Projet labellisé : Draft agenda Desertif’actions Monday 08 june 2015 Cinéma Diagonal – Rue de Verdun - Montpellier Cinema Public screening and debate « the thirst of the world » from Yann Arthus Bertrand DIAGONAL With Christian Leduc (IRD) hydrogeologist 20 h Facilitation Patrice Burger Cari - free entrance Tuesday 09 june 2015 IAMM Steering comitee MENA DELP (OSS) – private meeting IAMM Cinéma DIAGONAL 18 h Steering comitee Fleuve project Green Great Wall initiative of Sahara ( Global Mechanism UNCCD ) private meeting Public screening and debate « Secrets in the fields » With Marc Dufumier (Agro Paris tech) agronomist Facilitation Patrice Burger Cari - single rate 5 € Wednesday 10 june 2015 – Institut of biology – Faculty of Medecine 4 boulevard Henri IV Montpellier - Amphitheater Giraud - (ground level and 1rst floor) 8h00-9h00 9h00-9h45 SESSION 1 Plenary 9h45-11h00 SESSION 2 Plenary 11h00-11h30 11h30-13h00 SESSION 3 Plenary Registration Opening ceremony - short introduction film (Yann Arthus Bertrand – Good Planet) - Mrs Louise Baker (UNCCD - Bonn) - Mrs Annick Girardin (MAEDI- Paris) visio-conférence - Mr Braulio Ferreira de Suza (Executive secretary UNCBD – Montréal) visio-conference - Mr Jacques Bringer (Faculty of Medecine Montpellier) Chairman Alain Leplaideur (CARI) Introduction plenary - Patrice Burger (CARI – D’a15 - Drynet ) - Mme Isabelle Touzard (Montpellier Métropole – Sup Agro) - Mr Morgo (Department of Herault council ) - Mr Adamou Saifou (Minister of Environment Niger) - Mr Jean Marc Chataigner (General Director IRD) - Mr Xavier Sticker (Ambassador for Environment – France) Chairman Richard Escadafal (CSFD) Coffee breack Panel n°1 : Land, food security and agriculture facing climate change - Mr Marc Dufumier ( Agro Paris Tech - CARI) - Mrs Sue Edwards (ISD Ethiopie) - Mr Martial Bernoux (CSFD – SPI – France) - Mr Claude Gascon (FEM – Etats Unis) + 33 (0)4 67 55 61 18 | 13h00-15h00 15h00-16h30 Facilitation Noël Oettle (EMG – South Africa ) Chair Antoine Cornet (CARI/CSFD) Lunch at CROUS Feed back of the preliminary workshops done in 11 country and the e-forum on the three issues of work l - Mr Nabil Ben Khatra (OSS - Tunisie) general presentation - Mr Sylvestre Tiemtore (SPONG/ReSaD – Burkina Faso) national workshop - Mr Sidi Ahmed Cheine (Tenmiya/RADDO – Mauritania) national workshop - Mme Sonja Malicevic (Fea – Bosnia Herzegovin) – e- forum SESSION 4 Plenary And the reactions from Nathalie Van Haren (Both Ends/SPI/the Netherlands), Surya Narayana Reddy (Grameena Vikas Samithi/India ) et Miguel Crespo (Probioma/Bolivia) Facilitation by Juan Luis Merega (Fundacion del Sur – Argentina) Chair Philippe Eric Dardel (Worldbank ) Terrafrica Stock taking of expectations, formulation of the questions by line of work 16h30-18h00 SESSION 5 Facilitation: co-animators of the lines of work Workshops in the three amphitheaters Axe 1 : Amphi Physio – rooms Macabies 2 and 3 Axe 2 : Amphi Jean Rey – rooms Castres 1 and 2 Axe 3 : Amphi N°8 – rooms Macabies 5 and 6 Thursday 11 june 2015 Axe 1 : Amphi Physio (1rst floor) – rooms Macabies 2 and 3 Axe 2 : Amphi Jean Rey (1rst floor ) - rooms Castres 1 and 2 Axe 3 : Amphi N°8 (3rd floor ) - rooms Macabies 5 and 6 9h00-10h30 Introduction to the lines and issues of work Axe 1 : Desertification and land degradation: deciding and acting taking into SESSION 6 account the climate changes - Towards a balance between adaptation and mitigation (Bernoux Martial (IRD / Workshops in France CSFD) the three - The agroecological innovations to face climate change Katia Roesch (AVSF amphitheaters France) - Pastoralism as a source of knowledge to adapt to climate change (Dodo Boureima (RBM - Niger) - What to do with the concepts of Climate Smart Agriculture and Land Degradation Neutrality? Antoine Cornet (CARI/CSFD - France) Facilitation Nabil Ben Khatra (OSS) et Katia Roesch (AVSF) Axe 2 : Sustainability of the development in the drylands: increasing the synergy between the three Rio conventions - Political convergence and coordination mechanisms between conventions Marcos Montoiro conventions (UNCCD) - Why an integrated implementation of the conventions? Christian Houdus (Eau + 33 (0)4 67 55 61 18 | Vive / GTD - France) - Why an integrated implementation of the agreements within the framework of financing for development? Jean-Marc Sinnassamy (GEF – USA) Facilitated by Maxime Thibon (OSS) and Emmanuel Seck (ENDA energy) Axe 3 : A plural and organized civil society to influence the challenges ahead and assume its responsibilities in the implementation - Definition and role of civil society Oettle Oettle (EMG - South Africa) - Developing actions across territories: issues and implementation Sylvain Berton (Agrisud - France) - Testimony of a local authority: the development of the town of Dori (Yaya Segbo, Burkina Faso) - Lessons Learned through the IREM LCD project Melanie Requier (IAMM / CSFD France) 11h00-11h30 11h30-12h30 Workshop 12h30-14h30 14h30-16h00 Workshop 16h00-18h00 Workshop 20h00 Workshop facilitated by Khaoula Jaoui (OSS) and Renaud Piquemal (CHS) Coffee break Discussions and debate (per issue and work line ) Lunch at CROUS Elaboration of the recommendations (per issue and work line) Building of the positions and statements (per issue and work line ) Public screening and debate : « Timbuktu » with guests from Mali and Niger as well as Mrs Monique Barbut UNCCD - Rate 7 € et 5 € (with presentation of the D’A 15 badge) Friday 12 june 2015 - Institut of biology – Faculty of Medecine 4 boulevard Henri IV Montpellier Amphitheater Giraud - (ground level and 1rst floor) 9h00-11h00 SESSION 7 Plenary 11h00-11h30 11h30-13h00 SESSION 8 Plenary Feedback of the results of the workshops Issue 1 Desertification and land degradation: deciding and acting taking into account the climate changes Issue 2 Sustainability of the development in the drylandss: increasing the synergy between the three Rio conventions Issue 3 A plural and organized civil society to influence the challenges ahead and assume its responsibilities in the implementation Animation and rapporteur by issues and work line Chairman Elvis Paul Tangem (Green Great Wall - African Union ) Coffee break Panel n°2 : Lands, agriculture and climate change, the stakes of the negotiations in 2015 - Mr Mickael Taylor (ILC- Italy) - Mr Jean Luc François (AFD- France) - Mrs Aurelie Ceinos (CARE France/CCD) - Mrs Monique Barbut Executive Secretary (UNCCD –United Nations + 33 (0)4 67 55 61 18 | Germany ) 13h00-15h30 14h30-15h30 15h30-17h30 SESSION 9 Plenary Facilitation by Anne Cécile Bra (RFI) Chairman Claude Gascon (FEM) Lunch at CROUS Press conference at the Institut of Biology Closure plenary : en route to Ankara (COP12 UNCCD) and Paris (COP21 UNFCCC) - Mrs Naoko Ishii (Executive Secretary of GEF) visio conference from Washington - Mr Juan Luis Merega – chair of the panel CSOs panel (Fondation Del Sur – Argentine) - Mr Ronan Dantec (Sénat- Commission of sustainable devlpt CGLU) - Mr Xavier Sticker (Ambassadeur Environnement France ) - Mr Adamou Saifou (Minister of Environnement du Niger) - Mrs Pinar Canli – (Ministry of forests and water Turquey) Débat facilité par Vanessa Laubin (Coordination Sud – GERES) Présidence de Patrice Burger (CARI – D’A 15) 19h00-20h00 20h00-23h00 Private visit of the Fabre Museum (on presentation of the badge or invitation D’a15) Cocktail D’a15 a the Cour Vien of the Fabre Museum in presence of the brass band of Montpellier – Short welcome message and award ceremony of the International Competition of Press Drawings - (presentation of badge or invitation of D’a15) Saturday 13 june 2015 - Esplanade Charles de Gaulle - Place de la Comédie Space "Facing the Climate" managed in partnership with the Climate and Development Commission of Coordination Sud Meetings Space “Lands and life" managed in partnership with members of the French Scientific Committee for combating Desertification (CSFD) and All day along Agropolis Space “Citizens' Initiatives” with associations from around the world « Village exhibiting their actions for land and climate D’a15 » Space "In the shadow of the palm tree " managed in partnership with the the Sustainable Development Oasis associations (RADDO) Exhibition of press drawings from the D’a15 world contest in the presence of the cartoonists with JM Renault, MAN and the two winners Oleksiy Kustovsky (Ukraine) and Phil Umbdenstock (France) Animations The brass bands of Montpellier offer their twenty years to the audience (morning) Highlights Show around of waders from Lucio’s Tribe (11.30 - 15.30) Camels with Dromasud (all day) « Village African dances with TANABLY Association (15h) D’a15 » Poetic warming with the poets of Meze and their declamations of Meze (10am, 11am, 13:30, 15:30 16.30), African tales with Irenée Domboué (11.30 14.30) Forum Theater (12h) + 33 (0)4 67 55 61 18 | The debates at the Belvedere Lounge on the top of Corum 15h00 – 16h30 The debates at the Belvedere Lounge on the top of Corum 12h30 – 15h00 The land and climate march 17h30-19h00 The concert public and free 20h30 Public debate : "Impacts of climate change on land management and food security : challenges and solutions " with Patrick Caron (CIRAD- France), Jean Marc Touzard (INRA-France), Mathieu Savadogo (ARFA – Burkina Faso), Emmanuel Seck (ENDA Energie Senegal) Public debate : "Development of drylands : link between climate change, insecurity and instability. What consequences on populations and migration? " With Raphael Soubeyran (INRA- France), Barbara Bendandi (OIM -Rome), Khadija Ravazi (CENESTA-Iran ), Omer Ouedraogo (SPONG – Burkina Faso), World banquet on the Esplanade Charles de Gaulle "Land and Climate: let’s march, citizens of the world" From Peyrou to the Comedie square, festive protest, the march for the climate is open to all! With the participation of Maison des Tiers Monde, CARI, Oxfam, CCFD, Alternatiba, Civam Hérault, FNE… AYWA (France) traditionnal music (balkan, india, gnawa, raï...) combined with actual influences TITI (Senegal) singer inspired with mbalax popular music of Senegal (drums and dancers) Sunday 14 june 2015 - Salle Lacordaire 6 rue des Augustins - Montpellier 14h00 – 16h00 Meeting of the AVACLIM/FFEM project participants and the Drynet network (private meeting) 16h00 – 18h00 Meeting of the Drynet international network (private meeting) + 33 (0)4 67 55 61 18 |
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