The University of the Philippines Department of Geodetic Engineering Undergraduate Practicum Policy and Guidelines Introduction This document contains the general policy and guidelines for the Department of Geodetic Engineering’s undergraduate practicum program in partial fulfillment of the requirements in the subject GE 191: Engineering Practicum 1 and GE 192: Engineering Practicum 2. The information contained herewith will take effect 2nd Semester of AY 2013-2014. The content is as follows: I. II. III. IV. V. VI. Objectives of the Program Requirements of the Program Procedures and Guidelines Duties and Responsibilities of a Host Company Grading System Appendices I. Objectives of the Program In line with the Department of Geodetic Engineering’s goal to produce competent graduates that will meet the needs of the industry, the program aims to: a. Familiarize the students with the technical and managerial aspects of the Geodetic engineering profession and enable then to acquire skills/expertise on the technology, processes and systems employed by the industry; b. Enable the student to relate and apply the theories obtained from the different subjects in GE curriculum in real world setting; c. To develop GE graduates who are highly employable and trainable and will match the industry’s demands; d. To support the research and development program of the Department Geodetic Engineering for the improvement of the discipline; e. Develop and instill positive attitude, self confidence, and self motivation required of a responsible professional; and lpb Rev 5 1 of 16 f. Emphasize the importance of human relations in a working environment. II. Requirements of the Program a. The practicum program is a requirement for the completion of the B.S. Geodetic Engineering Program. GE 191 and GE 192 are offered only to fourth year standing students and all the requisite courses should be taken first. b. The faculty handling GE 191 and GE 192 shall be assigned as coordinator/ adviser. c. The Department of Geodetic Engineering shall provide students with the list of companies that are willing and capable of accepting on the job trainees. However, students shall have the option to choose a company not included in the DGE list of companies provided that the said company is willing to accept OJT. d. A student must meet the required minimum exposure of 240 hours. e. At the end of the practicum proper a student must submit a final report with the required attachments at the end of the program. III. Procedures and Guidelines A. GE 191: Engineering Practicum 1 1. Fourth year standing students targeting to graduate at the next academic year must enroll the subject GE 191: Engineering Practicum 1 during the 2nd semester. GE 191 provides the venue for the students to prepare for the OJT. 2. The Department of Geodetic Engineering shall provide a list of host companies where the students enrolled in GE 191 can choose to have their training. As mentioned in the previous section, students can take OJT from companies not included in the DGE list. However, a prequalification process shall be done by the faculty coordinator shall be done prior to the acceptance of the host company. The approved company shall then be included in the official list of companies. 3. The student shall contact the company and ask if there are still available slots for an on the job training. If the company agrees, the following information should be obtained: i. Name of the contact person including designation ii. Complete name of the company and address iii. Various documents needed to be submitted and when can be submitted lpb Rev 5 2 of 16 4. The student shall write an Application Letter (see Appendix 1 for sample Application Letter) addressed to the company. An Endorsement Letter (Appendix 2) from the adviser should be attached. 5. The student shall submit the Application Letter and required documents to the company and shall wait for acceptance. The students shall be responsible for following up on their application to the company. 6. Upon acceptance, obtain a Letter of Acceptance from the company. The student shall also ask the company representative/ assigned supervisor to sign three (3) copies of the filled out Work Plan Form (Appendix 3). The Work Plan Form shall indicate the tasks or job as well as the time schedule of the student trainee in the company. The student shall negotiate with the host company regarding the time schedule and work load favorable to both parties. 7. The student shall give a copy of the Letter of Acceptance, Work Plan Form and the Training Waiver (Appendix 4) to his/her adviser. If the adviser agrees with the schedule and work load given to the student, he too shall indicate in conformity by signing the Work Plan Form. 8. Items 3 to 7 must be completed by students enrolled in GE 191 to obtain a passing grade in the subject and be able to enroll in GE192: Engineering Practicum 2 that shall be offered summer of each academic year. 9. The OJT faculty coordinator shall also provide a series of lectures and workshops that will complement the OJT program. A final exam shall be given to students to provide a quantitative evaluation of the readiness of the student to undergo OJT. B. GE 192: Engineering Practicum 2 1. Students who passed GE 191 can enroll GE192. By this time all the necessary pre-OJT documents are completed. 2. The student shall start the training on the date agreed upon. As part of monitoring, he/she shall fill-out the Work Assignment Schedule Matrix Form (Appendix 5). This should be signed by the host company supervisor and shall be part of the final report of the student/trainee. 3. The student shall document the progress of his/her training and submit a Progress Report (Appendix 6) signed by the company supervisor and submitted to his/her adviser after one-third and two-thirds of the minimum number of practicum hours. 4. At the end of the practicum period, the student shall ask the host company to give a Certificate of Completion and to fill-out an Evaluation Form (Appendix 7). 5. The student shall submit a final written report (See Appendix 8 for contents) one week before the last day of submission of grades to the GE 198 instructor/adviser. lpb Rev 5 3 of 16 Enroll GE 191 Get copy of list of companies from DGE Yes Contact company and ask if OJT slot is available Student’s choice included ? Yes OJT slot available? Attend GE 191 Lectures and Workshops Get DGE practicum Letter/ Survey Form, Fillout, submit to DGE to include company in the official list No No Write an application letter, ask adviser for an endorsement letter, submit all requirements to company Accepted? Yes Ask company for a Letter of Acceptance, Get Grade Passed? No Yes Enroll GE 192 Figure 1. GE 191 Work Flow lpb Rev 5 4 of 16 Enroll GE 192 Prepare 3 and negotiate schedule and work load with host company Provide the adviser with a copy of the Letter of Acceptance, Work Plan Form and Training Waiver Form Start OJT Prepare Progress Report and consult with his/her adviser after the first 1/3 of the OJT period Prepare Progress Report and consult with his/her adviser after 2/3 of the OJT period End of OJT Get Grade Get Certificate of Completion from Host Company, ask company to fill up Performance Evaluation form. Submit Final Written report with required attachments one week before the last day of submission of grades. Figure 2. GE 192 Work Flow lpb Rev 5 5 of 16 IV. Duties and Responsibilities of a Host Company a. Assign an immediate supervisor who will monitor the attendance and performance of the student-trainee for the duration of the training in coordination with the adviser of the student; b. Ensure through the immediate supervisor or through the Human Resource Department that the student shall handle work load which are related to the student’s course (in this case, related to geodetic engineering); c. Ensures a safe working environment for the student(s) undergoing practicum. d. Evaluate the student’s performance, and submit the signed and sealed the evaluation form directly to the adviser. e. Inform the Department of Geodetic Engineering through the adviser any other matters related to the student’s practicum program in the company. f. Furnish a Certificate of Completion. V. Grading System The faculty adviser/ coordinator shall give the student a grade based on the following criteria: GE 191 Long Exam 50% Preparation of OJT Requirements 50% 100% GE 192 Written Report and Presentation 50% Evaluation from Host Company 50% 100% Grading shall be based on the university’s standard scale. Students who are not able to complete/fulfill the requirements shall be given an INCOMPLETE (INC) as the final grade. VI. Appendices This section contains sample forms and documents which are needed in the practicum program: Appendix 1: Application Letter Appendix 2: Endorsement Letter Appendix 3: Work Plan Form Appendix 4: Training Waiver Form Appendix 5: Work Assignment and Schedule Matrix Form Appendix 6: Progress Report Appendix 7: Evaluation Form Appendix 8: Contents and Format of Final Report lpb Rev 5 6 of 16 Appendix 1: APPLICATION LETTER <Date> <Mr./Ms. CONTACT PERSON> <Position> <Name of Company> <Company Address> <Sir or Madam>: I am a graduating student of the Bachelor of Science in Geodetic Engineering at the University of the Philippines. In partial fulfillment of the requirements of this degree, I am required to undergo an On-the-Job Training (OJT) for a minimum of 240 hours starting <date>. I would like to apply as a trainee in your company because I believe that the training and experience that I will acquire there will broaden my understanding about my discipline. Thank you very much for your kind consideration. Very truly yours, <Student Name> <Student Home Address> <Student’s contact number> Noted by: <Adviser> <Designation> Department of Geodetic Engineering College of Engineering University of the Philippines, Diliman, Quezon City lpb Rev 5 7 of 16 Appendix 2: ENDORSEMENT LETTER <Date> <Mr./Ms. CONTACT PERSON> <Position> <Name of Company> <Company Address> <Sir or Madam>: This refers to the application submitted by <Mr./Ms.Name of student> to undergo an On-the-Job Training (OJT) for a minimum of 240 hours in your company. This is a requirement in fulfillment of the B.S. Geodetic Engineering course at the University of the Philippines. We believe that your company can provide the relevant exposure for future geodetic engineers and will help ensure highly qualified engineers for the industry. We would greatly appreciate your assistance in this endeavor. Thank you and we look forward for your kind consideration and support. Very truly yours, <Adviser> <Designation> Department of Geodetic Engineering College of Engineering University of the Philippines, Diliman, Quezon City lpb Rev 5 8 of 16 Appendix 3: WORK PLAN FORM FORM OJT-GE1 University of the Philippines - Diliman Department of Geodetic Engineering PRACTICUM WORK PLAN Student Profile: Name of student: ____________________________ Contact Number(s):___________________________ E-mail address: ____________________________ Company Profile: Name of company: __________________________ Company Address:____________________________ ____________________________ Name of Supervisor: ____________________________ Contact # of Company/ Supervisor: ____________________________ Job Description: _________________________________________________________ Practicum Details: Description of Assigned Jobs/ Tasks: ________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________ Start of work/End of work: Work Schedule: From: ________________________ To: ________________________ ________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ Conforme: <Signature of Student> <Student’s Name> lpb Rev 5 <Signature of Supervisor> <Supervisor’s Name> <Signature of Adviser> <Adviser’s Name> 9 of 16 Appendix 4: TRAINING WAIVER FORM FORM OJT-GE2 University of the Philippines - Diliman Department of Geodetic Engineering Parent’s/Guardian’s Certification of Permission/Waiver For Practicum This is to certify that I am allowing my son/daughter <Mr./Ms.Name of student> to opt to undertake an On-the-Job Training to be done on the _____ term SY_____________. I understand that he/she shall abide by the rules and regulations that may be required by the staff-in-charge for his/her welfare and safety during the training. I fully agree to waive any responsibility and forever discharge the University of the Philippines, the College of Engineering and the Department of Geodetic Engineering from all actions, proceedings, suits, costs, claims, and demands which I might have for any loss, damage, injury (including death) of whatsoever nature and however arising in connection with this On-the-Job Training undertaken by my son/daughter. __________________________ Name of Student ________________________ Signature __________________________ Name of Parent/Guardian ________________________ Signature ________________________ Date of Submission lpb Rev 5 10 of 16 Appendix 5: WORK ASSIGNMENT AND SCHEDULE MATRIX FORM FORM OJT-GE3 University of the Philippines - Diliman Department of Geodetic Engineering PRACTICUM WORK ASSIGNMENT AND SCHEDULE MATRIX Week st 1 Week 2nd Week 3rd Week 4th Week 5th Week 6th Week 7th Week 8th Week 9th Week 10th Week Others Student’s/ Trainee’s Name:_________________ Monday Tuesday Wednesday Signature over printed name of supervisor: lpb Rev 5 Thursday Date:_____________ Friday Others _________________________________________ 11 of 16 Appendix 6: PROGRESS REPORT FORM OJT-GE4 University of the Philippines - Diliman Department of Geodetic Engineering PROGRESS REPORT <Student’s Name> Period:_____________ <Inclusive Dates> < Document all accomplishments> activities for the period. Enumerate significant Noted by: ____<Signature>____ <Supervisor’s Name> <Position> lpb Rev 5 12 of 16 Appendix 7: EVALUATION FORM FORM OJT-GE5 University of the Philippines - Diliman Department of Geodetic Engineering Performance Evaluation Form To the Supervisor: Following is the instrument for evaluating our students. Please answer the questions the way you would appraise their performance. You may also attach your own instrument(s) to support your assessment on the trainee. Name of Trainee :_______________________________________________ Position/Line of Training :_______________________________________________ Department :_______________________________________________ Duration of Work :From__________________to_______________________ Number of Hours :_______________________________________________ Job Description of Trainee :_______________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________ Name of Evaluator :______________________________________________ Position/ Office :______________________________________________ Company :______________________________________________ lpb Rev 5 13 of 16 Legend: 1 – Very Poor 2 – Poor 3 – Average 4 – Good 5 – Very Good NA – Not Applicable 1. Demonstrated the ability to integrate theories learned in school and the practical work in your company 1 2 3 4 5 NA 2. Demonstrated evidence of growth as a result of his apprenticeship. 1 2 3 4 5 NA 3. 1 2 3 4 5 NA 1 2 3 4 5 NA 1 2 3 4 5 NA 1 2 3 4 5 NA 1 2 3 4 5 NA 1 2 3 4 5 NA 1 2 3 4 5 NA 1 2 3 4 5 NA Demonstrated initiative to new endeavors in the course of his training. 4. Demonstrated a knowledge of work done: a) Identified the different phases of work b) Did work neatly and accurately regardless of its quantity c) Demonstrated the ability to grasp instructions speedily, accept criticisms gracefully, and show enthusiasm towards learning 5. Demonstrated prompt and active attendance: a) Did assigned tasks and handed them in on time b) Contributed, developed and implemented new ideas and/or methods 6. Demonstrated skills in interpersonal relations: a) Showed tact and concern in dealing with supervisors and peers b) Showed practical courtesy and professional ethics lpb Rev 5 14 of 16 7. Demonstrated overall performance proficiency: a) Showed sound judgment and common sense on the job b) Showed the ability to learn new duties – quick in absorbing and retaining knowledge as well as learning, and adjusting to changes c) Demonstrated communication skills such as the ability to express the self in both written and oral work as well as the ability to listen and emphasize attentively d) Showed dependability in dealing with emergency situations, the ability to keep confidential matters, and stay disciplined in the implementation of duties as called for on the job 1 2 3 4 5 NA 1 2 3 4 5 NA 1 2 3 4 5 NA 1 2 3 4 5 NA Additional Comments: __________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________ Signature of Evaluator __________________ Date Note: Please enclose this form in an envelope bearing the company’s letterhead and sign across the flap of the envelope after sealing it. Thank You. lpb Rev 5 15 of 16 Appendix 8: CONTENTS AND FORMAT OF FINAL REPORT All students undertaking the practicum program of GE 198 are required to submit a Written Report one week before the submission of grades for the semester that GE 198 is taken. The content of the report is as follows: A. Company Data 1. Brief History/Background of the Company/Company Profile 2. Inclusive dates of training 3. Department/Division/Section 4. Name(s) of Personnel (supervisor, liaison officer, training officer/instructor, etc.) involved in the training program with their respective designations. B. Training Program 1. Objectives 2. Schedules/Timetable 3. Areas of Training 4. List of References (e.g. Manuals, texts, etc.) used in the company library while taking the practicum C. Activities Include Work Assignment and Schedule Matrix D. Evaluation 1. Achievements a. Skills and current technology learned/enforced b. Equipment, machinery, testing apparatus, etc., handled c. Was the proposed program followed? Completed? Why or Why not? d. Strong points versus weak points e. The best experience on the job 2. Failures a. Causes lpb Rev 5 16 of 16 b. Suggested Solutions c. How they were overcome 3. Evidence of background preparation of trainees upon the start of the training (theory and manual skills) 4. Personal relations: Integration with the company personnel 5. Attendance and punctuality 6. Interest and commitment 7. School-Company coordination E. Recommendations 1.. Potential of company as a training ground a. Availability and appropriateness of facilities, equipment and machinery b. Company personnel cooperation 2. Duration of training (too long or too short) 3. Suggestions for the improvement of the training program 4. Advise to future trainees to the company or to other companies in general. F. Pertinent Documents lpb Rev 5 1. Application Letter 2. Endorsement Letter 3. Acceptance Letter 4. Work Plan Form 5. Training Waiver Form 6. Work Assignment and Schedule Matrix (inserted in item C) 7. Certificate of Completion 8. Evaluation Form 17 of 16
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