Affordable Quality * * * SECURITY DOORS INSECT SCREENS SHOWER DOORS * BLINDS * AWNINGS * WARDROBE SYSTEMS Regular Bream Bay Service 1967 Phone / Fax (09) 432 0209. email - Mobile 027 432 0070 Postal Address - RD 2, Waipu 0582. Website: Waipu plans a parade for Paralympic medal winner Paralympic medal winner Fiona Southorn is due back in Waipu next week and Waipu people are planning a parade with pipers to celebrate her achievement. Fiona won her medal in the C5 women’s 3,000 metre pursuit race, taking 5 seconds off her personal Fiona Southorn best time for the distance. “I was a bit possessed. I wanted that bronze medal”, Fiona said after the award ceremony. With a time of 3.52.695 minutes she finished behind Britain’s Sarah Storey – 3.72.170 and Poland’s Anna Harkowska – 3.48.885. The event was held on Thursday 30 August, the first day of the games and Fiona’s bronze was the first New Zealand medal. This is the third time the 44 - year - old has competed at a Paralympics and the first time she has made it to the podium. Since her bronze medal event, Fiona has competed in the 500 metre Time Trial where she finished 7th and was part of the Team Sprint race where the New Zealand team came 10th. Yesterday, Wednesday 5 September, she was due to race in the 16km road time trial (at 11am UK time) and today, Thursday 6 September (at 3pm UK time) she is entered in the 56 km Road Race. Fiona was born with no left hand. The C5 category she races in consists mostly of people with arm or hand disabilities. The parade will be held in the main street of Waipu at 1.30pm on Monday 17 September. PH: 438 9452 34 Albert St Whangarei Div. Shadelite Industry 6 September 2012 Special visitors at Waipu Primary There was great excitement at Waipu Primary on Wednesday 22nd August when Olympic rowing medalists Mahe Drysdale and Juliette Haigh came to visit. The pair passed around their gold and bronze medals for the children to hold and listened to some singing – some new words put to the tune of “Row, row, row your boat.” Of course, once the famous visitors had left the teachers had the children write stories about the experience of meeting them. Year 5 student Summer Ford wrote: “I learned that when they were racing in their boats they felt heaps of pain but they never gave up, no matter what they felt like.” “It felt so cool to shake both of their hands and hand them our specially made card. I even got to thank them in front of the school”, wrote Year 6 student Callum McKay. WHAT IS IT WORTH TO YOU ? KIngswood Place, Langs Beach Elevated to catch the wider view, yet easy to walk to the beach. This site is located at the top of a cul-de-sac , and looks along Langs Beach. 1 4 MegaPixels 2272x1704 2 4 MegaPixels 2272x1704 At 752 m2, there is plenty of space to design a house at the beach. With very attractive houses already built in the neighbourhood, you know you are in good company. The sites directly between you and the beach are all already built on , so you know what you will look past. Great section - stand on it soon Auction 1pm, Thurs, 27th Sept 2012 Christine Birss M 027 235 4323 B 09 945 2272 MACKYS REAL ESTATE LTD, BAYLEYS, LICENSED UNDER THE REA ACT 2008. Bream Bay News Page 2. 6 September 2012 This Issue: EDITORIAL Page 4. ..Letters Page 5....Grandparents day at Waipu Primary Page 5...More log exports then ever. Page 6... Date set for this year's Tides Out Fun Run. Page 7...Hook up to Health. Health services expo.. Page 9.... Neil Todd of Marsden Point made National President of 60's Up. . Page 10......Bream Bay College page Page 11.. Police report Page 12. & 13 ... Don Abercrombie - back from a year working with he International Committee of the Red Cross in Afghanistan. Page 14 ... Call for Waipu Pageant cast. Page 14... What's On in Bream Bay Page 15...Margaret Batten thanked for over 29 years of voluntary work at the Waipu Opp shop Pages 16 & 17....Trades and Services. Pages 18 & 19..... Classified advertising. . Days of miracles and wonder Such heavy rain this morning. Rivers are forming out in the paddocks. I dashed out in raincoat and gumboots to feed my hens and came back inside with soaking wet knees. One feature of my new iphone, which I have come to like, is its local weather forecast. How does this work? I push the weather icon – a yellow sun with a sea/sky background. It takes a few moments – and then up comes the weather for today and tomorrow and every day until Saturday at North River, Waipu. If I touch the word North River it gives me an hourly weather prediction – rain all day today I am afraid, but tomorrow – Tuesday has an orange sun. “These are the days of miracles and wonder.” Some song lines say it all. On Saturday morning I was privileged to meet and talk to Don Abercrombie of Waipu, who has spent many years working for the Red Cross as a logistics co-ordinator in trouble spots around the world. His most recent posting was in Afghanistan. After talking to Don I have a sharpened interest in the debate over whether New Zealand should bring its military troopes home from that country. When detonation devices are set in the paths of International Committee of the Red Cross, ICRC, vehicles, which are there to provide impartial aid, it seems such a hopeless situation. I hadn’t realised how many people - 29 million live in Afghanistan. The pictures I have seen show a bleak looking place; cold, mountainous and continually at war. Imagine those 108,807 aid parcels, cooking utensils, soap and blankets arriving on board those two Beechcraft aeroplanes in isolated places and being handed out to people whose homes and food crops have been destroyed in the fighting. It must make a huge difference to their lives. I think Don’s story supports a theme song of mine at present. It makes more sense for young people to wait until they have some skills and life experiences before they go travelling the world. When on his OE he saw the refugees from the Rwanda conflict living in tent towns, Don already had valuable expertise working in the logistics departments of private companies. He was able to make a useful contribution to the work of the Red Cross. The rain has stopped and the sun has found a blue patch of sky to shine through. The iphone predictions are not always 100% correct. Heavy grey clouds still threaten from all sides but it’s looking a little bit more hopeful out there. I think how this is like the work of the ICRC in Afghanistan and other war zones around the world – a little bit of blue in a dark, threatening sky. lyn Mari THE BREAM BAY NEWS is published by Bream Bay News Ltd. • Address :RD 2, Waipu • P/Fax (09) 432 0209 • Mbl: 027 432 0070 • email: Enjoy safe motoring, call in for a free tyre check. We sell new and uses tyres, batteries and do puncture repairs Phone 432 7421 . Editor: Marilyn Cox, Accounts: Susan McRae Production: Geoff Spencer Advertising design: Megan Lea Printed by Horton Media SH1 next to G.A.S. Dynamic Accounting Ltd Integrity, Service, Value *22 UNITS IN A RANGE OF SIZES *CLEAN, DRY, SAFE Ph ( 09 ) 432 1047 *SECURITY FENCED & CODED ENTRY GATE *COMPETITIVE RATES * OPEN 7AM - 7PM DAILY *CONVENIENTLY LOCATED IN WAIPU BUSINESS AREA Secure, dry storage 24hr monitored security 2**2 modern units 6m x 3m, 3m x 3m, 2m x 3m options Short or long term rental Security fence and gate Household, holiday, commercial 7 Day Access ( 7am – 7pm ) 50 COVE RD. WAIPU PH/FAX: 09 432 1047 MBL: 021 432 135 WEB: Email: Calling Tradesman and small business owners. Do you need your GST and End of Year accounts done? Then call me SELF STORAGE AT RUAKAKA ,99 Marsden Point Rd. Free phone 0508 273262 0508 BREAMB Chantelle Murray Phone: 432 1323 Mbl. 027 504 1505 Email: ROLY BROWN CONTRACTING The next publication date of the Bream Bay News Agricultural Residential Security Retaining Walls Pole Driving Sub Division Cattle Yards Rotary Slashing Phone : ROLY 4320109 or 0274 984385 MARK 025 984386 will be Thursday 20 September Deadline for all copy is Wednesday 12 September at 4pm. Grant McLean Stock Agent for Bream Bay All aspects of stock sales including: • dairy beef • bobby calves • store cattle • live export heifers • sheep • pigs • supplying stock for slaughter Also caters for small block holders. Ph 021 7758 48 mbl. 432 8373 Hm. 432 0454 Fax Email: 6 September 2012 Bream Bay News Page 3. No money in the coffers to fix Ruakaka camp sea wall Experience The Electrotrade Difference ! WE REPAIR ALL MAKES AND MODELS Washing Machines Driers Dishwashers Stoves Ovens Induction Hobs Fridges Freezers Side by Side Fridges Authorised Service Agents for AEG, Bosch, Electrolux, Simpson, Westinghouse, and Other Major Brands PH: 09 438 6168 4b Herekino St, Whangarei ÇÇÇ¡|8±OÀ±»´¡O¡Ì The 57 year - old concrete sea wall is being undermined by the tide. A seawall along the north western edge of the Ruakaka campground peninsula is collapsing and Mike and Anne-Marie Abel, the campground managers are worried this will lead to the erosion and eventual loss of this original section of the campground. The estuary watercourse has moved closer to the peninsula edge and is undermining the 57 year old concrete wall. Pohutukawa trees growing at the cliff edge are likely to tumble into the sea and a large flat grassed area used as a picnic area by local people as well as for camping could be lost. Orange netting along the top of the cliff edge warn camp users that the cliff edge is unstable. The managers say the problem could be fixed with a rock wall similar to the one built at One Tree Point. Mike has gathered quotes to find how much this would cost and the price looks to be around $60,000. However the campground, which is facing a big bill for connection to the new Ruakaka south sewerage scheme, just doesn’t have the money to do this work at present. Camp fees went up 30% recently, the first major price rise in 35 years. The price is now $32 a night for a site for 2 people, $10.50 per night for every extra adult or $5.50 for every child from 5 – 15 years of age. “We can’t really put the price up again. We want to keep it affordable for the average family”, said Anne Marie. This is still cheaper then the rate at Camp Waipu Cove where the price for a 2 person non -powered campsite ranges from $34 - $40 depending on the time of year. The Department of Conservation ,which owns the land the campground is sited on is facing funding cuts of its own and is unlikely to come to the rescue. The campground managers have been told that at present the DOC line on the situation is to “monitor and retreat” that is to move camping sites away from the eroding cliff edge. The camp is administered by the Ruakaka Reserve Camp Board, a non - profit making body whose members are volunteers appointed by the Department of Conservation. 25!+!+! 02)#%"9.%'/4)!4)/. ¿Ía8»|a±a8±Æa Á8±8¼aaX¼±a´´ÊÁkÊat¼8¼ *XDUDQWHHG7R,PSUHVV (8±8OOa8ÆaÇ´Ç»|À´|8´»À±a8XX8»a´»|´|»8´´¡ 3DQRUDPLFRFHDQYLHZVZLWKOXVKSDVWXUHODQG +a»¿¡o8OÀ±aX8O±a´VÇ»|Ça±Xa´taXrFaX±|aVÀ´´a8±8»a ¿FaX±O»»8ta¡ GRPLQDWHVWKLVKLOOWRSRDVLV6HWRQPDQLFXUHG »|mma±t´ÀV´a88X´aOÀ´¡ È»aXaXm8É|a¡Oa±À±a±a8È8»¡,|´|amma±´8m»|a8FÆa¡ DFUHVZLWKRZQHUGHVLJQHGEHGURRPKRPHSOXV ,|´´ÉÀ±X±a8±a8´aX¡,a»8 a»Oa8Æa¡ 8»´aO»8X´»8 aÉÀ±O8¡ VHSDUDWHEHGURRPFRWWDJH%RWKRIIHULQJVXQVHD DQGVHFOXVLRQ([WHQGHGIDPLO\KRPH,QFRPHRU SXUHUHOD[DWLRQ7KLVKRPHRIIHUVDOORIWKHDERYH 7KLVLV\RXUGUHDPUHDOLVHG7LPHWRPDNHLWFRPH DOLYH&DOOWRLQVSHFWDQGVWDNH\RXUFODLP 9,(:ZZZKDUFRXUWVFRQ]5. ±a¼ 8´aÊ %UHQW&DVH\+DUFRXUWV5XDNDND *À8 8 8 3 (U Ír¼¿·Í¿o U Í¿¿·¿¿·¼ 0 U F±a»¡O8´aÉD|8±OÀ±»´¡O¡Ì (EUHQWFDVH\#KDUFRXUWVFRQ] 23U ÇÇÇ¡|8±OÀ±»´¡O¡Ì¹*¿¼¼ *2U ·¼oVÍÍÍ¡ÍÍ Ï+5*Ï,5, +Ï,*ÏÏÀÎÎf 4HISDOCUMENTHASBEENPREPAREDTOASSISTSOLELYINTHEMARKETINGOFTHISPROPERTY7HILEALLCAREHASBEENTAKENTOENSURETHEINFORMATIONHEREINISCORRECTWEDONOTTAKERESPONSIBILITYFORANYINACCURACIES!CCORDINGLYALLINTERESTEDPARTIESSHOULDMAKETHEIROWNENQUIRIESTOVERIFYTHEINFORMATION NE W LI ST IN G ENTRY LEVEL - NEST OR INVEST 34 Tamingi Street, Ruakaka Plenty of potential here! Ideal first home or investment, walk to college, shops, and surf beach. Three bedrooms, open plan living and double garage set on 1053m² section, great for kids and dogs. For Sale $250,000 View phone for viewing times Anthony West M 0275 346 071 B 0800 80 20 40 Melva Hartnell M 0274 998 463 MACKYS REAL ESTATE LIMITED, BAYLEYS, LICENSED UNDER THE REA ACT 2008. Bream Bay News Page 4 6 September 2012 LETTERS Shocked and upset Thinking concrete but don't know where to start? Think Atlas Concrete • We quarry the aggregate • We manufacture the concrete • We site visit to advise the best options • We give you the choice of mix and colours • We give a choice of local placers for you to choose • We manufacture concrete to your requirements • We stand by our product, you stand on it Sonshine Print - Waipu 2010 $WODV&RQFUHWH Atlas Concrete <RXU)LUVW&DOOIRU&RQFUHWH Your First Call for Concrete 3K%U\QGHUZ\Q Ph: 0800 888303 - Brynderwyn RU5XDNDND or 432 5030 - Ruakaka Consulting Engineers Engineering Northland since 1976 > Geotechnical Reports > Resource Consents > Project Management > Wastewater/Onsite Effluent > Foundation Design > Retaining Design > Stability/Flood/Dam Assessment P 09 438 9529 F 09 430 4282 E CIVIL / STRUCTURAL / GEOTECHNICAL / ARCHITECTURAL WWW.COCO.CO.NZ 2 Norfolk Street, Whangarei WEED CONTROL I was both shocked and upset by your statement that no objections had been raised to seedling removal (of mangroves in the Ruakaka Estuary) as I had strongly opposed this course of action at length in both my submissions and had provided photographic evidence to support by position. Surely you must know as a responsible journalist of the need to check your facts before going to print. I therefore expect you to print a correction together with the reasons for my opposition given below. For the record, mangroves have for all practical purposed reached the physical limit of their expansion here in this part of the Ruakaka Wildlife Refuge they are no longer advancing into the estuary. This is because every time there is a strong ebb tide, especially after heavy rainfall in the catchment, germinating seeds and seedlings are swept out to sea and then deposited along the high water mark on Ruakaka beach. Remember seedlings can only take permanent root when there is little current and so there are insufficient numbers to justify disturbance of bird life. The natural forces are holding the line, they do not need any outside assistance. Indeed, ironically, there are less mangroves now in the application area as a result of unlawful poisoning back in 2004! However, there is not doubt that a certain amount of infilling and back - filling is still taking place in some areas of the estuary. Interestingly, exactly the same pattern of mangrove growth, including no further advance seaward, has been observed by the Northland Regional Council in Whangarei Harbour. If the applicants had only bothered to carry out an ecological survey they would have discovered what was actually going on in the refuge. They would have found there was even more banded rail habitat on the north side of the estuary opposite Princes Rd. and beyond. Frankly it was only too obvious that the applicant had little real knowledge or understanding of this particular stretch of the estuary relevant to their proposal. They even failed to identify more areas of salt marsh as well as sand flats, also on the north side. Mysteriously these are all missing from the inaccurate aerial map you published. They failed to acquaint themselves with the latest research on mangroves, salt marsh and banded rail with the result that their application was characterised by omissions, errors and misrepresentations. What saddens me most of all is that the banded rails (one of NZ’s most secretive of birds) has little chance of survival. Since disturbance and destruction of habitat THE NEXT PUBLICATION DATE of the Bream Bay News will be Thursday 20 September 3 CROP, GUN & PASTURE SPRAYING The deadline for all copy is 4pm on Wednesday 12 September. have long since been identified as the principal cause of loss of species. The conditions accompanying the consent will not prevent this. I am disgusted with the actions of the Ruakaka Ratepayers and Residents Association. Not only do they know nothing about mangroves and the valuable part they play in a coastal eco system, but the moment they discovered the presence of banded rails they should have backed off. I wonder how they and all those members of the community who supported them, would feel if they were evicted from their homes and denied access to food? So much for a wildlife refuge offering a safe haven – it’s a sick joke. Margaret Hicks Ruakaka Editor’s note: Sorry Margaret. I should have known better. Have there been any publicly notified resource consent applications made in Ruakaka over the past eight years which you have not opposed at length? Commending Bream Bay College students for stunning contribution to Art ‘n Tartan show We would like to commend the fine contribution of the two Kapahaka performers Kahi Tipene,and Jaydyn Matiu, and the young singer Mereaira Steadman from Bream Bay College who performed in our Art n Tartan show. They made a stunning contribution to the show. In particular, our director was especially grateful to Betty Henare for her assistance in this. The performance of these young people was a credit to everyone involved! Many thanks to Betty, the students and the school. Best wishes, Patsy Montgomery, Manager Waipu Museum Letters to the Editor Are welcome Email them to: Post them to: The Bream Bay News, RD 2, Waipu or leave them at: the Bream Bay Office Services in the Ruakaka Shopping Centre or The Thistle Post Shop in Waipu All Inquiries Welcome CONTACT STEVE SLACK 28 Years Experience All types of Agricultural Spraying Undertaken PHONE 432 0181 a/h MOBILE 0274 743 436 3 THE BREAST SCREENING MOBILE will be coming to Ruakaka from Monday 10th-Friday 14th September 2012, parked at the Ruakaka Library, Takutai Place. Breast screening is free for women 45-69 years every 2 years. A mammogram can pick up early changes in the breast before you will feel or notice anything. Please book you free mammogram today by phoning 0800 270 200, it could save your life! For further information you could also talk to your GP and Nurse or call Kelly Scott-Ritchie, Breast Screening Health Promoter 09 430 4101 ext 3476. Bream Bay News Page 5. 6 September 2012 Grandparents Day at Waipu Primary Six - year - old Samantha Cowpland had three grandparents to show around her classroom on Grandparents Day held at Waipu Primary on Friday 31 August. Pauline Eastward (right) and Jeff Grove travelled up from Pukekohe for the occasion, while Anne Cowpland, (left who lives in Waipu had a much shorter journey to make. Grandparents were treated to a performance in the Waipu Coronation Hall, served lunch back at school and then shown around the classrooms by their grandchildren. More logs then ever shipped from Northport More logs then ever are being shipped through the port at Marsden Point. In the financial year, which ended in June 2012, 1.96 million tonnes of logs left the port, an increase of 25% on the previous year. Accountant Nick Monsen, in charge while CEO Jon Moore is on leave in Europe, said 65% of the log exports are going to China. “A few years ago it was about 50 – 50 between India and China but now China takes by far the biggest volume. He said the slowdown in the Chinese economy, which has been cited as part of the cause of the State Owned Enterprise Solid Energy’s woes, doesn’t seem to be affecting the demand for logs. Mr. Monsen said that when the port opened in 2003 log volumes were high at around 1.2 million tonnes but fell sharply to just 400 thousand tonnes in 2006/2007. However for the past three years volumes have been steadily climbing. Work on an extension of the log storage area at the port, was completed in April and is already filled with logs. Mr. Monsen said part of the reason more space is needed is because the port is dealing with more customers whose logs need to be kept in separate stacks. “To start with we had just four different customers but now we have more than ten.” Overall volume through the port in the 2011/2012 year was 2.7 million tonnes. Wood chip from the Marusumi plant in Portland, which goes to paper mills in Japan is the second biggest cargo the port handles, while processed timber such as LVL from the Marsden Point plant and veneer and triboard from the Carters plant in Kaitaia account for most of the remaining volume. The newest product to come through the port is concrete railway sleepers from the Busck concrete plant in Whangarei, which has a four year contract to supply sleepers for railway line repairs in Tasmania. Phone the BREAM BAY NEWS 432 0209 if you know of something interesting happening in Bream Bay. Ruakaka South Sewer Extension PROGRESS IN AREA 6. A major milestone has been achieved with the granting of the Resource Consent to allow the new rising main to be installed under the stream by the Ruakaka Motor Camp entrance. This type of installation is becoming standard practise in the industry now, as it eliminates a potential source of spills in the future. The pipe line is drilled 4m below the stream bed. There will no longer be fitting & pipework on the side of the bridge that can leak or be struck. The pipe was installed this week. The replacement of the Paradise Shores Rising Main is almost complete. The next major milestone will be the installation of a new Pump Station in front of the CampPipe going in and under the stream ground. Over 50 domestic tanks have now been installed on private properties. The street reticulation will shortly be tested before we can start commissioning the new pump systems in October. We are still on track to complete Area 6 before December 2012. PROGRESS IN AREA 1. The location of existing services in Area 1 (Ruakaka Bridge to Seaview Rd) has been completed. The installation of the street reticulation is now 50% complete. Site visits in this area are continuing over the next few months, our Stakeholder Manager will be contacting you shortly to make appointments. PROGRESS IN AREAS 2 & 3 We will shortly be locating the services in this section (Seaview Rd to Princes Rd) to determine the pipe line routes. If you see any area where we can improve the safety for both our teams and the general public, please contact Jody at the Site Office on 0800 Rua-Sewer or 0800 782-73937. Pipe being pulled through by the drilling team outside the motorcamp. New youth friendly corner at the Bream Bay Medical Centre Bream Bay Medical Centre has a new youth friendly corner with comfortable chairs, colourful paintings by Wellington artist Matua Michael Raimona and leaflets on, amongst other subjects, - “How to get your parents to listen to you.” Debrah Johns, the medical centre’s manager, said she would be adding a magazine rack with publications on surfing, motocross and other subjects young people are likely to be interested in. Right: Millie Martin, aged 3 years and Kaine Sydney, nearly 9, try out Bream Bay Medical Centre’s new youth friendly corner. Midwife Clinic The next midwife clinic at the Bream Bay Medical Centre will be on Tuesday 11 September. Phone Marie or Maureen - 459 6543 to make an appointment or, if you are a member of the Mum and Baby Programme, Debrah can assist you in making your appointment. We welcome the service of midwives back in Ruakaka town centre and would like to encourage Mums to use the service so that we can maintain it. Bream Bay News Page 6 Time to start training for this year’s Tides Out Fun Run/Walk This year’s Tides Out fun run and walk will be held on the course but organisers have assurances from Fulton + Saturday 27 October, starting at the later time of 10am Hogan – the company carrying out work on the scheme, to ensure that the tide is, in fact, out far enough for the that none of the streets on the fun run course will be 400 runners and walkers who take part each year to closed for the event. Fulton Hogan is a major sponsor complete the up and back beach section, the first leg of of this year’s fun run and is considering entering a both the five and 10 kilometre courses. team. This will be the 10th time the event has been held The later start time will mean that the last runners and in Ruakaka. It began as a fundraiser for Bream Bay walkers will finish just before lunch so the college PTA Kindergarten in 2002, which ran it for five years. After is planning food stalls for all the hungry participants a year in abeyance in 2007, the fun run was taken up by and their supporters. There will also be live music from the Waipu Primary PTA (Parent Teachers Association) the back of a truck provided free of charge by Lawsons and last year was handed on to the Bream Bay College Cartage and activities such as face painting for young PTA. Many of the parents who were first involved at children. kindergarten now have children at the college. Entry forms will be available on line - next week and There was some concern that the work being undertaken from retail outlets throughout Bream Bay from Monday for the Ruakaka South sewerage scheme would disrupt 9 September. 6 September 2012 Fire alarm at Bream Bay College Bream Bay College students and staff spent an hour on the school fields on Wednesday afternoon, 22 August, after some sawdust in the extraction system in the woodwork department was ignited by a spark from a sander. Principal Wayne Buckland said the Ruakaka Fire Brigade was called and firefighters stood at the ready with fire hoses as the smouldering sawdust was blown out of the system. He said the evacuation went according to plan with everyone gathering on the field while teachers called rolls and carried out checks on all the school buildings to make sure no-one was left inside. Luckily the weather was fine but Mr. Buckland said, depending on where the fire was and what the dangers were, the school auditorium and gym can also be used as evacuation collection points. Marsden Bay Garden Club The next meeting will be our 53rd Birthday and will be held on Thursday 20 September 2012 at the Ruakaka Memorial hall, corner of Sandford Road and SH1, Ruakaka. We will have an earlier start time of 12 noon. Theme – ‘Anything pink.’ Flower of the month – Cineraria Decorative theme – Birthday blues Entries must be in by 11.30am. Entertainment – Kevin Hunter Members please bring a plate of finger food and a glass. Enquiries to Marvyn – 432 1220 or Noeline – 432 8303. A PAINTER NEEDING A JOB O.K. you’ve read my spiel Thinking “Is this guy for real?’ Do you need to know if I’m fair dinkum? Will try anything to earn an income Christmas looms, then there’s summer Book me too late, could be a bummer I’m at the ready, brush in hand Work for pay would prove just grand As said before, I’m local, I’m true Give me a chance to work for you My main aim is to put food on the table Kindly assist if you are able Thanks to the lady who replied to the ad Your hopeful call, left me feeling less bad Given the choice, I’ll paint Bream Bay bright Then we will all sleep better at night. Phone 433 0121 6 September 2012 At Hook up to Health 2012: Bream Bay News Page 7. “Hook Up to Health” Bream Bay Community Trust Friday 14th September 2012 10:00am to 4:00pm Health is a Family Affair... x x x x x x x x * Make sure you visit the Mums and Babies stand. Debrah has three special Mum and Baby gift parcels to give away, 15 free registrations to the Tool Box parenting programme, parenting magazines, free colourful growth charts, lots of information and more. x x x x Smoking Cessation WINZ Diabetes Education Mental Health Representative CarePlus & Whakamana Hauora Immunisations / Youth Health Dietician B4 School Checks Cervical Screening / Education Mammogram Enrolment / Education Drug & Alcohol Services Health Screening * Five gift basket raffles. Everyone who turns up to the day will be given a ticket. Prizes donated by local businesses. * Flax art workshop with Tui Roman. From 10am – 4pm. Free. Morning session starting at 11am and afternoon session starting at 1pm. All materials supplied. * Marsden Lions sausage sizzle and BBQ. Free. Marsden Lions serving your community * Free fruit, yoghurt and soup Sponsored by the Bream Bay Community Trust, the Breast Screening service, Ruakaka Orrs Pharmacy and the Bream Bay Medical Centre. * Children’s’ Play Area with Lego, colouring books and lots of toys, all of which will be given away at the end of the day. * Whakamana Hauora, which helps people with chronic illness manage their conditions, will be taking enrolments for its next six-week course. The course is suitable for people with diabetes, COPD, cardio vascular disease, osteoporosis and depression * Testing for arthritis and gout. * Northland Stroke Foundation * Alzeimers NZ * Epilepsy NZ. First Aid training Advice and training in basic first aid will be available free of charge at the Hook up to Health day. Learn how to tie bandages, basic wound care etc. Sandy Jane, an experienced nurse and ambulance officer will be available to answer your questions. Put your name in the draw to win a big first aid kit donated by the Bream Bay Medical Centre and a year’s membership of St John, donated by the Bream Bay St. John committee. Bream Bay News Page 8 6 September 2012 Bream Bay News Page 9. 6 September 2012 Bream Bay well represented in national leadership rolls in 60’s Up Movement Farm and Business Accounts Income Tax, GST, PAYE, FBT, Budgets, Cashflow Forecasts Company Formations Dealer MYOB Accounting Software For a professional and confidential service and a free initial consultation. Call your local Mangawhai Accountant E c h o Va l l e y R o a d , R D 2 K a i w a k a Ph & Fax (09) 431 4881 A/h (09) 431 4940 M o b i l e ( 0 2 7 ) 6 11 0 6 1 6 Email 25!+!+!,)15/2#%.42% #ORNER-ARSDEN0OINT2DAND3IME2D /PENDAYS0HONE Neil Todd of Marsden Point, National President of 60’s Up National Secretary for the second year Maureen Moody of Ruakaka. Neil Todd, the President of Bream Bay’s 60s Up group, is now the National President of the 60s Up movement of New Zealand. He was elected to this post at a five - day conference and Annual General Meeting held in Hastings in June. Maureen Moody, who is a past secretary and currently trips co-ordinator for the Bream Bay group, is serving her second year as National Secretary, so Bream Bay is well represented on the executive of this organization which has thirty four branches – one in Invercargill and the remainder scattered throughout the North Island of New Zealand. Maureen and Neil attend monthly meetings in Pukekohe. They get involved in sharing information and good ideas throughout the branches, reviewing the organizations book of rules and supporting the establishment of new branches. Maureen said the movement is concerned with the well-being of the older person. “It’s all about enjoying yourself in your old age. We avoid politics and religion. It’s about people getting together and having fun.” The Bream Bay group holds monthly meetings, usually with an invited speaker as well as weekly games of indoor bowls and petanque at the Ruakaka Recreation Centre. It also organises trips – around eight of these a year, which are subsidised by lotteries grants to keep the price down for members. The next trip will be to see the Wairere Boulders Nature Park near Horeke in the Far North. Last week this trip was booked out with four new people joining up so they could go on it. Membership of 60’s Plus costs $10 per year. Those interested in joining can contact Maureen 432 8362 or Neil 433 0454. STEINLAGER 15 bottles $26.99 WILD BUCK NZ ALE 15 BOTTLES - $20 BACARDI 1L- $35.99 JIM BEAM 1L - $37.99 CORUBA 1L - $37.99 JIM BEAM & COLA 15 can pack - $29.99 SMIRNOFF ICE 12 cans - $20 MUD HOUSE & THE NED Pinot Noir - $23.99 Only while stocks last. We sell ice Bistro meals also available 7 days from 5pm in the main bar $4 HANDLES During Warriors, All Blacks and Northland Games. Pool Tables newly recovered - $1 a game Free Juke Box MEAT RAFFLES Every Friday at 5pm. Free Courtesy Coach available Thursdays, Fridays and Saturdays OPEN 7 days a week from 5pm. Marsden Point Road, Ruakaka. Phone 432 7358 Bream Bay News Page 10 )URP7KH3ULQFLSDO +H PLKL QXL NLD NRXWRX NDWRD 0XVLF QLJKW 2XU VWXGHQWV SHUIRUPHG RQFH DJDLQ ZLWK GLVWLQFWLRQDWWKH0XVLF1LJKWKHOGRQ7KXUVGD\WKRI $XJXVW7KHRQO\QHJDWLYHZDVWKHQRLVHEHLQJPDGHE\ WKH DXGLHQFH GXULQJ SHUIRUPDQFHV DQG SHRSOH FRPLQJ DQG JRLQJ WKURXJK WKH SHUIRUPDQFHV :H ZLOO VRUW WKLV IRU &KDQJHVWRH[WHQVLRQFODVVHV0HHWLQJ7XHVGD\WK 6HSWHPEHU DW SP LQ WKH 6WDIIURRP ,QIRUPD WLRQ%UHDP%D\&ROOHJHVWDUWHGLWV&OXELQ ,QLWDGGHGWKHDZDUGRIDSUL]HWRHDFKPHP EHUFRPSOLPHQWVRI'RXJDQG0DUY\Q6PLWK,QWKH¿UVW \HDUWKHUHZHUHVWXGHQWVIURP\HDUVWRLQWKHFOXE &XUUHQWO\ZHKDYHVWXGHQWVRQWUDFNIRUWKHFOXE ,QRXU\HDUDQGH[WHQVLRQFODVVZHKDYHVWXGHQWV ZLWKVWXGHQWVRQWUDFNIRUWKHFOXE%HWZHHQWKH RWKHUPL[HGDELOLW\FODVVHVWKHUHDUHDQRWKHUVWXGHQWV RQWUDFNIRUWKHFOXE7KH\DUHHTXDOO\GLVWULEXWHG WKURXJK WKH UDQNLQJV EDVHG RQ JUDGH SRLQW DYHUDJHV ZLWKVWHTXDOEHLQJVKDUHGE\VWXGHQWVLQWKHH[WHQVLRQ FODVVDQGLQPL[HGDELOLW\FODVVHV:HFDQFRQFOXGHIURP WKLVWKDWRXUPL[HGDELOLW\FODVVHVDUHFDWHULQJHTXDOO\DV 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SURYLGH EULJKW LGHDV DERXW KRZ ZH PLJKW XVH WKH KRXUV SHU ZHHN WR IXUWKHU HQKDQFH RXUVWXGHQWV¶HGXFDWLRQ:HORRNIRUZDUGWRVHHLQJDQ\ LQWHUHVWHGSDUHQWVDWWKHPHHWLQJ:HZLOOGLVFXVVWKLVDW RXU37$PHHWLQJDOVR *DWHZD\ 7H$PDUX:DVVHOOKDVEHHQVSHQGLQJòDGD\HDFKZHHN WKLV WHUP DW %UHDP %D\ /DQGVFDSHV /WG RQ 2QH 7UHH 3RLQW5RDG+HKDVEHHQZRUNLQJZLWK-RKQDQG'D\QD LQWKHQXUVHU\DQGKDVHQMR\HGLWYHU\PXFK$YHU\ELJ WKDQN\RXWR%UHDP%D\/DQGVFDSHVIRUWKHLUHIIRUWDQG VXSSRUW LQ WDNLQJ RQ DQRWKHU RI RXU *DWHZD\ VWXGHQWV 2XU SURJUDPPH ZRXOGQ¶W FRQWLQXH ZLWKRXW WKH VXSSRUW RIVXFKDPD]LQJEXVLQHVVHV3OHDVHPDNHVXUH\RXVXS SRUW WKHP WRR DQG VHH WKHP IRU DOO \RXU JDUGHQLQJ DQG ODQGVFDSLQJQHHGV±YLVLWWKHPDWKWWSFRORXUFDUGVFRP EUHDPED\RUSKRQH 6 September 2012 ,QWHUKRXVH0DWKH[ RIIIRUWKDQGWK%%&Y5XDZDLZLQWR%%& 2Q)ULGD\WK$XJXVW%UHDP%D\&ROOHJHKLW WKHERDUGUXQQLQJZLWKDIXQDIWHUQRRQFRPSHW LQJDJDLQVWHDFKRWKHULQWKH,QWHUKRXVH0DWKH[ FRPSHWLWLRQ 7KH VWXGHQWV DUH VR FRPSHWLWLYH ZKLFK FUHDWHV D K\SHU DWPRVSKHUH RI QRLVH 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83&20,1*7(50(9(176 :HHN WK6HSWHPEHU±WK6HSWHPEHU 6HSW <U6KDNHVSHDUH&DPS +D\60DW6%XF( 6HSW VW;95XJE\±%%&YV7DXUDURD +HDOWKWDONV<UJLUOV#SP /YO6FLHQFHWXWRULDOV/DE#SP 6HSW <U5RDG6DIHW\3UHVHQWDWLRQ #SP 6HQLRU6SHHFK)LQDOV#SP :HHN WK6HSWHPEHU±VW6HSWHPEHU 6HSW 1RUWKWHF9LVLW#OXQFKWLPH %270HHWLQJ#SP <U6KDNHVSHDU&DPS±:DW/ .UD-DQG6KH- 6HSW <U5RDG6DIHW\3UHVHQWDWLRQ #SP /YO6FLHQFHWXWRULDOV/DE#SP 6HSW +RFNH\3UL]HJLYLQJ±SP 6HSW 0XIWL'D\6FKRRO6RFLDO 6 September 2012 Police Report More volunteers needed for OTP patrol The One Tree Point community patrol group is looking for new members. The group would like to retain sufficient numbers so that members are only required to patrol one night in six weeks. Patrol teams are a minimum of two persons and able to travel by car, bike or on foot depending on their preference. The purpose of the patrol group is to provide eyes and ears for the Community and Bream Bay Police. Constable Dan Hales said, “This is a high performing patrol group and would suit Community minded people who want to do their bit to keep their community safe.” All members must past Police vetting before they can begin patrols. Application forms are available at the Ruakaka Police Station. For further details contact Constable Dan Hales 094328703. Gear stolen from boats in OTP Between the 25th and 26th of August a petrol tank was stolen from a boat in the Kowi Lakes area of One Tree Point. There have been three other similar thefts from boats in the area in recent weeks. Police are warning residents to be careful when leaving fishing equipment in boats and recommend storing everything in their homes as opposed to their boats, which aren’t as secure. It appears boats are being targeted in the OTP area. Hot water cylinders taken from vacant houses Hot water cylinders were stolen from two vacant houses in Moki Place Ruakaka, last month. One of the thefts resulted in the house being flooded. Bream Bay News Page 11 Waipu Presbyterian Parish Sunday Services Ruakaka - Camellia Ave - 8.45am Waipu - The Centre, Waipu - 10am Prayers - 7pm Mainly Music - Sharon Smith - 432 1050 Toy Library - Julie Malone - 432 0388 Contacts Church Hall Hireage - Honor McAulay - 432 0322 Rev Tom Waight Counselling - Anglican Care Trust - 437 6397 09 423 7360 Family Welfare & Foodbank: Church Office Co-ordinator - Helen Matheson - 432 0239 Cally James - 432 1536 Budgeting Advice - Bruce Matheson - 432 0239 The Crossroads Trust (financial support) Ann Evans - 432 - Peter Couper 4321141 0524 or email Working within your Community - for your Community OAKLEIGH TION OAKLEIGH SERVICE SERVICE STA STATION 1394 SH1 Whangarei 09 432 2636 Full Warranty Servicing, WOF inspection (including alternative fuels) Tyres, Brake Machining Need your vehicle to get to work? Leave it with us and borrow our COURTESY CAR for the day. September special : Free WOF with any full service Eight months home detention for torching car On the 31 July William Boyd of Waipu appeared for sentencing in the Whangarei District Court on a charge of arson. He had earlier pleaded guilty to the charge of setting fire to a vehicle parked behind Ruakaka Motors. He was sentenced to eight months home detention and was ordered to pay $1,000 in reparation. Fined and disqualified from driving for resisting arrest. Gavin Michael Arnerich, aged 52 years, of Whangarei, was fined $900 and given an eight - month long disqualification of his driving license after he appeared in the Whangarei District Court on charges of: resisting arrest, refusing to accompany the Police and refusing to supply a blood sample. Constable Mark Stuart said he saw Mr. Arnerich leaving the Waipu Hotel on the evening of 28 April; and followed him along Waipu Cove Rd. Mr. Arnerich turned into Riverview Place and pulled into a driveway. He refused to get out of his car and, after lengthy unsuccessful negotiations; Constable Stuart reverted to smashing the car’s side window and pulling him out. Two charged with assaults at Ruakaka Party Two men have been charged with the serious multiple assaults at a party in Ruakaka on Sunday 8 August.Police are still looking for a third person in connection with these assualts Phone the BREAM BAY NEWS 432 0209 if you know of something interesting happening in Bream Bay. Bream Bay News Page 12 6 September 2012 The coastal tanker Kakariki loading refined oil products on Jetty Two at the Marsden Point Oil Refinery. Photo by Peter Grant. . Ships expected at Northport Back in Waipu after a year in Afghanistan working for the International Committee of The Red Cross • Tasman Sky ETA Saturday 8 September at 4am. ETD Sunday 9 September at 12.30pm. Loading LVL. Departing for Napier. • Ocean Flower ETA Shop Monday 10 September 12 noon. ETD 4, Marsden CoveatMarina Wednesday 12 September at 1pm. Loading logs. No destination given. • Pacific Lohas ETA Tuesday 11 September . ETD Friday 14 September. Loading triboard for Hiroshima. • Norfolk Guardian. ETA 26 September. ETD 28 September. Loading sleepers for Bell Bay, Tasmania Everyday First Aid Course IfIfsomeone had anataccident someone youyou knowknow had an accident home, in at home, in garden, on sports field orfield in yourorcommunity thethegarden, onthethe sports in your commu– could you help?? nity - could you help?? Everyday First Aid is a 4-hour course designed for anyone wanting learnisbasic Aidcourse skills anddesigned CPR. Everyday First to Aid a 4 First hour for anyone wanting to learn basic First Aid The next Everyday First Aid Course is scheduled at skill and St John Bream Bay Ambulance Station CPR. 4 Tamingi Street, Ruakaka The next22Everyday First Aid Course is scheduled th September 9am – 1pm Saturday at St. John Gream Bay Ambulance Station A course fee of $40.00 is payable on course day. 4 Tamingi Street, Ruakaka To register or for more information Ph: 432 7311 Saturday 22 September 9am - 1pm. Don Abercrombie on a mission with the ICRC in Eritrea in 2004 A course fee of $40 is payable on course day. To register or for more information Ph: 432 7311 Affiliated to NZ Chartered Clubs (Inc) Are you interested in becoming a member member? ish Don Abercrombie is back in Waipu after a year’s posting in Afghanistan with the ICRC – The International Committee of the Red Cross. He says Waipu, where he grew up, is a good place to come back to. Here he has family and friends and can regain “a sense of normality.” In the first six weeks after he arrived in Afghanistan there were four incidents which threatened the safety of ICRC staff, including a suicide bomb attack at a supermarket near the Red Cross base in Kabul, two incidents where ICRC vehicles ran over explosive devices - one failed to detonate and another detonated three metres in front of an ICRC vehicle - and a robbery and attack on an ICRC staff member in his flat. As a result, the movements of all the organisation’s staff were severely restricted. Don’s job was logistics co-ordinator, overseeing a number of warehouses, medical supplies, the fleet of vehicles and air operations: the movements of two Beechcraft aeroplanes, similar to the ones that fly between Whangarei and Auckland. The International Committee of the Red Cross works exclusively in war zones. It was established in 1863. The International Red Cross and Red Crescent Movements are off shoots of the ICRC. Neutrality and independence are central to the ICRC mode of operation. Its mission is to protect the lives and dignity of victims of war and internal violence and to provide them with assistance. It also endeavours to prevent suffering by promoting We’ll We’ll have have what what you you need need to to know know Qualityfamily familyHome HomeSpecialists Specialists Quality Lancaster 160 sqm Hi, I’m Wayne Pickerill, Managing Director and Project Manager for your new Fowler Home. Enjoy quality and all the benefits of dealing with an efficient, low overhead, nationwide company, where I will take a personal interest and be involved through to completion. $185,000 incl gst Fully finished with appliances, floor coverings, curtains & blinds (SilverPlus Specification) TM More designs at or visit our office at 63 Walton St,Whangarei. Phone Wayne Pickerill 438 4840 6 September 2012 Bream Bay News Page 13. Mountfield Quarry We have stockpiles of various grade metals ready and waiting Phone Richard 432 0606 Morris & Morris Ltd. Funeral Directors Serving Northland since 1944 Don overseeing trucks being unloaded from an Antonov 124 in Sudan for use distributing relief supples in Darfur. The ICRC had just 20 trucks for this work in 2004 but 50 more were needed. It took eight flights by the giant aircraft to transport them in. and strengthening humanitarian law and humanitarian principles. In Afghanistan the ICRC attempts to ensure all participants in the war uphold the principles of the Geneva Convention. It’s representatives visit detainees held in prisons, they uplift the bodies of people killed on both sides of the conflict and restore them to their families, distribute household kits containing toiletries, blankets and cooking utensils (108,807 in 2010), supply food (to 232,369 people in 2010) run hospitals, including orthopaedic hospitals helping people who have lost limbs as a result of the long years of war. There has been major conflict here since 1978 (with the exception of the years 1996 -2001 while the country was under the rule of the Taliban with its brutal Sharia law). Twenty - nine million people live in Afghanistan, which has an area 2.5 times the size of New Zealand. It is an extremely poor country - the gross domestic product per person is just $685 per year. By comparison in New Zealand the GDP per person is $36,000. Don began working for the Red Cross in 1999. He had previously worked in logistics for private industry and became interested in aid work while taking his OE. He said, “While travelling in Africa I saw people affected by the Rwanda conflict. They were living in tents.” His first posting was with the New Zealand Red Cross helping to organise a network of shipping containers with emergency supplies in Papua New Guinea, Fiji and Vanuatu. In 2001 – 2002 he worked in the Sudan and again for four months in Eritrea setting up operations for the ICRC to help people affected by the civil war in Darfur In between, in 2002 -2003, he was in Russia with the ICRC assisting the victims of the Chechen conflict Early in 2005 he arrived in Aceh in Indonesia just seven days after the tsunami, which killed 168,000 people in that region. He helped co-ordinate the distribution of food rations, clean water, essential household items, hygiene kits and tents to the survivors and also to build toilets and washrooms and to clean out wells. As Aceh was also the seat of conflict between independence fighters and the Indonesian government, the ICRC already had a base there and got involved in the post tsunami relief work. In 2007 Don returned to Indonesia with the British Red Cross and co-ordinated an effort which built 2,300 new houses for people who had lost their homes in the tsunami. People were also given grants to help them establish businesses and communities were given training in disaster preparedness to help mimimise the effects of any future disasters. Since his return to Waipu in January, Don has been enjoying a quiet life working on dairy farms, which he says he is enjoying. He is unsure at present if he will take up another posting with the Red Cross. Phone the BREAM BAY NEWS 432 0209 if you know of something interesting happening in Bream Bay. • Chapel and reception facilities. • Off street parking. • Pre - arrangement and pre - payment options available. • Caring experienced and qualified staff. • Covering all areas north of Auckland. 09 437 5799 199 Kamo Road, Whangarei. freephone 0800 667747 Ladies Treat Yourself... Beauty Package Bliss Facial Bliss massage Bella Vi make over Lash tint & Brow tint Total Value $230 Now only $110 book now only 15 available! Ladies Treat Yourself... Hair package Short fashion body wave, shine moisture hair treatment & wash cut & blow wave Book Now with Kerry Tuesday or Wednesday be quick only 15 available Total Value $165.00 Now only $99.00 Ph: 432 7150 Shop 4, Marsden Cove Bream Bay News Page 14. Cabins to Rent Northland Your ideal solution to short or long term accommodation. 3 sizes available 6 September 2012 Local people read THE BREAM BAY NEWS It is an effective place to advertise Sleepout, home office, storage worker accommodation etc Ph: 0800 CABINS What’s On in .Bream Bay • THE PRINCESS BALL. Friday 7 September. Doors opening at 6:45pm This year’s theme is Winter Wonderland Tickets $5 and can be purchased from Sandra, ph 432 8174 • WAIPU IDOL COMPETITION 2nd, 3rd and 4th heats Friday 7th, 4th and 21st September. Free registration 7pm - 8.30pm. Semi final Friday 28 Sept. Final Friday 5 October. • WAIPU BOUTIQUE SUNDAY MARKET Sunday 9 September from 9am - 1pm in the Waipu Coronation Hall. • PARADE FOR PARALYMPIC MEDALIST FIONA SOUTHORN Momday 17 September at 1.30pm. Down the main street of Waipu. • HOOK UP TO HEALTH DAY Health expo Friday 14 September . 10am - 4pm at the Bream Bay Community Trust. • BBQ at Ruakaka Beach to WELCOME BACK THE GODWITS Saturday 15 February from 10am in the park in front of the Bream Bay Motel. • FASHION FIESTA at the Ruakaka Races. Saturday 18 September. • TIDES OUT FUN RUN at Ruakaka beach on Saturday 27 October. Starting at 10am. Back to Beards By Susan Williams You may wonder at the increase in facial hairiness of local men over the next few months. No, this is not an early Movember; rather, it is an enthusiasm by pageant participants to present an authentic image for this summer’s Waipu Grand Pageant. The latest ‘fashion statement’ is the full-blown beard, the longer and bushier the better – and some locals are starting their whiskers now to ensure they look their best for the pageant’s January 2013 performances. Leading the way are Waipu farmer Dave Brown and vet Graham Goodall (pictured right and left), whose chins have not felt the razor for several weeks. They challenge other locals to get into pageant mode – to stop shaving and let their inner stubble grow. They joke about the itchiness and tendency for people not to recognise them behind their facial fuzz but both men want to grow their beards as long as possible – if only to see what that length is! Men with beards – and their families – will be invited to a BBQ later this year to celebrate their hirsute status. . Call for Waipu Pageant Cast Preparations for Waipu’s Grand Pageant are heating up, with auditions and rehearsals starting within the next few months. First up are auditions for principal roles and for the Gaelic singers. These will be followed by rehearsals (but no auditions) for children and adults who want to be part of the crowd scenes. ‘There are several ways people can participate, and we welcome anyone from within and outside the area,’ Lachie says. ‘Our aim is to involve as many people as possible in this spectacular outdoor production.’ Auditions for principal roles were due to be held at 7.30pm, Tuesday 4 September in the Waipu Museum. The pageant also needs a local college student whose role is to interview Dame Fiona Kidman in the production. Waulking singers Lachie is also calling for women to be waulking singers in the pageant. This group sing the traditional ‘working’ songs in Gaelic, and can take part in many of the crowd scenes as well. Auditions will be held in the museum on Monday, 1 October, at 7.30pm. Crowd scenes Rehearsals for the crowd scenes begin on Wednes- Cheer up the grumpy old bird by having a tidy up. We can collect and pay current market prices for scrap metal. Give us a call. Open Monday to Friday: 8am - 4.30pm Saturday: 8am until 12 oclock Abernethys Scrap Metal, 10 Kepa Rd, Ruakaka Ph. 433 0390 Mob 027 493 6621 By Susan Williams day 3 October, 7.30pm, in the Coronation Hall, Waipu Centre, and will be run weekly. Just turn up - no auditions will be held. These people will play the ordinary folk of the community from the time they left Scotland to their lives in Waipu up to 1987. Lachie says they will work mainly as a group but there are opportunities for small speaking, dancing, miming and singing parts. He is looking for people of all ages from early teens onwards. Children Children are also wanted for the pageant for some crowd scenes. There will be limited rehearsing – and the group may be involved in some small scenes on their own. However, all children in the production must be accompanied by an adult who is part of the production in some way and who will be responsible for their supervision. Family groups are especially welcomed. Rehearsals for children start in November. If you can’t find anything for you in the above categories, or have little spare time for rehearsals, consider putting your name down as an ‘extra’. Lachie will use extras in two scenes only, with rehearsals about a week before the January performances. Contact the museum now to register so your costume can be organised. The pageant will be performed on the evenings of 11 and 12 January, 2013, on the banks of the Waihoihoi River. WAIPU LOTT0 & POST Lotto Postshop Photocopying The Centre, Waipu Phone/Fax 432 0076 Emailing Newsagents All stationery needs Open Mon, Tue, Thu & Fri: 8.30am - 5pm Wed: 8.30am - 6.30pm Sat: 8.30am - 7pm Bream Bay News Page 15 6 September 2012 Encouraging pre-schoolers to get active Twenty nine years as a volunteer in the Waipu Opp Shop A Jump Rope for Heart morning was held at the Small Poppies child care centre in Ruakaka on Tuesday 28 August. Children from the Kaiwaka Small Poppies centre came to Ruakaka to join in and spent the morning jumping over ropes, jumping in sacks, taking part in egg and spoon races using wooden eggs etc. Above four - year old Thomas Guy of Kaiwaa didn’t let his gumboots hold him back and jumped high over the skipping rope. Swimming Club life membership rewards long involvement Les and Marian Platt of One Tree Point were made life members of Bream Bay Swimming Club at a special club meeting held before annual prize giving last Sunday. Most of the club’s previous life members were present and one, Selma Owbridge, spoke about both Les and Marian’s long involvement with the club and how well-deserved their award was. In reply, Marian talked Marian and Les Platt about Gay Cann’s learn to swim work in the area prior to and after Bream Bay joined the Northland Swimming Centre in 1979, and then the club’s life members, along with Marian, assisted in presenting awards to swimmers. One-hour distance swim Engraving Systems award (12 years and under): Seth Faoagali and Conor Swords; Women’s: Haylee Jensen; Men’s: Alex Birchall. Macartney Medley trophies went to Turanga Morgan-Edmonds, Elle Swanson, Elijah Purnell and Emma Wickham.HMJ Encouragement Cup: Kieran Swords Rye Endeavour Trophies: Conor Swords and Brianna Woods.Craig Cogan Builder Ltd Cups: Abby Wright and Maxwell Garner. Hughes Trophy for girls most championship points went to Emma Wickham and the Birchall Cup for boys went to Kieran Swords. Club Championship record breakers were: Elijah Purnell, David Platt, Kieran Swords, Dylan Sims, Turanga Morgan-Edmonds, Tiahorangi Morgan-Edmonds, Conor Swords, Amy Swanson, Isabelle Paton, Emma Wickham and Abby Wright. Abby (50m breaststroke) and Amy (25m butterfly) broke records that were set in 1994 by Louise Morgan. The 1984 record for 25m breaststroke set by Andre Lovatt still stands as a challenge to Tiana Birchall’s junior development squad. Margaret Batten at her farewell afternoon tea. A thank you, farewell afternoon tea was held for Margaret Batten at Sea Change café, Ruakaka beach on Wednesday 29 August by Waipu Opportunity Shop volunteers. Margaret is a founder member of the Opp Shop team and has helped with the shop for 29 and a half years. She was stock manager for more then 20 years. Past and present Opp Shop volunteers gathered for the occasion. Margaret is moving to the Jane Mander Retirement Village in Whangarei. She said the Opp Shop had been a big part of her life. She had made many good friends there and the work had helped her through some difficult times such as the months following the death of her husband. Moodys Chartered Accountants Member of the Institute of Chartered Accountants Ensure that your financial affairs are • Annual Accounts handled by qualified professionals. • Income Tax Come and talk to us. • GST Returns Free initial consultation. • Audits • Company Formations Town Centre Ruakaka • Budgets Ph: 432 8486 Let your expanding business overflow into one of our storage units instead of having to increase your existing workshop premises. BREAM BAY STORAGE SELF STORAGE AT RUAKAKA ,99 Marsden Point Rd. THE NEXT PUBLICATION DATE of the Bream Bay News will be Thursday 20 September The deadline for all copy is 4pm on Wednesday 12 September. * Long or short term storage * A variety of sizes available * Come and go at your convenience Free phone 0508 273262 0508 BREAMB * Electrified security fence - 24 hr monitored * Units individually alarmed and monitored * Door secured with storer’s own padlock Bream Bay News Page 16. 6 September 2012 TRADES & SERVICE DIRECTORY KAIPARA FLOORING Co. KAIPA Supply & Installation of Carpet & Vinyl 'RPHVWLF&RPPHUFLDO3OXPELQJ µ&HUWLI\LQJ3OXPEHUµ5HSDLUV0DLQWHQDQFHµ µ&HUWLI\LQJ'UDLQOD\HUµ1HZ+RXVHV$OWHUDWLRQVµ 'DUUHQ2OGILHOG • Free measure and quote • Free m measure and quote • Carpet Short Ends in stock • Mobi Mobile $89 perservice mtr (3.6m wide) + gst • Colou Colour consultation by- appointment. • Vinyl Roll Stock 2mtr $39+ gst 3 mtr $69+ gst Ph. Christine 09 946 9886 or 021 515 415 Ph. 0932 946 9886 or 269 6250 Showroom: Hurndall St.,021 Maungaturoto 32%R[0DQJDZKDL 3K)D[µ0RELOH ROGILHOGSOXPELQJ#[WUDFRQ] Email: Email: Showroom: 32 Hurndall St., Maungaturoto Phone/Fax: (09) 432 0209 KAIPARA PLUMBING LTD. Graham and Debbie Slatter For all your Plumbing and Drainage needs Certifying Plumber Certifying Drainlayer 1.5 ton digger for hire Ph: 0272445430 or 09 4318451 Bream Bay Office Services When Quality Counts Qualified Experienced Tradesman Deliver & Erect 'State of the Art' Scaffolding Ensuring you job is erected quickly and safely *** CALL NOW FOR FREE QUOTE *** A/H 0274 726772 PH 432 7643 Yard: Kepa Rd Industrial Estate, Ruakaka PTyping PFaxing PPhotocopying PLaminating PBusiness Cards PXmas Cards PCalendars PT Shirt Transfers PFridge Magnets PDesktop publishing PCertificates Shop 3, Ruakaka Town Centre, Ruakaka. Phone 432 8730, Fax: 432 8732 E.Mail NORTHERN TREEPRO LTD • • • • • • Tree removal/Prunning Land clearing Revegetation Heavy duty chipping Excavator/Log skidding Fully Insured 3rd generation experts Phone 027 362 6083 or 432 1816 This Space now available! PAccounts Service PPamphlets PPhotos repaired PPhotos copied PBinding Mobile Service 547 Mountfield Rd, Waipu. McLeod ELECTRICAL 132 Mountfield Rd, Waipu Phone 09 432 0406 Mobile 0275 875 024 Email Fuel Injection Motorcycles Alternators / Starters Wiring Agricultural Machinery Commercial Over 40 years experience Mob: 0274 942 635 Ph: (09) 432 0373 C A RTA G E FOR ALL YOUR EARTHWORKS & CARTAGE NEEDS Suppliers of: topsoil, compost, woodchip, bark, sand, pebble, rocks and firewood. $30.00 plus GST or for regular advertisers (6 or more insertions) Ph/Fax 09 432 8418 or 021 768 940 $27 Plus GST 458 Marsden Point Rd. PO Box 142, Ruakaka 0151 email: WINDSCREEN REPAIR OR REPLACE GLAZING SERVICES .*33034t41-"4)#"$,4t4)08&34 0800 70 40 10 • Marsden Point Tides AM Thu 6 Sept PM 11.14 2.5 11.30 2.4 Fri 7 Sept 11.56 2.4 ~ Sat 8 Sept 12.12 2.3 12.40 2.3 Sun 9 Sept 12.57 2.2 1.30 2.2 Mon 10 Sept 1.46 2.2 2.25 2.2 Tue 11 Sept 2.41 2.2 3.27 2.2 Wed 12 Sept 3.40 2.2 4.19 2.3 Thu 13 Sept 4.39 2.2 5.12 2.3 Fri 14 Sept 5.34 2.3 6.01 2.5 Sat 15 Sept 6.26 2.4 6.48 2.6 Sun 16 Sept 7.15 2.6 7..34 2.7 Mon 17 Sept 8.03 2.7 8.21 2.7 Tue 18 Sept 8.50 2.7 9.08 2.8 Wed 19 Sept 9.38 2.8 9.56 2.8 Thu 20 Sept 10.27 2.8 10.45 2.7 Fri 21 Sept 11.18 2.8 11.37 2.7 ~ PUMPING EQUIPMENT SPECIALISTS PHONE 09 438 9103 (24HRS) LARGEST CALL FREE 0800 MCQUINN STOCKISTS 0800 627 846 OF PUMPS 148 LOWER DENT STREET, WHANGAREI & FILTERS PARADISE QUARRY STONEMASONS Specialists in stunning stone for landscape Suppliers & installers of northland’s own schist for all your stonemasonry & landscaping Requirements (09) 432 2722 or GEOFF (021) 972 139 Bream Bay News advertisers now get a free listing in the Trades and Services Directory on the Bream Bay News website. Deadline for next issue Wednesday 29 August 6 September 2012 Bream Bay News Page 17 Phone/Fax: (09) 432 0209 HD HANSEN DRAINAGE LTD TRADES & SERVICE DIRECTORY Licensed Contractor for Waste & Drainage Work WHANGAREI DISTRICT COUNCIL Karl Hansen Authorised Supplier & Installer for: Registered/Certifying Drainlayer Richard Hansen Owner/Operator Ph (09) 432 7877 Fax (09) 432 7876 Brian the Painter HE HANSEN EARTHWORKS LTD Ph. 09 432 7877 Fax 09 432 7876 Mob 027 432 7879 Email Mob 027 432 7877 Domestic / Commercial Developments Landscaping • Groundwork • Excavations • Drainage • Digger & Truck Hire Email: Poyner Housemoving 0800 769 637 New and Used Houses For Sale For Removal Decorator, Restorer, Handyman Property Maintenance No job too small, No travelling time charges Free advice Phone 0274 882371 0r 09 431 4882 Email: ABSOLUTE CONCRETE LOW COST DRIVEWAYS & SURFACING NEEDS ww Concrete or asphalt beyond your budget … We have the next best solution for a fraction of the price. Call for a quote, you’ll be pleased you did! Paradise Quarry Contractors Water tanks, Waste Water Treatment Systems Crane truck delivery y Based in Maungaturoto but covering the whole of Northland sales@a Email: Phone (09) 431 2211 KAIWAKA Grace Engineering Ltd. Waipu Geoff (021) 972 139 or (09) 432 2722 M.V.B. Electrical Ltd. Repairs • Installations • Advice • Agricultural repairs • Rust repairs • Welding • Fabrication Mike van Blommestein Phone: 09 432 1015 • Mobile: 0274 783 749 Ph: Murray 09 4321 437 mbl. 021 432 964 11 The Braigh Email: Balustrades Waipu Electrical & Security Ltd Your Local Balustrade Specialist Jason Hammond Regal Plus Joinery Ltd. • Residential & Commercial • Alarm Installation & Servicing Ph. 027 275 1281 or A/H 433 0422 09 432-1599 or 027-292-2833 • Intercoms/Gate Automation Kirk Robbins Ph 09 432 0091 Mob: 021 236 9551 • email: Tiling Certified Experienced Waterproofer Indoor/Outdoor areas Domestic & Commerical All porcelain. marble, granite, glass, sandstone & ceramic tiles Resurfacing of soft/damaged concrete surfaces Highest quality craftmanship 30+ years experience Brian Cowley Waipu Tiling Ph. 432 1721 021 261 6906 09 4320 212 or 027 267 9157 Gates & Fencing Bream Bay Concrete Ltd. Free Quotes • Reliable Service • Quality workmanship • Concrete pads • Shed floors • Pathways • Home floors • Driveways • Concrete cutting • Excavation works • Retaining walls • Paling fences • Profiles for homes & sheds • Subfloors & boxing Mark Royals Ph: 432 0107 Mob: 0274 433 130 DEADLINE Electrical Contracting & Repairs Electrical Inspector, Caravan EWOF, Coolrooms, Air con. , Heat pumps. Phone: 432 7968 Mbl: 0274 780014 Wednesday 29 August 2012 2005 Wednesday 10 August BREAM BAY NEWS PH/FAX 09 432 0209 at: PostCopy copy to:can Breambe Bayleft News, RD 2, Waipu Bream Bay takeaway & Video Hire, Email: Ruakaka,Oakleigh Service Station, or leave it at: The Thistle Waipu, Bream Bay Office Services The Thistle ofofWaipu or Scotty’s in theFour Ruakaka TowncentreMangawhai or The Oakleigh Service Station. Square, Bream Bay News Page 18. 6 September 2012 FOR SALE FOUR BURNER BBQ WITH BOTTLE AND GAUGES - $60, Round formica table and 4 chairs - $30. Aluminium outdoor furniture, large table, six chairs - $100. Single and double beds - cheap. Ph. 432 2061. EGGS, genuine free range, meet the hens! 34 St Mary’s Rd, Waipu ph:4320057 HAY FOR SALE Conventional bales. This years no weeds. $8.00 plus GST Ph 4328082 OUT DOOR FURNITURE. Adirondack chairs plus more. Can make to order. Phone Cliff 432 1218. BATTERY TIRED? Geoff Spencer Auto Electrical. Century battery Agent. Free test, best prices, can deliver. Ph. 432 0373 or Mob. 0274 942 635. FARM GATES Light Barred 3.66m (12ft) from $112.20 + GST Bream Bay Merchants BuildLink Cnr Sime & Kepa Rd Ruakaka PH: 09 433 0077 CHAINBAR OIL, 5Litre $29.10. 20 Litre $100.65 Incl GST Bream Bay Merchants BuildLink. Cnr Sime & Kepa Rd Ruakaka PH: 09 433 0077 PIPE STORMWATER, 90mm x 6m $42.98 incl, 100mm x 6m $48.20 incl Bream Bay Merchants BuildLink. Cnr Sime & Kepa Rd Ruakaka. PH: 09 433 0077 PLYWOOD, Pine Builders Grade1200 x 2400, 7mm H3 $39.70, 9mm H3 $50.50,12mm H3 $59.40 18mm H3 $78.10,18mm Pallet Ply U/T $57.00. Prices Incl Gst Bream Bay Merchants BuildLink Cnr Sime & Kepa Rd Ruakaka PH: 09 433 0077 WATER BLASTER, Honda 4 Stroke 5HP,2600psi $865.00 Incl Bream Bay Merchants BuildLink. Cnr Sime & Kepa Rd Ruakaka PH: 09 433 0077 TIMBER & HARDWARE Fencing / Timber Deals. Bream Bay Merchants BuildLink. Cnr Sime & Kepa Rd Ruakaka. PH: 09 433 0077 FOR HIRE MACROCARPA & REDWOOD Sleepers & posts Slab & dimentional timber Long Lengths available Can Deliver Firewood - Mac gum & Ti tree RECYCLING CAGES & Skip Bins for Hire. 3m3, 5m3, 6m3. MPL Recycling. Mangawhai Heads Rd. Ph 431 5445. Ruakaka (A Brief History) Compiled by Judy Richards Copies $20 Available from Noel Woods At Bream Bay Realty, Ruakaka Town Centre Or from Bruce Cann Ph. 432 7399 GARDEN COMPOST Good quality compost, small & large volumes. MPL Landscape Supplies Mangawhai Heads Rd Ph 09 431 5445 TIGER WORMS For worm farms, composting toilets etc. Ph. 432 0373 evenings FOR RENT VERY PRIVATE TWO BEDROOM COTTAGE Very close to surf club and beach. Suit professional working couple. Large section. No dogs $290pw. Ph. Mob 021 541 543. 2 BDRM & 1 BDRM UNITS AVAILABLE from $170pw. Ruakaka. Ph Andrew 09 433 0469 SERVICES OFFERED NORTH PEST CONTROL Chemical Handlers’ Certificate Pest control technician. Cockroaches, bedbugs, spiders, rodents, wasps, ants etc. a problem??? Freecall 0800 832 007 For a quote PAINTER/WALLPAPER specialist, 35 years exp, work guaranteed, imm. start, Phone Paul, Marsden Cove Painters (027) 2460260 PAINTER AVAILABLE for all types of work. Specialize in new homes. Phone Peter 027 898 1519. CARPET LAYER At Bank Street Appliances 17 Bank St. Phone 438 5029 436 1250 ALTER-NATIVES Nursery & Landscaping Port Rd. Whangarei Ph 974 8733 Open 7 days. Ormiston Rd Waipu Ph 432 1333 Open 5 days. www.alter-natives BEAUTY, HEALTH & FITNESS WATER TANK CLEANING • Gift Vouchers • Remedial Massage • Pregnancy Massage • Pensioner Discounts • Aromatherapy Products • Yoga Classes/Lessons Ginny Hall-Cowley Dip. Class. Aroma.. Adv. Thrpt Massage No need to empty your tank Ph Russell 432-0344 UTILITY PANEL (TRIBOARD). T&G 15MM X 3800 X 345MM $15.00 Per Panel Incl GST. Bream Bay Merchants BuildLink Cnr Sime & Kepa Rd Ruakaka. PH: 09 433 0077 PLUMBING SUPPLIES Buteline Fittings. Bream Bay Merchants BuildLink Cnr Sime & Kepa Rd Ruakaka. PH: 09 433 0077 OIL FILTERS from $8 incl. Bream Bay Merchants BuildLink. Cnr Sime & Kepa Rd Ruakaka. PH: 09 433 0077 SERVICES OFFERED Local people read THE BREAM BAY NEWS It is an effective place to advertise. Phone Mark Draper 09 432 0655 or 0274 707 607 RETIRED BUILDER AND MANUFACTURER with over 40 years experience in the building industry is offering a design drafting service for domestic housing, sleepouts and sheds. Plans formulated in cosultation with clients, with working drawings completed & submitted to council for processing. Extensive practical experience, able to identify and resolve problems. Please ring Mike Lean on 09 431 2260 or 021 431 196. Wa i p u Boarding Cattery Excellent care and accommodation Ph Sue 432 0394 HORSE COVER AND gear repairs and industrial sewing requirments; canvas, leather, pvc, straps, small tarps, tents and zips etc. Ph 432 0732 BABY SITTERS AVAILABLE Two 14 year old girls available for babysitting. $10 per hour. Phone Georgia 432 1720 FISHING CHARTERS Bream Bay Northern Charter Ventures Ltd. Full/half days and evenings. Ph. Robbie 0274 836 486 or 09 432 7782 CARPET LAYING, Restretching and Repairs, 20 yrs exp, reliable service. PH Dean Ireson 436 2633 or 027 667 0183. BREAM BAY GARDEN BAGS. For all your waste disposal. Hire a garden bag or wheelie bin. Emptied every few weeks. Easy and efficientl Call 430 7366 or 021 494 233. Ph 432 1721 Mob: 021 126 4437 Mon - Sat Clinic Open 228 Brooks Rd, (off S.H.1) Waipu RAWLEIGH’S PRODUCTS Independent dealer, phone Susan McRae 4321029. REAL Local people read ESTATE THE BREAM BAY LINKING HANDS Health Shuttle Phone 09 4318 969 NEWS It is an effective place to advertise. CRANIOSACRAL THERAPY & REFLEXOLOGY Alice Grant 09 432 1710 021 024 80569 Therapy room in Waipu Mobile service available Relieve aches and pains by stimulating your body to treat itself TUITION SENIORNET BREAM BAY New to computers or having problems with technology? We can help with classes that are specially structured for the senior age group. Join SeniorNet Classes now. Phone Dorothy 4327412 or SeniorNet Centre 4327692 PIANO, KEYBOARD, GUITAR AND UKULELE From $18 per lesson Wonderful opportunity to learn to play or even upskill on what you already can do. We also have singing lessons for those who are keen to sing along with their instrument. There are tutors in Wellsford, One Tree Point, Ruakaka, Maungaturoto and Langs Beach. Drum tutor now available in Kaiwaka. For further info: Ph. Northland Manager Alexis Westlake 09 433 0298 Classified Advertising THE NEXT PUBLICATION DATE of the Bream Bay News will be Thursday 20 September The deadline for all copy is 4pm on Wednesday 12 September. 6 September 2012 Bream Bay News, Page 19. SITUATIONS VACANT PUBLIC NOTICES WAIPU PUBLIC CORONATION HALL Books and goods required for BricaBrac shop Open Mon - Sat Mornings from 10.30am Assistant Manager wanted Assistant Manager wanted for large, popular holiday park in Bream Bay. There is a focus on grounds and maintenance work, with some reception duties at times. We are seeking a positive, proactive individual with good people skills. The successful applicant will have excellent handyman skills, with caretaking or facilities management experience highly desirable, some cleaning duties required. We offer a good salary package including live-in accommodation, with the opportunity for your partner (if you have one) to do some casual work. If you are interested in applying please email your cv and covering letter to: or phone Anton or Lucy on 09 432 0410 CLEANERS REQUIRED – Casual cleaners required in Waipu Cove, experience preferred. Good hourly rate with immediate start. Please call Anton and Lucy for more details 09 432 0410. SENIOR STYLIST WANTED call reflections Hair & Beauty 09)4327150 c.v and cover letter reflections_ PUBLIC NOTICES BREAM BAY ACTION GROUP AGM 17 September 7pm at the Ruakaka Recreation Centre Important announcemnt to be made. All welcome Refreshments provided. Waipu Cove Surf Life Saving Club AGM 2012 Honorary Positions Patron - Sir George Fistonich, Honorary Solicitor - Lisa Jack, Honorary Doctor - David Ewan, Honorary Auditor -Des Olney Management Committee - President/Chairman - Rick Stolwerk, Administrator - Trudy Ryan, Booking Co-ordinator- Lucy Fernee, Treasurer - Trudy Ryan, Clubhouse Director - Brian Greenway, Delegate to SLSNR -Ian MacLaine, Club Captains - Laura Andrews & Kent Duffus, Deputy Club Captain - Josh Godfrey, Ladies Club Captain - Aimee Day, Junior Club Captain Ella Stolwerk, Chief Instructor - Ivan McCabe, Patrol Co-ordinator - David Bailey, Power Craft Officer - Peter Hayward, Registrar - Ian Godfrey Junior Surf Co-ordinator - Gemma Aspden, First Aid Officer- Jaime Newton, Gear Steward - Victor Savelyev, Craft Captain - Liam Fuller, Public Relations Officer - Danielle Newton, Daniielle’s email: and her phone number is: 432 1632. The surf club email: TABLE TENNIS Tuesday 17 July and Tuesday 24 July in the Ruakaka Recreation Centre. Starts 7pm. PUBLIC NOTICES Bream Bay Medical Centre Ltd. New Patients Welcome! Monday - Friday: 8.30am - 5pm Saturdays: 9am - 12pm Please advise reception at time of booking if you require an extended consultation. Please note that repeat prescriptions require 48 hours notice’ Enrolled patients are able to access after hours care by: • Phoning 111 in emergencies to access ambulance. • Contacting Healthline on 0800 611 116 (Mon-Thurs) • Attending White Cross Accident & Emergency Centre (Weekends & Public Holidays) - 121 Bank St., Whangarei. Ph: 470 1083. Dr. John Chapman, Dr. Sue Hancock, Dr. Karin Hiemstra. Dr. David Sinclair Marsden Point Road, Ruakaka Town Centre, Ruakaka. Ph: 432 8060 Fax: 432 8230 Bream Bay ASSEMBLY OF GOD CHURCH RUAKAKA RECREATION CENTRE ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING AT RECREATION CENTRE September 25th 2012 7.30pm Agenda: 1.Presentation of Financial Accounts 2. Change AGM date to agree with Finances date. 3. General Matters NB. There will be no election of Officers as per Rules. Stay for a cuppa’ and light refreshments. WAIPU TENNIS CLUB AGM on the 6th of September at 7pm In the Club rooms. New committee members are welcome! ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING will be held in the Senior Citizens’ Hall, Fagan Place, Mangawhai Heads, on Saturday, 22 September at 2pm. The formal business of presenting reports and electing the committee, will be followed by an address given by Tony Beauchamp Department of Conservation, Whangarei. All welcome Enquiries to: SENIOR PREMIERS TAKAHIWAI RUGBY LEAGUE CLUB PRIZGIVING Friday the 14th of September Takahiwai Rugby League Club 6pm til late 6pm happy hour Band Furious 3 Tickets $5 contact Tara Foote 0211373271 223 Marsden Point Road, Ruakaka Miracles happen today Experience His Healing Presence. SUNDAY SERVICE & KIDZ CHURCH at 10am POWER HOUSE Monthly Friday at 7pm. MEN OF INTEGRITY Tuesday at 6pm WOMEN OF DESTINY Tuesday at 10am YOU ARE WELCOME! Pastors: Ken & Christine Hubbard Tel: 432 7855 BREAM BAY SUNDAY CHURCH SERVICES Presbyterian Waipu Camellia Ave, Ruakaka: 8.45am The Centre, Waipu: 10am Prayer Service: 7pm Assembly of God 223 Marsden Pt. Rd, Ruakaka, 10am. Anglican 1st and 3rd Sundays - St Paul’s Ruakaka 2nd and 4th Sundays - St Peter’s Waipu, 5th Sunday - St Nicholas Mission to Seafarers’. Marsden Point All services start at 9.30am. Catholic Holy Family Church, Ruakaka,10.30am. Mass Lifepoint. 300 One Tree Point Rd, 10.30am. Bream Bay CRF. 15 Kepa Road, Central Ruakaka 10:15am every Sunday Classified Advertising Costs $2.20 for up to 15 words and 20c for each additional word. Boxed, approx 4cm adverts cost $10 plus GST Phone or fax your advert through to 432 - 0209 email to: Post to: Bream Bay News, RD 2 Waipu 0582 or leave it with payment at The Thistle in Waipu or at Bream Bay Office Services in the Ruakaka Town Centre. Bream Bay News Page 20. 6 September 2012 LANGS BEACH 15 Waterman Drive CHARMING, HASSLE-FREE BEACH HOME This modern beach house was built for two families by two families. There are two bedrooms and a bathroom on each side of this low maintenance, characteristic home. Located only a short walk to Ding Bay and Langs Beach. A must to view! VIEW: BY APPOINTMENT FOR SALE $595,000 WWW.PREMIUM.CO.NZ ID WPU27155 SANDY MCKENZIE 021 431 541 WAIPU: 09 432 0200 WWW.PREMIUM.CO.NZ - SELLING THE FINEST HOMES INTRODUCING... PREMIUM NORTHLAND REAL ESTATE WOULD LIKE TO INTRODUCE OUR PREMIUM RENTALS DIVISION: We welcome Charly and Olga Martinez, our dedicated Property Managers who will be providing homeowners with a complete and professional residential property management and letting agency service. Charly & Olga Martinez and family reside in Ruakaka and share a passion for helping people. Charly, has a degree in Economic Sciences as an Accountant and Olga has studied law and done a post-degree in Marketing. For a Free Market Rental Appraisal please contact us on: 3UHPLXP2I¿FH09 432 0200 Mobile: 021 150 2438 Email: 1 THE CENTRE, WAIPU - PREMIUM TENANTS FOR PREMIUM HOMES :$,383,1(*5$=,1* %/2&.*67 KD±SLQHDQGJUDVV PLQVWR:DLSX /LIHVW\OHRSWLRQ *RRGEXLOGLQJVLWHV \HDUSLQHVUHDG\WRKDUYHVW PRIIWDUVHDO 5RJHU.LQJRU DK 5HI:38 *5($7,19(670(1723325781,7< 6LWXDWHGLQWKHPDLQVWUHHWRI:DLSXWKHUHLVD FRPPHUFLDOEXLOGLQJDQGDOVRDRQHEHGURRPFRWWDJH %RWKFXUUHQWO\WHQDQWHG,QYHVWLQDJURZLQJWRZQ ZKHUHWKLVW\SHRISURSHUW\LVUDUH -XG\*X\DK 5HI:38 027,9$7('9(1'256 :,7+*5($7/2&$7,216±%8,/'12: 6LWXDWHGRQO\DVKRUWZDONWR:DLSXWKHUHDUH VHFWLRQVZDLWLQJWREHEXLOWRQ)XOO\VHUYLFHG YHU\IHUWLOHVRLO2QO\DQG -XG\*X\DK 5HI:38 63$&,2866(&7,21,1:$,38 /DQGEDQNIRUWKHIXWXUHLQWKLVTXLHWFXOGHVDF PZLWKORDGVRIURRPIRUDFRPIRUWDEOH KRPHDQGJDUGHQ -XG\*X\DK 5HI:38 /,&(1&('5($/(67$7(&203$1<5($$ dŽǁŶĞŶƚƌĞ͕ZƵĂŬĂŬĂ WŚ͗ϬϵϰϯϯϬϯϬϬ ŵĂŝů͗ŝŶĨŽΛďďƌĞĂůƚLJ͘ĐŽ͘Ŷnj ǁǁǁ͘ďďƌĞĂůƚLJ͘ĐŽ͘Ŷnj ϴϬZ^Ͳt/Wh >ŝĨĞƐƚLJůĞďůŽĐŬǁŝƚŚĂŵĂnjŝŶŐƐĞĂ ĂŶĚƌƵƌĂůǀŝĞǁƐʹĨĂƩĞŶĐĂƩůĞͬ ƐŚĞĞƉŽƌƌĞĂƌĐĂůǀĞƐ͘dŝĚLJϯ ďĞĚƌŽŽŵŚŽŵĞǁŝƚŚǁƌĂƉĂƌŽƵŶĚ ĚĞĐŬŝŶŐ͘>ĂƌŐĞϯͲďĂLJĐŽŶĐƌĞƚĞ ŇŽŽƌƐŚĞĚ͘WŚŽŶĞŵĞƚŽǀŝĞǁ͘ ĞĂƌDŽƌŐĂŶ ĚĚϵϰϱͲϰϮϬϬŽƌϬϮϭϳϯϰϵϬϯ Yh/EdΘK>KE/>͕Zh<< &ĂďƵůŽƵƐďŝŐƐƵŶŶLJŚŽŵĞ͕ůĂƌŐĞ ůŽƵŶŐĞǁŝƚŚǁŽŽĚďƵƌŶĞƌ͘<ŝƚĐŚĞŶͬ ĚŝŶŝŶŐŽƉĞŶŝŶŐƚŽYĂƌĞĂ͘dŚƌĞĞ ďĞĚƌŽŽŵƐ͕ƐĞƉĂƌĂƚĞůĂƵŶĚƌLJ͘ ^ĞĂǀŝĞǁƐĨƌŽŵƚŚĞƉŽŽůƌŽŽŵ ďĂůĐŽŶLJ͊ϭϮϯϵŵϮƐĞĐƟŽŶǁŝƚŚ ŶĂƟǀĞƐ͕ƚƌŽƉŝĐĂůƐĂŶĚDĂŐŶŽůŝĂƐ͘ ΨϯϲϬ͕ϬϬϬ :ĂŶŝŶĞ'ŽůĚƐŵŝƚŚ ĚĚϵϰϱͲϰϮϬϱŽƌϬϮϭϰϯϮϳϵϯ EtDKZE&D/>z,KD dƌĞŶĚLJDŽŶŽƉŝƚĐŚŚŽŵĞǁŝƚŚŝŶ ǁĂůŬŝŶŐĚŝƐƚĂŶĐĞŽĨďĞĂĐŚ͕ĐĂĨĞƐ ĂŶĚƐĐŚŽŽůƐ͘^ŝƚƵĂƚĞĚŽŶĂŶŽͲĞdžŝƚ ƐƚƌĞĞƚŝŶĂŶĞǁƐƵďĚŝǀŝƐŝŽŶ͘&ƵůůLJ ĨĞŶĐĞĚĨĂŵŝůLJŚŽŵĞŽŶŇĂƚƐŝƚĞ͘ /ŶǀĞƐƚŶŽǁďĞĨŽƌĞƚŚĞƉƌŝĐĞŚŝŬĞ͊ Ψϯϲϵ͕ϬϬϬ :ĂŶŝĐĞŽĐŬŝŶŐ ĚĚϵϰϱͲϰϮϬϰŽƌϬϮϭϱϰϭϱϰϯ WK^/d/KEEWKdEd/> KŶĞůĞǀĞůŚŽŵĞ͕ϯŐŽŽĚƐŝnjĞĚ ďĞĚƌŽŽŵƐƉůƵƐŵĂŝŶǁŝƚŚĞŶƐƵŝƚĞ͘ ^ƉĂĐŝŽƵƐŶŽƌƚŚͲĨĂĐŝŶŐůŝǀŝŶŐ ŽƉĞŶŝŶŐƚŽĐŽƵƌƚLJĂƌĚƐ͘'ŽŽĚ ƐƚŽƌĂŐĞ͕ĚŽƵďůĞŐĂƌĂŐĞǁŝƚŚ ŝŶƚĞƌŶĂůĂĐĐĞƐƐ͕ĞĂƐLJĐĂƌĞŐĂƌĚĞŶƐ͕ ĂŶĚĂĨĞǁŵŝŶƵƚĞƐƚŽƚŚĞďĞĂĐŚ͘ >ŽĐĂƚĞĚŝŶKdW͘ΨϰϭϬ͕ϬϬϬ ůĂŶ^ŚĞĚĚĂŶ ĚĚϵϰϱͲϰϮϬϭŽƌϬϮϭϴϭϬϯϭϵ >KK<^,ZWʹ>/s^DZd ŝŐŽŶĞůĞǀĞůϭϴϭŵϮhŶŝǀĞƌƐĂů ŚŽŵĞǁŝƚŚϯĚŽƵďůĞďĞĚƌŽŽŵƐ ƐŝƚƵĂƚĞĚĂƚƚŚĞĞŶĚŽĨĂƋƵŝĞƚůĂŶĞ ďĂĐŬŝŶŐŽŶƚŽĂZĞƐĞƌǀĞ͘&ĂďƵůŽƵƐ ŬŝƚĐŚĞŶ͕ĚŽƵďůĞŐĂƌĂŐĞǁŝƚŚ ŝŶƚĞƌŶĂůĂĐĐĞƐƐ͘ĞĂĐŚĞƐ͕ƉĂƌŬƐ ĂŶĚďŽǁůŝŶŐĐůƵďŶĞĂƌďLJ͘ ƐŬŝŶŐΨϰϭϱ͕ϬϬϬ ůĂŶ^ŚĞĚĚĂŶ ĚĚϵϰϱͲϰϮϬϭŽƌϬϮϭϴϭϬϯϭϵ ,Z'/E dŚƌĞĞďĞĚƌŽŽŵďƌŝĐŬΘƟůĞŚŽŵĞ ŝŶZƵĂŬĂŬĂƚŚĂƚǁŝůůŶŽƚůĂƐƚůŽŶŐ ŝŶƚŚŝƐďĞĂĐŚůŽĐĂƟŽŶ͘dŚŝƐŚŽŵĞ ŝƐǁŝƚŚŝŶǁĂůŬŝŶŐĚŝƐƚĂŶĐĞƚŽƚŚĞ ďĞĂĐŚĂŶĚƐŚŽƉƐ͘ŐƌĞĂƚ ŝŶǀĞƐƚŵĞŶƚĂŶĚƌĞĂůŝƐƟĐĂůůLJƉƌŝĐĞĚ ĨŽƌƐĂůĞĂƚΨϮϰϵ͕ϬϬϬ ZŽƐDĂĐŬĞŶ ĚĚϰϯϮͲϴϲϲϮŽƌϬϮϳϮϳϲϭϰϵϬ
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