The EAGLE MAY 2015 Our Leadership CRY Headmaster K-12 Chief Learning Leader Assistant Principal Athletic Director Food Service Director Guidance Counselor Chief Financial Officer Board of Trustees Mr. Dan Hicks Mr. Stratton Orr, Chairman Mr. Neal Holland Mr. Em Barran Dr. Vernon Hurst Mrs. Blythe Bowman Mr. Jeff Parker Mrs. Lyn Cook Mr. Blake Temple Mrs. Laura Hellard Mr. Skip Thompson Mrs. Tricia Heyward Faculty and Staff Life Skills & Spanish Mrs. Patty Annerton Mrs. Paula Armstrong Math, PE & Bible Mrs. Noelle Barron Kindergarten Mrs. Hannah Birchfield Math Mrs. Debbie Bishop Second Grade Mrs. Glenda Briley Music Mrs. Libby Brown Projects Coordinator Mrs. Leigh Ann Chiles Instructional Enhancement Facilitator Mrs. Kelly Cimino Curriculum, English, Logic & Forensics Mrs. Kathy Coffey First Grade Ms. Paizley Coffey First Grade Mrs. Debbie Crews Third Grade Ms. Nadya Davis Science Mrs. Jennifer Densmore Fifth & Sixth Grade Mrs. Amy Francis Financial Secretary Ms. Beverly Gorden Fifth & Sixth Grade Mrs. Teresa Hall Instructional Aide Mrs. Katherine Helms Government & English Mrs. Anna Hodges English Media Center Mrs. Mary Kay Hodges Mrs. Amy Holdbrooks Instructional Aide Mrs. Yvonne Holiday Physical Education Mrs. Sandra Howard Science Mrs. Carole Janorschke Upper School Secretary Mrs. Donna Jarnagin Math Mrs. Rosellen Jones Lower School Secretary Mrs. Karen Keith Science Mrs. Tammy Legg Food Service Staff Mrs. Becky Linderman Fourth Grade Mrs. Amy Little Health Room Mrs. Kerstin Lynch Fourth Grade Mr. Jason Marshall Physical Education Ms. Melissa McCullough Writing Enhancement Facilitator Mrs. Julie McGough English Mr. Steve Meek Physical Education & History Mrs. Connie Murray Instructional Enhancement Facilitator Mrs. Donna Oliver Math Mrs. Kim Parker Instructional Aide Mr. Ty Patterson Assistant Athletic Director & Bible Mrs. Leah Reid Fifth & Sixth Grade Mrs. Melissa Simpson Food Service Staff Mrs. Brenda Smith Second Grade Mrs. Sandy Stephenson Fifth & Sixth Grade Mrs. Jodi Suggs Technology Mrs. Angie Teichmiller History Mrs. Holly Thompson Athletic Secretary Mrs. Amy Tubbs Art Mr. Jeff Vaughn Band Mrs. Liz Vick Health Room Mrs. Irina Washburn Russian Mrs. Barbara Wright Technology Mrs. Angela Wynn Kindergarten Mrs. Thais Yancey Math and Science Mr. Scott Mayo Mr. Jeremy Jones Mr. Michael Holiday Mr. Steve Atchley Mrs. Scarlet Bolan Mrs. Melissa Ross Mrs. Heather Sasser from DECATUR HERITAGE CHRISTIAN ACADEMY 2014–2015 VOLUME 15, ISSUE 6 UNCOMMON LEADERSHIP In a recent Dilbert cartoon, the middle manager lamented to the CEO that one of his employees keeps embellishing his resume. The CEO tells him that if the employee is an engineer to fire him and if he works in marketing to promote him. The manager responded saying that the employee doesn’t appear to work at all, to which the CEO replied, “Sounds like you have a leader on your hands.” Unfortunately, at the bottom of most humor (even cynical humor), there is a kernel of truth. Scott Mayo, Headmaster Most of us can think of situations where people got promoted up the ladder just to get them out of the way so everyone else could work. We’re familiar with the Peter Principle in which someone is promoted one step above his level of competence. In addition to ineptitude, I described in earlier articles how the role of a leader often has been the resting place for the power-hungry and the abusive. Given all the negative examples, it is a wonder anyone aspires to leadership! However, we also saw that the idea and need for leadership is built into God’s world and, as such, can also be a powerful force for good. In an effort to harness it, much study has gone into trying to ascertain its techniques and, by so doing, replicate it at will across varied situations where more or better leadership is desired. Alas, we found that it is just not that simple. In fact, in my last article I showed where God himself has communicated to us that the “who” of leadership is much more important than the “how.” The leader must possess exemplary character, regardless of any particular leadership skill set possessed. In this last issue of the school year, I want to conclude by showing that, in addition to character, God also desires a certain mindset when entering into situations where we will have influence over others. Kevin D. Williamson, a writer/blogger with National Review shares the following: “There’s a famous and probably apocryphal story about Abraham Lincoln receiving a European diplomat while polishing his boots. The diplomat said that in his country, a man of Lincoln’s stature would never shine his own boots. ‘Whose boots would he shine?’ Lincoln asked.” The single greatest deterrent to the sinful temptations that naturally accompany leadership is humility, a humility that understands leaders are here to serve, not to be served. (Continued on Page 3) 1 UNCOMMON LEADERSHIP HERITAGE PREVIEW A First Hand Look at the Heritage Difference! To help you make an educated choice in a major decision in the life of your student, you are invited to visit our campus for a tour. Experience • the • Difference NEWS FROM THE FINANCE OFFICE Tuition for the 2015-2016 school year is due July 1 for those paying annually and semi-annually. For those paying via monthly bank draft through FACTS, a $41 fee for the service will be collected around the date of your first monthly draft. You may select either June 20th or July 5th as your start date, and subsequent drafts will occur monthly on the date you choose. If you have used FACTS in the past and want to continue using this service on the same date and same bank account, you do not need to do anything. The fee and the new tuition amount will be drafted as scheduled. However, if you are new to the system, if your banking information has changed, or if you want to change the date or terms of your agreement, you must come in to sign a new agreement and bring a canceled check. Please contact Amy or Heather in the finance office at 256-432-2691 for further assistance. Decatur Heritage Proudly Announces 2015-2016 AMBASSADORS Decatur Heritage Christian Academy is pleased to announce the 2015-2016 Ambassadors. This outstanding, exemplary team will represent the school to its guests, supporters, and prospective students. They were chosen through an application and interview process. Mrs. Anna Hodges, sponsor for the Ambassadors, says, “I am excited about this new group of Ambassadors. I know they will represent Decatur Heritage well.” Pictured left to right: Eleanor Hellard, Bridget Bradford, Marilyn Sample, Victoria Waters, Chandler Sparkman, Andrea Ayers, Shawn Metzgar, Brianna Cagle, Llewellyn South, Amelia Byars, Ann Whitney Chappell, and Lida Orr. Not pictured: Noah Armstrong and Maggie Holsclaw. 2 “... whoever wants to become great among you must be your servant...” Matthew 20:26 (Continued from front cover) Jesus taught this concept of servant leadership explicitly using language and illustrations that leave us no room for misinterpretation. In Matthew 20:26-27, Jesus teaches his disciples that, contrary to the world’s approach, things must be different among them, that “… whoever would be great among you must be your servant, and whoever would be first among you must be your slave.” To drive the point home, in verse 28 he offered himself, the King of Kings and Lord of Lords, as the example, “even as the Son of Man came not to be served but to serve, and to give his life as a ransom for many.” He continued to tell and show his disciples that the leaders in God’s Kingdom would follow a different path. On the eve of his crucifixion, when his time for teaching was drawing to a close, he shocked them yet again as he knelt to wash their feet. He told them, “You call me Teacher and Lord, and you are right, for so I am. If I then, your Lord and Teacher, have washed your feet, you also ought to wash one another’s feet” (John 13:13-14). If we, as schools and families and churches, are to work together to raise up the next generation of Christian leaders, we must teach as Christ taught emphasizing the need for character and servant leadership over the world’s idols of power, influence, and privilege. But, and this is crucial, we must also follow his lead by providing living examples of that servant leadership. Our students need to see these traits and this mindset in us as we lead them. Please pray for Decatur Heritage as we strive to do that for the glory of God and the good of our students! "HEADMASTER'S ACADEMIC SCHOLARS" "HERITAGE ACADEMIC ACHIEVERS" "A student achieving all A's, with no grade below 90 including weighted grades for AP and Honors classes" "A student achieving all A's and B’s, with no grade below 80 including weighted grades for AP and Honors classes" 3rd Quarter 2014-2015 SEVENTH GRADE David Brown Tegwen Buckner Lauren Cagle Catherine Fiske Cole Garner Katie Jones Colton Keith Mason Lentz Stratton Orr Carter Sample EIGHTH GRADE Derrick Bishop Amelia Byars Reagan Gowen Ellie Hamn Mimi Helms Grace Haulie Johnson Justin McCleskey Ian Metzgar Jacob Winton NINTH GRADE Morgan Abercrombie Justin Brown Garret Buckner Ann Whitney Chappell Aaron Francis Eleanor Hellard Lida Orr Brooklyn Parker Marilyn Sample TENTH GRADE SEVENTH GRADE Brianna Cagle Logan Fiske Hope Gladish Kayla Grimes Maggie Holsclaw Clay Oliver Cameron Parker Jacob Quinn Owen Trippany Danny Xiao ELEVENTH GRADE Amanda Ballentine Bridget Bradford Jonathan Cimino Sam McGough Savanna Naylor Victoria Waters Logan Wren Matthew Barnes Seaborn Chappell Nicolas Cimino Mallory Hampton Avery Hardy Kinsley Hill Jordan Hunter Alex Joseph Paige Kuczek Davis Northcutt Ashton Owens Jordan Parker Brett Robertson Garrett Rogers Stephen Ross Abigail Terry Ethan Wallace EIGHTH GRADE TWELFTH GRADE Jada Blankenship Emory Buckner Madelynn Vinton 3rd Quarter 2014-2015 Elizabeth Bishop Noah Boler Heath Bolton Lance Callahan Leiara Cottingham Caleb Davis Jackson Eubanks Connor Fortenberry Katelyne Garrie Ethan Hubbard Aleah Jenkins Ashley Little Callie Stevenson Blessed are those who find wisdom, and those who gain understanding NINTH GRADE Maddie Beddingfield Patrick Cheng Zachary Cimino Olivia Gailey Maggie Helms Jeffery Hunter Karsyn Lemley Trace Lentz Sam Harrison Mathews Carson Solley Mason Terry Seth Thompson TENTH GRADE Andrea Ayers Destinee Blaxton Nicholas Borden Avery Bowman Cassidy Cheatham Kaitlyn Cheatham Bella Gillette Riley Hurst Jackson Keith Anna Cait Mathews Ben McGough Byoungjin Min Anna Riggs Clay Shaw Landon Smith Llewellyn South Chandler Sparkman Abby Tubbs Yao Cheng Zhou ELEVENTH GRADE Luke Bolan Kyle Lasch Dakota Layton Thomas Letson Jackson Stewart TWELFTH GRADE Emily Bender Merrell Bowman Schyler Burney Ali Carden Haley Felkins Megan Flannagin Garrett Gladish April Little Aliyah Prater Emme Slaton Bekah Voss Proverbs 3:13 Decatur Heritage Christian Academy is a 501-C-3 non-profit organization. All donations are tax deductible to the extent allowed by law. Memorials, honorariums, and gifts may be mailed to DHCA, P. O. Box 5659, Decatur, AL 35601-0659. 3 HERITAGE HEADLINES R O I DHCA SEN AWARDS Decatur Heritage recognizes the following students who received full academic scholarship awards. A total lis:ng of scholarship awards will be published in the August 2015 newsle@er. ALUMNI SPOTLIGHT Ben Linderman, alumnus 2006, and his wife, Kim We all have heard clichés such as “don’t take that for granted” or “don’t blink - you’ll miss it.” Those words often slide in one ear and out of the other before we realize it was true. That’s how I feel about my time at Decatur Heritage. As I look back, I will be forever grateful for the education, lessons learned, and people I encountered while there. Jada Blankenship Schyler Burney Ryann Schlangen Megan Flannagin Nichols Teichmiller Registration information available at under “Recent News” or by calling 256.351.4275 There were times when high school graduation seemed like an unreachable goal in a lifetime far away, but I managed to reach that day in May 2006 as I walked across the stage, shook Mr. Mayo’s hand, and entered the next chapter of life. Since that glorious day in 2006 when I gracefully received my diploma, I have experienced many of life’s great adventures. I spent a short time at Calhoun Community College figuring out what I wanted to do with myself. Middle Tennessee State University was the next establishment that served as a place for more lessons and opportunities. While there, I began pursuing the start of a creative and marketing business while working my way through school. No less than a week after graduation, I hit the roads with a few friends and colleagues for a tour of the United States - work and play. When the miles began to wear on me, Nashville is where my feet landed. I’ve since had the privilege of working in the music industry with many of today’s top artists and chasing dreams working within the action sports world as well as for companies like National Geographic and Warner Brothers. Not long after settling into a routine in Nashville, a God-fearing, funloving, and beautiful woman entered my life. I knew she needed to be my wife. We’ve been happily married for some time now, and we share lots of the same hobbies that keep us busy, active, and on the go. I will always hold onto the lessons learned from teachers like Mrs. Holland, Mr. Holiday, and others while at Decatur Heritage. The love and care they gave is far more than I ever could appreciate as a student there, but, as my hindsight is 20/20, I gratefully share about my time at Decatur Heritage and how it has impacted my life. Ben Linderman 4 “OUR MISSION is to assist families by providing their children with an education DHCA Students Heritage Forensic Team ACSI Speech Meet Poster Winners Receiving "Superior" awards were Jonathan Cimino, Eleanor Hellard, Marilyn Sample, Jada Blankenship, and Schyler Burney. Receiving "Excellent" awards were Logan Fiske, Maggie Holsclaw, Cason Brown, John Reese Hamn, and Jonathan Cimino. Not pictured: Grace Haulie Johnson. Pictured left to right: Sarah Jones, Thomas Ross, Maci Odom, Ella Corzine, and Lucy Orr. Not pictured: Julia Reid. ACSI District Spelling Bee Winners Pictured left to right: Juliana Hudry, 1st place; Derrick Bishop, 3rd place; Thomas Ross, 4th place; and Jacob Winton, 5th place. Carnegie Visual Arts Center Youth Art Winners Elementary honorable mention: Jenna Owens (far left) and Skylar Clackley (far right); and third place: Alisa Washburn (center); middle school honorable mention: Ashton Owens (back left); and high school second place: Megan Flannagin (back right). Lower School Science Fair Poster Winners Megan’s glass mosaic of the Princess Theatre was chosen by Judge David Breland to be on exhibit at the Old State Bank building. Mrs. Linderman’s and Mrs. Lynch’s fourth grade students present Alabama state flag to Mr. Mayo Front row: Kenzie Bowling, Mary Lane Thompson, Lizzie Hamn, and Harrison Hardy. Second row: Nicholas Telepun, Brady Baylis, Leland Barnett, and Julia Reid. 2015 Joe Wheeler Youth Tour Scholarship Amanda Ballentine that is excellent and which instills Biblical principles to guide their lives.” 5 Thank you 2014-2015 Ambassadors Why We Chose Decatur Heritage for serving Decatur Heritage this past school year. Leland, William, Sam, and Lisa Barnett We appreciate you!! For several years, before we made the decision to move our twins, Leland and William (current 5th graders), to Decatur Heritage Christian Academy, we felt God leading us here. While we were satisfied with the teachers and the education they were receiving in public school, we knew there was something missing. We felt God’s leading was the answer to what was missing. Pictured left to right: Nicholas Borden, Brianna Cagle, Marilyn Sample, Victoria Waters, Logan Fiske, Andrea Ayers, Landon Smith, Anna Cait Mathews, Chandler Sparkman, Jada Blankenship, and Kaitlyn Peevy. Ahoy, mateys! The Under the Sea Book Fair made a BIG splash at DHCA with a total sales of $7,741.44 which earned our school $4,669.86 in Scholastic Dollars to use for library and classroom resources. What a blessing our DHCA family is to our school! Thank you so much for your support and help in reaching this amazing goal! Also, much appreciation goes out to Judy Garrie for her tireless efforts in spearheading our book fair set-up, sales, and take-down. Thank you Judy - we couldn't do it without you! When Leland and William started DHCA at the beginning of third grade, we knew immediately they were where they should be. We were welcomed with open arms by the entire school. We were asked by many people about the transition from public school to Decatur Heritage. Every time, our answer was there was no transition. From the first day, our children felt as if they had been at DHCA for years. This was because we were where God intended and because the administration, faculty, and students were intentional in making us feel welcome and a part of Decatur Heritage. It is comforting to know that what Leland and William are learning in school is in line with what we are teaching them at home and church. We feel it is our responsibility, as parents, to equip Leland and William to face a world where it is increasingly more difficult to be a Christian. We know they will encounter questions and opposition to their Christian faith, and we want to make sure we have done all we can to ensure they have knowledge and confidence to handle those situations. DHCA is helping to provide that foundation and education. From an educational standpoint, Leland and William are being challenged academically and given many learning opportunities at Decatur Heritage. The small classroom size is very beneficial for our children. We are grateful for the diverse academic as well as the extracurricular nonacademic activities that are available for them to participate in now and in the years to come. We are thankful for the very well-rounded education Leland and William are receiving at Decatur Heritage Christian Academy. Now we know why we felt God leading us to DHCA! Sam and Lisa Barnett 6 Visit our website at HERITAGE HIGHLIGHTS 2015-2016 SCHOOL CALENDAR WELCOME NEW FAMILIES Laiken Page, 10th grade daughter of Toby and Jennifer Page Joe Palmer, 10th grade nephew of Cronan and Theresa Connell Cara Ray, K5 daughter of Richard and Samantha Ray Wilder Malana Power, 6th grade daughter of Jeff and Misty Power Decatur Heritage welcomes authors August 10 September 7 September 22 October 12 October 30 November 11 November 23-27 December 15-18 December 18 January 4 January 18* January 29 February 15* March 21-25 May 17-20 May 20 May 20 First Day of School Labor Day Holiday Student Half-day Dismissal Fall Break Holiday Student Half-day Dismissal Veterans Day Holidays Thanksgiving Holidays Upper School Exams Classes Dismiss for Holidays Classes Resume MLK Day Holiday Student Half-day Dismissal Presidents’ Day Holiday Spring Break Holidays Upper School Exams Classes Dismiss for Summer Senior Graduation *Inclement weather make-up days Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday beginning June 2 9am - 2pm Dianne Burch and her pet dog, Max, Closed June 26 - July 6 Earn cash for Decatur Heritage over the summer! Swipe your card at... Michael Shoulders Decatur Heritage is excited to announce presentations from guest authors, Michael Shoulders and Dianne Burch. Mr. Shoulders will talk to students about the writing process, how books are created, and goal setting. His fun-filled presentation will also include a focus on the importance and joy of writing. Mrs. Burch will bring her beautifully illustrated book to life-delighting and inspiring all who listen. Her presentation will include discussion about pets, friendship, writing, and more. ... and ... ... and clip... Visits from the authors support the writing curriculum at DHCA and provide students the opportunity to develop a better insight into the writing process. Decatur Heritage Christian Academy is accredited by the Southern Association of Colleges and Schools and is a member in good standing with the Association of Christian Schools International. 7 SPORTS SCENE SENIOR ATHLETES BOYS’ TENNIS Garrett Gladish and Brent King SOFTBALL Haley Terry and Taylor Townsend TRACK BASEBALL Nichols Teichmiller and Kyle Stuart GIRLS’ TENNIS Alainnah Cheshier, Mariah Vincent, Schyler Burney, Bekah Voss, Christian Hunter, and Megan Flannagin GOLF Braden Blagburn and Spencer Parker Not pictured: Evan Francis Aliyah Prater, April Little, Merrell Bowman, and Emme Slaton FISHING Spencer Parker SOCCER Julie Reid and Alainnah Cheshier BASKETBALL HONORS •Alabama Sportswriters Association The Decatur Daily All-State 1A Second Team •All - Area •All - Regional •Regional Most Valuable Player •The Decatur Daily Class 1A - 4A 2015 Coach of the Year Paula Armstrong Varsity Girls Coach Savanna Naylor •Alabama Sportswriters Association •All - Area •All - Regional •All - State Tournament Team •The Decatur Daily Class 1A - 4A All-State 1A Third Team •All - Area •The Decatur Daily Class 1A - 4A All - Area Team Maddie VInton 8 Honorable Mention Bekah Voss All - Area Team •All - Regional •The Decatur Daily Class 1A - 4A Honorable Mention Chandler Sparkman Decatur Heritage Christian Academy is a member of the Alabama High School Athletic Association. Basketball Camps Lady Eagles JV and Varsity June 18-21 Middle School Play Dates Danville High School Dates to be announced •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• Varsity and JV Boys University of Alabama in Huntsville June 4th-5th Varsity and JV Boys Danville High School June 8th-11th ~BASKETBALL SPRING EVALUATIONS~ Varsity and JV Boys June 1st-3rd 3:30pm-5:30pm Rising 9th-12th Grade Girls May 11th-15th 3pm-5pm XC Organizational Meeting for students interested in running Cross Country in the fall Volleyball Evaluations May 4 - 8 ~~~~May 5~~~~3pm~~~~Gym Parking Lot~~~~ Rising 7th & 8th graders 3pm Julie Reid signs athletic scholarship with Mississippi College to play soccer. Rising 9th-12th 4:30pm Briana Tucker and Mitchell Gowen recently placed in the Bass Pro Shops’ Battle of Chickamauga Classic Tournament. More than 110 high school teams from across the country competed in this inaugural tournament on Chickamauga Lake. Julie is pictured above with her father, Brad, and mother, Leah. Congratulations, Julie! Congratulations to Bekah Voss! Congratulations, Briana and Mitchell! Bekah was awarded an athletic track scholarship with The University of Alabama in Huntsville. 9 SUNDAY CelebratingMARCH our Heritage. . . . MONDAY Honoring TUESDAY WEDNESDAY THURSDAY FRIDAY our Grandparents SATURDAY 1 2 3 4 Friends Day was a5heartwarming celebration 6 Grandparents and Special on our campus and was attended by more than 300 guests. Upon arrival, they were greeted by the Ambassadors and treated to a reception with lots of great food. Students in kindergarten through sixth grade, under the leadership of Mrs. Glenda Briley, provided musical compositions with lyrics that conveyed the special love and relationships between grandparents and grandchildren. Students also shared personal narratives and poems from the heart. Mrs. Katie Thompson recognized guests who traveled the most miles, celebrated the most years of marriage, and fun names created by grandchildren. The program concluded with a slideshow produced by Mrs. Connie Murray and featured pictures of students with their grandparents. 7 8 9 After 10the program, our special 11 guests were able 12 to visit the classrooms, 13 receive a treasured keepsake, and, of course, visit the book fair. This was truly a great day for all who were involved. We are so thankful for our grandparents and special friends who are a huge part of the lives of our students. We look forward to this event each year to celebrate with these special people. 14 Also, thank you to the many volunteers and teachers who helped make this day so special. We could not have done it without all of you! 15 16 17 18 “Center for Excellence” 22 23 24 Summer 2015 Junior Scientist Robotics Cheering Basketball Soccer Football 29 Painting with Rickie Pottery Baseball Volleyball Driver's Education Bricks 4 Kidz 30 31 Reading & Math Instructional Assistance Register at beginning May 11 10 25 19 20 21 The second annual Healthy Heritage 5K and Family Fun Mile took place on March 28. While the race was delayed because of ice in February, the event was still a huge success. Runners braved the chilly March temperature to get their day off to a healthy start on the 5K course! 26 27 28 Following the 5K, families from all over North Alabama gathered to enjoy a walk around the campus. Walkers found this to be a fun way to connect with friends and family. We are so thankful for our many corporate sponsors! We could not do this without the support of our community! While we are still calculating the final figures, the race will contribute over $7,000 to the parent association. We hope you and your family will plan to be a part of the 2016 Healthy Heritage event! "Therefore, since we are surrounded by such a great cloud of witnesses, let us throw off everything that hinders and the sin that so easily entangles. And let us run with perseverance the race marked out for us." Hebrews 12:1 MAY SUNDAY 3 MONDAY 4 Karen Keith’s Birthday 10 TUESDAY 5 Barbara Wright’s Birthday 11 WEDNESDAY THURSDAY FRIDAY SATURDAY 1 2 6 7 8 9 13 14 15 16 Induction 4:30pm Cafetorium 12 7:45am Upper School Academic Awards Day Senior Exams Libby Brown’s Birthday 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 Upper School Exams 2pm Class of 2014 Commencement 2pm Kindergarten Graduation Decatur Baptist Church Classes dismiss for the summer Cafetorium 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 Noelle Barron’s Birthday 31 SUMMER OFFICE HOURS Tuesday, wednesday, and thursday Beginning June 2 ••• 9am - 2pm 11 NONPROFIT U.S. POSTAGE RETURN SERVICE REQUESTED PAID Decatur, AL 35601 Permit No. 805 P.O. Box 5659 • Decatur, Alabama 35601 • 256.351.4275 CLASSES OF 2014 KINDERGARTEN SENIORS GRADUATIONS Sunday, May 17 at 2pm DHCA Cafetorium Friday, May 22 at 2pm Decatur Baptist Church Decatur Heritage Christian Academy is a 501-C-3 non-profit organization. All donations are tax deductible to the extent allowed by law. Memorials, honorariums, and gifts may be mailed to DHCA, P. O. Box 5659, Decatur, AL 35601-0659.
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