DANIEL LUMONYA Department of Development Sociology Cornell University, 240 Warren Hall, Ithaca, NY 14853 or Makerere University, Dept. of Social Work and Social Administration P.O. Box 7062, Kampala, Uganda Cell: 607 280 8996 (USA) or +256 772 501793 (Uganda) Email: dl442@cornell.edu or daniel.lumonya@sit.edu or dlumonya@yahoo.com 1.0 EDUCATION 1.1 PhD Candidate, Department of Development Sociology, Cornell University, USA. Dissertation Committee: Max Pfeffer (Chair), Philip McMichael, Fouad Makki. 1.2 Masters of Science, Development Sociology, Cornell University, 2011. 1.3 Masters of Arts, Social Sector Planning and Management, Makerere University, 2000. 1.4 Bachelor of Arts, Social Work and Social Administration, Upper, Second Class Honors, Makerere University, 1992. 1.5 Certificate, Research Methodology and Project Formulation, Makerere Institute of Social Research/University of Wisconsin-Madison, 1995. 2.0 AREAS OF CONCENTRATION 2.1 My research interests revolve around farming systems and agrarian transitions, globalization, and state, civil society relations. My dissertation, “When Labor Becomes a Problem: Distress and Agrarian Transitions in Buyengo, Eastern Uganda”, examines the transformation of communal labor practices and norms of reciprocity and how these transformations in turn reshape Buyengo’s farming system. My teaching at Makerere University included courses in rural development theory and practice, organizational theory and management, human resource management, qualitative, participatory and action research. I have received extensive training in facilitating cross cultural adjustment, experiential learning, financial management and budgeting, through over ten years working as Academic Director with World Learning’s SIT Study Abroad Programs in Africa. At Cornell University I have been a teaching assistant for introduction to sociology. 3.0 TEACHING AND WORKING EXPERIENCE 3.1 Lecturer, Makerere University, Department of Social Work and Social Administration. Courses taught: Human Resource Management and Issues in Rural Development. January 1994-todate (currently on academic study leave). 3.2 Teaching Assistant, Department of Development Sociology, Cornell University, USA, August 2008-May 2011. 1 3.3 World Studies Fellow, Marlboro College, Vermont, USA. Duties: taught Social Dimensions of Development and Global Perspectives (fall semester), Rural Development in Sub- Saharan Africa (spring semester), International Student Advising and member on the Committee for World Studies. August 2000-July 2001. 3.4 Academic Director, Uganda: Development Studies, School for International Training, a program of World Learning, SIT Study Abroad, Brattleboro, Vermont, USA (http://www.sit.edu/studyabroad/ssa_ugd.cfm). August 2001-July 2007. 3.5 Academic Director, Uganda and Rwanda: Peace and Conflict Studies in the Lake Victoria Basin (Summer/June-July only), School for International Training, a program of World Learning, SIT Study Abroad, Brattleboro, Vermont, USA (http://www.sit.edu/studyabroad/sss_ugp.cfm) 3.6 Development Studies Seminar Coordinator, Uganda: Development Studies, School for International Training, a program of World Learning, SIT Study Abroad, Brattleboro, Vermont, USA (http://www.sit.edu/studyabroad/ssa_ugd.cfm). September 1998- July 2000. 3.7 Team Leader, Situation Analysis of Women, Adolescents and Children in Uganda. A Research Project of Child Health and Development Center, UNICEF and Government of Uganda. March 1993-September 1995. 3.8 Registration Officer, Commission for the Constituent Assembly, Ministry of Justice and Constitutional Affairs, Uganda Government. November-December 1993. 3.9 Research Assistant, Uganda Constitutional Commission, Ministry of Justice and Constitutional Affairs, Uganda Government. March 1992- March 1993. 4.0 MAJOR CONSULTANCIES 4.1 Consultant, Curriculum Review and Incorporating Experiential Learning in Course Syllabi. M.A. Peace and Conflict Studies, Department of Peace and Religious Studies, Makerere University. January 2015. 4.2 Facilitator, Human Resource Management, IPH-CDC Fellowship Program: Developing Course Materials and Course Facilitation. September 2005-December 2005. 4.3 Principal Consultant, Developing a Five Year Work Place HIV/AIDS Policy and Strategy for ACTIONAID International Uganda. March-May 2005. 4.4 Principal Consultant, Restructuring HEWASA and HEWASACON (Health, Water and Sanitation Project) SNV Consultancy. April 2003. 4.5 Facilitator, Management Training Workshop. Rakai District Health Management Team. Topics covered: Organizational design, job design, motivation, teamwork, performance appraisal, employee development and training, conflict resolution and grievance procedures. September 29th-October 12th 1997. 4.6 Co-investigator, “Barriers to Private Health Sector Development in Uganda” Institute of Public Health, Makerere University. September 1996. 2 4.7 Team Member, Development of training materials/modules for managers and heads of departments of child welfare related bodies at district level. UNICEF/Ministry of Local Government, Government of Uganda. October 1996. 4.8 Team Member, Development of district and sub-county plans of action for children, UNICEF/National Council for Children/Ministry of Local Government. January 1995- December 1996. 4.9 Team Member, Evaluation of African Evangelistic Enterprises Childcare Program. September 1994. 4.10 Research Supervisor, Management of Health Information in the Health Units in Bushenyi District, Child Health and Development Center, Kampala. October 1994. 5.0 ACADEMIC PROJECTS 5.1 “Land, power and the production of Agriculture in Tanzania and Uganda”, Thesis, Masters of Science, Development Sociology, Cornell University. January 2011. 5.2 “Pathways Out of Poverty in Uganda: Expanding the Base for Poverty Reduction” A Collaborative Research Project with the Terry Sanford Institute of Public Policy, Duke University, USA. June 2005-December 2006. 5.3 “Assessment of the Demand Driven Approach in Water Provision: A case study of Iganga District”. Masters Dissertation, Department of Social Work and Social Administration, Makerere University. 1999. 5.4 “Integrated Rural Development Project: A Proposal for the development of Busia district.” Prepared for a local NGO, Initiative 2000-Uganda. 1999. 5.5 “Assessment of Decentralized Arrangements for Health Service Provision in Uganda: The Case of Local Council and Health Unit Management Committees”, International Development Research Center, Canada/Makerere University Kampala. 1998. 5.6 “Social Policy and Social Development in Uganda since 1996: An Annotated Bibliography.” Makerere University, Kampala. 1996. 5.7 “Social Cultural Determinants of Protein-Energy Malnutrition among 6-24 month old children in Tororo County.” Child Heath and Development Center, Makerere University Kampala. 1993. 5.8 “Physical Child Abuse: A study of Kampala Children”. Bachelors Dissertation, Department of Social Work and Social Administration, Makerere University, Kampala. 1991. 6.0 PAPER PRESENTATIONS 6.1 “Primitive Accumulation in a Neo-Liberal Order: What form it Takes and why it Matters”. Contested Global Landscapes Theme Project, Cornell University, April 9th 2015. 6.2 “The Agricultural Commercialization and Women’s Access to Land and Land Resources: Notes from Rural Eastern Uganda”. Mt. Holyoke College, Massachusetts, USA. March 30th 2015. 3 6.3 “A Political Ecology Perspective on Land Use Change: The Transition from Millet to Maize Farming in Rural Eastern Uganda”. Institute for African Development, Cornell University, USA. February 12th 2015. 6.4 “Dispossession without displacement”: the crises of agrarian labor in rural Uganda. African Studies Association, Indianapolis, Indiana. Nov 22nd, 2014. 6.5 “Our House is on Fire: Land Reform and the Fate of Small Faming in Eastern Africa”. Paper Presented at Bio-fuels, Land and Agrarian Change Symposium. Journal for Peasant Studies. St Mary’s University, Halifax, Canada. October 2009. 6.6 “The Food Crisis, Land Reform and the Push for a Green Revolution in sub-Saharan Africa”. Conference; Informing Possibilities for the Future of Food and Agriculture. Agriculture, Food and Human Values Society, Penn State University, State College, PA, USA. May 28-31, 2009. 6.7 “Decentralization and Development in Uganda.” Presented at the School for International Training Social Change Conference. September 2000. 6.8 “Gender and Social Sector Issues in Uganda.” Presented at the Gender Training for Development Practice in Africa Workshop. Department of Women Studies, Makerere University Kampala. May 25th-June 19th 1998. 6.9 “The Health Care Delivery System in Uganda.” Presented at the Gender and Health Care Management Workshop. Department of Women Studies, Makerere University Kampala. October 1998. 6.10 “Gender, Accessibility and Utilization of Health Care Systems.” Presented at the Gender and Health Car e Management Workshop, Department of Women Studies, Makerere University, Kampala. October 1998. 7.0 WORKSHOPS AND CONFERENCES 7.1 Rethinking Violence, Reconstruction and Reconciliation. African Studies Association, 57th Annual Conference, Indianapolis, Indiana, November 2014: 7.1 African Diaspora and Diasporas in Africa. African Studies Association, 53rd Annual Conference, San Francisco, California. November 2010: 7.2 Knowledge of Africa: The Next Fifty Years. African Studies Association, 48th Annual Conference, Chicago, Illinois. October 2008: 7.3 Constitutionalism in Transition: Central and Eastern Europe and Africa. Kampala Uganda. January 14th – 18th 2002. 7.4 Africa in the New Millennium. The 43rd African Studies Conference. Nashville Tennessee, USA. November 16th –19th 2000. 7.5 Fundraising and Resource Mobilization. Institute of Fundraising and Direct Marketing. Namboole, Kampala. May 2000. 4 7.6 The State and Dynamics of Social Policy Research and Practice in Uganda. Department of Social Work and Social Administration, Makerere University, Kampala. October 1998. 7.7 Research Methodology, Proposal and Report Writing. Department of Social Work and Social Administration, Makerere University, Kampala. July 1995. 7.8 Mobilizing the Community to manage and improve their own Health Status. Uganda International Conference Center, Ministry of Health. October 1994. 8.0 PUBLICATIONS 8.1 “Escaping Poverty and Becoming Poor in 36 Villages of Central and Western Uganda” in Journal of Development Studies, Vol.42, No. 2, 346-370, February 2006. 8.2 “Assessment of Decentralized Arrangements for Health Service Provision in Uganda: The Case of Health Unit and Local Council Health Committees”. In The Mawazo Volume 7 No. 3 June 2000 Makerere University Press. 8.3 “The Research Process for Social Science Investigations.” Ed (1998) Makerere University Press. 9.0 ACADEMIC AND PROFESSIONAL MEMBERSHIPS 9.1 African Studies Association, Rutgers University New Jersey. 9.2 National Association of Social Workers of Uganda. 5
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