payment per hectare without Aanminimum acreage payment in the per Dáil hectare with the without Minister an acreage for A minimum in payment the Dáilper with hectare the Minister withoutfor an acreage A minimum A minimum inpayment the payment Dáil with per hectare per the hectare Minister without without foran acra The overall level of funding coming into Payment Scheme must - at a very minimum Payment Scheme must - at a very minimum Payment Scheme must - Education, at alocal veryfarmers minimum Payment Payment Scheme Scheme must must - at -aDenis at very afarmers very minimum minimum cap will disadvantage local farmers over those cap will withdisadvantage Denis Naughten over thosesaid: with cap will disadvantage Education,local Naughten over those said: with cap will capdisadvantage will Education, disadvantage local Denislocal farmers Naughten farmers oversaid: over thosetho w - be maintained at the current rate-ofbe€60m/ maintainedlarge at the current rate ofin€60m/ -other be maintained at the current rate of €60m/ - be-of maintained be maintained at“the at current theare current rate rate of €60m/ of- €60m/ County East Galwa areas of commonage parts oflarge the country. areas of commonage inmany other parts country. areas ofThere commonage in other parts oflike the country. largelarge areas areas of commonage ofare commonage other in other parts parts of theofc “ There are people -the notlarge many people not “Roscommon There manyinand people - not year, Denis Naughten has warned.year, Denis Naughten has year, DenisFor Naughten hasjust warned. year, year, Denis Denis Naughten has has warned. warned. farmers who have assets, just farmers - and whoRoscommon have assets, just farmers - who have assets, For farmers in warned. East Galway and Roscommon afarmers targetedin East Galway and -Roscommon a targeted ForNaughten farmers in East Galway a targeted Forthe farmers Forreforms farmers in East in Galway East Galway and for Roscommon and the Roscommon a ta under planned Single Reformed SFP mus Has your company been refused credit? but to assess asCurrently, disposable butpayment to as but tofor assess them disposable Currently, the average payment to local farmers Currently, is about the average coupled payment scheme to local for suckler farmers cows Currently, is about and sheep thecoupled average will also scheme payment for tosuckler local farmers cowsthem and is Currently, about sheep will the coupled also average the average scheme payment forassess suckler to local tothem cows local farmers farmers anddisposable issheep about isPayment about will also coupled coupled scheme scheme suckler for suckler cows and sheep andminim sheep will Scheme must -cows at aas very income is must not only unfair but income only unfair but income is not only unfair but €280/ha and any changes to this system must €280/ha ensure and any changes be of vital toimportance this system in must the ensure overall €280/ha distribution andbe any ofchanges vital of importance to this system in the overall ensure €280/ha distribution €280/ha and be ofany and of vital changes anyimportance changes to this toissystem this innot the system overall must must ensure distribution ensure of be ofbe vital of vital importance importance in the inoverall the overall distribution distribu - be maintained atactive the current rate of tha €6 just not feasible if someone just not feasible if someone justthat not feasible iffarmers someone fairness and equity for farm families who are fairness reliantand on equityCAP, for farm ensuring families thatwho active arefarmers reliant fairness on rather andthan equity CAP,landlords ensuring for farmthat families active who farmers are reliant rather fairness onthan fairness and landlords CAP, equity and ensuring equity for farm forthat farm families active families who farmers who are reliant rather are reliant on than on landlords CAP, CAP, ensuring ensuring that active farmers rather rather than lan wants of toCAP. continue to direct operate to continue wants to continue to operate direct payments for survival. of tiramisustudio direct payments for benefi survival. t from the reform of CAP. direct payments benefi fort survival. from the reform direct payments payments benefifor t from survival. forwants the survival. reform of CAP. to operate benefi t from t from the reform the reform ofhas CAP. ofwarned. CAP. year,benefi Denis Naughten Image courtesy at theiravailable business. business. their business. ”reform ” under ”available Any reduction in the overall funding underAny CAPreduction reform in the Ofoverall coursefunding the funding under available CAP Any reform within reduction the Of national incourse the overall the funding funding under CAP within Anythe reduction Any national reduction Of in course theinoverall thetheir overall funding funding funding available under CAP within reform CAP the reform national Of course Of course the funding the funding available within within the nation the n Currently, the average payment to local farmers “County “ Instead “forInstead coming into East Galway and County Roscommon coming into would East Galway envelope and forCounty Pillar IIRoscommon programmes, coming would such into as East REPS, envelope Galway willforand Pillar II programmes, Roscommon such coming would ascoming REPS, into will East into Galway Eastfor Galway Pillar and County and II programmes, County Roscommon Roscommon such would asbeREPS, would will envelope envelope Pillar for Pillar IIeverybody programmes, IItoprogrammes, such such as REPS, as eR Instead everybody should beenvelope everybody should should be €280/ha and any changes this system must also have a detrimental impact on the localalso economy have a detrimental as also be impact important; on thehowever, local economy because also have asofathe detrimental also reliance be important; impacttreated on however, the local because economy also of therefore the have also as reliance have a detrimental alsoa be detrimental important; impact impact however, on the onlocal the because local economy economy of theasreliance asalso be also important; betreated important; however, however, because because of theofrelian the equally and treated equally and therefore equally and therefore fairness and equity for farm families who are reli many businesses rely on farm payments tomany boostbusinesses cash rely on co-funding on farm payments from thetoIrish boost Government, many cashbusinesses on theco-funding security rely on farm from payments the Irishto Government, boost many cash many businesses the security businesses on co-funding rely on rely farm from on farm payments thefor payments Irishthird Government, to boost to boost cash the cashsecurity on co-funding on co-funding fromfrom the the Government, Irish Government, the set eligibility for third level grants eligibility level grants eligibility forIrish third level grants direct payments for survival. flow and to support employment. A simpleflfl ow at and rating to of support ofemployment. these payments A simple over the flatfull rating flow term and ofoftoCAP support of cannot theseemployment. paymentsshould over A simple the flterm at rating flof owCAP fland ofowthe cannot to and of support to these support employment. payments employment. over the simple Afull simple term flaton rating flofat CAP rating of cannot ofof these of these payments payments over over the full theterm full of CAP of cann CAP befull calculated on should beAcalculated the should be calculated onterm the Any in the of overall funding under CAP r the Single Farm Payment system would just thesee Single the SFP Farm Payment be assured. system would just seethe theSingle SFP Farm be assured. Payment system would just see earned, the theSFP Single the Single Farm be assured. Farm Payment Payment system system would would just see justthe seeSFP the SFPreduction be assured. be assured. basis of income basis of income earned, basis income earned, regardless of its source, and the regardless of its source, and coming the regardless of itsCounty source,Roscommo and the into East Galway and value of assets used to earn the value of assets used to earn also the have a detrimental value of assets to earn impactused on the localthe econ of contractors are thoroughly of contractors are thoroughly contractors are thoroughly of contractors of contractors are part thoroughly are thoro income should not farm part of incomeofshould not farm partmany of businesses income should not farm of rely on farm payments toallboos professional, we have all come professional, we”have all come professional, come professional, professional, we have we have com al the assessment. the assessment. the assessment. ” we have allflow ” and to support employment. A simple fl at rv across instances where vulnerable across instances where vulnerable across instances where vulnerable across across instances instances where where vulne the Single Farm Payment system would just see people have paid vast sums of people have paid vast sums of people have paid vast sums of people people havehave paid vast paid sums vast su o Denis Naughten has welcomed “ While Denis hasis welcomed Denis Naughten has welcomed Denis Denis Naughten Naughten has welcomed has welcomed theNaughten grant scheme welcome, grant scheme is welcome, grant scheme welcome, the grant the grant scheme scheme isorwelcome, is welcome,money money have tarmacadam laid or money“ While to havethe tarmacadam laidis or money“toWhile have tarmacadam laid money to have to have tarmacadam tarmaca “ Whiletothe “ While confirmation of the availability confi of the availability confi rmation of the confi confi rmation rmation of which the of availability the availability and tiesrmation in with proposals which and ties in with proposals which and ties in proposals and ties andbut in ties with in work with proposals proposals a roof repaired, but the work fellavailability a roof repaired, butwith the work fell a roof repaired, the fell whichwhich a roofa roof repaired, repaired, but the butwork the of a grant of up to €4,000 of atogrant of up to €4,000 of a Department grant up basic tothe €4,000 far shortI put ofthe aDepartment of grant a grant of upoftothe up€4,000 to €4,000 I put the Department of the toof the of to the put Ito put the toDepartment the Department farI put short even the of most of even most basic far shortIof even the most basic of theof the far short far short of even of even the most the mo b towards the cost of upgrading towards the cost of upgrading towards thethe cost towards towards cost the of upgrading of upgrading Environment previously, it is Environment previously, it of is upgrading Environment previously, it iscost Environment previously, it is it is standards. In this case work standards. In this case thethe work standards. In Environment this casepreviously, the work standards. standards. In this Incase this case the wt septic tanks throughout the septic tanks throughout septic tanks throughout the will be taking septic septic tanks tanks throughout throughout thewill thebe taking important that the maximumthe important that theunderground, maximum important that the maximum important important that the maximum the maximum will be taking place place underground, placethat underground, will be willtaking be taking placeplace undergro und country but he also wanted country butbeheincreased also wanted country but he also wanted so it is imperative country country butare he butalso he also wanted wanted grant payable where payable bethat increased where grant payable bethere increased where grantgrant payable payable be increased beare increased where where so it so sogrant it is imperative there are that so it is imperative that there is imperative it is imperative that that theret that contractors need to be thatcant contractors that contractors need to be proper systems that that contractors contractors to betoproper be systems signifi works needneed to beto be signifisystems cant works need to be significant need to beneedneed signifisignifi cant cant worksworks to beto be proper in place in works place to in place toneedneed proper systems systems in place in place to Denis Naughten hasproper welcomed “ While th properly regulated. properly regulated. properly properly properly regulated. regulated. carried out under the direction of carriedhouseholders. out under regulated. the direction of out under the direction of carried carried out under out under the direction the direction of of protect protect protectcarried householders. protect householders. protect householders. householders. Nearly two thirds of borrowers who were refused credit Credit Guarantee Scheme say they were not informed of their right to internal review or appeal to the Credit Review Office (CRO). Only 3% actually Companies refused credit for lacking adequate security, or request a review, either by the Bank or by the CRO. Those who because the bank is unfamiliar with the risk profile of their Septic tank welcome, Septic tank grant welcome, Septic Septic Septic tank tank grant grant welcome, sector,welcome, can ask their bank to welcome, consider lending under the do question thegrant decision find the Bank’s internal review tank over- grant partial credit guarantee. The State provides the lender with a but must becowboys stopped but must but stopped cowboys but but stopped cowboys cowboys must must bebe stopped stopped turnscowboys a third of the refusals and a further half be of those which must be 75% guarantee for which the borrower pays a 2% premium on a are appealed to the CRO are overturned. loan of up to 3 years. Septic tank grant we The Credit Review Office has a new €3 million limit so if you’re a small business, sole trader or farmer who has had difficulty Small Business Finance but cowboys must b getting credit or loan facilities or you have had an unfavourable An information website specifically dedicated to providing change to your existing credit terms, get in touch with the and ties confi rmation of the availability an open resource providing financial information for small The grant will be paid at a rate The grant will be paid at a rate There are The many grant homes will and be paid at a rate many The homes grant Theand grant will be will paid be paid at a rate at “aThere rate are and are many are many homes homes and “ - it is imperative that there “ There-are “ There “ There it is imperative that there it is imperative that there - itmany is- it imperative ishomes imperative that there I put to of athat grant ofthere up to €4,000 Credit Review Office- for an(upindependent review. of 80% (up to a max. of €4,000) of 80% to a max. of €4,000) septic tank of treatment 80% (up to systems a max. of €4,000) septic tank treatment of 80% of systems 80% (up to (up a max. to a max. of €4,000) of €4,000) septic tank treatment systems septic septic tank tank treatment treatment system s business can be inaccessed at are proper systems in place are proper systems in place are proper systems place are proper are proper systems systems in the place in cost placeof upgrading Environm towards for households with an income for households with an income constructed for over households the last with 10 years an income constructed over for the households for last households 10 years with with an income an income constructed over the last 10 years constructed constructed over over the last the 10 la to protect householders to protect householders to protect householders to protect to protect householders householders importa septic tanks throughout the ofThe up to pillar €50,000 and at a ratehave of up to €50,000 and atthe a rateCRO’s of which failof toup meet to €50,000 even theand most at a rate of which fail to meet of up even oftoup the €50,000 tomost €50,000 and at and a rate at awhich of rate offail to meet even the most whichwhich fail tofail meet to meet eveneven the banks toofcomply with recommendation grant pao country but he also the County Council that the for the building County the County Council and the County the County Council Council and that and that the the wanted 50% (up to a max. of €2,500) for 50% (up to a max.and of €2,500) basic 50%Council standards. (up to aand max. Inthat order of the €2,500) for basic building standards. 50% 50% (up to In(up order a max. tothat a max. ofthe €2,500) of €2,500) for basicfor building standards. In order basicbasic building building standards. standards In or give their reasons for not doing so. Call them on 1850 211 789 signifi ca that contractors totobe level of household is taken ofhouseholds household debt isantaken level of household debt taken level of household of household debt debt is taken is takenneed households with an income of up households with debt an income of up tolevel protect home owners withfrom income of up to protect home households owners households from withiswith an income an income of to upof protect up level home owners from to protect protect homehome owners owner from carriedao properly regulated. into the into account when assessing theanalysisunscrupulous into account when into account when assessing assessing the the unscrupulous to on an analysis of to account €75,000.when Basedassessing on an analysis of unscrupulous towill €75,000. contractors Basedagood on an of contractors to €75,000. to €75,000. aassessing BasedBased onthe anonanalysis an analysis unscrupulous of ofinto account contractors awhen unscrupulous contractors contracto or€75,000. visitBased online at where you find income thresholds for the granttanks proper income thresholds for needs the grant income thresholds the grant income income thresholds thresholds for the forgrant the grant proper the cost of upgrading septic tanks the cost of upgrading septic licensing the costsystem of upgrading septic tanks proper licensing the system cost the needs cost offor upgrading of upgrading septicseptic tanks proper tankslicensing system needs proper licensing licensing system system nee The grant will be paid at a rate advice on how to approach your bank. it isCont imp Denis Naughten pictured with Delores Denis Naughten pictured with Delores Denis Naughten pictured with Delores scheme, scheme, scheme, in Co. Cavan, it is estimated that in Co. Cavan, is estimated that toscheme, be put in in place. Cavan, Contractors it isNaughten. estimated thatto be put in place. Co. Contractors inCavan, Co. Cavan, itNaughten. is estimated it is estimated that to that be putscheme, in place. beinput place. in place. Contracto Naughten. stated Denis Denis stated DenisDenis Naughten. Naughten. to betoput ” stateditDenis ”Co. ”instated ” Contractors ” stated Get Trading Online the average cost of remediation works to septic tanks is €2,500, so this grant should cover the cost of upgrading most septic tanks. Micro Finance average cost of Hethe also highlighted theremediation need for worksregulation to septic of tanks is €2,500, so proper contractors, shouldhouseholders cover the cost sothis thatgrant vulnerable areof upgrading mostthe septic protected: While vasttanks. majority With 75% of online trading currently going out of Ireland there is a big opportunity for Irish business when they get online. Irish consumers currently spend in excess of €6,000 million online households with anannually. income of up to €75,000. Based on an analysis of This is set to double by 2020. Online Trading the cost of upgrading septic tanks Vouchers to the value of €2,500 are in Co.being Cavan, it istargeted estimated thatat the average cost of remediation businesses that have: works to septic tanks is €2,500, so • Been registered and tradingthisfor minimum ofof grantashould cover the cost upgrading most septic tanks. 12 months. • A limited online trading presence • Less than 10 employees Kelly, of the NItheir Assembly Member of the NIHe Assembly Kelly, of the NI providing Assembly ofservices 80% max. of €4,000) are their pro who the average their cost services of remediation whoMember areHe providing the average theservices average cost cost of remediation remediation who are providing their who who are providing are their serv Heare alsoproviding highlighted the need for also highlighted the need forofKelly, He also highlighted also highlighted the (up need theto need fora forMember and former SDLP Spokesperson on and former SDLP Spokesperson onfor householdsand former SDLP Spokesperson on with anmust income must be properly works toregistered, septic tanks is €2,500, must so beproper properly registered, works todiscussed septic to septic tankstanks is Agriculture. €2,500, is €2,500, must soDenis be soproper properly registered, must be&properly be properly registered, regist proper regulation of contractors, of contractors, proper regulation regulation of contractors, of contractors, to prot Agriculture. Denis regulation &works Delores & Delores discussed Agriculture. Denis Delores discussed of tohouseholders €50,000 rate of regulated andgrant bonded. should ofimpactso and bonded. this grant this grant should should covercover theimpact cost theregulated cost ofof the of so and regulated regulated and bonded. and so that this vulnerable householders arecost vulnerable householders are that sobonded. vulnerable that householders areand areat ” cover the ”CAP ” up ” ” theregulated ofthat the proposed the proposed CAPvulnerable the impact ofathe proposed CAPbonded. upgrading most septic tanks. reforms, north upgrading upgrading most most septic septic tanks. tanks. protected: While the vast majority protected: While the vast majority protected: protected: While While the(up vast thetomajority vast majority and south of the border. reforms, north and south of the border. reforms, north and south border. Cou 50% a max. of €2,500) for of thethe Loans of up to €25,000 are available from Micro Finance Ireland for commercially viable proposals from enterprises with no more than 10 employees that do not meet the DN_Newsletter_BLISSv6.indd 1 DN_Newsletter_BLISSv6.indd 1 DN_Newsletter_BLISSv6.indd 1 conventional risk criteria applied by commercial banks. Borrowers pay 8.8% APR fixed. Call 01 2601007 or visit www. for further information. 16/04/2013 123:20 1 DN_Newsletter_BLISSv6.indd DN_Newsletter_BLISSv6.indd 16/04/2013 23:20 DN_Newsletter_BLISSv6.indd 1 • A Turnover less than €2million The Vouchers can be used for the development or upgrade of an e-commerce website such as implementing an online payments or booking system. Other usage includes: purchase of internet related software, online advertising or development of an app. To make an application you must first attend an information seminar which will provide all the details as to how to apply. Seamus Quinn & Billy Donnellan of with Denis Naughten. The Roscommon Town based IT solutions for business company has trebled in size over the last 5 years. Please contact your Local Enterprise Office (www. for more information. level of h into acc income scheme, 16/04/2013 He also proper re so that v protecte Agri Newsletter Agri Newsletter Agri Newsletter Agri AgriNewslette Newslett ter er Newsletter Agr ri SPRING / SUMMERSPRING 2013 / SUMMER 2013 SPRING / SUMMER 2013 SPRING SPRING / SUMMER / SUMMER 2013 2013 SPRING / SUMMER 2013 Working Working assets assets must must notnot form form part part of of college college means means testtest Innovation Vouchers Working assets must not form part of college means test Working assets must Working assets must not form part of not form part of Innovation €5,000 college means test Vouchers collegeworth means test Working assets must not form part of arecollege means test available to assist a company (less than 50 employees) to explore a business oung, , opportunity or problem with registered in any means calculation for the Instead, the profits made from thepublic profits made from Instead, the profits made from Instead, Instead, the profi the ts profi made ts made fromfrom Universities, ITsInstead, and research bodies Pictured at the public meeting onconsidered CAP Reform m were: Eimear Bhroin, European Peter Young, Higher Education Grant, Denis these assets should be considered these assets should be considered these assets shouldpaymen be theseNí these assets assets should should be considered beCommission; considered Reformed Reformed SFP maximise SFP local must Reformed payments maximiseSFP local must payments Reformed maximise Reformed SFP local SFP must must payments maximise maximise local local paym ments nts Farmers Journal; Cllr. Domnick Connolly; Denis s Naughten TD and Cllr. Laurence Fallon. must Naughten has stated. as means for the purpose of as means for the purpose of as means for the purpose of as means as means for the forpurpose the purpose of of and small businesses. For more information calculating eligibility for the calculating eligibility for the calculating eligibility for calculating calculating eligibility eligibility for the for the Instead, theinto profi ts made from The overall level of funding comingThe intooverall areas level of funding coming The areas level of funding areas overall overall levellevel of funding of from funding coming coming into into areas funding moving from the south andoverall east of funding moving fromcoming the southinto and The east The of funding moving the south and east ofareas funding funding moving moving fromfrom the south the south and the east and of east of Education Grant. Higher Education Grant. Higher Grant. Higher Education Education Grant. Grant. visit orcountry the country to theEast western seaboard farmers the country to theHigher western seaboard withCounty farmers theRoscommon country to the western seaboard with farmers the theemail country to thetoEducation western the western seaboard seaboard with with farmer fa armers rs maximise these assets should bewith considered likeHigher County Roscommon and Eastpayments Galway like County Roscommon and Galway like County Roscommon and East Galway like like County Roscommon and and East East Galway Galway Reformed SFP mus st local in County Roscommon and East Galway in County out. planned Roscommon Speaking after East Galway raising the losing matter out. inreforms County Roscommon Speaking after and raising East Galway the matter losing out. in County in County Roscommon Speaking Roscommon after andraising East and Galway East the matter Galway losinglos o out. sing out. under Speaking Speaking afterafter raising raising the matter the matter as for means for the purpose of Denis Naughten atfor the IDAthe business park intheRoscommon Town the reforms planned the Single under Farm reforms planned Single under Farm thelosing reforms forand the Single under Farm under the the reforms planned planned for the for Single the Single Farm Farm A minimum calculating payment pereligibility hectare without A an minimum acreage payment in the per Dáil hectare with the without Minister an acreage for A minimum in payment the Dáil per with hectare the Minister without for an acreage A minimum A minimum in payment the payment Dáil with per hectare per the hectare Minister without without for an acr an reage acreage in theinDáil the with Dáil with the Minister the Minister for for for the The overall level of funding coming intoa o areas funding moving from the south and east of Working assets in a business or Working assets in a business or Working assets in a business or Working Working assets assets in a business in a business or or on a farm should not be included on a farm should not be included on a farm should not be included on a on farm a farm should should not be notincluded be included in any means calculation for the in any means calculation for the in any means calculation for the in anyinmeans any means calculation calculation for the for the Working assets in a business or Pictured at the public meeting on CAP Reform Pictured were: at Eimear the public Ní Bhroin, meeting European on CAP Commission; Reform were: Pictured Peter Eimear at Young, the Ní Bhroin, public meeting European on Commission; CAP Reform Peter were: Pictured Young, Eimear Pictured at Ní the at Bhroin, public the public European meeting meeting on Commission; CAP on Reform CAP Reform Peter were: Young, were: Eimear Eimear Ní Bhroin, Ní Bhroin, European European Commission; Commission; Young, Yo Higher Education Grant, Denis Higher Education Grant, Denis Higher Education Grant, Peter DenisPeter Higher Higher Education Education Grant, Grant, DenisDenis onConnolly; a farm should not be included Farmers Journal; Cllr.stated. Domnick Connolly; Denis Farmers Naughten Journal; TDCllr. andDomnick Cllr. Laurence Fallon. Denis Naughten Farmers Journal; TD andCllr. Cllr.Domnick Laurence Connolly; Fallon. has Denis Naughten Farmers Farmers Journal; TD and Journal; Cllr. Cllr.Laurence Domnick Cllr. Domnick Fallon. Connolly; DenisDenis Naughten Naughten TD and TDCllr. andNaughten Laurence Cllr. Laurence Fallon. Fallon. Naughten stated. Naughten hasConnolly; stated. has stated. Naughten Naughten has stated. has Payment Scheme must - at a very minimum Payment Scheme must - at a very minimum Payment Scheme must - at a very minimum Payment Payment Scheme Scheme mustmust - at -a at very a very minimum minimum talks underway project will disadvantage local farmers over those cap will withdisadvantage Education, local farmers Denis Naughten over thosesaid: with cap will disadvantage Education,local Denis farmers Naughten over those said: with cap will capdisadvantage will Education, disadvantage local Denislocal farmers Naughten farmers oversaid: over thosetho w with ose with where Education, Education, DenisDenis Naughten Naughten said: said: on new jobcap Higherrate Education the country to the western seaboard with farmerslarge - “be maintained at the current rate-ofbe€60m/ maintained at the current ofin€60m/ -other beGrant. maintained at the current rate of €60m/ - be-of maintained be maintained at“the at current theare current rate rate of €60m/ of- €60m/ County East Galwa ay areas of commonage parts oflarge the country. areas of commonage inmany other parts country. areas ofThere commonage in other parts oflike the country. largelarge areas areas of commonage ofare commonage other in other parts parts of theofc country. the country. “ There are people -the notlarge many people not “Roscommon There manyinand people - not There “ There are many are many people people - not- not in farmers County Roscommon and East Galway losing out. Speaking after year, raising the matter year, Naughten warned. has Denis Naughten hasjust warned. year, year, Denis Denis Naughten has has warned. warned. farmers who have assets, just farmers - and whoRoscommon have assets, just farmers - who have assets, For farmers in warned. East Galway and Roscommon For afarmers targetedin East Galway and -Roscommon a targeted ForNaughten farmers in East Galway a targeted Forthe farmers Forreforms farmers in East in Galway East Galway and for Roscommon and the Roscommon a ta justDenis just farmers - who - who havehas have assets, assets, year, Denis Naughten argeted neaFarm targeted under planned Single A to minimum payment without an average acreage intothe with the Minister for also but to assess asCurrently, disposable butpayment to as but tofor assess them as disposable the payment tohectare local farmers Currently, is about the coupled payment scheme local forDáil suckler farmers cows Currently, is about and sheep thecoupled average will scheme payment for tosuckler local farmers cowsthem and is Currently, about sheep will the coupled also average the average scheme payment forassess suckler to local tothem cows local farmers farmers anddisposable issheep about isPayment about will also coupled coupled scheme scheme suckler for suckler cows cows and sheep andminim sheep will but butassess toaverage assess them them as disposable asper disposable palso will alsoCurrently, Scheme must at a very mum cap will disadvantage local farmers over those with Education, Denis Naughten said: income is must not only unfair but income only unfair but income is not only unfair but and tounfair this must €280/ha ensure and any changes be of vital toimportance this system in must the ensure overall €280/ha distribution andbe any ofchanges vital of importance to this system in the overall ensure €280/ha distribution €280/ha and be ofany and of vital changes anyimportance changes to this toissystem this innot the system overall must must ensure distribution ensure of be ofbe vital of vital importance importance in the inoverall the overall distribution distribu income income is any not ischanges only not only unfair butsystem but ution of of €280/ha - be maintained atactive the current rate of tha €6 60m/ large offorcommonage in other partsand of country. just not feasible if someone just not feasible if someone justthat not feasible iffarmers someone fairness andareas equity who are fairness reliant onthe equity CAP, for farm ensuring families thatwho active farmers reliant fairness on rather andthan CAP, ensuring for farmthat families active who farmers are reliant rather fairness onthan fairness and landlords CAP, equity and ensuring equity for farm forthat farm families active families who farmers who are reliant rather are reliant on than on landlords CAP, CAP, ensuring ensuring that active farmers rather rather than lan just not just feasible not feasible iffarm someone if families someone ndlords an landlords “ There areare many people -equity notlandlords wants of toCAP. continue to direct operate to continue wants to continue to operate direct payments direct payments for benefi survival. t fromjust the reform of CAP. payments benefi fort survival. from the reform direct payments payments benefifor t from survival. forwants the survival. reform of CAP. to operate benefi t from t from the reform the reform ofhas CAP. ofwarned. CAP. wants wants to continue tofor continue to operate to operate year,benefi Denis Naughten For farmers insurvival. East Galway and Roscommon a targeted farmers - direct who have assets, theiravailable business. business. their business. ”reform ” under ”available their business. business. ” overall ” funding underAny Anytheir reduction in the CAPreduction reform in the Ofoverall coursefunding the funding under available CAP Any reform within reduction the Of national incourse the overall the funding funding under CAP within Anythe reduction Any national reduction Of in course theinoverall thetheir overall funding funding funding available under CAP within reform CAP the reform national Of course Of course the funding the funding available within within the nation the n national nal Help to Recruit JobsPlus: JobsPlus gives an employer who recruits a JobBridge: offers an internship of 6-9 months to the average payment to local farmers coupled scheme for suckler cows and sheep will also to assess them as disposable person who has been at least 12 but months out of work persons who have been signing onCurrently, as available to work a €72-per-week subsidy for 2 years, provided the job and getting a payment or credits for at least 3 months. provides work on at least 4 days and 30 hours per week. Participants will receive €50/week on top of their Visit to register online. It is proposed welfare. See for further information. to reduce the threshold for JobsPlus eligibility to 6 Septic grantSeptic welcome, tank grant welcome, Septic tank grant welcome, Septic Septic tank tank grant grant welcome, welcome, monthstank of unemployment for people aged under 25. Momentum: There are 6,500 places in programmes but cowboys must but becowboys stopped must be butstopped cowboysinvolving must be but but stopped cowboys cowboys must must bebe stopped stopped certified classroom training and work The scheme has supported more than 2,600 jobseekers experience with a company for people who have been in full-time employment with over 2,000 employers on the live register for 12 months or getting credits. Septicinformation. tank grant we elcome, nationally. The new scheme is more successful than Visit for further but cowboys must b be stopped those it replaced. is about “County “ Instead “forInstead “ Instead “ Instead into Easteverybody Galwayshould andshould County coming into would East Galway envelope and forCounty Pillar IIRoscommon programmes, would such into as East REPS, envelope willforand Pillar II programmes, Roscommon such coming would ascoming REPS, into will East into Galway Eastfor Galway Pillar and County and II programmes, County Roscommon Roscommon such would asbeREPS, would will envelope envelope Pillar for Pillar IIeverybody programmes, IItoprogrammes, such such as REPS, as eR Instead everybody should beenvelope everybody should should be REPS, will willcoming everybody €280/ha and any changes this system must ensure be of vital importance inbethebeRoscommon overall distribution of income is not coming only unfair butGalway have a detrimental on the localalso economy have a detrimental as also be impact important; on thehowever, local economy because also have asofathe detrimental also reliance be important; impacttreated on however, the local because economy also of therefore the have also as reliance have a detrimental alsoa be detrimental important; impact impact however, on the onlocal the because local economy economy of theasreliance asalso be also important; betreated important; however, however, because because of theofrelian the equally and treated equally and therefore equally and therefore nce reliance alsotreated treated equally equally andimpact therefore and therefore fairness and equity for farm families who are reli iant on CAP, ensuring that active farmers rather than landlords just not feasible if someone many businesses farmlevel payments boostbusinesses cash rely on co-funding on farm payments from thetoIrish boost Government, many cashbusinesses on theco-funding security rely on farm from payments the Irishto Government, boost many cash many businesses the security businesses on co-funding rely on rely farm from on farm payments thefor payments Irishthird Government, to boost to boost cash the cashsecurity on co-funding on co-funding fromfrom the the Government, Irish Government, the set eligibility for third level grants eligibility level grants eligibility forIrish third level grants the ecurity security eligibility eligibility for rely third foron third level grants grantstomany direct payments for survival. wants to continue to operate benefi t from the reform of CAP. andshould tobe support employment. A simpleflfl ow at and rating to of support ofemployment. these payments A simple over the flatfull rating flow term and ofoftoCAP support of cannot theseemployment. paymentsshould over A simple the flterm at rating flof owCAP fland ofowthe cannot to and of support to these support employment. payments employment. over the simple Afull simple term flaton rating flofat CAP rating of cannot ofof these of these payments payments over over the full theterm full of CAP of cann CAP befull calculated on should beAcalculated the should be calculated onterm the Pnot cannot flow should calculated be calculated on the on the ”theSingle their business. Any in the of overall funding under CAP r reform thebasis Ofbasis course theearned, funding available within theSFP national Single system would just thesee Single the Farm Payment be assured. system would just seethe SFP Farm be assured. Payment system would just see earned, the theSFP Single the Single Farm be assured. Farm Payment Payment system system would would just see justthe seeSFP the SFPreduction be assured. be assured. basis of income basis of income earned, basis income earned, ofFarm income ofPayment income earned, regardless of its source, and the regardless of its source, and coming the regardless of itsCounty source,Roscommo and the regardless offor itsof source, its source, and the and the such as REPS, will “ Instead everybody should be into East Galway and on would regardless envelope Pillar II programmes, value of assets used to earn the value of assets used to earn also the have a detrimental value of assets to earn value ofbeassets of assets usedused tohowever, earn to earn the because the impactused on the localthe econ nomy as value also important; of the reliance treated equally and therefore of contractors are thoroughly of contractors are thoroughly ofshould contractors are thoroughly of contractors of contractors are part thoroughly are thoro oughly y income should not farm part of income not farm part of income should not farm of income income should should not farm not farm part part of of many businesses rely on farm payments toallboos st cash on co-funding from the Irish Government, the security eligibility for third level grants professional, we have all come professional, we”have all come professional, we have all come professional, professional, we have we have com al me ll come the assessment. the assessment. the assessment. ” ” the assessment. the assessment. ” ” ow and to support employment. A simple fl at rv rating of of these payments over the full term of CAP cannot shouldacross be calculated on the instances where vulnerable across instances where vulnerable across instances where flvulnerable across across instances instances where where vulne erable vulnerable the Single Farm Payment system would just see basis of income earned, the SFP be assured. people have paid vast sums of people have paid vast sums of people have paid vast sums of people people havehave paid vast paid sums vast su o of ums of regardless oftothe its source, andisthe Naughten has welcomed “ While Denis hasis welcomed Denis Naughten has welcomed Denis Denis Naughten Naughten has welcomed has welcomed theNaughten grant scheme welcome, grant scheme welcome, grant scheme welcome, the grant the grant scheme scheme isorwelcome, is welcome,money money have tarmacadam laid or money“ While to havethe tarmacadam laidis or money“toWhile have tarmacadam laid money to have to have tarmacadam tarmaca adam laid or laidDenis or “ While “ While confi of the availability confi rmation of the availability confi confi rmation rmation of the of availability the availability and tiesrmation in with proposals whichvalue of and ties in with proposals which and ties in with proposals which and ties and in ties with in with proposals proposals which which a roof repaired, but the work fell a roof repaired, but the work fell a roof repaired, but the work fell a roof a roof repaired, repaired, but the but work the kwork fell fellconfirmation of the availability assets used to earn the of contractors thoroughly ofare atogrant of up to €4,000 of a Department grant up basic to €4,000 far shortI put ofthe aDepartment of grant a grant of upoftothe up€4,000 to €4,000 I put the Department of the income put toof the of to the put Ito put the toDepartment the Department farIshould short even the of most of even most basic far shortIof even the most basic of theof the far short far short of even of even the most the mo b basic ost basicof a grant of up to €4,000 not farm part ofthe towards cost of upgrading towards thethe cost towards towards cost the of upgrading of upgrading Environment it is the assessment. Environment previously, it of is upgrading Environment previously, it iscost Environment previously, it is it is standards. In”this case work standards. In this case thethe work standards. In Environment this casepreviously, the work standards. standards. In this Incase this case the wt work the work towards the cost of upgrading professional, we have the allpreviously, come the instances septic tanks throughout septic tanks throughout the will be taking septic septic tanks tanks throughout throughout thewill thebe taking important that the maximumthe important that theunderground, maximum important that the maximum important important that the maximum the maximum will be taking place place underground, placethat underground, will be willtaking be taking placeplace undergro und derground, ound, septic tanks throughout across where vulnerable country also wanted country but he also wanted so it is imperative country country butare he butalso he also wanted wanted payable beheincreased where payable bethat increased where grant payable bethere increased where grantgrant payable payable be increased beare increased where where so it so sogrant it is imperative there are that so it is imperative that there is imperative it is imperative that that theret ethere are arecountry but he also wanted people havegrant paid vastbut sums of that contractors need to be thatcant contractors that contractors need to be proper systems that that contractors contractors to betoproper be systems signifi works needneed to beto be signifisystems cant works need to be significant need to beneedneed signifisignifi cant cant worksworks to beto be proper in place in works place to in place toneedneed proper systems systems in place in place to e to Denis Naughten hasproper welcomed he grant scheme is welcome, money to have tarmacadam laid or “ While th properly regulated. properly regulated. properly properly properly regulated. regulated. carried out under the direction of carriedhouseholders. out under regulated. the direction of out under the direction of carried carried out under out under the direction the direction of of protect protect protectcarried householders. protect householders. protect householders. householders. in with proposals which a roof repaired, but the work fell confirmation of the availability Thinking of exporting? Look North! and ties The grant will be paid at a rate The grant will bebasic paidthere at a rate The many grant homes will and bethere paid at a rate“ There-are many The homes grant Theand grant will be will paid be paid at a rate at “aThere rate are and are many are many homes homes and and Department “ There “ There “ There - iteven is imperative that - it isare imperative that it is imperative that there - itmany is- it imperative ishomes imperative that there I put to of athat grant ofthere up to €4,000 the of the far short of the most of 80% (up to a max. of €4,000) ofproper 80% (upsystems to a max. of €4,000) septic tank oftreatment 80% (up to systems ainmax. of €4,000)septic tank of 80% ofsystems 80% (up to (up a max. to a max. of €4,000) of €4,000) septic tank systems septicseptic tank tank treatment treatment system s systems ms are proper systems place are treatment proper systems in place aretreatment proper are proper systems systems in the place in cost placeof upgrading Environm towards ment previously, it is standards. are In this case the workin place for households with an income for households with an income constructed for over households the last with 10 years an income constructed over for the households for last households 10 years with with an income an income constructed over the last 10 years constructed constructed over over the last the 10 la 0 astyears 10 years to protect householders to protect householders to protect householders to protect to protect householders householders importa septic tanks throughout the ant that the maximum will be taking place underground, of up to €50,000 and at a rate of of up to €50,000 and at a rate of which failof toup meet to €50,000 even theand most at a rate of which fail to meet of up even oftoup the €50,000 tomost €50,000 and at and a rate at awhich of rate offail to meet even the most whichwhich fail tofail meet to meet eveneven the nmost the most grant pao country but he also ayable be increased so itforis imperative that there are the County Council that the for the building County the County Council and the County the County Council Council and that and that the the wanted 50% (up to a where max. of €2,500) 50% (up to a max.and of €2,500) basic 50%Council standards. (up to aand max. Inthat order of the €2,500) for basic building standards. 50% 50% (up to In(up order a max. tothat a max. ofthe €2,500) of €2,500) for basicfor building standards. In order basicbasic building building standards. standards In order s. In order signifi ca that contractors totobe ant workshouseholds need to be in household placewith to debt level of is taken ofhouseholds household debt isantaken level of household debt taken level of household of household debt debt is taken is takenneed with an incomeproper of up systems households an income of up tolevel protect home owners withfrom income of up to protect home households owners households from withiswith an income an income of to upof protect up level home owners from to protect protect homehome owners owner from rs mfrom carriedao properly regulated. out direction protect into the of unscrupulous into account when assessing theanalysisunscrupulous into account when into account when assessing assessing the the unscrupulous to the €75,000. Basedofon an analysis of householders. to account €75,000.when Basedassessing on an analysis to €75,000. contractors Baseda on an of contractors to €75,000. to €75,000. aassessing BasedBased onthe anonanalysis an analysis unscrupulous of ofinto account contractors awhen unscrupulous contractors contracto ors aunder income thresholds for the granttanks proper income thresholds for needs the grant income thresholds the grant income income thresholds thresholds for the forgrant the grant proper the cost of upgrading septic licensing the costsystem of upgrading septic tanks proper licensing the system cost the needs cost offor upgrading of upgrading septicseptic tanks proper tankslicensing system needs proper licensing licensing system system nee m edsneeds the cost of upgrading septic tanks The grant will be paid at a rate There are many homes and “ it isCont imp perative that there Denis Naughten pictured with Delores Denis Naughten pictured with Delores Denis Naughten pictured with Delores Denis Denis Naughten Naughten pictured pictured with Delores with Delores scheme, scheme, scheme, in Co. Cavan, it is estimated that in Co. Cavan, is estimated that toscheme, be put in in place. Cavan, Contractors it isNaughten. estimated thatto be put in place. Co. Contractors inCavan, Co. Cavan, itNaughten. is estimated it is estimated that to that be putscheme, in place. beinput place. in place. Contracto Naughten. stated Denis Denis stated DenisDenis Naughten. Naughten. to betoput tractors ors ” stateditDenis ”Co. ”instated ” Contractors ” stated Kelly, of the NItheir Assembly Member of the NIHe Assembly Kelly, of the NI providing Assembly Kelly, Member Member of ofNIthe Assembly NI Assembly ofservices 80% max. of €4,000) septic tankHe treatment systems are their pro oper systems in place theKelly, average cost ofthe remediation the average cost of who the average their cost services of remediation whoMember areHe providing the average theservices average cost cost of remediation remediation who are providing their who who are providing are their serv also highlighted theremediation need for Heare alsoproviding highlighted the need for also highlighted the need forofKelly, He also highlighted also highlighted the (up need theto need fora forMember vices r services and former SDLP Spokesperson on and former SDLP Spokesperson on and former SDLP Spokesperson on and former and former SDLPSDLP Spokesperson Spokesperson on on for of households with anmust income constructed over the last 10 years works toAgriculture. septicDenis tanks is €2,500, sodiscussed worksregulation to septic tanks is €2,500, so must be properly works toregistered, septic tanks is €2,500, must so beproper properly registered, works todiscussed septic to septic tankstanks is Agriculture. €2,500, is €2,500, must soDenis be soproper properly registered, must be&properly be properly registered, regist proper of contractors, proper regulation of contractors, of contractors, proper regulation regulation contractors, of contractors, tered, , to prot tect householders Agriculture. Denis regulation &works Delores & Delores discussed Agriculture. Denis Delores discussed Agriculture. Denis & Delores & Delores discussed of tohouseholders €50,000 rate of which fail to meet even thehouseholders most thisthe grant cost should cover the cost andgrant bonded. should ofimpactso and bonded. this grant this grant should should covercover theimpact cost theregulated cost ofof the of so and regulated regulated and bonded. and sothis thatgrant vulnerable areof regulated so that this vulnerable householders arecost vulnerable householders are that sobonded. vulnerable that householders areand areat ” cover the ”CAP ” up ” ” ” theregulated ofthat the proposed the proposed CAPvulnerable the impact ofathe proposed CAPbonded. impact theshould impact of thecover ofproposed the the proposed CAP of CAP upgrading most septic tanks. upgrading most septic upgrading most septic tanks. reforms, north upgrading upgrading most most septic septic tanks. tanks. protected: While vasttanks. majority protected: While the vast majority protected: While the vast majority protected: protected: While While the(up vast thetomajority vast majority and south of the border. reforms, north and south of the border. reforms, north and south border. reforms, reforms, norththe north and south and south ofbasic theofborder. the border. 50% a max. of €2,500) for of thethe Cou unty Council and that building standards. Inthe order InterTradeIreland helps small businesses to explore new cross-border markets, develop new products, processes and services and become investor ready. It offers practical cross-border business funding, information, advice and support to SMEs across the island, North and households with an income of up household South, debt is taken to protect hometheir owners businesses. from looking to grow to €75,000. Based on an analysis of count when assessing the unscrupulous contractors a makes it easier to do cross-border the cost of upgrading septic tanks thresholds InterTradeIreland for the grant proper licensing system needs Denis Naughten pictured with Delores business support includes in Co. Cavan, it is estimated that ,” stated Denis Naughten. be put in place. Contractors DN_Newsletter_BLISSv6.indd 1 andtotheir DN_Newsletter_BLISSv6.indd 1 DN_Newsletter_BLISSv6.indd 1 DN_Newsletter_BLISSv6.indd DN_Newsletter_BLISSv6.indd 16/04/2013 123:20 1 16/04/2013 23:20 16/04/2013 16/04/2013 23:20 23:20 Kelly, Member of the NI Assembly the average cost of remediation who are providing their services highlighted the need for and former SDLP Spokesperson on Sales Development Programme works to septic tanks is €2,500, so egulation of contractors, must be properly registered, Agriculture. Denis & Delores discussed this grant should cover the cost of vulnerable householders regulated and bonded.”that needs the to impact of the proposed CAPsales, If you’rearea small company increase its upgrading most septic tanks. ed: While the vast majority and south of the border. why not take your business up a levelreforms, withnorth InterTradeIreland Elevate – a sales development programme for small business. There is up to £5k (euro equivalent) in support, it is 100% DN_Newsletter_BLISSv6.indd 1 16/04/2013 23:20 funded by InterTradeIreland who will help you identify crossborder markets/customers across the island and win new business. Equity Investment InterTradeIreland holds monthly regional clinics aimed at Denis pictured with representatives of InterTrade Ireland helping companies seeking equity investment. The clinics during a recent seminar on tendering. will be delivered by a venture professional. This service is provided free of charge with pre-screening undertaken in advance to ensure companies using the service meet the Throughout each event programme, there are a number of opportunities to meet with public sector buyers from across minimum criteria. the island at the ‘Buyer Stands’. Meet the buyer events The Meet the Buyer events provide SMEs with an overview For more information visit: of the all-island public procurement market and the opportunities available. level of h into acc income scheme, 16/04/2013 He also proper re so that v protecte How to get a slice of the €9bn available in public contracts Just 1% of local businesses win a share of the €9 billion available in public sector contracts. I recently organised a seminar attended by 50 businesses who heard experts in the field of public procurement share tips to dramatically boost SMEs’ chances of success and show how working with other SMEs can be an effective way to win tenders. Access some of these tips by logging on to: BRi7P Denis Naughten in Ballinasloe where he has called on the IDA to make greater effort to promote job creation Other support: If you are thinking of exporting for the first time contact Enterprise Ireland’s First Time Exports Division who can offer practical advice and support (Email getexportready@ or Tel: 01-7272325 for further information). Employ your spouse Two income families can earn far more before they fall into the higher rate of tax and higher levies, where one spouse who runs their own business employs the other. The reality is that both spouses usually contribute to the running of a business so by splitting the income they can maximise the amount of income tax paid at the lower rate. Upskill for free Interested in upgrading your skills or doing a course in Chinese, law, computer studies or business skills from the comfort of your own home and at your own pace? And all for free! That’s the idea of Massive Open Online Courses, which are opening up free educational opportunities to millions of learners worldwide with top universities including Harvard and Stanford. One of the biggest such free online education providers is Irish based This information is brought to you by Denis Naughten TD If you would like to discuss any matter with Denis, please contact him at t: 076 100 2200 w: 0612 Denis with Tony Corrigan, founder of TenderScout, during the recent public procurement seminar offering support & advice to local businesses.
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