May 1, 2015
Club meetings are held on the
second Thursday of the month at
the Descanso Library or other
announced location at 4:30 pm
Guests are welcome!
For more information about the
Descanso Garden Club and to
view our meeting schedule check
out our website:
Welcome to the monthly edition of the Descanso Garden Club E News.
Descanso Garden Club Board
Kerry Forrest, President
Judy Inskeep, Vice President
Sherree McGinley, Treasurer
Susan DeMars, Secretary
Marguerite English, Webmaster
Inside this issue:
Treasurer’ Report
Secretary’s Report
Member Renewal Form
Community Service
June Meeting
May 14 Club Meeting: Hosted by Club Member Lori Hemelehle
at her Guatay Mountain Nursery, 27423 Old Highway 80, Guatay. The Nursery is on the south side of the road just after the
25 mph sign as you enter Guatay. Look for prominent white
fencing on the right; the next property to the east is the nursery.
Lori has a large selection of native and drought resistant plants
which grow well in our climate. This is always a fun visit where
you can see the plants, feel and smell the plants and if you
wish, buy the plants. For more info on her Nursery go to: She has a very nice web site
with lots of photos and information.
June Marks the beginning of the Descanso Garden Club
fiscal year. Each year the club members are requested to renew their club membership. Out of the membership fee of $15
the club pays for the annual yearbook and club expenses. Also
paid are dues to the parent organization California Garden Cubs
and the Palomar District which provides services in the form of
tax exemption filing status, insurance coverage and educational
activities. For more information about the California Garden
Clubs and Palomar district please go to their web sites at:
On page 3 of this newsletter is the Descanso Garden Club
Renewal Form. Please take the time to renew now so the Treasurer can process club membership information and monies to
the district and state organizations of which we are a part.
Thanks for being a member of the Descanso Garden Club
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May 1, 2015
Treasurers Report- Sherree McGinley
Treasurer’s Report
For Period April 1, 2015—April 30, 2015
Beginning Operating Balance
Reimbursement, Jessup, bird feeders
End Operating Balance
Secretary’s Report– Susan De Mars
Descanso Garden Club
Meeting Minutes April 9th 2015
Jennifer Ford’s Home: Begin 4:30pm
Elections/Pot Luck
Business- Susie Kirkwood (retired CPA) will audit the Club account for a “good standing” practice.
Next month meeting is at: The Guatay Nursery with Lori Hamelehle. Palomar District Meeting is in June 29 at Balboa Park.
A Nomination was made to re-elect Kerry Forrest as President
and Lee Quinn, as Vice-President for 2015- 2016. Approved by
Motion was made to re-elect Sherree McGinley as continuing
Treasurer, Approved by all.
Shawna Kramer was nominated for Secretary, Approved by all.
Plant Sale
June 6th at the Library- Please bring plants and contributions to
the Library on Friday June 5, the evening before from 6:007:00 PM and 7:00 AM on Saturday Morning. The sale is from
8:00am- 2:00pm. Do not donate cactus and succulents as they
do not sell and are difficult to dispose of.
Meeting adjourned at 6:53pm.
Descanso Garden Club
Membership Dues for June 1, 2015 to May 31, 2016
_ _ _ _ _ $15.00 for single member
Date Joined _ _ _ _ _ _ _
_ _ _ _ _ $25.00 for family
_ _ _ _ _ Donation
Please print your name, address, telephone number and email address below:
Telephone Number _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
Make check payable to Descanso Garden Club.
(cut along dotted line)
Please mail check and form to:
Descanso Garden Club
P. O. Box 824
Descanso, Ca., 91916
Second Thursday each month: 4:30 to 6 pm.
Descanso Public Library
Member: California Garden Club, a nonprofit 501(c)3 organization
Receipt for annual dues
June 1, 2015 through May 31, 2016
Check # _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
Amount $ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
Dues and Donations are tax deductible.
Keep this copy for your records.
Questions? email:
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May 1, 2015
ANNUAL PLANT SALE FUNDRAISER Is Saturday June 6 from 8 to 3
Now is the time to start working on your plants or contribution to the Club’s Annual
Plant Sale Fund Raiser held on June 6! Please do not donate cactus and succulents as they do not sell well and are difficult to dispose of!
This sale funds all our activities for the year and it is important we have a great selection. Garden Crafts such as wind chimes, bird houses, bird feeders and other garden art as well a baked goods will be a welcome addition to our plant sale.
The plant sale will occur on the same day as the Friends of the Library’s Rummage
Sale. We will be in the Library garden and pavilion, like we were last year.
There will be no June Club meeting as the plant sale takes a lot of our time and energy.
ADOPT A HIGHWAY In honor of the Annual Great American Cleanup, Club members picked up roadside trash on April 23. Though it was cold and a bit rainy we
powered though and made an impact to keeping our roadside clean.