PLAN YOUR GARDEN! 2015 GARDEN RESOURCE PROGRAM SEED & PLANT VARIETIES Please note while every effort will be made to supply these exact varieties, some changes may occur For choices, F=Family Garden S =School Garden C= Community Garden M= Market Garden SPRING SEEDS (Pick up March 19th-26th) CHOICE 1 (F/S: choose 2, C/M: choose 6) ȗ ȗ ȗ Spinach (Space) All Greens Mix (GRP Mix) Turnip, (Purple Top White Globe) CHOICE 2 (F/S: choose 2, C/M: choose 6) ȗ ȗ ȗ Lettuce Mix (GRP Mix) Swiss Chard (Bright Lights) Mustard (Southern Giant Curled) CHOICE 3 (F/S: choose 2, C/M: choose 6) ȗ ȗ ȗ ȗ Collards (Champion) Sugar Snap Peas (Sugar Sprint) Arugula (Arugula) Shelling Pea (Premium) CHOICE 4 (F/S: choose 2, C/M: choose 6) ȗ ȗ ȗ Radish (Cherry Belle) Carrots (Nelson) Beet (Detroit Dark Red) CHOICE 5 (F/S: choose 1, C/M: choose 3) ȗ ȗ ȗ Chamomile Cilantro (Santo) Dill (Bouquet) Transplants CHOICE 1 (F/S: choose 1, C/M: choose 3) ȗ ȗ ȗ ȗ Broccoli (Gypsy) Collard (Georgia) CHOICE 3 (F/S: choose 2, C/M: choose 6) ȗ ȗ ȗ ȗ Brussel Sprouts (Gustus) Green Cabbage (Golden Acre) Red Cabbage (Red Express) Boc Choi (Black Summer) CHOICE 4 (F/S: receive 1, C/M: receive 3)- Mix pack ȗ ȗ Curly Kale (Winterbor) Dinosaur Kale (Lacinato) CHOICE 5 (F/S: choose 2, C/M: choose 6) ȗ ȗ ȗ Leek (King Richard) (10 ea.) Red Onion (Red Zeppelin) (10 ea.) White Onion (Copra) (10 ea.) CHOICE 6 (F/S: choose 2, C/M: choose 6) ȗ ȗ ȗ Red Potato (Red Pontiac) Fingerling Potato (Fingerling) Yellow Potato (Yukon) Basil (Genovese) Flat Parsley (Gigante d’Italia) CHOICE 3 (F/S: choose 1, C/M: choose 3) ȗ ȗ ȗ ȗ CHOICE 2 (F/S: choose 1, C/M: choose 3) ȗ ȗ ȗ ȗ Heirloom Tomato (Cherokee Purple) Cherry Tomato (Black Cherry) Paste Tomato (Amish Paste) Early Producer (Cosmonaut Volkov) Slicing Tomato (Big Beef) Heirloom Tomato (Green Zebra) CHOICE 5 (F/S: choose 2, C/M: choose 4) Heirloom Tomato (Striped German) ȗ Eggplant (Black King) Heirloom Tomato (German ȗ Ground Cherry (Goldie) Johnson-Brandywine type) ȗ Hot Pepper (Joe’s Long Cayenne) ȗ Hot Pepper (Early Jalapeno) CHOICE 4 (F/S: choose 1, C/M: choose 3) ȗ Bell Pepper (Yankee Bell) ȗ Mild Chile Pepper (Jimmy Nardello’s) Seeds CHOICE 1 (F/S: choose 2, C/M: choose 6) ȗ ȗ ȗ ȗ CHOICE 2 (F/S: choose 1, C/M: choose 3) Summer Squash (Yellow Crookneck) ȗ Zucchini (Black) ȗ Watermelon (Sugar Baby) ȗ Canteloupe (Halona) CHOICE 3 (F/S: choose 2, C/M: choose 6) ȗ ȗ COLD CROP TRANSPLANTS ȗ (Pick up April 16th or 18th) ȗ CHOICE 1 (F/S: choose 1, C/M: choose 3) ȗ Lettuce Mixed Pack: Frilly (Two Star), ȗ ȗ Boston Bibb (Alkindus), Romaine (Coastal Star) CHOICE 2 (F/S: choose 1, C/M: choose 3) HOT CROP TRANSPLANTS & SEEDS (Pick up May 14th or 16th) Bush Bean (Provider) Pole Bean (Kentucky Wonder) Crowder Pea (Mississippi Silver) CHOICE 4 (F/S: choose 2, C/M: choose 6) ȗ Spaghetti Squash ȗ Butternut Squash (Waltham) ȗ Winter Squash (Delicata) ȗ Cucumber (Marketmore 76) Pickling Cucumber (National Pickling)ȗ ȗ Okra (Clemson Spineless) Transplants Sunflower (Lemon Queen) Marigold (Brocade Mix) Calendula (Flashback Mix) Nasturtium (Jewel Mix) Zinnia (Gold Medal Mix) Cosmos (Sensation Mix) FALL TRANSPLANTS & SEEDS (Pick up July 16th or 18th) CHOICE 1 (F/S: choose 1, C/M: choose 3) CHOICE 2 (F/S: choose 1, C/M: choose 3) ȗ ȗ ȗ ȗ ȗ ȗ Dinosaur Kale (Lacinato) Red Kale (Red Russian) Curly Kale (Winterbor) Scallion (Evergreen Hardy White) Napa Cabbage (Minuet) Fennel (Perfection) CHOICE 3 (F/S: choose 1, C/M: choose 3) Seeds CHOICE 1 (F/S: choose 1, C/M: choose 2) ȗ ȗ ȗ Beet (Detroit Dark Red) Radish (Easter Egg) Radish (Watermelon) CHOICE 2 (F/S: choose 1, C/M: choose 2) ȗ ȗ ȗ ȗ ȗ ȗ Broccoli (Belstar) Collard (Georgia) CHOICE 3 (F/S: choose 1, C/M: choose 2) ȗ ȗ ȗ ȗ ȗ Carrot (Bolero) Spinach (Tyee) Lettuce Mix (GRP Mix) Mustard Greens (Southern Green Curled) Snow Pea (Dwarf White) Turnip (Purple Top White Globe) All Greens Mix (GRP Mix) Arugula (Arugula) Boc Choi (Prize Choi) The Garden Resource Program supports over 1,400 gardens and farms across our community and is made possible through the collaboration of hundreds of community-based organizations and residents. The Garden Resource Program is coordinated by Keep Growing Detroit. For more information please contact 313-757-2635, email, or visit GARDEN PLANNING: a reference chart for days t o harvest , seed/plant spacing and ideal t imes t o plant crops Ideal Time to Plant Outdoors Days t o Harvest (baby/mat ure) Crop Spacing JAN FEB MAR APR MAY JUN JUL AUG SEP OCT NOV DEC SEEDS Arugula Baby Greens Mix Baby Lettuce Mix Beets Bush Beans Canteloupe Carrots Chamomile Cilantro Crowder Peas Cucumber Mustard Greens Okra Pole Beans Radish Shelling Peas Snap Peas Spinach Summer Squash Swiss Chard Turnip Winter squash/pumpkin Watermelon Zuccinni 21/41 21/41 28 60 50 73 56 60-65 50-55 60 58 21/45 65 68 25 51 58 39 58 28/55 38/50 100 82 48 Basil Boc Choi Broccoli Brussels Sprouts Cabbage Collards Eggplant Fennel Ground Cherry Leeks Napa Cabbage Onion Parsley Pepper Potato Tomato 70 45 58 90 65 50 60 50 75 75 48 110 75 60 60-100 75 60 seeds/ft. 60 seeds/ft. 60 seeds/ft. 12 seeds/ft. 2 inch 24 inches 30 seeds/ft. 8 inch 2-4 inches 1 1/2 inches 8 inches 15 seeds/ft. 12-18 inches 3 inches 12 seeds/ft. 25 seeds/ft. 1 1/2 inches 12 seeds/ft. 12 inches 6 seeds/ft. 12 seeds/ft. 18 inches 18 inches 12 inches TRANSPLANTS 8 inches 12 inches 12 inches 18 inches 18 inches 12 inches 18 inches 18 inches 18 inches 4 inches 12 inches 6 inches 8 inches 18 inches 12 inches 24 inches The Garden Resource Program supports over 1,400 gardens and farms across our community and is made possible through the collaboration of hundreds of community-based organizations and residents. The Garden Resource Program is coordinated by Keep Growing Detroit. For more information please contact 313-757-2635, email, or visit
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