Republic of the Philippines Department of Education National Capital Region DIVISION OF MUNTINLUPA CITY DIVISION MEMORANDUM No. ~g~ . S. 2015 DepEd ""'~'1\r;p "1 '.'PA • REU::", . DATE Schools Division Superintendent Division and District Supervisors Public Elementary and Secondary School Principals/Officers-in-Charge All concerned OIC~Asst. To: From: Office of the Schools Division Superintendent Date: 12 May 2015 Subject: REITERATIONOF REGIONAL MEMORANDUM NO. 152, S.2014 Attached is Unnumbered Regional Memorandum dated April 22, 2015 re: REITERATION OF REGIONAL MEMORANDUM No. 152, s. 2014, contents of which are self-explanatory, for information and strict compliance. Particular attention is invited to paragraph nos. 3, 4 and 6. Immediate and wide dissemination of this Memorandum is desired. MAURO C. E GULAN, Ed. D. Schools Division Superintendent Katihan St., Poblacion, Muntinlupa City * Telefax: 861-4953, 861-4951, 861-0566 Website: * Email: rLment of Education tional Czcpital Region f"ll'W PUBLlCA110N UNIT ELE MEMORANDUM ED FROM TO SCHOOLS DIVISION SUPERINTENDENTS SUBJECT REITERATION OF REGIONAL MEMORANDUM No. 152 s. 2014 DATE APRil 22, 2015 1. Reports have reached this Office that some teachers and school heads are engaged in the private practice of profession without securing necessary permit to teach and likewise conducting the same within or during their official time. 2. In view of this, the field is hereby reminded to adhere to the provisions embodied in Regional Memorandum No. 152, s. 2014, attention is particularly invited to paragraph nos. 3, 4 and 6. 3. The SDOs are directed to monitor the implementation and compliance of DepEd policies on moonlighting and unauthorized private practice of profession to ensure the efficient and effective delivery of educational services. Violation thereof shall be dealt with in accordance with law and rules. 4. Fpr dissemination and strict compliance. Republika ng PlIipinas (Republic afthe Philippines) KAGAWARAN NG EDUKASYON (DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION) PAl'IBANSANG PUNONG REHIYON (NATIONAL CAPITAL REGION) Daang Misamis, Uago B:mtay, Lungsod Quezon (Afisamis St., Baga Bantay, QUezOl1 Ci'}~ UEGI0NAL MEMORANDUM No. 15~ , s. 2014 Schools Division Superintendems Public and Private School Heads To t MOONLIGHTING AND PRIVATE PRACTICE OF PROFESSION l. I, This~:)ftlce hfs be~n receiving intorm~tion .and complaims relative to yrivate prnctlce of profesSIOn or employment In private sChools and other entities by school heads, teachers, and other employees within the Region; 2, Under Republic Act No. 6713 and its lmplememing Rules and Regulations, engagement in the privaJe pnictice of profession by public officials and employees is a ground for administrative disciplinary action. unless authorized by the la\\ or regulation, provided that slich practice will nOl contlict or tend to con1lict with official functions: 3. Section 12 of RIJle XVUf of the Revised CSC ({ules requires government employees to obtain a pennit from the head ofthe Department. to wit: Sec, 11. ,\.() q{/ker or emplo)'!!!! sholl engage d/recl/.1' //1 m{\ 1'1'/1'(1/;: hm/I1I!,t\. lI'illwlII (J \J'l'illf!/1 1lt!l'lIIiss/im .fhll1l Ihe bear! C!I IIIi' Depllrlllll!lII Prol'/ded, TlIOI /his proMbillo/1 lI·iII bl! abJwlllli! in Ille ('a.w o!'lhOSt' c}llic,'rs C/lld employees williS,' dllllc,i and responsibililies requ/,.tI lital litdr tllllire Iilllt' f>... m fhL' d/sposal qt tfle G,II'imllll/?l1I. PI'm'ided, IUNhel', 111m if 1/11 emplnyc:.' j:. gram!:'d perllliniol/lO engage? inl)lIISlde (It;lirili<!s. III<! lillIe? .W ll!!I'ull!d flll/side ~I C!llice 11fl1/1'.I ,5110nld be ./iud by Ihe! ehieIof/hl! ag<!IlI:Y 10 IllI! 1:'11(/11/(11 iI "'ill 1/01 impair ill (Jill' 1"(~1' Ihe effidellCY <?f lilt' mile,. q(ficer or elt?l'lo)'f!I!: And PI'ol'i(!.,d. Jill(//~r. Thai /1(1 1'<!l'lIIistiOlI is nect!JSm,' In II,., (,os,' .!f Im'i'simellls. mnrk by {III t~[jk(!r or I?mp"~I't'1' which do /lot illl'oll'l! ally 1'1I't11 or oppol'elll ('(//if/it'l henl'erm hi.~ prim/e illlc:reS/J oml pllblic dillies, o/' ill 011)' IIOT il!fillellCe him in lit.. {iischal'ge o/Ilis dillies. (/lid Ite ,5ha/t /101 lake par! ill Ihe management q( lilt' elllel'prise or f,ecomf! all qf.licer 01' memlter of Iltt! board qfdireclor•. .. ,'O':(/[/UII. .It' 4. Section 18, Rule XIII ofCSC Memorandum Circular No. 15, s.. 1999 provides. to \vit: SEC 18. Unle.u mltel'wise provided ".1' loll'. 11(1 ollle!?I' 01' employee shall ""glI!!!' direC/~1' 01' illdil'ect~lr In an." pl'il'{Jlt' business or pl'<?fe.vJY{JII 11'111101/1 a' II'rUMI perml.rsioll fO/'1I/ Ihe head t.!logellc), PrOI-irleel Ihal 1tI.v prohihilioll will ,hi! ahJollllt' ill llie case n( Ihose officers alia emp"~l'ees WIl".51! dillies alld I'ev,nnsihililie.f IWI'til',' l!tat Iheir emire lime be al lhe disposal 0/111<' gore/'lIIl1rlW Pml'illt~d{1II1h"r, 1/1£11 ii - Kal Page] of J Reg Memo P"Mller nJPro/uJion all employee is gramed penllissio/l 10 engage ill ollfside aclivities. 11101 lime del'oled (llilside £!f office hours shollid be fixed by Ihe head of I/le agellq so t{101 if u'if/IICJl impair ill any wa,)' the ej/iciell"Y of tire officer 01' employee 110" pose a l'()/1Jlicl of intel'eSI wifh ojflciallimClio17s, .. . 5. However, DepEd Order No.5, s. 2008 identified the approving authorities on , requests for permission to teach, exercise of profession, or engage in business' outside office hours; r esc Memorandum Circular No, 5, s. 1966 and other Circulars, Republic Act 6713, and R.A. 3019. all are enjoined to adhere to the following, 10 wit: 6. Accordingly, and pursuant to esc 011 Teaching Job 1. There shall be absolutely no teaching by Government officials and employees during office hours even if the time spent is covered by corresponding vacation leave; 2. Permission to teach m~y be granted only for subjects or courses which are relaled to lhe particular field of work of the official or employee concerned or for special fields or subjects where there is dearth of qual ified teachers; 3, If permission is to be grallled, teaching 10lId sh:1l1 be limiteu to twelve (12) hours a weel<, and in no case shall a government officer or em ployee be allowed to teach more than thl'ee hours 1\ day on reguhlr worldng uays (Monday to Friday); 4. No official or employee shall be allowed to leach in any school or institurion over which he directly orindireelly exercises jurisdiction. control, supervision, or influence by reason of his office or position in the Government in contemplation of t.he Anti-Gran and Corrupt Practice and the Prohibited Acts under the Code of Ethics: 5. Officials and employees applying' for permission to teach must be physica.lly fit in order not to prejudice the perrormance orilleir duties. and for this purpose, they shall submit with their applications a I'ecord of their physical and medical examination showing such fitness, duly certified by a govcrnment physician; 6. Pursuant to par. E of Dep£d Order No.5, s. 2098. the Schools Division Superintendents are the approving authorities on requests for permission to teach or practice of profession by school personnel and Division Office personnel; y • Ki I· -' ~ I'Clge j ofJ!Reg. Memoll'ruCI;ce ofProjbsion 7. Request of teachers for perm ission to teach or practice of profession shall be accompanied by a statement of hisnler official loads with the schedule, signed by the School Head; 8. To ensure compliance to load limitation, the applicant shall submit a certification from the authorized official of the private school or entity, where the profession i!f to be practiced, as to his/her loads with corresponding number of units and' the schedule, addressed to the concerned Schools Division Superintendent; 9. The permission shall be good for one school year except for college teaching which shall be on a per semestral basis; 10. Perm iss ion to teach may be withdrawn or revoked at anY1ime whenevel' the exigencies of the service so require, or if the herein conditions prescribed has been violated. This is without prejudice to administrative disciplinary action for violation hereof and in case of misrepresentations on th~ pal1 of the applicanL Otller Jobs 'I. No official or employee shall hold in any school, college, or university any position or assignment involving management or administrative duties andlor responsibilities; 7. Private schools engaging the services of public school teachers and employees after official time shall observe the limitation. The certifiCation on load shall be deemed an official action of the school concell1ed un less proven otherwise. As such, any untruthful certification on load or any entry thereof shall be acted upon accordingly. 8. Moonlighting shall be dealt with in accord,lnce with la'.. . and rules. 9. For information and compliance. Immediate dissemination is desired. • '.,
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