29 - 31 May 2015 50+acts 15 venues workshops song music spoken word story solo groups choir FESTIVAL PROGRAM The Denmark Festival of Voice is a project of enmark festival of voice denmark festival of voice denmark festival of voice denmark festival of voice de Create your own wellbeing Keeping mentally healthy through being creative is just as easy as A-B-C: act-belong-commit! paint, play music, read a book, write a poem or create a story, sing, dance, perform, knit a scarf, scrapbook your favourite photos… join a band, an arts and craft group, book club or drama club, attend performances or galleries with a friend... enrol in a dance, music, creative writing or drama course, volunteer for an arts organisation or festival, enter a creative competition, commit to rehearsals, learn how to use design editing software… P: (08) 9266 4648 | E: info@actbelongcommit.org.au 2 find us on facebook: facebook.com/actbelongcommit Director’s Welcome Something magical, something alchemical, happens when voices come together. It’s a way of celebrating our shared humanity which is direct. If you sing together, something’s born beyond your concept of yourself: who “I” am, who “you” are. We come, instantly, and directly, to a shared “we”. Here we are: we the people. The ability to sing is a gift. All animals possess vocality, but perhaps this is particularly developed, or beautiful – at least according to our hearing! – amongst birds and humans. With consciousness, we use our voices to harmonise. At the heart of the Denmark Festival of Voice is the sound of many voices joining together - and we have plenty of wonderful choirs this year, along with a host of smaller ensembles – some who have brought instruments into their song and some who have remained true to only the sound of their voice. We have voices young and old, from our community and from shores afar. Voices of the first people of this land and voices of those newly arrived, but who themselves come from cultures with old traditions, old songs. We have explorers: reaching beyond the edges of convention, and those who stoke the fires of tradition. Voices have beauty. They have passion. They carry messages. They speak of the sacred, of old stories and of new ones. They tell of this land, or that. Of this Country, or that journey. Of this traveler or that incident. And they remind us of what is important, and of what we need to pay more attention to, what we have perhaps been forgetting. This year we feature many voices from around the world: Mongolia, Tibet, Japan, Africa, the Middle East, Persia, Celtic Lands, India… Humans are story-tellers – perhaps the oldest form of using voice in ways which transcend the every day. And this year we launch the DFoV story-telling tent: a hand-made Mongolian/Fremantle yurt wherein will be tales from countries afar and near, of land, of faerie, of people. And this year we travel beyond the human, to bear witness to the voice of our plant relations, of the wind, of metal…. It was inspiration from the joy of last year’s Big Sing which led to this year’s ‘Local ‘n’ Vocal’ project, and from this was born the words of the beautiful “Koorabup Sings” - a Denmark song. We hope you all come join us in singing it! The DFoV has its own story, that weaves itself each year into a slightly new place, shaped and nudged by those who put up their hands and turn their heart towards Denmark and this Festival. It’s also shaped by previous directors, from Graham Mason, through to Josie Mitchell, to whom I must pay particular tribute for her able shepherding over the past couple of years. I’d like to give my hearty thanks to the 2015 DFoV team and staff of Denmark Arts: Matt Andrews, Tim Maisey, Kira Schimmelpfennig, Jennie Newman, Alison Kershaw, Dorothy Redreau, Patricia Roux (who just birthed a beautiful new voice into the world) and Jane Matthews. A deep bow of thanks to the tireless and dedicated board of Denmark Arts: Janine McCrum, Nigel Levinson, Sandra Knight, Adrian Baer and Cr Ian Osborne. And a hooray to the funding bodies, without whom the Festival would not be realized. These are the organizations who stand in the corner of the arts, the corner of communities. We thank each and every one of them. And finally to the production team, volunteers, audiences, musicians, singer-songwriters, poets, speakers, choirs and choir directors. All of us from Denmark Arts, and the Denmark Festival of Voice, heartily welcome you and hope you have a rich, fulfilling and inspiring Festival in our home. Vivienne Robertson Festival Director 3 WELCOME MESSAGE FROM DR KIM HAMES MLA, MINISTER FOR TOURISM AND THE HON TERRY REDMAN MLA, MINISTER FOR REGIONAL DEVELOPMENT DENMARK FESTIVAL OF VOICE Welcome to the Great Southern region for the Denmark Festival of Voice. Now in its 11th year, the festival celebrates the power of the human voice with a special focus on community singing. The festival will feature a balance between professional and community singers, individuals, ensembles and choirs, and the local community and guests. The Denmark Festival of Voice is proudly supported by the State Government through Tourism WA’s Regional Events Scheme, which is jointly funded by Royalties for Regions. Tourism is a vital industry for regional Western Australia. In 2013-14, total visitor spend in the State was $8.3 billion, $3.5 billion of which was spent in regional WA. In addition to this significant economic impact, tourism delivers social and cultural benefits for many regional communities. The State Government’s goal is to see the contribution of regional tourism increase to $4.75 billion by 2020. Regional events, such as the Denmark Festival of Voice, play an important role in achieving that goal because they attract visitors, help promote a region through media exposure and add vibrancy to regional towns, making them exciting places to visit, as well as great places to live. We hope everyone enjoys the festival and their stay in Denmark. DR KIM HAMES MLA DEPUTY PREMIER; MINISTER FORTOURISM HON TERRY REDMAN MLA MINISTER FOR REGIONAL DEVELOPMENT 4 special performances TRIKAYA ‘...in the between’ FRI 8PM &10PM CIVIC CENTRE THIS EVENT IS TICKETED SEPARATELY! James Khidir, Tenzin Choegyal, Riley Lee and Michael Askill ‘…in the between: Meditations and Illuminations on the Tibetan Book of the Dead’ ‘…in the between’ brings together four of Australia’s finest multi-cultural collaborators in a highly original interpretation of `The Tibetan Book of the Dead’. Using selected text readings combined with musical meditations and sound illuminations this theatrical and musical experience provides an insight into how we can prepare for the mind’s release from the body and the experiences of ‘the between’. “A theatrical and musical experience not to be missed!” James, Tenzin, Riley and Michael will be appearing for workshops, performances and collaborations throughout the festival. HEATHER LEE & BABU ‘Diva Divine’ SAT 6PM CIVIC CENTRE SEE ALSO PAGE 25 Heather Lee, opera singer and world music journey woman, will be performing Diva Divine. It explores the life of her Great Aunt, also an opera singer, who toured India in the 1890s, fell in love with an Indian man, and died there of malaria. The show is a recreation of both her life and a faded time and place. This is India at the peak of the Raj seen through the eyes of a Diva exploring the divine in Western and Indian classical music. Heather will be accompanied by her 9 year old son Samarai (Babu) Cunio on tabla. 5 ARTISTS A-Z A Kappella Munda....................17 act-belong-commit Concert.............9 Alice Hui-Sheng Chang........18, 32 Andrew Carter .........................25 From The Ashtavakra Gita............14 Bernard Carney........................24 The Big Sing.......................15, 34 Born to Sing.............................15 Bukhchuluun Ganburged.......10, 32 Caitlin Malin ...........................30 The Class Three Emcees.............29 David Hyams............................12 David Rawet............................24 Dawn Barrington & Bruce Anthony26 De Nada ...............................29 Denmark High School..................9 Denmark Primary School...............9 Demelza....................................8 DnA........................................26 Eklektika...................................16 Embers of Loretta.......................13 FFF Free Festival Fringe.......8, 9, 22 Firedel ....................................17 Freya's Bounty..........................25 Gillian Parker...........................32 Glyde in Singers.......................15 Golden Hill Steiner School............9 Golden Hill-Top Hoods.................9 Graham Kershaw......................31 Greg Bowles.........................24 Heather Lee....................5, 25, 32 Hi-Jinx Quartet....................23, 32 James Khidir........................14, 35 Jane Davies................................8 Jesse Wind Wanderer..................8 John Bennett..............................12 John Ralph..........................25, 32 John Ryan...........................30, 34 Jones of A.R.K...........................31 Kate Wilson.......................30, 32 Kim Scott.................................31 Kobi Morrison......................12,33 Larry Blight .............................34 Leanna Shoveller.......................12 Lena Grayson ..........................33 Linda Bradbury.........................31 Liz Jack....................................26 Local ‘n' Vocal .......................39 Lockout ..................................23 Lowlands Community Choir.........17 Lyndal Gallaway ......................33 Madjitil Moorna..................13, 33 Mark Kumara ..........................33 Martin Meader.........................33 Max & Jodi..............................25 Messer’s Lore.......................28,33 Michael Askill......................14, 34 Mike Evergone.........................26 Mike, Leslie & Friends................34 Miriam Lieberman......................10 Molly Black..............................24 Monica Gagliano................27, 34 Moombaki ........................13, 34 The New Traditionalists..........18,35 The Pepperjacks........................28 Poetry and Wine......................30 Rachel Hore ......................15, 34 The Real Sing............................15 Red Sea Pedestrians.............11, 34 Regi Peppin................................8 Riley Lee.......................10, 14, 35 Sacred Songs.............................9 Samarai (Babu) Cunio................14 Samuel Osborne aka Samwise18, 35 Shake Hands with Breakfast........29 Sparrow..................................28 SSB........................................29 Story Telling at The Yurt.................8 6 CATEGORIES ACT-BELONG-COMMIT FREE YOUTH WORKSHOPS...............9 BARBERSHOP.........................23 EXPERIMENTAL VOCAL...........18 LOCAL ‘N’ VOCAL .................39 MASSED VOICES...............15-17 SMALL GROUPS................28-29 SOLOS/DUOS ..................24-26 SOUNDS OF INDIA...........14-15 SPECIAL PERFORMANCES.........5 SPOKEN WORD................30-31 STORY TELLING AT THE YURT....8 THE VOICE OF PLANTS...........27 VOICES OF FIRST PEOPLES.12-13 WORKSHOPS...................32-35 WORLD VOICES.................10-11 Summerhouse...........................28 Susan Clarke............................26 Tangent....................................29 Tara Tiba ...........................11, 35 Tenzin Choegyal..................11, 35 TLA Quartet .......................23, 35 Tori Oakley................................12 Trikaya......................................5 Virginia Jealous.........................14 Vocal Evolution .........................16 Voicemale................................16 Wayne Wonigii Webb ..............13 The Wind Blows Where it Pleases..9 Working Voices........................17 7 STORY TELLING AT THE YURT FFF free festival fringe! JESSE WIND WANDERER Storytelling - Combining music and voice, folk and fairy tales have been used for centuries to bring people together and create a sense of celebration and togetherness. Jesse’s ambition to be a professional storyteller began when he read ‘The Alchemist’ at the age of 14, and connected with the idea that the world helps those who follow their dreams. Come in and experience the magic of your own imagination. REGI & JANE Young Crafty Story Makers: create your own puppets and tell your own stories 5-9 yrs. Regi and Jane are passionate about young people’s creativity and self-expression. They are educators, artists and story-tellers with many years experience. TIME THE YURT SAT THE YURT SUN 10 AM STORY FOR 3-7 JESSE WIND WANDERER 11 AM TALES OF A TRAVELLER MIRIAM LIEBERMAN DEMELZA'S STORIES FOR 5-12 NOON STORY FOR 3-7 JESSE WINDWANDERER STORY FOR 8-12 JESSE WIND WANDERER 1 PM STORY FOR 8-12 JESSE WIND WANDERER TALES OF TIBET TENZIN CHOEGYAL 2 PM 3 PM TALES OF MONGOLIA BUKHCHULUUN GANBURGED TRADITIONAL TALES LENA GRAYSON YOUNG CRAFTY STORY MAKERS 5-9 JANE & REGI 4 PM SPECIAL KIDS PROGRAM! FREE STORY TELLING FOR EVERYONE! SEE BOARD OUSIDE THE YURT FOR SUPRISE GUEST STORY TELLERS! 8 FFF free festival fringe see also page 22 act-belong-commit Community Concert Join the voices of the future in this special community concert. Hear from the Golden Hill Steiner School, featuring songs composed by people from the Denmark community; the Denmark Primary School in their biggest ever choir; and a small group of vocalists from the Denmark High School as they sing their way forward. Special guests include Samwise – a beatboxer and rap artist who will be running free youth workshops during the Festival weekend; and 9 year old Samarai (Babu) Cunio on tabla. FRI 4.30PM CIVIC CENTRE Sacred Songs – Festival Taster We’re opening the doors of the Festival to everyone with the Sacred Songs concert. Come along and hear some of our Festival guests offer a song which orients to that which is most sacred for them. Songs of Country (Moombaki, David Hyams, John Bennett) join songs of faith (Heather Lee, Eklektika, Miriam Lieberman) in this concert which draws a path from the opening community concert to the special performance of Trikaya ‘…in the between’. FRI 6.30 ST LEONARDS The Wind Blows Where it Pleases The community of St Leonards invites people of all traditions to a special service of music featuring Molly Black, Lowlands Community Choir, Barbara Schmidt and The Pocket Rockets. With readings, prayers and a reflection by Rev Sue Lodge-Calvert, the service will conclude in time for festival goers to receive a blessing before going to 10am workshops. Communion will follow for those who wish to stay. ST LEONARDS, SUN 9 - 9.45AM Also free music at The Festival Café, Luscious Organic, Chilli Lime Salt, Denmark Hotel, Ambulance Hall, Rockcliffe Winery plus youth workshops at The CWA Hall and story telling at The Yurt! See also page 22 and act-belong-committ free youth workshops below. Watch out for flashmobs and unexpected vocal happenings! Keep an eye out for the Golden Hill-Top Hoods with their mad rhymes around town on Saturday morning. ACT-BELONG-COMMIT FREE YOUTH WORKSHOPS CWA HALL MUSIC & MOVEMENT: SINGING OUR WAY SAT 12.30 - 1.30 PM with Kobi & Tori LITTLE NOTES 0 - 4 YRS SAT 10 - 11 AM MIDDLE NOTES 3 - 7 YRS SAT 11 - 12 NOON with Lena Grayson OUTER LOOP LOOPING WORKSHOP THE OM DOME BEATBOX & RAP SAT & SUN 2 - 5 PM with Samwise SUN 10 - 12 NOON with The New Traditionalists 9 world voices Riley Lee began playing the shakuhachi in 1971 after vistiting the World Expo in Osaka/Japan. He is the recipient of two of the oldest and most venerated lineages of traditional shakuhachi, which can be traced back to the Zen Buddhist komusô, or “priests of nothingness” of the Edo period in Japan. In 1980, he became the first non-Japanese to attain the rank of dai shihan or Grand Master. FRI 8 &10PM CIVIC CENTRE SAT 6PM ST LEONARDS SUN 3PM ST LEONARDS SUN 7.30PM CIVIC CENTRE WORKSHOP SUN 10AM RSL HALL BUKHCHULUUN GANBURGED RILEY LEE A Cultural ambassador of his country, Bukhu combines virtuosic Morin Khuur (Horse Head Fiddle) and Khuumii (Harmonic Overtone Throat Singing) skills to transmit the harmony of Mongolian nomads and Shamanic culture through time and space. SAT 8PM CIVIC CENTRE, SUN 2PM THE YURT, 6.30PM ST LEONARDS WORKSHOP SAT 10.30AM ST LEONARDS Miriam Lieberman is a singer songwriter with a unique perspective. She accompanies her powerful vocals with kora (21-stringed African harp) and acoustic guitar, performing as a soloist and with Liz Frencham and Silas Palmer. Despite this unusual mix of pure classical instruments and something made from a large gourd strung with fishing line there is a musical chemistry between these players and their instruments that melds into a soaringly beautiful soundscape. MIRIAM LIEBERMAN FRI 6.30PM ST LEONARDS, SAT 8.30PM CIVIC CENTRE SAT 11AM THE YURT SUN 3PM CIVIC CENTRE, 8PM ST LEONARDS WORKSHOP SAT 9.30AM ST LEONARDS 10 RED SEA PEDESTRIANS SAT 4.30PM CIVIC CENTRE SAT 7.30PM RSL HALL SUN 9PM RSL HALL WORKSHOP SUN 1PM RSL HALL Red Sea Pedestrians do concert sets, teach dances and run workshops, traditional klezmer tunes & songs in the 1920s style, running the gamut from Eastern European to New York jazz, with inappropriate interjections from Jones of A.R.K., two reputable if not-so-respectable Jewish women doing zany original ditties. TARA TIBA SAT 2.30PM ST LEONARDS SAT 8PM ST LEONARDS SUN 9PM CIVIC CENTRE WORKSHOP SUN 11.30 ST LEONARDS Praised as one of Iran’s most unique new voices, Tara mesmerises her audience with a soulful voice and an extraordinary vocal technique. Recently releasing her highly acclaimed album ‘A Persian Dream’, and performing at WOMAdelaide and New York’s Metropolitan Museum of Arts, Tara Tiba and her six piece band combine shades of jazz with a Persian twist. FRI 8 & 10PM TRIKAYA CIVIC CENTRE SAT 2.30PM ST LEONARDS SAT 4.30PM ST LEONARDS SUN 1PM THE YURT SUN 8.30PM CIVIC CENTRE WORKSHOP SAT 12PM RSL TENZIN CHOEGYAL In 1997, Tenzin Choegyal came to Australia with little more than a bag, his Dranyen and a voice full of passion for Tibet. Tenzin Choegyal draws on his traditional Tibetan roots to create original compositions which uniquely express his cultural heritage. While his primary instrument is his voice, Tenzin is a master of Tibetan musical instruments such as the Dranyen (threestringed long-necked lute), the the Lingbu (transverse bamboo flute). 11 voices of the first FRI 6.30PM ST LEONARDS SAT 9PM CIVIC CENTRE SUN 9PM ST LEONARDS JOHN BENNETT & DAVID HYAMS John Bennett has emerged as a singer / songwriter with an astounding ability to transport listeners to his home country and transcend cultural barriers. Establishing a name as the “voice of the Kimberley”, the Bidyadanga community man has written an album that sings to country and connects with the yearning in every person to nurture family and the environment. David Hyams is one of Western Australia’s most accomplished composers, producers, and multi–instrumentalists. Playing acoustic, electric and steel guitars, as well as mandolin, bass, dobro and harmonica, he has performed in a wide range of musical styles, from blues, pop/rock, country and folk. ALSO: SAT 10.30PM FESTIVAL CLUB W/ BERNARD CARNEY SAT 5PM FESTIVAL CAFE, 7PM RSL HALL W/CHARLIE MCCARTHY LEANNA SHOVELLER SAT 4.30PM RSL SAT 6PM FESTIVAL CAFÉ SUN 4PM FESTIVAL CAFÉ Leanna Shoveller is a Karrajarri/Yawru Aboriginal woman and a local singer/songwriter from Bidyadanga/Broome now living in Walpole with her three beautiful children. She began singing at the age of five in her father’s family band, and has played all over the Kimberley and Pilbara region. Her songs incorporate her love of family and passion for her language. KOBI MORRISON & TORI OAKLEY SAT 3PM ST LEONARDS WORKSHOP SAT 12.30 CWA HALL Kobi Morrison is a Bibbulmun Man of the Noongar Nation of South-West WA. Kobi’s goal is to contribute to the world of creative arts as a professional musician and he looks forward to producing his own albums in addition to working as a performer and accompanist. Tori is a Yamatji woman and is a descendent of the Malgana (Salt Water People) from Shark Bay. Tori has toured both nationally and internationally as a violinist but in recent years has also discovered her interest in classical singing. 12 peoples FRI 6PM ST LEONARDS SAT 4PM FESTIVAL CAFE SAT 8PM RSL HALL SUN 2.30PM ST LEONARDS WORKSHOP SUN 12PM RSL MOOMBAKI Moombaki (where the rivers meet the sky) are an eclectic ensemble of Aboriginal artists who perform a mixture of their own songs and covers by various Aboriginal artists. The groups’ style is a mixture of contemporary & R&B, integrating spiritual influences and their own hauntingly beautiful and inspirational lyrics. They are performing artists in their own right and when they come together, their voices blend in beautiful harmonies, like an endless blue sky day. EMBERS OF LORETTA SAT 10PM FESTIVAL CLUB SUN 2PM ST LEONARDS Let us take you down memory lane with some golden oldies from your country favourites! Embers of Loretta is a trio with strong RnB gospel sounds of Charley Caruso, Delta Oui and country rock vocalist Della Rae Morrison. Embers will be joined by new youngest member Albany musician Della Butcher on guitar. It’s about all stories, sad and happy. Sing along with Embers of Loretta, and fill all hearts. WAYNE WONIGII WEBB FRI 8PM CIVIC CENTRE WELCOME TO COUNTRY SAT 3PM BUTTER FACTORY ‘I am not a problem to be solved; I am a proud Pibulmun/Wadandi man’. Video and talk by local Elder and Custodian Wayne Wonigii Webb, whose traditional country encompasses the area from Bunbury through to the Hay River in Denmark and the coastal lands in between. Madjitil Moorna is a community choir that sings Aboriginal and TSI music led by award-winning Noongar musicians Candice Lorrae, Della Rae Morrison and George Walley and guided by other Aboriginal members. Their songs are a mix of traditional and contemporary. MADJITIL MOORNA SAT 8.30PM RSL HALL SUN 3.30PM FESTIVAL CAFE WORKSHOP SAT 10.30AM RSL 13 sounds of India ‘From The Ashtavakra Gita’ JAMES KHIDIR, MICHAEL ASKILL & RILEY LEE SUN 3PM ST LEONARDS James Khidir describes the Ashtavakra Gita as a “text on the nature of the non dual reality and freedom from ignorance, confusion and doubt. The text is not religious, yet it may well enhance the understanding of religious and spiritual texts.” James’ readings will be underscored and illuminated by the sounds of shakuhachi (Riley) and singing bowls (Michael). James Khidir is an actor, musician and orator. In 1999 he created the Brisbane based group Khidir, who perform the poetry of the Sufi mystics Rumi and Hafez accompanied by the classical instruments of the Persian court. They have appeared at The Adelaide Festival, The Woodford Folk Festival, The Sacred Music Festival and numerous other events. Michael Askill, formerly Principal Percussionist with the Sydney S y m p h o n y Orchestra, has spent the past twenty–five years quietly but effectively carving a niche for music that is percussion based, whether written by contemporaries or himself. Michael’s music draws as heavily on world music traditions as it does on Western jazz, rock, and classical music. WORKSHOP SUN 11.30AM ST LEONARDS W/ TARA TIBA SAMARAI (BABU) CUNIO FRI 4.30 CIVIC CENTRE SAT 6PM CIVIC CENTRE ‘DIVA DIVINE’ SUN 5.15 ST LEONRDS Samarai (Babu) Cunio, 9 year old Indian tabla player, has been studying with his Guru Debashish Das in Pondicherry since 2012, learning from the Calcutta Gurana of Tabla. Samarai made his Australian debut at the Opera House aged 8 playing alongside his parents and renowned percussionist Tunji Beier. He plays regularly for the Interfaith in Sydney events hosted by Stephanie Dowrick and he also sings in the Sydney Children’s choir. VIRGINIA JEALOUS ‘Raptures Roadway’ Journey into rapture with the exotic, erotic Indian Love Lyrics of SAT 1.30PM ST LEONARDS Laurence Hope, whose poetry thrilled SUN 4.30PM ST LEONRDS and scandalised Edwardian England. Moving from household harem to the high Himalayas, her poems of hidden, forbidden or forced love broke many taboos. Hang on a minute. Her poems? Also known as Adela Florence Cory and Violet Nicolson, hear the voice of this extraordinary woman speak across the century in a selection of poems, parlour songs, letters and journals of those who knew her. Recently returned from presenting a snapshot of Laurence Hope’s life to audiences in India join Virginia Jealous, with Victoria Castiglione and Tony King, for an enrapturing performance in Denmark. 14 massed massedvoices voices RACHEL HORE Festival of Voice favourite Rachel Hore will lead the 2015 Big Sing at the Festival and will be travelling to us for our project ‘Local ‘n’ Vocal’. For those of you who haven’t yet sung with Rachel, she leads workshops, choirs and community groups in singing together in a dizzying array of festivals, countries and locations across Australia from the desert to the cities, working with indigenous communities, young people, people with special needs and every person who does or doesn’t think they can sing! THE BIG SING see also workshops. CONCERT SUN 5.30PM CIVIC CENTRE WORKSHOP SAT 9.30AM & SUN 10AM CIVIC CENTRE THE REAL SING The Real Sing was initially established as a community choir in 1994, and is now an SAT 6PM RSL HALL auditioned choir. They are an SUN 3.30PM CIVIC CENTRE ‘a cappella’ group singing in four, six and even eight part harmony. Their broad repertoire encompasses jazz, swing, gospel, spiritual, carols, African and Latin American, with a particular focus on popular songs from the 60s and 70s. Under musical director Coralie Kan, an accomplished singer, arranger and instrumentalist, ‘The Real Sing’ is a choir that just loves to sing and entertain. BORN TO SING SAT 5.30PM AMBULANCE HALL SUN 5PM CIVIC CENTRE The Born to Sing Choirs, which numbers 200 singers in total ranging in age between 12 & 80, sing songs from the heart that make you feel good, raise self-esteem and help you lose the blues. The choir’s repertoire includes gospel, 60s & 70s, uplifting songs, short classical pieces and anything that moves the soul. GLYDE IN SINGERS SAT 5PM AMBULANCE HALL SAT 6.30PM FESTIVAL CAFE A joyously enthusiastic group of a cappella community singers from the much valued Glyde In Community Learning Centre in East Fremantle, with a wide range of musical styles and a beautiful sound. Capable of being intensely serious about some subjects, they also enjoy a good sing and a chat over a cup of tea. What more could you ask for? 15 massed voices continued VOCAL EVOLUTION Vocal Evolution are the current and three time Barbershop Harmony Australia National Gold Medalists, under the direction of Lionel Pierson. Based in Perth, the group has a variety of repertoire ranging from 4 part a cappella arrangements to the intricate harmonies within the barbershop style. The group was started by a bunch of ordinary guys who wanted to produce an extraordinary sound. True to their name, the SAT 9.30PM ST LEONARDS chorus has grown musically and artistically to become widely SUN 9.30PM CIVIC CENTRE recognized as one of Australia’s best vocal harmony groups. SUN 11PM FESTIVAL CLUB EKLEKTIKA FRI 6.30PM ST LEONARDS SAT 4.30PM AMBULANCE HALL A rambunctious, sometimes over-ambitious, spirited and mostly tuneful mob, their song choices are as varied as their name suggests. From anthems to African, folk to funk, from reggae to rock and ballads to baroque, they appreciate the transformational and healing effects of both singing and listening in community. New members are welcomed regardless of experience. VOICEMALE SAT 2.30PM FESTIVAL CAFE SAT 4PM CIVIC CENTRE SUN 7PM ST LEONARDS SUN 9.30 FESTIVAL CLUB A Fremantle-based bunch of blokes who sing with lusty gusto or tender understatement as the situation demands. Prepared to try just about anything, they even, as a fledgling group, took a punt on entering the National Folk Festival in Canberra, where they wowed an appreciative audience and were treated like minor Folk Stars, which polished their egos nicely to a dark rusty colour. Their general good spirits are now insufferable. overwhelmed??? HOW TO DO A FESTIVAL - THE RELAXING WAY: a) chose who you want to see and circle them and then cruise it for the rest; b) find a venue you love and hang out there; c) drop the program and just remember where the venues are and then wander. 16 LOWLANDS COMMUNITY CHOIR SAT 3.30PM AMBULANCE HALL SUN 9AM ST LEONARDS SUN 4PM FESTIVAL CAFE When not growing organic vegetables, milking cows, building websites, installing solar systems, teaching, drumming or swimming at Lowlands beach, this eclectic group love to gather at sundown under the guidance of their choir leader Jude Iddison and sing their hearts out. They focus on local original songs but also include such favourites as Marley, Dylan, Cohen, Carl Pannuzzo, and John Fogerty. SAT 4PM AMBULANCE HALL SAT 6.30PM FESTIVAL CAFÉ SUN 9.30AM FESTIVAL CAFÉ FIREDEL We sing a mixture of modern & classical songs… hence eclectical … striving for the best performance we can manage of each type. We sing a cappella, & in some cases use one of our members as conductor. Our membership is limited to a maximum of 12 singers. WORKING VOICES SAT 3PM FESTIVAL CAFE SAT 9PM RSL HALL Working Voices are a community choir that sings songs that matter. Its members come from all walks of life and have changed throughout the years but one thing has not changed, and that is the passion and commitment of all members, past and present, to social justice, reconciliation, peace, environmental issues and rights to a safe workplace and decent wages. A KAPPELLA MUNDA SAT 7.30PM RSL HALL SUN 4.30PM CIVIC CENTRE A sociable group of singers with a strong taste for the eclectic, based in the hills of Perth, this warm and vibrant bunch have been experimenting with different a cappella settings (like a musical mad doctor in some dark loft). 17 experimental vocal ALICE HUI-SHENG CHANG As a vocalist working with extended techniques, Alice builds intimate exchanges with her audience. She creates an array of timbres and textures by controlling tension in her throat and alternating the passage of air and vocalisations. Alice’s performances respond to the energy of the audience, employing sound varying from the calm to the extreme to create an awareness of the acoustic properties of the site. Presented in Association with Tura New Music. Exploratory collaboration between Alice and Jennie Newman. Enjoy the playfulness of sound and art making. Jennie Newman will weave the sound of Alice Hui-Sheng Chang’s vocalisations into a three dimensional object, using recycled clothing. SAT 2.15PM ST LEONARDS WORKSHOP SAT 9.30AM RSL SUN 3PM RSL HALL WITH WORKSHOP PARTICIPANTS SUN 12NOON BUTTER FACTORY STUDIOS EXPERIMENTAL COLLABORATION WITH VISUAL ARTISTS Samwise’s The Travelling School of Beatboxing has been dropping beats since 2010. Samwise (aka Samuel Osborne of Perth) delivers beatboxing and rap lyric writing workshops, children’s beatboxing birthday partie and a musical jam space called The Om Dome all over WA. Samwise values the raising of awareness and confidence in young people. He does this through his highly interactive, very supportive and lively beatboxing workshops and performances. SAMWISE FRI 4.30PM CIVIC CENTRE WORKSHOP: ‘THE OM DOME’ SAT & SUN 2-5PM CWA THE NEW TRADITIONALISTS SAT 3PM RSL HALL SUN 6.30PM FESTIVAL CAFÉ WORKSHOP: SUN 10AM CWA HALL The New Traditionalists are a Denmark based vocal loop show. They’ve got the funky grooves that’ll make you wanna shake your manna. 18 11PM 10 PM 9 PM 8 PM 7 PM 6 PM 5 PM 4 PM TIME Code featuring Moombaki Heather Lee Miriam Lieberman Eklektika John Bennett David Hyams Sacred Songs Festival Guests ST LEONARDS Friday 29 May Separate Ticket Needed - 10pm tkts avail at the door Concert: Festival Ticket Needed Free Festival Fringe Festival Club: Festival Ticket Needed Workshop: Festival Ticket Needed Trikaya: "…in the between": meditations & illuminations on the Tibetan Book of the Dead break Trikaya: "…in the between": meditations & illuminations on the Tibetan Book of the Dead Act-Belong-Commit Community Concert Golden Hill Steiner School Samarai (Babu) Cunio, Samwise Denmark High School, Denmark Primary School DENMARK CIVIC CENTRE PROGRAM Don’t forget to check out the free Story Tent at the Yurt and the free Act-Belong-Commit Youth Program at the CWA Hall The Arts is full of change! No Less this Program! Trikaya Ticket gives entry to Festival Club Fri night only Pepperjacks Messer's Lore FESTIVAL CLUB 9PM - Midnight! FESTIVAL CLUB friday 9 PM 8 PM 7 PM 6 PM 5 PM 4 PM 3 PM 2 PM 1 PM NOON Local 'n' Vocal outside Supa IGA 1pm Chilli, Lime, Salt Café 10am: Tangent 11.30am: Lockout Other Venues: Bukhchuluun Ganburged Miriam Lieberman John Bennett & David Hyams Sparrow break Diva Divine Heather Lee break TLA Quartet Summerhouse Voicemale Red Sea Pedestrians Greg Bowles break An A Cappella Adventure Hi-Jinx Quartet The Big Sing led by Rachel Hore 10 AM 11 AM CIVIC CENTRE TIME 9 AM Luscious Organic 10.30am: TLA 12: Kate Wilson & Caitlin Maling 2pm: John Ralph A Kappella Munda Moombaki Madjitil Moorna Working Voices Red Sea Pedestrians break The New Traditionalists Hi-Jinx Quartet Lockout Leanna Shoveller de Nada David Rawet The Real Sing break Vocal Music of the World Miriam Lieberman Mongolian Throat Singing Bukhchuluun Ganburged Gong & Singing Bowl Michael Askill Shades of Silence Alice Hui-Sheng Chang Singing Across the Great Divide Madjitil Moorna Tibetan Song Tenzin Choegyal When this Bloody War is Over: Mike & Lesley Denmark Hotel Greg Bowles Blues Night 8.30pm-11pm Caravan of Choirs Lowlands Community Choir Firedel, Eklektika Glyde In Singers Born to Sing break Harmonic Tempers Messer's Lore Beyond the 3 Chord Trick John Ralph Speak Up! Kate Wilson AMBULANCE HALL Qi Gong Lyndal Gallaway Lyra House, 11-1pm Harmonic Resonance singalong with Bernard & David Battle of the Barbershops Festival Club 9PM - Midnight! Embers of Loretta Leanna Shoveller Glyde In Singers Firedel Moombaki Dawn & Bruce Max & Jodi Messer's Lore Freya's Bounty Susan Clarke Shake Hands with Breakfast Mike Evergone Andrew Carter Voicemale Working Voices John Ralph David Rawet Molly Black FESTIVAL CAFÉ Tangent Hi-Jinx Quartet DnA The Class Three Emcees saturday Teahouse Books 5.30-7pm Poetry & Wine: Kim Scott Graham Kershaw, Caitlin Maling Linda Bradbury & John Ryan See Story Tent @ Yurt & Youth Program @ CWA Hall Butter Factory 2-3pm: Monica Gagliano Talk Wayne Wonigii Webb Talk Tara Tiba Band Pepperjacks Vocal Evolution break Tenzin Choegyal Kate Wilson SSB Riley Lee Raptures Roadway Alice Hui-Sheng Chang Tara & Tenzin Kobi Morrison/Tori Oakley Sparrow Ballads break break ST LEONARDS RSL HALL Saturday 30 May 9 PM 8 PM 7 PM 6 PM 5 PM 4 PM 3 PM 2 PM 1 PM NOON 11 AM 10 AM 9 AM TIME break DFoV Voice & Dance Party Messer's Lore, de Nada Red Sea Pedestrians Sparrow Pepperjacks John Bennett & David Hyams TLA Quartet Miriam Lieberman Voicemale Bukhchuluun Ganburged Tangent David Hyams/Charlie McCarthy See Story Tent at the Yurt and Youth Program at the CWA Hall DFoV Gala Concert Riley Lee Tenzin Choegyal Tara Tiba Band Vocal Evolution break Heather Lee: Hildegard Graham Kershaw/Caitlin Maling Greg Bowles The Big Sing Concert Samarai (Babu) Cunio Raptures Roadway break Jones of A.R.K. break Shake Hands with Breakfast A Kappella Munda Born to Sing Summerhouse Kate Wilson Askill/Khidir/Lee From the Ashtavakra Gitas Moombaki break Bernard Carney Embers of Loretta Red Sea Pedestrians Kim Scott Voicemale Sparrow Vocal Evolution Festival Club 9PM - Midnight! The New Traditionalists Lockout Liz Jack David Hyams & Charlie McCarthy Leanna Shoveller Lowlands Community Choir Madjitil Moorna David Rawet John Ralph Andrew Carter Summerhouse Dawn & Bruce John Ralph Susan Clarke Molly Black DnA Sounds of Persia Tara Tiba & James Khidir Yiddish Sing & Dance-a-long Alice Hui-Sheng Chang + co. Firedel Pocket Rockets/Zoe Barron Mike Evergone break The Real Sing FESTIVAL CAFÉ Anne Pettit Poetry Heather Lee Classical Techniques for Singers Church Service with Festival Guests ST LEONARDS Sunday 31 May Songs in Noongar Moombaki Breathe! Riley Lee RSL HALL Miriam Lieberman break Vocal Science & Technique Gillian Parker The Big Sing led by Rachel Hore CIVIC CENTRE How Can I Become a Better Solo Singer? Martin Meader Ambulance Hall 12.30 PM-2.30PM Diamond Harmony TLA Quartet CWA Hall 11.30 AM-1PM Molly Black SSB ROCKLIFFE WINERY Monica Gagliano, John Ryan, Larry Blight Voice of Plants Forum break Linda Bradbury/John Ryan Alice Hui-Sheng Chang & Jennie Newman BUTTER FACTORY STUDIOS see TLA and Martin Meader workshops below OTHER VENUES sunday VENUE MAP 1 to Lyra House 13 14 12 10 6 9 2 15 8 3 1 4 11 7 5 6 Festival Hub Box office, wristband collection, lost & found, general enquiries, CD sale OPEN THUR 10-4PM, FRI 10-7.30PM, SAT 8-12NOON THEREAFTER AT FESTIVAL CAFÉ 2 Civic Centre 6 3 St Leonards Church 4 RSL Hall 5 Ambulance Hall 6 CWA Hall 7 Festival Café/Club at Mrs Jones Café 8 Butter Factor 9 Chilli Lime Salt 10 Luscious Organic 11 The Yurt 12 Denmark Hotel 13 Rockcliffe Winery 18 Hamilton Road off Mt Shadforth FFF 14 Lyra House, 77 Inlet Drive 15 SUPA IGA free festival fringe FRIDAY CIVIC CENTRE AMBULANCE HALL 3.30PM Caravan of Choirs 4.30PM act-belong-commit Community Concert DENMARK HOTEL 8.30PM Greg Bowles Blues Night ST LEONARDS 6.30PM Sacred Songs SUNDAY SATURDAY FESTIVAL CAFÉ@ MRS JONES FESTIVAL CAFÉ@ MRS JONES 9AM - 7PM Live Music 9AM - 7.30PM Live Music ROCKCLIFFE WINERY CHILLI LIME SALT 4PM Molly Black / SSB 10AM Tangent 11.30AM Lockout Story Telling at The Yurt see page 8 LUSCIOUS ORGANIC 10.30AM TLA 12NOON Kate Wilson/Caitlin Malin act-belong-commit Youth Workshops see page 9 and workshops Story telling at The Yurt see page 8 2PM John Ralph SUPA IGA 1PM Local ‘n’ Vocal 22 BARBERSHOP HI-JINXQUARTET SAT 9.30AM FESTIVAL CAFÉ SAT 3.30PM RSL HALL WORKSHOP SAT11.30AM CIVIC CENTRE The Hi-Jinx Quartet are a National Champion a cappella group singing a mix of contemporary a cappella and barbershop style harmonies. Having won the Sweet Adelines Australia (SAA) quartet title 3 times consecutively (with record scores) they have also represented Australia at the SAI world championships, most recently in Baltimore where they placed 19th in the world. Battle of The Barbershop: Hi-Jinx Quartet vs TLA Quartet SAT 11PM FESTIVAL CAFÉ SAT 10.30AM LUSCIOUS SAT 3PM CIVIC CENTRE SUN 8.30PM ST LEONARDS WORKSHOP SUN 12NOON CWA HALL TLA QUARTET TLA Quartet is a Perth-based vocal group who perform fourpart arrangements of classic songs completely a cappella. Ash, Adrian, Richard and Trevor have vocal harmony singing in their blood and bring their unique blend of voices and many years of performance experience together to produce the soaring sounds of TLA. LOCKOUT SAT 11.30AM CHILLI LIME SALT SAT 4PM RSL HALL SUN 6PM FESTIVAL CAFE Mark, Stefan, Ash and Ali have been smashing their voices together since early 2012 to bring you the sweetest, crunchiest and ringingest barbershop harmonies. Lockout is the 2015 Australian representative for the Barbershop Harmony Society’s international quartet contest this July in Pittsburgh, USA. 23 solos & duos SAT 2.30PM CIVIC CENTRE SAT 8.30PM DENMARK HOTEL SUN 5.30PM RSL HALL SAT 10:30PM FESTIVAL CLUB SUN 3PM RSL HALL Toe-tapping Australian singer and multi-instrumentalist Greg Bowles celebrates a spirited spectrum of authentic 1920s and ‘30s blues music. Greg accompanies himself on guitar and slide guitar as well as clawhammer banjo and mandolin in order to freshen up traditional blues melodies and rhythms and spellbind modern audiences through vibrant live performances and recordings. His emotionally-charged, authentic blues singing style punctuates his intuitive interpretations that show years of immersion in the blues and an infectious passion for the genre. GREG BOWLES BERNARD CARNEY This year Bernard Carney celebrates 38 years working full time in the Australian entertainment industry. The recipient of several major awards, his longevity in the business confirms his great talent as a musician and wordsmith, his versatility and ability to relate well to different audiences with both humorous and serious repertoire. His performance combines exceptional wit and flawless guitar style. In 2013 he became one of the inaugural patrons of the Folkworld Fairbridge Festival. DAVID RAWET David Rawet writes and performs songs that tell stories looking into both the dark and light sides of life. Gentle finger-picking gives way to raw sound and emotion, whilst straight and blues harmonica punctuate the lyrics. Primarily a guitarist, David also plays ukulele, banjo, charango and sitar. SAT 11AM FESTIVAL CAFÉ SAT 5.30PM RSL HALL SUN 3PM FESTIVAL CAFÉ MOLLY BLACK SAT & SUN 11.30AM FESTIVAL CAFÉ SUN 9AM ST LEONARDS SUN 4PM ROCKCLIFFE WINERY Singer-songwriter Molly Black plays genre-bending acoustic folk-rock with gutsy vocals, sometimes-delicate guitar and soul force. Her upbringing amongst the trees and light of Perth belies the fact that she’s really a child of the darkness. Is she judging you over the rim of her wine glass, or just dreaming of the apocalypse? Molly has played at various venues around Perth including X-Wray, Growers’s Green and the Mundaring Folk and Blues Club. She performed at Nanga Music Festival in 2013 and launched her EP, Pomegranate Tree in February 2014. 24 FRI 6.30PM ST LEONARDS SUN 5.30PM ST LEONARDS WORKSHOP SUN 10.30AM ST LEONARDS ALSO DIVA DIVINE SAT 6PM CIVIC CENTRE HEATHER LEE ALSO PAGE 5 Heather Lee will be performing songs of Hildegard von Bingen which she recorded on her album The Sacred Fire. Hildegard was a medieval mystic who established a convent in Bingen in the 12th century and was known for her visions. ANDREW CARTER MAX & JODI SAT 5PM FESTIVAL CAFÉ SAT & SUN 2PM FESTIVAL CAFÉ Over the past 37 years Andrew Carter has committed himself completely to the practice of art in a variety of mediums. What he can’t communicate in paint can sometimes find an avenue through words or sounds and lyrics. He finds links between his music and the 60s folk ballad era where solo artists spoke about the more intimate aspects of life, unhampered by the demand for musical tricks. JOHN RALPH Max played in loud rock bands in Sydney before discovering alternate guitar tunings and the lilting folk music of Ireland, which have inspired his song writing ever since. He is first and foremost an artist, a social sculptor whose choice of subject matter leans toward the resurrection of consciousness rather than the entropy of things! Jodi just loves to sing... jazz, blues, gospel, folk... it is her meditation and escape. SAT 2PM LUSCIOUS ORGANIC SAT 3.30PM FESTIVAL CAFÉ SUN 12.30 & 2.30 PM FESTIVAL CAFÉ WORKSHOP SAT 11.30AM AMBULANCE HALL John’s music has been influenced by many genres. He has performed solo and in bands playing Irish, English and Australian folk music, with appearances at Cambridge and Ely Folk festivals in the UK, and Illawarra, Toodjay,and Fairbridge festivals in Australia. His playing has a contemporary feel, but is firmly rooted in the rock and country tradition. FREYA’S BOUNTY SAT 12NOON FESTIVAL CAFE Together, Danielle Flynn and Madeline Winton are Freya’s Bounty. Their original songs encompass a unique blend of folk, jazz and blues, and communicate a warmth and intimacy which embodies a womanly outlook on the riches of life. 25 solos & duos SUSAN CLARKE DAWN BARRINGTON & BRUCE ANTHONY SAT 4.30PM FESTIVAL CAFÉ SUN 1PM FESTIVAL CAFÉ Denmark singer/songwriter Dawn Barrington gives thoughtful consideration to social issues and relationships. Her distinctive 70s sound, catchy choruses and melodies take the listener on a journey inwards. Dawn likes to have fun with her music and often asks others to join her so Bruce Anthony will be accompanying her for this performance. DnA are Denmark mu- SAT 10AM FESTIVAL CAFÉ SUN 10.30AM FESTIVAL CAFÉ sicians David McKenzie and Andi Adams. Featuring a unique blend of complementary acoustic guitar styles, playing a mixture of original songs with rolling beats and lyrics of love, loss and other distractions. SAT 12.30PM FESTIVAL CAFÉ SUN 12NOON FESTIVAL CAFÉ Susan Clarke spent her formative years in the Foothills, that bumpy space between the flat prairies and the towering Rocky Mountains of Alberta, Canada. Sometimes sweet, sometimes salty, her songs are filled with beautiful melodies, close harmony, unusual chord progressions and the poetry of everyday life. Her musical roots are firmly planted in the acoustic folk tradition. DNA LIZ JACK MIKE EVERGONE SUN 5.30PM FESTIVAL CAFÉ SAT 1.30PM FESTIVAL CAFÉ SUN 11.30AM FESTIVAL CAFÉ Mike Evergone is a storytelling artist, translating experiences of love, hope, fear and doubt, into music blending acoustic guitar, loop pedal and percussion box with memorable melodies and banter. The award winning songwriter has been a regular on the Australian music scene for over 15 years, touring with bands and performing at festivals. 26 Performance artist Liz Jack is celebrating Voice with original songs. Also known for her character Gertrude WellEase, Liz shares her journey of songwriting, turning 50 and the cycle of life. the voice of plants MONICA GAGLIANO TALK SAT 2.30PM BUTTER FACTORY Monica Gagliano is radically transforming our perception of plants and more generally, Nature. Inspired by her personal encounters with Nature and indigenous elders from many parts of the world, she has pioneered the brand-new research field of plant bioacoustics by demonstrating for the first time that plants emit their own ‘voices’ as well as detect and respond to the sounds surrounding them. She has extended the concept of cognition to plants by demonstrating experimentally that plants can learn just like animals do, re-igniting the discourse on plant subjectivity and ethical standing. She is a Research Associate Professor in Evolutionary Ecology & Research Fellow of the Australian Research Council based at the UWA. MONICA GAGLIANO, JOHN RYAN & LARRY BLIGHT FORUM SUN 2PM BUTTER FACTORY STUDIOS Do plants speak? What do their voices sound like? How do we listen? New scientific research shows us that plants are highly sensitive beings. Their suite of behaviours includes producing and responding to sound. More than a metaphor, the voice of plants has begun to attract scientific evidence. Yet Indigenous peoples and poets have been well aware of the speaking powers of flora for millennia. This panel will discuss plant voice – from scientific, poetic and Indigenous Australian perspectives. We will suggest that learning to listen to the voice of the plant offers a powerful means for transforming our relationship to nature. We'’ve got something to sing about! Western Australia’s major choral association Voice Moves (WA Inc) was f´rmed in October 1998 and incorporated in May 1999 as a not-for-profit association to: - support and encourage networking among choirs and singers in WA -promote community involvement in singing -assist in the development of skills and abilities for choirs and singers -sponsor singing and choir activities -provide public liability insurance for choirs For more details visit our website at www.voicemoves.com.au 27 small groups SPARROW SAT 3.30PM ST LEONARDS, 9.30PM CIVIC CENTRE SUN 9.30PM RSL HALL, 10.30 PM FESTIVAL CLUB ALSO: CHARLIE MCCARTHY W/ DAVID HYAMS SUN 5PM FESTIVAL CAFÉ, 7PM RSL HALL Sparrow are a Perth based progressive acoustic Celtic quartet with an innovative mix of contemporary traditional Celtic music, folk ballads, bluegrass and elements of jazz. Be prepared for a thrilling show of familiar songs done with an innovative and fun twist. THE PEPPERJACKS This talented quartet has earned it’s reputation with FRI 10PM FESTIVAL CLUB SAT 9PM ST LEONARDS sharpened four part vocal SUN 9.30PM ST LEONARDS harmonies complimented by slick instrumentation. Moving freely across musical genre they deliver songs that reveal intelligent songwriting to lift and soothe the soul. Happy to mix intimate house concerts with festival stages, the band brings a sense of fun and musicality to their performances. MESSER’S LORE FRI 11PM FESTIVAL CLUB SAT 5.30PM FESTIVAL CAFÉ SUN 8PM RSL HALL WORKSHOP SAT 12.30PM AMBULANCE HALL This one of a kind Denmark trio describe themselves thus: ha-monically temp’st’rum’ented dub-ious folk and beltic revellery. A ransacking of folk styles from around the globe, thrown into a crazy melting pot... Messer’s Lore brings dubious raucous beltic reggae shanty meltdowns; harmonically tempered three bloke harmonies, odd time signatures and swaggering piracy. SAT 3.30PM CIVIC CENTRE SUN 1.30PM FESTIVAL CAFE SUN 4PM RSL HALL SUMMERHOUSE You might think you have seen Summerhouse before – but these sometimes suave, always soulful, and occasionally sexy songsters always bring a new flavour to the Denmark Festival of Voice. This highly original vocal ensemble has a repertoire that surprises and delights, from the spirit of South Africa to the heart of Australia’s Blue Mountains. Summerhouse sings works by contemporary poets of song such as Lou Reed, Tori Amos and Elvis Costello and the odd nursery rhyme thrown in for good fortune. 28 SHAKE HANDS WITH BREAKFAST Shake Hands with Breakfast was kick-started in 2013 as a previously unnamed group of students from the Denmark Agricultural College, who participated in an external music program run by the Denmark GSIT and Nigel Levinson. They have performed at a number of gigs in Denmark. 2 years on, the band plays a variety of modern acoustic covers and originals. The band’s members draw inspiration from the local Denmark music scene as well as modern indie music, and cite artists such as the John Butler Trio as driving forces for their own musical style. The members hope to pursue music in the future, and are currently developing their own songs. SAT 1PM FESTIVAL CAFÉ SUN 4.30PM RSL HALL TANGENT SAT 9AM FESTIVAL CAFÉ SAT 10AM CHILLI LIME SALT SUN 6.30PM RSL HALL Hailing from the critically acclaimed Naya Chorale, Tangent line up a similar meandering mix of choral and contemporary A Cappella for their and your enjoyment. THE CLASS THREE EMCEES SAT 10.30AM FESTIVAL CAFÉ The Class Three Emcees will take you on a journey that is Term 1 at Golden Hill Steiner School. Each week they wrap up their week with a rap which documents the trials and tribulations of being a nine year old. Do not miss this!!! DE NADA SAT 5PM RSL HALL SUN 8.30PM RSL HALL De Nada is inspired by the Latin world, Spain, Mexico & South America with our own special fusion and a touch of Africa. Vocal and instrumental, original and covers. Our music is inspiring, uplifting and makes you want to move with the music. Cathy Fotios, Barry Heydenrych and John Davey will take you on a wonderful Latin journey. SAT 5.30PM ST LEONARDS SAT 5PM ROCKCLIFFE WINERY SSB SSB have been singing together for 8 years. Come along and sing and chuckle with them as they buzz their way through another wonderful weekend. They love making close harmonies and are always looking dipped with a bit of a sting! They hope you enjoy their repertoire of covers and some new arrangements. 29 spoken word POETRY AND WINE An evening of words and wine…. with multi-award winning Indigenous author Kim Scott and poets John Ryan, Caitlin Malin, Linda Bradbury and Graham Kershaw, in the beautiful new home of Denmark’s much loved Teahouse Books. Sip wine as you watch the river, hear pearls of wisdom and be inspired to pen your own. Festival Ticket required and wine available for purchase. SAT 5.30 - 7PM TEAHOUSE BOOKS JOHN RYAN SAT 5.30PM TEAHOUSE BOOKS SUN 1PM BUTTER FACTORY WORKSHOP SUN 2PM BUTTER FACTORY ‘VOICE OF PLANTS’ John Ryan is a poet, philosopher, amateur naturalist, and Research Fellow in Communications and Arts at Edith Cowan University in Perth. He is the author of several books on art and ecology. His interests include the environmental humanities, ecocriticism, ecocultural studies, ecopoetics, plant studies, and practice-led research. Since coming to Australia in 2008, he has developed a fascination for the flora of South-West WA and its many voices. His project ‘Flora Cultures’ is a digital archive of South-West botanical heritage. Kate Wilson is a poetry-spitter. SAT 12NOON LUSCIOUS After discovering videos of poets on ORGANIC YouTube, Kate began to channel her SAT 5PM ST LEONARDS creativity into the marvelous art of SUN 4PM CIVIC CENTRE performance poetry. More than a WORKSHOP SUN10AM AMBULANCE HALL hundred performances later and she’s still loving every verb-slurping, noundrowning minute of it. Kate writes with depth and humour to inspire, empower and connect. Don’t think you like poetry? Kate might make you think again. KATE WILSON SAT 12.30PM LUSCIOUS ORGANIC SAT 5PM TEAHOUSE BOOKS SUN 6PM ST LEONARDS CAITLIN MALING Caitlin Maling is a Western Australian poet whose first book “Conversations I’ve Never Had” was published this year through Fremantle Press. Her poetry has been, or will be, published in Meanjin, Australian Poetry Journal, Best Australian Poetry, The Australian, Westerly and Prairie Schooner, among others. She has been the recipient of the John Marsden Poetry Prize and the Harri Jones Memorial Prize section of the Newcastle Poetry Prize. She holds an MFA in poetry from the University of Houston and is working towards a PhD at the University of Sydney. 30 presented by Kim Scott is a two-time winner of the Miles Franklin Award for his novels Benang and That Deadman Dance, and one among those who call themselves Wirlomin Noongar. He co-authored Kayang & Me with Hazel Brown, a senior elder of the Noongar people. Kim is also a member of the Wirlomin Noongar Language and Stories Project, designed to reclaim Wirlomin stories and dialect in support of the maintenance of Noongar language. Kim is a Professor of Writing at Curtin University. KIM SCOTT SAT 5.30PM TEAHOUSE BOOKS SUN 1.30PM ST LEONARDS GRAHAM KERSHAW SAT 5.30PM TEAHOUSE BOOKS SUN 6PM ST LEONARDS Graham Kershaw is the author of novels, stories, essays and poetry published in Australia and overseas. Originally from England, he now lives in Denmark, where he practises as an architect and runs a small publishing project called Hallowell Press. In 2012 he won the Blake Poetry Prize. JONES OF A.R.K. SUN 6PM RSL HALL A rare kollection of artificially restored krones, Nikki Jones and Mel Jones present Jones of A.R.K. artistically reconstructing kommon and rigorously kreated airs rather komically. LINDA BRADBURY Linda Bradbury, a poet and wordwright who tries to weave word baskets to contain the shapes inhabited by silences between languages, and intends to keep on trying… SAT 5.30PM TEAHOUSE BOOKS SUN 1PM BUTTER FACTORY CHECK OUT OUR AMAZING FREE STORY TELLING LINEUP AT THE YURT! SEE PAGE 8 31 workshops A-Z Alice Hui-Sheng Chang - Shades of Silence: Vocal Improvisation Shades of Silence is a vocal improvisation workshop focusing on listening, breathing, and sounding experimenting with vocal expression that sits outside of the context of singing and speaking like vocal percussion, breath movement, vocal textures and vibrations, and the acoustic property of the site. Explore improvisation from duo to group. This workshop will lead to a ‘performance’ from the group in what they’ve explored the following day. SAT 9.30AM RSL HALL Bukhuchuluun Ganburged - Mongolian Throat Singing In this throat singing workshop, Bukhu will introduce 4 different styles of throat singing and also teach basic skills. SAT 10.30AM ST LEONARDS Gillian Parker - Vocal Science &Technique An introduction to the IVA (Institute for Vocal Advancement) technique. The workshop will cover vocal science and anatomy, why people struggle through certain areas of their range, and how to adjust these areas to be able to sing smoothly and evenly from the bottom of their range to the top without hearing any noticeable breaks. SUN 12PM CIVIC CENTRE Heather Lee - Classical Techniques for Singers In this 1 hour session Heather takes us through, warming the voice up, using the breath to make tone, and the basics of how to consciously make your sound work for you. Everyone sings at the point of the workshop. After this part of the session 2-3 festival goers have the opportunity to sing a piece with Heather helping them out. The results can be quite amazing in a short period of time and awareness of the body and the voice as an instrument is combined. SUN 10.30AM ST LEONARDS Hi-Jinx Quartet - An A Cappella Adventure Participants will learn a simple a cappella harmony song. Techniques for learning music, rehearsal techniques and ways to get the most out of your music will be addressed. The workshop will finish with a section on advanced techniques for song development and performance. SAT 11.30AM CIVIC CENTRE John Ralph - Beyond the 3 Chord Trick! This workshop will explain the theory behind the ‘3 Chord Trick’ structure of songs.It will then demonstrate other methods of expanding your chordal repertoire in order to make more interesting progressions for your song.Please bring your instruments if you want to. No previous knowledge is required.Will suit all songwriters or those who are just curious as to how songs can be written. SAT 11.30AM AMBULANCE HALL Kate Wilson - Speak Up! Have fun with your speaking voice! Share the wonder of words and other vocal sounds in this hands-on, voices-on workshop. Experiment with making noise and learn to use your voice to entertain, amuse and make an impact. SAT 10AM AMBULANCE HALL 32 Kobi Morrison and Tori Oakly -Singing Our Way act-belong-commit Free Youth Workshop Singing workshop led by Bibbulmun man Kobi and Yamatji woman Tori. SAT 12.30PM CWA HALL Lena Grayson - Little Notes/Middle Notes Music & Movement act-belong-commit Free Youth Workshop Lena Grayson is a primary school teacher with a professionsl dance education who also runs circus workshops. She leads two interactive workshop for 0-4 and 3-7 year olds. Singing, dancing & playing instruments together in a fun, friendly environment. The Little /Middle Notes program develops fundamental movement skills, vocal & language comprehension and musicality. SAT 10-11AM (LITTLE NOTES), 11-12NOON (MIDDLE NOTES) CWA HALL Lyndal Gallaway - Energy Enhancement with Qi Gong Lyndal has been practicing and teaching varios aspects of health and wellness for over 30 years incl. Qi Gong, Yoga, Massage, Bowen Technique, Shiatsu and Stress Management. Connect, capture and celebrate Chi/Qi of life...joyful energising practice to start the day! SAT 9AM AMBULANCE HALL Madjitil Moorna - Singing Across the Great Divide A gentle and interactive session with Madjitil Moorna, led by award-winnning Noongar songwriter George Walley. People will be invited to sing with us and share their experience of the journey towards better understanding. SAT 10.30AM RSL HALL Mark Kumara - Harmonic Resonance It is said that whales and dolphins use song rituals to bring through energies that sustain all life on earth, and that every cell in our own bodies has both an individual and universal resonance to all life. Mark Kumara invites you to share in a 2 hour workshop of love and healing, consciously participating in using our own beautiful harmonic resonances to raise the vibrational frequency of ourselves and all living things on earth. This results in an outpouring of spontaneous sound which gives rise to beautiful harmonies perhaps most closely resembling Polynesian song rituals. Mark Kumara, using his magical auto-harp, facilitates this unique workshop. No tunes or words to learn!. Just wondrous group harmonies! SAT 11AM LYRA HOUSE 77 INLET DRIVE Martin Meader - How I Can Become a Better Solo Singer In this workshop, we will work with backing tracks (your backing track) and record you and video you to help you improve and understand how you can become a better soloist. SUN 12.30PM AMBULANCE HALL Messer’s Lore - Harmonic Tempers Prior to even tempering the worlds music was powerful and was used to celebrate all parts of life. Even tempering flatened it out so now we can play with our neighbours(yay). Harmonics were ignored for ratios and science. So what has changed come to the workshop and find out. SAT 12.30PM AMBULANCE HALL 33 workshops A-Z Michael Askill - Gong and Singing Bowl Workshop Michael has been working closely with singing bowls and gongs for many years incorporating them into his performance practice, compositions and research. These ancient instruments produce long resonances and overtones that have the capacity to harmonise the body and relax the mind. Michael will use instruments from his unique collection of Chinese gongs and Himalayan singing bowls. SAT 11.30AM ST LEONARDS Mike, Lesley & friends - When this Bloody War is Over! During WW1 songs and music played an important role, both for the troops and their families at home. Patriotic songs, cheerful marches, bawdy ditties and ironic parodies, were sung on the home front and by soldiers in the field. Come along and bring your voices to celebrate how the power of music and song entertained and united people during some of the darkest times in our history. SAT 1PM RSL HALL Miriam Liebermann - Vocal Music of the World with Miriam Liebermann In this dynamic vocal workshop Miriam will take you through a series of fun warm ups using both body movement and voice. Amongst the teaching repertoire are West African call and response songs, ancient Hebrew psalms and classical Indian vocal warm ups to name a few. Sing out loud and enjoy connecting to the oldest and most innate instrument: your human voice! SAT 9.30AM ST LEONARDS Monica Gaglione, John Ryan & Larry Blight - The Voice Of Plants Do plants speak? What do their voices sound like? How do we listen? New scientific research shows us that plants are highly sensitive beings. Their suite of behaviours includes producing and responding to sound. This panel will discuss plant voice – from scientific, poetic and Indigenous Australian perspectives. SUN 2PM BUTTER FACTORY Moombaki - Songs in Noongar Learn to sing a song in Noongar language and perform with Moombaki at their next performance in Denmark SUN 12NOON RSL HALL Rachel Hore - The Big Sing The Big Sing is at the heart of the Denmark Festival of Voice! It’s the wonderful tradition of the coming together of a hundred or so voices for the sheer joy of communal song. Come to the workshops with our guest amazing choir director Rachel Hore and learn some new songs along with your fellow Festival friends. Then perform at the Big Sing Final Concert on Sunday afternoon. SAT 9.30AM & SUN 10AM CIVIC CENTRE Red Sea Pedestrians - Yiddish Sing and Dance-Along Learn to sing and harmonise some Yiddish songs and learn a couple of dances. SUN 1PM RSL HALL 34 Riley Lee - Breathe! Dr. Riley Lee, ethnomusicologist and Grand Master of the shakuhachi (traditional bamboo flute), has developed simple exercises through more than two decades of teaching and performing experience.The purpose of these exercises is to make you immediately aware of your breath and a healthy way to breathe to benefit almost everyone on both physical and metaphysical levels; Better breath awareness leads to better control over all aspects of your life. SUN 10AM RSL HALL Samwise - Beatboxing and Rap Workshop “The Om Dome” act-belong-commit Free Youth Workshop In the workshop, participants are guided to create their own original song and developing the skills to beatbox, rap and record using professional sound equipment. The workshop includes stories to inspire creativity, beatbox battles, writing rhymes, recording an original track to mp3 to take home. Bring your memory stick and share your own beatboxing loop track immediately to your friends online. How cool, right? SAT & SUN 2-5PM CWA HALL Tara Tiba with James Khidir - The Sounds and Poetry of Persia Join Tara Tiba, Reza Mirzaei and James Khidir in a celebration of the sounds of Persia and the poetry of Rumi. BYO favourite Rumi to read!! SUN 11.30AM ST LEONARDS Tenzin Choegyal - The Voice of Tibet Tenzin offers a workshop which explores the Tibetan style of vocal projection and spans a range of techniques unique to his musical lineages. He draws his inspirations from the wandering storytellers who performed musical parables and homage songs and shares this knowledge of stories told through songs, while leading participants on a musical journey from the joyous to the contemplative. Tenzin will also share his knowledge in Mantra singing – energy-based sounds which produce vibrations within the universe – was revered as a powerful tool for meditation. The word “mantra” is derived from two Sanskrit words – man meaning mind and tra meaning “to protect or to free from”. Come along prepared to sing your heart out!” SAT 12PM RSL HALL The New Traditionalists - Outer Loop act-belong-commit Free Youth Workshop The new traditionalists make everything loopy! Come and explore the syncopated parts that make vocal based dance music. SUN 10-12NOON CWA HALL TLA Quartet - Diamond Harmony Based on the principles of grading diamonds, learn how we can apply the 4 Cs: Carat, Cut, Clarity and Colour, to make music sparkle. Through a mixture of demonstration and practical application, participants will come away with a new appreciation of artistry and more tools to help engage with the music and their audience. SUN 11:30AM CWA HALL 35 A SPECIAL THANKS TO : FOR THEIR AMAZING SUPPORT! Beautiful Scandinavian influenced home wares and fashion. Shop 9 / 21 Strickland Street, Denmark 6333 ph 0401587037 Jaws of Life Vehicle Rescue Demonstration by Denmark Volunteer Fire & Rescue Service SATURDAY 11AM Denmark Fire Station, Horsley Road 36 TRUFFLE KERFUFFLE - SOUTHERN FOREST FOOD FESTIVAL Manjimup / 26-28 Jun BLUES AT BRIDGETOWN Bridgetown / Nov Ignite your senses this year in WESTERN AUSTRALIA See more events and plan your trip visit WESTERNAUSTRALIA.COM/EVENTS We support many events in regional Western Australia! fo r Regional events bring valuable promotion, vibrancy and prosperity to communities. ca 37 nb ou tW A. ns... The bene ft s oyalties gio Re Royalties for Regions is investing $60 million in Tourism WA’s Regional Events Program to help grow our regional areas into thriving and sustainable communities. mR fro e felt all throu gh and Club 38 LOCAL ‘N’ VOCAL SAT 1PM OUTSIDE SUPA IGA The 2015 Denmark Festival of Voice features the ‘Local ‘n’ Vocal’ project, aiming to draw together as many people from the region as possible in communal song. Inspired by the fabulous joy of the annual DFoV Big Sing, the project is enticing, persuading, encouraging and seducing people from Denmark and surrounds to come out of the ‘nonsingers’ closet, and join together for the sheer joy of it – oh, ok - and the harmony, community cohesion, friendships, heartfulness etc etc… Expert chorister Rachel Hore, who will also lead this year’s Big Sing, visited Denmark in March to start the project rolling. Over 150 people came along to the workshops – people from all walks of life, people who sing regularly and people who’ve never sung in groups before. Getting everyone singing – and singing in harmony – was just a part, though. She also got everyone to draw outlines of their hand and foot on paper, and inside to finish the sentence ‘I walk…’ and ‘I hold/carry…’. These words will form the basis of a ‘Denmark song’ that Rachel has composed and are currently being transformed into a visual work which will be hung during the Festival. ‘Local ‘n’ Vocal’ was funded by the Australia Council, the Federal Government’s Arts Advisory Body. We welcome the Australia Council to DFoV 2015 where they will be filming the ‘Local ‘n’ Vocal’ performance as one of their Regional Festival showcase projects. DENMARK SUPA IGA, we’re supporting local by proudly sponsoring and avidly supporting The Denmark Festival of Voice 2015. 39 THE DENMARK FESTIVAL OF VOICE IS A PROJECT OF PRINCIPAL PARTNERS: DENMARK ARTS FUNDING BODIES: FESTIVAL FUNDING BODIES: FESTIVAL SPONSORS: Chilli Lime Salt Cafe Denmark Arts is commited to inclusivity for people of differing abilities. We accept the companion card, which enables eligible people to attend the Festival of Voice without incurring the cost of a second ticket for their companion.For assistance please contact the festival manager on 9848 3623.
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