Republic of the Philippines department of Education Region VII, Central Visayas DIVISION OF BOHOL City of Tagbilaran May 18,2015 DIVISION MEMORANDUM No. 20 1 .S.2015 REGIONAL TRAINING WORKSHOP OF PUBLIC SCHOOLS DITRICT SUPERVISORS ON PERFORMANCE MANAGEMENT FOR SY 2015-2016 TO: ALL PUBLIC SCHOOLS DISTRICT SUPERVISORS/ OIC- PUBLIC SCHOOLS DISTRICT SUPERVISORS 1. Enclosed is Regional Memorandum No. 261, s. 2015 entitled Regional Training Workshop of Public Schools District Supervisors on Performance Management for SY 2015-2016 dated May 2, 2015. 2. For the Division of Bohol, the activity will be held on May 27, 2015 at the BPSTEA Bldg., Tamblot St., Tagbilaran City. 3. All PSDSs and OIC-PSDSs in this division are enjoined to attend the said workshop. No proxy allowed. He/She shall bring his/her own IPCRF for January to December, 2015 and their accomplishment report for January to March, 2015 (1st quarter) as bases for the workshop. 4. A registration fee of P200.00 shall be collected from each participant to cover 2 snacks and lunch. All expenses relative to participation in this workshop (including travel) shall be charged against local funds, subject to the usual accounting and auditing rules and regulations. 5. For the information, guidance and compliance of all concerned. 6. Immediate and widest dissemination of this Memorandum is desired. . r**r WILFREDA'D. B<2NGALOS, Ph. D. y OlC-Schools Division Superintendent @^r- REPUBLEKANG PU.IPINAS REPUBLICOFTHE PHILIPPINES KAGAWARANNGEDUKASYON DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION REHIYON Vn, GITNANG VISAYAS REGION VII, CENTRALVISAYAS / /* /Oj W \ Sudlon, Lahug, Cebu City MAY 0 I 2015 REGIONAL MEMORANDUM No. 2 61 s. 2014 REGIONAL TRAINING WORKSHOP OF PUBLIC SCHOOLS DISTRICT SUPERVISORS ON PERFORMANCE MANAGEMENT FOR SY 2015-2016 To: Schools Division Superintendents Off icers-in-Charge, Of ice of the Schools Division Super f intendents All Public Schools District Supervisors (PSDS) 1. The Public Schools Distr ict Supervisors' role in performance management has been identified as the "middle man" between Division Office and the Schools included under the Divisions' area of jurisdiction. 2. To maximize the presence of each PSDS in a School Distr ict as the consultant, trainor, and basic education monitor, an "Or ientation Workshop" shall be conducted on the following DIVISION DATE VENUE @ All MunicipalitiesofCebuNorth @ BogoCity,DanaoCity May11,2015 Danao Central School @ AllMunicipalitiesofCebuSouth @ ToledoCity,NagaCity,CarcarCity,Talisay May12,2015 NagaCentral School City @ AllMunicipalitiesofCebuCentral @ MandaueCity,CebuCity,Lapu-LapuCity 3 Floor, May25,2015 DepEdRO7 @ AllMunicipalitiesofNegrosOr ientaland May26,2015 Siquijor @ AllMunicipalitiesofBohol @ TagbilaranCity Dumaguete City @ DumagueteCity,TanjayCity,BaisCity, BayawanCity,GuihulnganCity May27,2015 BPSTEA Bldg., TagbilaranCity Of ice ofthe Dir f ector(ORDir), Tel. Nos.: (032) 231-1433; 231-1309; 414-7399; 414-7325; 255^542 Field TechnicalAssistance Division (f 1AU), Tel. Nos.: (032)414-7324 Curr iculum Lear ningManagementDivision(CLMD), TelNos.:(032)414-7323 QualityAssurance Division (QAD), Tel. Nos.: (032) 231-1071 Human Resource Development Division (HRDD), Tel. No.: (032) 255-5239 Education Support Services Division (ESSD), Tel.No.: (032) 254-7062 Planning, Policy aad Research Division (PPRD), Tel. Nos.: (032) 233-9030; 414-7065 Administrative Division, Tel. Nos.: (032)414-7326; 414-4367; 414-7366;414-7322; 414-4367 FinanceDivision,Tel.Nos.: (032)256-2375; 253-8061;414-7321 L5CL2015: Xwuipatann^ aAat,3'ananaguUutn^ aliat" '@<*@-: 4-' 3b f -jv>/ 3. Each PSDS shall provide his/her accommodation and food while in attendance to this workshop. The travel expenditure shall be charged against local funds and everyone shall be on official business. 4. Each PSDS shall bring his/her own Individual Performance Commitment and Review Form for January to December 2015 and their accomplishment report January to March (1st Quarter) as bases for the workshop. All SDS/ASDS of the area covered by venue shall compose the regional team. 5. No proxy allowed. The Divisions shall ensure that each PSDS will be able to attend the workshop and will be able to organize cluster performance coaches via Division's PSDS Coaching Plan. 6. For compliance. JULIET A. JERUTA/Ph-D., CESO V Dir ector III Of icer-in-Charge f JAJ/MCG PPRD
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