Proceedinqsofthe Directorof HiqherSecondarvEducation.Housinq - 695001 BoardBuildinqs.SanthiNaqar,Thiruvananthapuram and postingof HSST Political Science consequenton HSE - Estt.-Shifting teachingthe samesubiect-Orders or transferand postingof Principals Promotion issued Dated:20.03.2015 809/201 5/HSE OrderNo.Ad.C3/1 09,03.2015 Read : G.O(Rt)No.912i2015/Gl.Edn.dated ORDER Consequentto the Transferand Postingof Principalsas per the Orderreadabovethe followingHSSTin PoliticalSciencehas Government to be shiftedfrom the schoolwhere he is workingnow as the subject and taughtis sameas thatof the Principalposted.Hencehe is transferred postedin the schoolsnotedagainsthis name. SI, Nameof Teacher& Schoolin Name of Schoolsto which shifted and posted No whichcurrentlyworking 1 Sri.Sunilkumar MoozhikaraGovt.HSS,KoftilaKannur(13018) GHSS Mangalpady, Kasargod(14069) The teachersunderordersof shiftingas shownabovehaveto be relievedof teachingthe samesubjecthavetakencharge. theirdutiesif the Principals The Principalsshall relieve the teachers concernedonly after the with HigherSecondaryExamination of invigilation dutyin connection completion March2015. The abovepostingwill be reviewedaccordingto the seniorityand meritin the ensuingGeneralTransfer,if required. (generated through The Principalconcernedshallreportthe relieving/joining of the teacherconcerned the sd/K.N.SATHEESH I.A.S. DIRECTOR To '|. 2. 3. 4. 5. The Teacherconcerned The Principalconcerned General(A&E),Kerala,Thiruvananthapuram TheAccountant The DTO/STOconcerned forissue APProved SF/FC
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