New York Band trip, pg. 8 Dr. E.P. Scarlett High School Blaise Kemna Valedictorian, pg. 14 Craig Conroy Interview, pg. 37 220 Canterbury Drive S.W. Calgary AB T2W 1H4 Comeault Class President, pg.17 May 2015 Moonlight Knights: a magical starry night in New York By Rachel Esser desserts that were very well made and many guests enjoyed them thoroughly. Though the other aspects of the evening were well-executed, the main attraction of the night was, of course, the performances. The Concert and Symphonic On April 10 the Dr. E.P Scarlett music program put on its annual fundraiser evening event, Moonlight Knights. The theme, A Starry Night in New York, brought a dazzling and classy atmosphere to the halls of Scarlett on the big evening before the music students’ trip to New York. The school was decorated according to the theme and offered a simplistic yet aestheticallypleasing look, which included a variety of stunning lights, posters, and trifolds. The gymnasium, where the dinner and dance took place, was decorated in a very classy and elegant way which really set the stage for Photo by Ayshea Shaikh the performance. The Scarlett’s Choir serenades the audience at Moonlight Knights hallway leading to the office was dedicated to the silent auction and a bar where parents could purchase Bands, as well as the Grade 10 Band and drinks. For the brief intermissions between the Dr. E.P. Scarlett choir, performed during performances and events, guests could dress the meal, providing enjoyable dinner music, up in pearls, feather boas, hats, fun glasses, while the various jazz bands and soloists and a whole assortment of other costume performed during the dance. All of the music pieces and pose for fun pictures with each was well-rehearsed and the guests all looked other at a New-York style photo booth. The like they were enjoying themselves. Parents photo booth also had a cardboard cut-out and other guests seemed to enjoy all of the of the Statue of Liberty that students and music as well. The jazz bands were upbeat parents could pose with in their New York and very professional, keeping the music flowing while everyone danced and enjoyed photographs. The dinner was at 7 pm and themselves. The atmosphere provided for consisted of a marinara chicken breast smiles and memorable times. Students performing in the bands topped with mozzarella cheese and served during the meal were free to enjoy the rest of with salads, potatoes with rosemary, and the evening, dancing, mingling or even just dinner rolls. There was also a vegetarian listening to their fellow musicians perform. option, a vegetarian lasagna. The dinner Grade 11 band member, Sam Thompson, was simple and delicious and filling. Some said “The night was amazing! The aspects of the meal were better than others. atmosphere was really fun and the singers The chicken in particular was great. There and jazz were fantastic!” Thompson, along was also an assortment of desserts at a with other students attending the dance, dessert buffet and mini cupcakes handed out later on in the evening that were very enjoyed watching the many soloists perform scrumptious. There was a large variety of with the jazz bands, singing favourite songs like “Car Wash,” “Respect,” and “New as you usually don’t know all your music. York, New York.” Janey Deacon-Rosamond, It seems they had it a lot worse last year Grade 11, who performed a solo of Michael as the rehearsal process went surprisingly Jackson’s “Human Nature,” believes that smooth for most of us,” says Logan Fillo, Moonlight Knights is a unique and fantastic jazz student, Grade 10. “The actual show opportunity for students and parents to was unlike anything I’ve ever been a part of genuinely enjoy and appreciate the musical before. It was very exciting playing for the talents of the many performers. “MLK is enthusiastic crowd and watching the dancers super rad because it’s not the typical ‘school groove to your music, albeit being a bit dance.’ There’s no grinding to LMFAO, no distracting. Overall, the night went great and couple making out in the corner, everyone everyone seemed to have enjoyed it.” is so focused on the amazing live jazz music Many students and parents and soloists. It’s the anti-school dance in the attending the event found the singer-jazz best way possible,” she explains. band pairing to be a highlight of the night. Though many people love MLK Coan Roik, Grade 11, enjoyed the “night of for the dancing and food, the music students dancing around and just letting loose” and enjoy the evening for the opportunity to thought that “[t]he bands were fantastic perform and have other people enjoy their music. “Moonlight Knights is a fantastic performance opportunity for the whole music program,” says Mira Riselli, Jazz 1 performer, Grade 11. “In jazz, we get a chance to play a much longer set than the three-song program that we typically play, which allows for a lot more diversity within the different songs that we get to perform. The Photo by Ayesha Shaikh energy is just amazing, Liane Roberts, Grade 12, in a contemplative mood at the show and it’s especially inspiring to see not only your friends, but complete strangers dancing and everyone who sang with the jazz bands to and enjoying your music.” totally killed it...My highlight of that night The preparation put into the evening was singing a Tom Jones ‘60s classic ‘Help every year is astounding. Many grade tens Yourself.’ Overall, I look forward to next year that were new to Scarlett’s music program and it was definitely a night to remember.” found MLK to be unlike anything they had Moonlight Knights was definitely ever been a part of. The intense rehearsals a showstopper, bringing a laid-back and fast-moving timeline were new to many performance and creating a fun time of of the students. “For the rehearsal process dancing and talent for everyone who we had about a month to learn between attended. It was a formal event that was 8-18 songs depending on what band you entertaining for any age group, with children, are in. The grade tens had heard from the adults, seniors, and teenagers all having a elevens and twelves that the couple of weeks great time. before moonlight nights are very stressful Page 2 -- EDITORIALS Editors-in-Chief -- Scarlett FEVER -- Dr. E. P. Scarlett High School -- May 2015 Cassandra Betts, Kyra Bird Section Editors Languages Isabel Fernandez Editorials Sam McIntosh Layout & Design Labeeba Mahmood News Sarah Miao Features Helen Trang Entertainment James Ewart Fine Arts Tanvi Sankar Sports Aaron Schmidtke Advertising Aysha Partington Photography Isabel Fernandez The Scarlett FEVER represents and respects a variety of diverse opinions. Staff Writers Loula Agelopoulos, Bijal Bapodra, Dominic Caston, Hania Elshayeb, Rachel Esser, Emily Gobeil, Grace Guest Stone, Rina Ng, Aysha Partington, Faith Shoemaker, Helen Trang, Aiden Wong, Cleo Williams STAFF ADVISORS Douglas Brandt, Claire Patterson, Alethea Power PRODUCTION The Scarlett FEVER is the product of students in the Journalism 15, 25, 35 programs. It is produced seven times per school year and is distributed to the community of Dr. E.P. Scarlett High School. The FEVER operates primarily on a per-student allotment from Student Activity Fees, supplemented by advertising revenue. The newspaper is printed by International Web Express. ONLINE ACCESS The FEVER is now available online. Access it on the Dr. E.P. Scarlett website at: Click on the “School Info” drop-down menu. ADVERTISERS Please contact Doug Brandt at or Telephone 403-281-3366, ext. 2122 Shrinking airline seats may pose potential hazards to passengers By Rina Ng The trend seen today is that people are getting taller and wider than they were in the past because of modern technology and advances in areas such as health and nutrition. Although this is the case with the population, there is another trend: making airline seats narrower. Since 1990, plane seats have shrunk 47 cm in width and more seats have been added into rows. By 2013, 70% of planes had 10 seats per row, compared to the 9 seats per row in 2010. The reason airlines want to make their seats smaller is to allow more seats on the plane, therefore allowing them to make more revenue from their cabins that normally yield low profits. Rows of seats are now being squeezed together and the new design of Boeing 777s allows 14 extra seats to be on the plane. Since there are an increased number of seats being added onto planes, older manufacturing recommendations are being ignored. The maximum seats allowed on planes have increased from 180 to 195, in the same amount of space. The reason why these manufacturing recommendations were created in the past was for the passengers’ comfort; however, in the name of profit, a large portion of airline corporations are ditching the old standards for their own benefit. Although this new seat size may not be that problematic to people who are smaller, for the average person the seat is uncomfortable, and for people who are larger than average, it is torturous. Besides the seats shrinking, leg room has shrunk as well. This means people with longer legs will have to settle for awkward positions while on the plane. If one would want a seat with more room, then there would be a larger price to pay. In a survey conducted for The LA Times, 59% of the participants said that they would pay up to $20 for a larger, more comfortable seat; however, fewer than 9% of the passengers would be willing to pay more than $20 for a wider seat. This shows that there is a price on comfort according to some people; however, some believe that it would be the humane gesture to give people comfort, and be of different age demographics and health, as well as how people would act in a real evacuation. Parents may put their children before themselves, panic would be a major factor, and because of mobiles devices that are allowed on planes, many people do not read the evacuation manuals. The narrower paths would slow evacuation, and an increased number of people would increase mass hysteria. Although evacuations rarely happen, it is a possible hazard. A n other issue that is becoming more common as a result of Photo by Rina Ng shrinking seats Plane flights may become a less enjoyable experience for plane passengers due to the limited space that is available is air rage. There have not treat them like animals such as been many reoccurring incidents in which passengers fought midcattle. Beside discomfort, there air over things such as a reclined is also the issue of smaller seats seat. The passenger behind kicks posing hazards. One of the hazards the seat in front because they are is evacuation from the plane. Since frustrated instead of talking things there are more people, because of out. Then the passenger in front the extra seats that are added on, it gets angry and they soon lash out would be more crowded, and be- at each other. Sometimes other sides the seats and leg room shrink- passengers join in the fight because ing, the pathways have also shrunk they are also frustrated. Since the space in planes to 79 cm in width. For a plane to be allowed to fly, it has to be proven is becoming so limited, a reclining by the manufacturer that all pas- seat would be even more irritating sengers can all evacuate in less to passengers, and because of this, than 90 seconds with half of the ex- some airlines advertise their seats its blocked. The problem with the as pre-reclined, meaning that they test, however, is that all the passen- do not recline at all. Pre-reclined seats may gers for the test are assumed to be physically fit. Children, teens, and help with fights over reclining the elderly are not involved in the seats; however, knees banging simulation, and the test subjects onto table trays, bumping elbows know that there will be an evacu- on the armrest with ones’ neighation as well as how to properly bour and having to fight with even evacuate. The test does not consider the fact that the passengers may Continued on page 6 May 2015 -- Scarlett FEVER -- Dr. E. P. Scarlett High School -- EDITORIALS -- Page 3 Study suggests HPV vaccine should be given to boys By Kyra Bird The topic of vaccinations has been a controversial one in recent years that has caused much debate between those in the medical community and people who question the effectiveness and side effects of common vaccines. Now, here in Canada, new questions are arising regarding the human papillomavirus, or HPV, vaccine following the release of a new study out of the Princess Margaret Cancer Centre in Toronto. The study, conducted by oncologist Dr. Lillian Siu, suggests that the vaccine, which is typically given to girls in school at the age of 11-or 12-yearsold and is covered under Canada’s healthcare program, should also be offered to boys as it could lessen the growing threat of oral cancers in men. According to Canada’s Centers for Disease Control and Prevention’s website, HPV is the most common sexually-transmitted infection and is so easily transmitted that “nearly all sexually active men and women get it at some point in their lives.” Though it is true that most people will contract HPV at some point or another, in most cases, the virus goes away on its own and does not prompt any symptoms. In the cases in which HPV does prompt health problems, though, genital warts and numerous types of cancer are often the result. Cervical cancer is the most common HPV-positive cancer that occurs in women, with about 1,450 Canadian women developing the cancer every year and 380 of those cases ending in death. The prominence of this cancer in women who contracted HPV was what prompted the Canadian government to begin offering the vaccine to girls in 2006. The HPV-positive cancers that Siu focused on in her study were oropharyngeal cancers which affect the tonsil area and the base of the tongue. These cancers have been found to affect about three times as many men as women and the ages of forty and seventy. arise about the results. When sethe results of the study predict that Regardless of when the savings nior vaccine researchers began to the total numbers of oropharyngeal occur, though, it is important to question the statistical model used cancer cases in men could over- take into consideration where the to conduct the study, Siu did admit take the cases of cervical cancer savings come from. On the one that the calculations did not take of women within a decade. This hand, the government can choose into account herd immunity and is why Siu and many other propo- to save money by not offering the the interaction between external nents of the idea believe that boys HPV vaccine to men which will factors and the development of oral also need to be offered the HPV mean they will later have to spend cancers. This means that when revaccine in the same way that girls money on those patients’ cancer searchers were looking at the numare and not be forced to pay if they treatments. Alternatively, the gov- ber of cases of future oral cancers want to be protected, as is required ernment can invest the money in in people who were HPV-positive now. As of now, it is unclear to immunizing men and protecting they did not take into account how medical experts why HPV-positive them from potentially deadly can- the decrease could be attributed to oral cancers affect more men than cers which will lead to savings the amount of girls who had received immunization and women, but with more cases of these cancers how this would therefore have an effect on the appearing in both North number of men contractAmerica and Western ing the virus. ResearchEurope, it seems clear ers were also unable to that boys need to be offactor out the possibility fered protection. Siu’s study that men who develop looked at all 192,000 oropharyngeal cancers Canadian boys who might have contracted were twelve years of these cancers due to exage in 2012. Statistical ternal factors such as a modelling was used to history of smoking or project the number of being exposed to other them likely to get the carcinogens. Though vaccine if it was offered the shortcomings of this and the decrease in fustudy should prompt disture oral cancers that cussion, they are not detwould result from imrimental enough to make munization. By estimatthe study completely ing the decrease in these useless. They simply cancers, Siu was able mean that more studies to highlight the effecneed to be done to gain tiveness of offering the an even more compreshot as well as project hensive knowledge of the money that could be such a large scale issue. saved by the Canadian Critics are calling for health care system. The the medical community Photo by Helen Trang savings, based on the reto totally disregard this sults of the study, could Drew Miller, Grade 12, is in favor of the idea of boys receiv- study when, in reality, potentially be between 8 ing the HPV vaccine in covered by health care in Canada they should be calling for and 28 million dollars a more medical minds to year. The money saved would be when the expensive treatments for conduct new studies to determine the result of the health care system these cancers no longer need to be the right course of action. not having to treat as many oro- paid for. When considered in that A final argument that surpharyngeal cancers in the future light, many feel the question of faced with the release of this study at only the small cost of having to whether or not the HPV vaccine was one that also came up prior to produce the $400 HPV vaccine for should be offered to boys seems to the 2006 decision to allow girls to have a pretty obvious answer. get the HPV vaccine. Many critics both boys and girls. Many opponents criticize Naturally, when a study in conservative circles oppose givthat the health care savings would regarding such a controversial ing the HPV vaccine to such young not be felt for many years as the topic is released, there is plenty of children as they feel immunizacancer usually develops between criticism and questioning that can tion against sexually transmitted infections only promotes or condones more sexual activity among teenagers and young adults. This resistance, though, should be overcome in the same way that it was dealt with in 2006 when the argument was centered on girls, which is simply making the vaccine optional and not forcing parents to get their kids vaccinated. If parents have religious or moral objections to allowing their children, boys or girls, to be vaccinated against HPV then all they will have to do is simply deny permission to their child’s school. This way, parents who do want their children protected can make that decision while parents who do not condone it can have choice as well. It is important to note that the issues mentioned above were not only brought up when the debate revolved around public schools but also when it was suggested that the vaccine be introduced into Catholic schools as well. When it came to many Catholic school boards around the country, the argument against the vaccine was centered on the beliefs of the religion, specifically when it came to premarital sex. Since many believed the vaccine had the potential to encourage young people to engage in sexual activity, many parents were worried their children would go against their religion’s morals and have sex before marriage. This made the process of getting the vaccine into those schools extremely difficult and though most Catholic schools offer the vaccine at this point in time, some have only begun offering it as recently as 2013. This seems to provide yet another reason that as many young Canadians as possible, both boys and girls, should be given the vaccine as there may have already been a significant portion of the population who is not vaccinated due to not being offered the vaccine for moral reasons or otherwise. Continued on page 6 Page 4 -- EDITORIALS -- Scarlett FEVER -- Dr. E. P. Scarlett High School -- May 2015 Hillary Clinton has the potential to become the next US President or to be passed up in the preliminaries By Cassandra Betts Hillary Clinton is the democrat’s dream candidate. She has everything that is needed to be a successful president of the United States of America. She has the name, she has the recognition, she has the experience. She supports a platform that defends minorities and evokes images of family and prosperity for all classes. She has the chance to break tradition by becoming the first female president, which should stir feminists and women across the country. In other words, there is no reason why she should not win the Democrat’s nomination, let alone the entire presidency. She is the one sure leader in a political world ruled by uncertainty and upsets, so qualified for the job that she is almost entitled to it. On November 8, 2016 Clinton should be celebrating her blowout win and practicing the inauguration speech that she will have had written a year beforehand. Backup to 2008. The story was the same. Clinton had the same platform, the same qualifications, the same celebrity status. At the beginning of the campaign, no one ever thought it was possible that she could lose the Democrat’s nomination. Many even thought that she should have been packing her bags for the White House. Of course, as the last eight years have shown, her campaign did not quite work out as anticipated. A newcomer stepped in and ruined all her plans, and suddenly, Clinton’s experience and name were completely nullified by Barack Obama’s passion, youth and promise of change for the lower class. Today, Clinton is in a very similar position to where she was at the beginning of the 2008 campaign. She has virtually no opposition for the democratic nomination. So far, the New York Times cites Clinton as the sole democrat candidate who is surely running. Circumstances, however, can change in a few short weeks on the campaign trail, as Obama effectively demonstrated. While constructing her campaign, it seems safe to assume that Clinton will be examining what went wrong in 2008 and using it to create a stronger platform the second time around. One factor that should have helped Clinton win in 2008 (and should still be giving her an edge today) is her somewhat celebrity status. Hillary Clinton is a household name and has been since 1993. Back then, she was known only as Bill Clinton’s wife, the first lady, the President’s right hand woman, but even before she was campaigning to become the next President of the United States she was already accomplished in the political world. Before her marriage, Clinton, known then by her maiden name of Rodham, graduated from Yale Law School and became a Congressional Legal Counsel. After marrying Bill and moving to Arkansas she continued to add to her list of impressive achievements, including cofounding Arkansas Advocates for Children and Fami- downfall in 2016. little boy preparing for his school’s play, a lies, becoming the first female chair of the If she campaigns properly, how- lady just about to retire, and a man saying Legal Services Corporation, and becoming ever, Clinton should be able to overcome that America is a “hard-working country.” the first female partner at Rose Law firm. As the stereotypes that come with her age. Al- The clip then goes to Clinton, who is sitting first lady of Arkansas, Clinton attempted to though she does not have smooth skin and at a table with a coffee in her hand, wearing reform Arkansas’ education system, and as still wears traditional pantsuits, the rest of a blue jacket and white blouse and looking first lady of the United States she tried to im- her campaign seems fairly modern. She is like any other American on a typical weekplement a universal healthcare system. Al- using social media to a greater degree than day morning. Clinton announces that she though both motions were opposed, she was she did in 2008. In fact, her campaign was is “getting ready to do something too: [she directly responsible for the implementation announced through the use of an online vid- is] running for president.” Although cute, of the State Children’s Health Insurance Pro- eo. Many call Clinton too conservative for the video seems to be screaming: “I support gram, the Adoption and Safe Families Act the Democrats, but this judgment seems to minorities and families and women and the and the Foster Care Independence Act. Af- be based solely on her age and perhaps her working class,” and was lacking in subtlety. terwards, she was elected as the first female old Iraq decision. Currently, she is running In the entire video, a total of one man was US senator of New York, and was named her campaign on the promise of paid leave featured, and he was the man who was supSecretary of State by Obama. This massive for new mothers and is pushing the Supreme posed to represent the oppressed blue-collar list of political accomplishments makes her Court to make marriage a universal right, re- portion of the population who deserve more an ideal candidate for the democratic nomi- gardless of sexual orientation. These views, rights and higher pay. The number of people nation. She already has experience in poli- while very liberal, are also very modern, and who belonged to a minority, whether it be tics at both a state and national level. She based on race, sexual knows how to push initiatives forward orientation or age, was and how to recover after they fail. She overwhelming. It is has practice living in the public eye and evident that Clinton is able to comport herself with poise and wants to be the “chamdignity in public situations. pion” of “everyday Americans.” She says This experience, though largely so at the end of her beneficial, also comes with a few drawvideo, and the phrase backs. Clinton has been involved in quite is printed all over her a few scandals during her time, most website. She needs notably the Lewinsky Scandal, which to be careful that she involved Bill Clinton’s infidelity, and does not focus too the Whitewater Scandal, which involved much on reaching out some questionable loans that the Clintons to all the individual may have made to invest in the Whitegroups that populate water Development Corporation. Many the country and lose pacifists also critique her response to the the vote of the “every9/11 terrorist attack, where she supported day American.” military action in Afghanistan and the Still, despite Iraq Resolution. Although afterward she the somewhat cheesy objected to aspects of the Bush’s adminvideo, her points are istration’s choices during the Iraq War undeniably strong. and opposed most of Bush’s domestic Photo by Cassandra Betts She believes in a more policies, by that time she had already culgovernment, tivated a pro-war persona that stays with Hillary Clinton’s logo is simple and direct, just like her campaign strategy active just like the Obama her to this day. The other problem that comes show that Clinton, despite her age, or maybe administration. She wants to prioritize famiwith Clinton’s experience is of course age. in fact because of it, is ready to connect with lies, as her video highlights. Clinton points While she alienated anti-war advocates by young voters and be the voice that unites the out that when “families are strong American her choices during the Bush years, her age young and the old as a cohesive whole. is strong,” and she is backing this claim by Clinton’s announcement that she fighting for paid leave. Her support for gay is an obstacle that, although very different from her actions, may prove even more diffi- was running for president, although tasteful- marriage in all fifty states and her groundcult to overcome. One of Obama’s main ap- ly combining social media, family values and breaking achievements in fields typically peals in 2008 was his youth; he was able to diversity, seemed a little like she was trying dominated by men are liberal and refreshing. inspire young voters across the country with too hard to demonstrate her acceptance and Comprehensively, she embodies everything a promise of the future that Clinton simply approachability and may be the one element that the democratic party should stand for. cannot make. At 67, when Clinton speaks of her campaign where she will have to exert She just needs to structure her campaign to of the future of Americans it seems some- caution. The video entitled “Getting Started” highlight these core values. So far in her campaign, Clinton what obsolete. Her future is coming to an opens with a young mother proclaiming that end rather than a beginning, and that makes she is getting ready for “a lot of things.” It seems to be trying to do just that. Her video, it hard for her to connect with the younger then goes on to show an old lady planting to- although not without flaws, did promote her voters. The oldest president to be sworn into matoes in her garden, the same mother mov- belief in family and equality for all people, office was Ronald Reagan at 69. If Clinton ing so her daughter can start kindergarten in regardless of sex, sexual orientation or class. Her campaign also seems to be wins in 2016 she will be 68, making her a good school, two Spanish-speaking broth- the oldest president after Reagan. This age, ers opening their own restaurant, a stay-at- structured to demonstrate the importance of and the fragility and traditionalism that one home mom going back to work, a young family and personal relations. Instead of flyoften associates with the elderly, was prob- black couple getting ready to have a baby, ing a private plane to Iowa as she has in the ably one of the major factors that contributed an Asian girl fresh out of college looking for past, Continued on page 5 to Clinton’s loss in 2008 and could be her her first job, a gay couple getting married, a May 2015 -- Scarlett FEVER Continued from page 4 Clinton decided to drive, embodying the concept of a good old-fashioned family road trip. Although it is difficult to make Clinton seem just like anyone else, (because of her fame and political importance she needs to be under protection at all times) that is what her new campaign is all about. So far her gatherings have been small, under twenty people in most cases, and she is avoiding any grand rallies that may seem like a coronation. Traveling by road instead of air and stopping along the way at roadside dinners also helps to soften up her image. One of the main complaints about Clinton that resurfaces over the years is that she is cold and unrelatable. Many even go so far as to say that she is inhuman. This criticism probably comes from the way she is presents herself. Clinton is very eloquent, and always cool, calm and collected. In contrast to Obama, who could rouse crowds and gather the support of media sensations such as Opera Winfrey, she may seem a bit mechanical, but this lack of emotion is a testament to her confidence and poise. Clinton is rarely flustered. Based on her accomplishments she can compete with the strongest of men, and in order to do that she has set aside the stereotypical “weak” emotions that are usually associated with women and make them unfit to fill leadership positions. By traveling to Iowa in a car and meeting with people in small little groups, Clinton is trying to break the emotionless, mechanical persona she has been dealt because of the high ranking positions she has filled. In one of the little chats she posted to her Facebook page she is seen talking about her granddaughter Charlotte with a gush of grandmotherly love and pride. It is moments like these that are supposed to be softening her image and making her more accessible. If she succeeds in this endeavor more power to her; however, there is nothing wrong with being seen as tough and unemotional in the face of equally tough decisions that have to be made based on reason instead of feelings. Clinton has the ability to make decisions based on her own experiences and the consequences that stemmed from those actions, and to analyze her moves before acting, all of which are invaluable skills for a president. In 2008 Clinton failed -- to win for a number of reasons. She was too old, she was seen as pro-war, she did not have a specific group she was gearing her campaign towards, she was seen as an unemotional machine and Americans, instead of embracing her numerous achievements, chose to fear them because they could not relate. In 2016 Clinton is facing the same problems. She is even older, but she is showing that with ages comes experience and an ability to learn about modernity and liberty. She cannot erase her actions from when Bush was president, but she is now able to present other actions that tell a different story, such as her reaction to the Arab Spring when she was Secretary of State under Obama (which she describes in her novel Hard Choices). Her campaign is completely tailored to reach certain groups of people, which are specific yet at the same time broad and important enough to win her a vast number of votes. The Hispanics, the blacks, the families, the working class, these are the people Clinton is targeting and whose values hopefully align with hers. Lastly, Clinton is softening her image, which, although portrayed at times as completely ridiculous, is absolutely necessary for her to meet American’s standards of likability. It should not matter whether the public likes Clinton or not as long as they agree with her policies, but humans are emotional creatures and make their decisions based on their emotions. Although trying to become more likable is a challenge for anyone, Clinton has been analytically remedying this problem by presenting herself in an intimate, familybased light. “As you look across the country” Clinton observed at Kirkwood Community College in Iowa, “the deck is still stacked in favour of those already at the top, and there’s something wrong with that.” These words are calculated, and measured but they also, at least for those who support Clinton, ring true. She is fighting for the middle class, but she is also fighting for the women, for the gays, for the children, and for the everyday American. She wants to be a champion and, if the population gives her the chance to do so, she has the potential to succeed. Only the future will tell if Clinton will be named president on November 8, 2016, but if Americans value equality, family and community they should be doing everything in their power to make this potential future a reality. Dr. E. P. Scarlett High School -- EDITORIALS -- Page 5 Harper’s tough-on-crime gun laws deemed unconstitutional Overall, it seems that the Supreme Court’s decision was not The federal government the proper one in dealing with this under Stephen Harper is one that type of offence. Though it is true has consistently pursued a toughthat the law specifically applies to on-crime agenda in hopes that the the possession of illegal firearms, legal system will be more oriented and not the use of these firearms, towards protecting victims with some may be tempted to believe sentences that reflect the severity that these crimes are not severe. It of every crime committed. When should be considered that the posput into action, this agenda has session of these firearms can very often led the Harper government quickly lead to illegal use which to impose mandatory minimum puts the general public in danger. sentences for many crimes, such This fact seems to point strongly as in 2008 when mandatory minito the conviction that the possesmum sentences were instituted sion of these illegal guns should be for the possession of treated just as seriously as the prohibited firearms use of these guns is. When it and ammunition. This comes to other offences that “This decision was a severe blow to carry mandatory sentences, meant that anyone found with prohibited the Harper goernment’s tough-on-crime such as possession of mariagenda. Despite the setback, it does juana plants, the Supreme guns and ammunition not seem as though Harper plans to Court may have been justiwould spend three years in jail regardless back down. In response to the Supreme fied to say that mandatory of the circumstances Court’s ruling, Justice Minister Peter minimum sentencing was too surrounding the ownMacKay stated that the government harsh, but when it comes to ership; for repeat of- will review the decision and then work the more severe crimes that fenders, the sentence to determine the next steps the Harper carry these minimum jail was a minimum five government will take in order to protect times such as sexual assault, possession of child pornogyears. To many, this Canadians from gun crimes.” felt like an unnecesraphy and, in this case, the sarily stiff penalty and possession of illegal fireon Tuesday, April 14, arms, it does not seem apafter a lengthy legal battle, the Su- pirical evidence suggests that man- propriate that lighter sentencing is preme Court showed their own dis- datory minimum sentences do not, being chosen over the guaranteed pleasure with the law by deeming in fact, deter crimes.” In response, safety of Canadians. many supporters of Harper’s strict it unconstitutional. This decision was a severe The 6-3 ruling, which was laws on gun crimes noted that the blow to the Harper government’s penned by Chief Justice Beverley harder the government and justice tough-on-crime agenda. Despite McLachlin, reflected the court’s system are on smaller crimes, the the setback, it does not seem as belief that the mandatory mini- less likely it is that those small though Harper plans to back down. mum sentencing on this particular crimes will escalate into larger In response to the Supreme Court’s law could trap people that may not ones. For example, by strictly ruling, Justice Minister Peter be at any fault or of any danger to punishing those that possess il- MacKay stated that the governthe public. The ruling noted that legal firearms, the likelihood that ment will review the decision and minimum sentencing does not al- shootings will occur will decline as then work to determine the next low for people to justify their pos- well. These supporters stress that steps the Harper government will session of firearms or defend them- they do not feel they need statisti- take in order to protect Canadians selves in front of a judge, making cal data as the court is suggesting, from gun crimes. When planning it unconstitutional and unjust as the but instead believe that firmer laws their next moves, the government legal system cannot properly do its give a peace of mind that is infi- will have to be cautious of public job. In the minds of many critics, nitely more important. opinion on their stiff penalties as especially members of the Cana- Supporters of Harper’s this is the seventh major defeat a dian justice system, minimum sen- tough-on-crime agenda also argue Harper crime policy has suffered tencing also acts to render judges that minimum sentencing has the when facing off against the Suuseless in their own courts as they potential to remove some of the preme Court. This prompts many will only have the ability to hand mistakes that can come from the to wonder what possibly uncondown firm sentences created by the justice process. They feel that the stitutional lengths Harper will go government. Supreme Court’s assumption that to in order to achieve his percep When making the deci- people who carry illegal firearms tion of safety for Canadians. Many sion, the Court even went so far do not always intend to harm oth- seem to still trust that the governas to provide an example of a sce- ers is too forgiving and assumes ment is within its bounds in the nario in which someone could be the best in people which may put laws it is proposing, but there are unjustly punished by the severity the general public in danger. With critics who justifiably feel that the of the law. The court noted that if a minimum sentence, all people are Harper government is beginning to someone had inherited a firearm held accountable for their actions cross the line of being too tough on that he or she never intended to use without exception, effectively de- crime. and had not immediately licensed terring people from committing the it and for some reason had been crimes in question. By Kyra Bird found to possess the gun, the person would be given the mandatory minimum sentence regardless of the fact that they posed no threat to the public. In McLachlin’s explanation of the ruling she also took aim at the government’s main justification for the tough sentencing which was that tougher laws keep Canadians safer and therefore need to exist. McLachlin argued that “the government has not established that mandatory minimum terms of imprisonment act as a deterrent against gun-related crimes. Em- Page 6 -- EDITORIALS -- Scarlett FEVER Duffy Trial brings bad omens for Conservatives By Sam McIntosh will do anything to assure that they remain in power. This could be the deciding facThe Mike Duffy scandal was a tor in what is shaping up to be a very close shock to the Conservative party when it election with the Liberals chomping at the was revealed in 2012 that Duffy was one bit to build a minority or majority governof four senators under investigation for ment. This gaffe will grow even more even claiming residence outside of Ottawa in if Mike Duffy is found innocent of all of order to gain living expenses for being in his crimes. If he is found innocent, people Ottawa. This began an investigation which may say that the Conservatives may have interfered with the case and helped one of their own out of his mess. If he is found guilty, then many Canadians will see it as proof that the Conservatives have grown too comfortable in power and a new party should take control in the next election. In many ways, this trial is more about Stephen Harper then it is about Mike Duffy, though he is the one actually on trial. It paints Mr. Harper as someone who is unable to completely control his staff and prevent them from breaking Photo by Sam McIntosh the law. Blindly allowing this is not Duffy’s crimes are a black eye on Canadian politics a good indicator of Harper’s leadin turn led the RCMP to file charges against ership ability. Some may wonder if this reMr. Duffy two years later for bribery, ally the type of person we want to represent fraud, and breach of trust amongst an ad- Canada on the world stage. So far it would ditional eighteen charges. During this time, appear so as the Conservatives have been evidence came forth which suggested the in power for nine years and gained a maprime minister’s office was involved and jority government during the last few elechad bribed Duffy. While the prime minister tions. The Conservatives have been able to himself was not involved, his chief of staff, fend off many issues that other countries Nigel Wright, was reported to be the one faced during the tough economic times that who bribed Duffy based on a letter news started in 2008. That is one of the main reaorganizations obtained from another spe- sons why people still support them even cial counsel, Benjamin Perrin. After Duffy after scandals like the Duffy trial. They had been arrested, many wondered about have kept the Canadian economy relatively the Conservatives which led to a decline in stable, though with the recent plunge in their poll numbers and increased support the price of oil, that stability may come to for opposition parties. The Conservatives a very quick end soon. This trial has only thought they had ended the embarrassment, brought more doubts as to whether or not but as Mike Duffy’s trial goes on, it is put- the Conservatives are the right party to lead ting the spotlight on the Conservatives with Canada. Whatever the outcome of this trial, the worst timing possible. it is hard to imagine that the Conservatives With an upcoming election and the will not take some collateral damage. Only Liberals nipping at their heels in the polls, time will tell if the Conservatives are able the Conservatives need to put their best to come back from this and win the elecfoot forward and show Canadians that they tion. are still the best bet for Canada. The Duffy trial is painting them as corrupt bullies who Continued from page 2 more passengers for overhead storage space, are just more issues that bring on irritability and frustration. All of the passengers, when questioned by police and guards after landing, admitted that their rash actions would not be something that they would usually do. Since a checked bag fee was added in 2008, carry-ons have increased, and the fact that there are more people, does not help with this fact. Air rage is definitely common as a result of these new designs. A vast majority of airlines have converted their seats into smaller, narrower seats, however, some airlines still stick to the old designs because they value the comfort of their passengers; however, due to competition they may have to. Since more seats have been added to some airlines, the cost of those seats has been lowered, meaning many people would choose those seats over pricier ones. If this trend of shrinking seats is to continue, there will be consequences. Such consequences may include fewer people traveling long distances because of the unpleasant experiences that they had on the plane. If this were to happen, the airlines’ decisions would backfire on them. Instead of the airlines making more money, they would lose revenue. -- Dr. E. P. Scarlett High School -- May 2015 Continued from page 3 Currently, Alberta and Prince Edward Island are the only two provinces who offer the HPV vaccine to boys who wish to be protected. Starting next school year Nova Scotia will join the short list of provinces who have made the decision to allow boys to protect themselves with the HPV vaccine. In the minds of many, this is simply not enough and Canada’s health care system as a whole must step up and begin offering the vaccine for free to boys, as they do with girls, because the numerous benefits simply outweigh the minimal disadvantages. Anyone who is sexually active has the chance of contracting HPV and a vaccine will not only limit the cases of cervical and oropharyngeal cancers, but also has the benefit of protecting patients from genital warts, anal diseases, and rectal cancers. Vaccinating women against this virus is beneficial and now it is boys’ turn to be protected. Vaccinating boys against HPV will contribute to herd immunity, not only protecting the boys who get the vaccination but also protecting the girls who they could possibly infect without the vaccine. The homosexual community also deserves some special consideration. If boys are allowed to be freely vaccinated, they can protect future male partners in a way that they cannot currently do as only a very small portion of the male population is getting immunized. Overall, though the study that Siu conducted is not perfect and will need to be built on before a decision can be made based on its findings, it still provides strong evidence for the government to consider. Raising awareness in the way this study has is the first step towards change and this appears to be a crucial step towards a more protected population of sexually active Canadians. By Aaron Schmidtke about finding a book at a used book store and opening it up, and sometimes finding the previous owner’s writing inside the book at parts that they found interesting. That sort of stuff is very fascinating. I do not know if I will ever get captured into the world of digital books but I certainly do not want to or feel obligated that I have to. It is almost a sure reality that at some point classes will be taught with digital textbooks and digital notebooks, but I hope that I will narrowly escape that period. I think that some things like calculators and GPS need to be digital, but not books. In a 2014 study in Italy, 50 readers were given the same story; half of them received it on a paperback and the other half on a Kindle (e-reader). After, readers were tested on aspects of the story: characters, settings, plot reconstruction measure, narrative coherence, etc. Readers who read the book on paperback received significantly better scores than those who read it on the Kindle. The researchers suggest: “The haptic and tactile feedback of a Kindle does not provide the same support for mental reconstruction of a story as a print pocket book does.” A similar test was given to 72 grade ten students in Norway where half read the book on a computer screen and the other half in print. Once again, students that read the book in print scored significantly better than the students who read it on the computer. Further proving that reading books in print is a far more valuable way to take on information. Ultimately, the study is just reassurance that others feel the same. The next generation really does need books written in print. The sound of the pages as they crisply turn them, the smell of a fresh book or a used book, the feel of the bright, white new pages or the feel of the old, weathered stained ones. Every kid growing up in the next generation should have the pleasure of experiencing these sensations and I encourage others to support this as well. Trading paperback for digital version not for everyone When looking at the bookshelf, I see literary classics: David Copperfield, 1984, and Watership Down and incredible authors and visionaries in Ernest Hemingway, Aldous Huxley, and J.D Salinger. Others may have these authors and books lining their shelves, but there is one difference: they may need to enter a four-digit passcode to read them. The world we live in today is a digital one and everywhere one looks, you will find a digital device being relied upon. From a camera to a game console, to the computer that writers use, it is all digital. Ninetypercent of people walking down the street would have an electronic device on them. Do not misinterpret what I am saying; I too always have my iPhone “Readers who read on me, but the book on papernow I think back received signifiit is time to cantly better scores draw the than those who read line. it on the Kindle.” I remember as a kid, almost every week my Granny would take me to the library to pick out as many books that fit my fancy. As a young boy, I would start by selecting a few Arthur the Aardvark books and maybe some Litter Critter ones. As I got older, maybe Diary of a Wimpy Kid or Captain Underpants. The point is, if my Granny knew that kids would be growing up reading books off of an iPad, iPhone, e-Book, or whatever, she would be horrified. I would have to agree with her on that front. Everything about owning books is charm ing. I love the feeling of adding another book to my collection and perfectly fitting it in-between other books just like a puzzle. I think my favourite quality about owning books is buying them used. I like to own new books, but there is something May 2015 -- Scarlett FEVER -- Dr. E. P. Scarlett High School -- EDITORIALS -- Page 7 The end for Canadian circus company Cirque du Soleil By Sarah Miao The sophisticated art of circus has always been strongly appreciated by spectators, young and old, across the globe. From the entrancing acrobatics to the tasteful artistic costumes, from the moving music to the captivating choreography, there is no doubt that these are simply a few of the factors that viewers appreciate about the world of circus. One particular entertainment company seems to have perfected the ability to combine all of these aspects and has delivered countless enthralling shows. This is the magic known as the Cirque du Soleil, a theatrical production company that is highly celebrated across the world. Funded in 1984 by two street performers, Guy Laliberté and Gilles Ste-Croix, Cirque du Soleil established its headquarters on Canadian soil in Montreal, Quebec. Despite the early start–up difficulties encountered, the company has managed to overcome its financial challenges and has produced more than thirty different shows, of which eighteen of them are currently active. Each show consists of a unique storyline and theme, which are explored using different international circus styles. In addition to the shows, Cirque du Soleil has also made an effort to participate in and perform at various events, including the 400th anniversary for Quebec City in 2008. Today, all of the talented performers come from a wide variety of distinct cultural backgrounds and nations because Cirque du Soleil scouts for talent across the globe in countries such as US, France, Japan, and, of course, Canada. Due to all of these reasons, there is no doubt that Cirque du Soleil has been a symbol of pride for Canadians, which is also why everyone reacted with shock and contempt after learning that this well–recognized theatrical company has sold the majority of its stakes to foreign investors. While the rumours have circulated for many weeks, it was not until April 20, 2015 that the public finally obtained confirmation that Cirque du Soleil is indeed selling its stakes to various foreign investors. The detailed financial terms are not known openly, but the deal is expected to close near the end of summer and many have estimated it to be between $1.5 to $2 billion. One of the new investors, Texas Pacific Group (TPG), is a US–owned private equity investment firm that invests in companies experiencing financial difficulties. TPG has many offices around the world, including the city of Toronto and it is reported worth questioning the motives behind many of the recent sales of Canadian−based companies. For example, in the summer of 2014, another well−recognized Canadian coffee company, Tim Hortons, was also sold to the American fast−food grant, Burger King. In the matter of a year, two major Canadian corporations are being purchased by or are becoming largely invested in by foreigners. In the global market, where Canada started out with little representation in the first place, the recent sales have Photo by Sarah Miao proven that many Kurios is a touring Cirque du Soleil production that was performed in Calgary on April 28 other countries are much more that this firm has obtained the Many are citing that with this new successful at retaining their namajority of the Cirque du Soleil change, perhaps Canada is once tional− based companies. For exstakes. Other investing parties in- again losing another source of ample, Germany, US, and Japan clude Quebec’s Caisse de dépôt et patriotic pride. A placement du Québec (CDPQ), a professor at Unicrown cooperation responsible for versity of Montrepublic pensions in Quebec, as well al, Louis Hebert, as Fosun International Limited, agrees stating that a Shanghai−based conglomerate “I’m not sure it company in Mainland China. The will ever be Canafounder, Laliberté, will still retain dian again.” As the some of Cirque du Soleil’s stakes, and will continue to offer creative last opinion represents the majority input in the future. Following the announce- of the sentiment ments, Laliberté has also reassured found in Canadithe public that little changes would ans, one cannot be made regarding the production help but reflect on and operation of Cirque du Soleil. the causes behind For example, the headquarters for this overwhelmthe company will remain in the ing contempt. city of Montreal. He also stated For many, a prethat “The Quebec flag will still be dominant reason there, the Canadian flag will still be behind this sentithere, the Cirque flag will still be ment is the fact there,” supporting the idea that the that the investors company will still remain a symbol are from foreign of pride for Canada. countries. As Since the announcement, mentioned previa portion of the general public ously, Cirque du seems to be supporting the invest- Soleil has made ments made by the foreign compa- many Canadians nies. Patrick Leroux, a professor proud due to its at Concordia University, is one of numerous acthe individuals in favour of this c o m p l i s h m e n t s change, stating that the invest- and high praises. ments made by the Fosun Inter- For this reason, national Limited will help expand for Canadians to the market of Cirque du Soleil on a lose this source of larger scale. After all, Fosun is the pride is a difficult largest conglomerate in China and idea to accept. it possesses the potential to open A d d i up the Asian market to arriving cir- tionally, it is also cus productions. On the other hand, however, the majority of Canadians seem to disagree with the decision made by Cirque du Soleil to sell off its stakes to foreign investors. have dominated the automobile market with brands such as BMW, Ford, and Toyota. Many fast−food companies are established in the US, such as McDonald’s and Starbucks. After studying these facts, individuals across Canada are starting to question if Canada will be able to overcome the steep pressure from foreign countries, who have exhibited many times their desire to gain control over some of the Canadian−based companies, or if Canada will be able to find a way to prevent further foreign investments, with regulations from the government. No matter what the result is, there is no doubt that Canada is slowly losing many of its national brands. In the case of Cirque du Soleil, one can only wait for the changes and adjustments that will most likely arrive as the sales for the company close. Before this happens, Canadians will have a chance to witness an original production on home soil, created specifically for the 2015 Pan American Games, on July 10, in the city of Toronto. Page 8 -- NEWS -- Scarlett FEVER -- Dr. E. P. Scarlett High School -- May 2015 The 2015 Choir and Band trip to New York is a success Park for lunch and the first view of The Times Square has many screens and adver- to outstanding individual performances. By Aysha Partington Statue of Liberty. Students then headed off tising everywhere. On New Years Eve, the There were only twelve Maestro Awards for and Grace Stone to Times Square, the main shopping area. New York City is truly the city that After supper everyone went to see the munever sleeps. It was an amazing experience sical Wicked at the Gershwin Theater, starfor Scarlett Band students, as they were able ring Caroline Bowman as Elphaba and Kara to perform and sightsee around the city. On Lindsay as Glinda. The show was spectacuTuesday, April 14, 2015, the phenomenal lar. Wicked is a prequel to The Wizard of trip started off at the Calgary Airport at 6 Oz, mainly focusing on the witches Elphaba am. The Scarlett crew arrived at LaGuardia and Glinda, and the backstory of the characairport at 2 pm Calgary time. A few students ters in The Wizard of Oz including how the were very scared to fly, but most students cowardly lion, the tin man and the scarecrow were more excited about the destination came to be. than worried about the flight. The plane ride On Thursday, Jazz One attended east to LaGuardia was fairly good, and the a workshop at the Jazz Lincoln Center and landing was interesting since there were so performed spectacularly. After lunch, evmany buildings and sights to see; the view eryone went to The American Museum of from the plane was stunning. Students could Natural History featuring palaeontology and see everything, including all the huge build- other sciences, different artifacts from mulings and the beautiful water. Soon after, tiple cultures, a planetarium, and more. After they loaded up the buses and headed out for the museum, everyone took a walk through a nice dinner at an international buffet, and breathtaking Central Park. Many people then headed to their hotel, the Hilton, in New were out admiring the scenery. The choir Jersey. performed on the sunny stage, playing, “Bam The next day started bright and fields John Vanden,” “Il est belle et bon,” and early when the Scarlett Music Tour crew “Ubi Caritas.” After dinner, everyone went headed to the 9/11 Memorial Museum. The back to the Jazz Lincoln Center to watch the memorial was Celebrating touching and Joe Temperly incredibly performance. sad. Visitors Temperly can actuis a famous ally see some Scottish saxoparts of the phonist. Friday buildings and was the permany objects forming day that were acfor Symphontually there during this diic Band, Wind Ensemble, saster includand the Jazz ing fire trucks, Band, who clothing, and played “Sumany other perstition.” items. The After lunch, museum had Photo by Aysha Partington the students notes written The flashy sign for the Radio City Music Hall in the got to see the to families Rockefeller Center captures students’ attention incredible on September 11, 2001, and phone call records, which Empire State Building, where they stopped were moving and made students think. The at the 86th floor observatory to see the unformuseum also had a section for the previous gettable view of the entire city. Then, everybombings at the Twin Towers, an incident one headed to the Rockefeller Center which in 1993 in which other terrorists bombed is where Radio City Music Hall is located the World Trade Center. There was also a and where The Tonight Show with Jimmy directory of people who died during the fatal Fallon is recorded. Students enjoyed some nice shopping afterward at Times Square, time. Next, students headed to Battery one of the best known places in New York. ball drops in Times Square, a tradition that has been happening since 1907. Later on that night, everyone attended the Boston Symphony Orchestra performance. It was an all the schools at the festival, which shows that overall Scarlett performed well and worked extremely hard. This made the long trip for Scarlett worth it. Of all the schools, Photo by Aysha Partington A wonderful arial view of New York and the buildings that stand tall in the city amazing showcase of talent from the classi- Scarlett travelled the farthest to the compecal music genre. tition. The only other Canadian competition On Saturday it was the choirs’ turn was a school from Toronto, Canada. to perform at the Heritage Music Festival, The trip was a huge success and a playing “Bam Fields John Vanden,” and “Il blast for everyone. Following the awards, est belle et bon.” After lunch everyone got to everyone headed down to go on a wondersee the splendid Phantom of the Opera star- ful dinner cruise for all the schools involved ring James Barbour as the Phantom of the in the festival, which had an astonishing Opera and Julia Udine as Christine Daaé. close-up view of the Statue of Liberty and Phantom of the Opera is a Broadway show the beautiful New York skyline. There was about the Phantom who falls in love with the also plenty of dancing which was very fun. “The band trip was incredible. [My Opera chorus singer Christine, and tutors her friends and I] had a blast hanging out and while terrorising the Opera house. After, it was time for the much- seeing New York,” said Katja Ratz-Ross, anticipated awards ceremony. Evidently, Dr. Grade 11. “I loved the musicals we went E.P. Scarlett High School performed well, to see; they were outstanding [and] the muas they received many awards: the Wind sic was amazing. I also enjoyed competing Ensemble received a Gold 1st Place Award; against the other schools and winning gold Symphonic, Gold 2nd Place; Jazz One re- in multiple awards.” Much dedication and hard work ceived Gold 1st Place as well as Top Over- all Jazz Performance scoring 95, 98, and 99. went into the performing and preparing of The Choir also received a Gold award. Mi- the pieces performed. Band and choir inchael Callander, Grade 12, Paul Callander, structors Paul Brown and Jonathan Bell orGrade 10, and Josh Crawford, Grade 12 also ganized such an amazing trip. Both directors received a Maestro Award. This award was put in so much work and many hours preselected by adjudicators (judges) and pre- paring and helping the students. Everyone sented to musicians who displayed outstand- learned something from the trip. Next year’s ing contribution to the Ensemble in addition trip will hopefully be just as successful. May 2015 -- Scarlett FEVER -- Dr. E. P. Scarlett High School Hubble telescope celebrates its 25th anniversary orbiting Earth posed to fix the problem in space, and this became the Hubble’s first servicing mission. Spacewalking astronauts flew the Endeavour in 1993 and put in a corrective lens called the COSTAR (Corrective Optics Space Telescope Axial Replacement) in front of the flawed mirror. The lens designed by Aero Ball would help the telescope in a similar way as to how optical the space shuttle was re-entering the earth’s atmosphere, the space shuttle, Columbia, disintegrated, One of NASA’s grandest killing all seven members who achievements is the Hubble teleworked on the upgrades on the scope. Named after astronomer telescope. Edward Hubble, this telescope has After the incident, a depeered into the far recesses of the cision was made by NASA that universe and provided humbling all space shuttles had to be able glimpses of stars at the moments to reach the International Space of their births and deaths. The Station if an emergency in flight were to occur; however, since the International Space Station is in a different orbital altitude compared to the Hubble telescope, the space shuttle would be unable to visit both places in one mission. For this reason, future service missions may be unlikely to happen, making John Grunsfeld the last person to touch the telescope in 2009. A s tronomers have learned to use Hubble “in such Photo and art by Rina Ng exquisite ways” The Hubble telescope has provided people with many astounding photographs of the universe thanks to a quarter-century of opimages that the Hubble has pro- glasses work for people with poor erations, according to Grunsfeld, duced have dazzled and inspired vision. Not only was the Hubble’s now NASA’s associate adminthe world, scientists, astronomers, eyesight restored but as well as istrator for science missions. He and ordinary folks alike. Through- NASA’s integrity. expects the observatory to keep out its time in orbit, the Hubble Over the course of 25 wowing the world with its science has collected more than 1.2 mil- years, there have been five servic- for at least another five years. At some point, the Hublion observations of more than ing missions, and this is one of the 38,000 celestial objects and has major reasons for the Hubble’s ble telescope will require repairs made 137,000 trips around the longevity. It was expected that or replacements parts because earth, orbiting the earth once ev- the telescope would last about 15 over time, parts of the telescope ery 96 minutes. years; however, it has surpassed will wear down. When the finan On April 24, 1990, Space that number because of its ability cial costs for service missions to Shuttle Discovery launched the to be upgradeable. repair the Hubble outweigh the telescope. The launch seemed suc- Not all the service missions were Hubble’s scientific value, the telecessful, but it was later found that one hundred percent successful scope will retire. The telescope the telescope’s main mirror, which unfortunately. Service mission would eventually fall lower from was a crucial part of it, was off by four occurred with some casual- its orbit until it finally re-enters 2.2 micrometres. Although the ties. Its purpose was to install a the earth’s atmosphere, and falls error might seem miniscule, this Cosmic Origins Spectrograph for to the earth as an unrecognizable would cause the telescope to take ultraviolet spectrography and the crisp. Although that is unfortublurry, out-of-focus photographs. Wide Field Camera 3 for taking nate, the Hubble has contributed The cause of the error was due to images from the visible spectrum. many huge advances in science how the mirror was shaped when The installation was successful over the 25 years it has been in orit was polished by a machine. and the result of the installations bit, and more data is likely to be Since there would be a huge cost was the high resolution images transmitted in the future so it will to bring back the Hubble tele- that we see today. This occurred not be forgotten for centuries to scope to Earth, an idea was pro- in February 2003; however, when come. By Bijal Belle and Rina Ng -- NEWS -- Page 9 Scarlett celebrates annual Earth Week Most Creative. The winners were By Faith Shoemaker Tyler Gamvrelis, Grade 12; Peter Scarlett’s annual Earth Park, Grade 12; and Anela Bahic, Week from April 16 to 22 was a Grade 11. Other activities includgreat success. Students participated in various activities such as an eat- ed Meatless Monday. Students ing contest, and a vegetarian lunch brought in a vegetarian lunch and challenge. Other events included a were entered into the Earth Week raffle, gift card giveaways, a bake raffle. Another competition on Tuesday was between students to sale, and an Instagram challenge. Earth Week is a move- see how could eat the most tofu. ment that was created in 1970 by Karim Rachman, Grade 11, won a group of university students who and received a prize of a $20 called themselves The Earth Week iTunes gift card. Other participants Committee of Philadelphia. They included Edie Ovis, Grade 11; established themselves by gather- John Kuang, Grade 11, and teaching university students and envi- ers Marc Wyton and Paul Brown. ronmental enthusiasts and came Wednesday was Green Shirt Day up with a committee of thirty-three and the Waste-free Lunch Day. people who had the same idea: to Students wore their green shirts advocate awareness for the earth, or environmental-positive attire to including suggestions about how support the green movement and to help the environment and reduce brought lunches that required no human activities that are harmful garbage and were entered into the to the planet. The group was suc- raffle. Finally, Thursday was the cessful and they established Earth raffle draw. The winner was teachWeek that year, saying that Earth er Darren Colquhoun who won Week will be held annually from Rocky Mountain soap.. Scarlett’s annual Earth April 16 to 22. That week will be dedicated to bettering the Earth Week was a huge success. It and making green, healthy choices. brought awareness to help the enScarlett is in favour of this tradition and held Earth Week within the school. The Environmental Club is in charge of the organization and activities. The teacher sponsor of the Environmental Club is biology teacher, Natalie McLeod. The bake sale raised $171 and the money was used for Earth Week prizes along with environmental donations. With social media having Photo by Faith Shoemaker such an impact The tofu eating contest was one of the environmentallyon youth, there friendly events that was hosted for Scarlett‘s earth week was an Instagram challenge in which students could vironment and continues to enpost a photo of themselves doing courage students to make environan activity (like eating healthy mentally, or green, choices in life. foods, picking up trash, or walking It was also advertised in an incredto school) and tagging it with the ibly fun way with all the games and hashtag #1000actsofgreen. The In- the raffle which helped Scarlett in stagram challenge was divided into the journey to getting the environthree different categories: Nature ment that much healthier and hapPhotography, Greenest Act, and pier. Page 10 -- NEWS -- Scarlett FEVER -- Dr. E. P. Scarlett High School -- May 2015 Chibook, Nigeria kidnapBusiness Management creates new entrepreneurs ping one-year anniversary By Aiden Wong Business Management is an option Lancers can all take during grade 10, 11, and 12 at Dr. E.P. Scarlett. Although this class is not mandatory, it provides for a useful learning experience. Modules such as marketing, advertising, and sales are all offered in Business Management. Tim Kitchen is running the Business Management class and has involved his students in a large project to create a product they can put forth for others to pur- how hard this line of work is and if we want to continue in the career path of business, we can apply what we’ve learned. FEVER: Why did you choose to take Business Management? Smith: I am interested in pursuing business in the future. I thought it would be a good way to get into business and see if it was something I was actually interested in. FEVER: Do you find the content you learn in class to be useful to you? Smith: Yes, I think each of the groups are learning useful concepts and are going Photo by Aiden Wong One of the first versions of the customizeable phone case soon up for sale at Scarlett chase. As a collective, they chose to pro- through the experiences of what each of the duce a phone case that students can design roles hold. themselves. It works like a chalkboard; FEVER: What are some advantages and however, the drawings do not readily come disadvantages of the class? off. This gives one a custom case unique Smith: The good thing is that I’ve gotten to know a lot of people because we all need to from others. The process of making the phone work together to promote our product and case required the effort of the whole class. I’ve learned a lot in regards to what goes on To find more about the project and the class in creating a product. A negative aspect is in general, the FEVER met with Maya that I’ve noticed a lot of the time isn’t beSmith, President for the class and a stu- ing used very well and there are other ways dent currently in Business Management. we could’ve pursued our product; however, For their project, students it’s all about learning. needed to elect a president “Students can de- Many students may not to establish roles and create sign a phone case consider Business Managethemselves.” ment when choosing their structure for a more efficient courses; however, many way of work. FEVER: Could you explain the whole pro- group projects and practical assignments like building a product take place in the cess of electing a president? Smith: We asked people to step forward class and talking to current students about and give a speech about why they wanted to these projects makes the class stand out be president and then there was a vote. We when compared to others. Students are able elected two presidents and they then got to to learn and grasp onto relevant topics that select candidates to be interviewed for po- are present in everyday life in an enjoyable manner. sitions of vice president in each category. Their product will be available for FEVER: Did you find the project of a prac- sale to everyone here at Scarlett in mid May tical scenario to be helpful? If so, why? Smith: It’s a really good look into how to which is something we can all look forward be an entrepreneur. We get to see exactly to. them. There have been protests globally in By Hania Elshayeb the streets, outside embassies, and the Ni It has been 1 year of agony since gerian ambassador’s house. Citizens worldthe 14 of April 2014, when 276 female stu- wide have been pressuring and demanding dents in the age between 16-18 were abduct- greater actions from the governments to help ed by an Islamist terrorist organization from, the people of Chibok find the girls. Nigethe town of Chibok in Borno State, Nigeria. rian president Muhammadu Buhari pledged The kidnappings were claimed by the terror- to make every effort in his power to free ist organization called Boko Haram based in the schoolgirls, although he admitted their northeast Nigeria. On the night of the kidnap- whereabouts still remain unclear and as he ping a group of militants attacked the Gov- said, “As much as I wish to, I cannot promernment Girls Secondary School in Chibok. ise that we can find them”. The main curThey broke into the school, pretending to be rent nation taking action is the US; they’ve guards, telling the girls to get out and come agreed to send experts to Nigeria to assist in with them. As a large number of students the search for the students. The American were taken away in their trucks, possibly to team is made of military and law enforcewhere Boko Haram might have their forti- ment officers, specializing in intelligence, fied camps. During the incident houses in investigations, hostage negotiation, informaChibok were also burned down. Most re- tion sharing and victim assistance. On the 12 ports believe 329 girls were taken during the of May the US officially joined the rescue attack, of whom 53 escaped the kidnapers in operation. two groups, on the 2 May and approximately While Nigerian citizens cry out 276 were still “bring back our missing. girls”, they begin T h e to lose hope of Islamist group ever seeing their Boko Haram beloved children hopes to accomever again. Cereplish an institute monies have been of an Islamic held in France, government in Lagos, and in the Nigeria led by a UK honouring caliph (a politithe girls and the cal and religious suffering of their successor who families. The leads a Muslim cause has spread community). worldwide, and They are particis an ongoing diPhoto by Hania Elshaye lemma that still is ularly opposed to the western Bernice Corte, Grade 10, is still supporting the cause wih yet to be resolved. style of educa- great concern, even though an entire year has passed tion, which they believe will repel people form following the Islamic teaching as a way of life. Since 2010 Boko Haram has aimed for schools, killing hundreds of students. A representative from the group said these attacks would continue as long as the Nigerian government would continue to interfere with the Islamic education. Around 10,000 students haven’t been able to attend school because of the activities of Boko Haram, they also believe females should not be educated as their main purpose in live is to cook, clean, and even work as slaves. Their leader, Abubakar Shekau, said they’ve converted the girls to Islam and been married of to the fighters of Boko Haram. The risk of losing more girls has increased; disease has spread such as malaria and dysentery, more than 3 girls have died in the past months, as we’ve been informed from the negotiators from the terrorist group. Their attacks have immensely increased in 2014; as a result they were responsible for 4,000 deaths only that year. The mass abduction has provoked international outrage in nations, including the US and China vowing to help find May 2015 -- Scarlett FEVER -- Dr. E. P. Scarlett High School -- NEWS -- Page 11 An alternative to Earthquake hits Nepal affecting Bermuda Shorts Day millions of people in that location market with free coffee and donuts, By Grace Stone and activities such as geocaching, The University of Calgary zumba, and yoga. The Green Fools students uphold an annual campus Theatre performed and students tradition that has been around for participated in a drumming circle. fifty-five years, known as Bermuda There were other performances Shorts Day. It is an event to cel- from music groups such as DJ Asebrate the end of classes for the tronaut Cult, Kytami, Michael Beryear, consisting of dancing, drink- nard, Jett Thunders, and Fitzgerald ing, and festivities. This year for and Smalltown DJs with Master of Bermuda Shorts Day (BSD) on Ceremonies. There was an openApril 15 however, students com- microphone session, along with a memorated the end of classes som- quiet space for reflection. Counselbrely in respect to the Brentwood lors and other mental wellness supstabbings that took place on the porters were posted along campus. celebration in 2014. Not only was the public Known as “Calgary’s invited to light memorial candles in worst mass murder,” the stabbings the Jack Simpson Gym, there were took the lives of five young adults: also multiple opportunities to recZackariah Rathewell, Lawrence ognize those that were lost a year Hong, Kaitlin Perras, Jordan Se- ago on April 15. A large art mosaic gura, and Joshua Hunter in a house will be placed permanently on disparty in northwest Calgary, close to play in the University and students campus. Three of the students were have signed a flag of condolence. found DOA, and the other two were It has been hard on the community in life-threatening condition but were not able to be saved. It was a Tuesday, April 15 around 1:20 am when the incident occurred. The perpetrator of the Brentwood stabbings, Matthew de Grood, was charged with five counts of first-degree murder and his trial date still has not been set. The massacre was unexpected as de Grood had no previous history with the police, nor was there influence of alcohol, and there Photo by Grace Stone was nothing that the The Brentwood house where the murder occurred victims had done in particular that upset de Grood that and this year’s BSD had been in reearly morning. The families of the spect to the victims. “The families victims still mourn today and were really want this event to focus on reminded once more on BSD 2015. what these people achieved, rather The end-of-class celebra- than the losses incurred,” said Sution continued this year; however, san Barker, vice-provost on camthe students who did not wish to pus. It was a tough decision take part in the traditional party were given a separate opportunity for the University of Calgary to to remember the former students host the celebration this year, as and still participate in festivities. the mass murder is now linked to In respect for the deceased, BSD its name; however, students attendthis year showcased an alternative ing were pleased that the tradition way to celebrate the end of class- continued. As a custom that started es. Over the past several months, in 1960, it will continue for years the student union had met with to come. The victims will be held the families of the victims, and in the hearts of many, and the mass planned for a day that would allow murder on April of 2014 will forpeople time to grieve and reach ever be looked upon as one of the out for support, while providing most devastating events of Calfood, drink, and relaxing activi- gary and kept in mind for the next ties. The event featured an artisan BSDs. By Rina Ng More than 6.6 million people were affected by an earthquake that hit Nepal on April 25. With a magnitude estimated to be 7.9, this earthquake was the worst earthquake to hit Nepal since the Bihar earthquake in 1934, which killed more than 10,000 people. Many civilians are left homeless. There have been reports of power cuts, and food and water are running low throughout the country. More than 70% of buildings and ancient cities, such as the 16th Century city Vatsala Durga, have been completely destroyed. To make matters worse, Nepal was just beginning to recover its economy from a long-running civil war. It is currently one of the poorest nations on earth and the earthquake is damaging to their infrastructure and demoralizing to their morale. Many foreigners were visiting Nepal for its famous natural feature, Mount Everest, the day that the earthquake hit. Among them were people such as Dan Fredinburg, age 33, a Google Executive who had worked in the semi-secret futuristic lab, Google X. Fredinburg was climbing the highest mountain in the world with three other Google members when an avalanche hit as a result of the earthquake. Emergency authorities reacted as quickly as possible and sent helicopters that rescued more than 200 climbers. Unfortunately, Fredinburg passed away due to a head injury that occurred during the avalanche; however, the other three Google members, as well as several other people, were reported to be safe. As much as one would like to say that this earthquake was a surprise, the earthquake was anticipated; however, the high magnitude of the earthquake was not. The reason why Mount Everest exists in the first place is because the entire subcontinent of India is slowly being driven underneath Nepal and Tibet at the speed of 1.8 inches per year. Since the 1934 Bihar earthquake 80 years ago, 12 feet of India’s land mass has been pushed into Nepal due to how the speed that the tectonic plates are moving. An earthquake can occur among other reasons when the tectonic plates unexpectedly break along a fault line, which is a crack along the crust of the earth. The fault line that caused the earthquake in Nepal and areas around it is approximately 1,000 to 2,000 square miles over an area that spreads through the cities of Kathmandu and Pokhara. Since the recent earthquake, part of India is said to have slid about one to ten feet northwards underneath Nepal in a matter of seconds. According to the National Emergency Centre, 6,500 people have been injured as a result of the earthquake and 3,617 while some use thermal cameras that pick up body heat. Carbon dioxide detectors are used as well to pick up greater concentrations of carbon dioxide that are emitted by people who are breathing. Specialist sound equipment is also used in an effort to find survivors. Aside from that, medical team doctors have also been providing vaccinations for diseases such as diarrhoea and measles. Due to the heavy rain that Nepal has been experiencing, however, there has been a shortage of sup- Photo By Rina Ng The Armit Sagar Foundation is just one of many small organizations that started non-profit fundraisers to help the victims of the Nepal earthquake are known to have died. People from neighbouring countries such as India and China have also been reported to have been killed by the earthquake. Many people have set up tent cities and are still there currently, afraid to return to their homes where aftershocks keep reoccurring. A 6.9 magnitude earthquake hit after the first initial earthquake. To help those affected by the earthquake, 14 international medical teams, and 15 international search and rescue teams were sent abroad to Nepal. The search and rescue teams’ mission is to find people who are trapped under the rubble and rescue them. The methods used to find survivors are all varied; however, they are valuable. Some teams use search dogs to pick up human scents plies. People who would like to help can do so by donating to organizations such as the Red Cross who will help fund these missions or the MSF (Médecins Sans Frontières) who provide medical assistance. One can also donate to the “Dan Fredinburg Foundation” on a crowdrise webpage, created in memory of Dan Fredinburg. This fundraiser is to help the children affected in the disaster. Around communities individuals and groups such as the Armit Sagar Foundation are also fundraising for Nepal. Unicef is also raising money for the children and families of Nepal and one can mail in a donation or donate by phone by calling 1.800.FOR.KIDS (.800.36 .5437). Page 12 -- NEWS -- Scarlett FEVER -- Dr. E. P. Scarlett High School Book Your Road Test Online -- May 2015 May 2015 -- Scarlett FEVER -- Dr. E. P. Scarlett High School Scarlett students steal spotlight in annual design competition the designs displayed had a pool students had in design helped the By Grace Stone within the design. project run smoother and more and Rina Ng Students in all grades of Design this semester had a wonderful opportunity to have their design work recognized by high profile audiences through a design competition hosted by the Canadian Home Builders Association, a house-building company. Throughout the city, in three divisions, grade 10 (level I) grade 11 (level II) and grade 12 (level III) high school students submitted designs that they created into the competition that takes place in Calgary every year, in the hopes of having the winning design. Level I had to com- Students in Design class spent a time span of thirty-two days researching, designing, and creating house designs for the competition, which accounts for approximately 40% of their class time in the semester. The exact rubric for how the judges grade the houses for the contest is confidential, and the competition is judged by Calgary Region of the Canadian Home Builders Association and industrial house-building companies. For the criteria, the house needs to have two guest bedrooms, a shared guest bath, a master bedroom, a master bathroom, a kitchen, a pool easily. Students had the practice of design from previous years to help them with this project. Designs that were entered in the competition by Scarlett students were displayed in the library during the last week of April, and the first week of May. Those that saw the display were amazed by how professional the designs were. In level one, Isabel Loewen won first place, and Adam Cojocar won second place. There were no honourable mentions. In level two, Ryan Song came first place, Kaitlyn Willerth won second, and Nur-Alhuda Ali came in third. -- NEWS -- Page 13 Orange Wave ushers in new age in Alberta By Sam McIntosh In a shocking turn of events that no one saw coming, the NDP has won a majority government in what was considered the she won. This lead to strong polls for the NDP which many Albertans discounted as there had been strong polls for the Wildrose Party in the last election and the Conservatives still came out of top with a Photo by Sam McIntosh Albertans headed to the polls to excercise their right to vote on May 5 Photo by Collin Loewen From left to right: Mr. McMillan and Mrs.Branson pose with winners Isabelle Loewen (grade 10), Adam Cojocar (grade 10), Nur Alhuda (grade 11), Connor Johnson (grade 12), Kaitlyn Willerth (grade 11), Ryan Song (grade 11) plete a floor plan, a one elevation (side view) of the house and a site design. Level II had to complete what level I did and furnish the floor plan and include at least one interior or exterior perspective of the house. Level III had to meet all the grade 11 requirements and show all four elevations (side views) of their home. The main objective of this competition was to create a house design that used space efficiently, had purpose and function, and combine it with an aesthetically-pleasing interior and exterior. This year’s design had to incorporate a guest/pool house theme in the design, which is why change room, entertainment/living room, mechanical room, outdoor pool area, hot tub (indoor or outdoors) and a laundry area. The house had to be a maximum of 3,000ft2 and include two to three additional rooms. Despite the set rules for the design portion, those that entered enjoyed it for creativity as well. “It was fun seeing my imagination come to life,” said Jennifer Funk, Grade 12. Students used the program Revit architecture (a program similar to Autocad) to make the designs. Peter AuCoin, Grade 12, said “It was a good competition that let kids do a lot with what they had.” The past experiences Honourable mentions included Jeffy Tam, Marielle Macalma, Jamie Alexander, Matthew Stangle, Sarah Chmilar, Cleo Williams, Maanvi Paul, Graham Brunning, Zach Smith, Nick Kathrens, and Greg Douglas. In level three, Dustin Heaton came in third place with Connor Johnson in fourth. Honourable mentions were given to Clara Matchim, Scott WycliffeJones, William Shepherd, Jennifer Funk and Ani Qose. Congratulations to the participants of the competition, and good luck to the submissions for the Design contest next year. conservative heartland of Canada. This brings an end to a 44 year Conservative dynasty which had won 12 straight elections in Alberta with majorities. This election saw them lose 60 seats to both the NDP and the Wildrose Party and fall to third place with just 10 seats in the legislature. The Wildrose Party now becomes the official opposition with 21 seats which is a surprising comeback for the party as 9 members, including their leader Danielle Smith switched parties late last year to join the Conservatives which devastated the party. This had supposedly weakened the party, and their leader Brian Jean only became leader of the party on March 28, a few weeks before this election was called. While an NDP victory was not predicated at the beginning of the campaign, anger against the Conservatives and Jim Prentice for poor comments and a disappointing budget rose over the course of the campaign. Rachel Notley, leader of the Alberta NDP, further solidified herself as a viable candidate with a strong debate performance against Mr. Prentice which many who watched the debate say majority. This coincides with the change in support from PC to the NDP seen in the Social Studies 30-1 and 30-2 vote at Scarlett in which the NDP got 44% of the popular vote with the Conservatives in second with 22% and the Alberta party in third with 17% of the vote. This represents a shift towards the left for many new voters and is an indicator of why the NDP won. Michael Connelly, a Scarlett graduate from four years ago, was elected in the riding of CalgaryHawkwood. With oil prices still low and many businesses afraid of what the NDP may do to the economy and corporations, there is some worry about how an inexperienced party will be able to run the province, but the NDP has four years to prove to voters that they made the right choice and that their change is what Alberta needs right now. It will also give the Conservatives a chance to reflect on what they did wrong this election and attempt a comeback, which may not happen anytime soon as the ruling political parties that have been ousted have never been a large political force in Alberta afterwards. Page 14 -- FEATURES -- Scarlett FEVER -- Dr. E. P. Scarlett High School -- May 2015 Scarlett’s valedictorian for the graduating class of 2015 Following the announcement of the recipient for the valedictorian title, the FEVER had the chance to sit down with Kemna, and he was kind enough to answer some questions, giving Lancers a glimpse of why he was chosen to represent Scarlett’s graduating class of 2015. FEVER: How does it feel to be valedictorian? Kemna: It’s honestly a little bit overwhelming. I don’t think it has fully sunk in yet. FEVER: In your mind, what does it mean to be a valedictorian? Kemna: I think part of why it seems surreal to me is I don’t really fully get what it means! Everybody, like my family members and friends, keep telling me, “Wow! You’re valedictorian!” and how it will look great on resumes, but I don’t know if I’ve fully realized the implications yet. FEVER: What were your first thoughts when you heard that the theme for the speech is “startpack?” Kemna: What is that? I had no idea what it was, and thought, “How on earth do you write a speech on that?” FEVER: Did you have any difficulties relating the theme given to your speech? Kemna: Once I thought about it, I took an angle that I thought would work. So once I was able to process it, it wasn’t as bad as Photo by Sarah Miao I thought it would be. Blaise Kemna, Grade 12, valedictorian, imitates a FEVER: Without giving any of your piece of artwork found in the Scarlett stairwell speech away, could you briefly talk about bid farewell to the graduating class. Today, the inspiration behind your speech? the student being named as valedictorian is Kemna: I talked about a road trip that my someone who has had great achievements brother and I went on and used that as an in all areas throughout the three years of his analogy to represent moving on from high or her high school career. The previous con- school. ditions apply perfectly to grade 12 student, FEVER: Since the theme is “startpack,” do Blaise Kemna. you personally see graduation as the begin Throughout all three years of his ning of our future, or the end of a journey? high school, Kemna has exemplified that in Kemna: Right now, the end because I am addition to being a strong student academi- happy to be done! But at the same time, it is cally, he is also a wonderful person to be super exciting; there are endless possibilities around. Peers have all stated that Kemna open to us all of a sudden. So I think it is a has the ability to project a positive energy balance. and never fails to help others in need. Some FEVER: What has been your favourite high of his extra–curricular experiences include school memory? being a member of the cross–country team Kemna: It’s tough to condense into one since grade ten. In his grade 12 year, Kemna memory. I guess, obviously you can go genalso had the chance to lead the club Lancer erally with friends, and also the relationships Blast, exemplifying his leadership and inter- I have built. I’ve really enjoyed the grad personal skills. fashion show! The guys are great; we had a By Sarah Miao The word “valedictorian” finds its origin in the Latin language, through the term vale dicere, signifying “to say farewell.” In the western world, this is a highly–regarded position among the graduating class, as this is the student responsible for presenting a speech at the graduation ceremony, to hoot. I’m also really looking forward to the worthwhile, they end up feeling a lot less engym camping trip, and I think that will be a joyable because I’m too busy. highlight. FEVER: What will you miss the most after FEVER: Was high school what you expect- graduation? ed it to be when you entered in grade 10? Kemna: I would say friends, for sure! EvKemna: I guess [in grade 10], you’re intimi- erybody goes their own way, and to an exdated to come to high school, for good rea- tent, you will attempt to stay in contact with sons or not. So I don’t think it was as much lots of people. But you realize that this won’t as I thought it would be. I think, again going necessarily happen. So I think I’ll miss beback to friends, it make it huge; it makes it ing able to come to school and build relafun to come to school. It’s not so much fo- tionships with people for an extended period cused on the work anymore, as it is just be- of time. ing around people. FEVER: What are your plans for post−secFEVER: Looking back at your journey, is ondary? there anything you would have liked to done Kemna: I’ve applied for Mount Royal, and differently or changed? I got accepted there for arts, so I’ll probably Kemna: I think I would’ve savoured it a end up switching into business after the first little bit more. Now that I’m in grade 12, year; but I don’t really know what I want to I’ve realized that grade 11 was a great year do. Mind you, right now, with school getting because in grade 10, you’re still getting use really busy, I’m thinking that I might just to it, and in grade 12 you’re a little bit more take the year off, travel a little bit and clear stressed out, my head. whereas [in] FEVER: Do you have any grade 11, advice for Lancers who are you’re that hopeful to become valeperfect baldictorians themselves one ance between day? school not Kemna: I would say, being at super don’t think about it too high stakes much; don’t worry about but you know it! To be honest, it took your way me by surprise. So I think around and work hard, try to get along you know with people and do what people. So I is right. I think when you think I would start thinking about it too have chermuch, then it becomes not ished that as fun; and you’ve just got a little bit to enjoy it and have a good more. time. Photo by Sarah Miao News of Kemna achieving FEVER: What has Blaise Kemna is modest about his achievements the valedictorian position been the most travelled swiftly within challenging part from the past three years? the Scarlett halls, and the members of the Kemna: I would say the most changeling graduating class all agree that he is a much part is probably balancing everything; bal- deserving recipient for this title. Despite ancing school and things I do outside of this honour, however, Kemna has remained school, sports and friends as well. I’d say humble about his achievements, exemplifyI have a tendency to want to do everything ing yet again, why he is the perfect choice to at once and that has been tough to balance represent the graduating class. There is no sometimes. Sometimes I’ve maybe been doubt that he will represent the true spirit of over – committed, so I find that all the things Lancers and provide grade 12s with wisdom that I’m doing are worthwhile, but I’m not and inspiration as everyone heads into the able to put the kind of effort I would have unknown future, each beginning his or her like into it. So even though they’re very own journey. May 2015 -- Scarlett FEVER -- Dr. E. P. Scarlett High School 150 years after the assassination of US President Lincoln Railroad, and gained connections By Grace Stone April 15 marks the with multiple business clients to 150th anniversary of the death further his career. of the sixteenth president of the The Kansas-Nebraska United States, a civil rights ac- Act, which was passed by Contivist, lawyer, and representative gress in 1854, was what sparked of the country. Abraham Lincoln Abraham Lincoln to reappear in is regarded as one of America’s politics. The act allowed states to most fundamental heroes. He decide whether they opposed or emancipated the slaves, reunited accepted slavery, and gave rise to the country after civil war, and the Republican Party, which Linbrought the Union back together. coln joined in 1856. Although his It was devastating when he was personal opinions differed from assassinated 150 years ago. the values of the US South on the Born February 12, 1809, “Honest Abe” grew up in Hodgenville, Kentucky. He was a son to his two parents Thomas and Nancy Hanks, and had two siblings: an older sister named Sarah and younger brother named Thomas, who unfortunately died in infancy. They moved Photo by Grace Stone to Indiana in 1817 over land Lincoln’s legacy lives on in the U.S. penny disputes, and made a living off of the small plot of land there. equality of races, Lincoln fought Lincoln learned many skills such for a seat to gain equal rights for as reading, wielding tools, com- all as stated by the founders of munication, and eventually left America. During his campaign, he the home to work in the small community of New Salem, Illi- said, “Keep your friends close, nois. Due to his hard work and de- and your enemies closer,” which termination, Lincoln was elected is now a widely-quoted notion. Captain in the Black Hawk War, After the multiple challenges he a feud between the United States faced with his competition, Linand its First Nations people. The coln succeeded in gaining a role war broke out in 1832, which en- into national politics in 1861: abled him to make several politi- presidency. This was the time America remembers him best; his cal connections. Soon after the war, Lin- quick responses to any crisis the coln was elected to the Illinois country had, and his determinastate legislature for the Whig tion and strong priorities set him party. His support of the party al- apart from other presidents. On lowed for the development of his January 1, 1863, the Emancipathoughts and beliefs on how slav- tion Proclamation was issued by ery obstructed society in terms of Lincoln and passed by the Coneconomic progression and how all federacy. It stated “that all persons should have equal rights. These held as slaves” within the states, beliefs were what led Lincoln to “are, and henceforward shall be become a lawyer. In 1844 he part- free.” It is due to these achievenered with William Herndon in the John T. Stuart law firm, but ments that the sixteenth president this career was not enough to sup- is one of the most recognizable ones today. His legacy still carries port him. Due to his interest in on in multiple Hollywood adaptaleadership, Lincoln decided to tions, such as Abraham Lincoln: enter politics and served a single Vampire Hunter, or Lincoln. Unfortunately his seat as term in the U.S. House of Repre- sentatives. He voiced his opposi- president only lasted until Good tion to the Mexican-American Friday, 1865, when he was asWar, which was an unpopular sassinated at Ford’s Theatre in opinion in Illinois. This affected Washington. It was only five days his decision on not returning for after the end of the Civil War, and a second term. He returned to his Lincoln and first Lady Mary Todd legal studies back home, became wished to attend the play Our a lobbyist for the Illinois Central American Cousin. He was mur- dered by John Wilkes Booth, who had opposing views and believed in the values from the Southern US. Booth fled the theatre, but was eventually found and shot by a soldier the day after. To honour Lincoln’s memory today, there have been multiple commemorations of him. Ford’s Theatre in Washington DC hosts many events in relation to Abraham Lincoln, such as the play One Destiny, the exhibit Silent Witnesses, and the tribute Now He Belongs to the Ages. In the National Portrait Gallery in London and the Smithsonian American Art Museum In Washington DC, there are collections of presidential portraits, including Lincoln’s. On Constitution Avenue in Washington DC, the National Museum of American History displays artifacts from Lincoln’s time, and in honour of the 150th anniversary of his death, Newseum in Washington DC is creating the exhibition President Lincoln is Dead. Essex County in Ontario hosted a ceremony on April 15, featuring government officials, civil leaders, and local historians. Twenty documents were showcased in The State House for the anniversary day only, such as the telegram informing the commonwealth of his death and a handwritten letter between the First Lady and her connections. Regardless of how celebrated Lincoln now is, the sympathizers for Booth still exist today, and they exist in the group The League of the South. Described as a Southern nationalist organization, this group wished to celebrate the death of the president, and commemorate the service Booth provided to them. The League of the South celebrated Lincoln’s death on April 11. There may be a difference of opinion regarding Lincoln’s death, but he is still looked upon as one of the most influential presidents the US has ever known. During his time, Lincoln had achieved many great things, through the emancipation of the slaves and his role in multiple wars. His legacy still carries on to this day. -- FEATURES -- Page 15 Scarlett’s Class Historians for the year By Sarah Miao and Hania Elshayeb Each year, the graduation banquet is one of the most important events for both the students as well as their families. It gives everyone a chance to reminisce about his or her unique high school experience, be it the pressure of having to do well on exams or the extracurricular achievements that students attain through sports, drama or clubs. Although each high school experience is incredibly unique, the sentiments that they evoke are universal. Lancers will have the opportunity to hear from class historians, Abbey Leach and Rhiannon Leslie, about some of the most memorable moments and feelings. Both Leach and Leslie are involved Lancers in a wide variety of school activities, but they have especially thrived in Scarlett’s drama program. As talented actresses who have participated in countless drama productions, such as the winter production Around the World in 80 Days, they are well-known within the four walls of Scarlett and undoubtedly have an in-depth perception of what it really means to be a Lancer. The FEVER had the chance to interview both students on how they feel about being class historians as well as their own memorable moments from high school. FEVER: What was the process of trying out to be class historian like? Leslie: [Abbey and I] had to write a speech and then present it in front of the graduation committee. Turns out, only the two of us showed up, so we got the position! FEVER: What was your main inspiration behind your class historian speech? Leach: All the puns… There are too many puns! FEVER: What were your first thoughts when you heard that you got the title? Leslie: When I first heard that we got class historian, I was ecstatic! I was really excited to help our graduating class remember what great things happened in our three years at Scarlett. FEVER: Are you nervous about presenting a speech in front of everyone? Continued on page 17 Photo by Sarah Miao Rhiannon Leslie, Grade 12, made a memorable impression on audiences after her role in the winter production of Around the World in 80 Days Page 16 -- FEATURES -- Scarlett FEVER Competitor for traditional taxi service gains attention 55 countries and 6 continents. Though this service seems quite positive and inno Uber is the new and upcoming vative, critics beg to differ. Uber has been transportation service that is the next big highly affected by controversy and legal iscompetitor for taxis all over North America. sues ever since its release. In December of The service became popular among city res- 2014, a Philadelphia cab service filed a lawidents who are commuting to and from work suit against Uber, claiming that Uber was ilevery day, but has become a service for just legally operating in the city. A very similar about anyone with a mobile phone now; By lawsuit was filed in Atlanta in September of using the Uber app, anyone can request to be the same year. Other similar lawsuits have picked up by an Uber company driver who been filed along with alleged disrespectful is in the area of the person requesting a ride. behaviour from the Uber drivers to disabled The payment options for Uber are passengers, although these issues were rewhat make it different from Taxi services. solved. Many cab and taxi services in difUber does ferent not accept councash or tips. tries, They cost aph a v e proximately protest40% less ed Uber. than a typical For excab service ample in Europe and only acin 2014, cept payment through Payw h e n Pal, personal t a x i s credit cards blocked roads or the pasw i t h senger’s work company. their vehicles The customa n d ers can open claimed profiles to t h a t see who their U b e r driver is and was a what type of car they have. threat Driver inforto their j o b s , mation ina l s o cludes name, a d d car type, ing that driver’s photo U b e r identification had an and how other unfair Uber customadvaners have rated t a g e that driver. All Uber drivPhoto by Faith Shoemaker with the ers have been Uber app is available for Apple, Samsung and Blackberry devices s o c i a l screened, media passed a driving, and the condition/history platform. Uber has made a few apologies of their vehicles have been inspected. All in regards to the issues regarding protests of these steps make Uber reliable. If pas- and the alleged discrimination, although sengers have any problems with their driver, taxi drivers continue to be against the Uber the driver’s information is on their phone to movement. In the future, Uber has set goals to report to the company if need be. Uber was created by Travis Ka- create a vast number of jobs for people all lanick, an American entrepreneur from Cali- over the world. They hope to have 1 milfornia who thought that his service would be lion women in particular employed by the beneficial to the world of modern transpor- year 2020, as they are large supporters of tation. He started working on the idea with women’s rights especially in developing Garrett Camp, also an entrepreneur, and to- countries. Uber also believes in having a gether they founded Uber in San Francisco large global impact saying, “Every role matin March of 2009. The duo received positive ters because anything and everything our feedback when Uber first started, and earned employees work on affects the daily lives of $49 million from venture funds by 2011. people around the world.” Uber also strives Uber has since become very popular world- to create passionate employees with bold wide, and it’s now available in 290+ cities, ideas. By Faith Shoemaker -- Dr. E. P. Scarlett High School -- May 2015 Busy PLC emergency departments unfinished vided while waiting for the unfinished fuBy Emily Gobeil ture emergency department to be complet Dr. Neil Collins and Dr. Steve ed. It is expected that 186 beds will open in Patterson are calling public attention to an Calgary facilities by the end of this summer election promise that has gone untouched and 125 beds will open at Edmonton facilifor a good eight years - the completion of ties by the end of this year. a newly-built emergency department at the Health minister spokesman Steve Buick half-built wing on the east side of the Peter explains that the health minister’s donaLougheed Centre (PLC). This muchneeded wing was supposed to be completed by the end of 2007; it was meant to increase emergency treatment space and to help reduce wait times. Unfortunately, only the exterior was built, but the space inside was left untouched. “That space that you see there on this side is empty, there’s Photo by Rina Ng nothing. That’s an An artistic rendering of the existing Emergency department at the PLC exterior with nothing on the interior,” says Patterson, while tion of $50 million is more easily said than pointing at the unfinished wing on the east done. “It’s important to be clear, the money side of the hospital. isn’t simply being split four ways equally, The Alberta health minister, Stephen and the PLC is the largest project” he exMandel, announced on March 11, 2015 that plains. more than $50 million will be placed into The head doctors (Patterson and Collins) Edmonton and Calgary hospitals (which believe that it will take more than the full include Gray Nuns, The Misericordia and $50 million, certainly more than one quarRoyal Alexandra hospitals in Edmonton, ter of it, to be able to get the empty space the Peter Lougheed Centre and the South ready for patients. They fear the needs of Health Centre in Calgary) to renovate the hospitals will continue to go unfulfilled emergency rooms in an effort to increase without greater commitment and perseverspace for a great number of patients and to ance from the Alberta health minister. decrease wait times. NDP leader Rachel Notley sheds some The unfinished project has not only be- light on this project. “I’m afraid all that [the come a burden for doctors and medical staff lack of funding is] going to do is restore but also adds another obstacle for rushed people back out onto the curb where they paramedics, since the unfinished renova- continue to wait for the long-term care beds tions sit between the current emergency that this government has made a considered department and the hospital’s ambulance decision to stop building over the last sevbay. Collins explains that this obstacle is eral years,” says Notley. It is evident that problematic not only for doctors but also the politicians responsible for this promise paramedics: “Our paramedics [have] to are still taking into consideration how and provide their emergency care rolling down when they will finally make the big move to a hallway for 150 meters before they could finish the PLC Emergency Centre, but for get to where the doctors and the resuscita- now the doctors and medical staff cannot tion rooms are.” do anything but wait for the politicians reFor years, doctors have asked for help sponsible to takeaction. The hospital is expected to be from the province to provide more space at PLC since it has the fewest emergency completed by the end of 2015 to mid 2016, spaces of all health departments in Calgary. besides PLC will be in a renovation state There are an estimated 250 patients that go until the province or an unexpected donato the PLC Emergency Centre each day, tion will be given to the hospital to comwhich has a minimal number of 34 beds for plete the Emergency Centre. One quarter of the patients waiting to be admitted to the the $50 million will be contributed to the hospital. Dr. Collins says that the only way completion of PLC. to cope with the fewer beds for patients waiting is an additional 46 more beds pro- May 2015 -- Scarlett FEVER -- Dr. E. P. Scarlett High School Comeault: Class President 2015 By Isabel Fernandez The speeches made at grad help students move on from high school and into the next phase of their lives by giving them guidance and advice for years to this career because I believe that it is so important that students are given the opportunity to learn how to think and not just what to think. FEVER: What is the best advice you have every received or given? COMEAULT: This is a tough to enjoy these last few weeks of high school. It goes so fast! FEVER: How do you feel about being chosen to be class president? COMEAULT: I feel incredibly honoured to be presented with this opportunity and I hope I can do Photo by Isabel Fernandez Carissa Comeault, staff, was chosen as Honourary Class President by the graduating class of 2015 for a variety of reasons including her relaxed style and ability to inspire a love of literatrure in her stuents in a fun way come. With nine years as a teacher, six of them at Dr. E.P. Scarlett, and no experience as class president, Carissa Comeault is very excited for this opportunity. The way a teacher acquires the position of class president is by vote. Every year grade 12 students vote on who they want to make speeches at their graduation. There are three positions to be held: the Valedictorian, the Class Historian, and the Class President. Although only the grad committee votes for the first two, the entire graduating class votes for class president. This year, when grade 12 students voted, Carissa Comeault received the honour of making that speech. When asked about her position in the coming grad ceremonies, this is what Comeault had to say: FEVER: What made you decide to get into teaching? COMEAULT: I haven’t always known that I wanted to be a teacher. In fact, I only started university when I was 22 years old. I think that my passion for literature coupled with my love of working with people propelled me in the right direction. I have also chosen question. I think I have to cheat a bit and share two pieces of advice I’ve been given. The first is that we should only worry about ourselves because we can only control ourselves. The second piece, while a bit cliché, is equally important. In all that we do, have a positive attitude, try your best, and be kind. FEVER: Without giving away too much, can you tell us about the speech you are to give at graduation? COMEAULT: This, too, is a good question! I think I will humbly try to offer some advice to the graduating class, while also telling a story or two. I would like to say that I will be funny, but those that know me know that humour isn’t my strong suit! FEVER: Is there anything you would like to say to the readers of the FEVER about moving on from high school or graduating? COMEAULT: I think that planning for the future is incredibly important. But at the same time, don’t become too caught up in your plans. Leave some room for fun, for flexibility, and for growth. Also, I would encourage graduates justice to the graduating class of 2015. When one hears the praise that Comeault’s students have for her, it is easy to see why she was elected for this important role. When asked, Michaela Foley, grade 12, commented on Comeault’s teaching. “She’s extremely kind, and really does realize that this is our class and sometimes we need to direct ourselves. She’s just awesome,” she said, adding that “she really understands [her] students.” This year’s graduation seems like its shaping up to be a very interesting and inspirational night, especially with the speech from the class president. With Comeault getting ready for such a great speech, and all the other events that will be happening that night, graduates should prepare for a night of laughter and fun. -- FEATURES Continued from page 15 -- Page 17 made to school, like drama, the [aspects] I’ve done to help out, and that I’m a fun person to be around. Leach: I’m not really sure because FEVER: What are your postI’ve never actually done a speech secondary plans for the next fall? before, so we’ll see how it goes. Leslie: I will be attending Mount FEVER: What do you hope Royal University to become a to achieve with this title? nurse! Leslie: I hope that everyone Leach: I’m going to Unigets a good laugh and remem- versity of Calgary and bers the memories they made I’m studying psychology. during their time at Scarlett. FEVER: What has been the most FEVER: What has been challenging part about high school? your favourite part in Leslie: High school has been a your high school journey? rollercoaster of ups and downs, Leslie: I have loved meeting and so it’s always challenging to keep working with the fantastic people everything manageable, from here at Scarlett. I will especially tests to extracurricular commitmiss the fine arts programs here ments. It’s been like juggling a and getting to put on some great thousand things at once! I know shows! [in the end] I will look back and Leach: I like that socially, it’s a really appreciate what I have exlot more slack than middle school, perienced, for a lifetime. which is nice. And I feel like ev- Leach: The homework load, I eryone is a lot more focused on would say. Just trying to get evwork, more eager to [work] even erything done into the standards though it’s harder. you want it to get done at. FEVER: What will you miss the FEVER: What do you think most after graduation? you’ll take away the most from Leslie: I will especially miss the high school? fine arts programs here and get- Leach: Hopefully the work ethic, ting to put on some because get“Don’t stress too much ting work great shows! Leach: I guess in grade 10 and grade done is imI’ll just miss see- 11, just do your best and portant. ing my friends [participate in activities] F E V E R : every day beWhat would you want to do.” cause we’re all gobe a piece ing to different universities. of advice you would like to pass FEVER: Is there anything you down to the Lancers? wish you could change or would Leach: Don’t stress too much have done differently if you in grade 10 and grade 11, just could start high school again? do your best and [participate in Leslie: If I could go back, I would activities] you want to do. Don’t just really enjoy my high school pursue something because someexperience. These three years just one told you to do it, do it because flew by so quickly! you want to and find it interesting. FEVER: Since the title you By being such involved have earned includes the word students in the Scarlett commu“historian,” what do you hope nity, the 2015 graduating class people will remember you as? agree that both Leslie and Leach Leslie: I hope people will remem- are deserving Lancers of the class ber me for my drama shows and historian title. Everyone will my general outlook on life, be- be anxiously anticipating their cause I truly believe that if you speech at the graduation banquet, set your mind to something, you and it is certain that the speech can accomplish anything! will be one of the highlights for Leach: I hope people will remem- the night. ber me for the contributions I’ve Page 18 -- FEATURES Magnets are useful objects in everyday life. They can hold paper, lists, and artwork on magnetic surfaces without making holes in the papers, or having to be sticky. There are also many cool tricks that can be done with them. Since magnets are -- Scarlett FEVER magnet, will not show through the paper as much and take away from the image. After completing the circular cut outs, it is ready to be glued onto the marble. Locate the flat side, as that is the side to adhere to the magnet. The best type of glue for this task is clear, liquid glue. After the glue is applied onto the marble and the image is placed on the marble, excess glue can be pressed out from the sides. Glue guns are also a good choice for this project. If using a glue gun, the best technique is to put Photo by Rina Ng glue Samples of some decorative marble magnets made by using printed-out images the around the usually pretty plain, here is a DIY project to rim of the flat side of the marble, then to glam up an everyday, ordinary magnet into carefully place the image on the marble something eye-catching. and press down. If you choose this method, For this project small magnets, stronger paper will have better results for and flat, glass marbles are required. The this method. A clear glue stick will also size of the glass marbles should be about work. the same size as the magnets, or slightly After the image is glued onto the larger. Paper-like material with an appeal- marble, wait for it to dry. Once the glue has ing design is also required. The decorative dried, the magnet can now be attached. Atpiece of paper can be a magazine clipping, tach the magnet by gluing it onto the back photograph, printout, duct tape, or even of the image that is now on the marble. Any things such as a colourful candy wrapper ─ type of liquid glue will work, and glue guns will also work well at this point. Glue sticks the possibilities are endless. The steps for creating this project should be the last resort since it may be are extremely simple. The first thing to do harder for the magnet to stay on when using is to take the flat marble and place it onto glue from a glue stick. This project took less than five the part of the piece of paper to show up on the magnet. Then, trace around the flat minutes and the decorative magnet is not marble to get a circular piece of paper, ap- something difficult to make. The materiproximately the size of the marble. Once als for this project are fairly inexpensive, this is done, there is an option to cut another but the results are pretty stunning. This is a firmer piece of white paper the same size great gift for a person who loves small trinas the decorative circular piece of paper. kets, and the image can be customized to This can be done so that when the decora- the recipient’s tastes. Happy crafting! tive piece of paper is glued on, the darker -- Dr. E. P. Scarlett High School Change is in the air; new fashion trends have been popping up left, right and centre. The descent into summer usually means more genial crop tops and shortshorts, but this year the fashion world is taking some unexpected turns. Wearing a giant plastic pop art wig, like those seen on the Junya Wantanabe runways may be a bit much, but there are some avant-garde trends that are easy to rock regardless of one’s location. Suede is becoming a fashion staple. From 1970’s revival skirts to giant tote bags and so on, this leather was featured on dozens of runways. Esteemed French fashion house Chloé dazzled viewers with suede two-piece sets and knee-high gladiators while Michael Kors impressed with suede anoraks and platforms. The best aspect of this suede trend is that there are a thousand ways to wear it. Take a cue from actress Chloe Sevigny and wear a suede mini dress or opt for a more boho style like model Alessandro Ambrosia who sported a fringed suede crop top. What- -- May 2015 stay away from a suede bag along with it. Suede may be the “it” fabric of the season, but having too much of a good thing is a sure fire way to ruin an outfit. Try pairing a suede jacket with a flowing dress or skirt to add an irresistible touch to a feminine outfit. If women are not ready to delve into the suede trend, then experimenting with ladylike blush tones and tulle may suit their fancies. Being a ballerina has been pinned as a dream job since it is debut, and new fashions have made it easy for the average girl to dress like she is centre stage: no dancing skills required. The trend took flight on the S/S 15 runways, and has been seen in Valentino, Miu Miu and Yves Saint Laurent shows. Romantic tulle and delicate lace shone in dresses, skirts and intricate blouses. The ballerina trend often has an ethereal finish, resulting in all around angelic outfits. When creating a prima ballerina outfit the most important thing to consider is colour. Sheer and loose pieces or tighter more Photo by Cleo Williams Chella Noble, Grade 11, supports the ballerina trend in a sport-inspired light pink top ever the occasion, suede will fit the bill. opaque ones can all be worked into the trend Since suede can be used to enhance when purchased within the spectra of white any outfit the trick is finding pieces of good to pink. Of course, in real dance perforquality and flattering fit. A well-constructed mances the ballerinas can be dressed in any suede garment cannot usually be found for colour, but without an authentic dance cosa low price tag and, as a result, it is better tume, pink gets the point across. Attempt the to splurge on this trend than to regret it lat- trend by wearing a light pink maxi skirt and er. However, there are some retailers, such a simple white top. The trend forecast for the summer as Topshop and Zara, which sell authentic faux suede pieces for noticeably cheaper. As season is packed full of fun and quirky ideas. for suede bags, they can be found at a large With a number of them being too over-thenumber of retail stores and the style one top to sport in an everyday outfit students chooses is based off of personal style more can find refuge by wearing suede pieces and than anything. If one is planning to wear a ballerina-inspired ensembles. This season suede article of clothing then it is better to will be anything but boring. May 2015 -- Scarlett FEVER -- Dr. E. P. Scarlett High School -- FEATURES -- Page 19 Zubin Sandhu pines for “prom” date with Kylie Jenner By Cassandra Betts Of course, Sandhu’s quest is different, partly because he is one of the few Canadians to transfer this practice from the United States and partly because of his choice of potential dates. Jenner became famous on the television show Keeping up with the Kardashians. Although she is not as big a public figure as her three older sisters, she is still very active on social media, which is how Sandhu first discovered her. Jenner is currently known for her enhanced lips and associated with her sisters’ exploits on reality television. She is a character that the public loves to hate, someone who represents the fakeness in society, the hyper-sexualization of young girls, and the materialism and corruption that comes with an excess of wealth. For Sandhu, Jenner embodies none of those ideas; she is merely a young, cool, pretty girl who is trying to have fun. Jenner is not completely unproductive. She has co-written a science fiction novel with her sister Kendall and has also started a clothing line with that same sister, which are accomplishments that many seventeen-year-olds cannot claim to have reached. The debate remains as to whether these accomplishments are worthy of praise, or if they are just another way that a rich, over-privileged teen is being to find out what the Kylie Jenner quest was really about. FEVER: How did this whole video come about? Sandhu: It started out as a joke. I’m not going to lie. I didn’t think it was going to get this big. I always talk about Kylie Jenner and how she’s hot and stuff, but then these guys were like “why don’t you just make a video?” I saw a video of this guy who made it for Selena Gomez and I was just like “sure, why not. I’ve got nothing to lose.” So I made it and I did not expect it to become this big. It was pretty fun. FEVER: Why Kylie Jenner? Sandhu: Mainly because she’s my age. She is seventeen as well. I’m eighteen now but when I found out [about her] I was seventeen and I thought that was pretty cool. You know, she’s famous, she’s my age. It’s not really out of the ballpark. Well, it kind of is (laughs). FEVER: You say in your video that Kylie Jenner has “impacted your life in a huge way?” What has that impact been? Sandhu: Honestly, I made everything up in the video on the spot. I just wanted to get her attention. I don’t really watch too much of the TV show Keeping Up with the Kardashians, but she’s pretty big on social media and stuff so she With the short phrase “Hey there, Kylie right?” Zubin Sandhu, Grade 12, began a video that rapidly became an Internet sensation. Released on April 5 under the title “Kylie Jenner, Grad/ Prom?” the video was quickly shared all over Facebook by Sandhu’s friends, featured in the Calgary Herald, and even caught the attention of a few celebrities such as Brett Wilson and Gene Simmons. The video opens as Sandhu, dressed in a navy suit and a sandwich board with the caption “Grad With Me (Prom)?” wanders around the streets of Calgary. The scene then fades to a crackling fireplace, and Simon and Garfunkel’s melancholy voices whisper the iconic words, “Hello darkness my old friend,” that begin “The Sound of Silence.” Sandhu, who is sitting in front of the fireplace with a guitar, stands up and begins a passionate speech where he tells seventeenyear old reality TV star Kylie Jenner that they “haven’t met yet, but [that they] soon will.” According to the video, Jenner has “impacted [Sandhu’s] life in a huge way” and he wanted “to do something special and something fun.” Instead of settling for writing her a letter or trying to send her an email, he opted to go for something big and bold: inviting her to Scarlett’s 2015 Grad Banquet. The rest of the video details Sandhu’s appreciation of Jenner, as he tries to convince her to attend Grad (or “Prom” as it is more commonly referred to in Jenner’s home country, the United States) with him. Sandhu is not the first to try and convince a celebrity to go to Prom. Fans of Victoria Justice, Justin Beiber, Gracie Gold, Miley Cyrus, and Joe Jonas Photo by Sarah Miao have all made videos askZubin Sandhu, Grade 12, hopes to take reality TV star Kylie Jenner to his grad ing their idols to Prom. impacts everyone’s life in a way. Although none of these celebrities catered to by a confused society. Sandhu certainly believes FEVER: How long did it take you were able to attend, they all made it up to their fans by inviting them the former, and is impressed with to film and edit the video? to concerts, organizing personal Jenner’s accomplishments as well Sandhu: About a day. We filmed in meet-and-greets, or even showing as her capacity to enjoy life. The a day and a night, and then I edited up to surprise them at their school. FEVER had the opportunity to things the next day. It was super The trend of asking celebrities to chat with the charismatic young simple. Prom has become so popular that man who charmed the Internet FEVER: Was it worth it? there was even a TV special on it, with rhymes such as “Kylie, Kylie, Sandhu: Definitely worth it. I did entitled Once Upon a Prom where Kylie, sometimes your words just not expect it to get this big. It was both Taylor Swift and Rhianna at- hypnotize me” and “if this video pretty fun. gets just one view I hope it’s you” FEVER: Earlier you said that you tend Prom with one of their fans. made things up in the video, but at one point you state that you don’t care what people think of you. Have you always been this way or was it specifically a result of Kylie Jenner? Sandhu: No, I’ve always been this way. I don’t really care what people think. I do what I want when I want it, and this is one way of expressing that. FEVER: Along those lines, you say your family and friends find your Kylie Jenner obsession “crazy.” What were their specific reactions to your video? Sandhu: They thought it was all a joke but I was kind of hoping for her to say “yes.” I’m not going to lie. Their reactions were they didn’t think I had the guts to make the video, they thought I was just all talk. When I made the video they were all surprised that I actually did something about it, so that was pretty impressive… FEVER: Did you get any strange looks walking around Calgary with your Kylie Jenner sign? Sandhu: Yeah, I was on the street on a corner. In the video where I was on the crosswalk people had their cell phones out and were taking pictures and honking along the way and yelling. It was pretty cool. It was awesome to get that kind of attention. Lots of people were asking who Kylie Jenner was and thought that she went to Scarlett. It was pretty sweet that they didn’t know who she was and that they just thought I was being super cool. FEVER: How was your experience being interviewed for the Herald? Sandhu: That was pretty cool. I was in Calculus and I took a washroom break and I did the interview over the phone. I left, did the interview over the phone [for] fifteen, twenty minutes then came back... I’m not going to lie, it was actually awesome. I felt pretty cool. I emailed them first [asking them] if they could share my video and then they emailed me back saying they loved the video and wanted to do an interview, and I was like “sure.” FEVER: Besides contacting the Herald, what else have you done to get your video out there? Sandhu: I asked all my friends to share it. Honestly, I just wanted to see how far it could go [on its own]… I just put it up and it went like a domino effect, you know one person to another, to another. A couple of famous people shared it so that was pretty sweet. Brett Wilson from Dragon’s Den shared it, and Gene Simmons from Kiss, his daughter shared it and Gene Simmons liked the video and I just went nuts. I was at work when I saw it and I was like holy. FEVER: What to you want to say to folks who criticize Kylie Jenner? Sandhu: I think she’s just trying to be who she is, you know, which is why we shouldn’t really care. She’s pretty cool, she’s pretty, so I think they’re just jealous. FEVER: Have you read Kylie Jenner’s sci-fi novel Rebels: City of Indra? Sandhu: I have not read it. I don’t read very often, but I’d probably read it. I’m not going to lie. It looks pretty cool. FEVER: You said you made it up on the spot, but were there any specific reasons for stylistic choices in the video such as music? Sandhu: Yeah, it got taken off YouTube, that’s why my whole video’s on Vimeo. Did you notice that? FEVER: I was kind of wondering about that. Sandhu: Yeah, YouTube removed it because of copyright issues. It’s the second time it’s happened to me, but I really liked the music I put in there and I thought it fit perfectly, so I wanted to leave that music in even though it restricted [some of the viewers]. It would have gotten bigger I think [on YouTube]. FEVER: Why did you choose Vimeo?” Sandhu: It’s the music, it’s all because of the music and being able to play it on the phone. YouTube denied that because of the copyrighted music and I just wanted to have some fun. I didn’t really expect anything big to happen. So far, although Sandhu has received a wild response from celebrities and Scarlett students alike, the object of his affections, Jenner herself, has not responded to his request. Last May, Karim Karaki, a high school student from California also asked Jenner to prom in a video similar to Sandhu’s. When Sandhu heard that Karaki did not receive a response from their shared idol, he lamented, “well things don’t look too good for me then do they?” Sandhu, however, is mostly enjoying the buzz his video has created. Although a response from Jenner would make Sandhu “the happiest guy on earth,” it seems the entire experience has just been a whole lot of fun. -- FEATURES 1. “Bohemian Rhapsody” – Queen Too late, my time has come, Sent shivers down my spine, Body’s aching all the time. Goodbye, everybody, I’ve got to go, Gotta leave you all behind and _______ A. recapture my youth B. get to a phone booth C. become a sleuth D. face the truth 2. “Sweet Child O’ Mine” – Guns N’ Roses She’s got a smile that it seems to me Reminds me of childhood memories Where everything Was as fresh as the _______ A. light green grass B. bright blue sky C. bright bright sun D. summers day 3. “Ain’t No Mountain High Enough” – Marvin Gaye My love is alive Way down in my heart Although we are miles apart If you ever need a helping hand, I’ll be there ______________ A. on the double B. in an hour C. probably soon D. maybe 4. “You Give Love a Bad Name” – Bon Jovi Paint your smile on your lips Blood red nails on your fingertips A school boy’s dream, you act so shy Your very first kiss was your first ____ A. mistake B. bull’s eye C. kiss goodbye D. battle cry 5. “Holding Out For a Hero” – Bonnie Tyler Through the wind and the chill and the rain And the storm and the flood I can feel his _______ Like the fire in my blood A. approach B. presence C. smile D. broach -- Scarlett FEVER 6. “American Pie” – Don McLean I was a lonely teenage broncin’ buck With a pink carnation and a pickup truck But I knew I was out of luck The day the music ______ A. cried B. died C. slept D. dried 7. “Take On Me” – A-HA So ________ to say Of odds and ends But I’ll be stumbling away Slowly learning that life is OK. A. needless B. needed C. heedless D. useless 8. “Wanna Be” – Spice Girls What do you think about that now you know how I feel, Say you can handle my love are you for real, I won’t be hasty, I’ll give you a try If you really bug me then I’ll say _____ A. goodbye B. bye bye C. hello D. whats up 9. “Don’t You Want Me” – The Human League You were working as a waitress in a cocktail bar When I met you I picked you out, I shook you up And turned you around Turned you into ______ new A. someone B. somebody C. something D. someone brand 10. “Don’t You Forget About Me” – Simple Minds Don’t you try to pretend It’s my feeling we’ll win in the end I won’t harm you or touch your defenses Vanity and _________ A. selfishness B. security C. pride D. safety Answer Key 1. D, 2. B, 3. A, 4. C, 5. A, 6. B, 7. A, 8. A, 9. A, 10. B Page 20 -- Dr. E. P. Scarlett High School Dear A&G: “One of my relatives recently passed away and it has really hit me hard. I wish I was closer to them, or that I got to know them better. I didn’t talk to them too much and now that I don’t have a chance to, I feel so bad. My family is devastated and now they have to worry about my relative’s will and paying off funeral and memorial costs. I feel helpless in the situation and I don’t know what to do.” Dear Anonymous: Aysha says… I know how hard these things can be. There is really nothing that anybody can say to make it seem better. Losing somebody is one of the hardest things to overcome. Handle your grief properly. To do this, there are four different tools to help you that I follow. The first is to know your triggers, which is what in life makes you hurt the most, and could be having contact with people, places or getting into situations that remind you the most about losing your family member, and set boundaries around these things. Second is to find an outlet that lets you get out your emotions; for example, writing, drawing, exercise, joining a group, or talking to friends. Third is to set a goal, something that keeps your focus on the future. Lastly, which is optional, spirituality or faith can help. Focus on things bigger than yourself. Grace says… … I completely understand because one of my relatives passed away three years ago, and it was a similar situation. It was my uncle who died in a motorcycle accident. My dad’s side of the family was mortified, and my uncle had four children to take care of. My dad took on the role of dealing with finances from my uncle’s will, and paid funeral/memorial costs. What our family did to pull through was to just go through the motions, and ignore the fact that he was dead. It may not have been the best way to deal with the situation, but it does get you through, and as the saying goes, “ignorance is bliss.” There is not much you can do to help with the expenses, because interfering in finances might make your family worry more. Rather than worrying about the finances, know that you can talk to your family about how you feel because they are in the same position as you. When I lost my uncle, I stayed quiet in the situation, where I should have spoken to somebody that I knew would understand. If you do not feel comfortable talking to your family, and you feel you can rely on your friends, speak to them. They should understand and help -- May 2015 you get through. If your friends seem disinterested, or change the subject when you talk to them, it could be because they feel uncomfortable in how they should react to your loss. The concept of death frightens people. Rather than bring up the topic multiple times, find one time to talk to them in a comfortable situation. Grief takes a long time to let go of, and it always sticks around, but eventually it will get better. People do not always believe that it does get better, but nothing stays forever, and only time can heal. Dear A&G: “I lied to my parents about not going to the party I wanted to go to. I feel really guilty about it and I want to tell them the truth, but I don’t know what I should say to them. Can you help me?” - Anonymous Dear Anonymous: Aysha says… The truth will set you free. Telling the truth is always the best thing to do. I would recommend not lying anymore. I would say exactly what happened and why you lied. One time I lied to my parents about where I was going at a certain time and my dad caught me because someone texted me about the event and my dad saw the front of my phone. My dads reaction was more anger/disappointment. Disappointment because I lied, and my father had just expected more from me. Anger because I didn’t tell the truth and continued to lie. I felt really sad that my dad was so angry/disappointmented. Thankfully with time and effort the relationship has recovered I think your parents would understand why you lied if you told them because they were kids too once. Your parents will overall most likely not be happy that you lied but if you end up telling the truth hopefully they will not be as angry. Grace says… Your parents probably will not be in a happy mood when you tell them, so try to do nice things for them around the house; for example, extra chores or doing what they ask beforehand. As well, know that when you tell them the truth, the first instinct is to be defensive, but this could make the situation worse. Understanding that you should not have gone to the party in the first place can help you during the conversation. When you tell them, add an apology in your statement. Try to get to the point at a reasonable quick pace, because dwelling on the subject would not help the situation. Continued on page 22 May 2015 -- Scarlett FEVER -- Dr. E. P. Scarlett High School -- FEATURES -- Page 21 Page 22 -- FEATURES -- Scarlett FEVER The top five most colourful places on planet Earth 1997. The first annual survey took place in By Isabel Fernandez 2004 and will continue every year. Many There are many wonderful places flowers, mostly orchids, layer the grounds of to visit in the world with surreal eye-catch- India’s national park. Other flowers that ocing colours. Lancers may want to take note cupy the space include poppies, marigolds, of this very exciting and colourful travel daisies, and primulas. The park is about 87.5 destinations list for future visits. These five km2. places made the list of most colourful places Pink Lake, Australia: This odd on Earth because they all stand out to visi- lake is located in Western Australia. The salt tors and locals in ways that no other place water lake is not always pink, but the colour can match. of the water often changes to this colour Albertan Rocky Mountains: Al- due to algae and high concentration of brine berta is on this list because of all the beau- prawn. When temperatures and water levtiful scenery southern Alberta has to offer. els permit it, the algae starts secreting a red The picturesque mountains and lovely for- pigment, making the water of the lake pink. ests can take anyone’s breath away with This mysteriously bubble-gum pink lake is just a glance, and many tourists flock to the area every year, year round; in the winter, visitors can ski and snowboard, and in the summer some of the most popular activities are hiking and swimming. There are also many indoor places that visitors can see throughPhoto by Isabel Fernandez out Alberta, One of the many beautiful scenes that Alberta offers during the summer such as the Royal Tyrell Museum, the Calgary Tower, home to many different types of birds and and West Edmonton Mall (complete with has been declared an important bird area by the world’s largest indoor waterpark and a the BirdLife International Association. This theme park). Alberta is Canada’s most-vis- lake was investigated in 1980 for its unusual ited province. Although British Columbia is colour, and they found that table salt is promore mountainous, a survey taken by Aba- duced in solar ponds near the eastern side of cus Insider found that people wanted to visit the lake. Jiuzhaigou, China: Jiuzhaigou, Alberta more than British Columbia. Lavender Fields, Southern also known as the five flower lake, is in ChiFrance: The lavender fields in France are na, part of the Min Mountains, and is known one of the iconic sites that draw tourists to for its multi-level waterfalls, colourful lakes, the beautiful destination. The fields are en- and snow-covered peaks. Jiuzhaigou transjoyed by many in car, on bike, or on foot. lates directly to “Nine Village Valley.” The The lavender blooms around the beginning area was made a national park in 1982 after of June and lasts until the end of August so much logging took place that the govwhen it is harvested. In August, visitors can ernment had to ban the activity. Since the also see a mixture of sunflowers and laven- park officially opened, tourist activity has der while both are in full bloom. The fields increased every year. The number of tourare in the region of Sault, which is in South- ists climbed from 5,000 people in 1984 to ern France and is Sault’s most famous tourist 170,000 in 1991 to 200,000 in 1997. The destination. This location is on this list be- water in the lakes is noted as some of the cause of all of the beautiful purple that cov- clearest water on Earth, making it easy to ers the land during the summer months. see all of the flora and fauna that live under India’s national park, the Val- water, as though the lake were an outdoor ley of Flowers: This park is located in the aquarium. west Himalayas and is known for its vari- These destinations are all places ety of flora. This park is also home to many that Lancers should check out. Almost every endangered animals, including the Asiatic Lancer would enjoy the rich colours and culblack and brown bears, and snow leopards. tures that come with visiting these beautiful The flora was inventoried in 1987, 1992, and spots around the world. -- Dr. E. P. Scarlett High School -- May 2015 spend less time focusing on more superficial things. Telling your parents the truth is a great Dear A&G: idea, as it would gain more respect from “I’m not doing so well in school… your parents to hear from you rather than I try, but I can’t get my grades up. I want to if they heard the information from another be really smart and make my parents proud person. but I don’t test well and I can’t remember Dear A&G: what I study. I don’t want to fail my par “Do you have any advice for ents, I don’t know how to be smarter, and somebody who is concerned about their ap- I’m desperate for help.” pearance? I wish I looked better, and my -Anonymous self-esteem is really low. Whenever I look Dear Anonymous, in the mirror I hate what it reflects. I don’t Aysha says… I do homework know if I’m asking for tips on how to be every night. Concentrating on one task at more confident or what I can do to change, a time can help your workload seem more but can you help me?” manageable. If I feel that I am up-to-date - Anonymous with my work, I will always review or find Dear Anonymous, something to do. Do not let yourself get Aysha says… Many people are overwhelmed. never happy with their own appearance. When you study alone, it can be tempting There will always be something that will to let your focus wander. By studying with bother you about your appearance. The a responsible friend, you will be less likely sooner you accept that you are beautiful to shift your focus to something like social the easier it will be. Sometimes just say- media. You cannot aim for the highest mark ing in the mirror everyday “I am beautiful” right away. Setting goals that are too high until you actually believe it can help. Try will only cause you to become discouraged to focus first on changing your perception if you do not reach them quickly. If you rather than your appearance. You could make some improvements that is all that lose twenty pounds and you still might not matters, so set yourself incremental goals. Grace says… You don’t need to be happy. It is not too late to start thinking about yourself in a good way. It will make ace every test to be smart. There are differyou happier if you let it go and stop wor- ent subjects you can excel in to make your rying. Acceptance is key. If it has come to parents proud. Even if you do not have a a dangerous point though, please contact specific niche right now, that does not mean you are not equally as smart as another. someone, preferably an adult. Grace says… Confidence comes Sometimes it can be a mistake to concenfrom what makes you feel most comfortable. trate only on the grade. If you have been It does not come from changing yourself, only looking for a higher grade, look at because changing yourself does not make what questions you have gotten wrong and you feel comfortable in your surroundings. learn from your mistakes. This, ultimately, Confidence comes from what you make will lead to an improved grade with time. of yourself. That Talk to your said, look at yourparents if you self in the mirror are concerned and instead of about how telling yourself they feel about what you do not your grades, like about your as they could reflection, ask possibly help yourself how you you with your can change these work. They things to make went through yourself feel betschool as well ter. Do the things and know how that you know you feel. o would make you Photo by Grace Stone T with feel more confi- Origami can be a fun hobby to take an interest in help studying, I usudent. For example, if you do not like your posture, sit up ally write down what I need to remember. It a bit straighter. Concentrate on little things also helps to ask a friend or family member you can change, and compliment yourself to quiz you on what you learned afterwards. Study games can make schoolwork a bit when you accomplish them. As well, most of the things we do more interesting. not like about ourselves make us unique to others. If you can not change what you Kids Help Phone: 1-800-668-6868 would like about yourself, embrace it. Ap- Mental Health Helpline: 1-866-531-2600 pearance is not the only thing people see in National Suicide Prevention lifeline: a person. For example, finding a hobby or 1-800-273-TALK something that you enjoy can distract you Crisis Call Center (eating disorders): 800from focusing on what you believe to be 273-8255 or text ANSWER to 839863 flaws. For me, an interest of mine is play- We are not professionals. If you are in seriing instruments and drawing. Concentrat- ous danger, or know someone who is, call ing on something I am good at helps me to 911. Continued from page 20 May 2015 -- Scarlett FEVER -- Dr. E. P. Scarlett High School -- LANGUAGES -- Page 23 Étudiants ayant assistés à Français pour l’avenir 2015 High River, Finch fréquentait l’Université de Puis, Richard Bartrem a présenté le discours Illico, Bartrem a décidé qu’il voulait vivre à Par Cassandra Betts Calgary il y a quelques années. Avant l’Uni- d›ouverture. Bartrem est maintenant le Calgary avec sa famille, et il a poursuit une Le 29 avril, plusieurs étudiants versité, Finch était étudiante en immersion vice-président de culture et communications carrière avec WestJet. Encore une fois, son d’immersion française ont participé au fo- française, mais elle a décidé d’abandonner à WestJet, et il a décrit sa voie vers sa car- bilinguisme lui a servi, et Bartrem a eu un rum de rière actuelle. Un anglophone poste en culture et communications, parce Français qui a grandi au Québec, Bartrem que WestJet avait besoin de quelqu’un avec pour l’avea pratiqué son français en allant une connaisse de la langue et de la culture nir à l’unià un camp d’été, premièrement française. versité de comme campeur et puis comme Quand les discours se sont terC a l g a r y. moniteur. Il a raconté une his- minés, les ateliers ont commencé. Les étuUne confétoire de comment les autres mo- diants pouvaient choisir deux ateliers parmi rence anniteurs lui ont demandé s’il était les six qui ont été offerts, soit le droit, génies nuelle, dont en accord avec une décision, et il en herbe, une fenêtre sur le théâtre, viens le but du a répondu qu’il était « agréable. faire la danse, le bilinguisme : un passeport programme » Même si Bartrem avait honte pour la vie, et votre voix francophone pour est de céléde son erreur à ce moment-là, il l’avenir. Pour le premier atelier, plusieurs brer les étua raconté l’histoire pour démon- étudiants de Scarlett ont choisi la session diants qui trer que tout le monde commet de droit. Dans cet atelier, les étudiants ont ont appris des erreurs quand ils parlent leur participé dans un procès simulé devant le le français deuxième ou troisième langue, et tribunal. L’atelier était amusant, informatif pendant que les autres vont comprendre. et surtout impressionnant, car cinq avocats leurs années Bartrem a aussi parlé de com- certifiés et un juge de la « Court of Queen’s à l’école et ment le français l’a aidé dans Bench » étaient présents pour rendre l’exde leur faire sa carrière. Son premier emploi périence vraisemblable pour les étudiants. reconnaître était avec Unilever, la troisième L’honorable juge Anne Brown a présidé le l’imporplus grande compagnie des biens procès simulé et les étudiants jouaient le Photo par Cassandra Betts tance de la Rebecca Dean, Carley Winhold et Kari Pearce, 12e année à Français pour l’avenir en Avril de consommation au monde. rôle greffier et assistants au juge. D’autres langue penPuis il est allé travailler pour Il- élèves jouaient aussi les rôles d’avocat de la le français dans ses études post secondaires. lico, une branche de la compagnie HBO au défense et avocat de la couronne, de témoins dant le reste de leur vie. Le matin a débuté avec un petit-dé- Pourtant, à l’Université, elle a découvert que Québec. Bartrem a juré que sans son bilin- et de l’accusé. Les étudiants qui n’avaient le jeuner gratuit pour les étudiants et les profs. le français lui manquait, et elle s’est ins- guisme il n’aurait jamais réussi à occuper ces rôle d’un personnage faisaient partie du juré. Différents fruits, des pâtisseries, le café et le crite dans des cours FLIP. Les cours FLIP postes avec ces compagnies prestigieuses et Continué à la page 24 thé étaient tous disponibles, et après s’être sont dans cours que l’Université de Calgary compétitives. Après quelques années avec rassasiés ils sont retournés à leur table pour offre en français, dans des matières comme le début de l’événement. Le premier dis- l’archéologie, la biologie, l’économie, la cours a été prononcé par une figure publique géographie et la musique. Après avoir pris bien connue à Calgary et le reste du pays : le plusieurs cours FLIP, Finch a décidé de maire Nenshi. Bien que le maire Nenshi n’a changer sa carrière et de devenir enseignante pas pu venir à l’université de Calgary parce en immersion. Pour Finch, le français était que c’était la journée de « Mayor for a Day une partie essentielle de son identité qu’elle » il a tout de même pris le temps de faire une ne pouvait pas abandonner. Le thème de la vidéo pour montrer à la conférence. Même conférence était les voix/voies vers l’avenir. si plusieurs Calgariens ne le savent pas, le En redécouvrant sa voix française, Finch a maire Nenshi parle le français, et il a parlé découvert sa voie pour la vie. Le discours de comment la connaissance de la langue lui de Finch était motivant, surtout pour les a servi pendant sa vie et ses années comme étudiants de douzième année qui quittent le maire. Il a aussi dit que même si les étudiants programme d’immersion française l’année qui ont appris le français comme deuxième prochaine. Le message de Finch était rassuou troisième langue ne la maîtrise pas né- rant, parce que cela a laissé les étudiants sacessairement, les francophones apprécient voir que peu importe où ils iront ou ce qu’ils toujours l’effort que les étudiants font pour feront ils vont toujours trouver des façons parler leur langue. d’utiliser le français. Après la présentation vidéo du Après le discours de Finch, Valère maire Nenshi, Christa Finch est venue pro- Gagnon de l’Université de Calgary a parlé noncer un discours sur comment elle a dé- du programme FLIP, et Sasha Wowkodaw couvert sa voix française. Maintenant en- a parlé d’autres opportunités pour les étuPhoto par Cassandra Betts Kate Read, Natasha Pye, et Sarah Miao, 12 annèe avant de manger le petit-déjeuner graduit seignante à l›école secondaire Highwood à diants d’utiliser le français à l’Université. Page 24 -- LANGUAGES La région de la Lorraine se situe dans le coin nord-ouest de la France, et est subdivisée en quatre départements distincts : la Meurthe–et–Moselle, la Meuse, la Moselle et les Vosges. Parmi le pays au complet, elle est le seul territoire à partager ses frontières avec trois pays étrangers : la Belgique, l’Allemagne et le Luxembourg. À part que l’ouest et le sud de la Lorraine, qui étaient industrialisés pendant la révolution industrielle, la région est plutôt rurale aujourd’hui avec des collines escarpées, des forets mythiques et des lacs cristallin. Plusieurs voyageurs ont dit après leur visite que le paysage se semble à la Suisse, calmant et reposant. Comme la région d’Alsace, la Lorraine, elle aussi, contient plusieurs aspects culturels de l’Allemagne, notamment à la Moselle où les gens ont parlé l’allemand historiquement. Aujourd’hui, la langue française domine la région mais il y a des efforts gérés pour renaitre les anciennes langues. Par exemple, les enfants sont encouragés à apprendre le lorrain, un dialecte roman qui est très peu utilisé à présent, et le francique lorrain, un dialecte du moyen allemand qui a une vitalité relativement élevée. De plus, plusieurs panneaux dans les rues sont maintenant bilingues, au lieu d’inclure uniquement le français. Historiquement, on peut trouver un symbole patriotique venu de la Lorraine qui porte le nom la croix de Lorraine. Cette croix d’héraldique comporte une ligne verticale avec deux autres lignes horizontales qui croisent la première. Une modification du symbole est lorsque les deux lignes horizontales varient en longueur, où celle trouvée en haut est plus courte. La raison pour laquelle cette croix est connue comme un symbole patriotique pour la France est parce que les Français ont utilisé la croix de Lorraine pendant l’occupation des Nazis dans la Première Guerre Mondiale. Des drapeaux avec la croix ont été montés sur des bateaux et des avions comme un symbole pour libérer la France. De plus, on peut trouver cette croix sur l’ordre de la libération qui est une reconnaissance pour des Français qui ont essayé de libérer la République. Il y a aussi plusieurs plats traditionnels qui sont connus en France, produits initialement dans la Lorraine. Par exemple, la potée Lorraine est célébrée dans l’état et elle est relativement facile à cuire. C’est un type de soupe, où on peut inclure de la viande, comme le porc, avec des légumes et les pommes de terre, qui sont -- Scarlett FEVER fréquemment utilisées dans la Lorraine. Un autre plat connu est la quiche lorraine, qui est un plat français très populaire dans les autres pays européens. Servie chaude comme hors-d’œuvre ou comme entrée, elle est une tarte cuite avec du fromage, de la viande, des fruits de mer et des légumes. Si on désire, on peut mettre du lardon dedans aussi. Plusieurs styles célébrés du fromage viennent de la Lorraine comme le Carré de l’Est, le Brouère et le Munster. Le premier est facile à deviner à cause de son nom, parce que le fromage est justement un carré qui vient de l’est de la France. Il est produit à partir du lait de vache et est âgé pendant cinq semaines avant qu’on le serve. Le Brouère vient du département des Vosges et c’est un type du fromage très unique. Sa forme est produite avec du bois, et puis les sculpteurs artisans vont mettre des motifs distincts sur le fromage qui donne au Brouère une touche spéciale. Le dernier, le Munster, est probablement le fromage le plus célébré dans la Lorraine. En fait, c’est assez reconnu que le fromage est protégé depuis 1996 dans les pays qui font partie de l’Union Européenne. Il porte le nom de la ville dans laquelle il est produit, et le Munster, lui aussi, est produit à partir du lait de vache. Ce fromage a une odeur très forte mais un gout doux à manger. La période de temps qui est idéale pour la consommation est entre mai et octobre. En plus de la cuisine délicieuse que la Lorraine nous offre, il y a plusieurs sites touristiques et villes à visiter aussi. Par exemple, la ville de Verdun n’est pas manquée par les touristes qui passent par le département de la Meuse. Elle est la plus grande ville dans son département et elle était un des plus grands champs de bataille pendant la Première Guerre Mondiale, entre la France et l’Empire allemand. Aujourd’hui, on peut y trouver plusieurs cimetières et un des plus grands est l’Ossuaire de Douaumont où plus de 13 000 croix ornent l’ancien champ de bataille. Ce cimetière est une nécropole nationale, c’est-à-dire, un cimetière militaire appartenant à l’état français. Même si la Lorraine n’est pas un site touristique aussi populaire comparativement à la région d’Alsace, on peut voir qu’elle est quand même unique à visiter. Avec une grande sélection de cuisine célébrée qu’on peut explorer et des monuments militaires de la Première Guerre Mondiale, où on peut retourner au passé, c’est clair que la Lorraine est une région avec une histoire riche qu’on peut visiter. -- Dr. E. P. Scarlett High School Continué de la page 23 Pendant l’atelier, les élèves faisaient partie d’un procès dans lequel une fille a volé un lecteur de MP3 d’un magasin. La cour devait déterminer si la fille avait l›intention de voler, ou si c›était un accident. Les vrais avocats sont sortis avec les étudiants qui jouaient les avocats, et ils leur ont donné des conseils sur comment gagner le dossier. Les avocats parlaient tous français, même si ce n’était pas leur langue maternelle, et après que le procès soit terminé, ils ont pris le temps de parler avec les étudiants à propos de leur carrière en droit. D’autres élèves de Scarlett ont participé dans les ateliers « génies en herbe » et « viens faire la danse. » Pendant « génies en herbe » les étudiants ont joué à un jeu de quizz sur les connaissances générales en français. Le groupe de Scarlett a excellé, surtout dans le domaine des maths. La session « viens faire la danse » était centrée sur les -- May 2015 allait, elle a toujours pu communiquer avec des gens, soit en utilisant l’anglais ou le français. De plus, elle a dit que quand on voyage à l’étranger, les gens de la région apprécient beaucoup quand les touristes font un effort pour parler leur langue, même si c’est seulement quelques mots. L’autre atelier auquel des étudiants de Scarlett ont participé était « une fenêtre sur le théâtre. » Inouk Touzin, acteur et directeur artistique du Théâtre à Pic de Calgary a parlé aux étudiants à propos de ses expériences avec le théâtre francophone en Alberta. Puis, les étudiants ont essayé de faire leurs propres productions avec un peu d’improvisation. Pour finir la journée, Français pour l’avenir avait plusieurs prix à distribuer. Les gagnants des prix étaient déterminés par un tirage au sort de tous les noms des gens qui ont participé à la conférence. Des bouteilles d’eau, des sacs, des cartes cadeau et d’autres Photo par Sarah Miao Taylor Sisson, Cecily Letendre, Carley Winhold, Rebecca Dean, et Kari Pearce, 12e année après l’atelier « génies en herbe » où elles ont joué à un jeu de quizz sur les connaissances générales danses traditionnelles des régions françaises. Les étudiants ont appris le quadrille, et une danse de la Grèce qu’ils ont présentée pour le reste des participants à la fin de la journée. Quand le premier atelier s’est terminé, on leur a servi un dîner délicieux composé de pâtes, de poulet, de salade, de pain à l’ail, et des cannolos à la framboise. Après le repas, tout le monde est reparti vers leur deuxième atelier. La majorité des étudiants de Scarlett faisaient partie de l’atelier « le bilinguisme : un passeport pour la vie. » Cet atelier était centré sur le tourisme pour les francophones en Alberta. Julie Fafard, la directrice du développement touristique en Alberta, a parlé de ses expériences comme guide touristique international, et puis comment elle s’est finalement établit en Alberta. Pendant sa jeunesse, elle a été guide touristique dans plusieurs pays dont la Turquie et la Grèce, et elle a raconté comment, peu importe où elle prix ont tous été tirés. Plusieurs prix sont allés aux étudiants de Lord Beaverbrook et d’autres écoles, mais personne de Scarlett n’a été pigé. Les étudiants étaient un peu découragés, et quand ils ont tiré le dernier nom pour le premier prix, un iPad mini, personne de Scarlett ne s’attendait à gagner. Chose étonnante, le nom Christina Ginn, 12e année, a été tiré, et tout le monde de Scarlett a applaudi avec beaucoup d’enthousiasme. Dans l’ensemble, l’événement a été un grand succès. Les étudiants avaient l’occasion de rencontrer des personnages intéressants et brillants comme l’honorable Anne Brown, et d’apprendre comment utiliser leur français après avoir gradué du secondaire. C’était une journée amusante et les élevés se souviendront définitivement d’une excellent conclusion à leurs années d’école secondaire en immersion française. May 2015 -- Scarlett FEVER -- Dr. E. P. Scarlett High School -- LANGUAGES -- Page 25 La vida de Celia Cruz: La Reina de la Salsa Cubana el salario que un maestro gana en un mes. By Isabel Fernandez Celia Cruz fue la definición del icono en el mundo de la música latina. Fue apodada la reina de la salsa desde el principio de su carrera, Celia Cruz fue una de las cantantes latinas más recordadas y queridas de la historia musical . Cruz tuvo una carrera muy exitosa hasta el momento en que ella falleció a la edad de 77 años. En el transcurso de su carrera, Celia Cruz ganó 6 premios Grammy y grabó más de 25 álbumes. Celia llegó desde La Habana, Cuba, con el nombre de Ursula Hilaria Celia de la Cruz de Alfonso. A medida que creció, y avanzó más en la música y la danza, Cruz fue conocida solo por su nombre artístico Celia Cruz. Otros apodos que Cruz tenía eran, “La Reina de la Salsa” y “La Guarachera de Cuba”. Nacida el 21 de octubre de 1925, de una familia con un hermano mayor y dos menores Cruz se metió en la música desde muy temprano en su vida. El clima musical diverso de La Habana influenció la metamorfosis musical de Celia en una mezcla de muchos estilos diferentes, ya que muchos músicos diferentes influenciaron su carrera. Algunos de los más influyentes de estos músicos fueron Fernando Colaso, Ablerado Barroso, Pablo Quevedo, y Arsenio Rodríguez. Cuando Fidel Castro tomó el control de Cuba en 1959, Cruz y su esposo, Pedro Knight se negaron a regresar a su país de origen y decidieron quedarse en Estados Unidos. Poco después de su decisión de quedarse, Cruz consiguió contratos discográficos que eventualmente conducen a ocho álbumes semi-exitosos con Tico Records. Después de que los discos no tuvieron tanto éxito como la compañía quería, Celia y su manager se unieron VayaRecords, que conducen a su canto en Carnegie Hall, acompañado por el pianista consumado, Larry Harlow. En 1947, Cruz completó un álbum con Johnny Pacheco, titulado, Celia y Johnny que tuvo tanto éxito que Celia pronto se encontró formando parte del grupo ilustre llamado la Fania All-Stars. Con este grupo, Celia tuvo la oportunidad de recorrer Inglaterra, Francia, y lo que entonces era conocido como Zaire, ahora conocida como la República Democrática del Congo, y para volver a América Latina para otra gira. Su actuación en el Zaire fue grabado para la película Soul Power. En 1990, Cruz ganó su primer premio Grammy por Mejor Interpretación Tropical América que interpretó Ray Barretto con la canción Ritmo En El Corazón. Más tarde ese mismo año grabó su álbum quimioterapia, pero al final la lucha era demasiado dura y falleció en su casa a la edad de 77 años con su familia a su lado. Antes de tar la Reina de la Salsa en su lugar de descanso final. Cuatro años más tarde, el esposo de Celia se reunió con ella en el mausoleo. Su último álbum, Regalo de la Alma, ganó un premio en Premio Lo Nuestro la Mejor Salsa del Año en 2004, y la comunidad en gran medida Cubana de Unión Perk en Nueva Jersey encabezó su anual desfile del día de Cuba al nombrar a su parque local de la Cruz Parque Celia, también conocida como la Celia Cruz Plaza, que cuenta con una acera dedicada a ella. En 2005 Foto por Isabel Fernandez se anunció que habWenonah North Peigan, Grado 11, bailando suave a la musica de Celia ría una película essu entierro, su cuerpo fue llevado a Miami tilo documental titulado Azucar! Torre de la Libertad, donde más de 200.000 Celia Cruz, hasta el día de hoy sigue siendo aficionados pagaron su respeto definitivo a la cantante latina más querida de su generla estrella latina. El esposo de Celia la enter- ación. La Reina de la Salsa vivirá en los próxró en un mausoleo en el Bronx, Nueva York, imos años en el corazón de sus aficionados y donde la pareja vivía. El mausoleo tiene ven- su alma va a sobrevivir a través de su música. tanas para que los aficionados puedan visi- diploma exam preparation we’re serious about your success Register now for June diploma exam prep courses. Also check out our website for information on how to upgrade your marks, complete your diploma or take extra courses. learn more register t | 403-777-7200 Foto por Isabel Fernandez Un estudiante eschuchando a Yo Virire, un cancion de Celia que es muy popular en su telefono Su carrera musical comenzó en su adolescencia, cuando su tía se la llevaba a ella y a su prima a cantar en los cabarets. Cruz comenzó a aparecer en el show más popular de la radio de la Habana, la “Hora del Té” en el canal Radio García-Serra. Su primera grabación fue en 1948 en Venezuela. No todo el mundo en su vida apoyaba sus aspiraciones de convertirse en una cantante, su padre la animaba a asistir a la escuela con el fin de convertirse en maestra. Lo que realmente animó a Cruz fue el hecho de que uno de sus profesores le dijo que como cantante en un día podía hacer de aniversario con La Sonora Matancera. Su éxito continuó subiendo cuando ella lanzó una película con Antonio Banderas llamada Los reyes del mambo en 1992, y en 1994, cuando el presidente Bill Clinton le otorgó la Medalla Nacional de las Artes. En ese mismo año, Cruz fue incluida en el Salón de la Fama del Latin Billboards. Celia Cruz falleció en 2003 de cáncer de cerebro. Después de una carrera muy exitosa y una vida privada muy humilde y feliz, la Reina de la Salsa perdió a los tratamientos contra el cáncer. El apoyo siempre amoroso de su marido la llevó a través de la friend us on facebook follow us on twitter @ChinookLearning Page 26 -- ENTERTAINMENT -- Scarlett FEVER -- Dr. E. P. Scarlett High School -- May 2015 The music never stopped: The Grateful Dead reunite for five summer shows for the first time in twenty years last show Garcia ever played. Garcia passed and three on the very site that they played putting the Chicago shows together and they By Aaron Schmidtke away from a heart attack at age 53 in a Cali- their last show, Soldier Field in Chicago, in are thinking about opening up the stadium It was a warm California day in fornia drug rehabilitation facility a month to early July. The three gigs played in Chicago 360 degrees, meaning that they will open up 1965. The sun was shining and the smell of the day of his last show, August 9. Garcia on July 3, 4, and 5 will be available on Pay seats behind the stage and offer general adpizza filled the air. Wait, what? This new up- died as a musician first, and a guitar player Per View (PPV) or if people are not able to mission on the field to stimulate the groovy and-coming band of twenty-something year- second despite being ranked 46th in Rolling catch the event on PPV, it will also be ac- atmosphere. old California natives just picked up The Fare Thee Well tour will featheir first gig at Magoo’s Pizza Parlor ture many of the bands’ original memin Menlo Park, California. This band bers including Weir, Lesh, Kreutzmann, was under the name The Warlocks. and Hart and also include Bruce HornCoincidentally, another up-and-comsby and Jeff Chimenti who both played er on the East Coast was under that with the band throughout the years. name as well, an iconic band we now Many may observe that there is a noknow as The Velvet Underground. ticeable opening remaining: Garcia’s At Magoo’s, the band played their breath-taking guitar and signature vofirst three shows as a group and concals. This spot will be played by Phish’s tinued playing small venues throughfrontman, Trey Anastasio. Let’s not be out the year of ’65. A few months mistaken; Anastasio certainly realizes later, the band decided to change their he cannot replace Garcia but he will name to The Grateful Dead. There simply play in respect of the legend. are numerous stories to how the band These tours have offered a great landed on naming themselves The deal of confusion with the possible inGrateful Dead (the Dead). The stories clusion of additional shows, multiple range from smoking the psychedelic reports questioning if bandmates will be in attendance, and the rumours of the drug DMT and coming up with the Dead going on a full-length tour with renowned title by simply opening John Mayer instead of Anastasio in Ocup a Folklore dictionary and landing on the words “grateful” and “dead.” tober. Whether these rumours are true Whatever the case may be, the legor not, this further proves the exact idea the Dead represents: the need to wanendary name stuck with the band and der. stuck with the fans or “Deadheads” The Dead are not only dubbed as through the highs and lows of the hipthe “pioneering Godfathers of the jam pie movement. Fast-forward to July of band world” but they have left a little 1995. It was back-to-back concerts at piece of themselves in every generation. Soldier Field in Chicago in front of Whether one grew up in the ‘60s, ‘70s, 61,500 fans and “The Vibe” was at ‘80s, ‘90s, or present day, the Dead conPhoto by Aaron Schmidtke an all-time high. “The Vibe” is a term Jane Geller, Grade 11, absolutely kills it on the saxophone just like the Grateful Dead do every performance nected fans with their unique charm and used to describe the Dead’s intangible influential sound. Each song speaks to element that elevates their performances into Stone’s 100 Greatest Guitarists. cessible on Video On Demand (VOD). The a generation differently and each generation Now, let us jump ahead another platform that PPV and VOD will be viewed has formed associations with these songs. a symphonic sensation. They opened with “Touch of Grey” and closed with “Box of twenty years to present day. This summer, on is unannounced at this time. The concert This generation should feel truly blessed that Rain.” This ’95 runaway show featured Bob the Dead will conquer the stage once again will not only be featured on these formats. In they are alive to witness such a historic and Weir on the guitar and vocals, Phil Lesh on to celebrate the fifty-year anniversary of the between shows will be taped interviews, live groovy event. The world will have a chance bass and vocals, Bill Kreutzmann on drums, band and twenty-year anniversary of Gar- interviews with fans, a short documentary to bid one final fare thee well and on behalf Mickey Hart also on drums, and the legend- cia’s death in a tour called “Fare Thee Well” film about the Dead and more. of Deadheads everywhere, may I say what a Dead 50 is on track to be the big- long, strange trip it has been. ary Jerry Garcia on guitar and vocals. At or otherwise known as Dead 50. The tour the time, Deadheads did not know this, but will consist of five shows. There will be two gest single act concert event of the year. the latter of the back-to-backs would be the shows in Santa Clara, California in late June Madison House Presents is the group that is May 2015 -- Scarlett FEVER -- Dr. E. P. Scarlett High School -- ENTERTAINMENT -- Page 27 Otafest: Calgary’s Annual Japanese Festival at U of C League where attendees can bring their Nin tendo DS and battle it out with other attend One of the most popular annual ees and designated gym leaders to collect events hosted at the University of Calgary badges. The Pokémon League also features is Otafest, a festival/convention based on other related events such as Poke-lympics, Japanese culture, anime, manga, and video open battles, and an egg swap event. Anygames. This year will be the sixteenth anni- one interested should prepare a team within versary for this club-started festival, and it Pokémon and head to Otafest to claim their will take place from May 15-17 during the badges. May long weekend hosted at U of C. Admission is $50 at the door, and will allow attendees to enter the vendor hall and artist alley, along with attending various panels, events, and being able to see celebrity guests. This year’s theme is space. There are many activities to partake in at Otafest, such as Photo by Helen Trang attending community-run panels, A special lanyard souvenier from the 2013 edition of Otafest, held at U of C visiting the open gaming room, or even having a snack at the As Otafest is a non-profit organization that maid café. Otafest is a volunteer-run event donates their profits to a charity of their and all of the panels are run by attendees and choice, there are many different ways they volunteers. Panels can be based on a vari- raise funds to donate. One is the maid café ety of subjects, and can feature many differ- where attendees can make a reservation and ent activities such as improvisation games, purchase snacks and drinks that are served trivia-based games on a TV show, anime, by volunteers dressed as maids, and there is manga, or video game, or some are purely usually some sort of dance performance as informational and educate attendees on cer- well. Another way Otafest raises money is by selling VIP passes, but these usually sell tain aspects of Japanese culture. A major highlight for Otafest is the Pokémon out very early in the year. By Helen Trang Black Widow vs. Captain America The beginning of May signals the end of a long wait for many of Marvel’s fans. Fans of the comics and movies alike have waited anxiously for the release of the second Avengers movie, Avengers: Age of Ultron, which was at last released to theatres in North America on May 1. Since the announcement of the movie, it has generated much buzz, raising expectations dramatically, all the while promising to fulfill them. In honour of the release of what is quite possibly Marvel’s biggest film, the superheroes this month are Black Widow and Captain America. Both members of the Avengers, they are both powered by super-soldier serum, in addition By Loula Agelopoulos to their training and skills. Two very similar, yet very different characters, only one of them can be the winner. Origin Natalia “Natasha” Romanova (The Black Widow) was born in 1928 in Stalingrad, Russia. She was orphaned at a young age, when Nazis set fire to the building she and her parents were living in. Her mother saved Natasha by throwing her out the window to a Russian soldier, Ivan Petrovitch. Petrovitch took care of Romanova, raising her until she was forced to join the “Red Room” facility in order to save Petrovitch’s life. As part of the operation, Romanova was biotechnologically and psycho- For all of those gamers that wish to play with other people in a community setting, Otafest offers an open gaming room where many different consoles and games are Photo by Helen Trang set up for any Otafest is a festival/convention based on Japanese culture, anime, manga, and attendees to video games that typically has a particular theme associated with it each year play with. In the past there tendees through this weekend are to firstly has been PCs set up to play League of Leg- plan how to get to the university. Whether it ends and Starcraft, along with PlayStation is via transit, taxi, or car, plan out the route consoles and Xboxes. and how long it will take to ensure that it There are also a variety of musical does not cause any conflicts with any events. events over the course of the weekend such Prepare a budget and set very firm and strict as concerts and dances. This year the head- restrictions on what money is to be used lining band is a visual kei Japanese rock band for what, and withdraw cash beforehand as named UCHUSENTAI: NOIZ. The dance many vendors and artists only accept cash. will be DJ’d by Lightning Knights who have Shop smart in the vendor hall and artist alley been responsible for most of the dances in by taking a look around before committing Otafest’s past. UCHUSENTAI: NOIZ will to buy anything; there might be a vendor ofnot be the only celebrity guest, however, as fering the same item for a lower price, and Otafest has quite the impressive lineup this often many vendors will allow attendees to year. There are a variety of cosplay guests barter with them for lower prices. Lastly, including Meg Turney, Yumi Akai, and Jes- and probably the most important tip of all sica Merizan. A large industry guest that will remember to bring a water bottle and keep be present this year is FUNIMATION which hydrated. is a leading anime company in North Amer- Otafest has never disappointed ica. Toby Proctor and Linda Ballantyne will before, and this year is sure to thrill all atalso be making an appearance, and they are tendees just like every other year. Make sure both commonly known for their roles as the to buy tickets early, and start to plan what voice actors of Sailor Moon and Tuxedo panels and events are interesting and worthMask respectively. while to attend. Head over to for A few helpful tips to help get all at- more information and to buy tickets. technologically enhanced, increasing her application. None of his attempts succeeded lifespan and granting her prolonged youth. in gaining him acceptance into the army; She was also brainwashed into following however, they did bring him to the attention the Soviets’ instructions, as well as being of Dr. Abraham Erskine. Erskine was given false memories of being a ballerina to looking for suitable applicants for Operation ensure her loyalty. Romanova spent years as Rebirth, an attempt to create an army of a KGB spy, even stealing from Tony Stark super-soldiers. Roger’s dedication and good for them at one point. She eventually met intentions made him an ideal candidate Hawkeye, though, and felt an attraction to and the program gave him increased him. She used their feelings to use him to speed, flexibility, strength, endurance, and help her in her missions, but her feelings for agility. His newfound abilities, along with him eventually became one of the reasons his unwavering dedication and optimistic she finally rid herself of the KGB. In her attitude, earned him the title of Captain attempts to defect from the Soviet Union, America. From then on, he went on to fight she was brainwashed into compliance, and the Nazis, before his plane being plunged was pit against the Avengers. When she was into the sea near the North Pole. He was able to break free of the KGB’s control, she revived, though, years later, and joined the turned against them, joining the Avengers Avengers, continuing his crime-fighting and eventually SHIELD. career. In comparison to Black Widow, Roger’s origin is a tale of dedication Captain America’s origins are quite clean- and persistence. His good intentions were cut. The outbreak of the Second World War rewarded, and his positive attitude helped inspired Steve Rogers to join the US army. him succeed, while Black Widow’s origins He wanted to serve his country and help are riddled with times of criminal activity, defeat the Nazis, but he was repeatedly during which she was exactly the kind of rejected. His skinny build and problematic person most superheroes would hunt down. health made him a failing candidate for the army, forcing him to even try forging his Continued on page 30 Page 28 -- ENTERTAINMENT -- Scarlett FEVER -- Dr. E. P. Scarlett High School TVs, which have been around for almost a century, were originally created with a convex screen. The original TV was called a CRT (Cathode Ray Tube) TV. For a long time, televisions were like this until the flat screen TV was created. The flat screen was a large step from a technologi- more expensive than regular flat screens. With an increase in price, one would expect a step up in viewing experiences; however, it is not much better than an ordinary flat screen TV. Aside from the downfalls, there are some theoretical advantages. A more engaging experience is what the TV is supposed to deliver; however, to see this Photo by Aiden Wong Curved TVs are now readily available to excited consumers at electronics stores like Best Buy cal standpoint because it provides for better quality, larger screens, and saves much more space without the large box on the back. For a long time, the flat screen was the future for televisions, until 2013. 2013 was big for technology with introductions to smart watches and virtual reality. During that year, the first versions of curved TVs (this time concave) were introduced by Samsung and LG at the CES (Consumer Electronics Show) in Las Vegas; however, they did not make it into ordinary homes until 2015. CES is an annual tradeshow that showcases all the new and upcoming technology for users to test out hands-on. This is always a major event that many tech consumers attend. Curved TVs were marketed in a way to provide for a more immersive experience, also allowing for a wider field of view. This creation, however, has some major downsides. The most severe issue is the precise viewing angle the TV requires. Much like a movie theatre, there are optimal seats and imperfect seats, and with the curved TV, if one is offset from the centre, the images may seem distorted. This may not be a big problem when watching alone, but watching with a number of people could pose a complication. Curved TVs are also expensive for manufacturers to produce and even more costly for consumers to purchase. Prices of curved TVs can be thousands of dollars difference, one would need a much larger screen than normal. Along with this, viewers would need to be up close to the TV to receive the benefits. In an ordinary home, families would not necessarily want to buy such a large TV and have to be so close to it to watch shows and movies. As of now, manufacturers have not given consumers facts to convince them to buy curved TVs; however, it still is an impressive idea companies have created. The release of curved TVs is similar to 3D TVs, as they too have not been a major success. The lack of popularity of 3D TVs has several reasons. 3D is bad for viewers eyes. One in four people watching 3D TV have complaints of eye strain, headaches, or a desire to vomit. Aside from this, there has been no real desire from consumers to have this product. 3D TVs have been around for a longer time than coloured film, yet companies still have not found a way to make this technology a success. Curved and 3D TVs have not been quite a success, but they both hold potential to open up new doors to different forms of technology. Technology in the form of wrist watches and phones like the Gear S and Samsung Galaxy Edge. With the disadvantages curved TVs hold and the image consumers already have of them, it is unlikely that they will become as successful as flat screens. May 2015 Top 5 most underrated movies of summer 2015 3. Pixels Adam Sandler has had a rough time trying to make a decent movie in the past few years, but that could all change with his newest film Pixels. The storyline begins in 1982 when NASA launches a capsule into space in order to make peace with extraterrestrial life containing images and footage of Earth’s life and culture. The aliens, however, mistake the capsule as a declaration of war and launch an attack on Earth using giant versions of classic video game characters such as Pac-Man and Donkey Kong. Now Sam Brenner (Sandler) must call together retro gamers Frank “The Crank” Evans (Peter Dinklage) and Neil Jackson (Josh Gad, the voice of Olaf from Frozen) to fight the aliens. With an all-star cast and plenty of video game references, Pixels is sure to be a sleeper hit when it lands in theatres July 24. 2. Straight Outta Compton This biopic chronicles the lives of rappers Ice Cube, Eazy-E, Dr. Dre, MC Ren, and DJ Yella, and the rise and fall of their rap group N.W.A. Taking place in the late ‘80s and ‘90s, in a time when the Los Angeles district of Compton was the most dangerous place to live, Straight Outta Compton shows how five young adults took a stand against racial antagonism and revolutionized music and pop culture by telling the truth about life in the hood. The film will hit theatres August 14. 1. Southpaw A film that is sure to get Academy Award attention, Southpaw follows boxer Billy Hope (Jake Gyllenhaal) at height of Photo by James Ewart the his fame who Jamal Ladipo. Grade 12, enjoys watching blockbsuters such as Avengers: Age of Ultron as well as undarrated films such as Maggie retires so he can spend more time Grenier) and his friends E (Kevin Connolly), with his wife Maureen (Rachel McAdams) Turtle (Jerry Ferrara), and Drama (Kevin and daughter Leila (Oona Laurence), but Dillon). Vince wants to make a movie with when Maureen is accidently shot and killed studio executive Ari Gold (Jeremy Piven) at a party, and Billy loses Leila to Child but they must overcome conflicting events Protection Services due to his destructive such as the arrival of E’s baby, loan sharks, behaviour, he seeks help from trainer Titus a budget that goes $15 million over, and “Tick” Wills (Forest Whitaker) to return to his friends’ mischievous antics. The film is the world of boxing so he can reunite with sure to entertain with its comedic story and Leila. Although the film looks fantastic, list of cameos including (but not limited to) it would probably be better suited for a Liam Neeson, Mark Wahlberg, Jessica Alba, fall release. Nevertheless, Gyllenhaal is Armie Hammer, Emily Ratajowski, Pharrell becoming one of the most credible actors in Williams, and Ronda Rousey. The film is set Hollywood and should provide this film with a strong release on July 24. to release June 3. By James Ewart By Aiden Wong -- In a year filled with superheroes, dinosaurs, and space battles, moviegoers will probably overlook some of the films on this list. However, those who will want to catch a break from explosion-filled action sequences can check out the following films. 5. Maggie With the success of the popular show The Walking Dead and movies such as World War Z and Shaun of the Dead, there is no denying that zombies are a popular trend. Although there are many titles in the genre, most of them are simply there to provide scares and cool zombie killings with little reference to how the humans are affected by the events. In contrast, Maggie is a drama that focuses on a man and how he is affected by the events surrounding him, rather than simply providing cheap thrills for the audience. The film follows Wade (Arnold Schwarzenegger) as he protects his daughter Maggie (Abigail Breslin) until she transforms into a zombie. Maggie was released in theatres on May 8. 4. Entourage Based on the HBO series of the same name, Entourage chronicles the career of movie star Vincent Chase (Adrian May 2015 -- Scarlett FEVER -- Dr. E. P. Scarlett High School April Gaming in Review: If Bloodborne did not cause enough excitement for From Software’s transition to next-gen, then the April 7 release of Dark Souls II: Scholar of the First Sin certainly did. The game follows an unnamed protagonist who travels through a dangerous land filled with magic and mythical beasts in order to lift a curse. Although it is, at its core, an updated version of the game for PS4 and Xbox One, it also includes downloadable content and expanded multiplayer capacity. April 14 was another big day in 2015 gaming as Grand Theft Auto V was released for PC and Mortal Kombat X arrived on PS3, PS4, Xbox 360 and Xbox One. The latest Mortal Kombat has received many positive reviews from critics, and NetherRealm Studios has proven itself once again as the king of fighting games. While the above-mentioned games are receiving plenty of press, there are some games in the past that did not get much attention but are notable. Gamer Guide’s Top 5 Underrated Games: 5. Metal Gear Solid V: Ground Zeroes While many are looking forward to playing the official fifth installment, Phantom Pain, in September, it was last year’s Ground Zeroes that set up fans for the main event. In this game, black ops agent Snake must infiltrate a highly classified site in Cuba called Camp Omega and rescue several important assets. The game combines the necessity for stealth seen in previous installments with the cover and weaponry systems used in the Splinter Cell series. Although it received mediocre reviews, the game is incredibly fun to play and serves as a perfect prologue to Phantom Pain. 4.Watch Dogs Although it was recognized by gamers as one of 2014’s biggest disappointments, this game about a hacker exacting revenge is one of the most intriguing games that Ubisoft has released. It brings players to a world in which just about everything is recording them and their activities, and nothing is private anymore. The gameplay is a bit reminiscent of Grand Theft Auto, but the features that players can use in the game are almost unlimited. What makes this game truly stand out is that it shows a reality that is not so fictional. 3. Assassin’s Creed: Rogue With the seventh generation of consoles coming to By Dominic Caston first attempt at a live action Daredevil (Ben Affleck), this live action Netflix series captures the essence of Matt Murdock in the most trueto-form realistic and iconic way to date. Cox is both captivating and intriguing, as audiences slowly see how he has been shaped into the man he is today through a series of flashbacks. However, Cox’s performance is not the only masterful interpretation of old familiar characters. It has long been known that the arch rival of Daredevil, the man without fear, is none other than the brutal monster known as Wilson Fisk a.k.a. the Kingpin (Vincent D’Onofrio). Although this series is titled after the Charlie Cox character, it is really an origin story for both Matt Murdock and Wilson Fisk. A major theme of this show is the juxtaposition of the two characters that are both extremely similar in how they perceive Hell’s Kitchen yet the way they go about their work is entirely different from one another. While Murdock tries to clean up the city through his vigilantism, Fisk tries to reinvent the city through extreme force and controlled crime. What makes these characters so compelling is that fact that viewers can understand them when they look at the world from the others’ points of view. While Murdock character’s is more naïve and brash, Wilson is a cross between a child and monster making him a terrifying and worthy foe for the protagonist. Other supporting characters such as Foggy Nelson and Karen Page are fantastic in filling in their roles, even on occasion out-shining the leads. As the story progresses viewers find that Matt, Foggy, and Karen are thrown into a desperate and hopeless battle against Fisk and his near-unlimited amount of resources. With all of Hell’s Kitchen at stake and time dwindling on the clock, the heroes are forced to work to their full capacity all to stop Fisk and his criminal empire. In the final climatic battle between Murdock and Fisk, Murdock finally dons his superhero persona as the Devil of Hell’s Kitchen, becoming a symbol to be feared and a force to be reckoned with. So far the only complaint for the series is that thirteen episodes are not enough. While the finale was -- ENTERTAINMENT an end and more interest arising in the next generation, it was easy for gamers to forget about what could be the last Assassin’s Creed game for the PS3 and Xbox 360. This rare gem, however, plays a bigger role in the series than one might assume. For starters, the playable character is a Templar, the antagonist of the secret Assassin-Templar war that wages on throughout the series. The naval combat system has improved, and it is easier to interact with land and sea than in Assassin’s Creed IV: Black Flag. It also ties in with Assassin’s Creed: Unity. Ubisoft may not have had the best year, but if Rogue has proven anything, it is that the Templar side of the saga is one worth telling. 2. Plants vs. Zombies: Garden Warfare This hit mobile game makes the transition to consoles as a third-person shooter with classes, stats, bases, and open maps. Angry Birds did the same a couple of years ago and it was exactly the same as their mobile version, but here the game offers new playing styles and modes. Plants do not have to stick to one spot, and there is even the option to play on the zombie side. The game is fun but is not meant to be taken as one of the more serious hard-core multiplayer games such -- Page 29 as Call of Duty or Battlefield. 1. Alien: Isolation Aliens: Colonial Marines was one of the worst games of 2013, so when Alien: Isolation was announced it was easy for many to turn away and avoid disappointment. Isolation, however, is a fantastic survival horror title that pays homage to the original film and provides a fantastic story to play through. The game takes place on a space station orbiting a distant planet, and a Xenomorph alien is roaming the place. Protagonist Amanda Ripley must summon all her courage if she is to survive. Gamer Guide’s Monthly Poll: Which of the following video game characters would you want by your side in a fight? -Edward Kenway (Assassin’s Creed IV: Black Flag) -Scorpion (Mortal Kombat) -Kratos (God of War) -John Marston (Red Dead Redemption) -Other Post your answers to http://www. and results will be posted in the next issue of the FEVER. That’s it for this month, have fun and keep on playing Scarlett! Netflix’s Daredevil is a gruesome dance with the Devil The Marvel Cinematic Universe (MCU) is a place where the dark tone of danger is overshadowed by the pure, raw fun this comic book world likes to share with its viewers. Marvel’s Daredevil turns the universe on its head however; the world of Hell’s Kitchen (New York) is a dark, brutal, violent and gritty place. It is full of unexpected and gratuitous violence, but that is what makes Daredevil work. Its dark atmosphere comes to life in this world on fire. Daredevil picks up after the events of the first Avengers film, when New York is left in a state of chaos as the criminal underworld sees an opportunity to profit from the destruction left behind by the Chitauri invasion. This setting is where the rise of the protagonist begins to pick up. With New York City in an economic slump and street crimes on the rise, a blind lawyer named Matt Murdock (Charlie Cox) decides to take matters into his own hands after hearing a man abuse his daughter; he then begins a crusade to clean up his city and protect his family. Unlike Marvel’s satisfying and intense, it was saddening to know that viewers will not see the Devils return until next spring. Viewers should look forward to the Devil’s return and hope that he cameos in one of the other Netflix series Marvel is launching like A.K.A Jessica Jones or Ironfist until season two begins. When the Devil rises again, it is only to one’s benefit to be there to witness the full glory of the brutal, brooding, violent world of Hell’s Kitchen and its guardian Devil. Book Your Road Test Online Page 30 -- ENTERTAINMENT -- Scarlett FEVER -- Dr. E. P. Scarlett High School -- May 2015 Like Black Widow, Captain America’s dose of super-soldier serum left him with increased capabilities. He is at peak physical condition, with the serum increasing it to the peak of human potential. Though not considered supernatural, his abilities far exceed those of any other human and he has displayed feats of strength and endurance far beyond the reach of any normal human. His strength is greatly increased, making it a key feature in his fighting. His speed and reflexes have also been augmented, aiding his combat skills. While the everreplenishing serum in Captain America’s body is a great asset to him, it is not the only trick he has up his sleeve. He is also a master in a number of martial arts, and is trained in the use of numerous weapons, making him quite capable even on his own. He also has proficient use of his shield, allowing him to take down most enemies with great ease. Although physically enhanced, both Black Widow and Captain America have expert skills, which would help them fight crime regardless of any serum. Black widow, though, is also a very talented spy, and her stealthy abilities gives her the advantage over Captain America, whose skills are straight-forward. For that reason, Black Widow takes this round. Equipment Despite her skin-tight suit, Black Widow carries something of an arsenal with her. Aside from her arms and legs, which she can use as weapons at any time, her suit is made of a synthetic fabric that is resistance to most extreme weather and even small arms. It is also equipped with tiny suction cups that can allow her to cling to walls and sometimes even ceilings. She can also travel across rooftops or from building to building using her grappling hook called the “Widow’s Line.” One of her best weapons is called the “Widow’s Bite,” an electrical charge of up to 30,000 volts delivered from cartridges she wears on her wrists. She also wears a belt that carries small metallic disks, some of which carry plastic explosives and others which can carry an array of other substances. She has also used tear gas pellets, knives, and modified guns that replicate her Widow’s Bite. When it comes to Captain America, his arsenal is made up almost exclusively of his shield. Made up of an experimental alloy of steel and vibranium, his shield is nearly indestructible. He uses it is to protect himself from nearly any attack, although his suit offers a great deal of protection, being made of a water- and fire-retardant material in combination with Kevlar and titanium. It provides protection from electrical shocks as well as most impacts, which allows him to jump from great heights with little to no harm to himself. If necessary, Captain America can fight with guns or his fists, but his weapon of choice is his shield, which he can fight with in hand-to-hand combat but can also throw to incapacitate enemies. He has had several variations of his traditional shield including one that uses energy to attack targets. Ultimately, his favourite is his original steelvibranium one, though. In terms of equipment, Black Widow employs a great and commendable arsenal of gadgets and weapons. Her ability to use them all proficiently is a great asset; however, Captain America’s choice of simply a shield as his weapon of choice is a testament to his abilities. By using almost exclusively his shield, Captain America proves that although he has the ability to use nearly any weapon, he does not need to. Therefore, he wins this round. Overall, Captain America is one of the most iconic superheroes to date. His strength on the field is matched only by his strength of character, and his optimistic tendencies provide much inspiration. Black Widow, however, is a force in her own right. Preferring to work in the shadows and maintain a low profile when possible, her lack of fame allows her abilities to truly shine and speak for themselves. Her strength of character allowed her to break free of the KGB’s control and her expert abilities allow her to adapt to nearly any situation. Though Captain America deserves a great amount of respect, Black Widow is the winner of this showdown. Owen in the previous movie, Deckard tries to act against Dom and his gang. Every time the Fast & Furious Fast & Furious 7 is filled with action, romance, and speed, while still filmmakers get behind the wheel, they add showing the magic of what cars can do. In a few new players, and Fast & Furious 7 this film, the idea is that a driver either rides was not any different. Beyond the obvious or dies; the drivers feel that they would rather additions of Statham in the villainous role be dead than not behind the wheel. The Fast of Ian Shaw and Director James Wan behind and Furious series was established with the 2001 film titled Fast & Furious; it was then followed by six sequels, two short films that tie into the series, and a video game series. Having earned over $3.1 billion Photo by Bijal Belle at the worldwide Denzel Matheson, Grade 11, says that Fast and Furious is his one and only love box office as of April 2015, it has become Universal’s the lens, when Furious franchise actor Paul Walker died in a car crash in Los Angeles biggest franchise of all time. The plot follows Deckard Shaw on November. 30, 2013, the Fast & Furious (Jason Statham), the brother of Owen Shaw 7 team lost a crucial member of its family. (Luke Evans), who becomes the villain in Walker, obviously, was a cornerstone of the film Fast & Furious 7. Furious that Dom the franchise, and had been an integral part (Vin Diesel) and his crew killed his brother of every sequel since the series started in 2001.Apparently; producers considered scrapping the sequel entirely. They also discussed starting over, but they wanted to give Walker’s character, Brian O’Conner, a proper send- off, so they decided to rewrite the film to allow O’Conner to retire from the story. After Walker’s tragic death, Fast & Furious 7 hit theatres as a fantastic screenplay. From the acting to the music effects, Fast 7 was phenomenal. With the all the action and stunts in the film, it still maintained a plot that entertained the audience. Over ten shows were sold out at Scotia Bank Theatre Chinook before the release of the film. In the most intense scene in the movie, Dom and the hacker Ramsey (Nathalie Emmanuel) decided to bust their wheels and jump off a cliff that appeared to be fifteen feet high. While the action scenes, as well as the music and acting, were amazing, the graphics and the intensity of the twisted film was a treat to see because any other action film would have a simple plot. The plot of Fast and Furious 7, on the other hand, was engaging and a bit more sophisticated. The variety of cars they introduced in the movie was extraordinary to see because some of these vehicles are worth more than five million dollars, and the characters play with them as if they were chew toys. Fast 7 was more than just a film; it was also a nod to Walker. Not only was it fantastic because it brought the Fast and Furious crew to be a family, but is also a symbol that the Fast and Furious series will always live on even after Walker has passed away. From Mustangs to Maserati’s, Fast & Furious 7 has the world’s best cars introduced within seven movies. Continued from page 27 Her origins, however, show how the strength of one’s character can truly lead the hero to overcome any obstacle standing in the way. Her ability to overcome the control of the KGB makes her the winner of this round. Skills While at the Red Room, Black Widow was trained by the Winter Soldier, Bucky Barnes, in hand-to-hand combat, as well as armed combat. Since then, closequarter combat has become her expertise, as she shows immense skill in it. At the Red Room, she was also given a type of super-soldier serum, similar to that given to Captain America, although the effects were not quite as strong as his. The serum did drive her physiology to her peak, though. It also increased her abilities to the highest level possible without her being classified as superhuman. She is also adept with most weapons, being able to adapt to nearly any situation as it presents itself. Aside from her skills in combat, she is also one of the best spies in the Marvel Universe. Few could attempt to rival her ability to collect information and her deceptive capabilities can be very useful even in operations conducted with the Avengers. Black Widow is able to tackle any mission either through force and combat or by using stealthier methods, making her very flexible in her techniques. Fast and Furious 7 continues a fourteen year legacy By Bijal Belle May 2015 -- Scarlett FEVER -- Dr. E. P. Scarlett High School The 100 will survive on TV By Dominic Caston and Emily Gobeil ty, and the transition from a teen to an adult. Throughout the first season of The 100, the juveniles face many setbacks on the planet, The 100 is an exciting and intri- and a newly-discovered human civilization cate new sci-fi show which debuted March living on the Earth known as Grounders. 19, 2014 on the CW network. A hundred While life on Earth is difficult, life on the young misfits from a space station called Ark becomes increasingly more so, with the Ark are sent to Earth because of their life support failing and a coup to take over criminal actions. The Ark contains the de- the last remaining lifeboat. The first season scendants of the original four hundred sur- can be chaotic at times, especially when the vivors of the Ark civilisation. The ancestors director and creator (Jason Rothenberg) is escaped the nuclear apocalypse ninety-sev- trying to set up plot points for later use, but en years before the show’s events start. The overall the series has a great first story arc first episode starts off with Clark (daughter that culminates in a climactic battle on the of Abigail, the chief of medical officer in ground as well as in the sky. the Ark) being sent into the Ark’s juvenile In the first season of The 100, the lockup cell due to treason of the Ark’s laws. young misfits work hard and persevere for As she is in the cell, Clark draws images their survival. Where the show really shines of how she imagines the mountains, and is in the second season. After a cliff-hanger daydreams about what it would be like to at the end of the the first season, viewers be back on Earth, feeling and breathing the will find each character in a unique and diffresh air, and having the sun shine on her ferent situation. While the first season carskin. ries a lighter tone, the second season really The first scene of the first season dives deeper into just how much people can of the show was somewhat boring and re- turn from innocent to corrupt when their petitive and similar to other sci-fi shows in own survival is at stake. The story in the second arc is which humans languish in space after an apocalypse on Earth. Fortunately, it gets much more cohesive than the first season, better as the story progresses. Clark’s ap- with new adventures and new circumstancparent “treason” is commenced because es that are both unpredictable and surprising. The second season is much like a snowb a l l rolling down a mountain: it is intense, picks up speed and does not stop until it reaches its destination. Photo by Emily Gobeil Viewers A Scarlett student honouring The 100 by “hunting” for food in a ram painting will be on the she overheard her parents talking about the edge of their seats the whole time. The 100 may seem like an average death of the Ark; the resources are running out which means water, food and (above all) teenage drama, but it exceeds far beyond oxygen are in low supply. Her repetition of those standards. It takes the normal posther knowledge of the low resources reaches apocalyptic show and flips it on its head, the chief-in-command who exiles her to mixing in elements of true emotion with the Earth. Clark and the ninety-nine other juve- will to survive. Season Three is slated for niles are sent to Earth not only because of release in the fall of 2015. With more epic their crimes committed on the Ark but also plot twists and adventures on the horizon, as guinea pigs to see if Earth is survivable. viewers have much to look forward to. The This also turns out to be the first attempt in 100, season three starts this fall. Viewers will ask themselves what centuries to go back to Earth. The juveniles are equipped with technological bracelets Clark and her friends would do to survive and what they would be willing to risk for made to monitor their survival. the safety of their own lives. You can watch The main themes that make up the the full first two seasons on Netflix and The first season are those of survival, communi- 100 can be watched on the CW channel. -- ENTERTAINMENT -- Page 31 19 Kids and Counting Baby Israel was born. Josiah met Marjorie through a Spanish class. Josiah followed Josh, Jill, and Jessa’s footsteps by entering Since 2008, the Duggar family has courtship. Courtship is very different from been a worldwide phenomenon. This fam- dating. Courting is much more serious than ily is famous for their incredibly large fam- dating and includes chaperoned dates and ily, consisting of 19 children and two par- discourages holding hands, kissing, and any ents; all of the children were birthed by the other physical distractions that could prevent same mother, Michelle Duggar. This reality couples from getting to know each other TV show family had its debut on TLC (The emotionally prior to marriage. CongratulaLearning Channel) in 2008, originally titled tions to Marjorie and Josiah! With such a 14 Kids and Counting. Following that year large family it is probably not too long beit was called 18 Kids and Counting, and is fore another Duggar engagement. Fans have now entitled 19 Kids and Counting for obvi- no idea who the next courtship will be beous reasons. The show has recently garnered tween. Many people predict it will be one plenty of attention regarding the children of member of the Bates family and Jana. There the Duggar family, especially the older sib- is no news on that at this current time. lings. Recently the Duggar family has The family lives in Arkansas, on also celebrated new marriages, new family a large acreage, in their 7,000 square foot members, new courtships, and experienced home. The family has strong religious beliefs some emotional health complications in the as they are practicing members of the Inde- family. On April 26, Jessa Seewald (Jim pendent Baptist denomination. The parents Bob and Michelle’s 22-year-old daughter) believe that the girls must be fully clothed, announced that she and her husband, Ben meaning no tanktops, no shorts, only long skirts, and their hair is not allowed to be cut short. The boys and men must be clean-shaven with short hair. Entertainment for the Duggars includes books, board games, and toys for the younger children, and other siblings, and the home has one TV projector which is only for special occasions. The younger siblings are assigned an older sibling Photo by Bijal Belle when they are young to Lancers can watch 19 kids and Counting on Tuesdays on TLC correspond in a buddy system which the parents find extremely effec- Seewald are expecting their first child on tive in child learning and development. All their exact wedding anniversary of Novemthe children are homeschooled and the par- ber 1. Jessa’s pregnancy caused some talk in ents use the (Accelerated Christian Educa- relation to a video of the Seewalds discusstion) ACE program and secondary school is ing the gender of their baby. Jessa predicts that their baby will be a girl, although Ben taught through the CollegePlus! program. The family consists of parents Jim mentioned twice that he predicts they will be Bob, and Michelle, and the following chil- having twins. The Duggar parents have two dren: Josh (27), Jana (25), John David (25), sets of twins, twins do run in the family. As for Jill (Jim Bob and Michelle’s Jill (23), Jessa (22), Jinger (21), Joseph (20), Josiah (18), Joy Anna (17), Jedidiah (16), 23-year-old daughter), she had given birth to Jeremiah (16), Jason (15), James (13), Jus- her very first child, Israel David Dillard on tin (12), Jackson (10), Johanna (9), Jennifer April 6, 2015. Jill struggled in her pregnan(7), Jordyn (6), and Josie (5). The youngest cy as she was in painful labour for 70 hours Duggar, Josie (5) was born 25 weeks prema- which resulted in having an emergency Cture on December 10, 2009. She weighed section. Adorable pictures of the new family 1 pound 6 ounces and was in stable condi- member were shared on her Instagram after tion at the neonatal intensive care unit at the Jill was rested and better. Jill was planning University of Arkansas for Medical Science. to have a home delivery but due to compliAnytime Josie gets a fever it is most likely cations, she had to go to the hospital. Jill is she will have several seizures. On the latest a midwife and helped deliver many babies. episode Josie experienced a scary seizure. Jill said, “it was really weird having my own Jana came to the rescue, and Josie is still re- baby now and someone helping me with my covering. Josie will most likely have health own baby.” problems all her life because she was born so With all the talk of this huge family early. in past years, people can expect much more Josiah Duggar (Jim Bob and Mi- to come from the Duggar family. Lancchelle’s 18-year-old son) has recently been ers can watch new episodes of 19 kids and courting Marjorie Jackson (17). They started Counting on TLC Tuesdays at 6 pm. courting on April 6, which was also when By Aysha Partington and Faith Shoemaker Page 32 -- FINE ARTS -- Scarlett FEVER -- Dr. E. P. Scarlett High School -- May 2015 Outstanding performance of Truth and Reconciliation By Hania Elshayeb Doherty, Joseph Mcmanus, and David Yates acted the intense scenes. On the evening of April 29 and believe he is the father; however, the rape victim still lives in her traumatized past, re- minding the soldiers. She knows them, even though they admit they have never seen this woman before. She expresses the agony and the 30 the extravagant play Truth and torment she has gone through the past nine Reconciliation was performed by talented months, and none of them still take responLancer students. The play consists of five sibility. Denis Shevchenko, Alun Bain, Kate storylines taking place in Zimbabwe and Bennet, and Rhianon Perry are the gifted Rwanda, and from South Africa to Bosstudents who performed this act. nia, as well as Northern Ireland. There is The fourth story takes place in one common aspect between each story: Zimbabwe in 2007. A man faces fatal consereconciliation is hard to hear and the truth quences after his wife’s political uprise. The of genocide is reluctant to be told. During Zimbabwean wife confesses to her husband the play we are whisked through a variety about her outspokenness to the public, she of suffering such as murder, rape, cruelty mentions there were only a few people in and injustice. The play mostly shows the sight, although that may be enough for her aftermath of genocide in the years from to be “ dealt with” by the government. Later 1976 to 2007. It realistically portrays the on in the play the wife is taken away, her suffering of women, as well as them bewhereabouts remaining unclear. Logan Filing the victims of violence and the tirelo, Sydney Hunt, and Hannah Rayner porless effort they pursue to find the truth. trayed these characters, who were realistic The first story takes place in indeed. South Africa in1998. A black family ir In the fifth story the setting is in ritably awaits a witness at a formal hearNorthern Ireland in 1999. Two mothers aring. The South African mother decisively gue about where the responsibility lies conrefuses to sit down on the hard chairs uncerning the death of their sons. They are til the she gets heard and finds the honPhoto by Sarah Miao est truth about the death of her daughter. David Yates, Grade 11, and Omega Mukaktai, Grade 12, in the middle of a deep and powerful scene both outraged by their losses; they let out all their anger on one another. Although the She refuses to sit after waiting 22 years end result of arguing will in ignorance of where her daughter’s body third The not bring back their lost was dumped by the officer and his forces. story was set in loved ones, they continue She will not to sit until the policeman who to blame each other. Abby murdered her daughter shows up and puts Bosnia in 1996. In Leach, Kalen Hood, Yasher questioning to rest. However, it is not Bosnia, two Serbian ex-soldiers mine Ben Lamin, and Coan only the mother who is haunted about the come face-to-face Roik, all talented students, loss of her beloved firstborn, the white ofwere outstanding portrayficer responsible for her death is haunted by with a pregnant ing these characters. the ghost of that child, reminding him of the rape victim. Both Jack James gathered soldiers deny that pain and suffering he inflicted. The ghost of these talented Lancers and they are the father the child haunts the officer and tells her famenabled them to present ily the truth, the truth about how he killed of the child. Each their skills by showcasing her. Rhiannon Leslie, Abdl El- Aoami, An- soldier lives in tremendous fear that them in these short pieces. gel Lo, Genesis Vega, Eylem Sesen, and the unborn child He also brought attention Brandon Page are the incredibly-talented to these poignant issues, students who starred in these well-acted is there’s. One of the ex-soldiers has though happening in past scenes. years, should never be forcontinued on with The second plot takes place in gotten. Each student who his life, married Rwanda in 2005. In Rwanda a widow angriperformed in Truth and ly confronts her husband’s killer to ascertain with kids, and has Reconciliation in the play the precise circumstances of his death. In a job. The other soldier has not acpowerfully gave the audiparticular she wants to establish what troucomplished much ence much to think about Photo by Sarah Miao sers he was wearing, and what he said before his last breath. In painful and persuasive de- in his life. For Abby Leech, Grade 12, Kalen Hood, Yasmine Ben Lamin , and Coan Roik, all Garde 11 argue long after the performance tail, Omega Mukaktai, Adam Allard, Kevin this reason they about the loss of their children during the ceasefire in the conflict in Northen Ireland in 1999 was over. May 2015 -- Scarlett FEVER -- Dr. E. P. Scarlett High School -- SPORTS -- Page 33 The Junior Boys Rugby season arrives along with a plethora of new faces and their season looks promising By Aaron Schmidtke whopping twenty-nine new play- programs in Calgary and they proved it on April 27 when they came to Scarlett and beat the Lancers 24-5 on home field. The victory for Wisewood improves their record to three wins and zero losses, making Scarlett’s record two wins and one loss. This loss also drops the Lancers in the standings from second place to sixth place. This drop sounds much worse than it is; if the Lancers can pull out a win in their next game, they can easily climb up a few rankings. With the season being so Photo by Aaron Schmidtke new, finally been given the privilege to compete for their own school in the league and with that comes plenty of pressure. “I hope we do well this season. We kind of have to do well so we can prove that Scarlett deserves a rugby team,” continues Nieman. Though the team is new and the players’ ages vary, these players have team chemistry. This energetic bunch is so eager to make the best of the season every time they step on the grassy plain. “The biggest strength our team has right now is probably our excitement to play. On the sidelines at the game, every player that was off the field was itching to play, and when they came off they were all pumped and wanted to play more,” says Nieman. With each game becoming more important than the last, the Junior Boys look onwards to the next few weeks which will determine playoff placement. The Junior Boy’s next game is May 14 at 4:45-5:45 at Bishop O’Byrne field. “Everyone is really excited to play and is hungry for more,” Nieman states. Scarlett’s games are attracting more fans every time but still need more. Students, parents, and teachers are all encouraged to come out and support the Scarlett Juniors Boys rugby squad as their journey to the playoffs continue. Remaining Rugby games in May: Thursday, May 14: Scarlett vs. Bishop O’Byrne @ Bishop O’Byrne field 4:45-5:45 Thursday, May 21 Scarlett vs. Ernest Manning @ Scarlett field 4:45-5:45 The Scarlett Junior Boys Rugby team huddles together before the game begins chanting their battle cry as they prepare to move in for battle against Henry Wisewood high school’s team When spring begins to ers this year, proving that Scarlett’s show promise of summer, Scarlett interest in rugby is rapidly increasRugby is hitting the fields with po- ing. The Junior Boys started tential of another successful sea- son of hard hits and exciting trys. off the season with a bang. The first The Senior Boys Rugby team is game on April 20 was a commandconnected with Wisewood High ing 36-0 win for the Junior Boys School featuring players from both over Bishop Grandin High School. schools. The Junior Boys Rugby “The first game was so amazteam, however, ing. Everyone is now solely a “...the only returning play- stepped up and Scarlett sports ers from last year’s group did really well are grade elevens Josh team. The Jufor their first nior Boys have French, Lars Lang, and Matt game of rugby a promising ever. It was Nieman.” team this year awesome that with a squad full of new faces. In we did so well with so little expefact, the only returning players rience as a team,” says Nieman. from last year’s group are grade The second game of the season did elevens Josh French, Lars Lang, not come so easily. Wisewood has and Matt Nieman. That leaves a one of the best high school rugby standings can be misleading. The real grind for points will come at the end of the season. The game against Wisewood was not so much a lopsided affair as the score may lead one to think. In fact, at the beginning of the game, the boys kept pace with Wisewood, showing that they can compete with the big dogs. This is a huge season for the Lancers because they have Photo by Aaron Schmidtke Scarlett and Wisewood are both involved in this scrum to determine who will get the ball Page 34 -- SPORTS -- Scarlett FEVER FIFA Women’s World Cup kicks off By James Ewart Group A, meaning they will face off against China on June 6, New Although soccer fans Zealand on June 11 and the Netheverywhere will have to wait until erlands on June 15. 2018 to see the next FIFA World Canada and Zimbabwe Cup in Russia, they will be turn- were the only countries that ening to Canada starting June 6 to tered the bid to host in December watch what is sure to be one of 2010, but Zimbabwe withdrew the highlights of the summer. The their bid on March 1, 2011 due to FIFA Women’s World Cup will their rank of 103rd in soccer by consist of twenty-four teams from FIFA at the time, a longshot when around the globe that have been compared to Canada’s which was split into five groups. Games will ranked 5th. Canada has the hosted take place in Edmonton, Ottawa, Women’s World Cups a couple Montreal, Moncton, and Vancou- of times prior, in 2014 and 2007, ver. There but they will be four h a v e rounds in not yet the tournahosted ment, startt h e ing with FIFA the Round World of Sixteen C u p in which that oce i g h t curs evteams will ery four emerge in years. order to Tickets move into are curPhoto by James Ewart the quarrently ter-finals. With the World Cup being in June, many on sale are sure be playing soccer this summer The winexcluners will sively at move into the semi-finals and the; however remaining two teams will go into it is a first-come first-served bathe final. sis so anyone who is interested in The roster for Canada’s seeing the games must hurry and own squad was revealed on April purchase their tickets before they 27 with Christine Sinclair as cap- are sold out. Unfortunately Canada tain as well as several members from her Bronze Medal-winning has not had much luck in previteam from the 2012 Olympics. ous tournaments as the only time Joining her for the World Cup are they came in the top four was in goalkeeper Erin McLeod, mid- 2003 when they lost to the United fielders Diana Matheson, Desiree States 3-1 in the game for third Scott and Sophie Schmidt, and place. Based on previous games, forward Melissa Tancredi. Some it seems that either the States players from previous FIFA tour- or Germany could win as both naments are returning, such as countries have won twice, more defender Kadeisha Buchanan and than any of the other countries. midfielder Ashley Lawrence, who Canada is currently ranked 8th in were part of Canada’s Women’s the Women’s FIFA World RankU-20 team last summer in the ing, below Brazil, United States, FIFA U-20 Women’s World Cup France, Germany, Sweden and which was also hosted in Canada. England. On how the event will Midfielder Jessie Fleming will be making her third FIFA appear- affect girls’ soccer, Manitoba ance in two years; she took part Soccer Association executive in both the U-20 Women’s World president Hector Vergara states Cup, and the U-17 Women’s “It has a fantastic impact. It’s imWorld Cup in 2014 which was portant that more people play the game, especially young people.” hosted in Costa Rica. The team is set to start Whatever the result is, team Cantwo weeks of training on May 7 in ada is sure to make soccer fans California before their final tune- proud and provide an entertaining up match against England in Ham- sports event in June. ilton on May 29. Canada is part of -- Dr. E. P. Scarlett High School -- May 2015 Track team prepares for their major competition of the season By Sam McIntosh some returning from last year and others who have not participated in any type of track and field event. That first competition helps calm the jitters and fears of many first-time participants, while also shaking off the rust of the returning team members. The hard work and many practices help get them ready, but there is nothing like actually competing in events to help them prepare for the Red Divisional and City Championships. There are high expectations for the Scarlett Track and Field team to do well at the City ChampionPhoto by Josh Lo ship based The team is ready to take on the challenges ahead as they prepare for the test of City Championships off of their results last Athletic Park. These meets are a Ewan Mackenzie and Bryan Hill, year, and by all indications they great continuation for the team after competing at a meet in Kam- Grade 12, placed first and second in look to meet or even beat them. The loops on April 25, which prepared the 200 Metre Dash them for the increased challenge and Tyler Kiyoof the Divisional and City Cham- naga, Grade 11, and pionships. Paul Sze, one of the Jake Holder, Grade head coaches of the team says. “I 12, placed second was very impressed; they were an and fifth respecawesome group of athletes and tively in the 1500 students. They worked out some Metre Run. Derek performance anxieties and tech- Uzoh, Grade 12, nical issues and are ready for the also finished first in season.” After having finished first Men’s Long Jump, in the male division and third in while Mark Moore, the female division for total points Grade 12, came in in the Red Divisional last year third in the Men’s and having had athletes compete Javelin Throw. On exceptionally in the individual the woman’s side, Downey, events, the track team this year has Lianne a tough act to follow. Thankfully Grade 10, came in are more than willing to put in the third in the 80 MePhoto by Josh Lo effort to attempt to finish even bet- tre Hurdle completing a fantastic outLogan Kinghorn, Grade 11, runs at the track meet ter than last year. Based on their recent ing for the girls. performance, all indicators point The team events also worked out team has a bright future with the to the team doing very well at the well for the Scarlett Men’s 4 by 400 smooth transition of new students Red Divisional. They had great in- Relay Race as they also placed first and hopefully many more years of dividual performances all around in their competition. The Lancer’s Scarlett dominance. For Scarlett and secured second place finish for great showing at Kamloops should students who want to go cheer on the team in the combined score at get every Scarlett student excited the team, the City Championships take place on May 23 and will be at the Kamloops competition, only for the upcoming events. behind Crescent Heights High Scarlett has a large number of stu- the Foothills Athletic Park. School. This is a great momentum dents taking part in track and field, The track team has been busy getting ready for the first of two major competitions. The Lancers compete at the Red Divisional on May 14 at the Foothills Athletic Park and then the City Championships on May 23, also at Foothills builder for the team as it shows other schools that the Scarlett Track and Field team is still a force to be reckoned with. These performances also help build the team’s confidence as they head down the home stretch of the season and prepare for their final competition. May 2015 -- Scarlett FEVER -- Dr. E. P. Scarlett High School -- SPORTS -- Page 35 Scarlett says “bye bye birdie” to the badminton season By Aiden Wong This year has been a great one for Scarlett Badminton. With a team of skilled players, Lancers made it much further than imagined. Divisionals took place on April 14, 15, and 16 at Western Canada High School, Crescent Heights High School, Lester B. Pearson High School, William Aberhart High School, John G. Diefenbaker High School, and Sir Winston Churchill High School for the three different categories of play: singles, doubles, and mixed doubles. After hours of intense play, four members of the Scarlett team made it through to the City Championships, placing in the top four of their divisions. Joyce and Sunny Guo, Grade 11, won Intermediate Girls Doubles, Lisa Pei, Grade 10, won Junior Girls Singles, and Aiden Wong, Grade 10 won Junior Boys Singles. These four players competed at Cities for the chance to compete at Provincials, representing Calgary at Lloyminster on May 1 and 2. Although A level and B level players were combined this year, it did not discourage Scarlett’s athletes from putting forth all that they learned this season. The competition was tough; however, Lancers were still able to send two players to Provincials: Joyce and Sunny Guo. The Guo duo’s appearance as identical twins intimidates many when matched against them. A final practice was held on Tuesday, April 28, to get the pair ready for Provincials. The coaches drilled the duo as pressure built because the important date was nearing. Thursday, April 30, came the day before the start of the Provin- cial Championships and students the next round. After several hard- they still exceeded expectations set of various Calgary schools board- played games, they finished fourth at the beginning of the season. The experience they gained was unique ed the coach bus available to them. overall. Scarlett was very proud as they got to meet new people According to many, the trip there and back was what made it unfor- to be able to send representatives and see the different competition Alberta students have gettable. As they to offer. Badminton, a arrived, they were game based on ethics, greeted with a free stay at a hotel teaches students traits with accommodaof honesty and integtions available to rity while still having them. a fun time. Over the Te a m s duration of the seawere divided up son, Scarlett was able into different to participate in many pools on Friday tournaments, placwhen the touring fourth as a school nament comin the end over three menced. Each divisions. Congratupool consisted lations to all Scarlett Photo by Ayesha Shaikh of eight teams. Badminton athletes The badminton team represented Scarlett at Provincials this year Joyce and Sunny on a great season, job Guo finished off second in their to Provincials. Although they did well done! pool, which advanced them onto not return with a first place medal, coach Stephanie Maxwell, the girls started the second half full of energy, despite the draining heat. Immediately they gained possession of the ball, hitting it down the field with their sticks. Madeleine Yeomans, Grade 11, managed to steal the ball from a Grandin player at the centre of the field and whack it down towards Junior team last year respectively, so there is a good mix of chemistry and experience. By practicing every day the team is already developing a strong bond and good awareness of each other on the field. Coach Maxwell was very proud of her team’s efforts during the Grandin game. “They played well together,” she observed immediately after the game. “[There was] smarter passing. The team cohesiveness has improved by leaps and bounds considering it’s only our second game. Now all we need to do is score.” Scoring does seem to be the Senior Girl’s weakness. In their first two games, they did not score a single goal. The game against Queen Elizabeth, was not be a good judge of the girl’s talents, as Queen Elizabeth is currently tied for first place in the league with Bishop Caroll. Scarlett scored for the first time in their third game, beating John F. Diefenbaker 5-0. Currently, Scarlett is tied for fifth place with Diefenbaker who they have already proven they can beat, but Senior Girls Field Hockey sticks it to their competition By Cassandra Betts Veenstra, Grade 12, aggressively chased down the ball and hit it After four games, the towards Grandin’s end before it Senior Girls Field Hockey team even neared the goal. As the game is already showing signs of rapid progressed, however, and the heat improvement. After a tough loss started to take effect, Grandin got to Queen Elizabeth High School, the ball into Scarlett’s shooting where the team had four goals circle. The defenders rushed back scored against them, they quickly to help Simpson, and managed rebounded by tying Bishop Grandin to stop a goal from being scored, on Tuesday, but Grandin was awarded a April 28. The penalty corner. During the game, although penalty corner, the Scarlett rewarding, was girls crowded into the net with a grueling one, Simpson, and then rushed out as athletes had to stop any shot as soon as to play outside Grandin put the ball into play. in 28 degree° With aggressive defending, C weather. The they managed to steal the girls ran up ball before Grandin even had and down the a chance to take a shot on full-sized field Simpson. v i g o r o u s l y, After another penalty putting all corner that Scarlett defended their efforts beautifully, the game ended into keeping with a score of 0-0. Even the ball away though no one scored, the from Bishop team was very proud of their Grandin. efforts, especially considering Photo by Cassandra Betts T h e Alli Farrer, Grade 12, prepares to hit the field hockey ball to- their previous loss to Queen game started wards Bishop Grandin’s net, attempting to score on their goalie Elizabeth. The girls’ parents out slowly, with were also very supportive. minimal movement by both teams. Grandin’s goalie, almost scoring Many parents do not know The ball was mainly kept in the Scarlett’s first goal of the season. the rules, but there were still centre of the field. The Lancers Although the play did not result rousing cheers whenever the did a good job of keeping the ball in a goal, it was a spectacular girls hit the ball in the right out of their own end and away demonstration of athleticism, skill direction or took it away from from goalie, Jessica Simpson, and perseverance. a Grandin player. As the game was drawing The team is Grade 12. They did, however, also have difficulty pushing it towards to a close, Grandin managed to get comprised of twelve Grade Grandin’s goalie, and the game the ball down into Scarlett’s end 12s and six Grade 11s. There was at an impasse for the majority more often. The first few times are students who played on of the half. defenders Sarah Kulle, Grade 11, the Senior team last year and After a pep talk from Alli Farrer, Grade 12, and Gabe students who played on the those rankings will quickly change as the season progresses. Although Scarlett has yet to score a goal, they can take solace in the fact that they are outperforming St. Mary’s High School. In their game against Bishop Carroll, Mary’s lost 13-0. Scarlett showed their true talent when they played the daunting Carroll team on Wednesday, May 6 at the University of Calgary and fared much better than the St. Mary’s team. Although they lost 3-1, they proved that Bishop Carroll is in no way invincible, and that, if they keep working hard and improving at a consistent rate, they can work their way to the top of the division. All signs point to success for Scarlett. Carroll, although able to wrack up the points against St. Mary’s, lost to Queen Elizabeth by one goal, and the majority of the teams in the division seem to be fairly evenly matched. Last year, Scarlett Senior Girls went to Division 2 City Championships, a feat that they can hopefully repeat this year. Page 36 -- SPORTS This year’s National Hockey League Entry Draft, which is being held June 26-27 in Sunrise, Florida, is being referred to by many as the “Connor McDavid Sweepstakes” in which the bottom-dwelling teams of the league have been vying for the chance to have the best odds to win the firstoverall pick and select McDavid who has proven himself to be a generational talent that will surely change the identity of any team he is selected to play for. The process which determines what team will be lucky enough to select McDavid is the NHL Draft Lottery which was held on Saturday, April 18. The results of this year’s lottery were revealed in a live television broadcast that night on CBC and TVA (a French language network) here in Canada and on NBC in the US prior to the start of a New York Rangers and Pittsburgh Penguins Stanley Cup Playoff game. The Edmonton Oilers emerged as the winners of the lottery and though fans of the Oilers were excited with the result, it caused a stir among the rest of the hockey community who were less than pleased with the way the lottery had turned out. Before the controversy surrounding the lottery can be understood, it is important to have some background on how the actual lottery process itself works. The fourteen NHL teams who did not make it into the Stanley Cup Playoffs following the regular season have a chance to win the first overall pick in the draft but this chance, represented as a percentage, varies from team to team depending on where in the standings the team finished. The bottom four teams in the standings have the highest chances of winning the top pick, as it is determined that these are the teams that would benefit most from the chance to pick the most talented young player in the draft. The team who finished the regular season 30th overall, the Buffalo Sabres this year, had a 20% chance of winning the lottery, the highest of any of the teams; the 29th-seeded team, the Arizona Coyotes, entered the lottery with a 13.5% chance; the team in the 28th spot, this year’s Edmonton Oilers, had an 11.5% chance; and finally the 27th-placed team, the Toronto Maple Leafs this season, entered the lottery with their odds set at 9.5%. The percentages for the rest of the ten teams who did not make it into the post-season range from 1% (awarded to the Boston Bruins who just -- Scarlett FEVER -- Dr. E. P. Scarlett High School -- May 2015 will pick in which position until the winner of the lottery is revealed when a gold card with the team’s logo is drawn. This can happen at any time during the announcement and once that card is revealed the winning team moves up to the top of the list and every other team that has yet to have their results announced shifts down one spot accordingly. The draft lottery only determines the draft order for the first round picks and the picking order of the rest of the rounds is strictly determined by regular season results as well as Stanley Cup Playoff results. This lottery system was originally implemented with the intent of replacing the old system where the bottom team in the league automatically had the opportunity to draft first overall. Many NHL executives criticized that this system could possibly barely missed the playoffs this year) to 8.5% combinations, and so on. Finally, one four- encourage teams to attempt to do badly so (given to the Carolina Hurricanes who fin- number combination (combination 11, 12, that they could pick first, especially in years 13, 14) is designated as a re-draw sequence; when there was a particularly talented player ished just above the bottom four teams). To determine the winner of the lot- this is done so that the other 1,000 combina- available. The lottery does not necessarily tery using these odds, a lottery machine is tions can be divided proportionately among accurately address this problem, though, as filled with fourteen balls, with each ball con- the fourteen clubs. the bottom four teams in the league still have taining a number from one to fourteen. On For those curious, it is not the NHL a better chance than any other organization lottery day, one set of four balls is randomly who allocates the four-number combinations to pick first overall, still possibly encouraging teams to purposely tank during the regular season. A better solution to preventing teams from tanking would have been to give the best lottery odds to the team who finished just outside of contending for the Stanley Cup Playoffs and then decreasing the lower down the rankings a team sits, that way teams who need help will still have a chance to possibly pick first but are still encouraged to keep their team competitive in order to earn that first overall pick. This alternative draft lottery idea could also work to eliminate the trend of rewarding teams who are consistently in the bottom of the standings and do not appear to get better during any given season. The Edmonton Oilers are the perfect example of this. This year’s first overall selection for the Oilers will be the fourth one they have had in the last six years. Beginning with their selection of Taylor Hall in 2010, the Oilers have also picked Ryan NugentHopkins first in 2011, and selected Nail Yakupov with the first pick in 2012. In 2013 and 2014 when the Oilers did not manage to snag the first overall pick, they still chose fairly high, picking Darnell Nurse seventh overall in 2013 and Leon Draisaitl third Photo by Kyra Bird overall in 2014. Despite having all of these Rexall Place, home of the Edmonton Oilers, will most likely become the new home of this year’s first round picks over the last few years, expected first overall draft pick, young star Connor McDavid, after the Oilers won the draft lottery which amounts to plenty of NHL talent, the Oilers are still bottom-dwellers every drawn from the machine, with each ball be- to teams, as it may be a conflict of interest season due to poor management and a lack ing selected at ten second intervals to ensure if that were the process. Instead, the NHL of talent at almost every other position aside that the balls can be sufficiently shuffled be- works with Bortz & Company who does from center. Essentially, the Oilers are between picks. It has been calculated that by all of the work generating and assigning ing rewarded for having an all-star line-up using this process there are exactly 1,001 the number combinations to ensure fairness and underachieving every single season, a four-number combinations that could be and integrity in the lottery process. Bortz & fact that especially angers fans now that the chosen. Each one of the fourteen NHL teams Company, according to their website, is “a reward is superstar Connor McDavid. The involved is then assigned a random set of leader in providing planning and advisory sheer amount of luck the Oilers have had in these number combinations with the number services and implementation support to cli- regards to the lottery has also been shocking of combinations they receive correspond- ents in the fields of media, sport, and enter- to many as the Oilers managed to win this ing to their odds of winning the lottery. To tainment.” year’s lottery after having gone in with only make this a little more clear, the team with When it comes to the announce- an 11.5% chance of getting the first overall the 20% chance to win the lottery is given ment of the draft order it is done in reverse pick, the third-highest percentage. 200 of the 1,001 four-number combinations, order, from the team picking 14th overall up. Continued on page 40 the team with a 13.5% chance is given 135 Envelopes are opened revealing which team May 2015 -- Scarlett FEVER The last season the Calgary Flames completed the relentless mission of making the NHL playoffs, their Assistant General Manager, Craig Conroy, was playing for the team down the middle and bringing his veteran presence to the dressing room. Now, as Conroy approaches the end of his first season with the title of Assistant General Manager, rather than Special Assistant to the General Manager, he certainly is not a veteran anymore. Though Conroy brings an exceptional hockey mind, undeniable experience around the sport, and numerous ties to the Flames organization including playing 507 career games with the “C” of red on his crest, he never quite had a job of building a team before. This made his new role this season an opportunity he simply could not pass up. Brad Treliving believes Conroy is a hidden gem or a “star in the making,” as he called him in the Flames press conference promoting Conroy. When the Flames cleaned their management group in June of 2014, they brought in some impressive names. First, the Flames brought in former Assistant General Manager for the Arizona Coyotes, Treliving, as the General Manager and they gave him the responsibility of picking his two assistants that will help him build a dynasty in Calgary. Treliving patiently waited until the time was right and he had done his research to pick his two assistants. First, the Flames hired Hockey Canada veteran, Brad Pascall. The second move of the day for the Flames Hockey Operations was the promotion of Conroy to Assistant General Manager after three years of being Special Assistant to the General Manager. Conroy had been responsible for a variety of jobs as the Special Assistant to the General Manager including overseeing the development of the players competing in the Flames American Hockey League Affiliate at the time, the Abbotsford Heat, to scouting current and perhaps future prospects at the World Junior -- Championships. Conroy was kind enough to sit down with the FEVER in April to answer a few questions about himself, the season for the Flames, and everything in-between. FEVER: What made you want to pursue a career in management and did you realize what you wanted to do straight from retirement? Conroy: You know, I think to start out, I wanted to stay in hockey. My career ended really abruptly. It was right after the All-Star break and they [the Flames] wanted the contract back but either I was going to get sent to the minors [Abbotsford Heat] or retire. I took a few days and I decided I’m thirty-nine-yearsold; I don’t want to take a young guy’s job in the minors. Then right away I talked to Ken King, Murray Edwards, and Jay Feaster, and they said: “We’d like to bring you in, what would you like to do?” and I said “I don’t know.” So they had me go around meeting every different department and working with the coaching staff, scouting, and doing all of that. I think the one thing I like is the building of the team and being a part of that. As much as the coaching would be fun, my kids were a little younger at the time and were at the house, and with coaching you have to move so much. So, I thought as much as it would be fun to coach, and I would enjoy it, (being around the guys and being on the ice) but I thought for me, management might be the way to go and I’ve really, really, enjoyed it. FEVER: What do you miss most about your playing days? Conroy: I think it’s right when you come out of that tunnel and the building is packed. It’s the excitement and the adrenaline you have, and just to play at the highest level in a sport. To know that you’re never going to be doing that again and I was lucky enough to do it for a long time, playing over 1,000 games [in the NHL]. It’s that adrenaline rush, it’s that feel, it’s the building being alive and for you to come out on the ice, faceoffs, listening to the National An- Dr. E. P. Scarlett High School them, that’s the stuff that you can never get back. FEVER: The 2004-2005 Stanley Cup run must have been an unbelievable atmosphere. Conroy: The cup run was amazing, and now that we [the Flames] are at this point… I realize that was probably the best time in my career. Any time you play in the playoffs, and I got fortunate enough to play in a lot of playoff games, to be that close to winning a Stanley Cup was amazing. FEVER: If you could pick one player on the current Flames roster that is most reminiscent of yourself as a player, who would that player be? Conroy: …that’s a good question; I don’t know if there is one guy. I would have to think about it. I think I want to be Sean Monahan or Johnny Gaudreau but I sure wasn’t them! FEVER: How much of the team’s confidence this season is due to the stability that goaltenders Jonas Hiller and Karri Ramo have provided? Conroy: I think it all starts with goaltending. If you go out there and look at any team, I mean look at the Montreal Canadians this year and what Carey Price does and what Pekka Rinne has done [for the Nashville Predators], these guys [Hiller and Ramo] really give you that confidence. Even when Joni Ortio was here [from the minors] all the goaltending has given us a chance to win and that’s all you can ask for. Guys believe we’re going to win every game and our goaltender is going to make that big save when he needs to. We’re going to get scored on but they [the Flames] really have confidence in all three of our guys [Hiller, Ramo, Ortio], especially Hiller and Ramo. FEVER: To what extent was a guy like Josh Jooris on the team’s radar this season after he was only scheduled to play one preseason game and ended up playing his way onto the NHL roster? Conroy: The funny thing with Josh [Jooris] is, the year before I thought he had one of the best -- SPORTS training camps out of anybody [at the Flames training camp]. He played the great game in Edmonton, I don’t know if anyone really remembers, but we [the Flames] were down and we came back. He [Jooris] scored a huge goal, set up Sven [Baertschi] on another goal. He [Jooris] had a good game. During the year, I think it was tough. He was coming from college to the American Hockey League. The travel is really hard in Abbotsford and he has an up-and-down year. One thing he always did was work hard. For me personally, I knew he was going to come in; he was in great shape coming into training camp. Did I think he was going to play as well as he did? No. But guys like Brad Treliving and Brad Pascall, they didn’t even know him at all. They were like, “What’s going on with this Josh Jooris guy?” and I’m like, “This is how he played in the year before at training camp!” I thought he was a real stand-out the year before, and he did it again. It was tough sending him down because he probably deserved to stay on the team, but at the time, we had to make a roster move, so we sent him down. He was only down there for maybe five days, and right back up. So I think the thing is, [he gives] all-out effort, and he plays as hard as he can. It’s great for us when we’re recruiting college [players]. We can say “Look, if you come and you play as well as Josh Jooris and you earn a spot, you’re going to play in the NHL.” That’s a big recruiting tool for us moving forward. FEVER: That probably helped you guys [the Flames] sign highlysought-after college free-agent, Kenney Morrison? Conroy: Yeah, Kenney [Morrison] has been unbelievable down in the minors, and [it seems] whatever game I’m at, Kenney Morrison scores. I saw him twice in Denver this year. [Morrison] scored in both games. First game in the minors [Adirondack Flames] he had three points; he’s joking around with me saying “Maybe you should come to all of my games.” FEVER: Could you give a few thoughts on the play of Lance Bouma this season? Did you guys [the Flames] see him becoming the player that he is now? Conroy: […] Lance [Bouma] is a physical guy. He comes, plays with heart, blocks shots; he does everything that you want players to do. He’s the ultimate pro. [In terms of] the scoring, I think the most goals Lance had in Junior or the AHL has never been more than fourteen. So to say I thought he was going to score at the clip he has and put up -- Page 37 the points, probably not, but I never put anything past Lance. […] He wants to get better every day and he wants a bigger role on the team. If it’s the end of the game and we’re looking for a goal, he might not be on the ice, but if we’re trying to keep a goal out of our net, he is definitely the one out there to block the shots; he is fearless out there. We knew that part [when drafting him] but the offense is a bonus. Even if he didn’t do that [provide offense] we would still love him. I think moving forward, you would love to see his [offensive] production every year, but say he didn’t score as many goals next year or put up as many points, you’re still going to like him just as much. FEVER: Can you give a few thoughts on the Flames off-season acquisitions and a few things that they have provided for the team? Conroy: I think we talked about Ramo being here and we had Ortio who we really like, but we said we need to find a goaltender. Even when Jay [Feaster] and Brian [Burke] were the General Managers [respectively] we talked about maybe needing to find one more goaltender. A veteran, established guy and Hiller, we felt was the top [goaltender] out there [in the freeagent market] at the time. When Brad [Treliving] came in, he was right onboard. He was all over the Hiller signing too, so he was a big pusher for that. He wanted to get a little tougher on defense. Deryk Engelland was a guy, talking to his coaches in Pittsburgh; he was a little bit of the odd-man-out there on the defensive side, but Todd Reirden [the Penguins Assistant Coach at the time] who I played with in St. Louis couldn’t say enough great things. As far as the type of person he is, he [Reirden] said you would be lucky to have him [Engelland]. Brad did a great job getting him signed and I know people questioned “Oh he’s a lot of money” this and that, but it’s hard to find a defensemen. We were a little light [on defense] and we weren’t going to exactly intimidate teams, we needed a bigger, heavy body and he [Engelland] has come in and been a great fit. Losing Cammalleri, looking for a guy to come and replace goals, Mason Raymond was that guy. We said we’re going to need someone on the left side that can score some goals, so that was our thought there. With [Brandon] Bollig, we wanted to get tougher and we wanted a guy that can play. I think the thing with Brandon is that he’s won [the Stanley Cup]. He’s been in a great organization with Continued on page 38 Page 38 -- SPORTS Continued from page 37 -- Scarlett FEVER played with T.J. We sat next to each other in the locker room his first year and to see where he’s come in four or five years. It’s all [due to his] hard work and I give him a ton of credit. He’s done it all himself. FEVER: Can you give a few thoughts on the play of Johnny Gaudreau and Sean Monahan this season? Conroy: […] Monahan had a great first year and he’s young, but he’s just such a pro. Everyone was saying, “Maybe he will have a sophomore slump” but this guy just has a way he goes about his business. He might be the youngest guy on the team, but he definitely acts older than he is. He has a great shot: the way he releases [the puck] and the way he hides pucks. He came in and he wanted to be better on face-offs, and he’s -- Dr. E. P. Scarlett High School of the FEVER said that Gaudreau, Hartley, and Giordano should all stand good chances at being nominated for awards. It was Gaudreau for Calder, Hartley for Jack Adams, and Giordano for Norris. Giordano has less of a chance than Gaudreau and Hartley because of his injury, but do you think all of those players could compete for their respective awards? Conroy: Yeah totally. If you look where the experts [analysts] said we were going to be [in the standings] and I’m not disagreeing with them, but we [the management and coaching staff] were sitting in our meeting room while there were still maybe sixty guys at training camp and I remember Bob [Hartley] saying, “We’re going to prove a lot of people wrong. We’re going to shock Chicago and to come in and bring some leadership [was important]. [Bollig] doesn’t play every night, but he works hard every day in practice, and when he does play he sticks up for every teammate. Anything you want Brandon to do… he does it. He is a better player than people give him credit for. He’s got some skill, and he can play. I think that’s the thing sometimes; people say “Oh he’s just your tough guy.” No, he’s the newage guy. He can fight, but he can also play and help contribute. FEVER: Undoubtedly a huge part of the Flames success this season has been the emergence of the second pairing of defensemen in Kris Russell and Dennis Wideman. What are your thoughts on their play so far this season? Conroy: […] With the defense, we loved the T.J. Brodie and Mark Giordano pair, but I think it was trying to figure out who was going to be the next pair. I think Wides [Wideman] would be the first to tell you, he was a big part of that. He came in, he got sat out [healthy scratched] the second game [of the season], so I had a talk with him and Bob [Hartley]. He said to give him a chance with Russell. He thought they could be a good pair, and Bob did it. Bob gave him a lot of confidence and he’s been unbelievable. With Russell, for me he’s the most underrated defensemen in the NHL. I know he’s small, but he’s fearless. I would say with our top four [on defense], talking with other teams around the league, they feel we have one of, if not the best top four [in the league]. I think people talk about the Nashville [Predators] top four and maybe Nashville’s top six [on defense] is stronger and deeper, but for me, all our guys have stepped up. All six guys have stepped up whether it’s [Raphael] Diaz stepping Photo by Aaron Schmidtke in, with [Ladislav] Smid getting hurt, or Scarlett journalist Aaron Schmidtke poses for a picture with Calgary Flames Assistant Manager Engelland who we feel very comfortable and former player Craig Conroy in the Flames owners box at the Scotiabank Saddledome with. For Wideman, I know he hasn’t been been much better on face-offs this year. I the hockey world and I know nobody thinks talked about very much, but if people said think we see him as a playmaker but people we’re going to do it, but we got to believe it Wideman for Norris [James Norris trophy see him more as a goal-scorer, which is fine. here. It’s going to take every single player, for best defensemen of the year] will may- If he gets the playmaking side to his game, and we’re going to shock everybody.” So, be get some votes; I have no problem with it’s going to be exciting. Watching Johnny to think back to that now, it’s amazing the that. He [Wideman] is having a career year all these years, you knew the vision, you job that Bob has done with the team for the and without him, we’re not here. It’s a team knew the skill, and size was going to be an second year of our rebuild, officially. For effort but everyone [on defense] has really issue. It took him a little while, five or six Bob to win it [Jack Adams], I wouldn’t even risen and those two guys [Russell and Wide- games to get going, but once he figured out question it. [Peter] Laviolette is going to be man] have been for me, as good as every- what he can do, and how he’s going to get by in contention, and there’s definitely worthy body in the league. in the NHL [he played great]. He is so quick. people and it’s going to be a battle. The same FEVER: Do you think we are seeing the He can turn and he’s good with the puck. I is to be said for Johnny [Gaudreau]. I would emergence of a star in T.J. Brodie? really can’t say enough. This guy is going to have no problem with Johnny winning the Conroy: I think so. I think since Gio has be a star. He probably is already a star in my Calder. You got [Filip] Forsberg, this guy been hurt, we’ve asked him [Brodie] to do mind, but as we get going, he’s only going to out of nowhere Mark Stone has played undifferent things. He hasn’t got as much pow- get better and more comfortable. Obviously believably, and [Aaron] Ekblad in Florida, erplay time, and it’s been a different role I want Johnny to win the Calder [Calder Me- who for a defensemen to play as much as he for him. I loved Brodie even when he was morial trophy for best first-year NHL player did when he was just drafted last year, it’s a in the minors. He skates so well and he just – rookie of the year] and I think he deserves pretty special year for him too. Any of those keeps getting better every year. I think at it, if he wins or not, that’s beside the point. guys could do it. Personally, if Gio stayed some point, people are going to be talking […] But for us to have a guy like that […] healthy, I thought he might get some Hart about Brodie for Norris, I really do, and I I know people talk about Patrick Kane and trophy talk, but it’s always hard when you think he is going to be in that conversation. you never want to put that pressure, but I only play sixty games. Would I still think he Like I said, he skates so well and his defen- think now that we’ve gone through a whole is going to get some votes? For sure. Do I sive game has come so far; I think back four season and you’ve seen what he has done, think he’s going to win it? Probably not. But years ago, I remember him, he can do it all. it’s not that far off. He could be that type of would he have won it if he stayed healthy? I Offense, defense, and he’s just so comfort- player. absolutely thought he was going to win it. I able and relaxed with the puck. I actually FEVER: An article from a previous issue think it’s right on with all those guys [Gaud- -- May 2015 reau, Hartley, and Giordano]. Anybody could win them [awards] but I really like our guys. It would be special for the Flames organization to have those guys win them. FEVER: Who are a few players on the Flames roster that you think flew under the radar this season that deserve some more attention? Conroy: I think in the whole NHL, not just our team, I think Russell. For me, Russell is the guy who has really risen. I think Wideman would be another and Lance Bouma is always a guy who rolls [under the radar]. Mikael Backlund with the injuries he had early, he plays against the hardest lines a lot of the time, and I think a lot of times he’s overshadowed by the scoring of other guys. Joe Colborne is another guy who had a good year. There are so many guys. Even like a [Dave] Schlemko coming in and really stepping up, and then there’s Josh Jooris for sure. I would feel bad if I didn’t say him because people had him pegged as a minor league guy even in our own organization, and for him to come in, help us win and contribute, he’s definitely an underrated guy. Also Deryk Engelland and the presence he has brought. I think when your team is winning and you’re playing as a team, there are so many guys [flying under the radar]. I think that is the thing about this team; they don’t care who scores. They’re all about each other and winning. That is what I think has made us successful this year. FEVER: Are you surprised by how the team rallied after Giordano’s injury? Conroy: I really am. Gio, like any good captain, said “I’m still going to be here. I can’t play but we can do it. I believe in you and we got to believe.” Brad Treliving and Bob Hartley both talked and agreed they were still in a great position here. Did we lose our captain and arguably our best player? Yes, but it’s time for other guys to rise. Deryk Engelland really proved he could play a lot more than he has been. Whether it’s been him [Engelland], Russell, Wideman, and Brodie stepping up and taking a bit of a different role, it’s amazing how the guys have done it. I think Jiri Hudler had the best month of any player, point wise, in the NHL this year [during March] so for us to put an “A” on Jiri and have him just embrace it, and take over, it’s been fun. FEVER: Can you give a few names of some players coming up through the American Hockey League (AHL) that fans should get excited about? Conroy: I think the one guy that has been the biggest surprise this year is Garnet Hathaway. We signed him out of college last year. I watched him play lots, and I didn’t think he was ready for an NHL contract. We talked to his advisor; he thought he might have some NHL deals, and nothing really came up. I said I love him and I would love to sign him to an AHL deal and Brian Burke [acting General Manager at the time] was all over it. He came in this year and I see him as a Lance Bouma. He blocks shots, he’s a warrior, drives the net, and does all those kind of things. He’s shocked me and he’s got nine- Continued on page 39 May 2015 -- Scarlett FEVER -- Continued from page 38 the opportunity numerous times and, to know what it’s like, I want teen goals right now, one of our them to have that feeling. So overleading scorers in the AHL. But the all, it would still be a success, but a biggest thing is he just plays hard. huge disappointment. He [Hathaway] was the second FEVER: I don’t think any team best player in camp other than Gio would want to play the Flames in in terms of being in shape: out of the playoffs. all the guys. What he did is come Conroy: Yeah it’s funny; I’ve talkin and say, “I know you didn’t give ed to teams and it’s weird because me a contract, but I’m going to I remember when we went to the earn one” and he really has. He’s finals in ‘04, we heard teams saya guy other than the Michael Fer- ing they hope they don’t play us in land and Marcus Granlund we’ve the playoffs and I’m thinking, reseen here; he’s a big name. [Emile] ally? People thought we were hard Poirier has been really good down to play against and that’s the same there. His game from coming off thing I’m hearing in the press-box. shoulder surgery and missing train- I don’t think anyone wants to play ing camp, missing the first part of the Flames and we’ve played very the year, [we could tell] he’s going well in the Western Conference, so to be a special player. David Wolf hopefully we can really make some has played excellently down there noise. as well. He can finish, plays physi- FEVER: What can you say about cal, plays hard, and we think he The Flames Foundation for Life? could be a guy that we’re maybe Conroy: I think our ownership watching here [in Calgary] next group and Ken King, besides the season. On the back end, [Ryan] hockey, really pride themselves on Culkin got cut with a skate, but be- the Flames Foundation. Whether fore that he was really playing well it’s the work with the Children’s for us. [Tyler] Wotherspoon has Hospital, Grassroots hockey, I had a good year also, but I thought mean I could go on and on. There’s Culkin, out of the first-year-pro de- such a long list of everything the fensemen, really elevated his game. Flames Foundation does and He’s a great skater, and turned out what’s great about it is that the to have a bit more offensive upside players get involved. Everything than I thought; he played great. I that we do here, the money we think another guy who came off raise, or anything that we do, mostinjury who has played really well ly for kids, but not all for kids is is Billy Arnold. Max Reinhart has great. The thing that I think you get played well too. Then there’s our the most pride out of is when you MVP down there, Joni Ortio. He go to the hospital visits, and you go was hands down for me the best to all the different things and you player on the team. Unfortunately, know the Flames are giving back. when he got hurt, the team was in The players are giving their time, the playoffs and now they’re not the owners financially, and everyand us [the Flames] calling ev- thing that they do. We are fortunate, we get to play eryone up from “I think no one does hockey for a living the minors, really decimated a better job than the and make great the roster down Flames. I know every money and that’s there. The guys team does it, but the great, but to give down there Flames go above and back to the community whether its work hard; the beyond.” kids that wouldn’t effort is there every night, but we haven’t won as be able to play sports and now many games as we’d like. All these they have equipment, that’s a great guys have played great at different thing. I think no one does a better times, and they just haven’t had a job than the Flames. I know every chance to come up [to the Flames] team does it, but the Flames go and show what they can do at the above and beyond. The FEVER would like NHL level. FEVER: Had the Flames hap- to thank the entire Flames orgapened to NOT make the playoffs nization for their hospitality and this season, would the season still generosity for setting up this interview. The FEVER would also like have been a success? Conroy: It would’ve been a suc- to thank Craig Conroy for taking cess, but to be as close as we would the time out of his busy schedule have been and not make it would to do this interview with extreme have been devastating. The team friendliness and would like to wish has worked so hard and done so the Flames the best of luck in the well. They’ve battled, competed, 2015 NHL Playoffs and the seaand to get the opportunity to play sons to follow. in the Stanley Cup Playoffs and compete [has been] amazing. I got Dr. E. P. Scarlett High School -- SPORTS -- Page 39 Junior Girls Field Hockey season off to an exciting beginning By Grace Stone The well-anticipated first game of the Lancers Junior Division Field Hockey started on April 21. The game lasted from 4:15 to 5:15 pm at Queen Elizabeth High School, against their school team, the Bumblebees. The game allowed the team to improve, and use the skills they had learned in practices for the first time. This hardworking group of girls practice before or after every school day from 7:00 to 8:20 am, or from 3:45 to 5:15 pm. The team looks sharp in their new uniforms, an all-red attire with a skirt and black knee socks. The game began with the team putting their hands together to chant, “Lancers!” getting pumped for their first time on the field. Ten players and the goalie were on at the start of the game. In the first half, players were mostly focused on the puck and learning the best ways around the field. It was a bit of a rough start, but by the end of the first game the team and the coach were happy with what they had accomplished for the beginning of the season. Noted by Jennifer Kowalewski, the Junior team’s coach, the players showed great skills in defense of the puck. They were open in the field and demonstrated good teamwork. During the game, a few players off on the sidelines of the “I know what I’m not excited for. I’m not excited to wear skirts for sports.” At the end of the game, Queen Elizabeth won 2-0. Lancers may not have scored this game, but the team learned from the experience. For further practices, the Photo by Grace Stone The Junior Girls team huddles together to discuss the first half of the game coach wished for the team to use more set plays to help them for the rest of the games in the season. The team played again on Thursday, April 23 in the field of the Calgary Soccer Centre, against Notre Dame from 4:15 to 5:15 pm. Unfortunately, it was another loss for the Lancers, as Notre Dame won 2-0 as well. They played the following week Photo by Grace Stone Lancers and Bumblebees congratulate each other after a great first game field were asked what made them excited for the rest of the season. Anna Maclean, Grade 10, said “I’m excited to improve.” Drue Nooyen, Grade 10, said “I’m excited [for us] to grow as a team.” Riva Kessel, Grade 10, took a more humourous tone and said ings with fourteen goals scored, and none against them. They have won both games they have played. Notre Dame has scored six goals with no goals against them; Queen Elizabeth has scored three goals, and Bishop Carroll has scored two. Notre Dame has won twice on Monday April 27 in the field of the University of Calgary against Sir Winston Churchill. The Lancers scored a goal, and the game concluded as a draw. It was played from 4:15 to 5:15 pm as well. This season, William Aberhart school is the highest in the stand- and tied once out of the three games they have played. Queen Elizabeth and Bishop Carroll have won once and tied once. Sir Winston Churchill has tied both games they have played. Robert Thirsk has lost the only game they have played. St. Francis is in the same position, with six goals scored against them. John G. Diefenbaker has lost the two games they have played with twelve goals scored against them. Lancers have had five goals scored against us out of the three games that have been played so far this season. We have one point for the tie, and are sixth in the standings out of nine schools. For the season in May, Lancers played against John G. Diefenbaker in the field of Shouldice Athletic Park, on Monday May 4, from 4:15 to 5:15 pm. On Wednesday, May 6, from 4 pm to 5 pm, there was a game against Bishop Carroll in the University of Calgary’s field. The following week on Tuesday May 19, there will be a game against St. Francis in the field of the Calgary Soccer Centre from 4:15 pm to 5:15 pm. With enough determination and spirit, the Junior Division Lancers can work to get in the playoffs by the end of May. Go Lancers! Page 40 -- SPORTS Continued from page 36 Understandably, the team with the highest chance of winning the first overall pick, the Buffalo Sabres, were less than excited to hear that they had not won the lottery even though they had a 20% chance to do so. This was the second year in a row that the Buffalo Sabres had the worst record in the NHL and yet did not receive the first overall pick because of the lottery system. Last year the Florida Panthers chose Aaron Ekblad with the first overall pick while the Sabres were left to choose Sam Reinhart second overall. If the old system of rewarding the first selection to the worst team in the league was still in place, the Sabres would have been allowed to choose first both years, setting them up to be a significantly better team for years to come. This is a fact that particularly angers Sabres’ general manager Tim Murray who was already opposed to the draft lottery system when it was first proposed. In fact, Murray was the only GM who voted against the format when it was voted on last season. At the time he argued that the last team should always automatically receive the first pick, and considering his team’s predicament over the last two seasons, it can be assumed that his stance has not changed. When he was asked on lottery day about how he felt about losing out on the first pick once again, Murray said “It almost feels like you’re a World Junior player getting that call at six in the morning from Team Canada saying that you haven’t made -- Scarlett FEVER -- Dr. E. P. Scarlett High School -- May 2015 ing their best to look at the bright side of it this year.” So now the McDavid heading to Edmonton, but even NHL is left with a they admit there is very little to be excited draft lottery system about. The only potential upside comes for that is believed by Canadian fans who feel strongly about the many fans and team amount of bottom-dwelling teams in the executives to be exNHL who are also American teams with tremely flawed. Folsmall hockey markets that struggle to suslowing the results of tain themselves in the league because of this year’s lottery, it their lack of fans. For those who already seems that even the believe these markets should be moved or most important NHL should not have been in these areas to begin executives are disapwith and criticize the NHL for their lackpointed with the way lustre expansion strategies, at least there is the lottery has sigcomfort in knowing McDavid will not land nificantly favoured in any of those destinations. Instead, Mcone team. When it David will be welcomed with open arms to was announced that a Canadian team where he will get the recthe Oilers would once ognition he deserves for being a truly amazagain select first overing hockey player. all, NHL Commis Other than that small silver lining, there really does not seem to be much to sioner Gary Bettman be excited about, as one of the greatest juand Deputy Commissioner Bill Daly apnior players of this generation will land on peared shocked when a team that will put the weight of the world they were shown on on his shoulders. McDavid will be expected TV. Considering how to drag the Oilers out of the NHL’s basemany people believe ment and finally be the first overall pick that the NHL signifithat makes them winners instead of perencantly messed up in nial losers. The fate of this year’s draft lotPhoto by Kyra Bird allowing the Oilers to Much like regular lotteries, the NHL Draft lottery always has unexpected tery already seems to be one that will once somehow win the lotagain change the process of how the first results, with the winner not always being the team with the best odds tery again, it can be overall pick is decided, and hopefully this or not to once again change the process of assumed that this issue will be discussed in determining who is allowed to pick first. time the NHL can get it right. upcoming GM meetings and other important Some fans in the NHL are do- meetings in the summer to decide whether Girls rugby wins two games to start off a great season girls have participated in rugby. turnout on that Friday afternoon. The Scarlett / Wisewood team has The weather during the game on been doing well so far in the season, despite Friday was horrible. There was a high of 10 only having played two games. They have degrees that day, but during the hour of the won both, the first being against Lord Bea- game, it was -2 degrees. The players pushed verbrook High School with a win of through the unsavory weather conditions 66-0 points, the second being the game and played very well throughout the game. against Bishop Carroll Catholic High In rugby, one try, or score, is worth 5 points, School with a win of 24-5. Although and players can get other points by kicking none of the team’s or passing past coaches are from the end line. Scarlett, all five “Although none of the team’s The Scarlett / coaches are look- coaches are from Scarlett, all five Wisewood team ing forward to the coaches are looking forward to only let the Carupcoming games in the upcoming games in hope of roll team score hope of continuing continuing their winning streak one try, while their winning streak themselves that the girls have worked hard to they that the girls have accumulated get.” worked hard to get. 24 points dur So early in the ing the hour season, it is hard to that the game tell who would be the teams biggest took place. Although our team is in the seccompetition, yet Robert Thirsk and ond division, we have a very good winning Central Memorial are the two teams streak going into the division championship. with the most points scored for all to- Further game times have not been revealed gether. as they are in May and will be shown at the On Friday, April 24, the combined beginning of the month. team of the Scarlett Lancers, and the The Girls Rugby team is looking Wisewood Warriors, went up against forward to the rest of the season that is to the Bishop Carroll Cardinals in a Girls come, and along with the season will hopeRugby game at the Henry Wisewood fully come more wins and no losses. Scarfield. Despite the undesirable weather lett Lancers and Wisewood Warriors alike should cheer for the team and attend the exPhoto by Isabel Fernandez conditions at the game, which may have A close up action shot of the exciting girls’ rugby game that took place on Friday April 24 against the made many viewers want to go home, citing games. Bishop Carroll Cardinals, where the Scarlett-Wisewood team managed to win with a score of 24-5 both sides had a very significant fan By Isabel Fernandez This year, Dr E.P. Scarlett has decided to join up with Henry Wisewood High School in a mashup rugby team. Neither school had enough interest in a team alone, yet together the girls seem to be working very well as a group and are taking over the second division of Calgary’s high school rugby. This year is the first year that Scarlett
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