Patient Information Patient Name: ______________________________________________________ Date: _____________ Last First MI # Male # Female Nickname:_______________________________________________ Birth Date: ___________________________ Phone (Home): ______________ (Work): ______________ Ext: ______ Best time to call: ___________ Preferred appointment: # Morning # Afternoon # Evening # Any Time # M # T # W # T # F # S Address: _____________________________________________________________________________ Street Apartment # __________________________________________________________________________________________________________ City State Zip Code Health Information Have you ever had any of the following? Please check those that apply: # ADD # Cerebral Palsy # Heart Murmur # ADHD # Chicken Pox # Hepatitis # AIDS # Convulsions # Jaundice # Allergies ____________ # Diabetes # Kidney Disease ____________ # Dizziness # Latex Allergies # Anemia # Epilepsy # Learning Disability # Artificial Joints # Excessive Bleeding # Liver Disease # Asthma # Fainting # Measles # Autism # Growths # Mental Disorders # Bladder Problems # Head Injuries # Mononucleosis # Blood Disease # Hearing Problems # Penicillin Allergy # Cancer # Heart Disease # Respiratory Problems • • • • • • # Rheumatic Fever # Sinus Problems # Stomach Problems # Stroke # Thyroid Disease # Tuberculosis # Tumors # Other _______________ _______________ Have you ever had any complications following dental treatment? # Yes # No If yes, please explain: ____________________________________________________________________ Have you been admitted to a hospital or needed emergency care during the past two years? # Yes # No If yes, please explain: ____________________________________________________________________ Are you now under the care of a physician? # Yes # No If yes, please explain: ____________________________________________________________________ Name of Physician: _________________________________________ Phone: ______________________ Do you have any health problems that need further clarification? # Yes # No If yes, please explain: ____________________________________________________________________ Do you currently take any medications? # Yes # No If yes, please list them: ___________________________________________________________________ To the best of my knowledge, all of the preceding answers and information provided are true and correct. If I ever have any change in my health, I will inform the doctors at the next appointment without fail. _________________________________________________________________________ Date: _______________ Signature of patient, parent, or guardian Dental History Date of last visit to a dentist: _______________________ For what service? ___________________________ Has your child complained about dental problems? # Yes # No Is fluoride taken in any form? Does your child brush teeth daily? # Yes # No Any unhappy dental experiences? Any habits – thumb-sucking, mouth breathing, sleeping with bottle, “sippy cup”, etc? # Yes # Yes # No # Yes # No # No Parent or Guardian Information Mother/Guardian Information: Name: _____________________________________________________________________________ # Male # Female # Married # Single # Other__________________________ Social Security #: _________________________ Birth Date: _________________________________ Phone (Home): ______________ (Work): ______________ Ext: __________ (Cell): ______________ Best time to call: ____________________________________ E-mail Address: _____________________________________________________________________ Address: ___________________________________________________________________________ Street Apartment # ______________________________________________________________________________________________________ City State Zip Code Employer Name: _________________________________ Occupation: _________________________ Address: ____________________________________________________________________________ Street City State Zip Code Father/Guardian Information: Name: _______________________________________________________________________________ # Male # Female # Married # Single # Other____________________________ Social Security #: _________________________ Birth Date: __________________________________ Phone (Home): ______________ (Work): ______________ Ext: __________ (Cell): ________________ Best time to call: ____________________________________ E-mail Address: _______________________________________________________________________ Address: _____________________________________________________________________________ Street Apartment # __________________________________________________________________________________________________________ City State Zip Code Employer Name: _________________________________ Occupation: ___________________________ Address: _____________________________________________________________________________ Street City State Zip Code Insurance Information Primary Name of Insured: ______________________________________________________________________ Last First MI Insured’s Birth Date: ___________________ ID #: __________________ Group #: _________________ Patient’s relationship to insured: # Child # Other __________________________ Insurance Plan Name: _______________________________________ Phone #: ___________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ Street City State Zip Code Secondary Name of Insured: ______________________________________________________________________ Last First MI Insured’s Birth Date: ___________________ ID #: __________________ Group #: _________________ Patient’s relationship to insured: # Child # Other __________________________ Insurance Plan Name: _______________________________________ Phone #: ___________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ Street City State Zip Code Referral Information Whom may we thank for referring you to our practice? # Friend # Dental Office Internet Options: # Google # Bing # Insurance Web Site # Internet Other # Yellow Pages # School Name of person or office referring you to our practice: _________________________________________________ Consent of Services As a condition of your treatment by this office, financial arrangements must be made in advance. All emergency dental services, or any dental services performed, must be paid for in full at the time services are performed. This office will help prepare the patients insurance forms, submit them to your insurance company and assist in resolving any unpaid claims. The patient is responsible for all charges if insurance does not pay. All estimates for dental work to be performed are estimates only and do not commit your insurance company to payment. A service charge of 1½% per month (18% per annum) on the unpaid balance will be charged on all accounts exceeding 60 days, unless previously written financial arrangements are satisfied. I understand that the fee estimate listed for this dental care can only be extended for a period of six months from the date of the patient examination. Checks returned for insufficient funds are charged a $20 service fee and if not resolved within 10 days will be collected at 3 times the face value of the check. Parent or guardian is responsible for all costs incurred for collecting debts including but not limited to attorney and collections agency fees. I grant my permission to you or your assignee, to telephone me at home or at my work to discuss matters related to this form. I hereby authorize the dentist to release all information necessary to secure payment of benefits. I authorize the use of this signature on all insurance submissions and assign directly to Lucinda Ann Lewis DDS, PC all insurance benefits, if any, otherwise payable to me for services rendered. I authorize Dr. Lewis and the dental staff to perform all the necessary dental service for my minor child. I have read the above conditions of treatment and payment and agree to their content. ____________________________________ Date: _______________ Relationship to Patient: _________________ Signature of parent or guardian Please provide the name and phone number of two people not living with you who can contact you in event of an emergency of if we are unable to reach you: Name: ________________________ Phone # _____________________ Relationship: _______________________ Name: ________________________ Phone # _____________________ Relationship: _______________________ Payment Options: Cash pay patients will receive a 10% discount on all services. Payment plans are available through # I wish to pay cash at the time of service. # Please bill my insurance company and I will pay my co-payments at the time of service with cash, check, or credit card. # Please keep my credit card number on file and bill the balance to my card after my insurance pays. Credit card # _______________________________________________ Exp date: __________________________ NITROUS OXIDE INFORMED CONSENT Although we do not use nitrous oxide for routine exams and cleanings, we would like to have your consent on file. We use it as a helpful tool when we provide care such as fillings, extractions, nerve treatments, crowns, etc. There is not a charge for Nitrous Oxide at our office. If you have any questions please ask Dr. Lewis or a staff member. I HEREBY GIVE PERMISSION FOR DR. LEWIS AND STAFF TO PERFORM NITROUS OXIDE SEDATION. I UNDERSTAND THAT THE ADMINISTRATION OF MEDICATION AND THE PERFORMANCE OF CONSCIOUS SEDATION WITH NITROUS OXIDE CARRY CERTAIN COMMON HAZARDS, RISKS, AND POTENTIAL UNPLEASANT SIDE EFFECTS, WHICH ARE INFREQUENT, BUT, NONETHELESS, OCCUR. THEY INCLUDE, BUT ARE NOT LIMITED TO THE FOLLOWING: • • • • • • EXCESSIVE PERSPIRATION: SWEATING DURING THE PROCEDURE, YOU MAY BECOME SOMEWHAT FLOURISHED DURING ADMINISTRATION OF NITROUS OXIDE. EXPECTORATIONS: REMOVAL OF SECRETIONS MAY BE DIFFICULT, BUT CAN BE CONTROLLED BY THE USE OF SUCTION TIP. BEHAVIORAL PROBLEMS: SOME PATIENTS WILL TALK EXCESSIVELY. YOU MAY BECOME DIFFICULT TO TREAT BECAUSE YOU ARE SO TALKATIVE, OR EXPERIENCE VIVID DREAMS ASSOCIATED WITH PHYSICAL MOVEMENT OF THE BODY. SHIVERING: ALTHOUGH NOT COMMON, IT CAN BE QUITE UNCOMFORTABLE. SHIVERING USUALLY DEVELOPS AT THE END OF THE SEDATIVE PROCEDURE WHEN THE NITROUS OXIDE HAS BEEN TERMINATED. NAUSEA AND VOMITING: THIS IS THE MOST FREQUENT OF THE SIDE EFFECTS OF NITROUS OXIDE SEDATION BUT ITS FREQUENCY IS STILL QUITE LOW. IT IS IMPORTANT TO TELL THE DOCTOR, HYGIENIST, OR ASSISTANT THAT YOU ARE EXPERIENCING SOME DISCOMFORT. THE LEVEL CAN BE ADJUSTED TO ELIMINATE THE SIDE EFFECT. DRIVING A MOTOR VEHICLE: YOU MAY NOT FEEL CAPABLE OF DRIVING AFTER NITROUS OXIDE. IF THIS OCCURS, WE WILL KEEP YOU UNTIL YOU FEEL BETTER OR HAVE YOU CALL A FRIEND OR A CAB TO ENSURE YOUR SAFETY. I HAVE BEEN ADVISED OF THE ALTERNATIVE TREATMENT, THE BENEFITS AND RISKS WHICH INCLUDE BUT ARE NOT LIMITED TO: FEAR AND ANXIETY OF THE DENTAL EXPERIENCE AND/OR AVOIDANCE OF FUTURE DENTAL APPOINTMENTS. THESE FEARS AND ANXIETIES IF NOT DIMINISHED BY THE USE OF NITROUS OXIDE SEDATION MAY PRECIPITATE OTHER MEDICAL PROBLEMS INCLUDING FAINTING, PALPITATIONS, AND OTHER HEART RELATED DISORDERS. THE BENEFITS ONE CAN EXPECT FROM NITROUS OXIDE INCLUDE: HELP WITH ANXIETY AND PAIN, GAGGING AND MEDICALLY COMPROMISED INDIVIDUAL. I HEREBY CERTIFY THAT I UNDERSTAND THE AUTHORIZATION AND THE REASONS FOR THE ABOVE NAMED SEDATIVE PROCEDURE AND ASSOCIATED RISKS. I AM AWARE THAT THE PRACTICE OF DENTISTRY IS NOT EXACT SCIENCE. I HAD KNOWLEDGE THAT EVERY EFFORT WILL BE MADE ON MY BEHALF FOR POSITIVE OUTCOME FROM SEDATION, BUT NO GUARANTEES HAVE BEEN MADE TO ME AS TO THE RESULT OF THE PROCEDURE AUTHORIZED ABOVE. PATIENT NAME: DATE: SIGNATURE OF PATIENT/GUARDIAN: _________________________________________________________
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