Fisher Building- 14'" Floor Phone: (313) 870-3772 3011 W. Grand Boulevard Fax: (313) 870-3726 Detroit, Ml 48202-2710 www.detroitk/ April 15, 2015 SUBMITTED VIA E-MAIL Hon. Kevin Clinton Michael Flanagan Treasurer Superintendent of Public Instruction State of Michigan Michigan Department of Education 430 W. Allegan St. 608 W. Allegan St. Lansing, Ml 48933 P .0. Box 30008 Lansing, Ml 48909 Dear Mr. Clinton and Mr. Flanagan: Enclosed for your consideration is the Detroit Public Schools General Fund, Second Quarter Interim Financial Report as required by Section 9(5) of the Local Financial Stability and Choice Act (Michigan Public Act 436 of 2012 (PA 436)). The report covers the six-months ended December 31, 2014. cc: Delores Brown Tom Saxton Jeanet Kulcsar State Representatives State Senators Hon. Brian Banks Hon. Coleman Young, II Hon. Alberta Talabi Hon. Bert Johnson Hon. Wendell Byrd Hon. Morris W. Hood, Ill Hon. Rose Mary Robinson Hon. Virgil Smith Hon. Fred Durhal, Ill Hon. David Knezek Hon. Stephanie Chang Hon. LaTanya Garrett Hon. Sherry Gay-Dagnogo Hon. Harvey Santana Hon. Leslie Love General Fund Second Quarter Interim Financial Report For the Six Months Ended December 31, 2014 Section 9 (5) Report '30/15 DETROIT PUBLIC SCHOOLS Interim Financial Report General F und For the six months ended December 31, 2014 Section 9 (5) Report Table of Contents • Summary Level - Statement of Revenues, Expenditures and Changes in Fund Balance Page 1 The summary level reports revenues & expenditures at a high level; the focus is on total revenues, expenditures and revenues over (under) expenditures • Detail Level - Statement of Revenues 2-4 This statement reports revenue at a more detailed level • Detail Level - Statement of Expenditures by Function 5 This statement reports expenditures at a more detailed level by function • Detail Level - Statement of Expenditures by Object Level 6 This statement reports expenditures at a more detailed level by object level • General Fund Estimated Cash Flow - FY 2015 and FY 2016 Footnotes 7-8 9-14 This includes explanations for materially Year-To-Date budget variances Comparative Graphs Bar graphs that compare YTD Budget to YTD Actual for each major Revenue and Expenditure Category '30/15 15-24 DETROIT PUBLIC SCHOOLS Statement of Revenue, Expenditures and Changes in Fund Balances for the six months ended December 31, 2014 Section 9 (5) Report (Note (Note A) B) Variance Positive Original Budget Current Budget %Variance YTD Budget YTDActual (Negative) to Positive 12/31/2014 12/31/2014 YTD Budget (Negative) SUMMARY Revenues 44,348,862 37,807,134 $ (6,541,728) (14.75%) 105,874,608 $ 102,812,747 $ State sources 359,205,791 361,293,154 174,762,366 192,406,816 17,644,450 10.10% Federal sources 156,156,530 169,167,740 59,282,684 75,331,307 16,048,623 27 . 07% 45,477,054 45,477,053 17,806,118 12,016,723 666,713,983 678,750,694 296,200,030 317,561,980 21,361,950 Instruction 319,100,683 329,957,339 126,916,039 145,559,007 (18,642,968) (14.69%) Support services 306,035,049 301,247,821 137,064,162 150,651,408 (13,587,246) (9.91%) 3,709,231 4,543,169 1,674,347 1,490,641 183,706 10.97% 53,005,586 53,005,586 26,502,793 26,502,693 100 0.00% 681,850,549 688,753,915 292,157,341 324,203,749 Local sources $ lnterdistrict sources Total revenues $ (5,789,395) (32.51%) 7.21% Expenditures Community service Debt service Total expenditures Revenues over (under) expenditures (32,046,408) (10.97%) (10,684,458) (160.87%) (15,136,566) (10,003,221) 4,042,689 (6,641,769) 14,100,000 12,836,172 2,569,230 5,520,945 2,951,715 875,551 14,631 860,920 114 .89% {100.00%) 1,693,679 5,506,314 3,812,635 100.00% (6,871,824) 605.20% Other Financing Sources {Uses) Other sources (2,343,156) Other uses 16,443,156 Total other financing sources (uses} 1,306,590 Net change in fund balances Fund balances (deficit), beginning of year Fund balances (deficit), end of year $ 8: The difference between the 14,962,032 4,958,811 $ (127,054,182) (169,460,307) (125,747,S92) $ (164,501,496) Note A: The current budget represents the Original Budget plus BudgetAmendment Note (2 ,125,860 ) YTD Actual and YTD Budget are 5,736,368 $ (1,135,456) $ * 1 {August 13, 2014) and BudgetAmendment 2 ( December 15, 2014). explained on the detail Statement of Revenue and Expeditures Reports. The beginning fund balance represents the actual ending fund balance( deficit) per the Dstrict's FY 2014Audited Financial Statements. /30/2015 Page 1 DETROIT PUBLIC SCHOOLS Statement of Revenue General Fund For the six months ended December 31, 2014 Section 9 (5) Report Variance Positive (Negative) to %Variance Original Current YTD Budget YTD Actual YTD Budget Positive Budget Budget 12/31/2014 12/31/2014 Budget (Negative) Notes REVENUE DETAil LOCAL SOURCES Property tax revenue Tuition non resident $ 77,459,247 108,480 $ 71,780,508 131,650 $ 35,890,254 12,365 $ 29,797,026 $ 34,331 (6,093,228) 177.65% (38.11%) Earnings on investment 31,892 31,892 20,284 12,553 (7,731) Income from real property 64,080 64,080 14,411 44,975 30,564 11,593,043 11,593,043 5,737,277 2,126,607 (3,610,670) 3,619,508 4,012,393 912,442 4,507,454 3,595,012 Community services activities Rent from school property (16.98%) 21,966 A 212.09% (62.93%) A (100.00%) A 255,000 255,000 47,982 115,710 12,389,458 14,263,518 1,383,222 958,050 203,563 100,937 353,900 477,100 229,688 210,428 105,874,608 102,812,747 44,348,862 37,807,134 State school aid 251,490,368 250,230,794 125,115,396 132,880,470 7,765,074 6.21% B State restricted 70,732,470 71,233,164 35,616,582 45,648,538 10,031,956 28.17% 8 Section 31A- program 1,118,002 17.39% B CommunitY. use Miscellaneous revenue Classroom Technology Readiness Private donations Total Local sources 67,728 141.15% (425,172) (30.74%) (100,937) (100.00%) (19,260) (8.39%) (6,541,728) (14.75%) STATE SOURCES 19,833,953 20,600,667 6,428,385 7,546,387 Comprehensive school health 80,000 80,000 39,098 37,262 (1,836) (4.69%) Great start readiness program 16,994,000 18,430,370 7,209,324 6,199,610 (1,009,714) (14.01%) 29,480 Small Schools 21st Century State Restricted Math Science Detroit math & science centers 75,000 HRTTP HIV 2013 YR 2 37,270 50,000 25,002 100.00% 26,928 26,928 100.00% 25,007 (12,263) (32.90%) 573 (24,429) (97.71%) Adolescent n Schoof Health 10,147 10,147 100.00% Section 41 Bilingual instruct 2,414 2,414 100.00% Wayne County Early On Program 104,200 46,830 (46,830) (100.00%) Technology Readiness Infrastructure 488,959 244,479 (244,479) (100.00%) 361,293,154 174,762,366 Total State sources 10/15 75,000 29,4 80 359,20S,791 Page 2 192,406,816 17,644,450 10.10% 8 DETROIT PUBLIC SCHOOLS Statement of Revenue General Fund For the six months ended December 31, 2014 Section 9 (5) Report Variance Positive (Negative) to %Variance Original Current YTD Budget YTD Actual YTD Budget Positive Budget Budget 12/31/2014 12/31/2014 Budget (Negative} Notes REVENUE DETAIL FEDERAL SOURCES 14,992,080 35.99% Title I Part A 120,066,638 56,643,851 23,345 123,638,532 23,345 41,651,771 Title I Part C 10,343 1,381 (8,962) 3,000,819 3,000,819 1,354,433 641,573 (712,860) (52.63%) 60,000 60,000 (30,000) (100.00%) 766,321 766,321 30,000 325,812 47,809 47,809 CTE Perkins Title II Adult Ed & Family literacy Title Ill Limited English Proficiency Title Ill Immigrant Students SIG 11 Federal thru State Title 1 Part D - Intervention 144,886 English literacy and Civics Ed Title II Part A- Regular Teacher IDEA Flowthrough Attic 207,145 24,979 5,577 IDEA Preschool 28.74% 8,000,000 2,501,077 144,886 57,882 126,473 68,591 118.50% 5,186 5,186 100.00% 1,936,306 811,224 (758,033) (23.26%) 72.10% 2,700,000 2,700,000 1,125,082 5,000 5,000 2,000 16,451,385 16,734,904 6,291,272 7,910,882 475,000 475,000 188,270 152,038 (36,232) (19.24%) 9,439,709 413,035 9,439,709 3,311,375 3,198,317 (113,058) 0.00% (3.41%) 413,035 158,145 189,811 31,666 (2,000) 1,619,610 Title VII- Indian Education IDEA Flowthrough- Regular 63.58% 19,402 3,259,110 Title 1 School Wide Planning 21st Century Cohort 532,957 Head Start 450,000 705,797 WJA ABE AND GED Prep Services School Climate Transformation 185,215 331,397 59,695 253,924 59,695 68,709 (331,397) 26,994 (100.00%) 25.74% 20.02% 2,562,583 2,562,583 981,175 1,125,863 144,688 156,156,530 169,167,740 59,282,684 75,331,307 16,048,623 27.07% Charter Schools -Serv Provided 3,303,574 3,303,573 1,513,412 349,786 WCRESA-Follow That Child 1,441,716 1,441,716 40,731,764 IDEA Center Program (CPE)/Act Total Federal sources 26,994 c 100.00% 100.00% (100.00%) 100.00% 14.75% Wayne County Early On Program c (86.65%) INTERDISTRICT SOURCES WCRESA ACT 18 40,731,764 16,292,706 30/15 11,611,939 54,998 45,477,054 45,477,053 (76.89%) 0 00% (28.73%) D . Transportation Revenue- Other Schools Totallnterdistrict sources (1,163,626) 17,806,118 Page 3 12,016,723 (4,680,767) 54,998 (5,789,395) 100.00% (32.51%) D DETROIT PUBLIC SCHOOLS Statement of Revenue General Fund For the six months ended December 31, 2014 Section 9 (5) Report Variance Positive (Negative} to %Variance Original Current YTD Budget VTDActual YTD Budget Positive Budget Budget 12/31/2014 12/31/2014 Budget {Negative) Notes REVENUE DETAIL OTHER SOURCES Sale of real estate 11,600,000 Sale of equipment 100,000 Transfer In Total Other sources Total Revenues and Other Sources $ 1,369,230 10,436,172 2,400,000 1,200,000 1,070,445 14,100,000 12,836,172 2,569,230 5,520,945 $ 691,586,866 $ 298,769,260 Page4 10/15 225.04% 0.00% 2,400,000 680,813,983 3,081,270 4.450,500 $ 323,082,925 (129,555) $ (10.80%) 2,951,715 114.89% 24,313,665 8.14% E DETROIT PUBLIC SCHOOLS Statement of Expenditures by Function General Fund For the six months ended December 31, Section 9 (5) 2014 Report Variance Postive (Negative) to %Variance Original Current YTDBudget YTDActual YTDBudget Postive Budget Budget 12/31/2014 12/31/2014 Budget (Negative) Notes FUNCTION LEVEL EXPENDITURES INSTRUCTION Elementary Programs (111,114, 118) $ 127,238,722 $ 122,873,684 $ 49,586,637 $ 60,503,921 $ (10,917,284) {22.02%) Middle School Programs {112) 14,089,716 13,904,759 5,450,838 5,548,616 (97,778) (1.79%) High School & Summer Programs (113,119) 50,663,316 56,114,213 18,672,595 21,724,833 (3,052,238) (16.35%) Special Education (122) 75,006,884 75,496,115 30,584,966 34,162,451 (3,577,485) (11.70%) Compensatory Education (125) 46,686,705 57,651,567 20,993,150 21,151,610 (158,460) (0.75%) Career and Technical Education (127) 3,405,138 1,708,954 683,582 1,487,357 (803,775) (117.58%) Adult/Continuing Education- Basic (120, 13x) 2,010,202 2,208,047 944,271 980,219 (35,948) (3.81%) 319,100,683 329,957,339 126,916,039 145,559,007 (18,642,968) (14.69%) Total Instruction F SUPPORTING SERVICES Pupil {21x) 60,122,328 60,363,229 24,861,116 23,304,771 1,556,345 6.26% G Instructional Support (22x) 58,557,176 61,130,797 24,422,875 28,946,056 (4,523,181) {18.52%) G (502,375) (16.21%) 6,830,748 6,344,968 3,098,747 3,601,122 School Administration (24x) 35,279,744 37,076,845 17,840,859 16,503,802 Business {25x) 12,828,933 12,525,701 6,390,197 6,685,337 (295,140) (4.62%) General Administration {23x) 1,337,057 7.49% G Maintenance & Operations (261) 78,049,928 68,763,249 33,312,515 45,644,248 (12,331,733) (37.02%) Transportation (27x) 26,910,502 26,453,052 13,013,636 14,223,586 (1,209,950) (9.30%) G Central Support Services (28x) 26,474,558 27,006,034 13,332,244 11,137,439 2,194,805 16.46% G 981,132 1,583,946 791,973 605,047 186,926 23.60% 306,035,049 301,247,821 137,064,162 150,651,408 School Activities {29x) Total Supporting Services COMMUNITY SERVICES (3xx) DEBT SERVICE (5xx) TOTAL GENERAL OPERATING EXPENDITURES (13,587,246! (9.91%) 3,709,231 4,543,169 1,674,347 1,490,641 183,706 10.97% 53,005,586 53,005,586 26,502,793 26,502,693 100 0.00% 681,850,549 688,753,915 292,157,341 324,203..749 455,346 227,673 14,631 (32,046,408) (10.97%) OTHER FINANCING USES Major Projects/Facility lmprov (4xx) Prior Year ADJ Material (49100) Total Other Financing Uses TOTAL EXPENDITURES 213,042 93.57% 647,878 100.00% 860,920 (100.00%) (2,343,156) Outgoing transfers (6xx) (2,343,156) $ 679,507,393 $ 0.00% (2,581,206) 647,878 (2,125,860) 875,551 686,628,055 $ 293,032,892 $ Page 5 /30/15 G 14,631 324,218,380 $ (31,185,488) (10.64%) DETROIT PUBLIC SCHOOLS Statement of Expenditures by Object Level General Fund for the six months ended December 31, 2014 Section 9 (5) Report Variance Postive (Negative) to %Variance Original Current YTDBudget YTDActual YTD Budget Postive Budget Budget 12/31/2014 12/31/2014 Budget {Negative) Notes OBJECT LEVEL EXPENDITURES Personnel (Sxxxxx & Gxxxxx) $ 463,048,713 $ 466,108,433 $ $ (24,214,706) (12.76%) (917,645) (1.54%) 8,308,239 9,005,426 (697,187) (8.39%) 1,064,114 1,004,304 59,810 59,398,740 213,986,195 133,478,692 18,547,708 20,090,720 971,425 2,308,616 Utilities 24,326,230 10,226,230 5,112,101 10,763,060 Other 54,950,962 54.415,364 29,378,209 29,143,010 Supplies & Textbooks Equipment & Capital TOTAl EXPENDITURES ./30/15 $ 679,507,393 $ 686,628,055 $ $ 60,316,385 189,771,489 117,662,355 Purchased Services 293,032,892 Page 6 $ 324,218,380 (5,650,959) 235,199 $ (31,185,488) 5.62% (110.54%) 0 80% . (10.64%) H DETROIT PUBLIC SCHOOLS General Fund Estimated Cash Flow (In Thousands) July 2014 �June 2015 Beginning Balance (Actual) (Actual) (Actual) (Attual) (Actual) (Actual) '"' August September October November Detember January February March April M•v June TOTAL $19,854 512,254 i37,103 $42,990 $19,246 $21,663 $20,321 $14,780 37,781 31,175 27,576 28,937 28,937 28,937 28,937 28,937 28,937 5,191 2,595 3,G63 3,Q63 3,063 3,063 3,063 3,063 29 .,.,, 6,531 29,190 2,167 3,303 25,000 15,000 5,000 20,000 141,362 (23,710) 2;T/7 (18,914) 15,523 (544) 15,634 (4,560) 18,841 (13,229) 12,822 (10,928) 9,180 (14,445) 9,180 (2,889) 9,180 23,887 41,862 $85,719 $25,495 $12,917 29,763 29,897 1,528 "' ,,. 27,707 7,050 18,271 (3,159) 20,277 41,440 (� $2S,49S Cash fu;q:ipr< State Aid MPSERS UAAL Rate Stabili2.atio Property Taxes Property Tax rranfer to other t'unds Grants (2,587) 13,259 (302) 9,180 329,813 (95,267) 153,623 State Aid Note J>roteeds 2014 State A•<.! Note DrAw 107,189 Other Receipts 2,900 2.900 2,900 2,900 2,900 2.900 2,900 2,900 2,900 2,900 29,001 '"' 3,436 1,054 270 3,630 4,872 3,737 2,611 2,773 2,874 8,975 3,352 38,268 Deposits 7 w 57 " " " w Deposits · DPS 1,003 1,372 "' 1,286 505 269 221 '" 1,631 "5 "' 9,213 5 u 7,390 000 " no 323 33 330 WCRESA -Net Act 18 f'unds Food Serv•ce-Rcimbursemcn! Interest Gp•tal A;set Sales 1,807 Miscellaneous " EAA Receipts Total Available Funds 8,659 499 3,996 {3,428) "' Outreach Medicaid Total cash Receipts "' 1,388 1,388 1,388 '" '" 8,997 1,003 1,003 1,003 1,003 1,003 5,014 '" 6,376 129 129 l28 247 '" "' 323 '" 8,017 53,616 136,601 14,717 87,839 84,596 59,039 43,102 64,109 51,538 51,852 57,478 68,956 773,443 79,111 149,518 10(),435 107,693 96,851 96,142 86,()92 83,355 73,:W1 72,174 72,257 68,956 798,938 Ca:;h Disbursements (24,444) (23,800) (19,113) (25,027) (21,373) (20,208) (27,973) (21,191) (20,856) (21,192) (24,6S5) (20,856) FICA (2,064) (1,543) (1,437) (2,670) (1,760) (1',71 1) (1,697) (1,750) (1,750) (1,750) (2,625) (1,750) Retirement (2,371) (2,313) (6,816) (10,643) (8,404) MPSERS UAAL Rate Stablllzation (1,575) (1,528) Payroll Past Due Retirement Payments (5,191) (6,366) (22,507) {30,547) (1,530) (22,306) (270,688) (3,426) (3,1)63) (3,063) (3,1)63) (3,063) (3,063) (28,564) (28,673) Non-Payroll Expenditures Fringe Benefits Fringe Benefits-Wired Account Payable (1,459) (788) (614) (1,315) (991) (923) (1,183) (924) (924) (924) (1,270) (924) (417) (4,649) (8,049) (9,124) (92) (3,699) (8,745) (8,958) (4,911) (4,911) (4,915) (4,923) (63,394) (11,231) (5,149) (9,257) (21,733) (14,652) (12,197) (17.508) (12,399) (14,312) (13,850) (21,411) (15,515) (169,215) (10,459) (10,885) 3,181 6,274 11,312 7,724 11,161 12,515 52,168 (2,868) (2,805) (2,000) (2,387) (2,937) (1,676) (30,073) (667) (667) (667) (2,097) Additional Ac;J;Ount Payable (21,344) Deferred Accounts P�yable Food service Transfer (1.500) (3,500) (1,000) (1,050) (12,238) (5,850) Other Finoncing Uses (500) Adult Education (500) 2014 St-.>tc Aid Cost of Issuance set Aside Payments on Debt 2012 Bonds- Prmcipal 2012 Bonds- lnteresr 2011 Bonds· Principal 2011 Bonds - Interest 2013 Notes. Pm•c•pal 2013 Notes · Interest 2014 Notes- Jlrinctp·•l 2014 Notes· Interest Toral Set-Aside Jl�yments (19,650) (1,533) (881) (2,036) (2,036) (2.036) (2,036) (2,036) (2,036) (2.036) 05" 05" 05" (557) (557) (557) 05" (557) (4,-l-58) (2,914) (2,914) (2,914) (2,914) (2,914) (2,914) (2,914) (2,914) (23,311) (1,118) (1,118) (1,118) (1,118) (1,118) (1,118) (1,118) (1,118) (16,290) (8,947) (39,250) (2,414) (9,750) (9,750) (9,750) (15,250) (22,100) (66,600) (21,\33) (20,531) (6,626) (6,626) (6,626) (6,626) (16,376) (16,376) (16,376) (21,876) {"",100) (161,269) Total Cash Disbursements (66,194) (63,799) (80,582) (95,438) (59,748) (53,152) (66,846) (61,692) (52,880) (57,394) (72,257) (58,959) (788,941) Ending Balance $12,917 $85,719 $19,854 $12,254 $37,103 $42,990 $19,246 $21,663 $20,321 $14,780 44,279 (45,473) (94,935) (70,086) (64,199) (87,943) (75,776) (67,368) (63,159) (62,689) (30,592) {30,592) (446( {13,712) (39,652) (42,170) (42,170) Balance without Note Proceeds Balance without Deferred APs '30/15 (19,600) (2,036) (3,667) $12,917 $85,719 $19,854 $12,254 $37,103 $42,990 Page 7 $16,065 $12,208 (� $9,997 $9,997 DETROIT PUBLIC SCHOOLS General Fund Estimated Cash Flow (In Thousands) July 2015 -June 2016 August July Beginning Balance $9,997 $6,374 29,754 1,492 September November October December February January March M•y April June TOTAL $4,430 $2,466 $2,614 $3,781 $820 $3,6CW $4,196 $514 $949 $9,997 29,754 28,421 21!,421 28,421 28,421 28,421 28,421 28,421 2M,421 28,421 315,2% 1,492 1,421 1,421 1,421 1,421 1,421 1,421 1,421 1,421 1,421 15,771 2,261 293 527 2,348 11,025 1,889 2,820 5,951 9,908 51,485 8,846 14,189 14,189 14,189 10,992 13,389 11,141 16,664 20,099 162,558 $54,782 Gash Rrcrinrs State Aid MPSERS UAAL Rate Stabilizatio 14,464 Property Taxes Property Tu tmnfcr 10 other Funds 11>,421 Grants 16,458 5,980 State Aid Note Proceeds 2015 Stat" Aid Note 107,000 Proceeds 107,000 Other Receipts WCRESA -Nd Act 2,900 4,073 4,073 4,073 4,073 4,073 4,073 4,073 4,073 5,246 40,732 1,893 1,975 "' 1,695 5,684 6,903 1,509 5,111 5,273 2,874 8,975 3,352 45,990 '" 604 409 3,4.J.6 2,497 SBO 1,148 2,066 3,531 574 1,768 696 17,904 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 18 Funds Food Service--Reimbursement Deposits - DPS Interest 0 Capnal Ass.:t Sales Miscellaneous Outreach Medicaid 1,023 319 159 1,388 1,388 1,388 1,388 1,388 1,388 1.388 1,388 1,388 13,991 836 836 836 836 '36 836 836 836 836 '" 836 836 10,029 66,469 158,440 11,030 52,386 58,802 58,338 55,333 65,333 60,221 53,548 69,496 71,?.67 780,763 76,466 164,814 65,812 56,817 61,268 60,951 59,115 66,152 63,825 57,744 70,010 EAA Receipts Total Cash Receipts Total Available Funds 790,760 (26,264) (19,822) (19,822) (23,290) (19,822) (19,822) (26,264) (19,8.22) (19,822) (19,822) (23,290) (19,822) FICA (1,516) (1,684) (1,684) (2,526) {1,684) (1,684) (1,684) (1,684) (1,684) (1,684) (2,526) (1,684} (21,724) Retirement (2,091) (40,836) (2,0:}8) (7,711) (7,711) (7,711) (15,421) (7,711) (7,711) (7,711) (7,711) (7,711) (122,071) MPSERS UAAL Rate Stabilization (3,063) (1,492) {1,492) (1,421) (1,421) (1,421) (1,421) (1,421) (1,421) (14,571) Past Due Retirement Payments (2,038) (16,175) (25,173) (448) '"'" (4,923) (448) (448) (4,923) {4,923) '"'" (4,923) (10,336) l'ayroll (7,133) (2S7,681) (50,S18) Non-Payroll Expenditures F"ringe Benefits Fringe Benefits-Wired Account Payable (4.923) (18,613} Additional Account Payable Deferred Accounts Payable Food Service Transfer 18,613 (7,650) {1,916) (360) (21,240) (28,491) 25,000 (5,161) 32,401 (1,952) (1,695) (448) {4,923) (17,634) (44. {4,923) {9,542) '"'" (4,923) (44 . (4,923) '"'" (4,923) (11,662) (14,312} 10,000 (5,111 ) (448) (448) (5,371) {4,923} (S9,077) (8,225) (4,923) (14,88!) (18,515) (j.S1,320) 14,312 8,225 14,881 (5,273) (2,874) (8,975) 9,542 10,000 {5,684) (6,903) (1,509) (24,110) 133,432 {3,352} (52,894) Capital Leases Adult Education (642) 2014 Stllte Aid Cost of 1Sl>uancc (642) Set Aside Payments on Debt 2012 Bonds- Pnncipal (2,036) (2,036) (2,036) (2,036) (2,036) (2,036) (2,06) (2,036) 2012 Bonds -Interest (557) (557) (557) (557) (557) (557) (557) (557) (2,914) (2,914) (2,914) (4,4S8) (2,914) (2,914) (2,914) (2,914) (2,914) (1,118) (1,118) (1,118) (23,311) (1,118) 2011 Bonds- Principal 2011 Bonds- Interest 2014 Notes · Principal 2014 Notes· (22,100) (19,100) (1,118) (1,118) (1,118) (1,118) (13,143) (13,143) (13,143) (13,143) (16,290) (8,947) (13,143) (2,995) !ntcn:st (2,995) 2015 Notes- Principal 2015 Notes -Interest Total Set-Astdc Payments Total Cash Disbursements Ending Balance Balance without Note Proceeds Balance without Deferred APs (106,914) (22,100) (22,095) (1>,626) (6,626) (6,626) (6,626) (19,769) (19,769) (19,769) (19,769) (13,143) (162,915) (70,092} (110,032) (61,381) (S4,351) (58,654) {57,170) (58,295) (62,549) (59,629) (57,230) (69,062) (71,018) (789,463) $6,374 $54,782 $4,430 $2,466 $2,614 $3,781 i3,604 $4,196 $1,297 $1,297 (12,115) (41:1,612) (98,963) (100,9"..8) (100,780) (99,612) (102,574) (86,647) (102,804) (93,343) (79,766) (66,274) {66,274) (39,182) (73,548) (73,400) (82,232) (8S,194) (92,410) (106,130) {118,036) (132,483) (132,134) {132,134) (12,239) $36,169 130/15 PageS $820 $514 $949 -------------------------Detroit Public Schools Notes to Second Quarter Interim Financial Report (Continued) For the six months ended December 31, 2014 Note (1) Summary of Significant Accounting Policies The accounting policies of the Detroit Public Schools (the School District) conform to accounting principles generally accepted in the United States of America (GAAP) as applicable to governmental units. The following is a summary of the significant accounting policies used by the School 1 Reporting Entity incorporated in 1842, is The School District of the City of Detroit (commonly known as "DE�tro>it provisions of the State of a statutory public body created by the State of Michigan, and functions miles, and is located Michigan's Public Act 451. The District encompasses an area of approximately within the City of Detroit, Wayne County, Michigan. Although the corporate of the District are coterminous with the corporate boundaries of the City of Detroit, the District is a tot.ali\1 se11arate governmental unit. Detroit Public Schools is the largest employers in Detroit, employing 6,535, �m1n1n1 Michigan. The District is one of the largest eqllivalent:s) as of June 30, 2014. emergency continued to exist for the On May 16, 2011, Governor Rick Snyder for the District, pursuant to Public District and appointed Roy S. Roberts to the District pursuant to Public Act 4 until August Act 4. Mr. Roberts served as Emergency 2012 when ��pUc Act 4 was suspended by voter n for a referendum and temporarily replaced by Mr. Roberts to serve as an Emergency PublicA�ti�f:i)·� iH�Ai.Jg,ust 2012, Governor Snyder Fina�Etil;rvtangeriat'ffj�; , �jstrict under Public Act 72 ring the suspension period and after Public Act 4 was r��:9!9 ? ed by votef'f�J�t r, �ndum effective November 6, 2012); and in March 28, 2013, reappointed : Mr. Rolief;fs:;ls the Emergefte�:Manager for the District when a subsequently enacted Public Act 436 of 2012 ("Pub'tia��.t 436") took''l!' eft. On July 15, 2013, Governor Snyder appointed Jack Martin to a one year term to ��l:l!' e,as Emerge��i Manager for the District to replace Roy Roberts who retired as EM on '-i<'-\C'_:-0 ?:c0\'i that same date. 'Under Public �t;'t 436, the EM is prescribed all power and authority over all financial, operational and ac�,d��J� ma;t��f;�'bf the District as is necessary to address the financial emergency of the District, subject to certiii�'litfl.l{�tions enumerated in Public Act 436. Notwithstanding any agreed upon expiration date, the EM s�l:\ie's' at the pleasure of the Governor and the Governor has the authority to remove the EM with or without cause at any time he may determine. The EM may also be removed by impeachment and conviction by the State Legislature. On January 13, 2015, Governor Snyder appointed Darnell Earley as Emergency Manager to succeed Jack Martin who's term ended January 15, 2015. ff Page 9 ----------- - ----- ----- ------ ------ -------- ----------- -- ---------- -- ----- Detroit Public Schools Notes to Second Quarter Interim Financial Report (Continued) For the six months ended December 31, 2014 Measurement Focus, Basis of Accounting, and Financial Statement Presentation Fund Financial Statements Governmental fund financial statements are reported using the current financial resources measurement focus and the modified accrual basis of accounting. Revenue is recognized as soon as it is both measurable and available. Revenue is considered to be available if it is collected within the current period or soon enough thereafter to pay liabilities of the current period. For this purpose, the School District considers revenues to be available if they are collected within 60 days of the end of the current fiscal period. Expenditures generally are ng. However, debt service expenditures, as well recorded when a liability is incurred, as under accrual as expenditures related to compensated absences . I and judgments (such as self insurance, contingencies), are recorded only when payment is int••re1st associated with the current fiscal Property taxes, unrestricted State Aid, intergovern '""'"i"•rl as revenue of the current fiscal period are all considered to be susceptible to accrual period. All other revenue items are considered to be avauao cash is received by the School District. General Fund The General Fund is the School District's primary operating fund. It iil'r:i!unt< for all financial resources of the to be accounted for in School District, except separate sub funds withi .. The School District maintains n and special education. The General Fund includes 22 Page 10 Detroit Public Schools Notes to Second Quarter Interim Financial Report (Continued) For the six months ended December 31, 2014 Note (2) District's Strategic Direction We are actively working to address the District issues through our 2013-2017 Strategic Plan, "The Neighborhood-Centered, Quality Schools," available online at 1. Broaden Services to address students needs 2. Support parents and families 3. Offer broad/high quality programs 4. Improved customer services 5. Create safe learning environments 6. Transform central and school based operations to serve customers 7. Improve technology 8. Minimize the impacts of change 9. Foster school-based leadership 10. Celebrate and promote success 11. Ensure fiscal stability 12. Enhanced attendance and discipline implementation efforts is included in the FY 2014 ��t�hi!lancial RepoWliJg and District's Operations Management In July 2014, The Diim¢�,iJ11plement���jts new upgrade to PeopleSoft Financials 9.2 which brings significant , enhancements to the Dis(rl !;t:s finag�� J management and reporting system. The District is now in its post implementation phase whidi'i� (l�.�I�i��'in improving the interim financial reporting process. Note (3) lnt ' • ' ' " ' "--0'- -,-c-d, ---�;�E'l':"Ti��,, -;-\F1;'F Note (4) Monthly Financial Statements The financial statements presented reflect data from the District's General Ledger for the six months ended December 31, 2014. Page 11 ----------- - ----- ----- ------ ------ -------- ----------- -- ---------- -- ----- Detroit Public Schools Notes to Second Quarter Interim Financial Report (Continued) For the six months ended December 31, 2014 Note (5) Variance Explanations- Function level Variance explanations for the Function level are provided for financial items which have a variance of over$1 million (Refer to page 3): Reference Description local sources Explanation Key This variance is primarily attributed to the_folloVo!i!Jg,revenue: I. II. "''��;1!1:?_-/ Property Taxes- Property Tax actual1!�y�hue is based on the taxable :R�'<!>-":_ value times 18 mils minus the 5 Jt��Itl'I�!M , chargeback liability. The current budget is based on prio'rlY,�r Pro��f:l:,}'. Tax Revenue '�i'i;&_'-i\\, -,:,>>:;rn-. (Medicaid RE!ifij�,�p ement Funding) - Medicaid Revenue is currently budgeted at S'iil\S.,Million. Based on actual Medicaid receipts, it is estimated that'�'f���rue will be t�nce is the consistent with Fiscal Year 2014 $ ( 4.2 million). This V�'i''>JN{-:.'If,,. receiving$9 million in excess Medic1i'J9§funding result of million in FY 2012 and$ 4.9 million in FY 2013). State began deducting funds towards liability. It is recommended that the adjusted in Budget Community Services Activities .· Ill. . Tn"""'rights were sold for $3.7 This revenue is not reflected in the million in August 2014 that the budget be appropriately current budget. It is adjusted in Budget Am,enljffie:Qt;;#3. primarily attributed to the following revenue: State IQQ!L.8i!W���;rjfj� Actual State revenue is based on 2014 State Aid Financial Status Report. The budget 'reflect this current projection. This creates a significant restricted State Revenue since Section 147s MPSERS ihilii7�t·inn is being accrued monthly based on a projected and the current budget for UAAl is $16.5 million. It is rpr·nrr1m1>nrled that the budget be appropriately adjusted in Budget Amendment #3. - II. A Revenue for Section 31A (Grants) is based on actual expenditures incurred. Actual expenditures incurred exceeded the budget allocated for the six months ended. This is a timing difference. Section 31A - Page 12 B Detroit Public Schools Notes to Second Quarter Interim Financial Report (Continued) For the six months ended December 31, 2014 Reference Description Key Explanation Great Start Readiness Program - Revenue for the Great Start Ill. Readiness Program incurred. Actual (Grants) is expenditures based on incurred actual expenditures exceeded the budget allocated for the six months ended. This is a timing difference. Federal sources This variance is primarily attributed to the Title I Part A Grant. and Title II A grants. The actuals includes revenues recognized from both the 2015 Grants. The budget includes lnterdistrict sources 2014 c and 2015 grant funds. This variance is primarily D revenue is based on I. billings and receipts for rmation Technology, and The budget assumes a Security services provided to significant increase previous in years due to a new campaign to Information Technology market District services. It is rPr,,m, ���� ;��ely adjusted in Budget Amend H - Actual WCRESA Act 18 that the budget be revenue is recorded net of nts per Wayne County RESA's payment schedule. WCRESA Revenue is recorded at Gross. It is budget be appropriately adjusted in Budget Other sources This variance is sold for $3.7 million ... " i to Sale of Real Estate. Real Estate Property was 2014 (FY 2015). This revenue E is not reflected in the current budget. :�i�i're1:onnmen1jed that the budget be appropriately adjusted in Budget Amendment #3. Instruction This variance is primarily attributed to the actuals for the Title I A and Title II F A grants reflecting expenditures for both 2014 and 2015 Grants. The budget includes only the Support services 2015 grant funds. This variance is primarily attributed to the following functional categories: 1. Pupil and Instructional Support- Actuals for the Title I A and Title II 2014 2015 grant funds. A grants reflect expenditures for both budget includes only the II. and 2015 Grants. The School Administration- Actual expenditures incurred were less than budget allocated for the six months ended due to decreased personnel costs. Page 13 G ----------- -- ----- ----------- ------- --------- ------------ -- ---------- --- ----- Detroit Public Schools Notes to Second Quarter Interim Financial Report (Continued) For the six months ended December 31, 2014 Reference Description Key Explanation Ill. TransQortation - IV. Central SUQQOrt Services - Actual expenditures incurred were greater than budget allocated for the six months ended due to additional transportation costs from prior year initiatives. Actual expenditures incurred were less than budget allocated for the six months'i!o' ded due to the timing of vendor payments for Information Te9t{��J�� y purchased services. <��%1�(�::_: �l$ci'ef!�ct. accrued expenditures to date. The budget includes �·:,:�12 mi!i'iQ)), PLD (Public Lighting Department) credit from the City of Detr6lt';<;This credit towards electrical service billings is in exchange for 7i"'IJ��, properties being transferred to the City of Detroit. This credit has nbfbeen applied. Maintenance & 0Qerations- At;t\l v. _-,,_- ',>�\, of Revenues and Expenditures. Note (6) Variance Explanations- Object Level Variance expl�p�tillri�:·fgr:ttw Object Level are provided f/\'rA;,,� million (Refei:'ti:>'page 8): ·· --':::�-;.":·-�-. Description · •.· ; ' - Personnel (Salary and Benefits ) ' ,,y .. items which have a variance of over $1 . . ) . . ; Reference Explanation ttiisyariance isJ)rimarily attributed to the actuals for Title I A and Title II A g;ahi:�> \eflectiJigi'expenditures recognized from the both 2014 and 2015 Grants:••rg,�,.p.9�$'et includes only the 2015 grant funds. Key H . '--,_,--� Utilities Actuals refiekt accrued expenditures to date. The budget includes a $12 million PLD (Public Lighting Department) credit from the City of Detroit. This credit towards electrical service billings is in exchange for 77 DPS properties being transferred to the City of Detroit. This credit has not been applied. Page 14 I Detroit Public Schools General Fund Second Quarter Interim Finanical Report For the six months ended December 31, 2014 $50 Local Sources $45 $40 $35 "' $30 c: .£! � $25 $20 $15 $10 $5 $0 Other Property tax revenue Page 15 Total Local sources Detroit Public Schools General Fund Second Quarter Interim Finanical Report For the six months ended December 31, 2014 $250 State Sources $200 � $150 -� :?! $100 $50 $0 I I "YTD Budget 12/31/2014 �� YTD Actual 12/31/2014 State school aid State restricted Section 31A- program Other Total State sources $125,115,396 $35,616,582 $6,428,385 $7,602,003 $174,762,366 $132,880,470 $45,648,538 $7,546,387 $6,331,421 $192,406,816 1/30/15 Page 16 I I Detroit Public Schools General Fund Second Quarter Interim Financial Report For the six months ended December 31, 2014 $80 -· Federal Sources $70 $60 $50 "' s::: .5! $40 ::i: $30 $20 $10 $0 Title I 1/30/15 Title II Title Ill Page 17 IDEA Other Total Federal sources Detroit Public Schools General Fund Second Quarter Interim Financial Report For the six months ended December 31, 2014 lnterdistrict Sources $20 $18 $16 $14 "' $12 s:: .5! 2 $10 $8 $6 $4 $2 $0 Charter Schools -Serv Provided Ill YTD Budget 12/31/2014 i YTDActual 12/31/2014 WCRESA Follow that child and WCRESA ACT 18 Transportation Revenue Other Schools Total lnterdistrict sources $1,513,412 $16,292,706 $- $17,806,118 $349,786 $11,611,939 $S4,998 $12,016,723 1/30/15 Page 18 Detroit Public Schools General Fund Second Quarter Interim Financial Report For the six months ended December 31, 2014 $4 Other Sources $3 "' r::: .S! $2 $1 $0 Sale of real estate, equipment & Transp Transfer In Revenue 1/30/15 Page 19 Total Other sources Detroit Public Schools General Fund Second Quarter Interim Financial Report For the six months ended December 31, 2014 Total Revenue & Other Sources $325 $320 $315 $310 "' s::: $305 .2 2: $300 $295 $290 $285 1/30/15 Page 20 Detroit Public Schools General Fund Second Quarter Interim Financial Report For the six months ended December 31, 2014 $160 $140 Instruction $120 $100 "' s:: .!2 $80 � $60 $40 $20 $0 ' j Budget 12/31/2014 1111 YTD Actual 12/31/2014 "' YTD 1/30/15 I Elementary Programs MiddleSchool Programs HighSchool $49,586,637 $5,450,838 $60,503,921 $5,548,616 Special Education Compensatory Education CTC/ Adult/ ContinuingEd. Total Instruction $18,672,595 $30,584,966 $20,993,150 $1,627,853 $126,916,039 $21,724,833 $34,162,451 $21,151,610 $2,467,576 $145,559,007 Page 21 Detroit Public Schools General Fund Second Quarter Interim Financial Report For the six months ended December 31, 2014 $160 Supporting Services $140 $120 $100 "' s::: .!2 $80 � $60 $40 $20 $0 Pupil/ Instructional Support lllll YTD Budget 12/31/2014 : ffi:l YTD Actual 12/31/2014 General I School Admin. Business Maint.& Operations Transp. Central Support Security I Other Total Services& FacilitiesI Supporting School Activities lmprov Services $- $137,064,162 $- $150,651,408 $49,283,991 $20,939,606 $6,390,197 $33,312,515 $13,013,636 $14,124,217 $52,250,827 $20,104,924 $6,685,337 $45,644,248 $14,223,586 $11,742,486 1/30/15 Page 22 L Detroit Public Schools General Fund Second Quarter Interim Financial Report For the six months ended December 31, 2014 Community and Debt Services $30 $25 $20 "' c .5! $15 � $10 $5 ..... $0 Community Services Debt Services 1/30/15 Page 23 I Detroit Public Schools General Fund Second Quarter Interim Financial Report For the five months ended December 31, 2014 Total General Operating Expenditures $330 $320 $310 "' c .2 $300 ·- ::i!: $290 $280 $270 Page 24
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