FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE MEDIA CONTACTS: Shadia Lemus, 720-913-0096 Elle Welch, 720-913-0079 Showing Off Highlights Recent Modern and Contemporary Acquisitions Contemporary American Indian artist Virgil Ortiz presents Revolt 1680/2180 in conjunction with the new presentation DENVER – May 7, 2015 –Showing Off: Recent Modern and Contemporary Acquisitions, a new installation of modern and contemporary art, opens May 17 at the Denver Art Museum (DAM). The presentation features gifts, promised gifts and works that the DAM has purchased over the last seven years. Showing Off includes the first-ever, complete presentation of the Revolt series by internationally renowned fashion designer, ceramicist and graphic artist Virgil Ortiz. Revolt 1680/2180: Virgil Ortiz is the next feature in the DAM’s ongoing initiative to present new work by contemporary American Indian artists. Showing Off spans level four of the Hamilton Building and consists of 53 works by artists Nick Cave, Leonardo Drew, Eric Fischl, Ben Jackel, Sol LeWitt, Agnes Martin, John McEnroe, Julian Opie, Nam June Paik, Shinique Smith, Stacey Steers and Mark Wallinger, among others. This installation includes approximately 25 works that have not previously been on view at the DAM. A prominent piece in the rotation is a monumental wood halberd titled Pay Attention by Colorado native Ben Jackel. Jackel is storming the art world with an arsenal of weapons crafted from clay and wood. Agnes Martin’s White Rose painting, made of acrylic paint and graphite, is another important piece in the rotation and represents one of the finest examples of this well-known abstract artist’s work. The painting is a recent addition to the DAM’s permanent collection. “Our permanent collection serves as a primary artery to spark and inspire ideas for the next big show,” said Christoph Heinrich, Frederick and Jan Mayer Director at the DAM. “Our modern and contemporary collection continues to strategically grow and shape its identity. It reflects who and where we are now and tells future generations about us. I’m delighted to have the museum showcase the breadth of our latest and promised acquisitions.” Man viewing Ben Jackel’s Pay Attention, 2012. Pine wood and graphite; 162 x 64 x 11 in. © Ben Jackel. Rev volt 1680/218 80: Virgil Ortiiz, a primaryy feature of S Showing Off, highlights 31 figurative f cerramic sculptu ures, 23 of w which are pro omised gifts, and uses conttemporary art a to blend historic eve ents with futturistic elements. The exhiibition is set against Ame erican Indian artist Virgil O Ortiz’s graph hic murals, inviting visitors to immerse themselvess in a storyliine that Ortiiz created ut survival, self-determina ation and em mpowerment.. The story b begins with abou the historic Pueb blo Revolt o of 1680 and ends in a fu uturistic revolt in 2180. n this exhibittion have be Altho ough individual groups in een publicly displayed, this is the first ex xhibition to e encompass th he entire Revvolt series. C Curated by John n Lukavic, as ssociate cura ator of native e arts, Revo olt is part of tthe DAM’s initia ative to recog gnize contem mporary Ame erican Indian artists. V Virgil Ortiz, Velocity y, 2011. Clay, slip, and wild sspinach paint. Pro omised gift from Vicki V and K Kent Logan to the collection of the Denver Art M Museum. © Virgil Ortiz. O “Ortiz is an Am merican Indiian artist w who fuses a age-old mate erials and tech hniques with contempora ary and futurristic imageryy,” said John n Lukavic, asso ociate curato or of native arts at DA AM. “By sharring the enttire Revolt series, we hope e visitors will walk away knowing mo ore about an important an history an nd with an a appreciation for figurative e art. This partt of America exhibition is an extension o of our commitment to fea ature Americcan Indian sts who activ vely engage in today’s vib brant and divverse art worlld.” artis “T The Pueblo Revolt of 16 680 is a rea al incident th hat happene ed in Americcan history a and is not to old in any m mainstream school history y books,” said d Virgil Ortiz. “Using trad ditional metho ods and matterials of clayy ceramics fu used with a modern m twistt allows me to share an important pa art of historyy, all while e exposing visittors to my viision of the Revolt R series and my herittage.” Figures in Revolt, such as s Velocity (20 012), Steu an nd Cuda (20 014) and Aerronaut—Cud da (2015), de emonstrate O Ortiz’s mastery of clay, while w his co omplex and intricate line e work spea aks of a stylle all his ow wn. Revolt 1680/2180: Virgil V Ortiz is on o view May y 17, 2015 th hrough Jan. 10, 2016. Th he exhibition is included in general ad dmission. An n exhibition catalog c will be e available in n The Shops and online in May 2015.. S Showing Off:: Recent Mo odern and Contempora ary Acquisitio ions and Re evolt 1680/2 2180: Virgil Ortiz are orrganized by the Denver Art A Museum. The exhib bitions are pre resented with h generous ssupport from Vicki and K Kent Logan, the donors to o the Annual Fund Leade ership Campa aign and the citizens who o support the e Scientific an F District (SCFD). Promotiona al support is provided byy 5280 Maga azine, CBS4,, Comcast nd Cultural Facilities S Spotlight and The Denver Post. M Media Resou urces O Online Newsrroom: www.d denverartmus ess Facebook: ww ww.facebook Tw witter: denverartmus seum In nstagram: ww ww.instagram erartmuseum m/ The Denver Art A Museum is an educa ational, nonprrofit resource e that sparkss creative thinking and e expression th hrough transfformative ex xperiences with w art. Its ho oldings reflecct the city an nd region—a and provide invaluable w ways for the community c to learn abou ut cultures frrom around tthe world. M Metro citizenss support the e Scientific an nd Cultural Facilities Dis strict (SCFD D), a unique funding sou urce serving g hundreds o of metro De enver arts, cu ulture and scientific organizatio ons. For museum information, call 720 0-865-5000 or visit w www.denvera ###
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