JAWAHARLAL NEHRU CENTRE FOR ADVANCED SCIENTIFIC RESEARCH JAKKUR.P.O., BANGALORE – 560 064 Tender Notification ADVT.NO: JNC/SAO/02/2015 DATE:05.05.2015 Operation, Routine, Preventive and Breakdown Maintenance of 11KV CSS, H.T and LT RMU Panels, HT and LT UG Cables, APFCR Panels and LT distribution panels, HT and LT Breakers, SCADA, two 11KV, 1000KVA DG gen Sets etc. Sealed tenders are invited in two bids technical and commercial from reputed Agencies for maintenance of above mentioned electrical installations at JNCASR Jakkur Campus, Bangalore 560 064. There will be a Pre-bid meeting on 19.5.2015 at 10.00AM, JNCASR Jakkur campus Bangalore. The detailed Notification, prescribed Tender document and price bid formant other details may be downloaded from the Centre’s website :http://www.jncasr.ac.in. For any further clarifications write to: purchase@jncasr.ac.in. Last date for receipt of tenders: up to 11.00 AM on 28.5.2015. Sd/-Sr.Administrative Officer Jawaharlal Nehru Centre for Advanced Scientific Research Jakkur Post, Bengaluru 5600164, Karnataka-India Tel #: 00 91 80 2208 2756 Fax #: 00 91 80 2208 2784 Email:purchase@jncasr.ac.in Website: http://www.jncasr.ac.in Invitation for Bids / Web Notice Inviting Tender Jawaharlal Nehru Centre for Advanced Scientific Research (JNCASR) is a premier research institution housing very expensive equipment needing regular and continues electrical power supply. A modern SCADA Controlled power system has been installed. The system consists of 11KV Supplies from BESCOM, a 11KV Ring main feeding four substations which in turn feed the labs. Two 11KV, 1000KVA DG gen Sets have been installed with auto sync features. The operation requires smooth and continues power supply to labs. Sufficient redundancies have been built in. The Contractor is required to take atmost care to operate these units so as to avoid disruptions as far as possible and provide remedies at the earliest along with, weekly/fortnightly reviews. Sl. No 1 Tender No Brief Description of item(s) Operation, Routine, Preventive and Breakdown Maintenance of 11KV CSS, H.T and LT RMU Panels, JNCASR/Ele-2015-2016 HT and LT UG Cables, APFCR Panels and LT distribution panels, HT and LT Breakers, SCADA, two 11KV, 1000KVA DG Sets etc Quantity Single /Two Bid As mentioned in the Tender document. 1. The address for submission of bids and for obtaining further information: In Charge, Stores & Purchase Purchase Section Jawaharlal Nehru Centre for Advanced Scientific Research Jakkur Post, Bengaluru 5600164, Karnataka-India Tel #: 00 91 80 2208 2756 Fax #: 00 91 80 2208 2784 Email:purchase@jncasr.ac.in Two bid 1. Technical 2. Commercial 2. The Tender documents can be downloaded directly from our website www.jncasr.ac.in free of cost. 3. The Bid prepared by the Bidder shall include the following 1. Bid Security of Rs1,00,000/- (Rupees One Lakh Only) should be in the form of DD or Bank Guarantee drawn in favor of ‘The President, JNCASR, Jakkur, Bangalore – 560 064. The Bid security should be enclosed to the Technical bid only. 4. All bids must be accompanied by a bid security as specified above and must be delivered to the above office at the date and time indicated below. The Schedule for Pre-Bid conference, Submission of Bids and Opening of Bids is as follows:Details Date Time in hours Pre-Bid conference 19th May 2015 10.00 AM Submission of Bids 28th May 2015 11.00 AM Opening of Technical Bids 28th May 2015 11.30 AM All prospective bidders are requested to kindly submit their queries if any by E-mail to purchase@jncasr.ac.in latest by 16th May 2015 , 4.30PM. 5. Bidders who attend the Pre-bid conference are only eligible for participation in bidding. 6. Prospective Bidders may visit the campuses of JNCASR, Jakkur and JNC guest house and JVH at IISc and send their queries if any before 16th May.2015 and attend the Prebid conference on 19th May 2015 at 10.00AM. 7. The President, JNCASR, Bangalore, India reserves the right to accept any or all tenders either in part or in full or to split the order without assigning any reasons there for. In-Charges, Stores & Purchase JAWAHARLAL NEHRU CENTRE FOR ADVANCED SCIENTIFIC RESEARCH Jakkur PO, Bangalore – 560 064 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ TENDER DOCUMENT No. JNCASR/Ele-2015-2016 06-05-2015 Preamble: JNCASR is a premier Research Institution housing very expensive equipment needing regular and continues electrical power supply. A modern SCADA controlled power system has been installed. The system consists of 11KV Supplies from BESCOM, a 11KV Ring main feeding four substations which in turn feed the labs. Two 11KV, 1000KVA DG gen Sets have been installed with auto sync features. The operation requires smooth and continues power supply to labs. Sufficient redundancies have been built in. The Contractor is required to take atmost care to operate these units so as to avoid disruptions as far as possible and provide remedies at the earliest along with, weekly/fortnightly reviews. Brief description of work: Sl. No. Description of work (And also see Annexure I enclosed) A Operation and maintenance of 11KV BESCOM metering system 1 Monitoring of 11KV incoming power supply from BESCOM feeder 1 and feeder 2 2 Manual recording of readings of BESCOM metering system at every 1Hr. 3 Co-Ordination with BESCOM during power supply outage from BESCOM 4 Verification of BESCOM during maintenance of BESCOM feeders. 5 Co – ordination with BESCOM during maintenance of BESCOM feeder 6 Control and monitoring of power factor and maximum demand of BESCOM feeders B Operation, monitoring, maintenance, trouble shooting of 11KV H.T.ring main system and L.V. ring main system 1.1 Operation, monitoring, maintenance and trouble shooting of problems related to RMU – 1A and RMU – 1B including interconnected H.T.cable of H.T.ring mains 1.2 Co-ordination with OEM (Original Equipment Manufacturer) for external technical support if any 2.1 Operation, monitoring, maintenance and trouble shooting of problems related to RMU – 2 support if any 2.2 Co-ordination with OEM (Original Equipment Manufacturer) for external technical support if any 3.1 Operation, monitoring, maintenance and trouble shooting of problems related to Cluster-01 consists of 2 x 500KVA, 11KV/433V transformer, 1 x 500KVA D G Set, LT and auxiliary panels etc 3.2 Co-ordination with OEM (Original Equipment Manufacturer) for external technical support if any 3.3 Following maintenance activity in oil cooled transformer shall be carried out 4.1 a) The transformers shall be checked for abnormality in oil level, alarms etc., b) Periodic testing of transformer oil (once in a year), c) Cleaning of H.V/L.V Cable box/ bushing, d) Maintenance of breather, e) Rectification of oil leakages, f) Filtration of transformer oil once in a year, g) Topping up of transformer oil once in a year and as and when required. Operation, monitoring, maintenance and trouble shooting of problems related to Cluster-02. CSS (compact sub-station) – consists of 2 Nos of 1000KVA transformer and LV system at defined in the SLD. 4.2 Co-ordination with OEM (Original Equipment Manufacturer) for external technical support if any 5.1 Operation, monitoring, maintenance and trouble shooting of problems related to Cluster-03. CSS (compact sub-station) – consists of 2 Nos of 1000KVA transformer and LV system at defined in the SLD. 5.2 Co-ordination with OEM (Original Equipment Manufacturer) for external technical support if any 6.1 Operation, monitoring, maintenance and trouble shooting of problems related to Cluster-04. CSS (compact sub-station) – consists of 2 Nos of 1000KVA transformer and LV system at defined in the SLD. 6.2 Co-ordination with OEM (Original Equipment Manufacturer) for external technical support if any C Operation, monitoring, maintenance, trouble shooting of 11KV DG Sets 1.1 Operation, monitoring and maintenance of 11KV, 2 x 1010/1250KVA DG Set’s with it’s auxiliary equipments like batteries, battery charger, H.T.panels, relays control panels, NGR panels, ‘B’ Check etc,. 1.2 Operation, monitoring and maintenance of HSD storage system of capacity 15KL including un loading of fuel system, license issued by the competent authority to be renewed time to time and record in the register. 1.3 Reconciliation of HSD consumption on monthly basis. 1.4 Changeover arrangement from BESCOM to DG and vice-versa shall be normally in auto mode of operation, In case of problem in auto mode of operation the same shall be done in manual mode of operation. The maximum permissible power interruption shall be within 1 mintue. If changing over from feeder 1 to 2 and vice versa – if it cannot be done due to low voltage contact BESCOM Engineers and request them to rise the voltage and record in the register. 1.5 The servicing D.G.sets shall be carried out by OEM under the supervision of Agency. Necessary spare parts required will be supplied by JNCASR. D Operation, monitoring, maintenance, trouble shooting of LT DG sets 1.1 Operation, monitoring, maintenance and trouble shooting of problems related DG Set of capacity 1 x 100KVA, fuel transfer and handling with auxiliary system such as battery charger, AMF panel and LT panels. ‘B’ check has to be carried out by D.G. operators deployed by the Contractor. The servicing of generators shall be carried out by OEM under the supervision of Agency. Necessary spare parts required will be supplied by JNCASR. 1.2 D.G.Sets of 62.5 KVA and 125.5 KVA at IISc and JVH to be attended E Operation, monitoring, maintenance, trouble shooting of L.T. RMU’s 1.1 Operation, monitoring, maintenance and trouble shooting of problems related L.T.RMU’s installed at various places as defined in the attached SLD including New Syhadri Visitor Hostel area. F SCADA: Total H.T.System and C.S.S is integrated with SCADA and the technical team deployed by the contract shall be well conversant with the same. Necessary training from concerned agency shall be obtained. It is the responsibility of the Contractor to keep this system always in working condition. G Operation, monitoring, maintenance, trouble shooting of electrical secondary power distribution at various load centers as defined in Annexure-1 (shall be prepared and furnished by JNCASR) H Operating, monitoring, maintenance, trouble shooting of external and internal power and lighting system at JNCASR campus and NSVH area. All required materials shall be supplied by JNCASR. The Contractor shall have one ladder jeep and the proof of vehicle registration permit for owning the vehicle or document for hiring the vehicle on contract basis shall be enclosed with the tender. I General Requirements 1.0 All electrical equipments shall be cleaned regularly and the house keeping of area where the electrical systems are installed shall be carried out regularly. Register to be maintained and produced to technical team every month. 1.1 All equipment should have maintenance card kept properly. 2.0 The task of identification and rectification of fault cables shall be the responsibility of the agency. Once such faults are identified, the agency shall bring it to the notice of JNCASR. Agency shall follow the standard procedures in identifying cable faults and rectification for the same. The consumables required for rectification of fault shall be in the scope of Agency such as lungs, glands, hardwares, insulation tape etc. However materials such as cables, cable jointing kits will be supplied by JCNASR. Required additional man power is Contractor’s responsibility. 3.0 All major maintenance of CSS, RMU, DG Set shall be carried out by expert team from OEM under the supervision of Agency. The service charge the same shall be paid directly to OEM by JNCASR. However necessary co-ordination with OEM shall be done by the Agency. 4.0 The list of critical spares required for trouble free operation shall be prepared and the same shall be handed over to JNCASR to maintain minimum stock along with specification and quantity. 5.0 The Contractor deployed technical team is responsible for operation and maintenance shall undergo training from OEM (ABB, Excel Generators etc). 6.0 Standard formats of check list, logbook etc. shall be prepared jointly with technical team of JNCASR and the same shall be followed / maintained. All records shall be continuously updated. Any other documents required to be maintained as per I.S and other standard norms insisted by statutory bodies like PCB, CEA, E.I, BESCOM Etc. shall also be maintained. The record should be available all the time to technical team of JNCASR. 6.1 All registers are required, should be maintained properly and be reviewed periodically. 7.0 The equipment earthing shall be checked regularly and earth pit and grid resistivity shall be checked and recorded once in six months. Necessary maintenance of earthing pit shall be done accordingly. Surrounding area of earthing pits shall be kept clean and shall be accessible all time. 8.0 The following maintenance activity in battery and battery charger shall be carried out and check list to be maintained. a) The terminal of battery shall be cleaned regularly, b) Specific gravity of battery shall be checked and maintained regularly, c) Tightness of battery terminals shall be carried out once in a month. 9.0 The Contractor shall have to obtain written permission from technical team of JNCASR before taking up assignments such as shutdown, alteration/ modification without affecting the reliability and availability of supply to labs. 10.0 The Contractor shall arrange and co-ordinate with statutory authorities CEA, EI & BESCOM for periodical inspection and points raised by them shall be rectified. 11.0 All spare parts, consumables required for periodical maintenance shall be provided by JNCASR. The Contractor shall provide a list of all minimum stock items (spares and consumables) with specification well in advance to Purchase Officer and JNCASR shall maintain the minimum stock of such items. In emergencies Contractor may have to procure such items from authorized OEM dealers himself at a cost with prior approval. JNCASR reserves the right to provide any other alternative methodology for such emergencies. The Contractor shall undertake all such work at actual cost. Procurement of items such as fuel oil, lub – oil, filters, transformer oil, cables, lamps, tubes, cable jointing kits, petroleum jelly, distilled water, critical spares etc.. will be done by JNCASR directly and the same will be issued to the Contractor. The Contractor shall submit the statement of reconciliation of all items to him on monthly basis. 12.0 Preventive and predictive maintenance: The schedule for preventive and predictive maintenance on daily, weekly, monthly, quarterly, half yearly and yearly shall be prepared in consultation with Technical team of JNCASR and the same shall be followed and shall be recorded in the register. Advance standard maintenance practices shall be adopted for preventive and predictive maintenance. Each break down shall be recorded with down time. Analysis shall be carried out. Necessary counter measures shall be incorporated to avoid re-occurrence of break downs. The down time of each break down shall be as minimum as possible and priority of rectification of problems shall be as directed by JNCASR on day to day basis.(Scope of work, See ‘Annexure-I’) 13.0 Tools and testing instruments: All tools, measuring instruments required for operation, maintenance and troubleshooting shall be maintained in good condition by the Contractor at his cost and kept in this safe custody. 14.0 Scheduled shift timings: The scheduled shift timings shall be as under and proper procedure for handing over of duty from shift to shift shall be followed by the Contractor. Shift – A (6.00 – 14.00hrs) Shift – B (14.00 – 22.00hrs) Shift – C (22.00 – 6.00hrs) Shift – G (9.30hrs – 17.30hrs) The shift schedule with name of shift personnel have to displayed once in a month on the notice board under the copy to JNCASR and attendance of shift staff of agency should be submitted along with the monthly bills. 15.0 Man power: Necessary man power for trouble free operation of system shall be deployed by the Contractor. 1 Engineer, 6 Technicians, 3 DG Operators and 4 Helpers shall be deployed in various shifts (Shift A,B & C). The Engineer should be deployed in the General shift. 1 Techinician and 1 Helper shall be deployed during general shift to carry out scheduled preventive maintenance activity and also electrical maintenance work. 1 Technician shall be deployed for departmental works. They are to work along with JNCASR Supervisor Need based additional man power to be deployed as and when required to attend break downs. It shall be made very clear that the employees/ staff engaged by the Contractor shall not be treated or considered as employees of JNCASR under any circumstances. 15.1 You are required to produced the man power for electrical maintenance as shown in the table below Shifts Shift ‘A’ 6.00-14.00hrs Shift ‘B’ 14.00 – 22.00hrs Shift ‘C’ 22.00 – 6.00hrs Shift ‘G’ 9.00 – 17.30hrs TOTAL Shift Engineer Electrical Technician D.G Operator Electrician/ x 1 1 1 x 1 1 1 x 2 1 1 1 2 x 1 1 6 3 4 Helper 15.2 All the staff deployed for duty to shift A B C and G shall enter in and out timings in the Register kept at main gate. 15.3 Monthly duty chart to be prepared by agency and put in the notice board with a copy to purchase officer. 16.0 Qualification: Engineer : B.E (Electrical) with 3 – 4 years experience and knowledge of operations of SCADA. Technicians: ITI (Two years course -Electrician) with 6 – 7 years experience Supervisor should be with 3 years diploma shall have good knowledge operation of SCADA and should have handling smart substations. DG Operator: 3 years Diploma in electrical/ mechanical with 6 – 7 years experience in operation of D.G.sets also with smart substations. The Engineer shall have Supervisor License and Technician shall have Wiremen Certificate issued by Electrical Inspectorate, Govt of Karnataka and they shall be well trained in the field of operation, maintenance and trouble shooting of equipments such as 11KV switch gears, 11KV DG Sets, LT DG Sets, C.S.S, distribution transformers, L.T RMU’s, SCADA and secondary distribution system etc. 17.0 Uniforms: All the maintenance personnel appointed by the Contractor shall wear approved uniforms during shift duties for proper identification of employees of different agencies. The Contractor at his cost shall issue the uniforms along with safety devises such as safety shoes, helmets, gloves etc. 18.0 Salary and allowances to employees engaged by Contractor: The necessary salary and other allowance due to the employees engaged by the Contractor shall be paid by him and shall be strictly comply with all rules and regulations of statutory bodies, other labour laws. All employees engaged by the Contractor shall be comprehensively insured for accident and injuries. 19.0 Termination: 20.0 The Contractor is normally expected to provide satisfactory service during the entire period of contract. The service will be reviewed technically by the Power Committee periodically. It will also suggest improvement wherever possible. If, in spite of these, the Power Committee/ Institute decides that services are not satisfactory, the Institute will issue a three month advance notice to terminate the contract after three months period. Arbitration: 21.0 Any dispute between the Contractor and JNCASR, will be settled by the President, JNCASR who is authorized to constitute Arbitration Committee and he shall decide the final course of action and his decision will be binding on both the parties. Bid Security/EMD (Earnest Money Deposit) 22.0 Every bidder has to submit an EMD of Rs.1.00 Lakh, either in the form of DD or Bank Guarantee drawn in favor of The President, Jawaharlal Nehru Centre for Advanced Scientific Research, Jakkur, Bangalore – 560 064. Bids without enclosing the EMD will not be considered for evaluation. The Bid Security/EMD should be enclosed to the technical bid. Performance Security / Performance Guarantee The successful bidder is required to submit 10% of the order/contract value towards performance security / performance guarantee. The performance guarantee should be given in the form of DD / Bank Guarantee valid for a period of two years + 2 months. Other terms and conditions: 1. You have to provide the qualified personel for Supervisor with diploma in Electrical Engineering and having knowledge of operationg SCADA also apart from his regular duty of shift engg they should operate the system. 2. Your works should be supervised and monitored by your own qualified Engineer. 3. Your employees can not claim any right for the employment from the Centre. Centre do not have any liability for the injuries or the mishap of your employees when they are on the job. 4. You are required to maintain necessary registers and log books and submit to the technical team every month. 5. You should compensate for the damages any caused to the Centre by your personnel on the Campus. 6. You should comply all the statutory requirements for deploying your personnel on the Campus. 7. You are required to deploy the man power on the Campus after verifying their antecedents. 8. You are required to provide all the necessary implements and the safety gadgets to your personnel while they are on the job. 9. Any change in the man power deployment and the scope of work, you need to obtain necessary approvals from the competent authority of the Centre. 10. Contractor should depute experienced personnel to carryout maintenance work with low and high tension voltage side in such a way that the repetition of problem should be avoided. Eligible Criteria: 1. The Contractors shall be Class-I registered with Central/State/PWD/MES/Electrical undertaking BESCOM/Railways. 2. The Contactors should have experience in Operation and Maintenance of the above mentioned works in similar institution. 3. Preference will be given to those who have minimum of 10years experience in Operation and Maintenance of Electrical Power distribution in institutions and technology parks and relatively longer duration in maintaining 11KV Ring main systems, HT/LT DG sets , AMF systems, SCADA etc,. Duration of contract: The Duration of the contract will be for a period of two years from the date of award of the contract and if the successful bidder’s services are satisfactory it may be considered for extension. Tender No:JNCASR/Ele-2015-2016 Dt:6.5.2015 Annexure - I Scope of Work 1. Operation, Routine, Preventive and Breakdown Maintenance of 11KV, HT-OH Lines and parts there in This means 11KV H.T U.G cable and overhead line from BESCOM supply to JNCASR Campus. Contractor should ensure that BESCOM supply yard should be free from any types of leaf, plants and bushes. Should ensure that seal of BESCOM Metering Cubicle is intact open/damage etc...if any has to be informed to the Engineer In-Charge, BESCOM immediately. Contractor should prepare a routine check list/chart for carrying out all periodical maintenance. Contractors should check the earth pit resistance at BESCOM yard and at inside the Campus once in six months and Test Certificate has to be produced to the Electrical Engineer and their periodic maintenance. Contractor should co-ordinate with BESCOM staff during failure of power supply and any other kind of power related problems and able to restore back the power supply with his own arrangements. Contractor shall maintain, log books, register, check lists etc as directed by JNCASR to meet the requisition to submit CEA, EI Bescom, in case of inspection. 2. Operation, Routine, Preventive and Breakdown Maintenance of 11KV CSS, H.T and LT RMU Panels, HT and LT UG Cables, APFCR Panels and LT distribution panels, HT and LT Breakers, SCADA etc… Work includes a) Operations maintenance, repair, replace faulty, parts of circuit breakers, etc b) Monitoring of Voltage/Current meters c) Monitoring of Energy Meter d) Monitoring of Breaker Annunciation Circuit. Preventive Maintenance of above Breakers as per the manufacturers recommendations which includes, Checking and Tightening of control/closing and other end terminations, relays and circuit breaker connections. It is the responsibility of the contractor to get the HT cable fault treated including jointing of cable etc to restore power supply within reasonable time at his own arrangement. Contractor should attend all types of problems arises during Operations/ non Operations whether it is minor or major within stipulated time and should ensure systems should be in healthy condition all the time. Contractor should arrange to check secondary injection test for all relays in the panel at least once in a year for their normal operation. Contractor should check tripping/closing mechanism of breakers of six months interval. Contractor should check all other control circuits of CT, PT Relay/ Door switch/Foot switch/ Annunciation circuit etc for their healthiness and for normal operation. Contractor should maintain a history record to note down all the problems arises and diagnosis made to rectify the same and it should be duly signed by an Authorized Supervisor and Contractor. Contractor should take all safely precautions while handling systems as per Indian Electricity Rules 1956 & Indian Electricity Act 1910 as amended. Contractor should have all safely materials to handle above systems. Any accident due to negligence in follow of safety procedures is purely responsibility of Contractor and JNCASR is not responsible. JNCASR is not responsible for any accidents/ damages to death. Contractor should ensure that there should not be any dust/dirt inside the trally chamber/Bus Bar Chamber/Inside of Control Panels/ Over the Panels/ Relay Covers etc.. Contractor should co-ordinate with KPTCL/BESCOM Staff for Line Clearance whenever it is required to carry out maintenance work on HT side at his own arrangements. Contractor should provide all Safety Shoes, Safety Belts, Goggles, Helmets, Uniforms, Insulated Tools Gloves etc.. for carrying out maintenance work. Contractor should ensure that there should not be any empty holes in the panel this may lead to entry of rats resulting wire cutting and spoil the system working conditions. Contractor should monitor voltage/load current at every hour & should log in a separate register. Contractor should monitor current, MD, PF etc.. Contractor should keep inform to the Electrical Engineer In-Charge if the MD Raise beyond the rated KVA. 3. Contractor should arrange to check all the controls/closing/tripping cables and terminations and positions at least once in six months. a) Contractor should ensure that all the indicating lamps should be in working conditions. Bulb replacement required may be procured by the authorized dealer’s and produce the bill for payment. b) Contractor should arrange to check all MCCBS for normal operation, Fuse sitting position, Arcing on MCCB contact, loose connections, Loose connection in neutral wires/links/connectors. c) Contractor should ensure that there should not be any dust/dirt inside the MCCB. d) Contractor should maintain all required spare parts like MCB’s, Fuse base with Fuse Carrier, Fuses of different Ratings, Closing & Tripping Relay Coils, Elmex Connectors, Lugs, Ferrules, Aden Blocks, Contactors NO/NC Contacts, Breaker Switches/ Knobs/Selector Switches/ Knobs/Neutral links/ Push button stations and other related items. e) Contractor should attend the problems immediately in case of nuisance tripping of breaker/relays and other malfunctions. f) Contractor should ensure that there should not be any modifications in Power and Control supply in the existing system if required, this has to get approved before executing the work and modifications has to be incorporated in the drawing. g) Contractor should not bypass any safety inter locks and procedures, accidents caused due to negligence of safety is the sole responsibility of the contractor. h) Contractor should Display Caution Board while doing maintenance work on Live parts. i) All LDB’S and PDB’S has to be checked up once in every three months or in between if required for Healthiness of ELCB’S and all terminations inside the board. j) Faulty ELCB’s should be replaced immediately, if found after approval from Electrical Engineer. k) Modification of circuits/isolators in DB’s has to be carried out only after the approval of Electrical Engineer. l) Checking of oil for BDV. m) Checking oil in Tap changer for BDV. n) Checking of operating mechanisms, motors, bearings, gear boxes, greasing, lubrication, General cleaning where ever required. o) Oil filtration should be carried out once in a year i.e., On Load oil filtration this has to be carried out after approval from the Technical team of JNCASR. Contractor should arrange oil filtration plant at site and filtration has to be carried out in presence of Electrical Engineer/ Plant In – Charge. Filtered oil has to be get tested from CPRI along with test certified for BDV of oil. Contractor should make his own arrangements to carry out the above work and to produce the bill for payment. p) Should check IR value of Transformer on HT/LT side once in a year and Test Certificate should be produced for the same. Note: Contractor should prepare a chart for carrying out Preventive Maintenance of any Equipment /item before carrying out the work and should be submitted to the Technical team for approval of the same. Day to day operation and maintenance of the following equipment: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. CSS -1000KVA/ (11KV/440V) – 6Nos. ONAN type transformers 500KVA – (11KV/440V) – 2Nos. LT-DG Set 500KVA – 440V – 1Set with AMF Panel. HT RMU – 3Nos. LT RMU Panels – 30 Nos LT Main Panels – 65Nos Operation, routine, preventive and breakdown maintenance of LT distribution panels, PDBs LDBs in following all A & R and technical building, internal and external electrical installations. 1. Admin block panel room I and II 2. Complab 3. Old EOBU, Store & Purchase Office 4. TSU, Light Scattering 5. MBGU Block – Old 6. MBGU Block – New 7. New Biology Lab 8. HIV Lab 9. Old Animal House 10. New Animal House 11. New EOBU 12. Staff Canteen 13. EMU 14. Hall of Science 15. Kanada Building 16. College Building 17. NCU Lab 18. Nano Lab 19. AMRL Conference Hall 20. AMRL Lab 21. ICMS 22. SSL 23. I House 24. Hostel I 25. Hostel II 26. Hostel III 27. Hostel IV 28. Dhanavantari 29. Quarters – Post Doc 30. Quarters – Staff 31. Sr.Administrative Officer House 32. STP 33. AMRL Dinning hall 34. Basket ball , Volley Ball and Tennis ground 35. Street Lighting and Floor Lighting 350 36. President House 37. New Conference Hall Other terms and conditions: 11. You have to provide the qualified personnel for supervisors, Sr. Electricians and Electricians as agreed upon. Supervisors should be with 3 years Diploma, Sr. Electricians with 2 years ITI and the experience in the field and Electricians with ITI or experience. Supervisors should operate the SCADA also apart from his regular work. Contractor shall arrange proper training from OEM. 12. Your works should be supervised and monitored by your own qualified Engineer. 13. Your employees can not claim any right for the employment from the Centre. Centre do not have any liability for the injuries or the mishap of your employees when they are on the job. 14. You are required to maintain necessary registers and log books. 15. You should compensate for the damages any caused to the Centre by your personnel on the Campus. 16. You should comply all the statutory requirements for deploying your personnel on the Campus. 17. You are required to deploy the man power on the Campus after verifying their antecedents. 18. You are required to provide all the necessary implements and the safety gadgets to your personnel while they are on the job. 19. Any change in the man power deployment and the scope of work, you need to obtain necessary approvals from the competent authority of the Centre. 20. Contractor shall brought to notice to In-Charge Store and Purchase Officer / Sr. Administrative Officer of problems, if any, not solved by the tech team. In-Charge, Stores and Purchase Tender No. JNCASR/Ele-2015-2016 Dt: 6.5.2015 Price Bid format Sl.No Description of work 1 Operation, Routine, Preventive and Breakdown Maintenance of 11KV, HTOH Lines and parts there in as per the complete detail of tender document including Annexture-I. 2 Operation, Routine, Preventive and Breakdown Maintenance of 11KV CSS, H.T and LT RMU Panels, HT and LT UG Cables, APFCR Panels and LT distribution panels, HT and LT Breakers, SCADA,11KV DG sets – 2Nos etc as per the complete detail of tender document including Annexture-I. 3 Contractor should arrange to check all the controls/closing/tripping cables and terminations and positions at least once in six months as per the complete detail of tender document including Annexture-I. 4 Any other charges (Please Specify) 5 Taxes Bid Amount in Rs. figures and Words Signature of the Bidders & Seal. Date:
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