The potential for plastic packaging to contribute to a circular and resource-efficient economy Identiplast 2015, Rome, April 29th Harald Pilz denkstatt GmbH Hietzinger Hauptstrasse 28 · A-1130 Vienna · Austria T (+43)1 786 89 ·00 F (+43)1 786 89 00-15 denkstatt GmbH Hietzinger Hauptstrasse 28 · A-1130 Vienna · Austria E (+43)1 T 786 89 00 F W (+43)1 786 89 00-15 How to get maximum value from limited resources Production of technical materials Natural resources Landfilling, dissipation, increasing entropy Extraction of raw materials End of life management Recycling, energy recovery Reuse Design for optimal functionality Distribution Use phase, maintenance denkstatt 2015 Slide 2 Conditions for sustainable (eco-efficient) waste management Apart from technical feasibility & society benefits, two interlinked aspects of sustainability should be considered to choose optimal waste management options: Environmental benefits Which recovery option provides the highest environmental benefit? Does a simple hierarchy of options exist? Environmental impact evaluation through LCA Economic aspects Do benefits for society (monetised environmental benefits and economic benefits) justify recovery costs ? Cost-benefit analysis (CBA) Eco-efficient waste management = relevant environmental benefits AND positive cost-benefit-balance denkstatt 2015 Slide 3 LCA and CBA in EU-Legislation Packaging Directive: Member States shall, where appropriate, encourage energy recovery, where it is preferable to material-recycling for environmental and cost-benefit reasons. ... fix recycling targets ... based on the practical experience gained, calculation methodology ... and the findings of scientific research and evaluation techniques such as life-cycle assessments and cost-benefit analysis. This process shall be repeated every five years. The Commission shall present a report ... covering ... encouragement of reuse and, in particular, comparison of the costs and benefits of reuse and those of recycling WEEE Directive and Waste Framework Directive Further references to LCA and CBA denkstatt 2015 Slide 4 Main environmental benefits of plastic recycling and recovery Material recycling of plastic waste Feedstock recycling of plastic waste Saved fossil resources Saved GHG emissions Energy recovery of plastic waste denkstatt 2015 Slide 5 Relevance of GWP & CED in total “eco-footprint” of recovery mix Source: Denkstatt (2014) NEEDS ( €) GWP Fossil resource depl. AP/EP/ODP/POPC Land use Water consumption ReCiPe Metal depletion 0% 20% 40% 60% 80% 100% Weighted LCA impacts, two exemplary advanced methods GWP + fossil resources cover 82 – 94 % of total footprint denkstatt 2015 Slide 6 GHG net benefit (impact) of various recycling and recovery options for PE 1.500 kg CO2e / t PE waste Source: Denkstatt (2014) 1.000 500 0 -500 -1.000 -1.500 100 % material recycling 40 % recycling, mechanical ind. en. recov. ind. en. recov. blast furnace 60 % industr. recycling of substituting substituting feedstock energy recov. mixed plastics coal/oil/gas coal recycling MSWI, av. energy utilisation No simple hierarchy can be derived Industrial energy recovery better than mixed plastic recycling denkstatt 2015 Slide 7 Methodology of Calculating a Cost-Benefit Balance for Recovery Systems – Costs of separate collection and sorting – Net costs of mechanical recycling and energy recovery + Savings on costs of residual waste collection + Savings on net costs of residual waste treatment and disposal = Result of Net Cost Analysis of Waste Management + Savings on costs of primary production (A) & conventional energy conversion; recovery revenues excluded before (B) + = Savings on environmental (= external) costs (either “damage costs” or “avoidance costs”) Cost-Benefit Balance denkstatt 2015 (C) (A+B+C) Slide 8 Example 1: Cost-benefit balance for recycling of PET bottles Source: Denkstatt (2007) Separate collection & sorting Recycling & energy recovery Saved residual waste collection Saved residual waste treatment Sum = additional waste management costs Saved costs of primary production Monetised environmental benefits Total = Cost-Benefit Balance -1000 -800 -600 -400 -200 EUR/t of waste collected for recycling 0 200 400 600 Benefits of PET recycling outweigh additional costs positive cost-benefit balance denkstatt 2015 Slide 9 Example 2: Cost-benefit balance for recycling of domestic films Source: Denkstatt (2007) Separate collection & sorting Recycling & energy recovery Saved residual waste collection Saved residual waste treatment Sum = additional waste management costs Break even with 170 EUR/t CO2 Saved costs of primary production Monetised environmental benefits Total = Cost-Benefit Balance -800 -600 -400 -200 EUR/t of waste collected for recycling 0 200 400 Benefits of domestic film recycling do NOT outweigh additional costs negative cost-benefit balance denkstatt 2015 Slide 10 Estimated cost-benefit balances for recycling of plastic packaging waste streams Cost-Benefit Balance in EUR/t of waste to recycling 500 Solid Area = realistic recycling rate Commercial packaging films 400 Rigid commercial packaging Shaded areas = very optimistic recycling rate 300 Beverage bottles Other bottles Shopping bags Other domestic packaging 200 ? 100 Commercial mixed / small Domestic medium, rigid/flexible Domestic small 0 10 -100 -200 20 30 40 50 60 Maximum recycling potentials for plastic packaging, given in % of total plastic pack. waste -300 -400 -500 denkstatt 2015 70 80 90 100 ? Somewhere within 36 – 53 % : Limit of sustainable recycling For remaining plastic packaging waste, recycling would show negative cost-benefit balance (expensive, small benefits) Source: Denkstatt (2014) Slide 11 Conclusions from LCA+CBA results No simple general waste hierarchy can be derived from LCA facts for plastic waste streams. Individual LCA and CBA studies are needed to find eco-efficient solutions. The maximum eco-efficient recycling level for plastic packaging is somewhere between 36 % and 53% not yet entirely utilised Recycling beyond this limit will either be low quality recycling (no environmental benefits) or will not be eco-efficient due to very high costs Future innovation can help to improve cost-benefit balance Optimal European plastic packaging waste recovery (recycling + industrial energy recovery) will save approx. 25 Mill tonnes of CO2e per year (compared to 100 % MSWI) equiv. to 138 billion car km or 9 million cars less on the road denkstatt 2015 Slide 12 A reflection on recycling vs. packaging resource efficiency in total life-cycle Source: Denkstatt (2014) MJ life-cycle energy demand for packaging per kg packed product Mix of alternative packaging, as used on the market for the same products 54% recycling (2007) Energy saving on European level is equivalent to heated homes for 40 Mill people 27% recycling (2007) Average plastic packaging ? 50% recycling, PLUS landfill ban & maximum industrial energy recovery Recycling rate (%) Despite common belief, plastics contribute significantly to increased resource efficiency, even when recycled at a lower rate than other materials. denkstatt 2015 Slide 13 How plastic packaging help to reduce food waste; example cheese packaging Source: Denkstatt (2014) Gram CO2e per 150 g of sliced cheese Net-benefit of improved packaging solution 100 Reduced GHG emissions due to reduction of food losses from 5 % to 0.14 % 80 60 Increased GHG emissions for better packaging 40 Small relevance of increased transport and less recyclability 20 0 -20 Production of wasted cheese Production of packaging Transport Cheese sold at counter denkstatt 2015 Waste treatment cheese Packaging recovery Total GHG balance Packed cheese at shelf Slide 14 Design guidelines for a circular, resource-efficient economy Sustainable design “formula”: + optimised material production x small material demand per functional unit + high functionality / quality / use-benefits + optimal recovery/recycling-mix (determined by CBAs!) ___________________________________________ = Low eco-footprint, economic & social impact Priority for functionality, then raw material and recycling aspects denkstatt 2015 Slide 15 We drive the change to a sustainable society. Contact: denkstatt GmbH Hietzinger Hauptstrasse 28 · A-1130 Vienna · Austria T (+43)1 786 89 ·00 F (+43)1 786 89 00-15 denkstatt GmbH Hietzinger Hauptstrasse 28 · A-1130 Vienna · Austria E (+43)1 T 786 89 00 F W (+43)1 786 89 00-15
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