EXECUTIVE SUMMARY The Intelligence of Every Thing At Saffron, we believe software and computers should adapt to humans, not the other way around. The rigid models of most FUSING THE GENIUS OF THE BRAIN WITH THE POWER OF COMPUTING Big Data solutions don’t factor in the organic nature of human thought processes. Although these solutions are able to ingest Saffron combines the power of computing with brain-like intel- large volumes of data, their ability to find what really matters in ligence to make sense of data and help anticipate future trends, the data is limited. events and outcomes. Saffron’s Natural Intelligence Platform mimics our brain’s ability to associate people, places and things Storing and managing large volumes of data is a first step to- in context. The platform ingests data from disparate sources and wards unlocking value through data but it does not represent a automatically connects the dots to illuminate the knowledge that competitive advantage in and of itself. The competitive advan- really matters. Every time new data is received, Saffron learns its tage comes from the ability to rapidly illuminate actionable knowl- associations with existing memories to find new patterns, simi- edge from this data to understand what is or isn’t working, what larities, anomalies or sequences, revealing new information that happened and what will happen next. would have remained undetected otherwise. Saffron’s learning is incremental, adapting in real-time from new incoming data and Saffron’s cognitive computing platform was inspired by the auto- human feedback. maticity of human reasoning.The human brain is expert at recalling past experiences to make sense of the world, see similarities Saffron integrates with an organization’s existing analytics archi- in patterns, recognize when something new and different is oc- tecture to not only enhance the speed and volumes at which curring and automatically use this information to anticipate what data can be converted to usable knowledge but also critically will happen next and how to prepare for it. Saffron extends these improve the accuracy of results. Our customers have applied abilities at scales that far exceed human memory to provide a the Natural Intelligence Platform to a number of hard problems, comprehensive landscape of actionable knowledge for faster, supporting decision making, diagnostics and anticipatory pre- more informed and more accurate decision making. dictions in such areas as anticipating market trends, optimizing WHY SAFFRON? DYNAMIC Saffron learns in real-time, continuously and adapts when context changes and as new data arrives. UNIVERSAL TEMPORAL Saffron can read and unify any type of data source, structured Saffron uses knowledge from prior experiences to analyze and unstructured, to reveal actionable knowledge. current situations and help anticipate future events and patterns. AGILE USER-FRIENDLY Saffron analyzes data on the fly and works without models, Saffron is user-friendly for non-technical users to discover and allowing for rapid knowledge capture. see the knowledge that matters in their data. . © 2014 SAFFRON TECHNOLOGY processes, identifying extraneous costs, mitigating operational sification, time-based and event-based similarity and anomaly, risk and threats, personalizing customer experiences and finding sequence and novelty detection, strengths-based network anal- new revenue streams. Saffron’s track record of successful imple- ysis and explanatory root cause. Patterns are clearly seen and mentations across a diverse set of industries including manufac- analyzed through a visual interface to the user, enabling organi- turing, healthcare, philanthropy and defense demonstrates the zations to easily identify actionable insights, manage risks, and pervasive need for the Natural Intelligence Platform. adapt their strategy to achieve their goals of personalized customer experiences, revenue growth and cost reduction. THE NATURAL INTELLIGENCE PLATFORM Unlike other big data analytical tools that are constrained by Saffron’s Natural Intelligence Platform ingests and unifies large models, Saffron is nonparametric and model-free allowing it to volumes of data from disparate sources, public, private, struc- learn and adapt in real-time as new information is discovered and tured and unstructured, and stores billions of associations in its ingested. Saffron Advantage, a user-friendly dashboard-based memory base, enabling rapid knowledge illumination and pattern visualization tool enables non-technical users to discover what’s recognition. in their data, see trends and correlations, and generate recommendations. Saffron’s open framework and powerful APIs, con- Once the data is ingested and unified, Saffron’s unique reasoning nectors and custom processing layer make it easy to add on the layer allows for a comprehensive landscape of the knowledge power of Saffron to other sensemaking, alerting and predictive in the data in real-time with applications such as cognitive clas- applications. PROBLEMS WE SOLVE PLATFORM COMPONENTS Emergent Fraud Pattern Detection and Investigation Personalized Anticipatory Maintenance Four-dimensional entity store with Web Service Discovery, diagnostic, predictive and prescriptive analytics Cognitive Classification of people, places and things Point-and-click data integration and ETL Anomaly Detection - Model free, rules free, in real time Real-time visual analytics Root-Cause Detection Customer Personalization INDUSTRIES Financial Services, Insurance, Manufacturing, Defense, Energy, Healthcare Gayle Sheppard, CEO/Chairman Saffron Techonolgy Ian Hersey, Chief Product Officer Los Altos, California Mark Herrick, Senior VP, Sales Dr. Manny Aparicio, Chief Memory Maker www.saffrontech.com Jim Fleming, Chief Software Engineer +1.866.472.3376 Dr. Paul Hofmann, Chief Technology Officer info@saffrontech.com Chad Smith, Chief Intelligence Officer © 2014 SAFFRON TECHNOLOGY
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