Anchorline t h e g ra dy - w h i t e o w n e r s ’ n e ws l e t t e r IN THIS ISSUE: Plantations Tour | Club News | Owner Spotlight | Customer Tips | Tournaments and Events | Owners Rendezvous | Letters and Photos Grady-White Adventures: Plantations Tour A lazy summer day is best spent with family, friends and new acquaintances in a flotilla of Grady-White boats winding down the Pee Dee River of the South Carolina low country. That was the idea behind the Plantations Tour, an event for new customers sponsored by Nautica Marine out of Georgetown, SC. The July 21 outing began with Nautica’s Marshall Truluck leading a fleet down the Waccamaw River to join more boats at the Prince George and Reserve marinas. The group continued around Sandy Island. Altogther gling board or simply sitting out on the lawn, we enjoyed visiting with one another and sharing boat tales.” “We were all pleasantly surprised how cool it was under the live oaks surrounding the home,” added Kirk Carter of Greenville, SC. “My children Outta Controls II, our Express 330. We all had a great time.” Dr. William Myers III from Charleston, SC, was also enthusiastic about the wonderful family outing. “Please express my appreciation to Mr. Smith and to Nautica’s Kay Crocker A FLOTILLA OF GRADY-WHITES makes way down Mississippi Coast, I’ve finally found the ideal boat for me—she’s a GradyWhite Seafarer 228. She’s easy to handle, rides smooth as silk, even in rough water, and she’s stable, roomy and dry.” The group of 85 enjoyed barbeque chicken, grilled hot dogs and all the fixings. Goodie bags with GradyWhite hats and t-shirts were a big hit. Mid-afternoon, the group ventured back to their boats and headed home. “On the way back we kept talking about how enjoyable the day had been, and how we looked forward to future outings with our Grady-White the Pee Dee River in South Carolina’s low country. there were 15 boats including 12 Grady-Whites traveling down Thoroughfare Creek to the Pee Dee. Amid the rice fields and moss-laden oaks were several plantation houses including the disembark destination: the mid-1800s Exchange Plantation. “We were at leisure to walk about the grounds and tour the antebellum home,” wrote Ruell and Deborah Hicks, Fisherman 222 owners from Myrtle Beach, SC. “Whether rocking on the front porch, relaxing in the Pawleys Island hammock, bouncing on the jog- LUNCH UNDER THE OAKS of Exchange Plantation was a perfect time to share boating tales. were shocked to tour a house without air conditioning! We really made a family event out the trip. My parents, Churchill and Penny Carter, my younger brother, Kent, my wife, Margarette, and my daughters, Maggie and Lucy, were all aboard and Clay Livingston for arranging and attending our outing. I will be looking forward to other such fun events. As a past Commodore of the Charleston Cruising Club with 48 years of both sailing and power boating from Charleston to the Delaware Bay to the GRADY-WHITE’S EDDIE SMITH demonstrates the joggling board on the porch of Exchange Plantation. friends,” reported the Hicks. Your Grady-White friends will be looking forward to great trips with you, too! GRADY-WHITE | SUPERBLY ENGINEERED SPORTFISHING BOATS | FALL 2002 | VOLUME 22 NO. 3 2 Pinup Boats ADVANCE 257 NEW & RE-DESIGNED FOR 2003 VOYAGER 258 ADVANCE 257 CENTER CONSOLE A fisherman’s dream. A completely new running bottom that loves to jump on plane and track like a champ. A fold away bench seat at the transom really opens up the cockpit. VOYAGER 258 WALKAROUND CABIN MODEL A new hull with a ride that feels like a true 25-footer, offering great performance either with the economy of a single engine or the reliability of twins. EXPRESS 265 EXPRESS CABIN We’ve enhanced the helm area seating with forward facing seats with backrests to invite socializing. The wide open cockpit is armed with a tackle station, a 300-quart fish box, and a 40-gallon livewell. ISLANDER 270 WALKAROUND CABIN MODEL This big but trailerable boat has a new deck, liner, helm style, and a fantastic galley redesign. Fishing features abound including a 250-quart fish box and a round 34-gallon livewell with full column aeration inlet. EXPRESS 265 Tournaments & Events ISLANDER 270 Opportunities abound in the Grady community for great family fun. Bayside Marine sponsored its 2002 Boat Doctor Marine, Ocean City, MD, held fish aboard Last Toy II, a Seafarer 228. A Grady-White Owners’ Tournament on August its 9th Grady-White Owners’ Tournament, crowd of 140, young and old, enjoyed the 17 out of Duxbury, MA. A beautiful Cape July 19–20. Family fun highlighted Friday’s cookout and weigh-in festivities. Cod day and calm seas were enjoyed by the crab feast and Saturday’s banquet; both crews of the 38 boats participating. evenings featured live music. Seventy-three Crocker’s Marine, Wrightsville Beach, NC. Congratulations to Paul Romano who won boats and over 300 anglers participated, The annual O’Boy Will/Ocracoke Tournament the bass category with his 27 lb. 8 oz. and quite a few fish were caught offshore. graced Silver Lake once again the first week striper, and to John O’Neil who took the Trophies were awarded in 20 different cate- in June with 25 Grady-Whites full of fun. blues category with his 11 lb. 9 oz. catch. gories, including Largest Overall to Mike Cliff Williford aboard Sea Fox, a Sailfish 272, Webber for his 125-lb. bluefin aboard Fine topped the dolphin (54 lb.) and tuna (37.5 lb.) Line. Philip Cathell’s pending Junior IGFA categories, Dennis Bazemore weighed in a 46-lb. World Record in the Atlantic spadefish wahoo caught aboard Sunshine, a Sailfish 272, category was a real highlight; the 5.25-lb. and Mark Swartz brought in an 18-lb. cobia from fish qualifies attendance at the Inaugural his Sailfish 282, Goodkoogamooga. At the Junior Angler World Championship to be 13th Annual Owners’ Tournament held July 27 in held in the Florida Keys in 2003. Wrightsville Beach, 74 Gradys participated. Kid’s fishing categories dominated the day, Central Valley Marine, Campbell, CA, spon- along with a nice sailfish catch-and-release. sored their annual Owners’ Tournament June 15 out of Santa Cruz Harbor. Thirty-eight Morehead Marine, Morehead City, NC, held boats fished, and almost everyone made a its 13th Annual Owners’ Tournament on July catch. Jim Hart caught the winning 20.4-lb. 20. Over 300 participants with the 72 boats A HARBOR FULL OF GRADY-WHITES awaiting the start of the Bayside Marine Owners’ Tournament GRADY-WHITE | SUPERBLY ENGINEERED SPORTFISHING BOATS | FALL 2002 | VOLUME 22 NO. 3 3 Letters & Photos What’s happening? Have an interesting story or photo? E-mail us at or write to Anchorline, P. O. Box 1527, Greenville, NC 27835. A Sight to See The Extra Mile Dear Anchorline: Dear Anchorline: My family returned home in July after I want to compliment your dealership spending two short weeks in your in Pompano Beach. I was in the Bahamas beautiful country. Thanks again for recently, and had engine trouble. the wonderful tour you gave us of the Their service department went above Grady-White facility. It is a very and beyond to search out the parts impressive factory, and so clean! I needed and express ship them to me have been pondering buying a boat, in Nassau, and to coordinate with the and after learning more about how folks there making the repairs. your boats are constructed, we are You have a great product. I took my convinced that our first boat is going Adventure 208 from Florida all the way to be a Grady—a Sailfish 282. to the Exumas and had a blast, even in We are excited about bringing this BOB DION likes to “float new ideas around” as creative director with Chicago’s Davis Harrison Dion strategic communications firm. His 1967 Grady-White puts him in the mood to brainstorm as he looks out his 23rd floor office window at Lake Michigan. Joining him are Sue Harrison, center, and Doug Davis, right. heavy weather. You have a customer boat into our family! for life with me. Raymond Christian Kenneth Moore Grand Cayman, Cayman Islands Fort Lauderdale, FL EVAN AND SUSAN HIPSLEY share this picture of their 10-year-old Lab, Nutmeg, taken after a day of fishing, swimming and cruising in Pensacola Bay and the Gulf of Mexico aboard Dawgonit aka “dog-on-it,” the Hipsley’s new Express 330. entered, enjoyed the dockside dinner and vying for prizes in six fish categories—striped for lobster and music on Saturday night. activities, even though the weather kept bass, fluke, weakfish, porgy, bluefish and many ashore. Seventeen boats weighed in, most unusual. The largest fish of the day Quality Boats, Clearwater, FL, hosted an and a 12-lb. dolphin was the big fish of the was a 26-lb. striper caught by reigning king, open house for 50 Grady-White owners in day. Five-year-old Clarissa Womble “took her Tim Dalton, aboard Day Star, a Sailfish 25. March. Eight Gradys out a total of 77 boats reward” (as she called it) for her second Additional Grady families joined the fishermen entered the Rotary Kingfish Tournament, June 5–6, with John Pepe winning $2500 place croaker, and she will make sure her for a 28-lb. king mackerel caught aboard his family returns for years to come. AN OPEN HOUSE was hosted for 50 Grady-White owners in March by Quality Boats of Clearwater, FL. The event was appreciated and enjoyed by all. Fisherman 222. Jersea Girl II. Mick Busza nailed a 2.5-lb. The 14th Annual Owners’ Tournament for Norfolk Marine, Norfolk, VA, saw 86 boats Forty-five boats and their crews took part in sea bass from Capt. Jim Naumowich’s King and nearly 500 people enjoy the activities the Somers Point Marina, Somers Point, NJ, James. Over 350 attended the evenings of August 10–11. Great weather allowed two exclusively Grady-White Owners’ Tournament reception and barbeque. days of offshore and inshore fishing, with July 27. The big winners aboard Plastic the big catches being a 69-lb. cobia and a Cloud were Capt. Keith Zaid (10.6-lb. Tri-State Marine, Deale, MD, sponsored 51-lb. tuna. A mini boat show featured bluefish) and his crew of Jerry Mesco (7-lb. their 7th Annual Owners’ Tournament, with Grady-White models including the 180, 192, dolphin) and Mike Shaughnessy (65.5-lb. 32 Gradys in a field of 47. The largest fish 208, 209, 270, 300 and 330. tuna). Brent Sammond took the flounder caught this year was a 16.95-lb. rockfish. division with a 5.1-lb. fish aboard Alotta Several rockfish, bluefish, croaker, spot and A HAPPY KEITH ZAID, left, accepts one of his boat’s The 12th Annual Grady-White Owners’ Tournament August 23–24 at Port of Egypt Marine in Southold, LI, NY, saw 27 boats three trophies from Chris Sabatini, right, earned during the Somers Point Marina/Grady-White Owners’ Tournament July 27. Mr. Zaid’s Sailfish, Plastic Cloud, took top honors in the tuna, dolphin and bluefish divisions. Fish, skippered by his father, Tom. David white perch were weighed in at the August Dagen captured the weakfish division with 3rd event. Over 270 turned out for the a 4.3-lb. fish caught from his son’s boat, Saturday evening dinner. Great family fun! GRADY-WHITE | SUPERBLY ENGINEERED SPORTFISHING BOATS | FALL 2002 | VOLUME 22 NO. 3 4 Customer Tips Here are recent suggestions for and from Grady-White owners. Like to share your ideas? E-mail us at or write to Anchorline, P. O. Box 1527, Greenville, NC 27835. Anchor and Line A neat trick to extend the life of your anchor line: take a large trash can, put all the line in, and fill with water. Add a bottle of your favorite fabric softener and let it soak for a week or two. This will remove much of the salt stiffness and restore softness. The anchor is one of the most important pieces of safety equipment aboard your boat. Don’t forget to inspect the anchor, chain and lines for wear before neatly stowing them. Windlass Anchor line has a mind of its own, twisting a little each time it is retrieved. To unwind, remove the anchor and feed line out into the water while backing away with your engine(s). (Beware of getting tangled in the props!) Then use the windlass to retrieve line. This will undo most of the twisting. Do this a couple times per season and you will avoid damaging your windlass and losing your anchor in the process. Generator Note Kohler Generators recently informed us that their generators can be used while the boat is running on plane up to 40 mph. Previously they had advised against this, and their owners’ manual reflects this statement. Kohler still advises keeping the generator cooling seacock closed when the unit is not in use. Water forced through the cooling system when the unit is not in use can do serious damage to the generator. Snaps Grady-White now supplies a snap tool with boat canvas. This tool is useful for getting off snaps without damaging them or the canvas. Your dealer can provide the tool for you. JEFF BROWN Customer Relations It is important to keep snaps lubricated. Our canvas provider recommends E-Z Snap by Iosso Products for both snap and zipper lubrication. Gas Fills Since 1997 Grady-White has utilized a vented gas cap to decrease the chance of fuel spillage during fills. This environmentally friendly device eliminated the clam shell fuel vent on the side of the hull, but does not prevent spillage from overfilling. Please be careful while fueling, and leave room in the tank for expansion due to atmospheric changes. THIS INVALUABLE SNAP TOOL prevents ripped canvas and scraped knuckles—it makes securing snaps on boat canvas easy. A hook flips out for reaching high zipper pulls and the floating lanyard makes retrieval simple if the tool is dropped overboard. A snap tool is available through your dealer. Owners’Club News Highlights from recent Grady Club outings and events. Members of the new Chesapeake Bay Grady-White Club, sponsored by Tri-State Marine, hosted 240 participants in June for Wish-A-Fish, pairing fishermen with handicapped and terminally ill children and their families for a day on the bay. In July, 16 members visited the Grady-White plant for a personal tour followed by lunch and an informal owners’ forum. The 13th Annual Bluefish Shoot-Out between the New Jersey Grady White Mariners Club and the Northeast Mako Boat Owners Club was held June 1 out of Hoffman’s Marina, CHESAPEAKE BAY CLUB MEMBERS Barry Reed, Bob and Emily Barber, and Bob and Debbie Sutton await Breille, NJ. Grady-White anglers made a good showing and caught plenty of fish. The top Grady-White finishers were Niff Ambrosino on Audry Sue with 32.6 lb., third place; Bud McArthur on Splinter with 29.4 lb., fourth; Tom Phillips on Carol Ann and Tony Fialkowski on Rising Sun tied for fifth with 24.8 lb. each. On June 20 the Tampa Bay Grady-White Club provided a great day on the water for 25 children with Little Pals of Pinellas County. Owners helping entertain the kids included Bill and Judy Eckerle on Dreammaker, Jerry and Connie Knight on Blue Canoe, Mike Festa and Tony Crider on Beachcomber, Greg Arterburn and Mikyo Trevino on Island Time, Ralph Wolf and Jeff Anderson on Seawolf, Norman Englert and Roland Penan on EDDIE SMITH, KRIS CARROLL and Chesapeake Bay Grady-White Club member George Hussey at the club’s plant tour luncheon. Renegade, and Bill Tournade and son Chad aboard Lynn E Belle. A youngster aboard Blue Canoe got the most attention with his 30-inch snook caught near Johns Pass Bridge. On the club’s week long cruise to Stuart, FL, in July, it was Lynn Tournade aboard Lynn E Belle that hooked the big one: a 6'8" sailfish. the arrival of Wish-A-Fish kids. GRADY-WHITE | SUPERBLY ENGINEERED SPORTFISHING BOATS | FALL 2002 | VOLUME 22 NO. 3 5 May 29–June 1, 2003 Ocean Reef Club, Key Largo, FL Use registration form on reverse side of this page, or download a form from The Ocean Reef Club is one of America’s premier private sports clubs and has been acclaimed as the safest, most secure and beautiful ocean front resort in the nation. As a self-contained community, it offers its own 24-hour security and medical services. Others features and services include two golf courses, snorkeling, scuba diving, tennis, beach and pool, restaurants, shopping village, and ships store. Be a part of this first ever national rendezvous exclusively for Grady-White owners and families. What a great boating experience! Entry fee $300.00 per person payable by check only to: Grady-White Boats Due to limited space, reservations are available on a first-come, first-serve basis. Grady-White will call to confirm entry and to assign an entry identfication number. Entry fee includes: Gift bag for each crew member Family Fishing Tournament held Friday & Saturday, 7 a.m.– 2:30 p.m. (optional) Reception Thursday night Dinner Friday night Dinner Saturday night—Fishing awards & prizes Access to private beach, pool & health club Music & games Join us for three nights and two days of fun and fishing at the exclusive Ocean Reef Club located in exotic Key Largo, Florida. May 29 through June 1, 2003 Accommodations at Ocean Reef Club Cost for 3 night stay: $622.00 payable to: Ocean Reef Club One bedroom villas (with sleeper couch) and seawall for boat docking. Please specify if shore power is needed (limited availability). Cost includes a golf cart for transportation between your villa and event sites, service charges and taxes. OCEAN REEF CLUB marina docks The Ocean Reef Club The First Annual Grady-White Owners Rendezvous Reservations Once Grady-White has contacted you and confirmed your entry, you reserve accommodations directly with the Ocean Reef Club Reservations Office at 1-800-741-7333. Ocean Reef requests that each reservation be accompanied by 50% of the estimated room and tax charges which will amount to $311.00. The payment of the balance will be required by April 1, 2003. Individual reservations cancelled after April 1, 2003 will be subject to full payment, unless Grady-White Boats and/or Ocean Reef Club has the opportunity to re-sell the allotted rooms. ONE BEDROOM VILLAS (with sleeper couch) and seawall for boat docking GRADY-WHITE | SUPERBLY ENGINEERED SPORTFISHING BOATS | FALL 2002 | VOLUME 22 NO. 3 Grady-White Owners Rendezvous Registration May 29–June 1, 2003 Ocean Reef Club, Key Largo, FL Registration opens November 1, 2002. The entry fee is $300.00 per person. Return your application with payment to: Grady-White Boats, P.O. Box 1527, Greenville, NC 27835-1527. Make your check payable to: Grady-White Boats. Grady-White will confirm entry by phone and assign an Entry ID number until all slots are filled. Once all slots are filled, remaining registration requests will be placed on a stand-by list. Grady-White Owner Information Boat Information OWNER NAME B OAT N A M E ADDRESS MODEL AND MODEL YEAR CIT Y S TAT E E-MAIL PHONE Crew Member Names GRADY-WHITE DEALERSHIP ZIP ENGINE BRAND Junior Anglers (children under 12 free) T-shirt Size HORSEPOWER Age T-shirt Size (youth S/M/L) Are you or any member of your crew celebrating any special event (birthday, anniversary, engagement, new baby, new grandchild) during this event? Consent and Release The undersigned person(s) for themselves as owners, crew and passengers and on behalf of any guest(s) aboard the Grady-White boat entered in the Grady-White Owner’s Rendezvous (event), consent to the photographing of themselves, the Grady-White boat entered in this event and its equipment, throughout the entire event. This consent includes the use of these photographs by Grady-White in promotional and advertising material in any way not otherwise unlawful. The undersigned person(s) for themselves as owners, crew and passengers and on behalf of any guest(s) aboard the Grady-White boat entered in the Grady-White Owner’s Rendezvous (event), in consideration of being allowed to enter this event, fully release, indemnify and hold harmless Grady–White Boats from any negligence, product defects, contractual and intentional tort liability caused by or the fault of any person or entity other than that of Grady-White Boats. Grady-White Boats is released from any responsibility for any decision, action or inaction of entrants, boats or other participants. *As used in this release the term Grady-White Boats means Grady-White Boats, Inc., its officers, directors and employees. PARENT OR GUARDIAN MUST SIGN FOR MINOR PARTICIPANT UNDER 18 YEARS OF AGE. B OAT OW N E R ’ S N A M E (PLEASE PRINT) S I G N AT U R E CREW NAME (PLEASE PRINT) S I G N AT U R E CREW NAME (PLEASE PRINT) S I G N AT U R E CREW NAME (PLEASE PRINT) S I G N AT U R E CREW NAME (PLEASE PRINT) S I G N AT U R E CREW NAME (PLEASE PRINT) S I G N AT U R E GRADY-WHITE | SUPERBLY ENGINEERED SPORTFISHING BOATS | FALL 2002 | VOLUME 22 NO. 3 I do not consent to photography 7 Customer Grady-White Aqua Stewards Spotlight The Thrill of that First Bill BY RAY WILSON, JR., NORFOLK, VA This is a story of a dedicated but semiinexperienced crew in a Gulfstream 232 traveling 65 miles offshore, fighting and releasing their first blue marlin The unmistakable odor of a skunk permeated the air as we left Rudee Inlet, and we spoke of the smell but no other words of that ominous indication. hookups, so we trolled out 10 miles to the 44 Fathom Wreck where we had not a single knockdown. We continued northeast and lost the bottom SEEING THE BILLFISH DEPART unharmed was as sweet as his dance. stand-up—a tribute to the teamwork of Captain Ron Wilson and First Mate Gary Zeno, of Virginia Beach, VA, and angler Ray Wilson Jr. of Norfolk, VA. Sunday’s 3:30 A.M. wakeup alarm put the Main Drain in water at Owl’s Creek ramp a little before 6:00 A.M. Boat Show Schedule Lots of bait fish were jumping as we left the inlet. I’d left the cast net back in the truck. Our crew was off to the Fingers, about 46 miles east, to find the fleet and fish. We found most boats anchored and chunking but saw no AN EXHAUSTED but elated Ray Wilson lock on the fish finder at 500 feet. After three-and-a-half hours of trolling, Gary said he was ready for a nap. Soon after at 11:45 A.M. the reel on top starts singing out that sweet sound. The fire drill begins with two clearing six lines ASAP while line con- Gear GRADY Shop online at! FT. LAUDERDALE INTERNATIONAL BOAT SHOW 10/31–11/4/02 Bahia Mar Yachting Center, Ft. Lauderdale, FL FT. MYERS BOAT SHOW 11/14–17/02 Harborside Convention Center, Ft. Myers, FL VERO BEACH ANNUAL FALL BOAT SHOW 11/16–17/02 Riverside Park, Vero Beach, FL NEW YORK NATIONAL BOAT SHOW 12/28/02–1/5/03 Javits Convention Center, New York City, NY tinues flying off at a high rate. We take a first look at a beautiful blue marlin tailwalking about 250 yards to starboard. With the last rod in and the boat backing down, we’re still watching line go out as the fish continues to dance before going deep for the next 20 minutes. No line gain, but none retrieved either. YOU’LL LOOK SHARP AROUND THE DOCKS or on the flats in this short sleeve Columbia Bonehead fishing shirt, shown in the color fossil. Visit for this and many other Grady-White goodies—hats, totes, shorts, jackets and more. Have a Grady lover on your gift list? This is the place to shop online! After 45 minutes of fighting, my arms are about to fall off and my legs are aching. Fifteen feet of leader to go and elation turns to concern. Two are pulling in the leader, and we wonder if he’s just green and coming up to take a look at us. That blue bill looked much smaller 250 yards away. Captain Ron removed the hook from the roof of the bill with almost no injury to the fish. We lined up the bill tip with the outrigger base, and the tail extended a little beyond the engine bracket. Measuring that distance once we were back at the trailer put the length overall at 9 feet, 8 inches. With outboards in gear and avoiding getting the tail in the props, we watch the marlin begin to kick and soon swim away to fight again someday. Seeing the billfish depart unharmed was as sweet as his dance. GRADY-WHITE | SUPERBLY ENGINEERED SPORTFISHING BOATS | FALL 2002 | VOLUME 22 NO. 3 Dear Grady-White Owner: We’re now Two for Two! The results are in from the latest J.D. Power and Associates boat study. Thanks to owner responses, Grady-White was awarded the ranking Highest in Customer Satisfaction with Coastal Fishing Boats Two Years in a Row. We’re proud to be acknowledged for excellence each of the two years that studies have been conducted in our market segment, especially since our craftsmen and dealers put their hearts, souls and talents into making Grady-White the greatest choice in boating. Third-party recognitions like this are meaningful, but what has always been and will always be most EDDIE SMITH & KRIS CARROLL important and satisfying to us is your enjoying your ultimate boating experiences in a Grady-White boat. We hope you enjoy reading about some of the latest adventures of your fellow Grady owners. Ask your dealer about the upcoming boat shows and events in your area, and go have a great Grady day! Happy Boating! Highest in Customer Satisfaction with Coastal Fishing Boats Two Years in a Row Eddie Smith, Jr., chairman, ceo Kris Carroll, president Anchorline J.D. Power and Associates 2001–2002 Boat Competitive Information Studies SM (Center Console Segment in 2001). 2002 Study based on responses from 11,752 owners of 2001 model-year boats. PRSRT STD U.S. POSTAGE t h e g ra dy - w h i t e o w n e r s ’ n e w s l e t t e r PAID Anchorline, Grady-White Boats, P.O. Box 1527, Greenville, NC 27858 GREENVILLE, NC 27834 PERMIT NO. 408 Customer-ization Notice something new? We’ve redesigned the Anchorline to better achieve our goal of creating “The Grady-White Owners’ Newsletter.” Our aim is to make it more interesting and useful for you. Give us your thoughts on the new look, content, and design.
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