Republic of the Philippines DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION Region VII, Central Visayas DIVISION OF BOHOL CityofTagbilaran March 7, 2015 DIVISION MEMORANDUM No. 143 . s. 2014 CHI SIGMA IOTA COUNSELING ACADEMIC PROFESSIONAL HONOR SOCIETY INTERNATIONAL IOTA PHI FOUNDATION To: All Education Supervisors/Subject Area Coordinators Public Schools District Supervisors and Coordinating Principals Public & Private Elementary and Secondary School Heads 1. Attached is Regional Memorandum No. 201, s. 2015 re Second International Guidance Congress with the theme "Across Borders, Across Ages, Across Settings" on May 6 - 8, 2015 at Cebu Business Hotel, Cebu City for your information. 2. For more details, kindly refer to the attached Memorandum. 3. For dissemination and compliance. WILFREDA D. t fOI*GALOS, Ph.D., CESOVI Schools Division Superintendent y /^jfiiG^jv /S?^r*^ \ REPUBUKANGPILIPINAS EPUBLIC OF THE PHILIPPINES " . A /4/C^g=^&>\ AGAWARAN NG EDUKASYON ^^ UM m^^ ill WfMM 1 ) DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION ^@#l""lC^l ^^SgW REGION Vn CENT OALVISAYAS SLmemtPSSIoh IA Hpl /f/ REHIYON VII, GITNANG YISAYAS V^o^ Sudlon.Lahug.CebuQty I/K IIEI/ ^ 31 2015 " REGIONAL MEMORANDUM No. 901 s. 2015 CHI SIGMA IOTA COUNSELING ACADEMIC PROFESSIONAL HONOR SOCIETY INTERNATIONAL IOTA PHI FOUNDATION To : Schools Division / City Super intendents Off icers-in-Charge ofRegular and Interim Divisions 1. Please be inf ormed that die Chi Sigma Iota Counseling Academic Prof essional Honor Society Inter national Iota Phi Foundation, Inc, Philippines Chapter will hold the Second International Guidance Congress with the theme " Across Borders, Across Ages, Across Settings " on May6-8,2015 at Cebu Business Hotel, Cebn City. See attached lett erfrom Dr. Felomino A. Gargar, RLGC, President& Lif e Member, CSI-Iota Phi. 2. The participants ofthis training are Guidance Counselors, Guidance teacher designates, supervisors, coordinators and principals in order to have full administr ative support for ef fective implementation of R.A. 9258 with die f ollowing objectives: a.To provide training to counselors and teachersas global coaches; b.To enhance the competencies ofcounselors /teachers in handUngmuhkultural issues; c.To make the counselors/ teachers knowledgeable and skillful in addressing the counseling needs for K to 12; d.To equip counselors / teachers in handling LGBT issues and concerns. 3. A registration f ee of Two Thousand Eight Hundr ed Pesos (P2,800.00) for local part icipants and Seventy U.S. dollars ( $70.00 ) for participants from other countries shall be collected to cover the cost for meals and snacks f or three days , a simple kit, token f or the speakers and facilitators .certificates and other incidental expenses. A registration fee of Two Thousand Five Pesos only ( P2,500.00 ) ifpayment is made befor e April 17, 2013 thru Iota Phi Foundation, Inc. U.P. Landbank, account No. 3071034410. Registration f ee, traveling and other incidental expenses for public schools participants including the Regional Guidance coordinator shall -be charged against Regional/Division/local/School / MOOE funds subject to the usual accounting rules and regulations while those who ar e comingfrom Private schools, shall be charged to school funds. 4. For mor e details, kindly r ef er to the attached communication. 5. For compliance. JULBET A. JERUTA, E4LD. Director III Schools Division Super intendent OIC, Regional Dir ector CTD/lcj/sba CLMD'15 Regional Dir ect or's Of ice: Tel. nos.: (032) 231-1433; 231-1309; Telefax414-7399; 414-7325; AssL Regional Dir f ect or'sOf ice Telef f cx: (032) 255-4542; Field Eff ectiveness Division: (032) 414-7324; Curr iculum Lear ning Mater ials Division (032)414-7323; QualityAssur anceandAccountabilityDivision: (032)231-1071; Resource MobilizationandSpecial Pr ogr ams and Pr ojects Division: (032) 254-7062; Training andDevelopmentDivision: (032) 255-5239 loc. 112; Planning, Policy and Research Division: (032) 233-9030; 414-7065; Administr ative Division: (032)414-7326; 255-1313; 414-7366 414-4367; BudgetandFinance Division: (032)256-2375; 253-8061; 414-7321 Websit e: " E5a2015: Xmapatanng. aAat, Jhr nanagntan ag. a6at" %l?M-', Department of Education 9k CHI SIGMA IOTA IHIilllIil|||HHH|l! Ill Counseling Academic and Professional Honor Society International Rjf|jjji|r* f( W IOTA PHI FOUNDATION, INC. ^^ MeF Philippine Chapter -^> - Office Uandline: (085)342-6397, CP No. 09165535548, Email add: dodona SDch5&avahoocom March 23, 2015 DR. JUUET A. JERUTA Director III Officer-in-charge DepEd Region IV Sudlon, Lahug, Cebu City Sir: The Chi Sigma Iota Counseling Academic Pr ofessional Honor Society International Iota Phi Foundation, Inc. Philippines Chapter will hold an International Seminar Workshop for Guidance Counselors, Life Coaches and Guidance Coordinators with the theme "Counseling Across Borders, Across Ages and Acr oss Set tings" on May 6-8, 2015 at Cebu Business Hotel, F & C Square, Colon Corner Junquera Sts., Cebu City, Philippines with the following objectives: 1. To provide training to counselors and teachers as global coaches. 2. To enhance the competencies of counselors/teachers in handling multicultural issues. 3.To make the counselors/teachers knowledgeable and skillful In addressing the counseling needs for K tol2. 4.To equip counselors/teachers in handling LGBT issues and concerns. This Is t o invite you to deliver the Message on May 6, 2015 at 1:30 in the afternoon. Furthermore, may we request for a Regional DepEd Memo to enable guidance counselors, licensed and those working with their license, including supervisors, coordinators and principals who are interested to be given administrative support for effective implementation of R.A. 9258. DepEd Memo from Central Office will follow. Thank you very much and warm regards. Sincerely yours, FELOMINOJ*. 0ARGAR, Ed.D., RLGC President & Lif e Member, CSMota Phi Name of School/Agency: P CHI SIGMA IOTA &* Counseling Academic and Professional Honor Society International jf 1 IOTA PHI FOUNDATION, INC. Philippine Chapter ^L * Of fice Landline: (085)342-6397, CP No. 09165535548, Email acid: dodong_spch58@yahoo.oom Dear. The Chi Sigma lota Counseling Academic Professional Honor Society International lota Phi Foundation, Inc. Philippines Chapter will hold the Second International Guidance Congress with the theme "Across Borders, Across Ages, Across Settings* on May 6 - 8, 2015 at Cebu Business Hotel, Cebu City. A registr ation fee of Two Thousand Eight Hundred Pesos (P2.800.00) for local participants and Seventy U.S. dollars ($70) for participants from other countries shall be collected to cover the cost for meals and snacks for three days, a simple kit, token for speakers and facilitators, certificates and other incidental expenses. If you wHI confirm and pay on or before April 17, 2015, the registration fee shall only be Two Thousand Five Hundred Pesos (P2,500.00). You can pay thru lota Phi Foundation, Inc. U.P. Landbank, Account No. 3071034410. Guidance counselors and life coaches from other countries and from the Philippines are invited as speakers, facilitators and participants of this three-day international gathering of professionals promoting service and excellence in the field of counseling. There will also be an initiation of new members to the Honor Society. Hotels in Cebu City offer affordable rates for all participants. For more information you may call Or. Rosalinda de Mesa of the University of the Philippines (Diliman) with email add: and contact number 09216343502 or Dr. Felomino A. Gargar of Holy Child Colleges of Butuan with email add: and contact number 09165535548 or telephone number 342- 6397. CHED and DepEd Memo will follow. Let us come together to the hear t of the Philippines and have a mutually-satisfying exchanges with human behaviorist, keepers of peace and advocates. Sincerely yours. FELOMINf a-At tjAf cGAR, Ed. D.( RL6C Life Member, CSI-lota Phi President CONFIRMATION/REPLY SUP (Please pr int) I will attend: If licensed. License Mo. School Address: Contact Nos. LL. EmaH Addr ess:.
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