GFWC Lilburn Woman’s Club May 2013 President: Patty Gabilondo This month’s general meeting is one of my per- the former President of the GFWC Gainesville sonal favorite meetings of the year. To see the Phoenix Woman’s Club and her work at the Gov- faces of the scholarship recipients and their fami- ernor’s mansion library. Our GFWC International lies when we hand them their Scholarship Awards President-Elect Babs Condon spoke about the rich is so very heartwarming and is a great example of history of the GFWC and how proud she is of all how our club tangibly supports higher Education. of our continued efforts to improve the communi- This year our Education Chairmen will be present- ties in which we live in and the world. Thank you ing: to all of our club members and first-time atten- Executive Officers 2013 President Patty Gabilondo 1st Vice President Janet Pino 2nd Vice President Teresa Foster 3rd Vice President Dianna Carson Recording Secretary Mandy McManus Corresponding Secretary Cheryl Bauer Treasurer Terri Collins Parliamentarian Gail Zarnik One Lilburn Woman’s Club Scholarship for dees who took the time out of their busy sched- $1000 ules to participate in this wonderful event. Two Gwinnett Technical Scholarships for Lilburn Woman’s Club was once again $750 each recognized for all of our fantastic work in Two Patti-Jo Shapiro Scholarships—one for the community during the 2012 calendar $100 and one for $750 (to be presented by year and took top honors in all 6 Pro- Alaina Shapiro) grams in the 51+ members category: Two HOBY registration fee scholarships for $150 each In addition to all of these scholarships, LWC also supports the Tallulah Falls School Scholarship program with an annual contribution of $200, plus we donate $200 annually to Minor Elementary, Lilburn Elementary and Mountain Park Elementary. John Wesley once said, “Do all the good you can, by all the means you can, in all the places you can, at all the times you can, to all the people you can, for as long as you Transforming our Community and the World can.” He must have been talking about our LWC club members—for that is exactly what we do! Convention Update: The GFWC Georgia Convention last month was both a fun and inspiring weekend where hundreds of our GFWC sisters from all over the state came together to discuss and support everyone’s efforts over the past year. Mrs. Sandra Deal spoke about her experiences as 1st Place in the state for conservation, 3rd Place in the state for Education, 2nd Place in the state for Public Issues, 1st Place in the state for International Outreach, 1st Place in the state for Art, and 2nd Place in the state for Home Life. Our club was also recognized for Best Overall Conservation Program in the State, Best Overall Communications and Public Relations Program in the State, GFWC Georgia Top Tiara Membership Award, Best Newsletter (51+ members category), Best UNICEF Participation (International Outreach), and Public Issues—2nd Place Georgia Automobile Dealers Association ($300 award with this one). Congratulations to every single one of you for your contributions and hard work throughout the past year. While we don’t necessarily work for the awards, it does feel good to receive kudos from other amazing women just like us who are also struggling to transform their communities for the better! Page 2 G Vice President: Janet Pino 1st Community Service Program Chairs Art Pat Shaver Susan Boudreaux Conservation Penny Brown Cynthia Deakin Education Karen Snavely Nadine Bily Home Life Shannan Terhune Cheryl Bauer International Outreach Glenda Cannon Lori Bottens Public Issues Suzannah Heimel Pat Swan F Do not forget to tell your friends about LWC and the wonderful work that is accomplished through this organization. It is a wonderful way to make new friends and also “give back” to the community. 2nd Vice President: Teresa Foster Please begin to keep a track of your volunteer hours. There is a form on our website to print out. Make a copy for each of the departments and fill in as you complete an activity. We will be taking up these forms at our June meeting and the department chairs will be writing their reports following. If you are unsure where an activity goes, please ask or write it somewhere and we will sort it out…..Teresa. 3rd Vice President: Dianna Carson Congratulations to the members of the LWC who worked “in concert” to better our communities in 2012. It is wonderful to receive recognition for all that was done but Capt. Scott O’Grady had it right when he wrote: “It wasn’t the reward that mattered or the recognition you might harvest. It was your depth of commitment, your quality of service, the product of your devotion—-these were the things that counted in life. When you gave purely, the honor came in the giving, and that was honor enough.” to share funny stories and the good times with each other. Women seem to have an innate ability to connect emotionally to each other and to “be there” when needed. I wish each of you a Happy Mother’s Day and thank you for being wonderful women who are willing to share your busy lives with each other and your community. This club has so many giving, selfless, caring women. I think as we get older we realize the importance of great friends. We all face trying times, sickness, and sadness when we need the comforting words, understanding, and hugs from our dear friends in the LWC.. It is also wonderful Treasurer: Terri Collins I want to say “thank you” to all who have already paid your 2013 club dues and send out a reminder to those of you who have not yet done this. You may pay your dues via a single payment of $50...OR...two payments of $25, half now and the other half by the September general meeting. Page 3 Art: Pat Shaver and Susan Boudreaux Supporting Chairs: Leadership/Parliamentary Gail Zarnik Historian/Tallulah Falls Nancy Chilcoat Communications & Identity Andrea Brannen Public Relations Lisa Richardson Social Wanda Staebell Lee Jurjevich Sunshine Diane DeGaetano Janie Dellinger Community Outreach (LBA/ CID/DDA) Linda Newton Lilburn Daze Barbara Brooks 501c3 Jackie Thornberry Lilburn Relay Rally Pat Swan Gail Zarnik The Art committee was able to donate $122 to the Lilburn Relay Rally as a result of our drawing at the April meeting. Congratulations to Nancy Delaney and Judy6 Nash who were the painting and pottery winners! During the rally we will be selling wooden “Pink Ribbons” and Pat has donated another painting for raffle. Spring Into Art is always a success for the elementary school age children who have their art displayed at City Hall for their parents and all attendees to see. Thank you to everyone who helped set up and take down and who attended the event as well as everyone who donated cookies for refreshments. Our first “So You think You Can Paint” class is May 4th at St. Stephen the Martyr Church in Lilburn. We want to make sure that everyone who wants to participate realizes you can still sign up. Just let us know. We have eight people currently but our sign up sheet did not get seen by everyone at the April meeting. If you want to take part, please let either Susan Boudreaux or Pat Shaver know. The more the merrier!! We will begin at 10AM sharp and will be finished by noon. There will be refreshments. As you know the cost is $25. We are painting spring wreaths on a square 12 inch canvas. Our expert teacher, Pat will make it easy for all of us. Hope to see you there. It is a fun and relaxing morning every time we gather to Conservation: Penny Brown and Cynthia Deakin Two recycling days will be coming up in the next few weeks. City of Lilburn is having the Great American Clean Up on Saturday April 27th from 10AM—2PM in the city Hall parking lot. They will be accepting bulk trash (dumpster available), electronics, tires and scrap metal. There will also be secured paper shredding and the Gwinnett County animal shelter will be accepting donations of clean towels and washcloths. For further information please go to the City of Lilburn website and click on the events tab. A calendar should be displayed and click on the great American Clean Up. Atlanta Recycling solutions will be having an electronics waste recycling drive hosted by trinity Lutheran Church on Saturday May 4th from 9AM—1PM. Items accepted for free: Personal computers, laptops, modems, servers, printers, UPS batteries, CD-ROMs, fax machines, cell phones, circuit boards, copiers, scanners, power supplies, phone systems, wire/cabling, keyboards, typewriters, floppy drives, mouse/ mice, test equipment, disk drives, PC monitors, networking equipment, microwaves, stereo equipment, electronic game equipment. Portable televisions are accepted but here is a $10 fee. Rear projection and wooden console televisions are NOT accepted. Other items NOT accepted: Car batteries, dryers, freezers, refrigerators, washer/dryers, toaster ovens, blenders, vacuum cleaners, sewing machines, household trash, humidifiers, gas powered tools, mixers, tires, ovens, battery powered tools, air conditioners, alkaline batteries. Note on cell phones: Cell phones are accepted by both recycling events listed above, however used phones can be donated to PADV to distribute to women at risk for domestic violence. The Lilburn Community Garden had its opening on April 20th. All 27 garden plots are reserved and several already have plantings. Conservation has purchased a garden wagon and wire cable lock for the garden. There will be a water source in the garden but no hoses so the wagon can be used by participants to take full water jugs to their plots. Conservation has purchased and installed a garden bench at Lilburn City Park. Susan Hendricks has a DVD on home energy audit to lend to anyone who is interested. She also has a resource library available on different conservation topics. The library includes books on native plants and also Gwinnett Clean and Beautiful information Page 4 May 2013 Education: Karen Snavely and Nadine Bily Reminder to all avid readers…. We will have our book sale at the Relay Rally on Friday, April 26th...hardbacks are $1.00 and paperbacks are 50 cents. All proceeds will be donated to the Lilburn Relay Rally. Our Education Program will be contributing to Lilburn Elementary School’s Teacher/Staff picnic on April 30th by paying the pavilion rental in the Lilburn city Park. We will also be contributing door prizes for a little extra fun for them. They expect about fifty to attend. Let us know if you have any ideas or would like to contribute something! We are also doing our part to prepare for our annual Scholarship and Awards Program on May 2. Food for the refreshments should be brought to City Hall by 6:30. We expect that guests will arrive by 6:45. the program starts at 7PM followed by the reception. Do you know about the library ELF? I discovered this by accident on when I realized I had a few over due books. I signed up for it at this link...https:// Here are the details copied from the website about how this service can help you, particularly if you are a frequent library user. ELF—keeping tabs on your library material —- Elf is a web-based and email tool for library users to keep track of their library borrowings. Designed with the busy or avid library user in mind, Elf is ideal for families with multiple library cards or for individuals (writers, researchers, students) who have cards from different libraries. Elf makes it easier to keep track of what’s due, overdue or ready for pickup from on or more library accounts. Users have the option to consolidate their library accounts into one account if they wish. This account is checked every day and email notices are sent when items are coming due, overdue or when holds are ready for pickup. As well, get up-to-date real time information by browser. Elf is supported through subscriptions either by the library or, if the library does not subscribe, by the users. The basic reminder service is free. Additional support is provided by Google and Amazon ads. Also do you know….? That General Federation of Women’s clubs participates in the Associates program, which enables members to purchase items through one of the world’s largest online retailers and direct up to 15 percent of their total purchase to the Federation. Home Life: Shannan Terhune and Cheryl Bauer Since 1949, May has been officially recognized as mental health Month. The focus for this year’s awareness campaign is the mental health of young people. Mental disorders are common in the US and internationally. An estimated 22.1% of Americans ages 18 and older, about 1 in 5 adults, suffer from a diagnosable mental disorder in a given year. Mental disorders can also affect children. According to the National Mental health Assoc. (NMHA), mental health problems affect one in five young people. Recognizing the signs of mental illness is important. Feelings of sadness, anxiety, worry, or sleep problems are not uncommon. However, when these feelings get very intense, last for long periods of time, or begin to interfere with school, friendships and other relationships. It may be a sign of a mental illness. To learn more about mental health issues visit these sites: The National Mental Health Assoc. The National Institute for Mental Health> Lilburn Heritage Healthcare Nursing Home received 90 corsages and 50 boutonnieres for their patients to enjoy at Mother’s Day and Father’s Day. This small gesture of kindness is always so appreciated. Plans are underway for the 2nd DFCS Foster Parent’s Appreciation dinner on May 18th. The theme will be Italian and we will soon send out a sign-up sheet for food and volunteers to help set up, serve, etc. We will also be making goodie bags again this year for each family. More details to come. May 21st will be our first Hope Lodge dinner and it will be a cook-out. We will provide hamburgers and hotdogs and all the trimmings. A sign-up sheet will be passed at the May meeting. GFWC Lilburn Woman’s Club Page 5 Home Life: Continued The 2013 Lilburn relay Rally will be Friday, April 26th and there will be lots of volunteer opportunities—donating food for the Survivor’s Reception, setting up and serving at the reception, helping with the luminaries, and working the concession. All monies raised are forwarded to the Gwinnett County Relay for Life to support the American Cancer Society’s research and awareness programs. Gwinnett Technical college is sponsoring “Successful Retirement Planning” on three Thursday evenings in May — May 9th, 16th and 23rd. To register, call 770-995-9697 or online at (There is a course fee.) International Outreach: Glenda Cannon and Lori Bottens Moldova!? Where on earth is Moldova?!!! That was my first reaction when a dear friend mentioned going on a mission trip there to work with teachers and students. Now that’s the reaction I receive when I say “Moldova”. As of this year I have gone on five mission trips to Moldova — and Lilburn Woman’s Club has been “with me” during the last three years. It’s a place that now feels like “home” even though I don’t speak much of the language. A smile speaks volumes in most languages. The Republic of Moldova is a small country, nestled between Romania and Ukraine. It was once a part of the Soviet Union. About a year ago a new president was elected (after a number of years without one), but that has not worked out as well as it was hoped. There is so much disagreement among the powers that be, that not much gets accomplished. It is considered the poorest country in Europe. The people speak Romanian and /or Russian. The further north you go, the more the Russian language is used. As the first foreigners going into the schools in some of the small villages, we have lived what celebrities experience—students asking for autographs and taking our pictures! During our mission trips to Moldova we work with teachers— sharing with them teaching ideas and techniques that we hope will be useful. When invited, we go into schools to work with classes at ever level—First Form (First Grade) through High School. Six or seven years ago English was adopted as the country’s second language, therefore the teachers and students seem delighted to interact with native English speakers. Clarifying the similarities and differences between British English and American English makes for some interesting entertaining lessons! We have also begun working with university students (many of whom are studying to be teachers). Opportunities for future visits into the schools where they will be teaching are looming before us. This year, for the first time, we had the opportunity to work with teenage girls living in transition homes in Moldova. These young ladies have aged out of the orphanage system. The transition homes give them a safe, loving place in which to live as they complete their education. They also have the opportunity to learn skills that will provide an income in the future. We enjoyed showing them how to make scarves out of some yarn that we took with us. Our work with these young ladies has deeply touched each of us on this mission trip. We plan to continue this work. If you would like to help in very tangible ways, please feel free to ask me more about how. We take extra suitcases with us, filled with teaching supplies, books in English, skeins of a particular kind of yarn (for the girls in the transition homes to make scarves that can be sold to raise funds), aluminum can tabs and 1/4 inch wide ribbon (for the girls to make bracelets). Each extra suitcase costs $100 (up from $50 and then $75) to take to Moldova. Last year International Outreach provided the money for the extra suitcase that I took. Our mission team has been very grateful for that help. Consider going on the next trip—probably in March of 2014. It’s an experience that will impact your life forever…. Anne Hennessey ahsh416@gmail,com 770-923-2598 Page 6 May 2013 Public Issues: Suzannah Heimel and Pat Swan It was exciting at GFWC Georgia State Convention when Public Issues won $300 form Automobile Safety Association. We will continue to work in this area so that next year we can win $500! We will be presenting two Outstanding Citizens Awards at our May meeting. We have arranged for the Gwinnett Fire truck to visit Camp Promise this summer. Again we will hold a Bike Rodeo at City Park on the morning of Fourth of July. There will be prizes and bike checks. We will be making a trip to USO at the airport soon. We can take coupons (grocery or toiletry item coupons). Please bring them already cut out to the May meeting. Remember cell phone numbers go public this month...all cell phones are being released to telemarketing companies and you will start receiving sales call and you will be charged for these. To prevent this, call the following number from your cell phone: 888-382-1222. It is the National DO NOT CALL list. It blocks your number for 5 years. You must call from your cell phone. HOME SECURITY TIP FOR THE MONTH: Shrubs and bushes are trimmed so there is no place for someone to hide. House number is clearly displayed so police and other emergency vehicles can find your house quickly. We will hold another PI meeting at Pat Swan’s home on May 21 at 7PM Parliamentarian: ……..SPEAK UP! Leadership Way As the LWC grows and changes, there will be many discussions about how things should happen. As a club member, your opinion matters. We follow Robert’s rules of order to protect the rights of all members. Our basic club policy is to discuss all questions before taking action. Robert’s provides common rules and procedures for deliberation and debate that place the entire membership on the same footing. So when business comes to the floor for discussion, do not be afraid to speak up, it is your right to do so. Lilburn Daze: Barbara Brooks Mark your calendars! October 12, 2013—the 40th Lilburn Daze Arts and Crafts Festival. The 2013 festival is in the planning stage and if you have a great idea or suggestion to make this the best festival ever, contact Barbara brooks at or 678-592-0435. Signs, Signs, Signs,. Do you have a Lilburn Daze yard sign hidden in your garage or trunk of your car? Please bring all Lilburn Daze signs to the May general meeting. Page 7 May 2013 Domestic Violence: Linda Newton Update on Lori’s “One Woman Can” Makeovers Event: April — National Prevent child Abuse Month: Despite the downpours on Friday, April 19, twenty-two women (nine Lilburn woman’s club members) came to Rachel Payne’s House of Payne Personal Training Studio to experience a Lori Harrison “One Woman Can” makeover. The makeovers included information on products to help women care for their skin as well as makeup lessons using the latest Mary Kaye products. Each woman had a “before” and “after” photo taken and the smiles were bright as they saw the difference. Each woman was given pamphlets from PADV, Wellspring, Ahimsa house and Georgia coalition Against domestic Violence. Lori explained the history of Mary Kay and the commitment Mary Kay has to community service. This year is the 50 anniversary of Mary Kay and to celebrate the company is donating $5000 to the agency of each of 50 makeover winners. Lori is to advise when the images are online and you can vote for the “before” and “after” you like the best. Fifty lucky ladies will be able to make a big contribution to the agency of her choice. Lori’s choice for the most dramatic makeover was Gail Zarnik’s Thanks to Gloria and Chris for creating the great Stop Child Abuse bookmarks. In April, Margarita Bolet, her husband, Terri Collins and I enjoyed visiting our Senior Shut-ins. The PADV Safe House is currently in need of new children’s underwear, all sizes. Please bring it to the next meeting or call Suzannah Heimel for information at Also, we are currently scheduling for the month of May. If you are available to work sorting and hanging children’s clothing please contact Suzannah Heimel. Coming June 28th—Gwinnett Senior services Night at the Lilburn Farmer’s Market. Page 8 May 2013 Communication: Andrea Brannen LWC is getting ‘techie’ and increasing our on-line presence! Check out our website ( You can access our online calendar there which has all of the program meetings and club activities listed. Forms (reimbursement and volunteer hours log) and newsletters can also be found there. Keep checking back—many other changes will be occurring to the site in the coming months. The website would be a great way to introduce LWC to potential members. LWC has increased its use of Facebook. Status updates are sent to remind members of activities and opportunities. When you go to program and club events, please email me pictures and I will add them to our page. Make sure you “like” our page to get these updates. An easy link to our Facebook page is on our website. Do you Twitter? Well, LWC now is sending tweets out to remind followers about club events. The easiest way to follow LWC is to go to our webpage and click on the link. Our account is LilburnWmnsClub for those who want to enter it manually. Hopefully using these web based tools will help get information out to our members easily and through different methods. Donation Reminders The LWC collects the following items to help those in need. Bring items to club meetings Empty and cleaned pill bottles Tabs from Soda cans International Outreach Old Cell phones Domestic Violence for Georgia Coalition Against Domestic Violence can be dropped off at House of Payne Aluminum Cans Sunshine Committee— Diane DeGaetano & Janie Dellinger Plastic Bags Books for Education Please let us know if any LWC members or their family members are ill, have a death in the family, or need any help. We will send a card to cheer them up and let them know we are thinking about their situation and contact club members to let them know if any help is needed. HAPPY MOTHER’S DAY!!!! Children’s underwear, all sizes for Children's’ Boutique Art — Extra ribbons, trims, stickers, pins, decorations . Coupons for groceries and toiletries for service families Page 9 GFWC Lilburn Woman’s Club May, 2013 Check for updates. Sun April: 1 Prime Time Reading 4 LWC Mtg. 7PM LCH 9 Meet the Author Aurora theater 7PM 12—14 GFWC State Convention 16 HL—corsage assembly 18 LWC Exec Bd 19 Free Makeover 20 Lilburn Comm. Garden 23 IO—Passport Assembly 25 Cookout for a Cause 26 Conservation—Spruce up garden in Park 26 Lilburn Relay Rally 27 Spring Into Art Set-up 28 Spring Into Art 2-4PM LCH Mon Wed Thu Fri Sat 1 2 LWC Scholarship Tea 7PM 3 4 SYTYCP 10AM St Stephen the Martyr Church Recycling— Trinity Lutheran Church 9 AM1PM 5 6 7 8 9 Successful Retirement Planning—Gwinnett Tech - 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 Successful Retirement Planning—Gwinnett Tech - 17 18 22 23 Exec. Bd Mtg. Harmony Grove Meth. Church 7PM Successful Retirement Plan- 24 29 30 31 Happy Mother’s Day! 19 20 May: LWC Scholarship Tea 7PM 4 So You think You Can Paint 10AM 9 Successful Retirement Planning 16 Successful Retirement Planning 18 DFACS Appreciation Dinner 21 Hope Lodge cookout 21 PI Meeting—Pat Swan’s 7PM 23 Exec. Bd. Mtg. 26 Newsletter Articles Tue 21 Hope Lodge Cookout PI meeting—Pat Swan’s 7PM 2 26 27 28 HAPPY BIRTHDAY! Kim Stephenson —May 24 Jerolyn Randles—May 30 Gloria Sill — May 30 DFACS Appreciation Dinner 25
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