Directorate General of Employment & Training (DGE&T) Ministry of Labour and Employment Shram Shakti Bhawan, Rafi Marg, New Delhi – 110119 Subject: Engagement of Media Agency for Creating, Planning and Launching of Information, Education and Communication Plan for National Career Service Project (NCSP). Reference: Tender Notice DGET.V-11014/2/2014-MMP Cell Dated: 23rd March 2015 Corrigendum/Addendum 1 1. The proposed last date for submission of bids has been extended to 31st March 2015. The proposal should be submitted to Directorate General of Employment & Training (DGE&T), Ministry of Labour and Employment, Shram Shakti Bhawan, Rafi Marg, New Delhi-110001 in hard copy or through email before 5 P.M. on 31-03-2015. The bid Opening will take place on 31-03-2015 at 5 P.M. 2. The criteria 1 of Eligibility under clause 1.3 have been revised and available at “Annexure 1” of this document. 3. Evaluation criteria as per the Section 2.2 and section 2.3 of RFP has been modified and henceforth should be read as mentioned in Annexure 2 and commercial bid format is enclosed as Annexure 3 of this document 4. Invitation of Proposal format has been revised and the modified Invitation of Proposal is enclosed as Annexure “5” in this corrigendum. 5. The scope of Work as per clause 1.8 of RFP has been modified and point 12 would be read as follows 12. The Media Agency may be involved in any other activity relating to the Media Planning and Media Strategy for the services of NCSs. The media agency may be required to offer similar services for other projects of Ministry of Labour and Employment at the same rates quoted as part of this proposal. Note:-1.Execution of the media plan on vehicles available with DAVP shall be done through DAVP only. However any medium which is not available with DAVP, the media agency shall be required to execute it on behalf of DGE&T. 6. The submission of proposals as per section 1.4 of RFP has been modified and the proposal should be submitted in three Sealed envelopes, Envelope 1 marked “RFP Document fee & Bid Security/ Earnest Money Deposit (EMD)” Envelope 2 marked “Technical Bid” containing 2 copies of technical proposal, CD containing technical proposal. Envelope 3 Marked as “Financial Bid and Do not open with Technical Bid” containing 1 Copy of Financial proposal Page 1 of 10 Annexure Annexure 1 Eligible Criteria # Parameter Pre-qualification criteria Description 1 Legal Entity Agency should be A company incorporated in India under the Companies Act, 1956 and subsequent amendments thereto or a partnership firm registered under LLP Act, 2008. Or All agencies empanelled with DAVP are eligible for bidding. However agencies are required to submit the certificates issued by statutory bodies related to agency registration etc. Registered with the Service Tax Authorities Should have been operating for the last three years. Evidence required Copy Certificate Incorporation Or Copy Registration Certificates by authorities of of of tax Or Any other certificate issued by statutory bodies Page 2 of 10 Annexure 2 Evaluation Criteria: DGE&T will constitute a Proposal Evaluation Committee to evaluate the responses of the agencies. The Proposal Evaluation Committee reserves the right to reject any or all proposals. Each of the responses shall be evaluated as per the criteria and requirements specified in this RFP. The steps for evaluation are as follows: 2.2.1. Stage 1 All the proposals will be scrutinized to assess their eligibility based on the minimum qualifying criteria as specified in Clause 1.3 of this RFP. The offers not meeting the qualifying requirement will be summarily rejected. 2.2.2. Stage 2 All the eligible offers will be evaluated by a Selection Committee, based on the Evaluation Criteria as per Clause 2.3 of this RFP. Under this stage the eligible agencies will be invited for making presentation on their detailed media plan on 6th April 2015. The agencies scoring marks more than 65% of total technical score will be called as technically qualified agencies. 2.2.3 Stage 3 Financial proposals will be considered only of those respondents who secure a qualifying technical score of 65%. The Financial proposal should be submitted as per Annexure 3 and Annexure 4 2.3 Evaluation Framework The Agency’s technical solution proposed in the Technical Evaluation bid document will be evaluated as per the evaluation criteria mentioned in the following table. Technical Evaluation # Evaluation Criteria Total Marks 1. Agency’s Financial Credentials 100 2. Agency’s Experience 300 3. Action Plan and Sample Deliverables 300 4. Presentation 300 Total technical score 1000 DGE&T (or a nominated party) reserves the right to check/ validate the authenticity of the information provided in the Technical Evaluation criteria and the requisite support must be provided by the Agency. The following sections explain how the Agency’s will be evaluated on each of the evaluation criteria. Page 3 of 10 2.3.1. Agency’s Financial Credentials # Criteria Criteria Details Marks Allotted Average Annual Turnover of the agency as per the audited consolidated financial statements for the last 3 financial years preceding the date of submission of bid: 1. Sales Turnover 100 >5 Crore & <= 10 Crore: 40 Marks >10 Crore & <= 20 Crore: 60 Marks >20 Crore & <= 30 Crore: 80 Marks >30 Crore & <= 40 Crore: 100 Marks TOTAL 100 2.3.2. Agency’s Experience Documentary Evidence # Citation Citation Details The agency should have experience of at projects as creative agency for nationwide campaign for Central Govt Ministry/Department /PSU/Corporates in the last five (5) years from the date of submission of bid: 1. Experience in handling media campaign for Central Govt Ministry/Department /PSU/Corporation during the last 5 years 5 citations (atleast 2 successfully completed years) = 100, 3 citations (atleast 2 successfully completed years) = 80, should be in last 5 should be in last 5 Marks Allotted Completion Certificates from the client; OR Work Order + Self Certificate of Completion (Certified by the Statutory Auditor); OR 100 Work Order + Phase Completion Certificate from the client 2 citation (successfully completed in last 5 years) = 60 2. Experience in Creative designing Experience in producing documentaries / corporate films/T.V.C./Radio Jingle/collaterals like logo, taglines, creatives, banners etc. etc. for atleast 3 assignments during last 5 years. 6 citations (atleast 2 should be successfully completed in last 5 years) = 100, 4 citations (atleast 1 should be successfully completed in last 5 years) = 80, Completion Certificates from the client; OR Work Order + Self Certificate of Completion (Certified by the Statutory Auditor); OR 100 Work Order + Phase Completion Certificate from the client 3 citation (atleast 1 should be successfully completed in last 5 Page 4 of 10 # Citation Documentary Evidence Citation Details Marks Allotted years) = 60 3. Experience in Central Government Ministries/State Governments/PSUs (Central or State) /Autonomous Bodies (under Central or State Governments) Experience in Central Government Ministries/State Governments/PSUs (Central or State) /Autonomous Bodies (under Central or State Governments) for atleast 2 projects 5 citations (atleast 2 should be successfully completed in last 5 years) = 100, 3 citations (atleast 1 should be successfully completed in last 5 years) = 80, 2 citation (atleast 1 should be successfully completed in last 5 years) = 60 Completion Certificates from the client; OR Work Order + Self Certificate of Completion (Certified by the Statutory Auditor); OR 100 Work Order + Phase Completion Certificate from the client. TOTAL 300 2.3.3. Action Plan and Sample Deliverables # 1. Criteria Media Plan Marks Allotted Criteria Details The IEC plan should include the details of activities planned with indicative budgetary provision for the activities as per DAVP rate card and the rationale of selecting each and every medium should be detailled. The selection committee would evaluate the plans submitted and select those plans giving optimal solutions & strategies for a budget of 7 crore for a time period of 1 year. 100 Average 25 Good 50 Very Good 75 Excellent 100 Creative script for Audio or Video ad for creating recall value of the project 2. Audio/Video Ad jingle Average Good Very Good Excellent 24 48 72 80 80 Page 5 of 10 # Criteria Marks Allotted Criteria Details Sample Print/banner creative in order to publish in the newspaper or magazines 3. Print Ad creative and Banner Design Average Good Very Good Excellent 24 48 72 80 80 Propose a suitable tagline for the project and design a logo. 4. Tagline and Logo Average Good Very Good Excellent 12 24 36 40 40 TOTAL 300 2.3.4. Presentation # Criteria Criteria Details Marks Allotted Presentation for their understanding of the project requirements, detailled media plan, budget and execution plan 1. Presentation Parameters of Assessment: Communication of project concept audience: 20% Creativity: 30% Innovation/originality : 30% Coverage of stakeholders: 20% Average Good Very Good Excellent TOTAL to 300 150 200 250 300 300 Financial Evaluation For the purpose of selection of creative agency, the Agencies are required to provide one financial proposal (in INR) for each of the jobs in Annexure 3. The financial score will be calculated as per the formula given below: Total Financial Score = {lowest financial quote / Agencies financial quote} X 1000 (adjusted to 2 decimals) Page 6 of 10 Final Evaluation: The final score will be calculated through Quality and Cost selection method based with the following weight-age: Technical: 70% Commercial: 30% Final Score = (0.70*Total Technical Score) + (0.30* Total Commercial Score) Page 7 of 10 Annexure 3 Financial Template: # Activity (A) 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. TV creative of 120 sec TV creative of 90 sec TV creative of 60 Sec TV creative of 30 Sec TV creative Edits of 10/15 sec. Animation videos (60 sec) Radio Jingles of upto 60 sec. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. Audio creative for Spots of upto 30 sec Audio creative for Spots of upto 60 sec Radio Jockey talks of upto 15 min Radio Jockey talks of upto 30 min Print creative for Design Poster Print creative for Design stickers and name slips Brochures Special booklets (story and information books) Pamphlets Creative for Magazines Design Handouts Creative for full page, b/w and coloured Newspaper print Ad Creative for Half page, b/w and coloured Newspaper print Ad 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. Unit Cost INR (in figures) (B) Unit Cost INR (in words) (C) Creative for Quarter page, b/w and coloured, Newspaper print Ad Creative for Strips (both horizontal & vertical) in Newspaper Creative for Display standees, hoardings for public places etc. Creative for Internal and external train wraps, bus back panels etc. Social media including web pages for twitter and facebook and official program website etc. Total Cost (Sum of Row 1 to 25.) Note: Translation cost of the above would be as DAVP rate card. In case of any discrepancy in cost between words and figures, the cost in words would prevail. In case of any calculation errors, unit rates in column C would prevail Page 8 of 10 Annexure 4 Financial Bid Covering Letter To, Dr. Aquib Javed Senior Scientific Officer - I Directorate General of Employment & Training (DGE&T), Ministry of Labour and Employment, Government of India 3/10 Jamnagar House New Delhi-110011 Email ID:, Phone number: 011-23386737, 011-23350896 Subject: Submission of the Financial bid for National Career Service Project (NCSP) Dear Sir, We, the undersigned, offer to provide content development services to DGE&T with reference to your Request for Proposal dated <insert date> and our Proposal. We are hereby submitting our Proposal, which includes Pre-qualification bid, Technical bid and the Commercial Bid sealed in a separate envelope. We hereby declare that all the information and statements made in this Financial bid are true and accept that any misinterpretation contained in it may lead to our disqualification. We agree to abide by all the terms and conditions of all the volumes of this RFP document. We would hold the terms of our bid valid for the number of days as stipulated in the RFP document. We understand you are not bound to accept any Proposal you receive. Yours sincerely, (Authorised Signatory) Signature: Name: Designation: Address: Seal: Date: Page 9 of 10 Annexure 5 Invitation for Proposal Date: 10/03/2015 Directorate General of Employment & Training, Ministry of Labour and Employment, Government of India (hereinafter referred to as DGE&T), having its Corporate Office at Shram Shakti Bhawan, Rafi Marg, New Delhi-110001, invites responses (“Proposals”/ “Bids”) to this Request for Proposal (“RFP”) from DAVP empanelled to be appointed as media agency for National Career Service Project (NCSP). Interested agencies are advised to study this RFP document carefully before submitting their proposals in response to the RFP Document. Submission of a proposal in response to this RFP shall be deemed to have been done after careful study and examination of this document with full understanding of its terms, conditions and implications. Interested agencies to download the RFP document from the website URL mentioned in the fact sheet Any subsequent corrigenda / clarifications will be made available on the website URL mentioned in the fact sheet. Proposals must be received not later than time, date and venue mentioned in the Fact Sheet. Proposals that are received after the deadline WILL NOT be considered in this procurement process. A agency will be selected on the basis of evaluation criteria as described in this RFP. To obtain first-hand information on the assignment, agencies are encouraged to attend a pre-bid meeting. Attending the pre-bid meeting is optional. Yours Sincerely Pravin Srivastava Deputy Director General (Employment) Directorate General of Employment & Training Ministry of Labour & Employment Government of India 511-A Wing, Shram Shakti Bhawan, Rafi Marg New Delhi - 110119 Telefax: 011 - 23350896 Page 10 of 10 Page Section (Name & No.) No S.No 1 4 Fact Sheet Statement as per tender document Query by Agency Date and Time for opening of Technical Bid As the submission Bid opening time is prior to the time of time is 5pm, opening submission. time cannot happen prior to this Reason for query Response Please refer to Corrigendum Since all the releases will be done thru DAVP there is no media liability with the agency. The agency is only acting as a creative partner. Therefore PG is not applicable The PBG is required only for the part of the scope of work which the agency is required to directly execute. This is as per the tendering guidelines of Government of India. These kind of projects, considered as a special project requires special rates to be quoted. DAVP has a format of Financial Proposal for these kinds of projects. RFP of AIIMS is attached for your reference. Please refer to Corrigendum Looking at the RFP there are lot of things required for the submission including Media plan/sample creatives and the time is given is very limited Please refer to Corrigendum Under the scope of work which includes media plan and evaluation, print campaign, TVC, AV medium along with BTL and Digital media. Production cost for creating all these will be borne by agency but the financial proposal section is not there in the RFP Please refer to Corrigendum 6 If the entire media campaign is released through DAVP, then what will be the role of the media agency apart from making the creatives? should the agency be paid creative fees according to the market rate or as per DAVP rate? The agencies will be required to create detailed media strategy, nation wide media campaigns, collaterals, impact analysis etc. Please refer to scope of work for media agencies as per clause 1.8 of RFP. For payment part please refer to the Corrigendum 7 the agencies have been asked to submit the Media Plan, Audio/video Ad Jingle, Print Ad creative, Banner Design, Tagline and Logo by Please refer to Corrigendum for 20th March, 2015. The deadline is too short to revised timelines execute for such an extensive work. Can the deadline be kindly extended by at least 10 more days please? 2 3 4 5 8 Instruction to Agency 9 Instructions to Agency Selection process for 14 the agency Performance Guarantee Scope of work for Media Agency 1.8 Evaluation 2.2 Why should Agency submit Performance Guarantee? There is a huge list of deliverables under ‘SOW’. Media evaluation and plan. Creation of Print campaign TVC production Digital/Social Media handling BTL activity including events etc Extension of Bid submission date till 27.03.2015 Financial Proposal is missing. Page Section (Name & No.) No S.No 8 10 Statement as per tender document Agency should be A company Section 1 : Instructions to Agency incorporated in India under the 6 1. Instruction to Agency Companies Act, 1956 and subsequent 1.3 Eligible Criteria – Legal Entity amendments thereto or a partnership firm registered under LLP Act, 2008. Section 1 : Instructions to Agency 1. Instruction to Agency 7 1.3 Eligible Criteria – Earnest Money Deposit Query by Agency Reason for query The Constitution of India allows any firm engaged in doing business legally, irrespective of its Constitution, to conduct business in India. As such, legal Constitution cannot be The criteria to bar any organisation from doing a particular business. We are a proprietorship concern and a proprietorship firm is not supposed to be registered under companies Act as it is owed by an individual. Proprietorship firm needs a Service Tax /VAT registration to operate. We have both. You are requested to mend this criteria to allow all legal entities including As per this clause, only registered proprietorship firms to apply. under Companies Act or LLPs can (for your reference, we are enclosing CA participate in the bids. Thus it does not Certificate for above) allow Proprietorship / partnership/ We, as a proprietorship firm, handle jobs for other concerns to apply. many Ministries / PSUs/ Government organisations and reputed corporates. - The above clause creates entry barriers by driving competitors out from the tender process. This is presumably against the Competition Act 2002 of India. Please note that as per Section 19(3) of the Act, creation of entry barriers for competition leads to Appreciable Adverse Effect on Competition ("AAEC"). Keeping in view the above, it is requested to amend this clause and allow all legal entities to participate Agency should submit Earnest Money Instead of Demand Draft can we deposit of INR 100,000 in the form of submit EMD in form of FDR? demand draft from Scheduled Bank Response All agencies empanelled with DAVP are eligible for bidding. However agencies are required to submit the certificates issued by statuory bodies related to agency registration etc. As per the requitrements of RFP, the agency is required to submit EMD through demand draft. S.No 11 12 13 Page Section (Name & No.) No Section 1 : Instructions to Agency 1. Instruction to Agency 1.4 Preparation of Proposal and 8 submission of Response Section 2 : Selection Process for 14 Agency 2.3 Evaluation Framework 4 Fact Sheet Statement as per tender document Query by Agency Reason for query Agencies are advised to study all instructions, forms, terms, requirements and other information in the RFP documents carefully. Failure to comply with the requirements of this RFP may render the Proposal noncompliant and the Proposal may be rejected. Agency must: In which Format we have to submit the Format has not been provided? i. Include all documentation specified RFP? in this RFP; ii. Follow the format of this RFP and respond to each element in the order as set out in this RFP iii. Comply with all requirements as set out within this RFP. Response Agencies need to refer to the Annexures avaliable in the RFP and corrigendum for preparing the response. Action Plan & Sample Deliverables Do we need to submit the Action Plan along with the creatives in the technical bid? Yes, the agency needs to submit sample creatives as part of the technical proposal. Last date and time for Bid/Proposal submission (on or before) – 20.03.2015 If we have to submit Technical Bid along with Action Plan & creatives then we request you to kindly extend the date of submission. Please refer to Corrigendum.
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