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Dr. Ditrych is an assistant professor at the Charles University in Prague and a research fellow at the
Institute of International Relations Prague where he directs the Global Prohibition Regimes project.
He holds degrees in international relations from University of Cambridge and Charles University in
Prague where he also previously graduated in political science (his master thesis was awarded the
Chancellor's Bolzano Prize). He was previously Fulbright research fellow at Belfer Center, Harvard
University, visiting researcher at CERI, Sciences Po and SWP Berlin, associate fellow at European
Union Institute for Security Studies (EUISS) and worked as an analyst for NATO. He also lectures at
the Diplomatic Academy of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Czech Republic and serves as an
external advisor to the Czech Minister of Foreign Affairs. His research interests include transatlantic
relations, terrorism, and global security assemblages. He has written for Security Dialogue, Bulletin
of the Atomic Scientists, JIRD, International Relations or Historical Social Research. His most recent
book, Tracing the Discourses of Terrorism: Identity, Genealogy and State has been published by
Palgrave Macmillan (2014).
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Dr. Hynek is an associate professor at the Charles University in Prague and the Metropolitan
University Prague. He studied political science and international relations at the Masaryk University,
the University of Plymouth, and the University of Bradford where he received his research doctorate
degree in Security Studies and International Politics (2011). He previously worked at the Institute
of International Relations in Prague where he founded and directed a research centre on security.
He was a visiting research scholar at the Columbia University in New York and the London School
of Economist and Political Science. He currently serves as an associate editor of the Journal of
International Relations and Development (JIRD) published by Palgrave Macmillan.
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Dr. Stritecky is an assistant professor at the Charles University in Prague and the Metropolitan
University Prague. He studied international relations at the Charles University in Prague and
University of St. Andrews (Scotland). His current research interests include sociology of security,
the relationship between security and technology, arms industry and cyber security. His publication
record includes five authored and co-authored monographs, several book chapters and journal
articles published in journals such as European Security, Communist and Post-Communist Studies
and Osteuropa.
Dr. Bures is the head of the Department of International Relations and European Studies,
Metropolitan University Prague and an adjunct senior lecturer at the Institute for Political Studies,
Charles University. He is also the founder and head of the Center for Security Studies at Metropolitan
University Prague ( C4SS ). His research is focused on the areas of conflict resolution and
international security, with special emphasis on United Nations peacekeeping operations, private
military companies, and the EU counterterrorism policy. His work has been published in Terrorism
and Political Violence, International Studies Review, International Peacekeeping, Global Change,
Peace and Security, and several other peer-reviewed journals.
Dr. Karasek is an assistant professor at the Charles University in Prague where he studied
international relations and law. Since 2004, he has lectured here on the resolution of international
conflicts, security and integration in Europe, international security and global terrorism. He was also
previously a visiting professor at Fudan University, a Fulbright scholar at the Saltzman Institute
of War and Peace Studies, Columbia University, and research director at the Association of
International Affairs (AMO). Since 2011 he has served as a vice-dean at the Faculty of Social
Sciences for international relations and then for development.
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Dr. Kucera is an assistant professor at the Charles University in Prague. He studied international
relations and security studies at the Faculty of Social Sciences before receiving a doctorate at
Aberystwyth University for a dissertation dealing with the relationship of liberal ideology and defence
policy and organisation of armed forces. His research interests include sociology of security,
organisation of armed forces and society, and ethics and the armed conflict.
Dr. Parizek is an assistant professor at the Charles University in Prague. He studied international
relations and governance at Charles University, the University of Bath and Freie Universität Berlin
where his dissertation thesis supervisor has been prof. Michael Zürn, a member of the Deutsch
Security Square advisory board. He was previously also a visiting scholar at Princeton University.
In his research, he focuses on European politics and political economy of international institutions,
on their functioning and on how their design can make them function better, most of his work being
based on game theory and organizational cybernetics.
Ms. Rychnovska is a Ph.D. candidate at the Institute of Political Studies, Faculty of Social Sciences,
Charles University, writing her dissertation on the emerging security governance in life sciences
related to the biological weapons regime. She holds an M.A. in comparative international studies
(ETH Zurich and the University of Zurich) and an LLM in law and politics of international security
(VU University Amsterdam). She was also a visiting researcher at the University of St. Andrews,
University of Ottawa, and Beijing University. In her research, she focuses on critical approaches to
security studies and the overlap between security, politics and (life) sciences. Her work has been
published in Perspectives, Central European Journal of International and Security Studies (CEJISS),
and other peer-reviewed journals.
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Mr. Smetana is a Ph.D. candidate at the Institute of Political Studies, Faculty of Social Sciences,
Charles University, writing his dissertation on the social construction of normative deviance within the
nuclear nonproliferation regime. He graduated from Charles University with degrees in area studies
and security studies. His main research interests in the field of security and strategic studies are
(non-)proliferation of WMD, arms control and disarmament, nuclear policy and strategy, dynamics
of international norms and regimes, deterrence theory, coercive diplomacy, and the role of identity
in international relations. He has published several articles in Czech academic journals and his
upcoming publications include an article for the Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists (with Ondrej Ditrych)
and a co-edited book in Routledge (with Nik Hynek) on the issue of global nuclear disarmament.
Ms. Svitkova is a Ph.D. candidate at the Institute of Political Studies, Faculty of Social Sciences,
Charles University, writing her dissertation on human security in cities and politics of urban resilience.
She holds M.A. degrees in security studies from the Charles University in Prague and the University
of Granada, respectively. Her research interests include urban vulnerability and resilience, politics
of urban security and the region of the Americas. She is also a research fellow in the International
Security Studies Group based at the University of Granada.
Mr. Spelda is a Ph.D. candidate at the Institute of Political Studies, Faculty of Social Sciences,
Charles University, writing his dissertation on visual discourse produced by radical extra-systemic
actors as a part of their efforts to challenge the international order. He graduated from the
Metropolitan University in Prague with degrees in international relations and European studies.
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Mr. Schmidt is a Ph.D. candidate at the Institute of Political Studies, Faculty of Social Sciences,
Charles University, writing his dissertation on the genealogy of cyber security discourse, focusing
specifically on the emergence and evolution of current threat oriented politics in cyberspace. He
graduated from the Charles University and the Metropolitan University in Prague with degrees in
sociology and international relations and European studies. His academic interests vary between
sociology of technology, critical studies of cyber war, space security and the relation between
international security system, new technologies invention and their policy implications such as the
relation between civilian space programs and perspectives of international stability. His work has
been published in Defense and Strategy or as a chapter in several monographs.
Mr. Zahora is a Ph.D. candidate at the Institute of Political Studies, Faculty of Social Sciences,
Charles University, writing his dissertation on security governance in Israeli West Bank settlements
from a mostly Foucauldian perspective. He holds degrees in security studies and Middle Eastern
studies from Charles University and SOAS, University of London. He was previously a visiting
student at Interdisciplinary Center Herzliya, Israel, and is currently also a research fellow at
Association for International Affairs (AMO). His research interests cover Israeli politics and society,
critical security studies with emphasis on poststructuralist approaches, discourse analysis, and
ethnographic methods in political science.
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