Slide 1 Deseret Peak District, Great Salt Lake Council 2015 Cub Scout Adventures Special Cub Scouting Training DO YOUR BEST! Michelle & Roger Ekins 1 Welcome to 2015 Cub Scout Adventures Special Cub Scouting Training. Just like the current program, “Do Your Best” remains the motto of Cub Scouting and the new program. This new program is a FUN and doable program. Our hope is that when training is finished today that you will feel confident and have a can do attitude about moving into the new program. Michelle and Roger Ekins 435-882-9919 Deseret Peak District, Great Salt Lake Council Slide 2 When? June 1, 2015 Deseret Peak District, Great Salt Lake Council Michelle & Roger Ekins 2 This is the biggest change in Scouting since 1967 with the replacement of Lion for Webelos. Michelle and Roger Ekins 435-882-9919 Deseret Peak District, Great Salt Lake Council Slide 3 Deseret Peak District, Great Salt Lake Council Who? • Everyone – Tigers – Wolves – Bears – Webelos Michelle & Roger Ekins 3 Everyone will see changes in the program. Boys will have more options. National is encouraging that all boys earn their rank by May 31st. This will make their transition easier. There are guidelines if something happens and they are not able to finish. Michelle and Roger Ekins 435-882-9919 Deseret Peak District, Great Salt Lake Council Slide 4 Why? • Current achievements are overly passive • Activities lack connection to mission and aims Where connections leader aids are insufficient • Current perspectives in citizenship and personal fitness not supported • Complicated advancement model Deseret Peak District, Great Salt Lake Council Michelle & Roger Ekins 4 Current achievements and requirements were more discussing than doing. Boys should not feel like Cub Scouting is just another hour of school in a different location. The new program will definitely put the outing in Scouting. As an adult volunteer you can never get enough resources. The new program will give you much more details and resources when planning and executing your den and pack programs. Michelle and Roger Ekins 435-882-9919 Deseret Peak District, Great Salt Lake Council Slide 5 Deseret Peak District, Great Salt Lake Council What is NOT changing? • • • • • • • Family Focus Ranks Ages and Genders Den/pack meeting structures Outdoor Program Delivery model FUN Michelle & Roger Ekins 5 Cub Scouting is still a family focus program. All ranks remain the same including Bobcat. Boy ages requirements remain the same as do Den and Pack meeting structures. Cub Scouting remains FUN and Adventurous. Michelle and Roger Ekins 435-882-9919 Deseret Peak District, Great Salt Lake Council Slide 6 What is NOT changing? • • • • • (continued) Blue & Gold Banquets Derbies DAY CAMPS & RESIDENT CAMPS Adult Leader Positions Cub Scout remains a year round (12 month program) Deseret Peak District, Great Salt Lake Council Michelle & Roger Ekins 6 Major events like Blue & Gold Banquets, derbies, camps and leader positions will remain unchanged. Cub Scouting has always been a year round program and this doesn’t change with the new program. The new program is built around a 12 month program. We encourage all packs and dens to provide a year round program. Michelle and Roger Ekins 435-882-9919 Deseret Peak District, Great Salt Lake Council Slide 7 Deseret Peak District, Great Salt Lake Council Special Recognitions Remain Cub Scout Outdoor Activity Award World Conservation Award National Den Award Outdoor Ethics Award Messengers of Peace Summertime Pack Award • And others • • • • • • Michelle & Roger Ekins 7 There are many national awards that will remain. As we move forward more details will become apparent. You may not be aware, but the Leave No Trace was replaced several years ago with the Outdoor Ethics Award. Things change over time as we know. It is very tempting to go online and search for resources and awards. We caution you to be careful as you do and make sure what you are offering to your pack and den members is accurate and current. Michelle and Roger Ekins 435-882-9919 Deseret Peak District, Great Salt Lake Council Slide 8 Deseret Peak District, Great Salt Lake Council What will change? • Advancement and Recognition – Insignia supporting rank advancement – adventure loops and pins – will be available in Scout Shops and on by 6/30/2015 • Cub Scout Oath & Law of the Pack to Scout Oath & Law • Duty to God requirements are focused on by the family, not den or pack leaders. • New Tiger Image • Webelos rank no longer required for AOL • Activities-MORE GO AND DO, LESS LET’S DISCUSS • Academic & Sports Program discontinued, but supported through 2015 for those Webelos who remain in old program to AOL. Michelle & Roger Ekins 8 Advancement recognition will be available in Scout shops and online by June 30 th. The Cub Scout Oath and Law of the Pack will change on June 1. All families of Scouting will use the Scout Oath and Law n the past the Duty God requirements were encouraged in den meetings. The new program encourages families and parents to focus on these requirements to complete them, not den and pack leaders. The Tiger patch is being updated to be visually more like the current Bobcat, Wolf and Bear rank patches. Webelos rank is no longer required for Arrow of Light. This means that boys who want to join a pack that their friends are in doesn’t have to play catch up to be able to work and earn the AOL like his friends. The current program had a lot of “discuss”. The new program has more “go and do”. Academic and Sports program will be discontinued, but supported through 2015 for the Webelos who remain in the current program to earn their Arrow of Light. Michelle and Roger Ekins 435-882-9919 Deseret Peak District, Great Salt Lake Council Slide 9 Deseret Peak District, Great Salt Lake Council What will change? (continued) • All BSA literature Available on May 1 – – – – – – – – – Spanish resource will be 30-45 days following Cub Leader Book COMPLETED Tiger, Wolf, Bear and Webelos Handbooks Den Leader Guidebook for each rank COMPLETED Pack Resource Guide-with 2 years of plans pack meetings incorporating new themes and Scout Law. STEM (Science, Technology, Electronic and Math) Cyberchip (now required every year for everyone) Aquatics elective adventures in ALL ranks Current immediate recognition replaced Michelle & Roger Ekins 9 All BSA literature will be available May 1. Resources in Spanish will be available 30-45 day following the release of English speaking resources. The Cub Leader book is completed and ready. Den Leader Guidebooks for each rank are completed and ready. All handbooks for boys will be new versions. Please make sure to educate your leaders and families. Going to D.I. to get old handbooks from boys will no longer be a good idea. Pack Resource Guide will have two years of plans for pack meetings incorporating the new themes and Scout Law. STEM will be updated to support the new program. Cyberchip will now be required every year for everyone; boy and leader. All ranks have elective Aquatic adventures. The current immediate recognition - plastic diamond and beads for Tiger, Wolf, Bears; Compass patch and points for Webelos. Michelle and Roger Ekins 435-882-9919 Deseret Peak District, Great Salt Lake Council Slide 10 Deseret Peak District, Great Salt Lake Council What will change? (continued) – No need for advancement reports to pick up elective adventure belt loops – Internet Advancement will update to match new program • Leader Specific training will be updated – Both online and in person by 3/31/2015 – Do I need to be retrained? No, if you have taken Leader Specific for your current position you do not need to retake it. • The new program has much more service built in to it. Michelle & Roger Ekins 10 Den leaders will have the ability to pick up elective adventure belt loops without any Internet Advancement paper work. This will assist with the immediate recognition. However, electives should still be tracked. The internet advancement program will be updated to match the new program. Leader Specific training will need to be updated to include the new program and should be completed by national by March 31st. Both online and in person training syllabus will be available. There is no need to retake Leader Specific if you have been trained in your current position. As we look at the various adventures in all ranks, we see much more service built into the new program. Michelle and Roger Ekins 435-882-9919 Deseret Peak District, Great Salt Lake Council Slide 11 Deseret Peak District, Great Salt Lake Council Simplified Advancement • • • • For each rank a boy completes 7 adventures Duty to God is a family-based adventure Each adventure is based on 3 den meetings Immediate recognition Belt loops or pins can be awarded in den meeting or pack meeting with card awarded in the other meeting • Elective adventures have same recognition approach Michelle & Roger Ekins 11 Seven is the number. Each den needs 7 adventures to earn rank. No more confusion from den to den is how many requirements must be earned to earn rank. This was also meant to assist den leaders as many time they will advance with the boys. Michelle and Roger Ekins 435-882-9919 Deseret Peak District, Great Salt Lake Council Slide 12 Outcome of NEW Cub Adventures Program More Cub Scouts being active/having fun Improved Webelos transition/retention Simplified advancement Improved connection with Aims and Mission of BSA • More detailed resources and support • • • • Deseret Peak District, Great Salt Lake Council Michelle & Roger Ekins 12 This program has been tested and much success has been had in building dens/packs, retaining membership and activity in both boys and leaders. Michelle and Roger Ekins 435-882-9919 Deseret Peak District, Great Salt Lake Council Slide 13 Deseret Peak District, Great Salt Lake Council Now to the details HOW? Thank you for all you do and your dedication to “getting Cub Scouting right”. Handout about everything discussed will be available to download from our website— You will receive the log in and password at the end of the training. We will be available after your section for some questions, if you still have them. Michelle & Roger Ekins 13 Thank you for attending if you have questions about anything, feel free to contact us at roundtable, email or phone. The district Cub Scouting team is here to help you at training events and during the month. Michelle and Roger Ekins 435-882-9919 Deseret Peak District, Great Salt Lake Council Slide 14 Deseret Peak District, Great Salt Lake Council Who? We will now separate into specific groups to assist you with details as they pertain to your position. Den Leaders will stay here. Committee-this includes COR, Committee Chairmen, and anyone on the committeewill go with Anita and Michelle B. Cubmasters will go with Brendon and Cory. Webelos will go with Debby, Alicia and Derrick Michelle & Roger Ekins 14 Michelle and Roger Ekins 435-882-9919 Deseret Peak District, Great Salt Lake Council
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