Prws-RtfWbHcan-Tuesday, Septembers T982 3 9 • MatiilttivS* I l*mmtK& • •Gaps Winnebago i m mnn. ugntttM, moMim running caMttMn. H u r t 2 front t i n * V 9 firm. <UII anytime, 5HM3B. Cheap 1973 POHTtAC Ventura. 4 raw tires. CamnMK new echautf system. AM/MM M H with 1: i w i t t i , duett. Pretty nuty. USIorbMtafftr 5*1-9130. 75 Ford Pinto 2 dr. Auto., radio. Drive it away. NYS Inspected. TRIUMPH TR7, 1977. Boay 1 meenanta excellent condition. Q M C I tires, good exhaust. Pioneer AM/FM cassette with power antenna. JJ,900. Call 5433381. 71VW Van, still running, $200. 834-9140 after 5 p.m. WANTED to Buy - 4 wheel drive with or without power angle plow. Will take over payments. 541-4583. 1971 DatsunZ 4 spd., New TA radials, turbo magsi Restored , this year. Dark silver paint. , $3500.541-3754. KARMANN GHIA, 1970 Coupe. Bright orange. Excellent cond. Must be seen to be appreciated. 944-7824. 1948 SUPER Sport Camero. Body & engine very good condition. AskingSlSM. Call 834 9337. 1974 Ch«v,v Nova ,H4t</il»ck H I I M , p7sttt (JbBo"1 corrtWtoh". 0.834-79541 4 or 541-8200. $1950.1 1971 EL CAMINO. 307, p/Stg., p/brks., good running condition. $850.492-2371. 1954 CHRYSLER New Yorker Deluxe, Florida car, excellent condition. 42,000 original miles. $2,000,541-1095. $3595 ,$2595 $495 Peru 443-2479/ 77 Jeep Wagoneer'81 Ford Escort Wgn 79Chevette'2dr 78Horjzon4dr., '81 ChevLuv pickup 'SI Camaro , 78 Pontiac Firebird 78 Ford Granada 78 Merc Zephyr 76 Ford Elite '81DodfleColt WUbote'M&flp/up Sacrifice. 541-2823. SHARP! 75BuickSkyhawk.New -paint, low miles, good 'mpg. Mechanically sound. Mike, 541- 4452. 75 BUICK Skylark 2 dr., red, Sharp. 4 cyl., 4 spd. 543-3427 or 541-4883after4p.m. 74 Podge Aspen 4 dr., 4 cyl., auto., p/stg. Looks & runs great. Only 50,000 original miles. $1995. Rick's Auto Sales" Morrisonville 543-4202 12X4S C R E S T W Q O O 2 Mdroam. Call 5*3-1108 as* for Dan. 5 GALLONS of Heavy Duty fibared aluminum roof coating, $33.90 Gray's Serviced Supply Highway 3, Classic Of The Future 79 Ford IndySOO Rte 3 across from Airport 198V Ux$4 CONCORD, 2 bedrm. $10,300, Financing available. 543-3179. $7995 For Sale: 12x70 Challenger with 14x20' workshop on 2W acre partially wooded lot near West Chazy. 493-3555. plus delivery Ivery & 8. set se up. 10x55 Royal Craft. Furnished, auto, washer, excellent starter or retirement home. $2,500 or more if purchased with large lot. 493-4255 after 4 weekdays. FOR Sale: 1H7 mobile- homo, 8'xU' Marietta. Suitable for hunting camper or l parson. 1 bedrm. $900. Call 5*4.7129. MOBILE HOME SALES Rte. 3, Plattsburgh 563-1104 NEW Moon 12x70, step-up kitchen. Clean & In good condition. Financing available. 5414395. MOBILE Home moving. Fully licensed, bonded and insured carrier. 493-5142 after 5 p.m. ANTIQUES: 1840 Seth Thomas OG clock-brass worksreverse gold painting on door, early drop-front desk with pigeon holes, set of Jas F Cooper books-circa 1820, French music box (4 tunes), setback cupboard, 2 spool cabinets-1 with slant top desk ink well, oak drop-leaf table-2 leaves, radio, low chest, carved Victorian sofa, oak folding stand, set of 4 carved oak chairs, oak folding screen, pr wrought iron floor lamps, folding carpet stools, 2 tool chest, sm tool chestrsm feather chest, oiHampslanterns, divided tool carriers, quan stenciled boxes, sm display case, many stenciled/ tin tobacco boxes, tinware -boiler, scoops, funnels, oil cans, cup, lunch box, etc; quan iron - kettle, lead pots, horse tether, cobbler's kit, fancy iron hardware, brackets, seat, fry pans, harness hooks, sq nails, fancy stove pipe-grilles; Lg quan tools, rabbit plane, buck saw, wooden mallets clamps, wooden pulleys; ironstone chamber bowl pitcher, W»tl9Wryfto^3(pc«H)Pijlwh^ii»I^J2jJifTi Bean decanters, copper boiler tetfk«ttlb, crock, agate chamber jug, walking stick, riding cane, many old store collectibles. HOUSEHOLD GOQB&- ««itt© R«cr Last new Motor Home frr$todc 563-1 C70 With V53 1974 CHEVROLET Detroit diesel, single axle, 10' box. $4800.543-5700. MALLARD 1974,23', elec. or gas, 1979 GMC C-10 4 whl. dr. 4 speed., p/stg., p/brks., 14,000 miles. refrigerator, stove, oven, Asking $5300.834-9842. shower, awning, TV antenna, 1977 CADILLAC Coupe DeVille. hitch & elec. brakes. Sleeps 7. Cruise control, a/cond., stereo $3700. Excellent condition. 873- '80 VW pickup, 4 spd., a/cond., custom interior, fiberglass cap, radio. Blue t> white: Call after 4844. reg. gas. No rust. $5800.' 5415,492-7405. 84 • Tricks for Sale 1974 DASHER WAGON Excellent condition. $2375.543-2519. DUMP TRUCK-1975 F-350 Ford, p/stg., p/brks., air. $4,500, will consider V* pickup with or without camper in trade. 8739898. Cnpers 1974 Chevy Blazer 4 whl. dr. Excellent shape. Phone 541-8407 after 4 or weekends. TV's, stereos, auto washer, elect chord organ, old wood range converted to oil, 3 pc living room set, rugs, occ chairs, platform rocker, ball claw ft couch, coffee end tables, floor table lamps, plant fern stands, foot stools, pictures frames; dining table-2 leaves 6 chairs, blonde dinette table buffet, clock radio, sm elect appliances, jardinieres, dishes, pots pans, nic nacs, Avon bottles, Italian wine decanter stemware, 45 pes FostoriaColpnie;-3 pc bedroom set comp, double beds comp, metal wardrobe, dresser; new-Anderson windawT interioMlidirtg door, door, wall tiles, table model cream separator, bumper jack, ice skates, hand cultivator attachements, much more. TERMS: CASH Don't missthissalel! '7l_FoEd_Pk:kup^JSlandard,_ insulated cap with lights. Good Shape, $995.943-7914. 1974 International 1400 cab & chassis, V / 8 , 5 spd. trans. $1795. Good condition. 293-8344. 1949 Ford Pickup with new: cap. Radio, heater, new tires. Asking $1450 or best offer. 543-3838. Van* 78 Chev STANLEY'S TIMBERLAND " Trailer Sales & Service Rte. 9, AuSable Chasm, Peru, N.Y. 1982 COACHMEN Camping t r a i l e r Special Purchase, Sleeps 4, stove, sink, ice box and spare tire. List Price $3,234, Our Price $2,195. Only 2 left at this price. Mekkelsen Trailer Sales &'Rentats, Inc. See. our Display at the PressRepublican Home Show, Sept. 10,11 & 12. Rte. 2, EastMontpelier, V T 802-223-4394 1 ton p/stg. wheel •- 74 Dodge V/8, auto., p/stg., % ton. One owner. New. paint. Long wheel base. All above Vans 60 Day 100% Warranty 's Rte.3 nexttoGrossmans 563-8688 77 Chevy C10,4, std. $2795 79 Courier, 4 std. $2995 49 Ford H o n stake $1195 Several other trucks Peru Auto Exchange Rte.22 Peru AAekkelsen's Trailer Sales and Rentals, Int. 79 F-150 4x4 Super Cab pickup with cap. P/stg., p/brks. Accept trade-in. Excellent cond. $4995.541-4838. Auction Service ,' Rte2EastMontp©li«rVt. 223-3684 Jeep for Sale-1952 CJ-5^Good rubber, runs good. Asking $500. or best offer. Phone '443-2581 afterSp.m. 443-2479 Sales s, Service •M.A. JERRY 8, CO., 541-4770 1972 Ford V> ton pickup. Needs some repair. $350. Can be seen • at Box 4, Quarry Rd. 543-9120. ' 1974 FORD F-700. 9 ft. dump, 5+2 speed; 391 engine. 42,000 one owner miles. <. FLOYD E . N E V E R E T T ^ Keeseville 834-7879 toning • Mobile Hones 87 All'82 Homes reduced to just above cost Making room for'83's We buy good clean used homes. BRESETTE HOMES CORP. 543-4250. CLEAN economical 12x40' home set up INSIDE city. LOW U T I L I T I E S . Easy distance to schools, shopping & church. Low park fee. Call after 4 p.m. ONLY.541-4734. Dodge Convertible Sole Odd Ball Sale s & 12%% APR Financing* 77 Fiat Spyder Convertible A cyl., 5 spd., 4Z,000 miles, nice. U395 C.Wayne Motors, Inc. Auto Sales, Inc. AMC/JEEP/DODGE/RENAULT Chevrolet/Buiik/Oldemobilo Eliiab»thtown,N.Y. 873-6380 — 873*6389 72 LTD Convertible Platttf»iUT. Last of the Big Convertibles — V / 8 , auto, p/stg., cruise control. OK USED BUYS Leftovers Citations $500 off Chevettes $600 off Celebrities $700 off Cavaliers $900 off '79 SUMIU 4WB W){H 11CUMM KRIMHTJI T~~ '7S SIHIMtU DL watM EdDague Chevrolet, Inc. Rto.9 — 834-7766 - KeesovHIe '80 PONTIACfiRMDAM 'C KAWASAKI Mttnplt '88 ANC CONCORD 2 If. 'SB CHEV K-10 4 WB '81 CHEVY CHEVETTE 4 dr. '80 CHEV EL CAMIHO 78 Chevrolet C65 Diesel 5 and 2 , 4 c y l . , Detroit, 9,000Front, 18,500 Rear, Reinf. Till" Kear, Rein?. Frame, 10.00-20 1Q.00-20 Rubber, Tilt Glass Nose, Bostram, 39,000 Miles. Reduced.' ( QTCfl Come See it at... Adirondack Ai Don't Sign Your Name Until You See U.S.Ave. 561-7400 Itn I l U l r n r o O T H f * ^ re-bush HENDRICkSON & ROCKWELL suspensions on the truck using a portable air operated press. W e can do 34,000, 38,000, 40,000 and 44,000 lb. rears. W e install and rebuild truck and trailer springs. We also do complete truck brake realignments. I First American High Mileage Front-Wheel Drive Luxury Convertible Use EPA est, MPG For Comparison. Your mileage may differ depending on speed, trip length and weather conditions. 11 HORIZON TC4 '19 CHEVY m\K 4 ir. '82 CHEVY CCVALIEft 4 Jr. Good Selection EST. HWY. • Oldsmobile $ave Hundreds DUROCHER 563-3587 I'' End of Summer Deals on... * o n your Dodge Convertible. EliaMkSt. L;3V» • Chevys 1000 Discount $aveOn!982 THRYSEER ENGINEERING AND CHRYSLER 40 Ytan* Used Cars 1978 CHEVY C-20 HD allpower. New tires and new paint. $5,000. 541-3017. '81 FORD F-150 Custom 4 cylinder, 4 sped overdrive, p/stg., truck cap. Maroon. GARRAND'S AUTO SALES Lake Shore Rd. South 543-4131 th» North Country Ovr tacliMNtrs - Appnisws - Ital Estati IrHar Wort Choiy, N.Y. Phono 4M-4711 RIGSBEE A U C T I O N SERVICE Trucks 75 GMC 1973 ARISTOCRAT travel trailer. . Fully equipped. W> feet long-. Air conditioned. Excellent con-edition, $3,000-844^7333.- 1981 VW diesel pickup. Great mpg,- low. mileage. Many extras. No reasonable offer refused. 543-2310. "1982 Coachmen, 23' VIP, loaded with extras. Save $T,000s of dollars. ,;; 1974 F-100 Pickup. /' 4 cyl., std. 48,800 mi. Phone 844-7589. 6 cyl,, auto., p/stg., new paint. Short wheel base. V/8, auk, p/stg.I heavy duty, auto., New paint. Long base. • 0354. 1979 Ford F-100 Ranger X L T , 302 CID. Auto., p/stg., p/brks., A / cond., much more. Has camper "top over the bed. Must see to appreciate. 543-9041 after 9 a.m. 1944 GMC Dump 4000 Series. 10 ft. box. Good rubber. 2 speed, rear V / 4 engine 1972 9 ton General tri axle trailer (Eager Beaver). "2 New track rolls for D8 Cat Dozer. Phone 541-0127. Auctioneer Lii en—I Real Estate Salesman Chateaugav. f*. Y. Diai4»r-e*tl A H t w M g i b w Auction Born, "Horn* o f Hio AnHguo Blcyclo", Rt No. 22, Wort Chazy, Now York 12x45 2 bedrm. furnished. Owner financing. Koto Park. Call 543' 5731 or 543-8191. ATTENTION: 12x55 New Moon. Completely furnished. Washer, A/cond. I0'x28' addition. Fully • insulated for winter. 2 utility sheds & nice neighborhood. 3 Bedrm. trailer. Partly furnishTimberland Trailer Park, Lot ed, drapes Included. $1800 or »3,2 mi. no. of Ausable Chasm. best offer. 834-7872. Mr. Frank LaValley. Empire State Rte.3 ,<>MHwwrf^^^^,'' 563-2440 For Sale: 1973 12x70 2 bedrm. mobile home. Hooked up for attnandtake over payments. Call after 5,234-7594. BIG 14WIDE 3 Bedroom Mason's Used Cars Filiori McGee, Inc. Canvas Repair—Trailer supplies, awnings. Lashua's. North Main St., keeseville. 834-7921. Highway 3.541-7471 Dick Cook AUCTION Stab* ScptlM At 10:30 AJl. Gray's Service & Supply 5*1-7471 TAKE OVER PAYMENTS 3 bedrm., 12x70. Delivered and seh)B.CaltNancy,543=lUI4 r - - - , Spacious Indoor Showroom... Complete line of truck caps, trailer hitches, L.P. igas, parts & accessories. ... DIAL 834-97)4 . 1979 MGB Convertible. 4 spd. with overdrive. Sharp. 543-3427 or 54l-4883after4p.rrr. Brooerick Motors, 10 So. Peru, 541-3130. We ara leaking, for good clean u * Paul Wight Auctioneer •d moblte names, we'll pay \m GENERAL 2 bedroom. For sal* or tatea over payments. caan. B W S E T T E H O M E S 5*1-1432 CallJti»«MB. CORP. Call 3U423L FOR Sake I l k * l«e» 2 bedrm. Many) tamilleastore salable items Gary Matt New Mow, all let up. Clean a. which could easily Be exchangScftuylerFaJIs in goad condition. For mora ined for cash with a low-cost formation call 5H-e3M. $3708 aaaaifiedAd. Complete Mobile Home firm. Repair: Plumbing, Heating, Electrical, porcttea, additions, staaa. You name it - we Asking S3JM for 10x53 mobile doit. hwne with built on addition for porch, good cond. 5*1-4013. TAKEOVER MONTHLY PAYMENTS 543-3587 COACHMEN 1981 Dodge 024 Check our RV's ' inournew Durochor Auto Sales 1977FORDLTD 4 dr. sedan. V/8, 'auto., p/stg. 5TH Wheel Trailer & brks. Good heavy road car. and hitch for sale: 443-9012 POLAND'S USED CARS Keeseville 834-7104 WANT- T O - S E L L Y O U R 1982 DATSUN 210 Wagdh. RECREATIONAL VEHICLE, AM/-FM ster.eo~tape^_M00- -CARORrMOBIbE-HOME? Let~"nffies?"541-2130or 541-3833. our professional sales staff sell It for you, at one of our consign1977 CADILLAC Sedan Deville. ment lots. Rte. #3, Plattsburgh. A/cdnd., AM/FM stereo. 541Rte. * 9 , Peru. Stanley's 2130 or 541-3833, timberland Sales & Service, Inc., Ausable Chasm, Peru, FOR SALE: 1974 BMW 2002. Mint NY. 518-834-9714. condition. Many extras. $5500. Call 541-4008. 1958 INTERNATIONAL bus1945 RAMBLER American camper, very good condition/ Wagon. 4 cyl. Good shape. $475,. completely self-contained, 541-8423. storms 8. screens. Made for hunting & camping. $4,000 or 1949 Ford Van. best offer. 541 -8388 after 5 p.m. Needs motor. $200,541-3829. Timberlake 15 foot slide in truck camper. $1200 or best offer. 5411980 PONTIAC Sunblrd. Like 7404. new. No rust. Excellent condition. 24,000 miles. Asking $3500. 541-8947. '80 PLYMOUTH Champ, Std. 77 Volare wagon, auto., 4 cyl., p/stg. Both in excellent condiWHY A R E COACHMEN tion. Call 293-7374. RECRE'ATIONAL VEHICLES AMERICA'S Florida Car-1973 Fury,!!!. ExNUMBER ONE SELLING cellent cond, All power. MonNAME? ty's Bay Campsite, Ernie. COME TO OUR SALES 74 Dodge Aspen Station Wagon. 4 CENTER & LET US SHOW cyl., 4 spd. 1 owner. Good cond. plus snowtires. $2,000.541-7827. YOU WHY! '81 DATSUN 210 2 door sedan. 4 cylinder, 5 s p e e d , 10,000 m i l e s . Maroon/Black interior. PLATTSBURGH DATSUN 317 Margaret St. 541-1210 Syracuse Supply Co.. 5417700 Pace Truck. Fully equipped including 302 V/8, 4 spd. overdrive trans., p/stg, AM/FM cassette, roll bar, Indy 500 decals. We top'it off with a 60 day 100% warranty. See it to- 1EETHEMN0W Plus Many More! 1974 CAMARO. 350, 4 barrel, auto., CB, mechanically great needs surface rust repair. $2,000,944-2251. FOR S a l e : M a z d a R X 7 . Showroom condition. Must sell. Call 543-4301. Invest I n the Best Peru Auto Exchange Rte. 22 594-39U Rte. 374 west, Cadyville, N.Y. 12 miles off exit 38B interstate 87. (518) 492-7007 PROWLER TRAVEL TRAILERS, OAK PARK PARK MODELS, SUNLINE TRUCK CAMPERS, STARC R A F T 8. V E N T U R E CAMPERS, TRUCK CAPS, UTILITY TRAILERS, LP GAS, HITCHES, SERVICE & LARGE ACCESSORY STORE. 1975 GMC Suburban Sierra Classic. Full trailer pkg„ 454 1977 TOYOTA Cellca GT Liftback 5 speed. 1 owner. Call 597-3442 V8, excellent running cond, 85,000 mi. $2,200.563-0338. after 4 p.m. 80 Subaru 2 dr., 5 spd. 79 Fairmont, 4, std. 72Chevelle307,auto. INTERNATIONAL R 0 W E BROS., INC. EllenourgDepat WALTON H. BULL, INC. Rte.3 nexttoGrossmans 563-8688 '72 L E M A N S Convertible. Original owner. This car Is a Classic. 297-8282, Travel Trailers and Pickup caps plus Terry Travel Trailers. BAILEY FORD, INC. Ford Truck Dealer KalcmcN.Y., 483-5500 S M C TRUCKS. W * specialize in Fitton McGaa Consignment Lot trucks ana suburbans for Rte.3 Plattsburgh campers and trailer towing. 543-2443 Ready for immediate delivery. Only $675 iasofr^ Used Cars I9t2 6 T Mustang, 303, high output. Moving, muit wcri Call 4830433. STUDENT Special '73 AMC Hornet, 6 cyl., auto. J750. 'it LeMans Convertible. 1275. Ml0219. 1975 PLYMOUTH Duster. 6 cyl., std. shift. Asking $800 or best offer. 543-8144. C •itakfcS* 77 Yamaha 750 DOHC Shaft, 12,000 one owner miles. Nice. Chrysler/Plymouth Eli2abethtown,N.Y. 873-6386 Roate 9 - Elizabettitowi. N.Y. - 87S-6551 <|<M
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