Republic of the Philippines Department of Education National Capital Region DIVISION OF CITY SCHOOLS City of Muntinlupa / . DepEd - ft,~Ul\;T~NLUPA DIVISION MEMORANDUM RELE/,(!,", DATE .. ld- ~.-t7l/ii£ To: Public Elementary/Secondary Administrators & OICs From: OIC - Schools Division Superintendent Date: April 13, 2015 Subject: UPDATED LIST OFSCHOOL FACILITY FOCALS FOR PANTAWID PAMILYA Attached is Regional Memorandum dated March 27, 2015 re: Updated list of School Facility Focals for Pantawid Pamilya , which is self-.explanatory for the information and guidance of ali concerned. P1ease submit the accomplished form below to the Division Office c/o School Health and Nutrition Section on or Before April 22, 2015. Updated List of School Facility Focals for Pantawid Pamilya School Address Name of Focal Person Designation Contact Nos. Immediate and wide dissemination of this Memorandum is desired. Katihan St., Poblacion, Muntinlupa City * Telefax: 861-4953, 861-4952, 861-050566 * Website: * Email: depedmuntin@yahoo,com Kepublika ng PiUpinBS (Republic ofthe Philippines) KAGAWARAN NO EDUKASYON (DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION) PAMBANSANO PUNONO REHIYON (NATIONAL CAPITAL REGION) Daang Mi.samis, Bago Bantay, Lungsod Quezon (Misamis St., Bago Bantay, Quezon ct'tY1 2 rtme ift of Education ,.. • f Region Laplta P.ND PUBII('IITIOt,f "-'~~1; i\ f'l - . ,,,,.Lr= ...... &iii ."~~ MEMORANDUM :,,~_.ime: . : Schools Division Superintendents ~ ;,~> ~ ~I--+~Manila, Quezon City, Pasay City, caloocan City, Mandaluylriil'City, Marikina City, Makati City, Pasig City, City of San Juan, Paraiiaque City, Las Piftas City, Valenzuela City, City of Malabon, Navotas City, TO Taguig Ci and Pateros, Muntinlupa City '"-DI'VISln~1 r -'~~~T~;-~'::t~--~ ~ Ii ,iF C••• RECEIVED DATE _.,..... FROM TIME . C lTY ',,' .•JOLS .-----if1 Jk1!! 2: . tJ!;" ".,1',~ >J T rNLU PA SUBJECT : Updated List of School Facility Focals for Pantawid Pamilya both permanent and alternate DATE : March 27. 2015 1. Attached is the communication from. Regional Director Ma. Alicia s. Bonoan. Department of Social Welfare and Development, dated March 16, 2015, re: Implementation of Pantawid Pamilyang Pilipino Program in National Capital Region, which is self-explanatory for information and guidance. 2. In this connection, we would like to request u,edated list of School Facility Fos,als for Pantawid Pamilya both permanent and alternate per school. Th is undertaking will help the efficient implementation of the program particularly in accomplishing the Compliance Verification Forms used to monitor the children beneficiaries. Please submit the_accomplished forms to School Health and Nutrition...,Unit DepEd-NCR (telefax no. 920 -14 - 90). • Republic of the Philippines Department of Social Welfare and Development FIELD OFFICE NCR 389 San Rafael Street comer Legarda Street. Manila Telephone Nos. (632)734-86391734-8642/733-0010 to 18: Telefax (632) 734-86421488-3110 e-mail: . Website: March 16, 2015 .. DR. LUZ S. ALMEDA Regional Director Department of Education-NCR Misamis St., Bago Bantay, Quezon City Dear Dr. Almeda: This has reference to the implementation of Pantawid Pamilyang Pilipino Program in Nation capital Region. The school facility focals play a vital role as our partner in the implementation of the program particularly in accomplishing the Compliance Verification Forms used to monitor the children beneficiaries. However, fast transition of facility focals were observed during accomplishments of CV forms and other related concerns that pertains to the program. Relative to this, we would like to request the updated list of school facility focals for Pantawid Pami/ya both permanent and alternate. We would appreciate also if your office can issue a Special Order for the said facility focals to identify the official focal persons per school facilities. This undertaking will help in the efficient implementation of the program. We are hoping for usual favorable response. Thank you. ~ MA. ALICIA S. BONOAN Regional Director
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