Biologic augmentation of partial ruptured ACL Eichhorn, Angele, Fehske There is no natural healing of an ACL rupture PDGF-AB 7 days after injury Steiner, 2009 Reasons? • Insufficient repaircells and vessels in the defect Amiel 1995, Chen 2002 • Regeneration possible, but lack of defect bridging Murphy 2003, Murray 2007 Adding growth factors (TGF, FGF, PDGF, Tissue response technique) Using scaffolds for defect bridging (LAD-Augmentation, Hyaluronic acid, Kollagen-platelet Hydrogel…) ACL healing possibelities Steiner 2008 Criteria for partial ACL rupture - MRI some fibres in direction - KT1000 (0-4mm SSD) - Only pivot glide Prospective trial Healing response + ACP versus Conservative treatment (Control group) Healing Response (Steadman) Study presented at ACL Study group in Nevis: 73% success Prospective trial 07.2009 – 10.2013 Partial ACL rupture (specific criteria) Follow-up: preOP, 6 wks, 3, 6, 12 months Control group: n=41 Experimental group: n=163 Male / Female = 124 / 80 Grading of partial ACL rupture Grade 1: Grade 2: Grade 3: Grade 4: Grade 5: Partial ACL rupture Grade 1: n=31 Grade 2: n=53 Grade 3: n=36 Grade 4: n=27 Grade 5: n=16 PCL PL? AM AM AM AM Products needed for the ACP - Therapy ACP Double Syringe and Centrifuge Rehabilitation protocol (Prospective trial) Week 0-2: 10kg body weight 20° immobilizer Passive ROM 0-20-60° Rehabilitation protocol (Prospective trial) After 2 weeks: Repeated PRP injection (office facility) Rehabilitation protocol (Prospective trial) Week 3-6: Full body weight ACL DJO brace 0-10-90° Immobilizer 20° over night Proprioceptive training Release Training therapy Partial ACL rupture Good results: -KT1000: 1 – 2 mm -No pivot shift -Full ROM -No subjective instability Good results (prospective trial) Grade 1: 97% Control group: Grade 2: 94% 32% Grade 3: 79% (58% ACL-Recon) Grade 4: 41% Grade 5: 13% (n = 2) Healing Response + ACP - Age shows no differences - Slightly worse results: - Female - smokers Healing Response + ACP Failures detected within 6 months Healing Response + ACP Major advantage: - Benefit of the preserved stump ? - Don´t burn bridges Healing Response + ACP ACP seems to add benefit to the healing response technique Thank you for your attention ! Natürliche Heilung vorderes Kreuzband PDGF-AB 7 Tage nach Verletzung Steiner, 2009 Keine natürliche Heilung des vorderen Kreuzbands Gründe für fehlende Heilung vorderes Kreuzband • ungeeignete Reparaturzellen und Gefäße im Defekt Amiel 1995, Chen 2002 • Regeneration prinzipiell möglich, kein defect bridging Murphy 2003, Murray 2007 Gabe von Wachstumsfaktoren (TGF, FGF, PDGF, Tissue response technique) Scaffolds zum Defekt bridging (LAD-Augmentation, Hyaluronsäure, Kollagen-platelet Hydrogel…) Möglichkeit zur Heilung vorderes Kreuzband Steiner 2008 Möglichkeit zur Heilung vorderes Kreuzband Joshi 2009 ACL healing possibelities Foster 2009 Is concentrating WBCs beneficial? • Proposed theory: – Concentrated WBCs will debride chronic tissue and jump start healing – Potentiate an antibacterial response • Concentrated WBCs at the site of injury may be detrimental toward the healing progression – When activated, neutrophils release non-specific, toxic agents1,2,3 • Matrix metalloproteinases (MMPs) and Serine proteinases • The toxic agents will destroy everything in contact, injured or healthy – Non-healing tissue with chronic inflammation is caused by overabundant neutrophil infiltration1 – Macrophages are NOT delivered in PRP • PRP has been shown to inhibit macrophage proliferation (which is good in the short term). PRP does promote cell infiltration at the later stage of healing (3-7 days) (Type 1 Collagen formation) 4 – Are the WBC’s functional or simply activated packets of proteolytic enzymes? 1. 2. 3. 4. Diegelmann RF et al. Wound healing: an overview of acute, fibrotic and delayed healing. Front Biosci 2004; 9: 283-9. Martin P et al. Inflammatory cells during wound repair: the good, the bad and the ugly. Trends Cell Biol 2005; 15(11): 599-607. Scott A et al. What do we mean by the term “inflammation”? A contemporary basic science update for sports medicine. Br J Sports Med 2004; 38(3): 372-80. Kajikawa et al. 2005 RBCs in PRP are not beneficial • RBC’s can release free radicals which will have the potential to destroy surrounding tissue1 • RBC’s can inhibit platelet activation2 – RBCs decrease platelet proximity to each other – Positive correlation of PRP hematocrit and PRP coagulation time 1. 2. Why is this PRP RED? Jiang N et al. Respiratory protein—generated reactive oxygen species as an antimicrobial strategy. Nat Immunol 2007; 8(10): 1114-22. Andrade MG et al. Evaluation of factors that can modify platelet-rich plasma properties. Oral Surg Oral Med Oral Pathol Oral Radiol Endod 2008; 105(1): e5-e12. Why isn’t more better? • There may be a threshold for max benefit from increased platelets – Growth factors attach to cell receptor sites – Once receptors are full, remaining GFs will degrade away • Analogy: 1 Glass, 1 Pitcher of Water – Once glass is full, remaining water wasted if continuing to pour Die Healing Response Technik Eine suffiziente Therapieoption bei Partialrupturen des vorderen Kreuzbandes ? Fehske K1, Ziai P², Eichhorn HJ³ 1 Klinik und Poliklinik für Unfallchirurgie, Universitätsklinikum Würzburg ² AKH der Universität Wien ³ Sporthopaedicum, Straubing Pilot Studie Konservative, frühfunktionelle Therapie vs Anmeißelung 31 % vs 74 % stabile Ergebnisse Eichhorn, H-J, ACL-Study Group 2000 Subjektives Empfinden bei sportlicher Belastung 6% 7% stabil 87 % instabil schm erzhaft Revolutionary • Tissue engineered ligament-replacement • No donor site morbidity BMW Efficient Dynamics Studie Vorsicht vor neuen Industrie-Raketen: • Kunststoffbänder (z.B. LARS) • Xenograft (Centaurus) • Neue Implantate BIOLOGIC JOINTS • Can biologic parts be superior? Stone K. XENOGRAFT ACL RECONSTRUCTION DEVICE Porcine Bone-Patellar Tendon-Bone • Harvested from closed herd bred for high health initiative purposes • Age at sacrifice and breed ensures anatomic similarity to human BTB constructs • De-cellularization • Treated with recombinant -galactosidase • Cross-linked with low-level glutaraldehyde and inactivation by end-capping • Terminally sterilized with 17.8 kGy irradiation Evidence based ist wichtiger als rethorisches Geschick Vielen Dank für Ihre Aufmerksamkeit !
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