CHAPTER II REVIEW OF RELATED LITERATURE This chapter presents literature review related to this study, they are; motivation, learning achievement, and the correlation between motivation and learning achievement. Motivation covers; the definition of motivation, kinds of motivation, the fucntions of motivation, types of motivation in the school, and principles of motivation. Learning achievement covers; the definition of learning achievement, several learning principles, and the influencial factors of learning achievement. A. Motivation 1. The Definition of Motivation Motivation is one of psychological aspects that has effect on learning achievement. In psychology, the term motive is frequently called as motivation. Clearly, what is meant by motive and motivation the writer will explain more about it. The word ‘motive’ is given meaning as “daya upaya yang mendorong seseorang untuk melakukan sesuatu, (an effort which is drive someone to do something)” (Sardiman M. :2007:75), or just like said by Sukmadinata ( 2005 : 61 ) motive adalah dorongan yang terarah kepada pemenuhan kebutuhan psikis atau rokhaniah (motive is an encouragement directed to meet the needs of psychic or spiritual). 10 11 Thus, the writer can conclude that motive is an encouragement or someone’s inner strength that can move the self to do something in order to achieve a goal. While, in Kamus Besar Bahasa Indonesia Kontemporer (Salim, 1991:997) motivasi adalah keinginan atau dorongan yang timbul pada diri seseorang baik secara sadar maupun tidak sadar untuk melakukan suatu perbuatan dengan tujuan tertentu ( motivation is a desire or impulse that arises in person either consiously or unconsiously to do acts with a certain purpose). According to the experts the definition of motivation are: 1. Hamzah B. Uno (2010:1) motivasi adalah kekuatan, baik dari dalam maupun dari luar yang mendorong seseorang untuk mencapai tujuan tertentu yang telah ditetapkan sebelumnya (motivation is a force, both from within or from outside that encourages someone to achieve certain goals that have been set before). 2. Kenneth T. Henson (1999:373) motivation is a student’s interest in doing academic work and learning academic material. 3. Sardiman A.M. (2007:73) “motivasi adalah daya penggerak yang telah menjadi aktif, (motivation is the driving force that has become active)”. 4. According to Antonius Atoshoki and friends (2004: 164) motivasi adalah kekuatan atau daya dorong yang menggerakkan sekaligus mengarahkan kehendak dan perilaku seseorang dan segala kekuatannya untuk mencapai tujuan yang diinginkannya, yang muncul dari keinginan memenuhi kebutuhannya ( motivation is strength or the power that move and direct wish, someone’s attitude and all of the strength to gain the aim which is arise from the wish to fulfil the need). 12 5. Ngalim Purwanto (2011: - ) motivasi adalah segala sesuatu yang mendorong seseorang untuk bertindak melakukan sesuatu, ( motivation is everything that drive someone to do an action). From some definitions above proposed by experts motivation is a changes in someone self to do something to achieve a goal. So the conclusion of those definitions is, motivation is an energy changing in someone characterized by the emergence of feeling and preceded by a sense of purpose, according Ngalim Purwanto (2011: - ) in motivation containing three important components, are: a. Menggerakkan berarti menimbulkan kekuatan pada individu, memimpin seseorang untuk bertindak dengan cara tertentu, (arise power on individu, leads someone to do with a certain action). b. Motivasi juga mengarahkan atau menyalurkan tingkah laku, (motivation also directs or transfers an attitude). c. Untuk menjaga dan menopang tingkah laku, lingkungan sekitar harus menguatkan (reinforce) intensitas dan arah dorongan-dorongan dan kekuatankekuatan individu, (to carry out and prop up an attitude, the environment must reinforce intensity and the direction of drives also the power of individu). The writer have know the definition of motive and motivation it self, also the writer have know about three components in motivation. So, the meaning of learning motivation is the whole of students’ power that arise learning activity, guarantee the continuity of learning activity and give the aim of learning activity in order the wish of the learner can be achieved. This is also appropriate with 13 Hamzah Uno (2010:23) statement that said “motivasi belajar adalah dorongan internal dan eksternal pada sisa-siswi yang sedang belajar untuk mengadakan perubahan tingkah laku, pada umumnya dengan beberapa indikator yang mendukung. Indikator motivasi belajar diklasifikasikan sebagai berikut: adanya hasrat dan keinginan berhasil, adanya dorongan dan kebutuhan dalam belajar, adanya harapan dan cita-cita masa depan, adanya penghargaan dalam belajar, adanya kegiatan yang menarik dalam belajar dan adanya lingkungan belajar yang kondusif, (leraning motivation is internal and eksternal drive on students who have learning to create an attitude changing, in general there are some indicators that support. The indicators of learning motivation are; there is want to be success, drive and need to study, there is wish and dream in the future, there is appreciation in learning, there is an interesting activity in learning and there is a condusive environment in learning) 2. Kinds of Motivation After discussing about the meaning of motivation, then the writer will discuss about kinds of motivation. Talking about kinds of motivation can be seen from different points of view. Thus, motivation or motives are various. 1. Motivation seen from basic formation (Sardiman:2007:86) a. Motif-motif bawaan (Innate motives) Motif bawaan adalah motif yang dibawa sejak lahir, jadi motivasi itu ada tanpa dipelajari, (innate motive is a motive which is brought inborn, so motivation is present without learnt). b. Studied motives 14 Motif-motif yang timbul karena dipelajari. Contohnya dorongan untuk belajar, (this pattern arises because of being studied by the human. For example, there is an encouragement to study). 2. Sukmadinata (2005: 63-64) divides motivation based on the characteristic into three kinds, they are: a. Motivasi takut (fear motivation) Individu melakukan suatu perbuatan karena takut. Seseorang mungkin mematuhi peraturan lalu lintas bukan karena menyadari sebagai tanggung jawabnya, tetapi karena takut mendapat hukuman, (the individu do an action because of fear, example; someone obey a traffic light is not as consciousness to his responsibility but because of fear of getting punishment: Intrinsic and extrinsic motivation). b. Motivasi insentis (incentive motivation) Individu melakukan suatu perbuatan untuk mendapatkan sesuatu insentif, (the individu do an action to get something incentive) c. Sikap (attitude motivation) Motivasi ini lebih bersifat intrinsik, muncul dari dalam individu, ( this motivation more characterized instrinsic, rises up from self of individu). Those are the kinds of motivation based on basic formation and the characteristic, and now move to the kinds of motivation from educational view. Some experts divide motivation into two kinds based on learning, are; intrinsic and extrinsic motivation. 15 1. Intrinsic Motivation “Intrinsic motivations are inherent in the learning situations and meet pupil needs and purposes”(S. Nasution:2010:77). In the Ngalim Purwanto’s opinion (1990:- ) disebut motivasi intrinsik jika yang mendorong untuk bertindak ialah nila-nilai yang terkandung di dalam obyeknya itu sendiri, (called intrinsic motivation if the encouragement to do is values which is contained in the object it self). While, according to Uno (2010:33) motivasi instrinsik itu adalah perbuatan individu yang benar-benar didasari oleh suatu dorongan yang tidak diketahui secara jelas, tetapi bukan karena insting, artinya bersumber pada suatu motif yang tidak dipengaruhi dari lingkungan, (intrinsic motivation is the action of individu that really founded by unknown encouragement, but not cause of the feeling, it is mean have a uninflunced motive from environment). In addition, according to Djamarah (2002:115) motivasi intrinsik adalah motif-motif yang menjadi aktif atau berfungsinya tidak perlu dirangsang dari luar, (intrinsic motivation is motives that have been actived or the function do not need stimulated from outside). The conclusion is, intrinsic motivation is a motivation coming from inside of human being which drives someone to do an action without any uninfluenced motive from environment. Intrinsic motivation sometimes called as innate motive. To make intrinsic motivation grow up better here are some suggestions from Syamsi’s thesis (2005:13) 16 1. Want It is caused by there are some want, so this motivation can give support for children to do an effort. 2. Knowledge about self development With knowledge, the result or their achievement can develop or not. This motivation can give support to learn or study hard. 3. Aspiration Aspiration can become support for children activities, that is support for their study. Beside, children’s aspiration very influenced by class capability. In general, the children who has a good class capability also has realistic aspiration than the children who has low class capability. 2. Extrinsic Motivation Sardiman A. M. (2007:86-90) said, motivasi ekstrinsik adalah motif-motif yang aktif dan berfungsinya karena adanya rangsang dari luar, (extrinsic motivation is motives being activated and has a function as excitatory from outside). Djamarah (2002:117) motivasi ekstrinsic adalah motif-motif yang aktif dan berfungsi karena adanya perangsang dari luar, (extrinsic motivation is activated motives and has a function because of there is an excitatory from outside). In the other hand, Nasution (2010:77) gives opinion that extrinsic motivation is “bila seorang belajar untuk mencari penghargaan berupa angka, hadiah, diploma, ia didorong oleh motivasi ekstrinsik, (if someone study for 17 getting an appreciation in type of number, gift, certificate, he drived by extrinsic motivation). So, extrinsic motivation is a motivation that comes from the outside of someone self. How to develop extrinsic motivation it self?. Syamsi in his thesis (2005:14) said that “to increase a good extrinsic motivation are; throw away a negative suggestion, build up a good family situation and school environment. To fulfil the explanation of meaning and theory about motivation, it is needed to show there are some characteristics of motivation. Motivation which is in every individu have the characteristics such as mentioned by Sardiman (2007:83) on his book, they are: a. Tekun menghadapi tugas, (diligent in facing work). b. Ulet menghadapi kesulitan, (persever in facing the difficulty). c. Menunjukkan minat terhadap bermacam-macam masalah, (show the interest of some problems). d. Lebih senang bekerja mandiri, (more pleasure in individual working). e. Cepat bosan pada tugas-tugas yang rutin, (feel bored of the routine work). f. Dapat mempertahankan pendapatnya, (can defend the opinion). g. Tidak mudah melepaskan hal yang diyakini, (uneasy to leave something that have been convinced). h. Senang mencari dan memecahkan masalah, (happy in look for and solve the problem). 18 3. The functions of Motivation Motivation has an important thing in learning. The student who has a strong motivation, absolutely will be dillegent and succes in the learning. A strong motivation have, a lot of energy to learn will be and the optimality of learning result because of there is an appropriate motivation, (Sardiman:2007:75). And motivation always will decide the intensity of student learning. So, motivation has an important thing in learning process, and the functions are: 1. According Sardiman A. M. (2007:85) a. Mendorong manusia untuk berbuat, jadi sebagai penggerak atau motor yang melepaskan enegi, (encourage human being to do something, so as a director or motor that wives an energy). b. Menentukan arah perbuatan, yakni kearah tujuan yang hendak dicapai, (decide the action, that is to the aim which is will gain). c. Menyeleksi perbuatan, yakni menetukan perbuatan-perbuatan apa yang harus dikerjakan yang serasi guna mencapai tujuan, dengan menyisihkan perbuatanperbuatan yang tidak bermanfaat bagi tujuan tersebut, (selecting the action, decide what kinds of action that will do which is suitable to achieve the goal with throw away the useless action for the aim). 2. According to Djamarah(2002:123) a. Motivasi sebagai pendorong perbuatan (motivation as a stimulation action) If we look some children around three years having playing with their friends and one of them being confused of something because of he can not take it on the table, certainly he will think how he can reach it. Few minutes later he put 19 a chair, take it in front of the table then he use it as mediator to reach that something on the table. This case shows there is stimulation of the child, something on the table make he being anxious and think how to reach. This is make he being motivated and try to reach it. b. Motivasi sebagai penggerak perbuatan (motivation as a moving action) This motivation have a function to make a student for example to study hard, he will use most of the time to study in order he will get the best result. c. Motivasi sebagai pengarah perbuatan (motivation as guidence of action) This motivation make the students know what will they do and what must they neglected in learning process. 3. According to Nasution (2010:76) a. Mendorong manusia untuk berbuat, (push up the human being to do something). b. Menentukan arah perbuatan, (decide the direction of an action). c. Menyeleksi perbuatan, (select an action). From the statement above we can conclude that the functions of motivation are: a. To give spirit and making the students more active in learning b. To rise up the students’ attention to the certainty duties that having relationship with achieve the learning process. 4. Types of Motivation in The School As explained before, motivation is an important factor for the students, but there are some students who are motivated and unmotivated to learn. If the 20 situation like this so the teacher must think hardly how to increase students’ learning motivation. In increasing students’ motivation is not as easy as reversing the palm of hand, teacher must be able to use some ways in increasing students’ motivation, and those ways based on Nasution (2010:83) opinion are: a. Usahakan tujuan pelajaran jelas dan menarik, (try to create the aim of learning clear and interesting) b. Guru harus antusias mengenai pelajaran yang diberikan, (the teacher must being enthusiastic related to the subject that given). c. Ciptakan suasana yang menyenangkan, (create a pleasure situation). d. Hubungkan pelajaran dengan kebutuhan anak, (connect the subject with students’ need). e. Pujian dan hadiah lebih berhasil dari hukuman dan celaan, (praising and gift are more success than punishment and insult). f. Hargailah pekerjaan murid, (appreciate students’ work). g. Berilah kritik dengan senyuman, (give a critic with a smile). There are some types and ways to grow up the motivation in learning activity at school as stated Sardiman (2007:95) a. Memberi angka, (giving value). b. Hadiah, (gift). c. Saingan/ kompetisi, (competition). d. Ego-involvement e. Memberi ulangan, (give the examination). 21 f. Pujian, (praising). g. Hukuman, (punishment). h. Minat, (interest). Those all the discussion about how to grow up students’ motivation in learning and types of motivation which is can used by the teacher in order successing the process of learning and will create the meaningful learning result for the students’ life. 5. Principles of Motivation Learning activity is not an activity done that past from other factor. The other factor that influences someone learning activity in this discussion is motivation. Motivation is indication of psychology in pushing form which is rise of someone self whether in conscious or unconscious condition to do an action in certain goal. Motivation also in efforts type which is caused someone or a group of certain people doing something because want reach a goal or get satisfaction of an action. Motivation has a strategic role in learning activity. Nobody learn without motivation. There is not motivation, so there is not learning activity. In order motivation role more optimal, the motivation principles in learning are not only to be known, but also must to be explained in learning activity. Based on Djamarah (2002:119) there are some principles of motivation in learning, as follows: 22 1. Motivasi sebagai dasar penggerak yang mendorong aktivitas belajar, (motivation as basic driving force that encourages learning activity). Someone do learning activity because of there is something encouraging. Motivation as a basic driving that drive someone to learn. Someone who has an interest to learn but have not in motivation it is mean that there is not a real activity. Interest is psychological tendency which is like an object. However, interest is a motivation tool in learning. Interest is a psychological potency which is utilized to explore the motivation. If someone have been motivated to learn, so he will do learning activity in certain time. So, motivation declared as basic driving force that drive someone to learn. 2. Motivasi intrinsik lebih utama daripada motivasi ekstrinsik dalam belajar, (Iintrinsic motivation is more primary than extrinsic motivation). From all of the whole policy of teaching, teachers more choose to give extrinsic motivation to their students. Never found teacher who do not give extrinsic motivation in learning. The student who has lazy to study is very potential to give extrinsic motivation by the teacher with the hope he will be dilligent to study. The effect that is not expected from giving extrinsic motivation is disposing student toward everything outside of his self. Beside less of convidence, the student will mentally hope impressionable and easy to be influenced. Thus, intrinsic motivation is more primary in learning process. Although intrinsic motivation is more primary than extrinsic it does not meant the extrinsic motivation is not important, in teaching and learning process it still needed. Because a lot of possibility the students’ condition is dynamic, 23 always change, and also other components in teaching-learning process are less interesting for the students. Thus, extrinsic motivation still needed to grow up students’ motivation in learning. 3. Motivasi berupa pujian lebih baik daripada hukuman, (motivation in type of compliment is better than punishment). Although punishment still to be enforced in rising up the spirit of student, but it is better to use compliment. Praising someone it is mean give an appreciation of someone work. But, compliment which is said must in appropriate place and condition. 4. Motivasi berhubungan erat dengan kebutuhan dalam belajar, (motivation closely associated with the learning needs). Needs that can not be avoided is desire to mastering some knowledge. So that, why the student study. If they do not study they will not get the knowledge. 5. Motivasi dapat memupuk optimisme dalam belajar, (motivation can fertilize optimism in learning). A student who has motivation in learning always think that he can complete every work. The result must be useful for now or in the future. 6. Motivasi melahirkan prestasi dalam belajar, (motivation create achievement in learning). From various research result always conclude that motivation influence learning achievement. High and low motivation always be a good and poor of students’ academic achievement. 24 B. Learning Achievement 1. The Definition of Learning Achievement Learning achievement is a sentence that consists of two words, “learning” and “achievement”, having different meaning. For futher understanding about learning achievement, the writer tries to explain those words. Firstly, the writer will explain about the meaning of learning. In giving the meaning of learning experts give some opinion about it, such as: a. In Makmun’s book stated that(2005:157), learning is a changing process of attitude or someone self based on practice or certain experience. b. According to Syah (2006:92), secara umum belajar dapat dipahami sebagai tahapan perubahan seluruh tingkah laku individu yang relatif menetap sebagai hasil pengalaman dan interaksi dengan lingkungan yang melibatkan proses kognitif, (in general learning can be understood as a changing stage of all individual behavior which is relatively stayed as the result of experience and environment interaction that involve cognitive process). c. Based on JAMES L. McGAUGH (1971:4) learning is most often defined as a more or less permanent change in behavior produced by experience. d. According to Djamarah (2002:13) belajar adalah serangkaian kegiatan jiwa raga untuk memperoleh suatu perubahan tingkah laku sebagai hasil dari pengalaman individu dalam interaksi dengan lingkunagnnya yang menyangkut kognitif, afektif, dan psikomotor, (learning is a series of soul and self acitivities to 25 get a behavior changing as the result of individu experience in having interaction with the environment which is related to cognitive, afektive, and psikomotor). Although from those statements above the writer find a different meaning, but the writer get the same purpose that is a new changing. Those changing can as behavior, attitude, skill, habit, cleverness, or an understanding. After through learning process the students can do something which is they can not do before. The something, in education the writer usually called it as achievement. To get a good achievement the students must through learning process. According to Oxford Learner’s Pocket Dictionary (2005:4) achievement is something gained or reach by an effort. Djamarah (1994:20-21) said on his book quoted from Mas’ud Hasan Abdul Qahar, prestasi adalah apa yang telah diciptakan, hasil pekerjaan, hasil yang memyenangkan hati yang diperoleh dengan jalan keuletan kerja, (achievement is what can be creatured, result of work, result that can make feeling feel happy gained from working tenacity). From those definitions above can be concluded the meaning of achievement is result of something gained or reach by someone that can make feeling feel happy. The writer have dicussed about the meaning of learning and achievement. If those words gained will create a new meaning that is according to Tirtonegoro (2004: 43) learning achievement is the assessment of an effort result of learning activity which are sign in a symbol, number, letter, although the sentence that can 26 sign result has been gained by every student in a certain time. In this case learning achievement as a progress in students development after they are join learning activity in a certain time. All of knowledges, skills, qualification, and individual attitude are formed and develop through learning process. So, learning achievement is students’ result during the continuity of learning process in certain time. Commonly, learning achievement in the school in the form of giving score from teacher to the students as an indication how far the students mastered the subject had been explained. In relation with this research the meaning of learning achievement is students’ achievemnet of students’ learning result that appear in the score type that can be seen in the students’ report book. 2. Several Learning Principles Learning as same as continuing development all over the age, starting from swing till the end of live. What is to be learnt and how the learning method in every developing step is different. Even so, there are general views which is same or relatively similar between those conceps. Some of these similarities seen as learning principles. Some experts give their opinion about learning principles as follows: 1. According to S. Nasution (2010:46-47) learning principles are: a. Agar seseorang benar-benar belajar ia harus mempunyai tujuan, (someone must have a goal in learning). 27 b. Tujuan itu harus timbul dari atau berhubungan dengan kebutuhan hidupnya dan bukan karena dipaksakan oleh orang lain, (the goal must rise from or having relationship with live need). c. Orang itu harus bersedia mengalami bermacam-macam kesukaran dan berusaha dengan tekun untuk mencapai tujuan yang berharga baginya, (someone must be ready to pass some difficulties and try hardly to reach the valuable goal for him). d. Belajar itu harus terbukti dari prubahan kelakuannya, (learning must be proved from behavior changing). e. Selain tujuan pokok yang hendak dicapai, diperolehnya pula hasil-hasil sambilan atau sampingan, (beside a primary goal, he also get other result). f. Belajar lebih berhasil dengan jalan berbuat atau melakukan, (learning will get more result by doing and action). g. Seorang belajar sebagai keseluruhan, tidak dengan otaknya atau secara intelektual saja tetapi juga secara sosial, emosional, etis, (someone learn as totality, not only just with the brain or intelectuality but sociality, emotional, and etic also). h. Dalam hal belajar seorang memerlukan bantuan dan bimbingan dari orang lain, (in learning someone need help and guidance from others). i. Untuk belajar diperlukan “insight”. Apa yang dipelajari harus benar-benar dipahami, (needed insight in learning. What have ben learnt truely to be understood). 28 j. Disamping mengejar tujuan belajar yang sebenarnya, seorang sering mengejar tujuan-tujuan lain, (beside overtake a truely learning goal, someone often overtake other goals). k. Belajar lebih berhasil, apabila usaha itu memberi sukses yang menyenangkan, (learning more success; if the effort give a happy success). l. Ulangan dan latihan perlu akan tetapi harus didahului oleh pemahaman, (an exam and excercise is needed, but must be preceded by an understanding first). m. Belajar hanya mungkin kalau ada kemauan dan hasrat untuk belajar, (learning just only if there is desire to study). 2. The learning principles according to Gestalt theory as quoted by Djamarah (2002:20). a. Belajar berdasarkan keseluruhan, (learning based on totality). b. Belajar adalah suatu proses perkembangan, (learning is a development process). c. Anak didik sebagai organisme keseluruhan, (students as totality of organism). d. Terjadi transfer, (transfering). e. Belajar adalah reorganisasi pengalaman, (learning is reorganitation of experience). f. Belajar harus dengan insight, (learning with insight). g. Belajar lebih berhasil bila berhubungan dengan minat, keinginan, dan tujuan, (learning more success if having relationship with interest, wish, and goal). h. Belajar berlangsung terus-menerus, (learning happen continuesly). 3. Based on. Dalyono (2007:51-54) the learning principles are: 29 a. Kematangan jasmani dan rohani, (the maturity of spiritual nad physical). b. Memiliki kesiapan, (having readiness. c. Memahami tujuan, (understanding the goal). d. Memiliki kesungguhan, (having seriousness). e. Ulangan dan latihan, (exam and excercise). 3. The Influencial Factors of Learning Achievement Learning activity is not always going well, sometimes it runs well and unrun well, or sometimes quickly catch what has been learnt. Even, in spirit sometimes very high and very difficult to be concentrated in learning. Every student is no same, this differential of individu caused the difference of behavior, and learning achievement. Learning achievement is a result of a process that contain some factors influencing each other, high and low of students’ achievement based on those factors. Purwanto ( 2011: - ) divided the influence factor of learning achievemnet in two categories, are: a. Individual factor that is consist of: 1. Maturity or development. 2. Intelligence. 3. Exam and excercise. 4. Motivation. 5. Someone characteristic b. Social factors, are: 1. Family condition. 30 2. Teacher and the way of teaching. 3. The tools of learning. 4. Social motivation. 5. Invironment and chance. While, according to Muhibbinsyah (2006:144-155) the influence factor of learning achievement are: a. Student’s internal factor, consist of: 1. Physiological aspect 2. Psychological aspect, cover: 1). Student’s intelligence 2). Student’s attitude 3). Student’s tellent 4). Student’s interest 5). Student’s motivation b. Student’s external factor, include: 1. Social surrounding 2. Non-social surrounding c. Learning approach factor, kind of student’s effort covers strategy and method that used by the student to do learning activity. According to Sukmadinata (2009:162) also divide the influencial factors of learning achievement in three factors, are: 31 a. Individual factor which is covers physical and spiritual factor. Physic condition covers completeness and health faculty. The most important faculty in learning are vision and hearing. Someone who has a less vision and hearing will influence a less of learning result also. Spiritual factor also has a big role. Spiritual factor covers mental health, intellectual abilities, social, psychomotor, affective, and conative of an individu. b. Environmental factor. It is covers physical and socio-physicological factors. 1. Family, is the first environment and primary in education, give a basic foundation for learning process in environment or society. 2. School, it is also has a big role for student’s learning development. This environment covers facilities and infrastructure of learning, learning sources, media of learning, etc. School environment also involves academic, such as situation and learning activity, kinds of extracurricular, stc. 3. Society. Society environment where the people have an anough education background, many education institutes and learning sources will give a positive influence toward spirit and learning development of the young generation. While Purwanto (2011), Muhibbinsyah (2009) and Sukmadinata (2006) give their opinion about the influencial factor of learning achievement, Abu Ahmadi and Widodo Supriyono (2008) also give their opinion about it, on them book said there are three points of the influencial factor of learning achievement, namely: 32 a. Faktor-faktor Stimulus Belajar (stimulus factors of learning) Stimulus in this case cover material, giving an assignment, also the situation of external environment which is must be accepted, learnt by the student. Here will be explained more about somethings that have relation with stimulus factor of learning. 1. Panjangnya Bahan Pelajaran (the lenght of learning material) The long of learning material has relation with the total of learning material. The longest learning material, the longest time needs of individu to learn it. Learning material which is long or too many will cause the difficulty of individu in learning, the difficulty of learning not only caused by the long time needed in learning, but it more caused by exhausted of student in facing or do those many material. 2. Kesulitan Bahan Pelajaran (the difficulty of learning material) Every learning material contain difficulty learning material level and influence the speed of learning, more difficult learning material have more make slow someone to learn. The difficulty material needs learning activity more intensive than simple material . 3. Berat Ringannya Tugas (heavy or light of task) Heavy or light a task having close relation with individual capability level. The same task but has a different difficulty for an individu, it is caused by the difference of intellectual capacity and experience. 33 4. Suasana Lingkungan Eksternal (the situation of external environment) The situation of external environment covers many things, they are; weather, time, place condition, school location, and so on. Those factors influence the attitude and reaction of an individu in learning activity. b. Faktor-faktor Metode Belajar (factors of learning method) Teacher’s method in teaching is very influence the way of student’s learning. In other words, teacher’s method cause the difference for student’s learning process, and the factors of learning method are: 1. Kegiatan berlatih atau praktek (exercise or practice method) Exercise activity can give in big or small scale or it can be give non-stop and distributionally. Where non-stop exercise is happen it will create a boring time, while distributionally exercise will guarantee and keep a stamina of learning. Learning time or a long time of exercise is not effective because it will make the students feel tired to do learning activity. But, it can be give to the students if the task is easy to be known, easy to do, and the material ever learn before. 2. Pengenalan tentang hasil-hasil belajar (the introducing of learning result) The students most often neglected about the development of learning result while learning result, whereas by seeing the learning result someone will more increase the next learning result, because it is important to increase students interest to study. 3. Bimbingan dalam belajar (the guidance of learning) 34 Guidance which is gave to the students in big scale make them being lazy, they always think there is someone that will help them when the problem is coming. This case make the students can not face their own problem in learning. c. Faktor-faktor Individual (Individual Factors) Except stimulus and method learning factors, individual factors is much influence of someone way in learning. The individual factors will be explained as follow: 1. Kematangan (maturity) Maturity gained by someone from the process of physiological development. Maturity give the condition where the function of physiology include nerve system and brain function being developed. By these development it will grow up the capacity of someone mental and someone mental capacity has relation with someone’s learning. 2. Faktor Usia Kronologis (Age cronological factor) The cronologist of age is a determiner factor of the individual level of learning. An individu who has been already grew up became mature is stonger, more can control the energy and attention of something in a long time, more has a better memory than an individu who has not been already mature, yet. 3. Pengalaman Sebelumnya (the experience before) The environment influence the development of individu. Environment give many experience to the individu and an experience which was accepted by an individu also influence someone learning, especially on the learning transfer. 35 4. Kondisi Kesehatan Jasmani ( the condition of physical health) Someone who is in learning process needs healthy of the body, because someone who is in sick condition can not learn effectively. 5. Kondisi Kesehatan Rohani (the condition of spiritual health) The disturbance of someone spiritual very disturb learning of someone. How can someone can learn well if he/she get memory disturbance, being frustation? 6. Motivasi (Motivation) Motivation is very important for learning process, because it can move the organism, give interaction of an action, also choose the aim of learning which is useful for someone’s life. C. The Correlation Between Learning Motivation and Students’ English Achievement Motivation in learning has relation with the students’ need to learn. Such as what was Choosri (2010) said on his journal that the participants of his research mentioned that they have studied English in order to be successful in their future education , so motivation has relationship with students’ English achievement. In addition, Agustin (2006) on her thesis also said that there is an effect or relation between motivation and students’ achievement of Pendidikan Agama Islam subject. Although both of them at low level, it can be built up to be a good learning motivation in order the achievement of Pendidikan Agama Islam better than before. 36 Motivation is the complex one. Besides teacher capability in teaching, school equipments, the success of students’ learning also caused by how the teacher motivate the students in mastering subjects. In developing learning motivation need an effort, like show them how the important of lesson, connect the important thing that had been studied with the daily activities and the environment they live in. There are many ways that can be done by the teacher in influencing motivation to make students study more active. Based on Nur Syamsi’ thesis (2005:36) are: 1. Giving positive strengthen In teaching and learning process, teacher must give a positive trengthen. The purpose is it will make them have confidence and spirit on their learning. Several ways in giving a positive strengtht, are: a. Giving gift b. Giving praise c. Giving score 2. Giving a good guide in learning The teacher is a person whom claimed to increase the students knowledge. One way taht can be done by the teacher in teaching and learning process is by giving a good guide in learning to the students. There are some ways in giving good guide in the learning, are: a. Discussion b. Making notes 37 c. Learn by heart in every lesson 3. Giving job By giving job can make students more active in their learning. The more job give the more diligent students will be. Several ways in giving job, are: a. Giving exam b. Giving homework 4. Completing the learning instrument The students will get more motivation on their learning if in every teaching and learning process the teacher always bring a complete learning instrument. The function of motivation will be important for the students if we remember that they need motivation in the learning, that is in the school environment. The main function of teacher in teaching and learning process is as a facilitator and motivator to the students. If those condition are created, the students will actively use the facilities that had been given by the teacher in ordr they can acquire a better achievement. From the expalnation above, can be concluded that the correlation between motivation and students’ achievement, as follows: 1. Motivation is one factor that can be a foundation for the students in learning activities. 2. Motivation give appointment purpose toward the success of learning. 3. By having high motivation can support students to study hard, in order they can acquire a better achievement 38 From statements above, we can conclude that motivation have a close relationship with learning achievement. A higher motivation students have a big chance will be.
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